-rw-r--r-- | core/settings/light-and-power/light.cpp | 30 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/settings/light-and-power/light.h | 3 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libopie/odevice.cpp | 49 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libopie/odevice.h | 2 |
4 files changed, 61 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/core/settings/light-and-power/light.cpp b/core/settings/light-and-power/light.cpp index 8b98672..68c2929 100644 --- a/core/settings/light-and-power/light.cpp +++ b/core/settings/light-and-power/light.cpp @@ -1,257 +1,283 @@ /* This file is part of the OPIE Project =. Copyright (c) 2002 Maximilian Reiss <harlekin@handhelds.org> .=l. Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Griebl <sandman@handhelds.org> .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This file is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This file is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General ..}^=.= = ; Public License for more details. ++= -. .` .: : = ...= . :.=- You should have received a copy of the GNU -. .:....=;==+<; General Public License along with this file; -_. . . )=. = see the file COPYING. If not, write to the -- :-=` Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "light.h" #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/power.h> #if defined(Q_WS_QWS) && !defined(QT_NO_COP) #include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h> #endif #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qtabwidget.h> #include <qslider.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qspinbox.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qgroupbox.h> +#include <qcombobox.h> #include <opie/odevice.h> #include "sensor.h" using namespace Opie; LightSettings::LightSettings( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags ) : LightSettingsBase( parent, name, false, WStyle_ContextHelp ) { m_bres = ODevice::inst ( )-> displayBrightnessResolution ( ); m_cres = ODevice::inst ( )-> displayContrastResolution ( ); if ( !ODevice::inst ( )-> hasLightSensor ( )) { auto_brightness-> hide ( ); CalibrateLightSensor-> hide ( ); auto_brightness_ac-> hide ( ); CalibrateLightSensor_ac-> hide ( ); } if (m_cres) { - GroupLight->setTitle(tr("Backlight & Contrast")); + GroupLight->setTitle(tr("Backlight && Contrast")); + GroupLight_ac->setTitle(GroupLight->title()); } else { contrast->hide(); contrast_ac->hide(); } + QStrList freq = ODevice::inst()->cpuFrequencies(); + if ( freq.count() ) { + frequency->insertStrList( freq ); + frequency_ac->insertStrList( freq ); + } else { + frequency->hide(); + frequency_ac->hide(); + } + Config config ( "apm" ); config. setGroup ( "Battery" ); // battery spinboxes interval_dim-> setValue ( config. readNumEntry ( "Dim", 30 )); interval_lightoff-> setValue ( config. readNumEntry ( "LightOff", 20 )); interval_suspend-> setValue ( config. readNumEntry ( "Suspend", 60 )); // battery check and slider - LcdOffOnly-> setChecked ( config. readBoolEntry ( "LcdOffOnly", false )); + LcdOffOnly->setChecked ( config. readBoolEntry ( "LcdOffOnly", false )); + + // CPU frequency + frequency->setCurrentItem( config.readNumEntry("Freq", 0) ); int bright = config. readNumEntry ( "Brightness", 127 ); int contr = m_oldcontrast = config. readNumEntry ( "Contrast", 127 ); brightness-> setTickInterval ( QMAX( 16, 256 / m_bres )); brightness-> setLineStep ( QMAX( 1, 256 / m_bres )); brightness-> setPageStep ( QMAX( 1, 256 / m_bres )); brightness-> setValue ( bright ); if (m_cres) { contrast-> setTickInterval ( QMAX( 16, 256 / m_cres )); contrast-> setLineStep ( QMAX( 1, 256 / m_cres )); contrast-> setPageStep ( QMAX( 1, 256 / m_cres )); contrast-> setValue ( contr ); } // light sensor auto_brightness-> setChecked ( config. readBoolEntry ( "LightSensor", false )); m_sensordata = config. readListEntry ( "LightSensorData", ';' ); config. setGroup ( "AC" ); // ac spinboxes interval_dim_ac-> setValue ( config. readNumEntry ( "Dim", 60 )); interval_lightoff_ac-> setValue ( config. readNumEntry ( "LightOff", 120 )); interval_suspend_ac-> setValue ( config. readNumEntry ( "Suspend", 0 )); // ac check and slider LcdOffOnly_ac-> setChecked ( config. readBoolEntry ( "LcdOffOnly", false )); + // CPU frequency + frequency_ac->setCurrentItem( config.readNumEntry("Freq", 0) ); + bright = config. readNumEntry ( "Brightness", 255 ); brightness_ac-> setTickInterval ( QMAX( 16, 256 / m_bres )); brightness_ac-> setLineStep ( QMAX( 1, 256 / m_bres )); brightness_ac-> setPageStep ( QMAX( 1, 256 / m_bres )); brightness_ac-> setValue ( bright ); if (m_cres) { contr = config. readNumEntry ( "Contrast", 127); contrast_ac-> setTickInterval ( QMAX( 16, 256 / m_cres )); contrast_ac-> setLineStep ( QMAX( 1, 256 / m_cres )); contrast_ac-> setPageStep ( QMAX( 1, 256 / m_cres )); contrast_ac-> setValue ( contr ); } // light sensor auto_brightness_ac-> setChecked ( config. readBoolEntry ( "LightSensor", false )); m_sensordata_ac = config. readListEntry ( "LightSensorData", ';' ); // advanced settings config. setGroup ( "Warnings" ); warnintervalBox-> setValue ( config. readNumEntry ( "checkinterval", 10000 ) / 1000 ); lowSpinBox-> setValue ( config. readNumEntry ( "powerverylow", 10 ) ); criticalSpinBox-> setValue ( config. readNumEntry ( "powercritical", 5 ) ); m_resettimer = new QTimer ( this ); connect ( m_resettimer, SIGNAL( timeout ( )), this, SLOT( resetBacklight ( ))); if ( PowerStatusManager::readStatus ( ). acStatus ( ) != PowerStatus::Online ) { tabs-> setCurrentPage ( 0 ); } else { tabs-> setCurrentPage ( 1 ); } connect ( brightness, SIGNAL( valueChanged ( int )), this, SLOT( setBacklight ( int ))); connect ( brightness_ac, SIGNAL( valueChanged ( int )), this, SLOT( setBacklight ( int ))); if (m_cres) { connect ( contrast, SIGNAL( valueChanged ( int )), this, SLOT( setContrast ( int ))); connect ( contrast_ac, SIGNAL( valueChanged ( int )), this, SLOT( setContrast ( int ))); } + connect( frequency, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( setFrequency(int) ) ); } LightSettings::~LightSettings ( ) { } void LightSettings::calibrateSensor ( ) { Sensor *s = new Sensor ( m_sensordata, this ); connect ( s, SIGNAL( viewBacklight ( int )), this, SLOT( setBacklight ( int ))); s-> showMaximized ( ); s-> exec ( ); delete s; } void LightSettings::calibrateSensorAC ( ) { Sensor *s = new Sensor ( m_sensordata_ac, this ); connect ( s, SIGNAL( viewBacklight ( int )), this, SLOT( setBacklight ( int ))); s-> showMaximized ( ); s-> exec ( ); delete s; } void LightSettings::setBacklight ( int bright ) { QCopEnvelope e ( "QPE/System", "setBacklight(int)" ); e << bright; if ( bright != -1 ) { m_resettimer-> stop ( ); m_resettimer-> start ( 4000, true ); } } void LightSettings::setContrast ( int contr ) { if (contr == -1) contr = m_oldcontrast; ODevice::inst ( )-> setDisplayContrast(contr); } +void LightSettings::setFrequency ( int index ) +{ +qWarning("LightSettings::setFrequency(%d)", index); + ODevice::inst ( )-> setCpuFrequency(index); +} + void LightSettings::resetBacklight ( ) { setBacklight ( -1 ); setContrast ( -1 ); } void LightSettings::accept ( ) { Config config ( "apm" ); // bat config. setGroup ( "Battery" ); config. writeEntry ( "LcdOffOnly", LcdOffOnly-> isChecked ( )); config. writeEntry ( "Dim", interval_dim-> value ( )); config. writeEntry ( "LightOff", interval_lightoff-> value ( )); config. writeEntry ( "Suspend", interval_suspend-> value ( )); config. writeEntry ( "Brightness", brightness-> value () ); if (m_cres) config. writeEntry ( "Contrast", contrast-> value () ); + config. writeEntry ( "Freq", frequency->currentItem() ); // ac config. setGroup ( "AC" ); config. writeEntry ( "LcdOffOnly", LcdOffOnly_ac-> isChecked ( )); config. writeEntry ( "Dim", interval_dim_ac-> value ( )); config. writeEntry ( "LightOff", interval_lightoff_ac-> value ( )); config. writeEntry ( "Suspend", interval_suspend_ac-> value ( )); config. writeEntry ( "Brightness", brightness_ac-> value () ); if (m_cres) config. writeEntry ( "Contrast", contrast_ac-> value () ); + config. writeEntry ( "Freq", frequency_ac->currentItem() ); // only make light sensor stuff appear if the unit has a sensor if ( ODevice::inst ( )-> hasLightSensor ( )) { config. setGroup ( "Battery" ); config. writeEntry ( "LightSensor", auto_brightness->isChecked() ); config. writeEntry ( "LightSensorData", m_sensordata, ';' ); config. setGroup ( "AC" ); config. writeEntry ( "LightSensor", auto_brightness_ac->isChecked() ); config. writeEntry ( "LightSensorData", m_sensordata_ac, ';' ); } // advanced config. setGroup ( "Warnings" ); config. writeEntry ( "check_interval", warnintervalBox-> value ( ) * 1000 ); config. writeEntry ( "power_verylow", lowSpinBox-> value ( )); config. writeEntry ( "power_critical", criticalSpinBox-> value ( )); config. write ( ); // notify the launcher { QCopEnvelope e ( "QPE/System", "reloadPowerWarnSettings()" ); } { QCopEnvelope e ( "QPE/System", "setScreenSaverInterval(int)" ); e << -1; } LightSettingsBase::accept ( ); } void LightSettings::done ( int r ) { m_resettimer-> stop ( ); resetBacklight ( ); LightSettingsBase::done ( r ); close ( ); } diff --git a/core/settings/light-and-power/light.h b/core/settings/light-and-power/light.h index 4a8bf6b..c48e5f6 100644 --- a/core/settings/light-and-power/light.h +++ b/core/settings/light-and-power/light.h @@ -1,67 +1,70 @@ /* This file is part of the OPIE Project =. Copyright (c) 2002 Maximilian Reiss <harlekin@handhelds.org> .=l. Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Griebl <sandman@handhelds.org> .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This file is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This file is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General ..}^=.= = ; Public License for more details. ++= -. .` .: : = ...= . :.=- You should have received a copy of the GNU -. .:....=;==+<; General Public License along with this file; -_. . . )=. = see the file COPYING. If not, write to the -- :-=` Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __LIGHT_H__ #define __LIGHT_H__ #include <qstringlist.h> +#include <qlistbox.h> #include "lightsettingsbase.h" class QTimer; class LightSettings : public LightSettingsBase { Q_OBJECT public: LightSettings( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, WFlags fl = 0 ); ~LightSettings(); protected: virtual void accept(); virtual void done ( int r ); protected slots: virtual void calibrateSensor ( ); virtual void calibrateSensorAC ( ); void setBacklight ( int ); void setContrast ( int ); + void setFrequency ( int ); void resetBacklight ( ); private: int m_bres; int m_cres; int m_oldcontrast; + int m_oldfreq; QTimer *m_resettimer; QStringList m_sensordata; QStringList m_sensordata_ac; }; #endif diff --git a/libopie/odevice.cpp b/libopie/odevice.cpp index 4b5a54e..4c33a0e 100644 --- a/libopie/odevice.cpp +++ b/libopie/odevice.cpp @@ -270,1059 +270,1055 @@ struct z_button z_buttons_c700 [] = { "QPE/Launcher", "home()", "buttonsettings", "raise()" }, { Qt::Key_F11, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Menu Button"), "devicebuttons/z_menu", "QPE/TaskBar", "toggleMenu()", "QPE/TaskBar", "toggleStartMenu()" }, { Qt::Key_F13, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Display Rotate"), "", "QPE/Rotation", "flip()", "QPE/Rotation", "flip()" }, }; struct s_button { uint model; Qt::Key code; char *utext; char *pix; char *fpressedservice; char *fpressedaction; char *fheldservice; char *fheldaction; } simpad_buttons [] = { { Model_SIMpad_CL4 | Model_SIMpad_SL4 | Model_SIMpad_SLC | Model_SIMpad_TSinus, Qt::Key_F9, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Lower+Up"), "devicebuttons/simpad_lower_up", "datebook", "nextView()", "today", "raise()" }, { Model_SIMpad_CL4 | Model_SIMpad_SL4 | Model_SIMpad_SLC | Model_SIMpad_TSinus, Qt::Key_F10, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Lower+Down"), "devicebuttons/simpad_lower_down", "addressbook", "raise()", "addressbook", "beamBusinessCard()" }, { Model_SIMpad_CL4 | Model_SIMpad_SL4 | Model_SIMpad_SLC | Model_SIMpad_TSinus, Qt::Key_F11, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Lower+Right"), "devicebuttons/simpad_lower_right", "QPE/TaskBar", "toggleMenu()", "QPE/TaskBar", "toggleStartMenu()" }, { Model_SIMpad_CL4 | Model_SIMpad_SL4 | Model_SIMpad_SLC | Model_SIMpad_TSinus, Qt::Key_F13, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Lower+Left"), "devicebuttons/simpad_lower_left", "mail", "raise()", "mail", "newMail()" }, { Model_SIMpad_CL4 | Model_SIMpad_SL4 | Model_SIMpad_SLC | Model_SIMpad_TSinus, Qt::Key_F5, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Upper+Up"), "devicebuttons/simpad_upper_up", "QPE/Launcher", "home()", "buttonsettings", "raise()" }, { Model_SIMpad_CL4 | Model_SIMpad_SL4 | Model_SIMpad_SLC | Model_SIMpad_TSinus, Qt::Key_F6, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Upper+Down"), "devicebuttons/simpad_upper_down", "addressbook", "raise()", "addressbook", "beamBusinessCard()" }, { Model_SIMpad_CL4 | Model_SIMpad_SL4 | Model_SIMpad_SLC | Model_SIMpad_TSinus, Qt::Key_F7, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Upper+Right"), "devicebuttons/simpad_upper_right", "QPE/TaskBar", "toggleMenu()", "QPE/TaskBar", "toggleStartMenu()" }, { Model_SIMpad_CL4 | Model_SIMpad_SL4 | Model_SIMpad_SLC | Model_SIMpad_TSinus, Qt::Key_F13, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Upper+Left"), "devicebuttons/simpad_upper_left", "QPE/Rotation", "flip()", "QPE/Rotation", "flip()" }, /* { Model_SIMpad_CL4 | Model_SIMpad_SL4 | Model_SIMpad_SLC | Model_SIMpad_TSinus, Qt::Key_F12, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Lower+Upper"), "devicebuttons/simpad_lower_upper", "QPE/Launcher", "home()", "buttonsettings", "raise()" }, { Model_SIMpad_CL4 | Model_SIMpad_SL4 | Model_SIMpad_SLC | Model_SIMpad_TSinus, Qt::Key_F12, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Lower+Upper"), "devicebuttons/simpad_upper_lower", "QPE/Launcher", "home()", "buttonsettings", "raise()" }, */ }; struct r_button { uint model; Qt::Key code; char *utext; char *pix; char *fpressedservice; char *fpressedaction; char *fheldservice; char *fheldaction; } ramses_buttons [] = { { Model_Ramses_MNCI, Qt::Key_F11, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Menu Button"), "devicebuttons/z_menu", "QPE/TaskBar", "toggleMenu()", "QPE/TaskBar", "toggleStartMenu()" }, { Model_Ramses_MNCI, Qt::Key_F12, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Button", "Home Button"), "devicebuttons/ipaq_home", "QPE/Launcher", "home()", "buttonsettings", "raise()" }, }; static QCString makeChannel ( const char *str ) { if ( str && !::strchr ( str, '/' )) return QCString ( "QPE/Application/" ) + str; else return str; } static inline bool isQWS() { return qApp ? ( qApp-> type ( ) == QApplication::GuiServer ) : false; } ODevice *ODevice::inst ( ) { static ODevice *dev = 0; if ( !dev ) { if ( QFile::exists ( "/proc/hal/model" )) dev = new iPAQ ( ); else if ( QFile::exists ( "/dev/sharp_buz" ) || QFile::exists ( "/dev/sharp_led" )) dev = new Zaurus ( ); else if ( QFile::exists ( "/proc/ucb1x00" ) && QFile::exists ( "/proc/cs3" )) dev = new SIMpad ( ); else if ( QFile::exists ( "/proc/sys/board/name" )) dev = new Ramses ( ); else dev = new ODevice ( ); dev-> init ( ); } return dev; } /************************************************** * * common * **************************************************/ ODevice::ODevice ( ) { d = new ODeviceData; d-> m_modelstr = "Unknown"; d-> m_model = Model_Unknown; d-> m_vendorstr = "Unknown"; d-> m_vendor = Vendor_Unknown; d-> m_systemstr = "Unknown"; d-> m_system = System_Unknown; d-> m_sysverstr = "0.0"; d-> m_rotation = Rot0; d-> m_direction = CW; d-> m_holdtime = 1000; // 1000ms d-> m_buttons = 0; d-> m_cpu_frequencies = new QStrList; } void ODevice::systemMessage ( const QCString &msg, const QByteArray & ) { if ( msg == "deviceButtonMappingChanged()" ) { reloadButtonMapping ( ); } } void ODevice::init ( ) { } /** * This method initialises the button mapping */ void ODevice::initButtons ( ) { if ( d-> m_buttons ) return; // Simulation uses iPAQ 3660 device buttons qDebug ( "init Buttons" ); d-> m_buttons = new QValueList <ODeviceButton>; for ( uint i = 0; i < ( sizeof( ipaq_buttons ) / sizeof( i_button )); i++ ) { i_button *ib = ipaq_buttons + i; ODeviceButton b; if (( ib-> model & Model_iPAQ_H36xx ) == Model_iPAQ_H36xx ) { b. setKeycode ( ib-> code ); b. setUserText ( QObject::tr ( "Button", ib-> utext )); b. setPixmap ( Resource::loadPixmap ( ib-> pix )); b. setFactoryPresetPressedAction ( OQCopMessage ( makeChannel ( ib-> fpressedservice ), ib-> fpressedaction )); b. setFactoryPresetHeldAction ( OQCopMessage ( makeChannel ( ib-> fheldservice ), ib-> fheldaction )); d-> m_buttons-> append ( b ); } } reloadButtonMapping ( ); QCopChannel *sysch = new QCopChannel ( "QPE/System", this ); connect ( sysch, SIGNAL( received( const QCString &, const QByteArray & )), this, SLOT( systemMessage ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & ))); } ODevice::~ODevice ( ) { delete d; } bool ODevice::setSoftSuspend ( bool /*soft*/ ) { return false; } //#include <linux/apm_bios.h> #define APM_IOC_SUSPEND OD_IO( 'A', 2 ) /** * This method will try to suspend the device * It only works if the user is the QWS Server and the apm application * is installed. * It tries to suspend and then waits some time cause some distributions * do have asynchronus apm implementations. * This method will either fail and return false or it'll suspend the * device and return once the device got woken up * * @return if the device got suspended */ bool ODevice::suspend ( ) { qDebug("ODevice::suspend"); if ( !isQWS( ) ) // only qwsserver is allowed to suspend return false; if ( d-> m_model == Model_Unknown ) // better don't suspend in qvfb / on unkown devices return false; bool res = false; struct timeval tvs, tvn; ::gettimeofday ( &tvs, 0 ); ::sync ( ); // flush fs caches res = ( ::system ( "apm --suspend" ) == 0 ); // This is needed because the iPAQ apm implementation is asynchronous and we // can not be sure when exactly the device is really suspended // This can be deleted as soon as a stable familiar with a synchronous apm implementation exists. if ( res ) { do { // wait at most 1.5 sec: either suspend didn't work or the device resumed ::usleep ( 200 * 1000 ); ::gettimeofday ( &tvn, 0 ); } while ((( tvn. tv_sec - tvs. tv_sec ) * 1000 + ( tvn. tv_usec - tvs. tv_usec ) / 1000 ) < 1500 ); } return res; } //#include <linux/fb.h> better not rely on kernel headers in userspace ... #define FBIOBLANK OD_IO( 'F', 0x11 ) // 0x4611 /* VESA Blanking Levels */ #define VESA_NO_BLANKING 0 #define VESA_VSYNC_SUSPEND 1 #define VESA_HSYNC_SUSPEND 2 #define VESA_POWERDOWN 3 /** * This sets the display on or off */ bool ODevice::setDisplayStatus ( bool on ) { qDebug("ODevice::setDisplayStatus(%d)", on); if ( d-> m_model == Model_Unknown ) return false; bool res = false; int fd; if (( fd = ::open ( "/dev/fb0", O_RDWR )) >= 0 ) { res = ( ::ioctl ( fd, FBIOBLANK, on ? VESA_NO_BLANKING : VESA_POWERDOWN ) == 0 ); ::close ( fd ); } return