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3 files changed, 6 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/library/alarmserver.cpp b/library/alarmserver.cpp
index 48ab9c1..ba7b015 100644
--- a/library/alarmserver.cpp
+++ b/library/alarmserver.cpp
@@ -1,507 +1,506 @@
** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See for GPL licensing information.
** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.
-#include <qdir.h>
+#include "alarmserver.h"
+#include <qpe/global.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h>
-#include "alarmserver.h"
#include <qpe/timeconversion.h>
+#include <qdir.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#undef USE_ATD // not used anymore -- we run opie-alarm on suspend/resume
struct timerEventItem
time_t UTCtime;
QCString channel, message;
int data;
bool operator==( const timerEventItem &right ) const
return ( UTCtime == right.UTCtime
&& channel ==
&& message == right.message
&& data == );
class TimerReceiverObject : public QObject
{ }
{ }
void resetTimer();
void setTimerEventItem();
void deleteTimer();
void timerEvent( QTimerEvent *te );
#ifdef USE_ATD
QString atfilename;
TimerReceiverObject *timerEventReceiver = NULL;
QList<timerEventItem> timerEventList;
timerEventItem *nearestTimerEvent = NULL;
// set the timer to go off on the next event in the list
void setNearestTimerEvent()
nearestTimerEvent = NULL;
QListIterator<timerEventItem> it( timerEventList );
if ( *it )
nearestTimerEvent = *it;
for ( ; *it; ++it )
if ( (*it)->UTCtime < nearestTimerEvent->UTCtime )
nearestTimerEvent = *it;
if (nearestTimerEvent)
//store current state to file
//Simple implementation. Should run on a timer.
static void saveState()
QString savefilename = Global::applicationFileName( "AlarmServer", "saveFile" );
if ( timerEventList.isEmpty() ) {
unlink( savefilename );
return ;
QFile savefile(savefilename + ".new");
if ( ) {
QDataStream ds( &savefile );
QListIterator<timerEventItem> it( timerEventList );
for ( ; *it; ++it ) {
ds << it.current()->UTCtime;
ds << it.current()->channel;
ds << it.current()->message;
ds << it.current()->data;
unlink( savefilename );
QDir d;
d.rename(savefilename + ".new", savefilename);
Sets up the alarm server. Restoring to previous state (session management).
void AlarmServer::initialize()
//read autosave file and put events in timerEventList
QString savefilename = Global::applicationFileName( "AlarmServer", "saveFile" );
QFile savefile(savefilename);
if ( ) {
QDataStream ds( &savefile );
while ( !ds.atEnd() ) {
timerEventItem *newTimerEventItem = new timerEventItem;
ds >> newTimerEventItem->UTCtime;
ds >> newTimerEventItem->channel;
ds >> newTimerEventItem->message;
ds >> newTimerEventItem->data;
timerEventList.append( newTimerEventItem );
if (!timerEventReceiver)
timerEventReceiver = new TimerReceiverObject;
#ifdef USE_ATD
static const char* atdir = "/var/spool/at/";
static bool triggerAtd( bool writeHWClock = FALSE )
QFile trigger(QString(atdir) + "trigger");
if ( | IO_Raw) ) {
if ( trigger.writeBlock("\n", 2) != 2 ) {
QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr( "Out of Space" ),
QObject::tr( "Unable to schedule alarm.\nFree some memory and try again." ) );
( );
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static bool writeResumeAt ( time_t wakeup )
FILE *fp = ::fopen ( "/var/run/resumeat", "w" );
if ( fp ) {
::fprintf ( fp, "%d\n", (int) wakeup );
::fclose ( fp );
qWarning ( "Failed to write wakeup time to /var/run/resumeat" );
return ( fp );
void TimerReceiverObject::deleteTimer()
#ifdef USE_ATD
if ( !atfilename.isEmpty() ) {
unlink( atfilename );
atfilename = QString::null;
triggerAtd( FALSE );
writeResumeAt ( 0 );
void TimerReceiverObject::resetTimer()
const int maxsecs = 2147000;
QDateTime nearest = TimeConversion::fromUTC(nearestTimerEvent->UTCtime);
QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
if ( nearest < now )
nearest = now;
int secs = TimeConversion::secsTo( now, nearest );
if ( secs > maxsecs ) {
// too far for millisecond timing
secs = maxsecs;
// System timer (needed so that we wake from deep sleep),
// from the Epoch in seconds.
