-rw-r--r-- | noncore/settings/sysinfo/modulesinfo.cpp | 2 |
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/settings/sysinfo/modulesinfo.cpp b/noncore/settings/sysinfo/modulesinfo.cpp index 8def0d6..0bf51e8 100644 --- a/noncore/settings/sysinfo/modulesinfo.cpp +++ b/noncore/settings/sysinfo/modulesinfo.cpp @@ -67,96 +67,98 @@ ModulesInfo::ModulesInfo( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) // I can't think of other useful commands yet. Anyone? layout->addWidget( CommandCB, 1, 0 ); QWhatsThis::add( CommandCB, tr( "Select a command here and then click the Send button to the right to send the command to module selected above." ) ); QPushButton *btn = new QPushButton( this ); btn->setMinimumSize( QSize( 50, 24 ) ); btn->setMaximumSize( QSize( 50, 24 ) ); btn->setText( tr( "Send" ) ); connect( btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotSendClicked() ) ); layout->addWidget( btn, 1, 1 ); QWhatsThis::add( btn, tr( "Click here to send the selected command to the module selected above." ) ); QTimer *t = new QTimer( this ); connect( t, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( updateData() ) ); t->start( 5000 ); updateData(); ModulesDtl = new Detail(); QWhatsThis::add( ModulesDtl->detailView, tr( "This area shows detailed information about this module." ) ); } ModulesInfo::~ModulesInfo() { } void ModulesInfo::updateData() { char modname[64]; char usage[200]; int modsize, usecount; QString selectedmod; QListViewItem *curritem = ModulesView->currentItem(); if ( curritem ) { selectedmod = curritem->text( 0 ); } ModulesView->clear(); FILE *procfile = fopen( ( QString ) ( "/proc/modules"), "r"); if ( procfile ) { QListViewItem *newitem; QListViewItem *selecteditem = 0x0; while ( true ) { + modname[0] = '\0'; + usage[0] = '\0'; int success = fscanf( procfile, "%s%d%d%[^\n]", modname, &modsize, &usecount, usage ); if ( success == EOF ) break; QString qmodname = QString( modname ); QString qmodsize = QString::number( modsize ).rightJustify( 6, ' ' ); QString qusecount = QString::number( usecount ).rightJustify( 2, ' ' ); QString qusage = QString( usage ); newitem = new QListViewItem( ModulesView, qmodname, qmodsize, qusecount, qusage ); if ( qmodname == selectedmod ) { selecteditem = newitem; } } ModulesView->setCurrentItem( selecteditem ); fclose( procfile ); } } void ModulesInfo::slotSendClicked() { if ( !ModulesView->currentItem() ) { return; } QString capstr = tr( "You really want to execute %1 for this module?" ).arg( CommandCB->currentText() ); QString modname = ModulesView->currentItem()->text( 0 ); if ( QMessageBox::warning( this, modname, capstr, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Default, QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Escape ) == QMessageBox::Yes ) { QString command = "/sbin/"; command.append( CommandCB->currentText() ); command.append( " " ); command.append( modname ); FILE* stream = popen( command, "r" ); if ( stream ) pclose( stream ); } } |