-rw-r--r-- | noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/lib.cpp | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/nullvideo.c | 253 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/opieplayer2.pro | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/xinevideowidget.cpp | 1 |
4 files changed, 176 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/lib.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/lib.cpp index 1ab5c96..248221b 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/lib.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/lib.cpp @@ -1,432 +1,433 @@ /* This file is part of the Opie Project Copyright (c) 2002 Max Reiss <harlekin@handhelds.org> Copyright (c) 2002 LJP <> Copyright (c) 2002 Holger Freyther <zecke@handhelds.org> =. .=l. .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= = ; Library General Public License for more ++= -. .` .: details. : = ...= . :.=- -. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . . )=. = Library General Public License along with -- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "xinevideowidget.h" #include "frame.h" #include "lib.h" /* OPIE */ #include <opie2/odebug.h> using namespace Opie::Core; /* QT */ #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qgfx_qws.h> /* STD */ #include <assert.h> +#include <unistd.h> typedef void (*display_xine_frame_t) (void *user_data, uint8_t* frame, int width, int height,int bytes ); extern "C" { xine_vo_driver_t* init_video_out_plugin( xine_t *xine, void* video, display_xine_frame_t, void * ); int null_is_showing_video( const xine_vo_driver_t* self ); void null_set_show_video( const xine_vo_driver_t* self, int show ); int null_is_fullscreen( const xine_vo_driver_t* self ); void null_set_fullscreen( const xine_vo_driver_t* self, int screen ); int null_is_scaling( const xine_vo_driver_t* self ); void null_set_scaling( const xine_vo_driver_t* self, int scale ); void null_set_gui_width( const xine_vo_driver_t* self, int width ); void null_set_gui_height( const xine_vo_driver_t* self, int height ); void null_set_mode( const xine_vo_driver_t* self, int depth, int rgb ); void null_set_videoGamma( const xine_vo_driver_t* self , int value ); void null_display_handler( const xine_vo_driver_t* self, display_xine_frame_t t, void* user_data ); void null_preload_decoders( xine_stream_t *stream ); } using namespace XINE; Lib::Lib( InitializationMode initMode, XineVideoWidget* widget ) { m_initialized = false; m_duringInitialization = false; m_video = false; m_wid = widget; printf("Lib"); QString configPath = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/Settings/opiexine.cf"; // get the configuration // not really OO, should be an extra class, later if ( !QFile::exists(configPath) ) { QFile f(configPath); f.open(IO_WriteOnly); QTextStream ts( &f ); ts << "misc.memcpy_method:glibc\n"; ts << "# uncomment if you experience double speed audio \n #audio.oss_sync_method:softsync\n"; ts << "codec.ffmpeg_pp_quality:3\n"; ts << "audio.num_buffers:50\n"; ts << "audio.size_buffers:4096\n"; ts << "video.num_buffers:20\n"; ts << "video.size_buffers:4096\n"; ts << "audio.out_num_audio_buf:16\n"; ts << "audio.out_size_audio_buf:8096\n"; ts << "audio.out_size_zero_buf:1024\n"; ts << "audio.passthrough_offset:0\n"; f.close(); } if ( initMode == InitializeImmediately ) { initialize(); m_initialized = true; } else start(); } void Lib::run() { odebug << "Lib::run() started" << oendl; initialize(); m_initialized = true; odebug << "Lib::run() finished" << oendl; } void Lib::initialize() { m_duringInitialization = true; m_xine = xine_new( ); QString configPath = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/Settings/opiexine.cf"; xine_config_load( m_xine, QFile::encodeName( configPath ) ); xine_init( m_xine ); // allocate oss for sound // and fb for framebuffer m_audioOutput = xine_open_audio_driver( m_xine, "oss", NULL ); m_videoOutput = ::init_video_out_plugin( m_xine, NULL, xine_display_frame, this ); //xine_open_video_driver( m_xine, NULL, XINE_VISUAL_TYPE_FB, NULL); // null_display_handler( m_videoOutput, xine_display_frame, this ); m_stream = xine_stream_new (m_xine, m_audioOutput, m_videoOutput ); if (m_wid != 0 ) { printf( "!0\n" ); setWidget( m_wid ); } m_queue = xine_event_new_queue (m_stream); xine_event_create_listener_thread (m_queue, xine_event_handler, this); ::null_preload_decoders( m_stream ); m_duringInitialization = false; } Lib::~Lib() { assert( isRunning() == false ); assert( m_initialized ); // free( m_config ); xine_close( m_stream ); xine_event_dispose_queue( m_queue ); xine_dispose( m_stream ); xine_exit( m_xine ); /* FIXME either free or delete but valgrind bitches against both */ //free( m_videoOutput ); //delete m_audioOutput; } void Lib::resize ( const QSize &s ) { assert( m_initialized || m_duringInitialization ); if ( s. width ( ) && s. height ( ) ) { ::null_set_gui_width( m_videoOutput, s. width() ); ::null_set_gui_height( m_videoOutput, s. height() ); } } int Lib::majorVersion() { int major, minor, sub; xine_get_version ( &major, &minor, &sub ); return major; } int Lib::minorVersion() { int major, minor, sub; xine_get_version ( &major, &minor, &sub ); return minor; } int Lib::subVersion() { int major, minor, sub; xine_get_version ( &major, &minor, &sub ); return sub; } int Lib::play( const QString& fileName, int startPos, int start_time ) { assert( m_initialized ); // FIXME actually a hack imho. Should not be needed to dispose the whole stream // but without we get wrong media length reads from libxine for the second media //xine_dispose ( m_stream ); QString str = fileName.stripWhiteSpace(); //m_stream = xine_stream_new (m_xine, m_audioOutput, m_videoOutput ); //m_queue = xine_event_new_queue (m_stream); //xine_event_create_listener_thread (m_queue, xine_event_handler, this); if ( !xine_open( m_stream, str.utf8().data() ) ) { return 0; } return xine_play( m_stream, startPos, start_time); } void Lib::stop() { assert( m_initialized ); odebug << "<<<<<<<< STOP IN LIB TRIGGERED >>>>>>>" << oendl; xine_stop( m_stream ); } void Lib::pause( bool toggle ) { assert( m_initialized ); xine_set_param( m_stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED, toggle ? XINE_SPEED_PAUSE : XINE_SPEED_NORMAL ); } int Lib::speed() const { assert( m_initialized ); return xine_get_param ( m_stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED ); } void Lib::setSpeed( int speed ) { assert( m_initialized ); xine_set_param ( m_stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED, speed ); } int Lib::status() const { assert( m_initialized ); return xine_get_status( m_stream ); } int Lib::currentPosition() const { assert( m_initialized ); int pos, time, length; xine_get_pos_length( m_stream, &pos, &time, &length ); return pos; } int Lib::currentTime() const { assert( m_initialized ); int pos, time, length; xine_get_pos_length( m_stream, &pos, &time, &length ); if ( time > 0 ) { return time/1000; } else { return 0; } } int Lib::length() const { assert( m_initialized ); int pos, time, length; /* dilb: patch to solve the wrong stream length reported to the GUI*/ int iRetVal=0, iTestLoop=0; do { iRetVal = xine_get_pos_length( m_stream, &pos, &time, &length ); if (iRetVal) {/* if the function didn't return 0, then pos, time and length are valid.*/ return length/1000; } /*don't poll too much*/ usleep(100000); iTestLoop++; } while ( iTestLoop < 10 ); /* if after 1s, we still don't have any valid stream, then return -1 (this value could be used to make the stream unseekable, but it should never occur!! Mr. Murphy ? :) ) */ return -1; } bool Lib::isSeekable() const { assert( m_initialized ); return xine_get_stream_info( m_stream, XINE_STREAM_INFO_SEEKABLE ); } void Lib::seekTo( int time ) { assert( m_initialized ); //xine_trick_mode ( m_stream, XINE_TRICK_MODE_SEEK_TO_TIME, time ); NOT IMPLEMENTED YET IN XINE :_( // since its now milliseconds we need *1000 xine_play( m_stream, 0, time*1000 ); } Frame Lib::currentFrame() const { assert( m_initialized ); Frame frame; return frame; }; QString Lib::metaInfo( int number) const { assert( m_initialized ); return xine_get_meta_info( m_stream, number ); } int Lib::error() const { assert( m_initialized ); return xine_get_error( m_stream ); }; void Lib::ensureInitialized() { if ( m_initialized ) return; odebug << "waiting for initialization thread to finish" << oendl; wait(); odebug << "initialization thread finished!" << oendl; } void Lib::setWidget( XineVideoWidget *widget ) { m_wid = widget; resize ( m_wid-> size ( ) ); ::null_set_mode( m_videoOutput, qt_screen->depth(), qt_screen->pixelType() ); m_wid->repaint(); } void Lib::receiveMessage( ThreadUtil::ChannelMessage *msg, SendType sendType ) { assert( sendType == ThreadUtil::Channel::OneWay ); handleXineEvent( msg->type() ); delete msg; } void Lib::handleXineEvent( const xine_event_t* t ) { send( new ThreadUtil::ChannelMessage( t->type ), OneWay ); } void Lib::handleXineEvent( int type ) { assert( m_initialized ); if ( type == XINE_EVENT_UI_PLAYBACK_FINISHED ) { emit stopped(); } } void Lib::setShowVideo( bool video ) { assert( m_initialized ); m_video = video; ::null_set_show_video( m_videoOutput, video ); } bool Lib::isShowingVideo() const { assert( m_initialized ); return ::null_is_showing_video( m_videoOutput ); } bool Lib::hasVideo() const { assert( m_initialized ); return xine_get_stream_info( m_stream, 18 ); } void Lib::showVideoFullScreen( bool fullScreen ) { assert( m_initialized ); ::null_set_fullscreen( m_videoOutput, fullScreen ); } bool Lib::isVideoFullScreen() const { assert( m_initialized ); return ::null_is_fullscreen( m_videoOutput ); } void Lib::setScaling( bool scale ) { assert( m_initialized ); ::null_set_scaling( m_videoOutput, scale ); } void Lib::setGamma( int value ) { assert( m_initialized ); ::null_set_videoGamma( m_videoOutput, value ); } bool Lib::isScaling() const { assert( m_initialized ); return ::null_is_scaling( m_videoOutput ); } void Lib::xine_event_handler( void* user_data, const xine_event_t* t ) { ( (Lib*)user_data)->handleXineEvent( t ); } void Lib::xine_display_frame( void* user_data, uint8_t *frame, int width, int height, int bytes ) { ( (Lib*)user_data)->drawFrame( frame, width, height, bytes ); } void Lib::drawFrame( uint8_t* frame, int width, int height, int bytes ) { assert( m_initialized ); if ( !m_video ) { owarn << "not showing video now" << oendl; return; } assert( m_wid ); diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/nullvideo.c b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/nullvideo.c index 378bbd4..6769a37 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/nullvideo.c +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/nullvideo.c @@ -1,642 +1,735 @@ /* This file is part of the Opie Project Copyright (c) 2002 Max Reiss <harlekin@handhelds.org> Copyright (c) 2002 LJP <> Copyright (c) 2002 Holger Freyther <zecke@handhelds.org> + Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Miguel Freitas of xine =. .