int at_secs = TimeConversion::toUTC(nearest);
// qDebug("reset timer to %d seconds from Epoch",at_secs);
#ifdef USE_ATD
QString fn = atdir + QString::number(at_secs) + "."
+ QString::number(getpid());
if ( fn != atfilename ) {
QFile atfile(fn + ".new");
if ( | IO_Raw) ) {
int total_written;
// just wake up and delete the at file
QString cmd = "#!/bin/sh\nrm " + fn;
total_written = atfile.writeBlock(cmd.latin1(), cmd.length());
if ( total_written != int(cmd.length()) ) {
QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr("Out of Space"),
tr("Unable to schedule alarm.\n"
"Please free up space and try again") );
( );
return ;
unlink( atfilename );
QDir d;
d.rename(fn + ".new", fn);
chmod(fn.latin1(), 0755);
atfilename = fn;
triggerAtd( FALSE );
else {
qWarning("Cannot open atd file %s", fn.latin1());
writeResumeAt ( at_secs );
// Qt timers (does the actual alarm)
// from now in milliseconds
qDebug("AlarmServer waiting %d seconds", secs);
startTimer( 1000 * secs + 500 );
void TimerReceiverObject::timerEvent( QTimerEvent * )
bool needSave = FALSE;
if (nearestTimerEvent) {
if ( nearestTimerEvent->UTCtime
<= TimeConversion::toUTC(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) ) {
#ifndef QT_NO_COP
QCopEnvelope e( nearestTimerEvent->channel,
nearestTimerEvent->message );
e << TimeConversion::fromUTC( nearestTimerEvent->UTCtime )
<< nearestTimerEvent->data;
timerEventList.remove( nearestTimerEvent );
needSave = TRUE;
else {
if ( needSave )
\class AlarmServer alarmserver.h
\brief The AlarmServer class allows alarms to be scheduled and unscheduled.
Applications can schedule alarms with addAlarm() and can
unschedule alarms with deleteAlarm(). When the time for an alarm
to go off is reached the specified \link qcop.html QCop\endlink
message is sent on the specified channel (optionally with
additional data).
Scheduling an alarm using this class is important (rather just using
a QTimer) since the machine may be asleep and needs to get woken up using
the Linux kernel which implements this at the kernel level to minimize
battery usage while asleep.
A small example on how to use AlarmServer.
First we need to connect a slot the AppMessage QCOP call. appMessage
will be emitted if QPE/Application/appname gets called.
TestApp::TestApp(QWidget *parent, const char* name, WFlags fl )
: QMainWindow(parent,name,fl){
connect(qApp,SIGNAL(appMessage(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)),
this,SLOT(slotAppMessage(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)));
To add / delete an alarm, you can use the static method AlarmServer::addAlarm and
AlarmServer::deleteAlarm. Note that an old (expired) alarm will automatically be deleted
from the alarmserver list, but a change in timing will have the effect, that both
alarms will be emitted. So if you change an Alarm be sure to delete the old one!
