Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 3 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index b5d27c3..7228691 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,85 +1,88 @@
2004-??-?? The Opie Team <>
New Features
* Fifteen gained configurable number of items (zecke)
* Fifteen can have custom background images (zecke)
* Added daemonizing capabilities to QWS Server [via Qt/Embedded] (mickeyl)
* Integrated the new security framework into libopie2 (zecke,clem)
* Converted the launcher to use the new security framework (zecke)
* Backup can now handle custom locations for backup and restore (ar)
+ * Implemented right-on-hold feedback (wimpie,zecke)
+ * Lots of new features in opie-reader (tim,pohly)
Fixed Bugs
* #1225 - Fixed repeated light flashing on Zaurus with keyz (mickeyl)
* #1361 - Fixed auto upercase in Opie-Addressbook (eilers)
* #1370 - Pimconverter now reacts on cancel key (eilers)
+ * #1401 - Scrollbar is now only visible if necessary in DocTab (mickeyl)
2004-07-06 The Opie Team <>
* Tagged as Version 1.1.4 (devel)
New Features
* Added four themes courtesy Robert Griebl (
* Added Conversion tool for pim-data (eilers)
* Introduced new OPimAccessFactory and OBackendFactory which simplyfies database access (eilers)
* Modified the PIM API for providing generic use of OPimRecords (eilers)
* Clicking on the application symbol now iterates over the application's top level widgets if already raised (zecke)
Fixed Bugs
* #1068 - Country Drop Down Box Off Screen
* #1291 - Opie tinykate does not open .desktop files (ar)
* #1291 - Opie sheet not saving correctly (ar)
* #1294 - Opie does not know about British Summer Time
* #1314 - Drawpad initialization (mickeyl)
* #1317 - Packagemanager crashes on hold-down or install (chicken)
* #1321 - Batteryapplet graphic glitch (harlekin)
* #1324 - ZSafe not starting up (mickeyl)
* #1328 - Personal Home Address fields is trimmed to 1char (eilers)
* #1327 - Opie-mail ipk does not depend on libopiedb2 (chicken)
* #1345 - Networksettingsplugin wlan plugin dependency on libpcap0 (mickeyl)
* #1348 - Datebook dependency on libopiedb2 (chicken)
* #1328 - Switched SQLDatabase and VCards char encoding from latin1 to unicode (eilers)
2004-04-25 The Opie Team <>
* Released as Version 1.1.3 (devel)
* Introduced first implementation of SQL-Support using SQLite (eilers)
* Added a new Gutenberg Project reader app - opie-gutenbrowser (ljp)
* Added a real system graffiti character set (brad)
* Added Generic Keyconfig Widget (zecke)
* Improved Screenshotapplet and Drawpad integration. You can now open a screenshot in drawpad and take notes (zecke)
* Added new Bible reader app - opie-dagger (drw)
* Added a new Image Viewer. Work is ongoing (zecke,alwin)
* Added namespace usage in libopie2 and everywhere (zecke,alwin)
* Enabled the possibility to pass command line arguments to applications (mickeyl)
* Added an about applet showing some credits and information about Opie (mickeyl)
* Added benchmarking functionality to sysinfo (mickeyl)
* Added applet and configuration application for switching hardware keyboard layouts (alwin)
* Ported applications from libopie1 to libopie2* (drw,ar,alwin)
* Imported fullscreen and font improvements from the Qkonsole fork to embeddedkonsole (waspe)
* Clean-up of package information in control files (drw)
* Repaired mediummount which was broken since integrating the quicklauncher (alwin)
* Improved big-screen support (zecke,ar)
* Improved multikeyboard support, added keyboard layout switching applet (mouse)
* Added a new mail client based on libetpan (harlekin,alwin,jgf)
* Added new package manager - opie-packagemanager (drw)
* Improved light-n-power for C7x0 (mickeyl)
* Added automatic rotation support for C7x0 (treke)
* Split libopie1 up into a set of smaller - functionally grouped - libraries (mickeyl)
