-rw-r--r-- | libopie2/opiecore/device/odevice.cpp | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libopie2/opiecore/device/odevice_zaurus.cpp | 24 |
2 files changed, 7 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/libopie2/opiecore/device/odevice.cpp b/libopie2/opiecore/device/odevice.cpp index cf2061b..af77ed1 100644 --- a/libopie2/opiecore/device/odevice.cpp +++ b/libopie2/opiecore/device/odevice.cpp @@ -1,506 +1,504 @@ /* This file is part of the Opie Project Copyright (C) The Opie Team <opie-devel@handhelds.org> =. .=l. .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU Library General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= = ; Library General Public License for more ++= -. .` .: details. : = ...= . :.=- -. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . . )=. = Library General Public License along with -- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "odevice_beagle.h" #include "odevice_ipaq.h" #include "odevice_jornada.h" #include "odevice_ramses.h" #include "odevice_simpad.h" #include "odevice_yopy.h" #include "odevice_zaurus.h" #include "odevice_genuineintel.h" /* QT */ #include <qapplication.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qwindowsystem_qws.h> /* OPIE */ #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpe/sound.h> #include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h> #include <qpe/sound.h> #include <opie2/okeyfilter.h> /* STD */ #include <fcntl.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <unistd.h> #ifndef QT_NO_SOUND #include <linux/soundcard.h> #endif namespace Opie { namespace Core { static const char* PATH_PROC_CPUINFO = "/proc/cpuinfo"; /* STATIC and common implementation */ /* EXPORT */ ODistribution distributions[] = { { System_Familiar, "FamiliarLinux", "/etc/familiar-version" }, { System_OpenZaurus, "OpenZaurus", "/etc/oz_version" }, { System_OpenEmbedded, "OpenEmbedded", "/etc/oe-version" }, { System_Unknown, "Linux", "/etc/issue" }, }; /* EXPORT */ bool isQWS(){ return qApp ? ( qApp->type() == QApplication::GuiServer ) : false; } /* EXPORT */ QCString makeChannel ( const char *str ){ if ( str && !::strchr ( str, '/' )) return QCString ( "QPE/Application/" ) + str; else return str; } /* Now the default implementation of ODevice */ struct default_button default_buttons [] = { { Qt::Key_F9, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Calendar Button"), "devicebuttons/z_calendar", "datebook", "nextView()", "today", "raise()" }, { Qt::Key_F10, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Contacts Button"), "devicebuttons/z_contact", "addressbook", "raise()", "addressbook", "beamBusinessCard()" }, { Qt::Key_F12, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Home Button"), "devicebuttons/z_home", "QPE/Launcher", "home()", "buttonsettings", "raise()" }, { Qt::Key_F11, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Menu Button"), "devicebuttons/z_menu", "QPE/TaskBar", "toggleMenu()", "QPE/TaskBar", "toggleStartMenu()" }, { Qt::Key_F13, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Mail Button"), "devicebuttons/z_mail", "opiemail", "raise()", "opiemail", "newMail()" }, }; ODevice *ODevice::inst() { static ODevice *dev = 0; - - // rewrite this to only use /proc/cpuinfo or so QString cpu_info; if ( !dev ) { QFile f( PATH_PROC_CPUINFO ); if ( f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { QTextStream s( &f ); while ( !s.atEnd() ) { QString line; line = s.readLine(); if ( line.startsWith( "Hardware" ) ) { qDebug( "ODevice() - found '%s'", (const char*) line ); cpu_info = line; if ( line.contains( "sharp", false ) ) dev = new Internal::Zaurus(); else if ( line.contains( "ipaq", false ) ) dev = new Internal::iPAQ(); else if ( line.contains( "simpad", false ) ) dev = new Internal::SIMpad(); else if ( line.contains( "jornada", false ) ) dev = new Internal::Jornada(); else if ( line.contains( "ramses", false ) ) dev = new Internal::Ramses(); else if ( line.contains( "Tradesquare.NL", false ) ) dev = new Internal::Beagle(); else qWarning( "ODevice() - unknown hardware - using default." ); break; } else if ( line.startsWith( "vendor_id" ) ) { qDebug( "ODevice() - found '%s'", (const char*) line ); cpu_info = line; if( line.contains( "genuineintel", false ) ) { dev = new Internal::GenuineIntel(); break; } } } } else { qWarning( "ODevice() - can't open '%s' - unknown hardware - using default.", PATH_PROC_CPUINFO ); } if ( !dev ) dev = new ODevice(); dev->init(cpu_info); } return dev; } ODevice::ODevice() { d = new ODeviceData; d->m_modelstr = "Unknown"; d->m_model = Model_Unknown; d->m_vendorstr = "Unknown"; d->m_vendor = Vendor_Unknown; d->m_systemstr = "Unknown"; d->m_system = System_Unknown; d->m_sysverstr = "0.0"; d->m_rotation = Rot0; d->m_direction = CW; d->m_holdtime = 1000; // 1000ms d->m_buttons = 0; d->m_cpu_frequencies = new QStrList; /* mixer */ d->m_sound = d->m_vol = d->m_mixer = -1; /* System QCopChannel created */ d->m_initializedButtonQcop = false; // New distribution detection code first checks for legacy distributions, // identified by /etc/familiar-version or /etc/oz_version. // Then check for OpenEmbedded and lastly, read /etc/issue for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof distributions; ++i ) { if ( QFile::exists( distributions[i].sysvfile ) ) { d->m_systemstr = distributions[i].sysstr; d->m_system = distributions[i].system; d->m_sysverstr = "<Unknown>"; QFile f( distributions[i].sysvfile ); if ( f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { QTextStream ts( &f ); d->m_sysverstr = ts.readLine().replace( QRegExp( "\\\\." ), "" ); } break; } } } void ODevice::systemMessage( const QCString &msg, const QByteArray & ) { if ( msg == "deviceButtonMappingChanged()" ) { reloadButtonMapping(); } } void ODevice::init(const QString&) { } /** * This method initialises the button mapping */ void ODevice::initButtons() { if ( d->m_buttons ) return; qDebug ( "init Buttons" ); d->m_buttons = new QValueList <ODeviceButton>; for ( uint i = 0; i < ( sizeof( default_buttons ) / sizeof( default_button )); i++ ) { default_button *db = default_buttons + i; ODeviceButton b; b. setKeycode ( db->code ); b. setUserText ( QObject::tr ( "Button", db->utext )); b. setPixmap ( Resource::loadPixmap ( db->pix )); b. setFactoryPresetPressedAction ( OQCopMessage ( makeChannel ( db->fpressedservice ), db->fpressedaction )); b. setFactoryPresetHeldAction ( OQCopMessage ( makeChannel ( db->fheldservice ), db->fheldaction )); d->m_buttons->append ( b ); } reloadButtonMapping(); } ODevice::~ODevice() { // we leak m_devicebuttons and m_cpu_frequency // but it's a singleton and it is not so importantant // -zecke delete d; } /** * This method will try to suspend the device * It only works if the user is the QWS Server and the apm application * is installed. * It tries to suspend and then waits some time cause some distributions * do have asynchronus apm implementations. * This method will either fail and return false or it'll suspend the * device and return once the device got woken up * * @return if the device got suspended */ bool ODevice::suspend() { return false; // default implementation == unknown device or qvfb } /** * This sets the display on or off */ bool ODevice::setDisplayStatus( bool on ) { qDebug( "ODevice::setDisplayStatus( %d ) - please override me.", on ); return false; // don't do anything for unknown models } /** * This sets the display brightness * * @param b The brightness to be set on a scale from 0 to 255 * @return success or failure */ bool ODevice::setDisplayBrightness( int b ) { qDebug( "ODevice::setDisplayBrightness( %d ) - please override me.", b ); return false; } /** * * @returns the number of steppings on the brightness slider * in the Light-'n-Power settings. Values smaller than zero and bigger * than 