@see addAlarm
QDateTime oldDt = oldAlarmDateTime();
QDateTime newDt = ourDlg->dateTime();
if(newDt == oldDt ) return;
@slash* code is missing for unsetting an alarm *@slash
AlarmServer::addAlarm( newDt,"QPE/AlarmServer/appname","checkAlarm(QDateTime,int)",0);
Now once the Alarm is emitted you need to check the appMessage and then do what you want.
void TestApp::slotAppMessage(const QCString& str, const QByteArray& ar ){
QDataStream stream(ar,IO_ReadOnly);
if(str == "checkAlarm(QDateTime,int)" ){
QDateTime dt;
int a;
stream >> dt >> a;
// fire up alarm
\ingroup qtopiaemb
\sa QCopEnvelope
@see QPEApplication::appMessage(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)
@see OPimMainWindow
@see ODevice::alarmSound()
@see Sound::soundAlarm()
Schedules an alarm to go off at (or soon after) time \a when. When
the alarm goes off, the \link qcop.html QCop\endlink \a message will
be sent to \a channel, with \a data as a parameter.
If this function is called with exactly the same data as a previous
call the subsequent call is ignored, so there is only ever one alarm
with a given set of parameters.
Once an alarm is emitted. The \a channel with a \a message will be emitted
and data will be send.
The QDateTime and int are the two parameters included in the QCOP message.
You can specify channel, message and the integer parameter. QDateTime will be
the datetime of the QCop call.
@param when The QDateTime of the alarm
@param channel The channel which gets called once the alarm is emitted
@param message The message to be send to the channel
@param data Additional data as integer
@see QCopChannel
\sa deleteAlarm()
void AlarmServer::addAlarm ( QDateTime when, const QCString& channel,
const QCString& message, int data)
if ( qApp->type() == QApplication::GuiServer ) {
bool needSave = FALSE;
// Here we are the server so either it has been directly called from
// within the server or it has been sent to us from a client via QCop
if (!timerEventReceiver)
timerEventReceiver = new TimerReceiverObject;
timerEventItem *newTimerEventItem = new timerEventItem;
newTimerEventItem->UTCtime = TimeConversion::toUTC( when );
newTimerEventItem->channel = channel;
newTimerEventItem->message = message;
newTimerEventItem->data = data;
// explore the case of already having the event in here...
QListIterator<timerEventItem> it( timerEventList );
for ( ; *it; ++it )
if ( *(*it) == *newTimerEventItem )
return ;
// if we made it here, it is okay to add the item...
timerEventList.append( newTimerEventItem );
needSave = TRUE;
// quicker than using setNearestTimerEvent()
if ( nearestTimerEvent ) {
if (newTimerEventItem->UTCtime < nearestTimerEvent->UTCtime) {
nearestTimerEvent = newTimerEventItem;
else {
nearestTimerEvent = newTimerEventItem;
if ( needSave )
else {
#ifndef QT_NO_COP
QCopEnvelope e( "QPE/System", "addAlarm(QDateTime,QCString,QCString,int)" );
e << when << channel << message << data;
Deletes previously scheduled alarms which match \a when, \a channel,
\a message, and \a data.
Passing null values for \a when, \a channel, or for the \link
qcop.html QCop\endlink \a message, acts as a wildcard meaning "any".
Similarly, passing -1 for \a data indicates "any".
If there is no matching alarm, nothing happens.
\sa addAlarm()
void AlarmServer::deleteAlarm (QDateTime when, const QCString& channel, const QCString& message, int data)
if ( qApp->type() == QApplication::GuiServer) {
bool needSave = FALSE;
if ( timerEventReceiver != NULL ) {
// iterate over the list of events
QListIterator<timerEventItem> it( timerEventList );
time_t deleteTime = TimeConversion::toUTC( when );
for ( ; *it; ++it ) {
// if its a match, delete it
if ( ( (*it)->UTCtime == deleteTime || when.isNull() )
&& ( channel.isNull() || (*it)->channel == channel )
&& ( message.isNull() || (*it)->message == message )
&& ( data == -1 || (*it)->data == data ) ) {
// if it's first, then we need to update the timer
if ( (*it) == nearestTimerEvent ) {
else {
needSave = TRUE;
if ( nearestTimerEvent )
if ( needSave )
else {
#ifndef QT_NO_COP
QCopEnvelope e( "QPE/System", "deleteAlarm(QDateTime,QCString,QCString,int)" );
e << when << channel << message << data;
The implementation depends on the mode of AlarmServer. If the AlarmServer
uses atd the current system time will be written to the hardware clock.