* Added scanning the wireless network neighbourhood to networksettings (mickeyl)
2003-11-29 The Opie Team <>
* Released as Version 1.0.3
* Improved i18n (various contributors)
* Reduced application startup time by integrating the TT quicklauncher (zecke,harlekin)
* Made the Documents Tab optional (mickeyl)
* Integrated basic support for HP iPAQ 54xx and the Jornada 5xx (chicken)
2003-08-04 The Opie Team <>
* Released as Version 1.0.0
* Including a PPP module for easy dial up (tille,harlekin,zecke)
diff --git a/core/launcher/launcherview.cpp b/core/launcher/launcherview.cpp
index e86f389..0d0f2cb 100644
--- a/core/launcher/launcherview.cpp
+++ b/core/launcher/launcherview.cpp
@@ -277,770 +277,768 @@ public:
int compare(const AppLnk* a, const AppLnk* b)
switch (sortmeth) {
case Name:
return a->name().lower().compare(b->name().lower());
case Date: {
QFileInfo fa(a->linkFileKnown() ? a->linkFile() : a->file());
QFileInfo fb(b->linkFileKnown() ? b->linkFile() : b->file());
return fa.lastModified().secsTo(fb.lastModified());
case Type:
return a->type().compare(b->type());
return 0;
void timerEvent( QTimerEvent *te )
if ( te->timerId() == busyTimer ) {
if ( bsy )
} else {
QIconView::timerEvent( te );
void styleChange( QStyle &old )
QIconView::styleChange( old );
calculateGrid( itemTextPos() );
void calculateGrid( ItemTextPos pos )
int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width();
int viewerWidth = dw-style().scrollBarExtent().width();
if ( pos == Bottom ) {
int cols = 3;
if ( viewerWidth <= 200 )
cols = 2;
else if ( viewerWidth >= 400 )
cols = viewerWidth/96;
setSpacing( 4 );
setGridX( (viewerWidth-(cols+1)*spacing())/cols );
setGridY( fontMetrics().height()*2+24 );
} else {
int cols = 2;
if ( viewerWidth < 150 )
cols = 1;
else if ( viewerWidth >= 400 )
cols = viewerWidth/150;
setSpacing( 2 );
setGridX( (viewerWidth-(cols+1)*spacing())/cols );
setGridY( fontMetrics().height()+2 );
void focusInEvent( QFocusEvent * ) {}
void focusOutEvent( QFocusEvent * ) {}
QList<AppLnk> hidden;
QDict<void> mimes;
QDict<void> cats;
SortMethod sortmeth;
QRegExp tf;
int cf;
LauncherItem* bsy;
int busyTimer;
bool ike;
bool bigIcns;
QPixmap bgPixmap;
QColor bgColor;
QPixmap busyPix;
BusyIndicatorType busyType;
bool LauncherView::bsy=FALSE;
void LauncherView::setBusy(bool on)
void LauncherView::setBusyIndicatorType( const QString& type ) {
if ( type. lower ( ) == "animated" )
icons->setBusyIndicatorType( BIT_Animated ) ;
icons->setBusyIndicatorType( BIT_Normal ) ;
LauncherItem::LauncherItem( QIconView *parent, AppLnk *applnk, bool bigIcon )
: QIconViewItem( parent, applnk->name(),
bigIcon ? applnk->bigPixmap() :applnk->pixmap() ),
isBigIcon( bigIcon ),
app(applnk) // Takes ownership
LauncherIconView* liv = (LauncherIconView*)iconView();
if ( liv->busyItem() == this )
delete app;
int LauncherItem::compare ( QIconViewItem * i ) const
LauncherIconView* view = (LauncherIconView*)iconView();
return view->compare(app,((LauncherItem *)i)->appLnk());
void LauncherItem::paintItem( QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg )
LauncherIconView* liv = (LauncherIconView*)iconView();
QBrush oldBrush( liv->itemTextBackground() );
QColorGroup mycg( cg );
if ( liv->currentItem() == this ) {
liv->setItemTextBackground( cg.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) );
mycg.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, cg.color( QColorGroup::HighlightedText ) );
// Paint animation overlay
if ( liv->busyItem() == this )
if ( liv->currentItem() == this )
liv->setItemTextBackground( oldBrush );
void LauncherItem::paintAnimatedIcon( QPainter *p )
LauncherIconView* liv = (LauncherIconView*)iconView();
int pic = iteration % 16;
int w = pixmap()->width(), h = pixmap()->height();
QPixmap dblBuf( w, h + 4 );
QPainter p2( &dblBuf );