255 do not make sense. * * \sa QSlider::setLineStep * \sa QSlider::setPageStep */ int ODevice::displayBrightnessResolution() const { qDebug( "ODevice::displayBrightnessResolution() - please override me." ); return 16; } /** * This sets the display contrast * @param p The contrast to be set on a scale from 0 to 255 * @returns success or failure */ bool ODevice::setDisplayContrast( int p ) { qDebug( "ODevice::setDisplayContrast( %d ) - please override me.", p ); return false; } /** * @returns the maximum value for the contrast settings slider * or 0 if the device doesn't support setting of a contrast */ int ODevice::displayContrastResolution() const { qDebug( "ODevice::displayBrightnessResolution() - please override me." ); return 0; } /** * This returns the vendor as string * @return Vendor as QString */ QString ODevice::vendorString() const { return d->m_vendorstr; } /** * This returns the vendor as one of the values of OVendor * @return OVendor */ OVendor ODevice::vendor() const { return d->m_vendor; } /** * This returns the model as a string * @return A string representing the model */ QString ODevice::modelString() const { return d->m_modelstr; } /** * This does return the OModel used */ OModel ODevice::model() const { return d->m_model; } /** * This does return the systen name */ QString ODevice::systemString() const { return d->m_systemstr; } /** * Return System as OSystem value */ OSystem ODevice::system() const { return d->m_system; } /** * @return the version string of the base system */ QString ODevice::systemVersionString() const { return d->m_sysverstr; } /** * @return the current Transformation */ Transformation ODevice::rotation() const { return d->m_rotation; } /** * @return the current rotation direction */ ODirection ODevice::direction() const { return d->m_direction; } /** * This plays an alarm sound */ void ODevice::playAlarmSound() { #ifndef QT_NO_SOUND static Sound snd ( "alarm" ); if ( snd. isFinished()) snd. play(); #endif } /** * This plays a key sound */ void ODevice::playKeySound() { #ifndef QT_NO_SOUND static Sound snd ( "keysound" ); if ( snd. isFinished()) snd. play(); #endif } /** * This plays a touch sound */ void ODevice::playTouchSound() { #ifndef QT_NO_SOUND static Sound snd ( "touchsound" ); if ( snd. isFinished()) snd. play(); #endif } /** * This method will return a list of leds * available on this device * @return a list of LEDs. */ QValueList <OLed> ODevice::ledList() const { return QValueList <OLed>(); } /** * This does return the state of the LEDs */ QValueList <OLedState> ODevice::ledStateList ( OLed /*which*/ ) const { return QValueList <OLedState>(); } /** * @return the state for a given OLed */ OLedState ODevice::ledState ( OLed /*which*/ ) const { return Led_Off; } /** * Set the state for a LED * @param which Which OLed to use * @param st The state to set * @return success or failure */ bool ODevice::setLedState ( OLed which, OLedState st ) { Q_UNUSED( which ) Q_UNUSED( st ) return false; } /** * @return if the device has a light sensor */ bool ODevice::hasLightSensor() const { return false; } /** * @return a value from the light sensor */ int ODevice::readLightSensor() { return -1; } /** * @return the light sensor resolution */ int ODevice::lightSensorResolution() const { return 0; } diff --git a/libopie2/opiecore/device/odevice_zaurus.cpp b/libopie2/opiecore/device/odevice_zaurus.cpp index 3bd7f6e..e9b163a 100644 --- a/libopie2/opiecore/device/odevice_zaurus.cpp +++ b/libopie2/opiecore/device/odevice_zaurus.cpp @@ -1,618 +1,608 @@ /* This file is part of the Opie Project Copyright (C) 2002-2005 The Opie Team <opie-devel@handhelds.org> =. .=l. .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU Library General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= = ; Library General Public License for more ++= -. .` .: details. : = ...= . :.=- -. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . . )=. = Library General Public License along with -- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "odevice_zaurus.h" /* QT */ #include <qapplication.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qwindowsystem_qws.h> /* OPIE */ #include <opie2/oinputsystem.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpe/sound.h> #include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h> /* STD */ #include <fcntl.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <unistd.h> #ifndef QT_NO_SOUND #include <linux/soundcard.h> #endif using namespace Opie::Core; using namespace Opie::Core::Internal; struct z_button z_buttons [] = { { Qt::Key_F9, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Calendar Button"), "devicebuttons/z_calendar", "datebook", "nextView()", "today", "raise()" }, { Qt::Key_F10, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Contacts Button"), "devicebuttons/z_contact", "addressbook", "raise()", "addressbook", "beamBusinessCard()" }, { Qt::Key_F12, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Home Button"), "devicebuttons/z_home", "QPE/Launcher", "home()", "buttonsettings", "raise()" }, { Qt::Key_F11, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Menu Button"), "devicebuttons/z_menu", "QPE/TaskBar", "toggleMenu()", "QPE/TaskBar", "toggleStartMenu()" }, { Qt::Key_F13, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Mail Button"), "devicebuttons/z_mail", "opiemail", "raise()", "opiemail", "newMail()" }, }; struct z_button z_buttons_c700 [] = { { Qt::Key_F9, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Calendar Button"), "devicebuttons/z_calendar", "datebook", "nextView()", "today", "raise()" }, { Qt::Key_F10, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Contacts Button"), "devicebuttons/z_contact", "addressbook", "raise()", "addressbook", "beamBusinessCard()" }, { Qt::Key_F12, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Home Button"), "devicebuttons/z_home", "QPE/Launcher", "home()", "buttonsettings", "raise()" }, { Qt::Key_F11, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Menu Button"), "devicebuttons/z_menu", "QPE/TaskBar", "toggleMenu()", "QPE/TaskBar", "toggleStartMenu()" }, { Qt::Key_F13, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Mail Button"), "devicebuttons/z_mail", "opiemail", "raise()", "opiemail", "newMail()" }, { Qt::Key_F15, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Hinge1"), "devicebuttons/z_hinge1", "QPE/Rotation", "rotateDefault()",0}, { Qt::Key_F16, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Hinge2"), "devicebuttons/z_hinge2", "QPE/Rotation", "rotateDefault()",0}, { Qt::Key_F17, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Hinge3"), "devicebuttons/z_hinge3", "QPE/Rotation", "rotateDefault()",0}, }; // FIXME This gets unnecessary complicated. We should think about splitting the Zaurus -// class up into individual classes. We need three classes +// class up into individual classes. We would need three classes // // Zaurus-Collie (SA-model w/ 320x240 lcd, for SL5500 and SL5000) // Zaurus-Poodle (PXA-model w/ 320x240 lcd, for SL5600) -// Zaurus-Corgi (PXA-model w/ 640x480 lcd, for C700, C750, C760, C860, C3000) +// Zaurus-Corgi (PXA-model w/ 640x480 lcd, for C700, C750, C760, C860, C3000, C1000) // Zaurus-Tosa (PXA-model w/ 480x640 lcd, for SL6000) -// -// Only question right now is: Do we really need to do it? Because as soon -// as the OpenZaurus kernel is ready, there will be a unified interface for all -// Zaurus models (concerning apm, backlight, buttons, etc.) -// -// Comments? - mickeyl. void Zaurus::init(const QString& cpu_info) { - // Set the time to wait until the system is realy suspended + // Set the time to wait until the system is really suspended // the delta between apm --suspend and sleeping setAPMTimeOut( 15000 ); // generic distribution code already scanned /etc/issue at that point - // embedix releases contain "Embedix <version> | Linux for Embedded Devices" if ( d->m_sysverstr.contains( "embedix", false ) ) { d->m_vendorstr = "Sharp"; d->m_vendor = Vendor_Sharp; d->m_systemstr = "Zaurus"; d->m_system = System_Zaurus; m_embedix = true; } else { d->m_vendorstr = "OpenZaurus Team"; d->m_systemstr = "OpenZaurus"; d->m_system = System_OpenZaurus; // sysver already gathered - // OpenZaurus sometimes uses the embedix kernel, check if this is one + // OpenZaurus sometimes uses the 2.4 (embedix) kernel, check if this is one FILE *uname = popen("uname -r", "r"); QFile f; QString line; if ( f.open(IO_ReadOnly, uname) ) { QTextStream ts ( &f ); line = ts. readLine(); - int loc = line. find ( "embedix" ); - if ( loc != -1 ) - m_embedix = true; - else - m_embedix = false; + m_embedix = line.startsWith( "2.4." ); f.close(); } pclose(uname); } // check the Zaurus model QString model; int loc = cpu_info.find( ":" ); if ( loc != -1 ) model = cpu_info.mid( loc+2 ).simplifyWhiteSpace(); else model = cpu_info; if ( model == "SHARP Corgi" ) { d->m_model = Model_Zaurus_SLC7x0; d->m_modelstr = "Zaurus SL-C700"; } else if ( model == "SHARP Shepherd" ) { d->m_model = Model_Zaurus_SLC7x0; d->m_modelstr = "Zaurus SL-C750"; } else if ( model == "SHARP Husky" ) { d->m_model = Model_Zaurus_SLC7x0; d->m_modelstr = "Zaurus SL-C760 or SL-C860"; } else if ( model == "SHARP Boxer" ) { d->m_model = Model_Zaurus_SLC7x0; d->m_modelstr = "Zaurus SL-C760 or SL-C860"; } else if ( model == "SHARP Poodle" ) { d->m_model = Model_Zaurus_SLB600; d->m_modelstr = "Zaurus SL-B500 or SL-5600"; } else if ( model == "Sharp-Collie" || model == "Collie" ) { d->m_model = Model_Zaurus_SL5500; d->m_modelstr = "Zaurus SL-5500 or SL-5000d"; } else if ( model == "SHARP Tosa" ) { d->m_model = Model_Zaurus_SL6000; d->m_modelstr = "Zaurus SL-6000"; } else if ( model == "SHARP Spitz" ) { d->m_model = Model_Zaurus_SLC3000; d->m_modelstr = "Zaurus SL-C3000"; } else if ( model == "SHARP Akita" ) { d->m_model = Model_Zaurus_SLC1000; d->m_modelstr = "Zaurus SL-C1000"; } else { d->m_model = Model_Zaurus_SL5500; d->m_modelstr = "Unknown Zaurus"; } // set initial rotation switch( d->m_model ) { case Model_Zaurus_SL6000: // fallthrough case Model_Zaurus_SLA300: d->m_rotation = Rot0; break; case Model_Zaurus_SLC3000: // fallthrough case Model_Zaurus_SLC1000: // fallthrough case Model_Zaurus_SLC7x0: d->m_rotation = rotation(); d->m_direction = direction(); break; case Model_Zaurus_SLB600: // fallthrough case Model_Zaurus_SL5000: // fallthrough case Model_Zaurus_SL5500: // fallthrough default: d->m_rotation = Rot270; break; } m_leds[0] = Led_Off; if ( m_embedix ) - qDebug( "Zaurus::init() - Using the Embedix HAL on a %s", (const char*) d->m_modelstr ); + qDebug( "Zaurus::init() - Using the 2.4 Embedix HAL on a %s", (const char*) d->m_modelstr ); else - qDebug( "Zaurus::init() - Using the OpenZaurus HAL on a %s", (const char*) d->m_modelstr ); + qDebug( "Zaurus::init() - Using the 2.6 OpenZaurus HAL on a %s", (const char*) d->m_modelstr ); } void Zaurus::initButtons() { if ( d->m_buttons ) return; d->m_buttons = new QValueList <ODeviceButton>; struct z_button * pz_buttons; int buttoncount; switch ( d->m_model ) { case Model_Zaurus_SLC3000: // fallthrough case Model_Zaurus_SLC1000: // fallthrough case Model_Zaurus_SLC7x0: if ( isQWS( ) ) { addPreHandler(this); // hinge-sensor-handler } pz_buttons = z_buttons_c700; buttoncount = ARRAY_SIZE(z_buttons_c700); break; default: pz_buttons = z_buttons; buttoncount = ARRAY_SIZE(z_buttons); break; } for ( int i = 0; i < buttoncount; i++ ) { struct z_button *zb = pz_buttons + i; ODeviceButton b; b.setKeycode( zb->code ); b.setUserText( QObject::tr( "Button", zb->utext )); b.setPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( zb->pix )); b.setFactoryPresetPressedAction( OQCopMessage( makeChannel ( zb->fpressedservice ), zb->fpressedaction )); b.setFactoryPresetHeldAction( OQCopMessage( makeChannel ( zb->fheldservice ), zb->fheldaction )); d->m_buttons->append( b ); } reloadButtonMapping(); } typedef struct sharp_led_status { int which; /* select which LED status is wanted. */ int status; /* set new led status if you call SHARP_LED_SETSTATUS */ } sharp_led_status; void Zaurus::buzzer( int sound ) { #ifndef QT_NO_SOUND Sound *snd = 0; // All devices except SL5500 have a DSP device if ( d->m_model != Model_Zaurus_SL5000 && d->m_model != Model_Zaurus_SL5500 ) { switch ( sound ){ case SHARP_BUZ_TOUCHSOUND: { static Sound touch_sound("touchsound"); snd = &touch_sound; } break; case SHARP_BUZ_KEYSOUND: { static Sound key_sound( "keysound" ); snd = &key_sound; } break; case SHARP_BUZ_SCHEDULE_ALARM: default: { static Sound alarm_sound("alarm"); snd = &alarm_sound; } break; } } // If a soundname is defined, we expect that this device has // sound capabilities.. Otherwise we expect to have the buzzer // device.. if ( snd && snd->isFinished() ){ changeMixerForAlarm( 0, "/dev/sound/mixer", snd ); snd->play(); } else if( !snd ) { int fd = ::open ( "/dev/sharp_buz", O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK ); if ( fd >= 0 ) { ::ioctl ( fd, SHARP_BUZZER_MAKESOUND, sound ); ::close ( fd ); } } #endif } void Zaurus::playAlarmSound() { buzzer( SHARP_BUZ_SCHEDULE_ALARM ); } void Zaurus::playTouchSound() { buzzer( SHARP_BUZ_TOUCHSOUND ); } void Zaurus::playKeySound() { buzzer( SHARP_BUZ_KEYSOUND ); } QValueList <OLed> Zaurus::ledList() const { QValueList <OLed> vl; vl << Led_Mail; return vl; } QValueList <OLedState> Zaurus::ledStateList( OLed l ) const { QValueList <OLedState> vl; if ( l == Led_Mail ) vl << Led_Off << Led_On << Led_BlinkSlow; return vl; } OLedState Zaurus::ledState( OLed which ) const { if ( which == Led_Mail ) return m_leds [0]; else return Led_Off; } bool Zaurus::setLedState( OLed which, OLedState st ) { // Currently not supported on non_embedix kernels if (!m_embedix) { qDebug( "Zaurus::setLedState: ODevice handling for non-embedix kernels not yet implemented" ); return false; } static int fd = ::open ( "/dev/sharp_led", O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK ); if ( which == Led_Mail ) { if ( fd >= 0 ) { struct sharp_led_status leds; ::memset ( &leds, 0, sizeof( leds )); leds. which = SHARP_LED_MAIL_EXISTS; bool ok = true; switch ( st ) { case Led_Off : leds. status = LED_MAIL_NO_UNREAD_MAIL; break; case Led_On : leds. status = LED_MAIL_NEWMAIL_EXISTS; break; case Led_BlinkSlow: leds. status = LED_MAIL_UNREAD_MAIL_EX; break; default : ok = false; } if ( ok && ( ::ioctl ( fd, SHARP_LED_SETSTATUS, &leds ) >= 0 )) { m_leds [0] = st; return true; } } } return false; } int Zaurus::displayBrightnessResolution() const { int res = 1; if (m_embedix) { int fd = ::open( SHARP_FL_IOCTL_DEVICE, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK ); if ( fd ) { int value = ::ioctl( fd, SHARP_FL_IOCTL_GET_STEP, 0 ); ::close( fd ); return value ? value : res; } } else { int fd = ::open( "/sys/class/backlight/corgi-bl/max_brightness", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK ); if ( fd ) { char buf[100]; if ( ::read( fd, &buf[0], sizeof buf ) ) ::sscanf( &buf[0], "%d", &res ); ::close( fd ); } } return res; } bool Zaurus::setDisplayBrightness( int bright ) { //qDebug( "Zaurus::setDisplayBrightness( %d )", bright ); bool res = false; if ( bright > 255 ) bright = 255; if ( bright < 0 ) bright = 0; int numberOfSteps = displayBrightnessResolution(); int val = ( bright == 1 ) ? 