=l. .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= = ; Library General Public License for more ++= -. .` .: details. : = ...= . :.=- -. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . . )=. = Library General Public License along with -- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <xine.h> #include <xine/video_out.h> #include <xine/xine_internal.h> //#include <xine/xineutils.h> #include <xine/vo_scale.h> #include <xine/buffer.h> #include <pthread.h> #include "alphablend.h" #include "yuv2rgb.h" #define printf(x,...) /* #define LOG */ /* the caller for our event draw handler */ typedef void (*display_xine_frame_t) (void *user_data, uint8_t* frame, int width, int height,int bytes ); typedef struct null_driver_s null_driver_t; struct null_driver_s { vo_driver_t vo_driver; uint32_t m_capabilities; int m_show_video; int m_video_fullscreen; int m_is_scaling; int depth, bpp, bytes_per_pixel; int yuv2rgb_mode; int yuv2rgb_swap; int yuv2rgb_gamma; uint8_t *yuv2rgb_cmap; yuv2rgb_factory_t *yuv2rgb_factory; vo_overlay_t *overlay; vo_scale_t sc; int gui_width; int gui_height; int gui_changed; double display_ratio; void* caller; display_xine_frame_t frameDis; }; typedef struct opie_frame_s opie_frame_t; struct opie_frame_s { vo_frame_t frame; int format; int flags; vo_scale_t sc; uint8_t *chunk[3]; uint8_t *data; /* rgb */ int bytes_per_line; yuv2rgb_t *yuv2rgb; uint8_t *rgb_dst; int yuv_stride; int stripe_height, stripe_inc; null_driver_t *output; }; static uint32_t null_get_capabilities( vo_driver_t *self ){ null_driver_t* this = (null_driver_t*)self; return this->m_capabilities; } -static void null_frame_copy (vo_frame_t *vo_img, uint8_t **src) { +static void null_frame_proc_slice (vo_frame_t *vo_img, uint8_t **src) { opie_frame_t *frame = (opie_frame_t *) vo_img ; vo_img->proc_called = 1; if (!frame->output->m_show_video) { /* printf("nullvideo: no video\n"); */ return; } if (frame->format == XINE_IMGFMT_YV12) { frame->yuv2rgb->yuv2rgb_fun (frame->yuv2rgb, frame->rgb_dst, src[0], src[1], src[2]); } else { frame->yuv2rgb->yuy22rgb_fun (frame->yuv2rgb, frame->rgb_dst, src[0]); } frame->rgb_dst += frame->stripe_inc; } static void null_frame_field (vo_frame_t *vo_img, int which_field) { opie_frame_t *frame = (opie_frame_t *) vo_img ; switch (which_field) { case VO_TOP_FIELD: frame->rgb_dst = (uint8_t *)frame->data; frame->stripe_inc = 2*frame->stripe_height * frame->bytes_per_line; break; case VO_BOTTOM_FIELD: frame->rgb_dst = (uint8_t *)frame->data + frame->bytes_per_line ; frame->stripe_inc = 2*frame->stripe_height * frame->bytes_per_line; break; case VO_BOTH_FIELDS: frame->rgb_dst = (uint8_t *)frame->data; break; } } /* take care of the frame*/ static void null_frame_dispose( vo_frame_t* vo_img){ opie_frame_t* frame = (opie_frame_t*)vo_img; if (frame->data) free( frame->data ); free (frame); } /* end take care of frames*/ static vo_frame_t* null_alloc_frame( vo_driver_t* self ){ null_driver_t* this = (null_driver_t*)self; opie_frame_t* frame; #ifdef LOG fprintf (stderr, "nullvideo: alloc_frame\n"); #endif - frame = (opie_frame_t*)malloc ( sizeof(opie_frame_t) ); + frame = (opie_frame_t*)xine_xmalloc ( sizeof(opie_frame_t) ); - memset( frame, 0, sizeof( opie_frame_t) ); memcpy (&frame->sc, &this->sc, sizeof(vo_scale_t)); pthread_mutex_init (&frame->frame.mutex, NULL); frame->output = this; /* initialize the frame*/ frame->frame.driver = self; - frame->frame.proc_slice = null_frame_copy; + frame->frame.proc_slice = null_frame_proc_slice; frame->frame.field = null_frame_field; frame->frame.dispose = null_frame_dispose; /* * colorspace converter for this frame */ frame->yuv2rgb = this->yuv2rgb_factory->create_converter (this->yuv2rgb_factory); return (vo_frame_t*) frame; } -static void null_update_frame_format( vo_driver_t* self, vo_frame_t* img, - uint32_t width, uint32_t height, - double ratio_code, int format, - int flags ){ - null_driver_t* this = (null_driver_t*) self; - opie_frame_t* frame = (opie_frame_t*)img; - /* not needed now */ -#ifdef LOG - fprintf (stderr, "nullvideo: update_frame_format\n"); -#endif +static void null_frame_compute_ideal_size( null_driver_t *this, + opie_frame_t *frame ) { + this = this; - flags &= VO_BOTH_FIELDS; + _x_vo_scale_compute_ideal_size(&frame->sc); +} - /* find out if we need to adapt this frame */ +static void null_frame_compute_rgb_size( null_driver_t *this, + opie_frame_t *frame ){ + this = this; - if ((width != frame->sc.delivered_width) - || (height != frame->sc.delivered_height) - || (ratio_code != frame->sc.delivered_ratio) - || (flags != frame->flags) - || (format != frame->format) - || (this->sc.user_ratio != frame->sc.user_ratio) - || (this->gui_width != frame->sc.gui_width) - || (this->gui_height != frame->sc.gui_height)) { + _x_vo_scale_compute_output_size(&frame->sc); - frame->sc.delivered_width = width; - frame->sc.delivered_height = height; - frame->sc.delivered_ratio = ratio_code; - frame->flags = flags; - frame->format = format; - frame->sc.user_ratio = this->sc.user_ratio; - frame->sc.gui_width = this->gui_width; - frame->sc.gui_height = this->gui_height; - frame->sc.gui_pixel_aspect = 1.0; + /* avoid problems in yuv2rgb */ + if(frame->sc.output_height < (frame->sc.delivered_height+15) >> 4) + frame->sc.output_height = (frame->sc.delivered_height+15) >> 4; - vo_scale_compute_ideal_size ( &frame->sc ); - vo_scale_compute_output_size( &frame->sc ); + if (frame->sc.output_width < 8) + frame->sc.output_width = 8; -#ifdef LOG - fprintf (stderr, "nullvideo: gui %dx%d delivered %dx%d output %dx%d\n", - frame->sc.gui_width, frame->sc.gui_height, - frame->sc.delivered_width, frame->sc.delivered_height, - frame->sc.output_width, frame->sc.output_height); -#endif + /* yuv2rgb_mlib needs an even YUV2 width */ + if (frame->sc.output_width & 1) + frame->sc.output_width++; +} +static void null_frame_reallocate( null_driver_t *this, opie_frame_t *frame, + uint32_t width, uint32_t height, int format){ /* * (re-) allocate */ if( frame->data ) { if( frame->chunk[0] ){ free( frame->chunk[0] ); frame->chunk[0] = NULL; } if( frame->chunk[1] ){ free ( frame->chunk[1] ); frame->chunk[1] = NULL; } if( frame->chunk[2] ){ free ( frame->chunk[2] ); frame->chunk[2] = NULL; } free ( frame->data ); } frame->data = xine_xmalloc (frame->sc.output_width * frame->sc.output_height * this->bytes_per_pixel ); if( format == XINE_IMGFMT_YV12 ) { frame->frame.pitches[0] = 8*((width + 7) / 8); frame->frame.pitches[1] = 8*((width + 15) / 16); frame->frame.pitches[2] = 8*((width + 15) / 16); frame->frame.base[0] = xine_xmalloc_aligned (16, frame->frame.pitches[0] * height,(void **)&frame->chunk[0]); frame->frame.base[1] = xine_xmalloc_aligned (16, frame->frame.pitches[1] * ((height+ 1)/2), (void **)&frame->chunk[1]); frame->frame.base[2] = xine_xmalloc_aligned (16, frame->frame.pitches[2] * ((height+ 1)/2), (void **)&frame->chunk[2]); }else{ frame->frame.pitches[0] = 8*((width + 3) / 4); frame->frame.base[0] = xine_xmalloc_aligned (16, frame->frame.pitches[0] * height, (void **)&frame->chunk[0]); frame->chunk[1] = NULL; frame->chunk[2] = NULL; } - frame->stripe_height = 16 * frame->sc.output_height / frame->sc.delivered_height; - frame->bytes_per_line = frame->sc.output_width * this->bytes_per_pixel; - - /* - * set up colorspace converter - */ +} +static void null_setup_colorspace_converter(opie_frame_t *frame, int flags ) { switch (flags) { case VO_TOP_FIELD: case VO_BOTTOM_FIELD: frame->yuv2rgb->configure (frame->yuv2rgb, frame->sc.delivered_width, 16, 2*frame->frame.pitches[0], 2*frame->frame.pitches[1], frame->sc.output_width, frame->stripe_height, frame->bytes_per_line*2); frame->yuv_stride = frame->bytes_per_line*2; break; case VO_BOTH_FIELDS: frame->yuv2rgb->configure (frame->yuv2rgb, frame->sc.delivered_width, 16, frame->frame.pitches[0], frame->frame.pitches[1], frame->sc.output_width, frame->stripe_height, frame->bytes_per_line); frame->yuv_stride = frame->bytes_per_line; break; } #ifdef LOG fprintf (stderr, "nullvideo: colorspace converter configured.\n"); #endif } +static void null_update_frame_format( vo_driver_t* self, vo_frame_t* img, + uint32_t width, uint32_t height, + double ratio_code, int format, + int flags ){ + null_driver_t* this = (null_driver_t*) self; + opie_frame_t* frame = (opie_frame_t*)img; + +#ifdef LOG + fprintf (stderr, "nullvideo: update_frame_format\n"); +#endif + + flags &= VO_BOTH_FIELDS; + + /* find out if we need to adapt this frame */ + + if ((width != frame->sc.delivered_width) + || (height != frame->sc.delivered_height) + || (ratio_code != frame->sc.delivered_ratio) + || (flags != frame->flags) + || (format != frame->format) + || (this->sc.user_ratio != frame->sc.user_ratio) + || (this->gui_width != frame->sc.gui_width) + || (this->gui_height != frame->sc.gui_height)) { + + frame->sc.delivered_width = width; + frame->sc.delivered_height = height; + frame->sc.delivered_ratio = ratio_code; + frame->flags = flags; + frame->format = format; + frame->sc.user_ratio = this->sc.user_ratio; + frame->sc.gui_width = this->gui_width; + frame->sc.gui_height = this->gui_height; + frame->sc.gui_pixel_aspect = 1.0; + + + null_frame_compute_ideal_size(this, frame); + null_frame_compute_rgb_size(this, frame); + null_frame_reallocate(this, frame, width, height, format); + +#ifdef LOG + fprintf (stderr, "nullvideo: gui %dx%d delivered %dx%d output %dx%d\n", + frame->sc.gui_width, frame->sc.gui_height, + frame->sc.delivered_width, frame->sc.delivered_height, + frame->sc.output_width, frame->sc.output_height); +#endif + + + + frame->stripe_height = 16 * frame->sc.output_height / frame->sc.delivered_height; + frame->bytes_per_line = frame->sc.output_width * this->bytes_per_pixel; + + /* + * set