If the AlarmServer relies on opie-alarm the time will be written once the
device gets suspended. opie-alarm is used by the Zaurus, iPAQs and SIMpad
void Global::writeHWClock()
#ifdef USE_ATD
if ( !triggerAtd( TRUE ) ) {
// atd not running? set it ourselves
system("/sbin/hwclock --systohc"); // ##### UTC?
// hwclock is written on suspend
diff --git a/library/applnk.cpp b/library/applnk.cpp
index e9d519e..1c1a227 100644
--- a/library/applnk.cpp
+++ b/library/applnk.cpp
@@ -1,541 +1,542 @@
** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See for GPL licensing information.
** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.
#include "applnk.h"
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <qpe/categories.h>
#include <qpe/categoryselect.h>
+#include <qpe/global.h>
#include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h>
#include <qpe/mimetype.h>
#include <qpe/config.h>
#include <qpe/storage.h>
#include <qpe/resource.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int AppLnk::lastId = 5000;
static int smallSize = 14;
static int bigSize = 32;
static QString safeFileName(const QString& n)
QString safename=n;
if ( safename.isEmpty() )
safename = "_";
return safename;
static bool prepareDirectories(const QString& lf)
if ( !QFile::exists(lf) ) {
// May need to create directories
QFileInfo fi(lf);
if ( system(("mkdir -p "+fi.dirPath(TRUE))) )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
class AppLnkPrivate
/* the size of the Pixmap */
enum Size {Normal = 0, Big };
AppLnkPrivate() {
/* we want one normal and one big item */
QPixmap pix;
mPixmaps.insert(0, pix );
mPixmaps.insert(1, pix);
QStringList mCatList; // always correct
QArray<int> mCat; // cached value; correct if not empty
QMap<int, QPixmap> mPixmaps;
void updateCatListFromArray()
Categories cat( 0 );
cat.load( categoryFileName() );
// we need to update the names for the mCat... to mCatList
for (uint i = 0; i < mCat.count(); i++ )
mCatList << cat.label("Document View", mCat[i] );
void setCatArrayDirty()
void ensureCatArray()
if ( mCat.count() > 0 || mCatList.count()==0 )
Categories cat( 0 );
cat.load( categoryFileName() );
mCat.resize( mCatList.count() );
int i;
QStringList::ConstIterator it;
for ( i = 0, it = mCatList.begin(); it != mCatList.end();
++it, i++ ) {
bool number;
int id = (*it).toInt( &number );
if ( !number ) {
id = "Document View", *it );
if ( id == 0 )
id = cat.addCategory( "Document View", *it );
mCat[i] = id;
\class AppLnk applnk.h
\brief The AppLnk class represents an application available on the system.
Every Qtopia application \e app has a corresponding \e app.desktop
file. When one of these files is read its data is stored as an
AppLnk object.
The AppLnk class introduces some Qtopia-specific concepts, and
provides a variety of functions, as described in the following
\target Types
\section1 Types
Every AppLnk object has a \e type. For applications, games and
settings the type is \c Application; for documents the
type is the document's MIME type.
\target files-and-links
\section1 Files and Links
When you create an AppLnk (or more likely, a \link doclnk.html
DocLnk\endlink), you don't deal directly with filenames in the
filesystem. Instead you do this:
DocLnk d;
d.setName("My Nicely Named Document / Whatever"); // Yes, "/" is legal.
