Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 26 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/pim/todo/todotable.cpp b/core/pim/todo/todotable.cpp
index 96cd860..d0bc61c 100644
--- a/core/pim/todo/todotable.cpp
+++ b/core/pim/todo/todotable.cpp
@@ -148,164 +148,171 @@ void ComboItem::setContentFromEditor( QWidget *w )
QTableItem::setContentFromEditor( w );
newTodo.setPriority( text().toInt() );
parent->replaceCurrentEntry( newTodo, true );
void ComboItem::setText( const QString &s )
if ( cb )
cb->setCurrentItem( s.toInt() - 1 );
QTableItem::setText( s );
QString ComboItem::text() const
if ( cb )
return cb->currentText();
return QTableItem::text();
DueTextItem::DueTextItem( QTable *t, ToDoEvent *ev )
: QTableItem(t, Never, QString::null )
setToDoEvent( ev );
QString DueTextItem::key() const
QString key;
if( m_hasDate ){
if(m_off == 0 ){
}else if( m_off > 0 ){
}else if( m_off < 0 ){
key.append(QString::number(m_off ) );
return key;
void DueTextItem::setToDoEvent( const ToDoEvent *ev )
m_hasDate = ev->hasDate();
m_completed = ev->isCompleted();
if( ev->hasDate() ){
QDate today = QDate::currentDate();
m_off = today.daysTo(ev->date() );
+ //qWarning("DueText m_off=%d", m_off );
setText( QString::number(m_off) + " day(s) " );
setText("n.d." );
m_off = 0;
+ //qWarning("m_off=%d", m_off );
void DueTextItem::paint( QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, const QRect &cr, bool selected )
+ //qWarning ("paint m_off=%d", m_off );
QColorGroup cg2(cg);
QColor text = cg.text();
if( m_hasDate && !m_completed ){
if( m_off < 0 ){
cg2.setColor(QColorGroup::Text, QColor(red ) );
}else if( m_off == 0 ){
cg2.setColor(QColorGroup::Text, QColor(yellow) ); // orange isn't predefined
}else if( m_off > 0){
cg2.setColor(QColorGroup::Text, QColor(green ) );
QTableItem::paint(p, cg2, cr, selected );
cg2.setColor(QColorGroup::Text, text );
TodoTable::TodoTable( QWidget *parent, const char *name )
// : QTable( 0, 3, parent, name, TRUE ),
// #else
: QTable( 0, 4, parent, name ),
// #endif
showComp( true ),
enablePainting( true ),
mCat( 0 ),
currFindRow( -2 ),
showDeadl( true)
mCat.load( categoryFileName() );
setSorting( TRUE );
setSelectionMode( NoSelection );
setColumnStretchable( 2, TRUE );
setColumnWidth( 0, 20 );
setColumnWidth( 1, 35 );
setLeftMargin( 0 );
horizontalHeader()->setLabel( 0, tr( "C." ) );
horizontalHeader()->setLabel( 1, tr( "Prior." ) );
horizontalHeader()->setLabel( 2, tr( "Description" ) );
setColumnStretchable( 3, FALSE );
setColumnWidth( 3, 20 );
horizontalHeader()->setLabel( 3, tr( "Deadline" ) );
if (showDeadl){
showColumn (3);
hideColumn (3);
connect( this, SIGNAL( clicked( int, int, int, const QPoint & ) ),
this, SLOT( slotClicked( int, int, int, const QPoint & ) ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL( pressed( int, int, int, const QPoint & ) ),
this, SLOT( slotPressed( int, int, int, const QPoint & ) ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int, int ) ),
this, SLOT( slotCheckPriority( int, int ) ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL( currentChanged( int, int ) ),
this, SLOT( slotCurrentChanged( int, int ) ) );
menuTimer = new QTimer( this );
connect( menuTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotShowMenu()) );
+ mDayTimer = new QTimer( this );
+ connect( mDayTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotCheckDay() ) );
+ mDay = QDate::currentDate();
void TodoTable::addEntry( const ToDoEvent &todo )
int row = numRows();
setNumRows( row + 1 );
updateJournal( todo, ACTION_ADD );
insertIntoTable( new ToDoEvent(todo), row );
setCurrentCell(row, currentColumn());
void TodoTable::slotClicked( int row, int col, int, const QPoint &pos )
if ( !cellGeometry( row, col ).contains(pos) )
// let's switch on the column number...
switch ( col )
case 0: {
CheckItem *i = static_cast<CheckItem*>(item( row, col ));
if ( i ) {
int x = pos.x() - columnPos( col );
int y = pos.y() - rowPos( row );
int w = columnWidth( col );
int h = rowHeight( row );
if ( i && x >= ( w - BoxSize ) / 2 && x <= ( w - BoxSize ) / 2 + BoxSize &&
y >= ( h - BoxSize ) / 2 && y <= ( h - BoxSize ) / 2 + BoxSize ) {
emit signalDoneChanged( i->isChecked() );
case 1:
case 2:
// may as well edit it...