up colorspace converter + */ + null_setup_colorspace_converter(frame, flags); + + } /* * reset dest pointers */ if (frame->data) { switch (flags) { case VO_TOP_FIELD: frame->rgb_dst = (uint8_t *)frame->data; frame->stripe_inc = 2 * frame->stripe_height * frame->bytes_per_line; break; case VO_BOTTOM_FIELD: frame->rgb_dst = (uint8_t *)frame->data + frame->bytes_per_line ; frame->stripe_inc = 2 * frame->stripe_height * frame->bytes_per_line; break; case VO_BOTH_FIELDS: frame->rgb_dst = (uint8_t *)frame->data; frame->stripe_inc = frame->stripe_height * frame->bytes_per_line; break; } } } static void null_display_frame( vo_driver_t* self, vo_frame_t *frame_gen ){ null_driver_t* this = (null_driver_t*) self; opie_frame_t* frame = (opie_frame_t*)frame_gen; display_xine_frame_t display = this->frameDis; if (!this->m_show_video) return; if( display != NULL ) { (*display)(this->caller, frame->data, frame->sc.output_width, frame->sc.output_height, frame->bytes_per_line ); } frame->frame.free(&frame->frame); } /* blending related */ static void null_overlay_clut_yuv2rgb (null_driver_t *this, vo_overlay_t *overlay, opie_frame_t *frame) { + this = this; + + int i; clut_t* clut = (clut_t*) overlay->color; if (!overlay->rgb_clut) { for (i = 0; i < sizeof(overlay->color)/sizeof(overlay->color[0]); i++) { *((uint32_t *)&clut[i]) = - frame->yuv2rgb->yuv2rgb_single_pixel_fun (frame->yuv2rgb, + frame->yuv2rgb-> + yuv2rgb_single_pixel_fun (frame->yuv2rgb, clut[i].y, clut[i].cb, clut[i].cr); } overlay->rgb_clut++; } if (!overlay->clip_rgb_clut) { clut = (clut_t*) overlay->clip_color; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(overlay->color)/sizeof(overlay->color[0]); i++) { *((uint32_t *)&clut[i]) = frame->yuv2rgb->yuv2rgb_single_pixel_fun(frame->yuv2rgb, clut[i].y, clut[i].cb, clut[i].cr); } overlay->clip_rgb_clut++; } } static void null_overlay_blend ( vo_driver_t *this_gen, vo_frame_t *frame_gen, vo_overlay_t *overlay) { null_driver_t *this = (null_driver_t *) this_gen; opie_frame_t *frame = (opie_frame_t *) frame_gen; if(!this->m_show_video || frame->sc.output_width == 0 || frame->sc.output_height== 0) return; /* Alpha Blend here */ if (overlay->rle) { if( !overlay->rgb_clut || !overlay->clip_rgb_clut) null_overlay_clut_yuv2rgb(this,overlay,frame); switch(this->bpp) { case 16: - blend_rgb16( (uint8_t *)frame->data, overlay, - frame->sc.output_width, frame->sc.output_height, - frame->sc.delivered_width, frame->sc.delivered_height); + blend_rgb16((uint8_t *)frame->data, + overlay, + frame->sc.output_width, + frame->sc.output_height, + frame->sc.delivered_width, + frame->sc.delivered_height); break; case 24: - blend_rgb24( (uint8_t *)frame->data, overlay, - frame->sc.output_width, frame->sc.output_height, - frame->sc.delivered_width, frame->sc.delivered_height); + blend_rgb24((uint8_t *)frame->data, + overlay, + frame->sc.output_width, + frame->sc.output_height, + frame->sc.delivered_width, + frame->sc.delivered_height); break; case 32: - blend_rgb32( (uint8_t *)frame->data, overlay, - frame->sc.output_width, frame->sc.output_height, - frame->sc.delivered_width, frame->sc.delivered_height); + blend_rgb32((uint8_t *)frame->data, + overlay, + frame->sc.output_width, + frame->sc.output_height, + frame->sc.delivered_width, + frame->sc.delivered_height); break; default: /* It should never get here */ break; } } } -static int null_get_property( vo_driver_t* self, - int property ){ +static int null_get_property( vo_driver_t* self, int property ){ +#if 0 + null_driver_t *this = (null_driver_t *)self; + + switch(property) + { + case VO_PROP_ASPECT_RATIO: + return this->sc.user_ratio; + case VO_PROP_BRIGHTNESS: + return this->yuv2rgb_brightness; + case VO_PROP_WINDOW_WIDTH: + return this->sc.gui_width; + case VO_PROP_WINDOW_HEIGHT: + return this->sc.gui_height; + default: + break; + } +#else + property = property; + self = self; +#endif + return 0; } -static int null_set_property( vo_driver_t* self, - int property, +static int null_set_property( vo_driver_t* self, int property, int value ){ +#if 0 + null_driver_t *this = (null_driver_t *)self; + + switch(property) + { + case VO_PROP_ASPECT_RATIO: + if(value>=XINE_VO_ASPECT_NUM_RATIOS) + value = XINE_VO_ASPECT_AUTO; + this->sc.user_ratio = value; + break; + case VO_PROP_BRIGHTNESS: + this->yuv2rgb_brightness = value; + this->yuv2rgb_factory-> + set_csc_levels(this->yuv2rgb_factory, value, 128, 128); + break; + default: + break; + } +#else + self = self; + property = property; +#endif + return value; } static void null_get_property_min_max( vo_driver_t* self, int property, int *min, int *max ){ + self = self; + property = property; + *max = 0; *min = 0; } static int null_gui_data_exchange( vo_driver_t* self, int data_type, void *data ){ + self = self; + data_type = data_type; + data = data; + return 0; } static void null_dispose ( vo_driver_t* self ){ null_driver_t* this = (null_driver_t*)self; free ( this ); } static int null_redraw_needed( vo_driver_t* self ){ + self = self; + return 0; } -xine_vo_driver_t* init_video_out_plugin( xine_t *xine, +xine_video_port_t* init_video_out_plugin( xine_t *xine, void* video, display_xine_frame_t