1 : ( bright * numberOfSteps ) / 255; if ( m_embedix ) { int fd = ::open( SHARP_FL_IOCTL_DEVICE, O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK ); if ( fd ) { res = ( ::ioctl( fd, SHARP_FL_IOCTL_STEP_CONTRAST, val ) == 0 ); ::close( fd ); } } else { int fd = ::open( "/sys/class/backlight/corgi-bl/brightness", O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK ); if ( fd ) { char buf[100]; int len = ::snprintf( &buf[0], sizeof buf, "%d", val ); res = ( ::write( fd, &buf[0], len ) == 0 ); ::close( fd ); } } return res; } bool Zaurus::setDisplayStatus( bool on ) { bool res = false; if ( m_embedix ) { int fd = ::open( SHARP_FL_IOCTL_DEVICE, O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK ); if ( fd ) { int ioctlnum = on ? SHARP_FL_IOCTL_ON : SHARP_FL_IOCTL_OFF; res = ( ::ioctl ( fd, ioctlnum, 0 ) == 0 ); ::close ( fd ); } } else { int fd = ::open( "/sys/class/backlight/corgi-bl/power", O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK ); if ( fd ) { char buf[10]; buf[0] = on ? FB_BLANK_UNBLANK : FB_BLANK_POWERDOWN; buf[1] = '\0'; res = ( ::write( fd, &buf[0], 2 ) == 0 ); ::close( fd ); } } return res; } Transformation Zaurus::rotation() const { qDebug( "Zaurus::rotation()" ); Transformation rot; switch ( d->m_model ) { case Model_Zaurus_SLC3000: // fallthrough case Model_Zaurus_SLC1000: // fallthrough case Model_Zaurus_SLC7x0: { OHingeStatus hs = readHingeSensor(); qDebug( "Zaurus::rotation() - hinge sensor = %d", (int) hs ); if ( m_embedix ) { if ( hs == CASE_PORTRAIT ) rot = Rot0; else if ( hs == CASE_UNKNOWN ) rot = Rot0; else rot = Rot270; } else { if ( hs == CASE_PORTRAIT ) rot = Rot90; else if ( hs == CASE_UNKNOWN ) rot = Rot0; else rot = Rot0; } } break; case Model_Zaurus_SL6000: case Model_Zaurus_SLB600: case Model_Zaurus_SLA300: case Model_Zaurus_SL5500: case Model_Zaurus_SL5000: default: rot = d->m_rotation; break; } return rot; } ODirection Zaurus::direction() const { ODirection dir; switch ( d->m_model ) { case Model_Zaurus_SLC3000: // fallthrough case Model_Zaurus_SLC1000: // fallthrough case Model_Zaurus_SLC7x0: { OHingeStatus hs = readHingeSensor(); if ( hs == CASE_PORTRAIT ) dir = CCW; else if ( hs == CASE_UNKNOWN ) dir = CCW; else dir = CW; } break; case Model_Zaurus_SL6000: case Model_Zaurus_SLA300: case Model_Zaurus_SLB600: case Model_Zaurus_SL5500: case Model_Zaurus_SL5000: default: dir = d->m_direction; break; } return dir; } bool Zaurus::hasHingeSensor() const { return d->m_model == Model_Zaurus_SLC7x0 || d->m_model == Model_Zaurus_SLC3000 || d->m_model == Model_Zaurus_SLC1000; } OHingeStatus Zaurus::readHingeSensor() const { if (m_embedix) { int handle = ::open("/dev/apm_bios", O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK); if (handle == -1) { qWarning("Zaurus::readHingeSensor() - failed (%s)", "unknown reason" ); //FIXME: use strerror return CASE_UNKNOWN; } else { int retval = ::ioctl(handle, SHARP_IOCTL_GET_ROTATION); ::close (handle); if ( retval == CASE_CLOSED || retval == CASE_PORTRAIT || retval == CASE_LANDSCAPE ) { qDebug( "Zaurus::readHingeSensor() - result = %d", retval ); return static_cast<OHingeStatus>( retval ); } else { qWarning("Zaurus::readHingeSensor() - couldn't compute hinge status!" ); return CASE_UNKNOWN; } } } else { // corgi keyboard is event source 0 in OZ kernel 2.6 OInputDevice* keyboard = OInputSystem::instance()->device( "event0" ); if ( keyboard && keyboard->isHeld( OInputDevice::Key_KP0 ) ) return CASE_LANDSCAPE; else if ( keyboard && keyboard->isHeld( OInputDevice::Key_KP1 ) ) return CASE_PORTRAIT; else if ( keyboard && keyboard->isHeld( OInputDevice::Key_KP2 ) ) return CASE_CLOSED; qWarning("Zaurus::readHingeSensor() - couldn't compute hinge status!" ); return CASE_UNKNOWN; } } /* * Take code from iPAQ device. * That way we switch the cursor directions depending on status of hinge sensor, eg. hardware direction. * I hope that is ok - Alwin */ bool Zaurus::filter ( int /*unicode*/, int keycode, int modifiers, bool isPress, bool autoRepeat ) { int newkeycode = keycode; if (d->m_model != Model_Zaurus_SLC7x0 && d->m_model != Model_Zaurus_SLC3000 && d->m_model != Model_Zaurus_SLC1000) return false; /* map cursor keys depending on the hinge status */ switch ( keycode ) { // Rotate cursor keys case Key_Left : case Key_Right: |