// menuTimer->stop();
// emit signalEdit();
// fall through
case 3:
// may as well edit it...
// emit signalEdit();
@@ -376,96 +383,97 @@ void TodoTable::removeCurrentEntry()
realignTable( row );
updateJournal( *oldTodo, ACTION_REMOVE);
delete oldTodo;
bool TodoTable::save( const QString &fn )
QString strNewFile = fn + ".new";
QFile::remove( strNewFile ); // just to be sure
ToDoDB todoDB( strNewFile );
for ( QMap<CheckItem*, ToDoEvent *>::Iterator it = todoList.begin();
it != todoList.end(); ++it ) {
if ( !item( it.key()->row(), 0 ) )
ToDoEvent *todo = *it;
// sync item with table
todo->setCompleted( ((CheckItem*)item(it.key()->row(), 0))->isChecked() );
todo->setPriority( ((ComboItem*)item( it.key()->row(), 1))->text().toInt() );
todoDB.addEvent( *todo );
if(! ){
QFile::remove( strNewFile );
return false;
// now do the rename
if ( ::rename( strNewFile, fn ) < 0 )
qWarning( "problem renaming file %s to %s errno %d",
strNewFile.latin1(), fn.latin1(), errno );
// remove the journal
QFile::remove( journalFileName() );
return true;
void TodoTable::load( const QString &fn )
if ( QFile::exists(journalFileName()) ) {
QFile::remove(journalFileName() );
loadFile( fn );
// QTable::sortColumn(2,TRUE,TRUE);
// QTable::sortColumn(1,TRUE,TRUE);
setCurrentCell( 0, 2 );
setSorting(true );
+ mDayTimer->start( 60 * 1000 ); // gone in 60 seconds?
void TodoTable::updateVisible()
if ( !isUpdatesEnabled() )
if (showDeadl){
showColumn (3);
hideColumn (3);
int visible = 0;
int id = "Todo List", showCat );
for ( int row = 0; row < numRows(); row++ ) {
CheckItem *ci = (CheckItem *)item( row, 0 );
ToDoEvent *t = todoList[ci];
QArray<int> vlCats = t->categories();
bool hide = false;
if ( !showComp && ci->isChecked() )
hide = true;
if ( !showCat.isEmpty() ) {
if ( showCat == tr( "Unfiled" ) ) {
if ( vlCats.count() > 0 )
hide = true;
} else {
// do some comparing, we have to reverse our idea here... which idea? - zecke
if ( !hide ) {
hide = true;
for ( uint it = 0; it < vlCats.count(); ++it ) {
if ( vlCats[it] == id ) {
hide = false;
if ( hide ) {
if ( currentRow() == row )
setCurrentCell( -1, 0 );
if ( rowHeight( row ) > 0 )
hideRow( row );
} else {
if ( rowHeight( row ) == 0 ) {
showRow( row );
@@ -736,96 +744,111 @@ int TodoTable::showCategoryId() const
id = "Todo List", showCat );
return id;
void TodoTable::applyJournal()
// we need to hack
QFile file( journalFileName() );
if( ) ) {
QByteArray ar = file.readAll();
QFile file2( journalFileName() + "_new" );
if( ) ){
QTextStream str(&file2 );
str << QString::fromLatin1("<Tasks>") << endl;
str <<;
str << QString::fromLatin1("</Tasks>") << endl;
XMLElement *root = XMLElement::load(journalFileName()+ "_new");
XMLElement *el = root->firstChild();
el = el->firstChild();
ToDoDB tododb; // allready loaded ;)
bool ok;
int action;
QString dummy;
while( el ){
dummy = el->attribute("Action" );
action = dummy.toInt(&ok );
ToDoEvent ev = xmlToEvent( el );
if(ok ){
switch( action){
tododb.addEvent(ev );
tododb.removeEvent( ev );
tododb.replaceEvent( ev );
el = el->nextChild();
QFile::remove(journalFileName()+ "_new" );;
+void TodoTable::slotCheckDay()
+ QDate date = QDate::currentDate();
+ if( mDay.daysTo(date )!= 0 ){
+ setPaintingEnabled( FALSE );
+ for(int i=0; i < numRows(); i++ ){
+ ToDoEvent *t = todoList[static_cast<CheckItem*>(item(i, 0))];
+ static_cast<DueTextItem*>(item(i, 3) )->setToDoEvent( t );
+ }
+ setPaintingEnabled( TRUE );
+ mDay = date;
+ }
+ mDayTimer->start( 60 * 1000 ); // 60 seconds
// check Action and decide
void TodoTable::doApply(XMLElement *el )
QString dummy;
bool ok;
int action;
dummy = el->attribute("Action" );
action = dummy.toInt(&ok );
ToDoEvent ev = xmlToEvent( el );
if( ok ){
switch( action ){
addEntry( ev );