At this point, the file() and linkFile() are unknown. Normally
this is uninteresting, and the names become automatically known,
and more importantly, becomes reserved, when you ask what they are:
QString fn = d.file();
This invents a filename, and creates the file on disk (an empty
reservation file) to prevent the name being used by another
In some circumstances, you don't want to create the file if it
doesn't already exist (e.g. in the Document tab, some of the \link
doclnk.html DocLnk\endlink objects represented by icons are
DocLnk's created just for that view - they don't have
corresponding \c .desktop files. To avoid littering empty
reservation files around, we check in a few places to see whether
the file really needs to exist).
\section1 Functionality
AppLnk objects are created by calling the constructor with the
name of a \e .desktop file. The object can be checked for validity
using isValid().
The following functions are used to set or retrieve information
about the application:
\header \i Get Function \i Set Function \i Short Description
\row \i \l name() \i \l setName() \i application's name
\row \i \l pixmap() \i \e none \i application's icon
\row \i \l bigPixmap() \i \e none \i application's large icon
\row \i \e none \i setIcon() \i sets the icon's filename
\row \i \l type() \i \l setType() \i see \link #Types Types\endlink above
\row \i \l rotation() \i \e none \i 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees
\row \i \l comment() \i \l setComment() \i text for the Details dialog
\row \i \l exec() \i \l setExec() \i executable's filename
\row \i \l file() \i \e none \i document's filename
\row \i \l linkFile() \i \l setLinkFile() \i \e .desktop filename
\row \i \l mimeTypes() \i \e none \i the mime types the application can view or edit
\row \i \l categories() \i \l setCategories() \i \e{see the function descriptions}
\row \i \l fileKnown() \i \e none \i see \link
#files-and-links Files and Links\endlink above
\row \i \l linkFileKnown() \i \e none \i see \link
#files-and-links Files and Links\endlink above
\row \i \l property() \i \l setProperty() \i any AppLnk property
can be retrieved or set (if writeable) using these
To save an AppLnk to disk use writeLink(). To execute the
application that the AppLnk object refers to, use execute().
AppLnk's can be deleted from disk using removeLinkFile(). To
remove both the link and the application's executable use
Icon sizes can be globally changed (but only for AppLnk objects
created after the calls) with setSmallIconSize() and
\ingroup qtopiaemb
Sets the size used for small icons to \a small pixels.
Only affects AppLnk objects created after the call.
\sa smallIconSize() setIcon()
void AppLnk::setSmallIconSize(int small)
smallSize = small;
Returns the size used for small icons.
\sa setSmallIconSize() setIcon()
int AppLnk::smallIconSize()
return smallSize;
Sets the size used for large icons to \a big pixels.
Only affects AppLnk objects created after the call.
\sa bigIconSize() setIcon()
void AppLnk::setBigIconSize(int big)
bigSize = big;
Returns the size used for large icons.
\sa setBigIconSize() setIcon()
int AppLnk::bigIconSize()
return bigSize;
\fn QString AppLnk::name() const
Returns the Name property. This is the user-visible name for the
document or application, not the filename.
See \link #files-and-links Files and Links\endlink.
\sa setName()
\fn QString AppLnk::exec() const
Returns the Exec property. This is the name of the executable
program associated with the AppLnk.
\sa setExec()
\fn QString AppLnk::rotation() const
Returns the Rotation property. The value is 0, 90, 180 or 270
\fn QString AppLnk::comment() const
Returns the Comment property.
\sa setComment()
\fn QStringList AppLnk::mimeTypes() const
Returns the MimeTypes property. This is the list of MIME types
that the application can view or edit.
\fn const QArray<int>& AppLnk::categories() const
Returns the Categories property.
See the CategoryWidget for more details.
\sa setCategories()
const QArray<int>& AppLnk::categories() const
return d->mCat;
\fn int AppLnk::id() const
Returns the id of the AppLnk. If the AppLnk is not in an AppLnkSet,
this value is 0, otherwise it is a value that is unique for the
duration of the current process.
\sa AppLnkSet::find()
\fn bool AppLnk::isValid() const
Returns TRUE if this AppLnk is valid; otherwise returns FALSE.
