Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/settings/sysinfo/storage.cpp b/noncore/settings/sysinfo/storage.cpp
index 5d6cd1b..eb157ef 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/sysinfo/storage.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/sysinfo/storage.cpp
@@ -50,149 +50,151 @@ StorageInfo::StorageInfo( QWidget *parent, const char *name )
startTimer( 5000 );
void StorageInfo::timerEvent(QTimerEvent*)
static bool isCF(const QString& m)
FILE* f = fopen("/var/run/stab", "r");
if (!f) f = fopen("/var/state/pcmcia/stab", "r");
if (!f) f = fopen("/var/lib/pcmcia/stab", "r");
if ( f ) {
char line[1024];
char devtype[80];
char devname[80];
while ( fgets( line, 1024, f ) ) {
// 0 ide ide-cs 0 hda 3 0
if ( sscanf(line,"%*d %s %*s %*s %s", devtype, devname )==2 ) {
if ( QString(devtype) == "ide" && m.find(devname)>0 ) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void StorageInfo::updateMounts()
#if defined(_OS_LINUX_) || defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
struct mntent *me;
FILE *mntfp = setmntent( "/etc/mtab", "r" );
QStringList curdisks;
QStringList curfs;
QStringList mountList;
QStringList fsT;
bool rebuild = FALSE;
int n=0;
if ( mntfp ) {
while ( (me = getmntent( mntfp )) != 0 ) {
QString fs = me->mnt_fsname;
if ( fs.left(7)=="/dev/hd" || fs.left(7)=="/dev/sd"
|| fs.left(8)=="/dev/mtd" || fs.left(9) == "/dev/mmcd"
- || fs.left(9) == "/dev/root" || fs.left(5) == "/ramfs" || fs.left(5) == "tmpfs" ) {
+ || fs.left(9) == "/dev/root" || fs.left(5) == "/ramfs"
+ || fs.left(5) == "tmpfs" ) {
QString d = me->mnt_dir;
QString mount = me->mnt_dir;
QString t = me->mnt_type;
if ( !disks.find(d) )
rebuild = TRUE;
endmntent( mntfp );
if ( rebuild || n != (int)disks.count() ) {
delete vb;
vb = new QVBoxLayout( container/*, n > 3 ? 1 : 5*/ );
bool frst=TRUE;
QStringList::ConstIterator it=curdisks.begin();
QStringList::ConstIterator fsit=curfs.begin();
QStringList::ConstIterator fsmount=mountList.begin();
QStringList::ConstIterator fsTit=fsT.begin();
for (; it!=curdisks.end(); ++it, ++fsit) {
if ( !frst ) {
QFrame *f = new QFrame( container );
f->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken );
} frst=FALSE;
QString humanname=*it;
if ( isCF(humanname) )
humanname = tr( "CF Card: " );
else if ( humanname == "/dev/hda1" )
humanname = tr( "Hard Disk " );
else if ( humanname.left(9) == "/dev/mmcd" )
humanname = tr( "SD Card " );
else if ( humanname.left(7) == "/dev/hd" )
humanname = tr( "Hard Disk /dev/hd " );
else if ( humanname.left(7) == "/dev/sd" )
humanname = tr( "SCSI Hard Disk /dev/sd " );
- else if ( humanname == "/dev/mtdblock1" || humanname == "/dev/mtdblock/1" )
- humanname = tr( "Int. Storage " );
- else if ( humanname.left(14) == "/dev/mtdblock/" )
- humanname = tr( "Int. Storage /dev/mtdblock/ " );
- else if ( humanname.left(13) == "/dev/mtdblock" )
- humanname = tr( "Int. Storage /dev/mtdblock " );
- else if ( humanname.left(9) == "/dev/root" )
+ else if ( humanname == "/dev/mtdblock1"
+ || humanname.left(13) == "/dev/mtdblock"
+ || humanname.left(9) == "/dev/root")
humanname = tr( "Int. Storage " );
else if ( humanname.left(5) == "tmpfs" )
humanname = tr( "RAM disk" );
// etc.
humanname.append( *fsmount );
humanname.append( " " );
humanname.append( *fsTit );
humanname.append( " " );
MountInfo* mi = new MountInfo( *fsit, humanname, container );
QString tempstr = humanname.left( 2 );
if ( tempstr == tr( "CF" ) )
QWhatsThis::add( mi, tr( "This graph represents how much memory is currently used on this Compact Flash memory card." ) );
else if ( tempstr == tr( "Ha" ) )
QWhatsThis::add( mi, tr( "This graph represents how much storage is currently used on this hard drive." ) );
else if ( tempstr == tr( "SD" ) )
QWhatsThis::add( mi, tr( "This graph represents how much memory is currently used on this Secure Digital memory card." ) );
else if ( tempstr == tr( "SC" ) )
QWhatsThis::add( mi, tr( "This graph represents how much storage is currently used on this hard drive." ) );
else if ( tempstr == tr( "In" ) )
QWhatsThis::add( mi, tr( "This graph represents how much memory is currently used of the built-in memory (i.e. Flash memory) on this handheld device." ) );
else if ( tempstr == tr( "RA" ) )
QWhatsThis::add( mi, tr( "This graph represents how much memory is currently used of the temporary RAM disk." ) );
} else {
// just update them
for (QDictIterator<MountInfo> i(disks); i.current(); ++i)
MountInfo::MountInfo( const QString &path, const QString &ttl, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
: QWidget( parent, name ), title(ttl)
fs = new FileSystem( path );
QVBoxLayout *vb = new QVBoxLayout( this, 3 );
totalSize = new QLabel( this );
vb->addWidget( totalSize );
data = new GraphData();
graph = new BarGraph( this );