Side-by-side diff
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1 files changed, 8 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/core/applets/volumeapplet/oledbox.cpp b/core/applets/volumeapplet/oledbox.cpp
index 3036929..7547287 100644
--- a/core/applets/volumeapplet/oledbox.cpp
+++ b/core/applets/volumeapplet/oledbox.cpp
@@ -104,167 +104,172 @@ void OLedBox::setColor ( const QColor &col )
update ( );
void OLedBox::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent *e )
if ( e-> button ( ) == LeftButton ) {
m_on = !m_on;
update ( );
emit toggled ( m_on );
void OLedBox::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * )
delete m_pix [ 0 ];
delete m_pix [ 1 ];
update ( );
void OLedBox::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent *e )
int ind = m_on ? 1 : 0;
if ( !m_pix [ ind ] ) {
m_pix [ ind ] = new QPixmap ( size ( ));
drawLed ( m_pix [ ind ], m_on ? m_color : m_color. dark ( 300 ) );
if ( !e-> erased ( ))
erase ( );
QPainter p ( this );
p. drawPixmap ( 0, 0, *m_pix [ ind ] );
// From KDE libkdeui / led.cpp
void OLedBox::drawLed ( QPixmap *pix, const QColor &col ) // paint a ROUND SUNKEN led lamp
QPainter paint;
QColor color;
QBrush brush;
QPen pen;
+ pix-> fill ( black );
// First of all we want to know what area should be updated
// Initialize coordinates, width, and height of the LED
int width = pix-> width ( );
// Make sure the LED is round!
if ( width > pix-> height ( ))
width = pix-> height ( );
width -= 2; // leave one pixel border
if ( width < 0 )
width = 0;
// maybe we could stop HERE, if width <=0 ?
// start painting widget
paint.begin( pix );
// Set the color of the LED according to given parameters
color = col;
// Set the brush to SolidPattern, this fills the entire area
// of the ellipse which is drawn first
brush.setStyle( QBrush::SolidPattern );
brush.setColor( color );
paint.setBrush( brush ); // Assign the brush to the painter
// Draws a "flat" LED with the given color:
paint.drawEllipse( 1, 1, width, width );
// Draw the bright light spot of the LED now, using modified "old"
// painter routine taken from KDEUIs KLed widget:
// Setting the new width of the pen is essential to avoid "pixelized"
// shadow like it can be observed with the old LED code
pen.setWidth( 2 );
// shrink the light on the LED to a size about 2/3 of the complete LED
int pos = width / 5 + 1;
int light_width = width;
light_width *= 2;
light_width /= 3;
// Calculate the LEDs "light factor":
int light_quote = ( 130 * 2 / ( light_width ? light_width : 1 ) ) + 100;
// Now draw the bright spot on the LED:
while ( light_width )
color = color.light( light_quote ); // make color lighter
pen.setColor( color ); // set color as pen color
paint.setPen( pen ); // select the pen for drawing
paint.drawEllipse( pos, pos, light_width, light_width ); // draw the ellipse (circle)
if ( !light_width )
paint.drawEllipse( pos, pos, light_width, light_width );
if ( !light_width )
paint.drawEllipse( pos, pos, light_width, light_width );
// Drawing of bright spot finished, now draw a thin border
// around the LED which resembles a shadow with light coming
// from the upper left.
paint. drawPixmap ( 0, 0, *s_border_pix );
+ paint. end ( );
+ pix-> setMask ( pix-> createHeuristicMask ( ));
pen.setWidth( 3 );
brush.setStyle( QBrush::NoBrush ); // Switch off the brush
paint.setBrush( brush ); // This avoids filling of the ellipse
// Set the initial color value to 200 (bright) and start
// drawing the shadow border at 45 (45*16 = 720).
int shadow_color = 200, angle;
for ( angle = 720; angle < 6480; angle += 240 )
color.setRgb( shadow_color, shadow_color, shadow_color );
pen.setColor( color );
paint.setPen( pen );
paint.drawArc( 0, 0, width+2, width+2, angle, 240 );
paint.drawArc( 1, 1, width, width, angle, 240 );
paint.drawArc( 2, 2, width-2, width-2, angle, 240 );
if ( angle < 2320 ) {
shadow_color -= 25; // set color to a darker value
if ( shadow_color < 100 )
shadow_color = 100;
else if ( ( angle > 2320 ) && ( angle < 5760 ) ) {
shadow_color += 25; // set color to a brighter value
if ( shadow_color > 255 )
shadow_color = 255;
else {
shadow_color -= 25; // set color to a darker value again
if ( shadow_color < 100 )
shadow_color = 100;
} // end if ( angle < 2320 )
} // end for ( angle = 720; angle < 6480; angle += 160 )
// painting done
QBitmap mask ( pix-> width ( ), pix-> height ( ), true );
QPainter mp ( &mask );
mp. setPen ( Qt::NoPen );
mp. setBrush ( Qt::color1 );
mp. drawEllipse ( 0, 0, width + 2, width + 2 );
mp. end ( );
pix-> setMask ( mask );