\fn bool AppLnk::fileKnown() const
If the with the AppLnk associated file is not equal to QString::null
\fn bool AppLnk::linkFileKnown()const
The filename of the AppLnk
\fn void AppLnk::setRotation( const QString& )
The default rotation of the associated application. This
function is included inline for binary compatible issues
Creates an invalid AppLnk.
\sa isValid()
mId = 0;
d = new AppLnkPrivate();
Loads \a file (e.g. \e app.desktop) as an AppLnk.
\sa writeLink()
AppLnk::AppLnk( const QString &file )
QStringList sl;
d = new AppLnkPrivate();
if ( !file.isNull() ) {
Config config( file, Config::File );
if ( config.isValid() ) {
config.setGroup( "Desktop Entry" );
mName = config.readEntry( "Name", file );
mExec = config.readEntry( "Exec" );
mType = config.readEntry( "Type", QString::null );
mIconFile = config.readEntry( "Icon", QString::null );
mRotation = config.readEntry( "Rotation", "" );
mComment = config.readEntry( "Comment", QString::null );
// MIME types are case-insensitive.
mMimeTypes = config.readListEntry( "MimeType", ';' );
for (QStringList::Iterator it=mMimeTypes.begin(); it!=mMimeTypes.end(); ++it)
*it = (*it).lower();
mMimeTypeIcons = config.readListEntry( "MimeTypeIcons", ';' );
mLinkFile = file;
mFile = config.readEntry("File", QString::null);
if ( !mExec. isEmpty ( )) {
mFile = QString::null;
else if ( mFile[0] != '/' ) {
int slash = file.findRev('/');
if ( slash >= 0 ) {
mFile = file.left(slash) + '/' + mFile;
d->mCatList = config.readListEntry("Categories", ';');
if ( d->mCatList[0].toInt() < -1 ) {
// numeric cats in file! convert to text
Categories cat( 0 );
cat.load( categoryFileName() );
d->mCat.resize( d->mCatList.count() );
int i;
QStringList::ConstIterator it;
for ( i = 0, it = d->mCatList.begin(); it != d->mCatList.end();
++it, i++ ) {
bool number;
int id = (*it).toInt( &number );
if ( !number ) {
// convert from text
id = "Document View", *it );
if ( id == 0 )
id = cat.addCategory( "Document View", *it );
d->mCat[i] = id;
mId = 0;
AppLnk& AppLnk::operator=(const AppLnk &copy)
if ( this == &copy ) return *this;
if ( mId )
qWarning("Deleting AppLnk that is in an AppLnkSet");
if ( d )
delete d;
mName = copy.mName;
/* remove for Qtopia 3.0 -zecke */
mPixmap = copy.mPixmap;
mBigPixmap = copy.mBigPixmap;
mExec = copy.mExec;
mType = copy.mType;
mRotation = copy.mRotation;
mComment = copy.mComment;
mFile = copy.mFile;
mLinkFile = copy.mLinkFile;
mIconFile = copy.mIconFile;
mMimeTypes = copy.mMimeTypes;
mMimeTypeIcons = copy.mMimeTypeIcons;
mId = 0;
d = new AppLnkPrivate();
d->mCat = copy.d->mCat;
d->mCatList = copy.d->mCatList;
d->mPixmaps = copy.d->mPixmaps;
return *this;
protected internally to share code
should I document that at all?