int x1, y1;
if ( liv->itemTextPos() == QIconView::Bottom ) {
x1 = x() + (width() - w) / 2 - liv->contentsX();
y1 = y() - liv->contentsY();
} else {
x1 = x() - liv->contentsX();
y1 = y() + (height() - h) / 2 - liv->contentsY();
y1 -= 2;
liv->drawBackground( &p2, QRect(x1,y1,w,h+4) );
int bounceY = 2;
if ( busyType == BIT_Animated ) {
bounceY = 4 - ((iteration+2)%8);
bounceY = bounceY < 0 ? -bounceY : bounceY;
p2.drawPixmap( x1, y1 + bounceY, *pixmap() );
p2.drawPixmap( x1, y1 + bounceY, liv->busyPixmap(), w * pic, 0, w, h );
p->drawPixmap( x1, y1, dblBuf );
void LauncherItem::animateIcon()
LauncherIconView* liv = (LauncherIconView*)iconView();
if ( liv->busyItem() != this || !app )
// Highlight the icon
if ( iteration == 0 ) {
QPixmap src = isBigIcon ? app->bigPixmap() : app->pixmap();
QImage img = src.convertToImage();
QRgb *rgb;
int count;
if ( img.depth() == 32 ) {
rgb = (QRgb*)img.bits();
count = img.bytesPerLine()/sizeof(QRgb)*img.height();
} else {
rgb = img.colorTable();
count = img.numColors();
for ( int r = 0; r < count; r++, rgb++ ) {
QColor c(*rgb);
int h, s, v;
*rgb = qRgba(,,,qAlpha(*rgb));
#elif defined(ALPHA_FADE_BUSY_ICON)
*rgb = qRgba(qRed(*rgb),qGreen(*rgb),qBlue(*rgb),qAlpha(*rgb)/2);
src.convertFromImage( img );
setPixmap( src );
// Paint animation overlay
QPainter p( liv->viewport() );
paintAnimatedIcon( &p );
void LauncherItem::resetIcon()
iteration = 0;
setPixmap( isBigIcon ? app->bigPixmap() : app->pixmap() );
QStringList LauncherIconView::mimeTypes() const
QStringList r;
QDictIterator<void> it(mimes);
while (it.current()) {
return r;
void LauncherIconView::addItem(AppLnk* app, bool resort)
if ( (tf.isEmpty() || tf.match(app->type()) >= 0)
&& (cf == 0 || app->categories().contains(cf)
|| cf == -1 && app->categories().count() == 0 ) )
(void) new LauncherItem( this, app, bigIcns );
if ( resort )
void LauncherIconView::updateCategoriesAndMimeTypes()
LauncherItem* item = (LauncherItem*)firstItem();
while (item) {
item = (LauncherItem*)item->nextItem();
QListIterator<AppLnk> it(hidden);
AppLnk* l;
while ((l=it.current())) {
void LauncherIconView::hideOrShowItems(bool resort)
viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( FALSE );
QList<AppLnk> links=hidden;
LauncherItem* item = (LauncherItem*)firstItem();
while (item) {
item = (LauncherItem*)item->nextItem();
QListIterator<AppLnk> it(links);
AppLnk* l;
while ((l=it.current())) {
if ( resort && !autoArrange() )
viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE );
bool LauncherIconView::removeLink(const QString& linkfile)
LauncherItem* item = (LauncherItem*)firstItem();
AppLnk* l;
bool did = FALSE;
DocLnk dl(linkfile);
while (item) {
l = item->appLnk();
LauncherItem *nextItem = (LauncherItem *)item->nextItem();
if ( l->linkFileKnown() && l->linkFile() == linkfile
|| l->fileKnown() && (
l->file() == linkfile
|| dl.isValid() && dl.file() == l->file() ) ) {
delete item;
did = TRUE;
item = nextItem;
QListIterator<AppLnk> it(hidden);
while ((l=it.current())) {
if ( l->linkFileKnown() && l->linkFile() == linkfile
|| l->file() == linkfile
|| dl.isValid() && dl.file() == l->file() ) {
did = TRUE;
return did;
LauncherView::LauncherView( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl )
: QVBox( parent, name, fl )
catmb = 0;
icons = new LauncherIconView( this );
QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( icons->viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold );
icons->setItemsMovable( FALSE );
icons->setAutoArrange( TRUE );
icons->setSorting( TRUE );
icons->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame );
icons->setMargin( 0 );
icons->setSelectionMode( QIconView::NoSelection );
icons->setBackgroundMode( PaletteBase );
icons->setResizeMode( QIconView::Fixed );
vmode = (ViewMode)-1;
setViewMode( Icon );