res; } /** * This sets the display brightness * * @param p The brightness to be set on a scale from 0 to 255 * @return success or failure */ bool ODevice::setDisplayBrightness ( int p) { Q_UNUSED( p ) return false; } /** * @return returns the number of steppings on the brightness slider * in the Light-'n-Power settings. */ int ODevice::displayBrightnessResolution ( ) const { return 16; } /** * This sets the display contrast * @param p The contrast to be set on a scale from 0 to 255 * @return success or failure */ bool ODevice::setDisplayContrast ( int p) { Q_UNUSED( p ) return false; } /** * @return return the max value for the brightness settings slider * or 0 if the device doesn't support setting of a contrast */ int ODevice::displayContrastResolution ( ) const { return 0; } /** * This returns the vendor as string * @return Vendor as QString */ QString ODevice::vendorString ( ) const { return d-> m_vendorstr; } /** * This returns the vendor as one of the values of OVendor * @return OVendor */ OVendor ODevice::vendor ( ) const { return d-> m_vendor; } /** * This returns the model as a string * @return A string representing the model */ QString ODevice::modelString ( ) const { return d-> m_modelstr; } /** * This does return the OModel used */ OModel ODevice::model ( ) const { return d-> m_model; } /** * This does return the systen name */ QString ODevice::systemString ( ) const { return d-> m_systemstr; } /** * Return System as OSystem value */ OSystem ODevice::system ( ) const { return d-> m_system; } /** * @return the version string of the base system */ QString ODevice::systemVersionString ( ) const { return d-> m_sysverstr; } /** * @return the current Transformation */ Transformation ODevice::rotation ( ) const { return d-> m_rotation; } /** * @return the current rotation direction */ ODirection ODevice::direction ( ) const { return d-> m_direction; } /** * This plays an alarmSound */ void ODevice::alarmSound ( ) { #ifndef QT_NO_SOUND static Sound snd ( "alarm" ); if ( snd. isFinished ( )) snd. play ( ); #endif } /** * This plays a key sound */ void ODevice::keySound ( ) { #ifndef QT_NO_SOUND static Sound snd ( "keysound" ); if ( snd. isFinished ( )) snd. play ( ); #endif } /** * This plays a touch sound */ void ODevice::touchSound ( ) { #ifndef QT_NO_SOUND static Sound snd ( "touchsound" ); if ( snd. isFinished ( )) snd. play ( ); #endif } /** * This method will return a list of leds * available on this device * @return a list of LEDs. */ QValueList <OLed> ODevice::ledList ( ) const { return QValueList <OLed> ( ); } /** * This does return the state of the LEDs */ QValueList <OLedState> ODevice::ledStateList ( OLed /*which*/ ) const { return QValueList <OLedState> ( ); } /** * @return the state for a given OLed */ OLedState ODevice::ledState ( OLed /*which*/ ) const { return Led_Off; } /** * Set the state for a LED * @param which Which OLed to use * @param st The state to set * @return success or failure */ bool ODevice::setLedState ( OLed which, OLedState st ) { Q_UNUSED( which ) Q_UNUSED( st ) return false; } /** * @return if the device has a light sensor */ bool ODevice::hasLightSensor ( ) const { return false; } /** * @return a value from the light senso */ int ODevice::readLightSensor ( ) { return -1; } /** * @return the light sensor resolution whatever that is ;) */ int ODevice::lightSensorResolution ( ) const { return 0; } /** * @return a list with valid CPU frequency */ QStrList &ODevice::cpuFrequencies ( ) const { -qWarning("ODevice::cpuFrequencies: m_cpu_frequencies is %d", (int) d->m_cpu_frequencies); return *d->m_cpu_frequencies; } /** * Set desired cpu frequency * * @param index index into d->m_cpu_frequencies of the frequency to be set */ bool ODevice::setCpuFrequency(uint index) { if (index >= d->m_cpu_frequencies->count()) return false; char *freq = d->m_cpu_frequencies->at(index); qWarning("set freq to %s", freq); - //TODO: do the change in /proc/sys/cpu/0/speed - - return false; -} + int fd; -/** - * Returns current frequency index out of d->m_cpu_frequencies - */ -uint ODevice::cpuFrequency() const -{ - // TODO: get freq from /proc/sys/cpu/0/speed and return index + if ((fd = ::open("/proc/sys/cpu/0/speed", O_WRONLY)) >= 0) { + char writeCommand[50]; + const int count = sprintf(writeCommand, "%s\n", freq); + int res = (::write(fd, writeCommand, count) != -1); + ::close(fd); + return res; + } - return 0; + return false; } - /** * @return a list of hardware buttons */ const QValueList <ODeviceButton> &ODevice::buttons ( ) { initButtons ( ); return *d-> m_buttons; } /** * @return The amount of time that would count as a hold */ uint ODevice::buttonHoldTime ( ) const { return d-> m_holdtime; } /** * This method return a ODeviceButton for a key code * or 0 if no special hardware button is available for the device * * @return The devicebutton or 0l * @see ODeviceButton */ const ODeviceButton *ODevice::buttonForKeycode ( ushort code ) { initButtons ( ); for ( QValueListConstIterator<ODeviceButton> it = d-> m_buttons-> begin ( ); it != d-> m_buttons-> end ( ); ++it ) { if ( (*it). keycode ( ) == code ) return &(*it); } return 0; } void ODevice::reloadButtonMapping ( ) { initButtons ( ); Config cfg ( "ButtonSettings" ); for ( uint i = 0; i < d-> m_buttons-> count ( ); i++ ) { ODeviceButton &b = ( *d-> m_buttons ) [i]; QString group = "Button" + QString::number ( i ); QCString pch, hch; QCString pm, hm; QByteArray pdata, hdata; if ( cfg. hasGroup ( group )) { cfg. setGroup ( group ); pch = cfg. readEntry ( "PressedActionChannel" ). latin1 ( ); pm = cfg. readEntry ( "PressedActionMessage" ). latin1 ( ); // pdata = decodeBase64 ( buttonFile. readEntry ( "PressedActionArgs" )); hch = cfg. readEntry ( "HeldActionChannel" ). latin1 ( ); hm = cfg. readEntry ( "HeldActionMessage" ). latin1 ( ); // hdata = decodeBase64 ( buttonFile. readEntry ( "HeldActionArgs" )); } b. setPressedAction ( OQCopMessage ( pch, pm, pdata )); b. setHeldAction ( OQCopMessage ( hch, hm, hdata )); } } void ODevice::remapPressedAction ( int button, const OQCopMessage &action ) { initButtons ( ); QString mb_chan; if ( button >= (int) d-> m_buttons-> count ( )) return; ODeviceButton &b = ( *d-> m_buttons ) [button]; b. setPressedAction ( action ); mb_chan=b. pressedAction ( ). channel ( ); Config buttonFile ( "ButtonSettings" ); buttonFile. setGroup ( "Button" + QString::number ( button )); buttonFile. writeEntry ( "PressedActionChannel", (const char*) mb_chan); buttonFile. writeEntry ( "PressedActionMessage", (const char*) b. pressedAction ( ). message ( )); // buttonFile. writeEntry ( "PressedActionArgs", encodeBase64 ( b. pressedAction ( ). data ( ))); QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "deviceButtonMappingChanged()" ); } void ODevice::remapHeldAction ( int button, const OQCopMessage &action ) { initButtons ( ); if ( button >= (int) d-> m_buttons-> count ( )) return; ODeviceButton &b = ( *d-> m_buttons ) [button]; b. setHeldAction ( action ); Config buttonFile ( "ButtonSettings" ); buttonFile. setGroup ( "Button" + QString::number ( button )); buttonFile. writeEntry ( "HeldActionChannel", (const char *) b. heldAction ( ). channel ( )); buttonFile. writeEntry ( "HeldActionMessage", (const char *) b. heldAction ( ). message ( )); // buttonFile. writeEntry ( "HeldActionArgs", decodeBase64 ( b. heldAction ( ). data ( ))); QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "deviceButtonMappingChanged()" ); } /************************************************** * * iPAQ * **************************************************/ void iPAQ::init ( ) { d-> m_vendorstr = "HP"; d-> m_vendor = Vendor_HP; QFile f ( "/proc/hal/model" ); if ( f. open ( IO_ReadOnly )) { QTextStream ts ( &f ); d-> m_modelstr = "H" + ts. readLine ( ); if ( d-> m_modelstr == "H3100" ) d-> m_model = Model_iPAQ_H31xx; else if ( d-> m_modelstr == "H3600" ) d-> m_model = Model_iPAQ_H36xx; else if ( d-> m_modelstr == "H3700" ) d-> m_model = Model_iPAQ_H37xx; else if ( d-> m_modelstr == "H3800" ) d-> m_model = Model_iPAQ_H38xx; else if ( d-> m_modelstr == "H3900" ) d-> m_model = Model_iPAQ_H39xx; else d-> m_model = Model_Unknown; f. close ( ); } switch ( d-> m_model ) { case Model_iPAQ_H31xx: case Model_iPAQ_H38xx: d-> m_rotation = Rot90; break; case Model_iPAQ_H36xx: case Model_iPAQ_H37xx: case Model_iPAQ_H39xx: default: d-> m_rotation = Rot270; break; } f. setName ( "/etc/familiar-version" ); if ( f. open ( IO_ReadOnly )) { d-> m_systemstr = "Familiar"; d-> m_system = System_Familiar; QTextStream ts ( &f ); d-> m_sysverstr = ts. readLine ( ). mid ( 10 ); f. close ( ); } else { f. setName ( "/etc/oz_version" ); if ( f. open ( IO_ReadOnly )) { d-> m_systemstr = "OpenEmbedded/iPaq"; d-> m_system = System_Familiar; QTextStream ts ( &f ); ts.setDevice ( &f ); d-> m_sysverstr = ts. readLine ( ); f. close ( ); } } m_leds [0] = m_leds [1] = Led_Off; m_power_timer = 0; } void iPAQ::initButtons ( ) { if ( d-> m_buttons ) return; if ( isQWS( ) ) QWSServer::setKeyboardFilter ( this ); d-> m_buttons = new QValueList <ODeviceButton>; for ( uint i = 0; i < ( sizeof( ipaq_buttons ) / sizeof( i_button )); i++ ) { i_button *ib = ipaq_buttons + i; ODeviceButton b; if (( ib-> model & d-> m_model ) == d-> m_model ) { b. setKeycode ( ib-> code ); b. setUserText ( QObject::tr ( "Button", ib-> utext )); b. setPixmap ( Resource::loadPixmap ( ib-> pix )); b. setFactoryPresetPressedAction ( OQCopMessage ( makeChannel ( ib-> fpressedservice ), ib-> fpressedaction )); b. setFactoryPresetHeldAction ( OQCopMessage ( makeChannel ( ib-> fheldservice ), ib-> fheldaction )); d-> m_buttons-> append ( b ); } } reloadButtonMapping ( ); QCopChannel *sysch = new QCopChannel ( "QPE/System", this ); connect ( sysch, SIGNAL( received( const QCString &, const QByteArray & )), this, SLOT( systemMessage ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & ))); } //#include <linux/h3600_ts.h> // including kernel headers is evil ... typedef struct { unsigned char OffOnBlink; /* 0=off 1=on 2=Blink */ unsigned char TotalTime; /* Units of 5 seconds */ unsigned char OnTime; /* units of 100m/s */ unsigned char OffTime; /* units of 100m/s */ } LED_IN; typedef struct { unsigned char mode; unsigned char pwr; unsigned char brightness; } FLITE_IN; #define LED_ON OD_IOW( 'f', 5, LED_IN ) #define FLITE_ON OD_IOW( 'f', 7, FLITE_IN ) QValueList <OLed> iPAQ::ledList ( ) const { QValueList <OLed> vl; vl << Led_Power; if ( d-> m_model == Model_iPAQ_H38xx ) vl << Led_BlueTooth; return vl; } QValueList <OLedState> iPAQ::ledStateList ( OLed l ) const { QValueList <OLedState> vl; if ( l == Led_Power ) vl << Led_Off << Led_On << Led_BlinkSlow << Led_BlinkFast; else if ( l == Led_BlueTooth && d-> m_model == Model_iPAQ_H38xx ) vl << Led_Off; // << Led_On << ??? return vl; } OLedState iPAQ::ledState ( OLed l ) const { switch ( l ) { case Led_Power: return m_leds [0]; case Led_BlueTooth: return m_leds [1]; default: return Led_Off; } } bool iPAQ::setLedState ( OLed l, OLedState st ) { static int fd = ::open ( "/dev/touchscreen/0", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK ); if ( l == Led_Power ) { if ( fd >= 0 ) { LED_IN leds; ::memset ( &leds, 0, sizeof( leds )); leds. TotalTime = 0; leds. OnTime = 0; leds. OffTime = 1; leds. OffOnBlink = 2; switch ( st ) { case Led_Off : leds. OffOnBlink = 0; break; case Led_On : leds. OffOnBlink = 1; break; case Led_BlinkSlow: leds. OnTime = 10; leds. OffTime = 10; break; case Led_BlinkFast: leds. OnTime = 5; leds. OffTime = 5; break; } if ( ::ioctl ( fd, LED_ON, &leds ) >= 0 ) { m_leds [0] = st; return true; } } } return false; } bool iPAQ::filter ( int /*unicode*/, int keycode, int modifiers, bool isPress, bool autoRepeat ) { int newkeycode = keycode; switch ( keycode ) { // H38xx/H39xx have no "Q" key anymore - this is now the Mail key case HardKey_Menu: { if (( d-> m_model == Model_iPAQ_H38xx ) || ( d-> m_model == Model_iPAQ_H39xx )) { newkeycode = HardKey_Mail; } break; } // Rotate cursor keys 180° case Key_Left : case Key_Right: case Key_Up : case Key_Down : { if (( d-> m_model == Model_iPAQ_H31xx ) || ( d-> m_model == Model_iPAQ_H38xx )) { newkeycode = Key_Left + ( keycode - Key_Left + 2 ) % 4; } break; } // map Power Button short/long press to F34/F35 case Key_SysReq: { if ( isPress ) { if ( m_power_timer ) killTimer ( m_power_timer ); m_power_timer = startTimer ( 500 ); } else if ( m_power_timer ) { killTimer ( m_power_timer ); m_power_timer = 0; QWSServer::sendKeyEvent ( -1, HardKey_Suspend, 0, true, false ); QWSServer::sendKeyEvent ( -1, HardKey_Suspend, 0, false, false ); } newkeycode = Key_unknown; break; } } if ( newkeycode != keycode ) { if ( newkeycode != Key_unknown ) QWSServer::sendKeyEvent ( -1, newkeycode, modifiers, isPress, autoRepeat ); return true; } else return false; } void iPAQ::timerEvent ( QTimerEvent * ) { killTimer ( m_power_timer ); m_power_timer = 0; QWSServer::sendKeyEvent ( -1, HardKey_Backlight, 0, true, false ); QWSServer::sendKeyEvent ( -1, HardKey_Backlight, 0, false, false ); } void iPAQ::alarmSound ( ) { #ifndef QT_NO_SOUND static Sound snd ( "alarm" ); int fd; int vol; bool vol_reset = false; if (( fd = ::open ( "/dev/sound/mixer", O_RDWR )) >= 0 ) { if ( ::ioctl ( fd, MIXER_READ( 0 ), &vol ) >= 0 ) { Config cfg ( "qpe" ); cfg. setGroup ( "Volume" ); int volalarm = cfg. readNumEntry ( "AlarmPercent", 50 ); if ( volalarm < 0 ) volalarm = 0; else if ( volalarm > 100 ) volalarm = 100; volalarm |= ( volalarm << 8 ); if ( ::ioctl ( fd, MIXER_WRITE( 0 ), &volalarm ) >= 0 ) vol_reset = true; } } snd. play ( ); while ( !snd. isFinished ( )) qApp-> processEvents ( ); if ( fd >= 0 ) { if ( vol_reset ) ::ioctl ( fd, MIXER_WRITE( 0 ), &vol ); ::close ( fd ); } #endif } bool iPAQ::setSoftSuspend ( bool soft ) { bool res = false; int fd; if (( fd = ::open ( "/proc/sys/ts/suspend_button_mode", O_WRONLY )) >= 0 ) { if ( ::write ( fd, soft ? "1" : "0", 1 ) == 1 ) res = true; else ::perror ( "write to /proc/sys/ts/suspend_button_mode" ); ::close ( fd ); } else ::perror ( "/proc/sys/ts/suspend_button_mode" ); return res; } bool iPAQ::setDisplayBrightness ( int bright ) { bool res = false; int fd; if ( bright > 255 ) bright = 255; if ( bright < 0 ) bright = 0; if (( fd = ::open ( "/dev/touchscreen/0", O_WRONLY )) >= 0 ) { FLITE_IN bl; bl. mode = 1; bl. pwr = bright ? 1 : 0; bl. brightness = ( bright * ( displayBrightnessResolution ( ) - 1 ) + 127 ) / 255; res = ( ::ioctl ( fd, FLITE_ON, &bl ) == 0 ); ::close ( fd ); } return res; } int iPAQ::displayBrightnessResolution ( ) const { switch ( model ( )) { case Model_iPAQ_H31xx: case Model_iPAQ_H36xx: case Model_iPAQ_H37xx: return 128; // really 256, but >128 could damage the LCD case Model_iPAQ_H38xx: case Model_iPAQ_H39xx: return 64; default: return 2; } } bool iPAQ::hasLightSensor ( ) const { return true; } int iPAQ::readLightSensor ( ) { int fd; int val = -1; if (( fd = ::open ( "/proc/hal/light_sensor", O_RDONLY )) >= 0 ) { char buffer [8]; if ( ::read ( fd, buffer, 5 ) == 5 ) { char *endptr; buffer [4] = 0; val = ::strtol ( buffer + 2, &endptr, 16 ); if ( *endptr != 0 ) val = -1; } ::close ( fd ); } return val; } int iPAQ::lightSensorResolution ( ) const { return 256; } /************************************************** * * Zaurus * **************************************************/ void Zaurus::init ( ) { d-> m_vendorstr = "Sharp"; d-> m_vendor = Vendor_Sharp; @@ -1483,675 +1479,688 @@ void Zaurus::initButtons ( ) //#define SHARP_PDA_APPSTART 9 /* application start */ //#define SHARP_PDA_APPQUIT 10 /* application ends */ //#define SHARP_BUZ_SCHEDULE_ALARM 11 /* schedule alarm */ //#define SHARP_BUZ_DAILY_ALARM 12 /* daily alarm */ //#define SHARP_BUZ_GOT_PHONE_CALL 13 /* phone call sound */ //#define SHARP_BUZ_GOT_MAIL 14 /* mail sound */ // #define SHARP_LED_IOCTL_START (SHARP_DEV_IOCTL_COMMAND_START) #define SHARP_LED_SETSTATUS (SHARP_LED_IOCTL_START+1) typedef struct sharp_led_status { int which; /* select which LED status is wanted. */ int status; /* set new led status if you call SHARP_LED_SETSTATUS */ } sharp_led_status; #define SHARP_LED_MAIL_EXISTS 9 /* mail status (exists or not) */ #define LED_MAIL_NO_UNREAD_MAIL 0 /* for SHARP_LED_MAIL_EXISTS */ #define LED_MAIL_NEWMAIL_EXISTS 1 /* for SHARP_LED_MAIL_EXISTS */ #define LED_MAIL_UNREAD_MAIL_EX 2 /* for SHARP_LED_MAIL_EXISTS */ // #include <asm/sharp_apm.h> // including kernel headers is evil ... #define APM_IOCGEVTSRC OD_IOR( 'A', 203, int ) #define APM_IOCSEVTSRC OD_IORW( 'A', 204, int ) #define APM_EVT_POWER_BUTTON (1 << 0) #define FL_IOCTL_STEP_CONTRAST 100 void Zaurus::buzzer ( int sound ) { int fd = ::open ( "/dev/sharp_buz", O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK ); if ( fd >= 0 ) { ::ioctl ( fd, SHARP_BUZZER_MAKESOUND, sound ); ::close ( fd ); } } void Zaurus::alarmSound ( ) { buzzer ( SHARP_BUZ_SCHEDULE_ALARM ); } void Zaurus::touchSound ( ) { buzzer ( SHARP_BUZ_TOUCHSOUND ); } void Zaurus::keySound ( ) { buzzer ( SHARP_BUZ_KEYSOUND ); } QValueList <OLed> Zaurus::ledList ( ) const { QValueList <OLed> vl; vl << Led_Mail; return vl; } QValueList <OLedState> Zaurus::ledStateList ( OLed l ) const { QValueList <OLedState> vl; if ( l == Led_Mail ) vl << Led_Off << Led_On << Led_BlinkSlow; return vl; } OLedState Zaurus::ledState ( OLed which ) const { if ( which == Led_Mail ) return m_leds [0]; else return Led_Off; } bool Zaurus::setLedState ( OLed which, OLedState st ) { static int fd = ::open ( "/dev/sharp_led", O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK ); if ( which == Led_Mail ) { if ( fd >= 0 ) { struct sharp_led_status leds; ::memset ( &leds, 0, sizeof( leds )); leds. which = SHARP_LED_MAIL_EXISTS; bool ok = true; switch ( st ) { case Led_Off : leds. status = LED_MAIL_NO_UNREAD_MAIL; break; case Led_On : leds. status = LED_MAIL_NEWMAIL_EXISTS; break; case Led_BlinkSlow: leds. status = LED_MAIL_UNREAD_MAIL_EX; break; default : ok = false; } if ( ok && ( ::ioctl ( fd, SHARP_LED_SETSTATUS, &leds ) >= 0 )) { m_leds [0] = st; return true; } } } return false; } bool Zaurus::setSoftSuspend ( bool soft ) { bool res = false; int fd; if ((( fd = ::open ( "/dev/apm_bios", O_RDWR )) >= 0 ) || (( fd = ::open ( "/dev/misc/apm_bios",O_RDWR )) >= 0 )) { int sources = ::ioctl ( fd, APM_IOCGEVTSRC, 0 ); // get current event sources if ( sources >= 0 ) { if ( soft ) sources &= ~APM_EVT_POWER_BUTTON; else sources |= APM_EVT_POWER_BUTTON; if ( ::ioctl ( fd, APM_IOCSEVTSRC, sources ) >= 0 ) // set new event sources res = true; else perror ( "APM_IOCGEVTSRC" ); } else perror ( "APM_IOCGEVTSRC" ); ::close ( fd ); } else perror ( "/dev/apm_bios or /dev/misc/apm_bios" ); return res; } bool Zaurus::setDisplayBrightness ( int bright ) { bool res = false; int fd; if ( bright > 255 ) bright = 255; if ( bright < 0 ) bright = 0; if (( fd = ::open ( "/dev/fl", O_WRONLY )) >= 0 ) { int bl = ( bright * 4 + 127 ) / 255; // only 4 steps on zaurus if ( bright && !bl ) bl = 1; res = ( ::ioctl ( fd, FL_IOCTL_STEP_CONTRAST, bl ) == 0 ); ::close ( fd ); } return res; } int Zaurus::displayBrightnessResolution ( ) const { return 5; } /************************************************** * * SIMpad * **************************************************/ void SIMpad::init ( ) { d-> m_vendorstr = "SIEMENS"; d-> m_vendor = Vendor_SIEMENS; QFile f ( "/proc/hal/model" ); //TODO Implement model checking //FIXME For now we assume an SL4 d-> m_modelstr = "SL4"; d-> m_model = Model_SIMpad_SL4; switch ( d-> m_model ) { default: d-> m_rotation = Rot0; d-> m_direction = CCW; d-> m_holdtime = 1000; // 1000ms break; } f. setName ( "/etc/familiar-version" ); if ( f. open ( IO_ReadOnly )) { d-> m_systemstr = "Familiar"; d-> m_system = System_Familiar; QTextStream ts ( &f ); d-> m_sysverstr = ts. readLine ( ). mid ( 10 ); f. close ( ); } else { f. setName ( "/etc/oz_version" ); if ( f. open ( IO_ReadOnly )) { d-> m_systemstr = "OpenEmbedded/SIMpad"; d-> m_system = System_OpenZaurus; QTextStream ts ( &f ); ts.setDevice ( &f ); d-> m_sysverstr = ts. readLine ( ); f. close ( ); } } m_leds [0] = m_leds [1] = Led_Off; m_power_timer = 0; } void SIMpad::initButtons ( ) { if ( d-> m_buttons ) return; if ( isQWS( ) ) QWSServer::setKeyboardFilter ( this ); d-> m_buttons = new QValueList <ODeviceButton>; for ( uint i = 0; i < ( sizeof( simpad_buttons ) / sizeof( s_button )); i++ ) { s_button *sb = simpad_buttons + i; ODeviceButton b; if (( sb-> model & d-> m_model ) == d-> m_model ) { b. setKeycode ( sb-> code ); b. setUserText ( QObject::tr ( "Button", sb-> utext )); b. setPixmap ( Resource::loadPixmap ( sb-> pix )); b. setFactoryPresetPressedAction ( OQCopMessage ( makeChannel ( sb-> fpressedservice ), sb-> fpressedaction )); b. setFactoryPresetHeldAction ( OQCopMessage ( makeChannel ( sb-> fheldservice ), sb-> fheldaction )); d-> m_buttons-> append ( b ); } } reloadButtonMapping ( ); QCopChannel *sysch = new QCopChannel ( "QPE/System", this ); connect ( sysch, SIGNAL( received( const QCString &, const QByteArray & )), this, SLOT( systemMessage ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & ))); } // SIMpad boardcontrol register CS3 #define SIMPAD_BOARDCONTROL "/proc/cs3" #define SIMPAD_VCC_5V_EN 0x0001 // For 5V PCMCIA #define SIMPAD_VCC_3V_EN 0x0002 // FOR 3.3V PCMCIA #define SIMPAD_EN1 0x0004 // This is only for EPROM's #define SIMPAD_EN0 0x0008 // Both should be enable for 3.3V or 5V #define SIMPAD_DISPLAY_ON 0x0010 #define SIMPAD_PCMCIA_BUFF_DIS 0x0020 #define SIMPAD_MQ_RESET 0x0040 #define SIMPAD_PCMCIA_RESET 0x0080 #define SIMPAD_DECT_POWER_ON 0x0100 #define SIMPAD_IRDA_SD 0x0200 // Shutdown for powersave #define SIMPAD_RS232_ON 0x0400 #define SIMPAD_SD_MEDIAQ 0x0800 // Shutdown for powersave #define SIMPAD_LED2_ON 0x1000 #define SIMPAD_IRDA_MODE 0x2000 // Fast/Slow IrDA mode #define SIMPAD_ENABLE_5V 0x4000 // Enable 5V circuit #define SIMPAD_RESET_SIMCARD 0x8000 //SIMpad touchscreen backlight strength control #define SIMPAD_BACKLIGHT_CONTROL "/proc/driver/mq200/registers/PWM_CONTROL" #define SIMPAD_BACKLIGHT_MASK 0x00a10044 QValueList <OLed> SIMpad::ledList ( ) const { QValueList <OLed> vl; vl << Led_Power; //FIXME which LED is LED2 ? The green one or the amber one? //vl << Led_Mail; //TODO find out if LED1 is accessible anyway return vl; } QValueList <OLedState> SIMpad::ledStateList ( OLed l ) const { QValueList <OLedState> vl; if ( l == Led_Power ) //FIXME which LED is LED2 ? The green one or the amber one? vl << Led_Off << Led_On; //else if ( l == Led_Mail ) //TODO find out if LED1 is accessible anyway //vl << Led_Off; return vl; } OLedState SIMpad::ledState ( OLed l ) const { switch ( l ) { case Led_Power: return m_leds [0]; //case Led_Mail: // return m_leds [1]; default: return Led_Off; } } bool SIMpad::setLedState ( OLed l, OLedState st ) { static int fd = ::open ( SIMPAD_BOARDCONTROL, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK ); if ( l == Led_Power ) { if ( fd >= 0 ) { LED_IN leds; ::memset ( &leds, 0, sizeof( leds )); leds. TotalTime = 0; leds. OnTime = 0; leds. OffTime = 1; leds. OffOnBlink = 2; switch ( st ) { case Led_Off : leds. OffOnBlink = 0; break; case Led_On : leds. OffOnBlink = 1; break; case Led_BlinkSlow: leds. OnTime = 10; leds. OffTime = 10; break; case Led_BlinkFast: leds. OnTime = 5; leds. OffTime = 5; break; } { /*TODO Implement this like that: read from cs3 && with SIMPAD_LED2_ON write to cs3 */ m_leds [0] = st; return true; } } } return false; } bool SIMpad::filter ( int /*unicode*/, int keycode, int modifiers, bool isPress, bool autoRepeat ) { //TODO return false; } void SIMpad::timerEvent ( QTimerEvent * ) { killTimer ( m_power_timer ); m_power_timer = 0; QWSServer::sendKeyEvent ( -1, HardKey_Backlight, 0, true, false ); QWSServer::sendKeyEvent ( -1, HardKey_Backlight, 0, false, false ); } void SIMpad::alarmSound ( ) { #ifndef QT_NO_SOUND static Sound snd ( "alarm" ); int fd; int vol; bool vol_reset = false; if (( fd = ::open ( "/dev/sound/mixer", O_RDWR )) >= 0 ) { if ( ::ioctl ( fd, MIXER_READ( 0 ), &vol ) >= 0 ) { Config cfg ( "qpe" ); cfg. setGroup ( "Volume" ); int volalarm = cfg. readNumEntry ( "AlarmPercent", 50 ); if ( volalarm < 0 ) volalarm = 0; else if ( volalarm > 100 ) volalarm = 100; volalarm |= ( volalarm << 8 ); if ( ::ioctl ( fd, MIXER_WRITE( 0 ), &volalarm ) >= 0 ) vol_reset = true; } } snd. play ( ); while ( !snd. isFinished ( )) qApp-> processEvents ( ); if ( fd >= 0 ) { if ( vol_reset ) ::ioctl ( fd, MIXER_WRITE( 0 ), &vol ); ::close ( fd ); } #endif } bool SIMpad::suspend ( ) // Must override because SIMpad does NOT have apm { qDebug( "ODevice for SIMpad: suspend()" ); if ( !isQWS( ) ) // only qwsserver is allowed to suspend return false; bool res = false; struct timeval tvs, tvn; ::gettimeofday ( &tvs, 0 ); ::sync ( ); // flush fs caches res = ( ::system ( "echo > /proc/sys/pm/suspend" ) == 0 ); //TODO make better :) return res; } bool SIMpad::setSoftSuspend ( bool soft ) { qDebug( "ODevice for SIMpad: UNHANDLED setSoftSuspend(%s)", soft? "on" : "off" ); return false; } bool SIMpad::setDisplayStatus ( bool on ) { qDebug( "ODevice for SIMpad: setDisplayStatus(%s)", on? "on" : "off" ); bool res = false; int fd; QString cmdline = QString().sprintf( "echo %s > /proc/cs3", on ? "0xd41a" : "0xd40a" ); //TODO make better :) if (( fd = ::open ( "/dev/fb0", O_RDWR )) >= 0 ) { res = ( ::system( (const char*) cmdline ) == 0 ); ::close ( fd ); } return res; } bool SIMpad::setDisplayBrightness ( int bright ) { qDebug( "ODevice for SIMpad: setDisplayBrightness( %d )", bright ); bool res = false; int fd; if ( bright > 255 ) bright = 255; if ( bright < 0 ) bright = 0; if (( fd = ::open ( SIMPAD_BACKLIGHT_CONTROL, O_WRONLY )) >= 0 ) { int value = 255 - bright; const int mask = SIMPAD_BACKLIGHT_MASK; value = value << 8; value += mask; char writeCommand[100]; const int count = sprintf( writeCommand, "0x%x\n", value ); res = ( ::write ( fd, writeCommand, count ) != -1 ); ::close ( fd ); } return res; } int SIMpad::displayBrightnessResolution ( ) const { switch ( model ( )) { case Model_SIMpad_CL4: case Model_SIMpad_SL4: case Model_SIMpad_SLC: case Model_SIMpad_TSinus: return 255; //TODO find out if this is save default: return 2; } } /************************************************** * * Ramses * **************************************************/ void Ramses::init() { d->m_vendorstr = "M und N"; d->m_vendor = Vendor_MundN; QFile f("/proc/sys/board/ramses"); d->m_modelstr = "Ramses"; d->m_model = Model_Ramses_MNCI; d->m_rotation = Rot0; d->m_holdtime = 1000; f.setName("/etc/oz_version"); if (f.