I don't know the TT style for that
const QPixmap& AppLnk::pixmap( int pos, int size ) const {
if ( d->mPixmaps[pos].isNull() ) {
AppLnk* that = (AppLnk*)this;
if ( mIconFile.isEmpty() ) {
MimeType mt(type());
that->d->mPixmaps[pos] = pos ? mt.bigPixmap() : mt.pixmap();
if ( that->d->mPixmaps[pos].isNull() )
.smoothScale( size, size ) );
return that->d->mPixmaps[pos];
QImage unscaledIcon = Resource::loadImage( that->mIconFile );
if ( unscaledIcon.isNull() ) {
// qDebug( "Cannot find icon: %s", that->mIconFile.latin1() );
.smoothScale( size, size ) );
} else {
that->d->mPixmaps[0].convertFromImage( unscaledIcon.smoothScale( smallSize, smallSize ) );
that->d->mPixmaps[1].convertFromImage( unscaledIcon.smoothScale( bigSize, bigSize ) );
return that->d->mPixmaps[pos];
return d->mPixmaps[pos];
Returns a small pixmap associated with the application.
\sa bigPixmap() setIcon()
const QPixmap& AppLnk::pixmap() const
if ( d->mPixmaps[0].isNull() ) {
return pixmap(AppLnkPrivate::Normal, smallSize );
return d->mPixmaps[0];
Returns a large pixmap associated with the application.
\sa pixmap() setIcon()
const QPixmap& AppLnk::bigPixmap() const
if ( d->mPixmaps[1].isNull() ) {
return pixmap( AppLnkPrivate::Big, bigSize );
return d->mPixmaps[1];
Returns the type of the AppLnk. For applications, games and
settings the type is \c Application; for documents the type is the
document's MIME type.
QString AppLnk::type() const
if ( mType.isNull() ) {
AppLnk* that = (AppLnk*)this;
QString f = file();
if ( !f.isNull() ) {
MimeType mt(f);
that->mType =;
return that->mType;
return mType;
Returns the file associated with the AppLnk.
\sa exec() name()
QString AppLnk::file() const
if ( mExec.isEmpty ( ) && mFile.isNull() ) {
AppLnk* that = (AppLnk*)this;
QString ext = MimeType(mType).extension();
diff --git a/library/tzselect.cpp b/library/tzselect.cpp
index 848dfb7..8dd427f 100644
--- a/library/tzselect.cpp
+++ b/library/tzselect.cpp
@@ -1,302 +1,303 @@
** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See for GPL licensing information.
** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.
#include "tzselect.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "config.h"
#include <qtoolbutton.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <qcopchannel_qws.h>
+#include <qpe/global.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
\class TimeZoneSelector
\brief The TimeZoneSelector widget allows users to configure their time zone information.
\ingroup qtopiaemb
class TimeZoneSelectorPrivate
TimeZoneSelectorPrivate() : includeLocal(FALSE) {}
bool includeLocal;
TZCombo::TZCombo( QWidget *p, const char* n )
: QComboBox( p, n )
// check to see if TZ is set, if it is set the current item to that
QString tz = getenv("TZ");
if (parent()->inherits("TimeZoneSelector")) {
if ( ((TimeZoneSelector *)parent())->localIncluded() ) {
// overide to the 'local' type.
tz = "None";
if ( !tz.isNull() ) {
int n = 0,
index = 0;
for ( QStringList::Iterator it=identifiers.begin();
it!=identifiers.end(); ++it) {
if ( *it == tz )
index = n;
} else {
// listen on QPE/System
#if !defined(QT_NO_COP)
QCopChannel *channel = new QCopChannel( "QPE/System", this );
connect( channel, SIGNAL(received(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)),
this, SLOT(handleSystemChannel(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)) );
void TZCombo::updateZones()
QString cur = currentText();
int curix=0;
QString tz = getenv("TZ");
bool tzFound = FALSE;
Config cfg("CityTime");
int listIndex = 0;
if (parent()->inherits("TimeZoneSelector")) {
if ( ((TimeZoneSelector *)parent())->localIncluded() ) {
// overide to the 'local' type.