connect( icons, SIGNAL(mouseButtonClicked(int,QIconViewItem*,const QPoint&)),
SLOT(itemClicked(int,QIconViewItem*)) );
connect( icons, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()),
SLOT(selectionChanged()) );
connect( icons, SIGNAL(returnPressed(QIconViewItem*)),
SLOT(returnPressed(QIconViewItem*)) );
connect( icons, SIGNAL(mouseButtonPressed(int,QIconViewItem*,const QPoint&)),
SLOT(itemPressed(int,QIconViewItem*)) );
tools = 0;
setBackgroundType( Ruled, QString::null );
if ( bgCache && bgCache->contains( bgName ) )
void LauncherView::hideIcons()
void LauncherView::setToolsEnabled(bool y)
if ( !y != !tools ) {
if ( y ) {
tools = new QHBox(this);
// Type filter
typemb = new QComboBox(tools);
QSizePolicy p = typemb->sizePolicy();
// Category filter
- // Always show vscrollbar
- icons->setVScrollBarMode( QScrollView::AlwaysOn );
} else {
delete tools;
tools = 0;
void LauncherView::updateTools()
disconnect( typemb, SIGNAL(activated(int)),
this, SLOT(showType(int)) );
if ( catmb ) disconnect( catmb, SIGNAL(signalSelected(int)),
this, SLOT(showCategory(int)) );
// ### I want to remove this
QString prev;
// Type filter
QStringList types;
typelist = icons->mimeTypes();
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = typelist.begin(); it!=typelist.end(); ++it) {
QString t = *it;
if ( t.left(12) == "application/" ) {
MimeType mt(t);
const AppLnk* app = mt.application();
if ( app )
t = app->name();
t = t.mid(12);
} else {
t[0] = t[0].upper();
types += t;
types << tr("All types");
prev = typemb->currentText();
for (int i=0; i<typemb->count(); i++) {
if ( typemb->text(i) == prev ) {
if ( prev.isNull() )
int pcat = catmb ? catmb->currentCategory() : -2;
if ( !catmb )
catmb = new CategorySelect(tools);
Categories cats( 0 );
cats.load( categoryFileName() );
QArray<int> vl( 0 );
catmb->setCategories( vl, "Document View", // No tr
tr("Document View") );
catmb->setRemoveCategoryEdit( TRUE );
catmb->setAllCategories( TRUE );
// if type has changed we need to redisplay
if ( typemb->currentText() != prev )
showType( typemb->currentItem() );
connect(typemb, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(showType(int)));
connect(catmb, SIGNAL(signalSelected(int)), this, SLOT(showCategory(int)));
void LauncherView::sortBy(int s)
void LauncherView::showType(int t)
if ( t >= (int)typelist.count() ) {
} else {
QString ty = typelist[t];
if ( !ty.contains('/') )
ty += "/*";
void LauncherView::showCategory( int c )
icons->setCategoryFilter( c, TRUE );
void LauncherView::setViewMode( ViewMode m )
if ( vmode != m ) {
bool bigIcons = m == Icon;
icons->viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( FALSE );
icons->setBigIcons( bigIcons );
switch ( m ) {
case List:
icons->setItemTextPos( QIconView::Right );
case Icon:
icons->setItemTextPos( QIconView::Bottom );
icons->hideOrShowItems( FALSE );
icons->viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE );
vmode = m;
// User images may require scaling.
QImage LauncherView::loadBackgroundImage(QString &bgName)
QImageIO imgio;
QSize ds = qApp->desktop()->size(); // should be launcher, not desktop
bool further_scaling = TRUE;
imgio.setFileName( bgName );
if ( == FALSE) {
return imgio.image();
if (imgio.image().width() < ds.width() &&
imgio.image().height() < ds.height()) {
further_scaling = FALSE;
if (!imgio.image().bits()) {
// Scale and load. Note we don't scale up.
QString param( "Scale( %1, %2, ScaleMin )" ); // No tr
imgio.setParameters(further_scaling ?
param.arg(ds.width()).arg(ds.height()).latin1() :
} else {
if (further_scaling) {
int t1 = imgio.image().width() * ds.height();
int t2 = imgio.image().height() * ds.width();
int dsth = ds.height();
int dstw = ds.width();
if (t1 > t2) {
dsth = t2 / imgio.image().width();
} else {
dstw = t1 / imgio.image().height();
// Loader didn't scale for us. Do it manually.