frameDisplayFunc, void *userData ){ + video = video; + + null_driver_t *vo; vo = (null_driver_t*)malloc( sizeof(null_driver_t ) ); /* memset? */ memset(vo,0, sizeof(null_driver_t ) ); - vo_scale_init (&vo->sc, 0, 0, xine->config); + _x_vo_scale_init (&vo->sc, 0, 0, xine->config); vo->sc.gui_pixel_aspect = 1.0; vo->m_show_video = 0; // false vo->m_video_fullscreen = 0; vo->m_is_scaling = 0; vo->display_ratio = 1.0; vo->gui_width = 16; vo->gui_height = 8; vo->frameDis = NULL; /* install callback handlers*/ vo->vo_driver.get_capabilities = null_get_capabilities; vo->vo_driver.alloc_frame = null_alloc_frame; vo->vo_driver.update_frame_format = null_update_frame_format; vo->vo_driver.display_frame = null_display_frame; vo->vo_driver.overlay_blend = null_overlay_blend; vo->vo_driver.get_property = null_get_property; vo->vo_driver.set_property = null_set_property; vo->vo_driver.get_property_min_max = null_get_property_min_max; vo->vo_driver.gui_data_exchange = null_gui_data_exchange; vo->vo_driver.dispose = null_dispose; vo->vo_driver.redraw_needed = null_redraw_needed; /* capabilities */ - vo->m_capabilities = /* VO_CAP_COPIES_IMAGE | */ VO_CAP_YUY2 | VO_CAP_YV12; + vo->m_capabilities = VO_CAP_YUY2 | VO_CAP_YV12; vo->yuv2rgb_factory = yuv2rgb_factory_init (MODE_16_RGB, vo->yuv2rgb_swap, vo->yuv2rgb_cmap); vo->caller = userData; vo->frameDis = frameDisplayFunc; - /* return ( vo_driver_t*) vo; */ - return vo_new_port( xine, ( vo_driver_t* )vo, 0 ); + return _x_vo_new_port(xine, &vo->vo_driver, 0); } -#if 0 -static vo_info_t vo_info_null = { - 5, - XINE_VISUAL_TYPE_FB -}; - -vo_info_t *get_video_out_plugin_info(){ - vo_info_null.description = ("xine video output plugin using null device"); - return &vo_info_null; -} - -#endif /* this is special for this device */ /** * We know that we will be controled by the XINE LIB++ */ /** * */ int null_is_showing_video( xine_vo_driver_t* self ){ null_driver_t* this = (null_driver_t*)self->driver; return this->m_show_video; } void null_set_show_video( xine_vo_driver_t* self, int show ) { ((null_driver_t*)self->driver)->m_show_video = show; } int null_is_fullscreen( xine_vo_driver_t* self ){ return ((null_driver_t*)self->driver)->m_video_fullscreen; } void null_set_fullscreen( xine_vo_driver_t* self, int screen ){ ((null_driver_t*)self->driver)->m_video_fullscreen = screen; } int null_is_scaling( xine_vo_driver_t* self ){ return ((null_driver_t*)self->driver)->m_is_scaling; } void null_set_videoGamma( xine_vo_driver_t* self , int value ) { ((null_driver_t*) self->driver) ->yuv2rgb_gamma = value; ((null_driver_t*) self->driver) ->yuv2rgb_factory->set_gamma( ((null_driver_t*) self->driver) ->yuv2rgb_factory, value ); } void null_set_scaling( xine_vo_driver_t* self, int scale ) { ((null_driver_t*)self->driver)->m_is_scaling = scale; } void null_set_gui_width( xine_vo_driver_t* self, int width ) { ((null_driver_t*)self->driver)->gui_width = width; } void null_set_gui_height( xine_vo_driver_t* self, int height ) { ((null_driver_t*)self->driver)->gui_height = height; } void null_set_mode( xine_vo_driver_t* self, int depth, int rgb ) { null_driver_t* this = (null_driver_t*)self->driver; this->bytes_per_pixel = (depth + 7 ) / 8; this->bpp = this->bytes_per_pixel * 8; this->depth = depth; - printf("depth %d %d\n", depth, this->bpp); - printf("pixeltype %d\n", rgb ); + switch ( this->depth ) { case 32: if( rgb == 0 ) this->yuv2rgb_mode = MODE_32_RGB; else this->yuv2rgb_mode = MODE_32_BGR; case 24: if( this->bpp == 32 ) { if( rgb == 0 ) { this->yuv2rgb_mode = MODE_32_RGB; } else { this->yuv2rgb_mode = MODE_32_BGR; } }else{ if( rgb == 0 ) this->yuv2rgb_mode = MODE_24_RGB; else this->yuv2rgb_mode = MODE_24_BGR; }; break; case 16: if( rgb == 0 ) { this->yuv2rgb_mode = MODE_16_RGB; } else { this->yuv2rgb_mode = MODE_16_BGR; } break; case 15: if( rgb == 0 ) { this->yuv2rgb_mode = MODE_15_RGB; } else { this->yuv2rgb_mode = MODE_15_BGR; } break; case 8: if( rgb == 0 ) { this->yuv2rgb_mode = MODE_8_RGB; } else { this->yuv2rgb_mode = MODE_8_BGR; } break; }; //free(this->yuv2rgb_factory ); // this->yuv2rgb_factory = yuv2rgb_factory_init (this->yuv2rgb_mode, this->yuv2rgb_swap, // this->yuv2rgb_cmap); }; void null_display_handler( xine_vo_driver_t* self, display_xine_frame_t t, void* user_data ) { null_driver_t* this = (null_driver_t*) self->driver; this->caller = user_data; this->frameDis = t; } void null_preload_decoders( xine_stream_t *stream ) { static const uint32_t preloadedAudioDecoders[] = { BUF_AUDIO_MPEG, BUF_AUDIO_VORBIS }; static const uint8_t preloadedAudioDecoderCount = sizeof( preloadedAudioDecoders ) / sizeof( preloadedAudioDecoders[ 0 ] ); static const uint32_t preloadedVideoDecoders[] = { BUF_VIDEO_MPEG, BUF_VIDEO_MPEG4, BUF_VIDEO_DIVX5 }; static const uint8_t preloadedVideoDecoderCount = sizeof( preloadedVideoDecoders ) / sizeof( preloadedVideoDecoders[ 0 ] ); uint8_t i; +#if 0 for ( i = 0; i < preloadedAudioDecoderCount; ++i ) { audio_decoder_t *decoder = get_audio_decoder( stream, ( preloadedAudioDecoders[ i ] >> 16 ) & 0xff ); + decoder = decoder; /* free_audio_decoder( stream, decoder ); */ } for ( i = 0; i < preloadedVideoDecoderCount; ++i ) { video_decoder_t *decoder = get_video_decoder( stream, ( preloadedVideoDecoders[ i ] >> 16 ) & 0xff ); + decoder = decoder; /* free_video_decoder( stream, decoder ); */ } +#endif } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/opieplayer2.pro b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/opieplayer2.pro index b9a8d6d..8166658 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/opieplayer2.pro +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/opieplayer2.pro @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ CONFIG = qt warn_on quick-app HEADERS = playlistselection.h mediaplayerstate.h xinecontrol.h \ videowidget.h audiowidget.h playlistwidget.h om3u.h mediaplayer.h inputDialog.h \ frame.h lib.h xinevideowidget.h volumecontrol.h playlistwidgetgui.h\ alphablend.h yuv2rgb.h threadutil.h mediawidget.h playlistview.h playlistfileview.h \ skin.h SOURCES = main.cpp \ playlistselection.cpp mediaplayerstate.cpp xinecontrol.cpp \ videowidget.cpp audiowidget.cpp playlistwidget.cpp om3u.cpp mediaplayer.cpp inputDialog.cpp \ frame.cpp lib.cpp nullvideo.c xinevideowidget.cpp volumecontrol.cpp \ playlistwidgetgui.cpp\ alphablend.c yuv2rgb.c yuv2rgb_arm2.c yuv2rgb_arm4l.S \ threadutil.cpp mediawidget.cpp playlistview.cpp playlistfileview.cpp \ skin.cpp TARGET = opieplayer2 INCLUDEPATH += $(OPIEDIR)/include DEPENDPATH += $(OPIEDIR)/include -LIBS += -lqpe -lpthread -lopiecore2 -lopieui2 -lxine -lstdc++ +LIBS += -lqpe -lpthread -lopiecore2 -lopieui2 -lqtaux2 -lxine MOC_DIR = qpeobj OBJECTS_DIR = qpeobj include ( $(OPIEDIR)/include.pro ) !isEmpty( LIBXINE_INC_DIR ) { INCLUDEPATH = $$LIBXINE_INC_DIR $$INCLUDEPATH } !isEmpty( LIBXINE_LIB_DIR ) { LIBS = -L$$LIBXINE_LIB_DIR $$LIBS } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/xinevideowidget.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/xinevideowidget.cpp index 15c611f..1ac9277 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/xinevideowidget.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/xinevideowidget.cpp @@ -1,303 +1,304 @@ /* This file is part of the Opie Project Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Griebl <sandman@handhelds.org> Copyright (c) 2002 Holger Freyther <zecke@handhelds.org> =. .=l. .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= = ; Library General Public License for more ++= -. .` .: details. : = ...= . :.=- -. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . . )=. = Library General Public License along with -- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <qimage.h> #include <qdirectpainter_qws.h> #include <qgfx_qws.h> #include <qsize.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include "xinevideowidget.h" // 0 deg rot: copy a line from src to dst (use libc memcpy) // 180 deg rot: copy a line from src to dst reversed /* * This code relies the len be a multiply of 16bit */ static inline void memcpy_rev ( void *_dst, void *_src, size_t len ) { + /* * move the source to the end */ char *src_c = static_cast<char*>(_src) + len; /* * as we copy by 16bit and not 8bit * devide the length by two */ len >>= 1; short int* dst = static_cast<short int*>( _dst ); short int* src = reinterpret_cast<short int*>( src_c ); /* * Increment dst after assigning * Decrement src before assigning becase we move backwards */ while ( len-- ) *dst++ = *--src; } // 90 deg rot: copy a column from src to dst static inline void memcpy_step ( void *_dst, void *_src, size_t len, size_t step ) { short int *dst = static_cast<short int*>( _dst ); short int *src = static_cast<short int*>( _src ); len >>= 1; /* * Copy 16bit from src to dst and move to the next address */ while ( len-- ) { *dst++ = *src; src = reinterpret_cast<short int*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(src)+step); } } // 270 deg rot: copy a column from src to dst reversed static inline void memcpy_step_rev ( void *_dst, void *_src, size_t len, size_t step ) { len >>= 1; char *src_c = static_cast<char*>( _src ) + (len*step); short int* dst = static_cast<short int*>( _dst ); short int* src = reinterpret_cast<short int*>( src_c ); while ( len-- ) { src_c -= step; src = reinterpret_cast<short int*>( src_c ); *dst++ = *src; } } XineVideoWidget::XineVideoWidget ( QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : QWidget ( parent, name, WRepaintNoErase | WResizeNoErase ) { setBackgroundMode ( NoBackground ); m_logo = 0; m_buff = 0; m_bytes_per_line_fb = qt_screen-> linestep ( ); m_bytes_per_pixel = ( qt_screen->depth() + 7 ) / 8; m_rotation = 0; } XineVideoWidget::~XineVideoWidget ( ) { delete m_logo; } void XineVideoWidget::clear ( ) { m_buff = 0; repaint ( false ); } QSize XineVideoWidget::videoSize() const { QSize s = size(); bool fs = ( s == qApp->desktop()->size() ); // if we are in fullscreen mode, do not rotate the video // (!! the paint routine uses m_rotation + qt_screen-> transformOrientation() !!) m_rotation = fs ? - qt_screen->transformOrientation() : 0; if ( fs && qt_screen->isTransformed() ) s = qt_screen->mapToDevice( s ); return s; } void XineVideoWidget::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent * ) { if ( m_buff == 0 ) { QPainter p ( this ); p. fillRect ( rect ( ), black ); if ( m_logo ) p. drawImage ( 0, 0, *m_logo ); } else { // Qt needs to be notified which areas were really updated .. strange QArray <QRect> qt_bug_workaround_clip_rects; { QDirectPainter dp ( this ); int rot = dp. transformOrientation ( ) + m_rotation; // device rotation + custom rotation uchar *fb = dp. frameBuffer ( ); uchar *frame = m_buff; // where is the video frame in fb coordinates QRect framerect = qt_screen-> mapToDevice ( QRect ( mapToGlobal ( m_thisframe. topLeft ( )), m_thisframe. size ( )), QSize ( qt_screen-> width ( ), qt_screen-> height ( ))); qt_bug_workaround_clip_rects. resize ( dp. numRects ( )); for ( int i = dp. numRects ( ) - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { const QRect &clip = dp. rect ( i ); qt_bug_workaround_clip_rects [ i ] = qt_screen-> mapFromDevice ( clip, QSize ( qt_screen-> width ( ), qt_screen-> height ( ))); uchar *dst = fb + ( clip. x ( ) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) + ( clip. y ( ) * m_bytes_per_line_fb ); // clip x/y in the fb uchar *src = frame; // Adjust the start the source data based on the rotation (xine frame) switch ( rot ) { case 0: src += ((( clip. x ( ) - framerect. x ( )) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) + (( clip. y ( ) - framerect. y ( )) * m_bytes_per_line_frame )); break; case 1: src += ((( clip. y ( ) - framerect. y ( )) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) + (( clip. x ( ) - framerect. x ( )) * m_bytes_per_line_frame ) + (( framerect. height ( ) - 1 ) * m_bytes_per_pixel )); break; case 2: src += ((( clip. x ( ) - framerect. x ( )) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) + (( clip. y ( ) - framerect. y ( )) * m_bytes_per_line_frame ) + (( framerect. height ( ) - 1 ) * m_bytes_per_line_frame )); break; case 3: src += ((( clip. y ( ) - framerect. y ( )) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) + (( clip. x ( ) - framerect. x ( )) * m_bytes_per_line_frame )); break; default: break; } // all of the following widths/heights are fb relative (0deg rotation) uint leftfill = 0; // black border on the "left" side of the video frame uint framefill = 0; // "width" of the video frame uint rightfill = 0; // black border on the "right" side of the video frame uint clipwidth = clip. width ( ) * m_bytes_per_pixel; // "width" of the current clip rect if ( clip. left ( ) < framerect. left ( )) leftfill = (( framerect. left ( ) - clip. left ( )) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) <? clipwidth; if ( clip. right ( ) > framerect. right ( )) rightfill = (( clip. right ( ) - framerect. right ( )) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) <? clipwidth; framefill = clipwidth - ( leftfill + rightfill ); for ( int y = clip. top ( ); y <= clip. bottom ( ); y++ ) { if (( y < framerect. top ( )) || ( y > framerect. bottom ( ))) { // "above" or "below" the video -> black memset ( dst, 0, clipwidth ); } else { if ( leftfill ) memset ( dst, 0, leftfill ); // "left" border -> black if ( framefill ) { // blit in the video frame // see above for an explanation of the different memcpys switch ( rot ) { case 0: memcpy ( dst + leftfill, src, framefill & ~1 ); break; case 1: memcpy_step ( dst + leftfill, src, framefill, m_bytes_per_line_frame ); break; case 2: memcpy_rev ( dst + leftfill, src, framefill ); break; case 3: memcpy_step_rev ( dst + leftfill, src, framefill, m_bytes_per_line_frame ); break; default: break; } } if ( rightfill ) memset ( dst + leftfill + framefill, 0, rightfill ); // "right" border -> black } dst += m_bytes_per_line_fb; // advance one line in the framebuffer // advance one "line" in the xine frame data switch ( rot ) { case 0: src += m_bytes_per_line_frame; break; case 1: src -= m_bytes_per_pixel; break; case 2: src -= m_bytes_per_line_frame; break; case 3: src += m_bytes_per_pixel; break; default: break; } } } } { // QVFB hack by Martin Jones // We need to "touch" all affected clip rects with a normal QPainter in addition to the QDirectPainter QPainter p ( this ); for ( int i = qt_bug_workaround_clip_rects. size ( ) - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { p. fillRect ( QRect ( mapFromGlobal ( qt_bug_workaround_clip_rects [ i ]. topLeft ( )), qt_bug_workaround_clip_rects [ i ]. size ( )), QBrush ( NoBrush )); } } } } QImage *XineVideoWidget::logo ( ) const { return m_logo; } void XineVideoWidget::setLogo ( QImage* logo ) { delete m_logo; m_logo = logo; } void XineVideoWidget::setVideoFrame ( uchar* img, int w, int h, int bpl ) { bool rot90 = (( -m_rotation ) & 1 ); if ( rot90 ) { // if the rotation is 90 or 270 we have to swap width / height int d = w; w = h; h = d; } m_lastframe = m_thisframe; m_thisframe. setRect (( width ( ) - w ) / 2, ( height ( ) - h ) / 2, w , h ); m_buff = img; m_bytes_per_line_frame = bpl; // only repaint the area that *really* needs to be repainted repaint ((( m_thisframe & m_lastframe ) != m_lastframe ) ? m_lastframe : m_thisframe, false ); } void XineVideoWidget::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * ) { emit videoResized( videoSize() ); } void XineVideoWidget::mouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * /*me*/ ) { emit clicked(); } |