identifiers.append( "None" );
insertItem( tr("None") );
if ( cur == tr("None"))
curix = 0;
int cfgIndex = 0;
while (1) {
QString zn = cfg.readEntry("Zone"+QString::number(cfgIndex), QString::null);
if ( zn.isNull() )
if ( zn == tz )
tzFound = TRUE;
QString nm = cfg.readEntry("ZoneName"+QString::number(cfgIndex));
if ( nm == cur )
curix = listIndex;
if ( !listIndex ) {
QStringList list = timezoneDefaults();
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it ) {
QString zn = *it;
QString nm = *++it;
if ( zn == tz )
tzFound = TRUE;
if ( nm == cur )
curix = listIndex;
for (QStringList::Iterator it=extras.begin(); it!=extras.end(); ++it) {
if ( *it == cur )
curix = listIndex;
if ( !tzFound && !tz.isEmpty()) {
int i = tz.find( '/' );
QString nm = tz.mid( i+1 ).replace(QRegExp("_"), " ");
if ( nm == cur )
curix = listIndex;
void TZCombo::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e )
// ### should popup() in Qt 3.0 (it's virtual there)
// updateZones();
void TZCombo::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*e)
// ### should popup() in Qt 3.0 (it's virtual there)
// updateZones();
QString TZCombo::currZone() const
return identifiers[currentItem()];
void TZCombo::setCurrZone( const QString& id )
for (int i=0; i< count(); i++) {
if ( identifiers[i] == id ) {
setCurrentItem( count() - 1);
void TZCombo::handleSystemChannel(const QCString&msg, const QByteArray&)
if ( msg == "timeZoneListChange()" ) {
Creates a new TimeZoneSelector with parent \a p and name \a n. The combobox will be
populated with the available timezones.
TimeZoneSelector::TimeZoneSelector(QWidget* p, const char* n) :
d = new TimeZoneSelectorPrivate();
// build the combobox before we do any updates...
cmbTz = new TZCombo( this, "timezone combo" );
cmdTz = new QToolButton( this, "timezone button" );
cmdTz->setIconSet( Resource::loadIconSet( "citytime_icon" ) );
cmdTz->setMaximumSize( cmdTz->sizeHint() );
// set up a connection to catch a newly selected item and throw our
// signal
QObject::connect( cmbTz, SIGNAL( activated(int) ),
this, SLOT( slotTzActive(int) ) );
QObject::connect( cmdTz, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
this, SLOT( slotExecute() ) );
Destroys a TimeZoneSelector.
void TimeZoneSelector::setLocalIncluded(bool b)
d->includeLocal = b;
bool TimeZoneSelector::localIncluded() const
return d->includeLocal;
Returns the currently selected timezone as a string in location format, e.g.
\code Australia/Brisbane \endcode
QString TimeZoneSelector::currentZone() const
return cmbTz->currZone();
Sets the current timezone to \a id.
void TimeZoneSelector::setCurrentZone( const QString& id )
cmbTz->setCurrZone( id );
/*! \fn void TimeZoneSelector::signalNewTz( const QString& id )
This signal is emitted when a timezone has been selected by the user. The id
is a \l QString in location format, eg \code Australia/Brisbane \endcode
void TimeZoneSelector::slotTzActive( int )
emit signalNewTz( cmbTz->currZone() );
void TimeZoneSelector::slotExecute( void )
// execute the world time application...
if (QFile::exists(QPEApplication::qpeDir()+"bin/citytime"))
Global::execute( "citytime" );
QMessageBox::warning(this,tr("citytime executable not found"),
tr("In order to choose the time zones,\nplease install citytime."));
QStringList timezoneDefaults( void )
QStringList tzs;
// load up the list just like the file format (citytime.cpp)
tzs.append( "America/New_York" );
tzs.append( "New York" );
tzs.append( "America/Los_Angeles" );
tzs.append( "Los Angeles" );
tzs.append( "Australia/Brisbane" );
tzs.append( "Brisbane" );
tzs.append( "Europe/Berlin" );
tzs.append( "Berlin" );
tzs.append( "Asia/Tokyo" );
tzs.append( "Tokyo" );
tzs.append( "America/Denver" );
tzs.append( "Denver" );
return tzs;