return imgio.image().smoothScale(dstw, dsth);
return imgio.image();
void LauncherView::setBackgroundType( BackgroundType t, const QString &val )
if ( !bgCache ) {
bgCache = new QMap<QString,BgPixmap*>;
qAddPostRoutine( cleanup_cache );
if ( bgCache->contains( bgName ) )
bgName = "";
QPixmap bg;
switch ( t ) {
case Ruled: {
bgName = QString("Ruled_%1").arg(colorGroup().background().name()); // No tr
if ( bgCache->contains( bgName ) ) {
bg = (*bgCache)[bgName]->pm;
} else {
bg.resize( width(), 9 );
QPainter painter( &bg );
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
painter.setPen( white );
painter.drawLine( 0, i*3, width()-1, i*3 );
painter.drawLine( 0, i*3+1, width()-1, i*3+1 );
painter.setPen( colorGroup().background().light(105) );
painter.drawLine( 0, i*3+2, width()-1, i*3+2 );
bgCache->insert( bgName, new BgPixmap(bg) );
case Image:
if (!val.isEmpty()) {
bgName = val;
if ( bgCache->contains( bgName ) ) {
bg = (*bgCache)[bgName]->pm;
} else {
QString imgFile = bgName;
bool tile = FALSE;
if ( imgFile[0]!='/' || !QFile::exists(imgFile) ) {
imgFile = Resource::findPixmap( imgFile );
tile = TRUE;
QImage img = loadBackgroundImage(imgFile);
if ( img.depth() == 1 )
img = img.convertDepth(8);
bgCache->insert( bgName, new BgPixmap(bg) );
case SolidColor:
const QObjectList *list = queryList( "QWidget", 0, FALSE );
QObject *obj;
for ( QObjectListIt it( *list ); (obj=it.current()); ++it ) {
if ( obj->isWidgetType() ) {
QWidget *w = (QWidget*)obj;
w->setBackgroundPixmap( bg );
if ( bgName.isEmpty() ) {
// Solid Color
if ( val.isEmpty() )
w->setBackgroundColor( colorGroup().base() );
w->setBackgroundColor( val );
} else {
// Ruled or Image pixmap
w->setBackgroundOrigin( ParentOrigin );
delete list;
bgType = t;
QTimer::singleShot( 1000, this, SLOT(flushBgCache()) );
void LauncherView::setTextColor( const QColor &tc )
textCol = tc;
QColorGroup cg = icons->colorGroup();
cg.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, tc );
icons->setPalette( QPalette(cg,cg,cg) );
void LauncherView::setViewFont( const QFont &f )
icons->setFont( f );
icons->hideOrShowItems( FALSE );
void LauncherView::clearViewFont()
icons->hideOrShowItems( FALSE );
void LauncherView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e)
// qDebug("LauncherView resize event");
QVBox::resizeEvent( e );
// commented out for launcherview and qt/e 2.3.8 problems, probably needs real fixing somewhere...
// if ( e->size().width() != e->oldSize().width() )
void LauncherView::selectionChanged()
QIconViewItem* item = icons->currentItem();
if ( item && item->isSelected() ) {
AppLnk *appLnk = ((LauncherItem *)item)->appLnk();
if ( icons->inKeyEvent() ) // not for mouse press
emit clicked( appLnk );
void LauncherView::returnPressed( QIconViewItem *item )
if ( item ) {
AppLnk *appLnk = ((LauncherItem *)item)->appLnk();
emit clicked( appLnk );
void LauncherView::itemClicked( int btn, QIconViewItem *item )
if ( item ) {
AppLnk *appLnk = ((LauncherItem *)item)->appLnk();
if ( btn == LeftButton ) {
// Make sure it's the item we execute that gets highlighted
icons->setCurrentItem( item );
emit clicked( appLnk );
void LauncherView::itemPressed( int btn, QIconViewItem *item )
if ( item ) {
AppLnk *appLnk = ((LauncherItem *)item)->appLnk();
if ( btn == RightButton )
emit rightPressed( appLnk );
else if ( btn == ShiftButton )
emit rightPressed( appLnk );
void LauncherView::removeAllItems()
bool LauncherView::removeLink(const QString& linkfile)
return icons->removeLink(linkfile);
void LauncherView::setSortEnabled( bool v )
icons->setSorting( v );
if ( v )
void LauncherView::setUpdatesEnabled( bool u )
icons->setUpdatesEnabled( u );
void LauncherView::sort()
void LauncherView::addItem(AppLnk* app, bool resort)
void LauncherView::paletteChange( const QPalette &p )
QVBox::paletteChange( p );
if ( bgType == Ruled )
setBackgroundType( Ruled, QString::null );
QColorGroup cg = icons->colorGroup();
cg.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, textCol );
icons->setPalette( QPalette(cg,cg,cg) );
void LauncherView::fontChanged(const QFont&)
odebug << "LauncherView::fontChanged()" << oendl;
icons->hideOrShowItems( FALSE );
void LauncherView::relayout(void)
void LauncherView::flushBgCache()