case ACTION_REMOVE:{ // find an entry with the same uid and remove it then
namespace {
static bool taskCompare( const ToDoEvent &task, const QRegExp &r, int category )
bool returnMe;
QArray<int> cats;
cats = task.categories();
returnMe = false;
if ( (category == -1 && cats.count() == 0) || category == -2 )
returnMe = task.match( r );
else {
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < int(cats.count()); i++ ) {
if ( cats[i] == category ) {
returnMe = task.match( r );
return returnMe;
static QString journalFileName()
diff --git a/core/pim/todo/todotable.h b/core/pim/todo/todotable.h
index 6e371e8..458e07a 100644
--- a/core/pim/todo/todotable.h
+++ b/core/pim/todo/todotable.h
@@ -122,105 +122,108 @@ public:
bool save( const QString &fn );
void load( const QString &fn );
void applyJournal( );
void clear();
void removeCurrentEntry();
void removeAllEntries() { clear(); };
//void removeAllEntriesInCategory(const QString &category );
void setPaintingEnabled( bool e );
virtual void sortColumn( int col, bool ascending, bool /*wholeRows*/ );
// int rowHeight( int ) const;
// int rowPos( int row ) const;
// virtual int rowAt( int pos ) const;
void signalEdit();
void signalDoneChanged( bool b );
void signalPriorityChanged( int i );
void signalShowMenu( const QPoint & );
void signalNotFound();
void signalWrapAround();
void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e );
void updateVisible();
void viewportPaintEvent( QPaintEvent * );
void internalAddEntries( QList<ToDoEvent> &list);
inline void insertIntoTable( ToDoEvent *todo, int row );
void updateJournal( const ToDoEvent &todo, journal_action action);
void mergeJournal();
void journalFreeReplaceEntry( const ToDoEvent &todo, int row );
void journalFreeRemoveEntry( int row );
inline void realignTable( int row );
void loadFile( const QString &strFile);
private slots:
void slotClicked( int row, int col, int button, const QPoint &pos );
void slotPressed( int row, int col, int button, const QPoint &pos );
void slotCheckPriority(int row, int col );
void slotCurrentChanged(int row, int col );
void slotDoFind( const QString &findString, bool caseSensetive,
bool backwards, int category );
void slotShowMenu();
void rowHeightChanged( int row );
+ void slotCheckDay(); // check the day
friend class TodoWindow;
QMap<CheckItem*, ToDoEvent *> todoList;
QStringList categoryList;
bool showComp;
QString showCat;
QTimer *menuTimer;
+ QDate mDay;
+ QTimer *mDayTimer; // see if the day changed
bool enablePainting;
Categories mCat;
int currFindRow;
bool showDeadl:1;
inline void TodoTable::insertIntoTable( ToDoEvent *todo, int row )
QString sortKey = (char) ((todo->isCompleted() ? 'a' : 'A')
+ todo->priority() )
+ Qtopia::buildSortKey( todo->description() );
CheckItem *chk = new CheckItem( this, sortKey );
chk->setChecked( todo->isCompleted() );
ComboItem *cmb = new ComboItem( this, QTableItem::WhenCurrent );
cmb->setText( QString::number( todo->priority() ) );
QTableItem *ti = new TodoTextItem( this, todo->description().left(40).simplifyWhiteSpace() );
ti->setReplaceable( false );
DueTextItem *due = new DueTextItem(this, todo );
setItem( row, 3, due);
setItem( row, 0, chk );
setItem( row, 1, cmb );
setItem( row, 2, ti );
todoList.insert( chk, todo );
inline void TodoTable::realignTable( int row )
QTableItem *ti1,
int totalRows = numRows();
for ( int curr = row; curr < totalRows - 1; curr++ ) {
// this is bad, we must take the item out and then
// set it. In the end, it behaves no worse (time wise)
// then the old way of saving the entries to file, clearing
// the table re-reading in the file and resetting the table
ti1 = item( curr + 1, 0 );
ti2 = item( curr + 1, 1 );
ti3 = item( curr + 1, 2 );
ti4 = item( curr + 1, 3 );
takeItem( ti1 );
takeItem( ti2 );