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { d->m_systemstr = "OpenEmbedded/Ramses"; d->m_system = System_OpenZaurus; QTextStream ts(&f); ts.setDevice(&f); d->m_sysverstr = ts.readLine(); f.close(); } m_power_timer = 0; -qWarning("adding freq"); - d->m_cpu_frequencies->append("100"); - d->m_cpu_frequencies->append("200"); - d->m_cpu_frequencies->append("300"); - d->m_cpu_frequencies->append("400"); +#ifdef QT_QWS_ALLOW_OVERCLOCK +#warning *** Overclocking enabled - this may fry your hardware - you have been warned *** +#define OC(x...) x +#else +#define OC(x...) +#endif + + + // This table is true for a Intel XScale PXA 255 + + d->m_cpu_frequencies->append("99000"); // mem= 99, run= 99, turbo= 99, PXbus= 50 +OC( d->m_cpu_frequencies->append("118000"); ) // mem=118, run=118, turbo=118, PXbus= 59 OC'd mem + d->m_cpu_frequencies->append("199100"); // mem= 99, run=199, turbo=199, PXbus= 99 +OC( d->m_cpu_frequencies->append("236000"); ) // mem=118, run=236, turbo=236, PXbus=118 OC'd mem + d->m_cpu_frequencies->append("298600"); // mem= 99, run=199, turbo=298, PXbus= 99 +OC( d->m_cpu_frequencies->append("354000"); ) // mem=118, run=236, turbo=354, PXbus=118 OC'd mem + d->m_cpu_frequencies->append("398099"); // mem= 99, run=199, turbo=398, PXbus= 99 + d->m_cpu_frequencies->append("398100"); // mem= 99, run=398, turbo=398, PXbus=196 +OC( d->m_cpu_frequencies->append("471000"); ) // mem=118, run=471, turbo=471, PXbus=236 OC'd mem/core/bus + } bool Ramses::filter(int /*unicode*/, int keycode, int modifiers, bool isPress, bool autoRepeat) { Q_UNUSED( keycode ); Q_UNUSED( modifiers ); Q_UNUSED( isPress ); Q_UNUSED( autoRepeat ); return false; } void Ramses::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *) { killTimer(m_power_timer); m_power_timer = 0; QWSServer::sendKeyEvent(-1, HardKey_Backlight, 0, true, false); QWSServer::sendKeyEvent(-1, HardKey_Backlight, 0, false, false); } bool Ramses::setSoftSuspend(bool soft) { qDebug("Ramses::setSoftSuspend(%d)", soft); #if 0 bool res = false; int fd; if (((fd = ::open("/dev/apm_bios", O_RDWR)) >= 0) || ((fd = ::open("/dev/misc/apm_bios",O_RDWR)) >= 0)) { int sources = ::ioctl(fd, APM_IOCGEVTSRC, 0); // get current event sources if (sources >= 0) { if (soft) sources &= ~APM_EVT_POWER_BUTTON; else sources |= APM_EVT_POWER_BUTTON; if (::ioctl(fd, APM_IOCSEVTSRC, sources) >= 0) // set new event sources res = true; else perror("APM_IOCGEVTSRC"); } else perror("APM_IOCGEVTSRC"); ::close(fd); } else perror("/dev/apm_bios or /dev/misc/apm_bios"); return res; #else return true; #endif } bool Ramses::suspend ( ) { qDebug("Ramses::suspend"); return false; } /** * This sets the display on or off */ bool Ramses::setDisplayStatus(bool on) { qDebug("Ramses::setDisplayStatus(%d)", on); #if 0 bool res = false; int fd; if ((fd = ::open ("/dev/fb/0", O_RDWR)) >= 0) { res = (::ioctl(fd, FBIOBLANK, on ? VESA_NO_BLANKING : VESA_POWERDOWN) == 0); ::close(fd); } return res; #else return true; #endif } /* * We get something between 0..255 into us */ bool Ramses::setDisplayBrightness(int bright) { qDebug("Ramses::setDisplayBrightness(%d)", bright); bool res = false; int fd; // pwm1 brighness: 20 steps 500..0 (dunkel->hell) if (bright > 255 ) bright = 255; if (bright < 0) bright = 0; // Turn backlight completely off if ((fd = ::open("/proc/sys/board/lcd_backlight", O_WRONLY)) >= 0) { char writeCommand[10]; const int count = sprintf(writeCommand, "%d\n", bright ? 1 : 0); res = (::write(fd, writeCommand, count) != -1); ::close(fd); } // scale backlight brightness to hardware bright = 500-(bright * 500 / 255); if ((fd = ::open("/proc/sys/board/pwm1", O_WRONLY)) >= 0) { qDebug(" %d -> pwm1", bright); char writeCommand[100]; const int count = sprintf(writeCommand, "%d\n", bright); res = (::write(fd, writeCommand, count) != -1); ::close(fd); } return res; } int Ramses::displayBrightnessResolution() const { return 32; } bool Ramses::setDisplayContrast(int contr) { qDebug("Ramses::setDisplayContrast(%d)", contr); bool res = false; int fd; // pwm0 contrast: 20 steps 79..90 (dunkel->hell) if (contr > 255 ) contr = 255; if (contr < 0) contr = 0; contr = 90 - (contr * 20 / 255); if ((fd = ::open("/proc/sys/board/pwm0", O_WRONLY)) >= 0) { qDebug(" %d -> pwm0", contr); char writeCommand[100]; const int count = sprintf(writeCommand, "%d\n", contr); res = (::write(fd, writeCommand, count) != -1); res = true; ::close(fd); - } else { - qWarning("no write"); } return res; } int Ramses::displayContrastResolution() const { return 20; } diff --git a/libopie/odevice.h b/libopie/odevice.h index 7f6f856..18ff5f1 100644 --- a/libopie/odevice.h +++ b/libopie/odevice.h @@ -1,249 +1,249 @@ /* This file is part of the OPIE libraries Copyright (C) 2002 Robert Griebl (sandman@handhelds.org) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef _LIBOPIE_ODEVICE_H_ #define _LIBOPIE_ODEVICE_H_ #include <qobject.h> #include <qstring.h> #include <qnamespace.h> #include <qstrlist.h> #include <opie/odevicebutton.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> /* for Transformation enum.. */ class ODeviceData; namespace Opie { /** * The available devices */ enum OModel { Model_Unknown, // = 0 Model_Series_Mask = 0xff000000, Model_iPAQ = ( 1 << 24 ), Model_iPAQ_All = ( Model_iPAQ | 0xffffff ), Model_iPAQ_H31xx = ( Model_iPAQ | 0x000001 ), Model_iPAQ_H36xx = ( Model_iPAQ | 0x000002 ), Model_iPAQ_H37xx = ( Model_iPAQ | 0x000004 ), Model_iPAQ_H38xx = ( Model_iPAQ | 0x000008 ), Model_iPAQ_H39xx = ( Model_iPAQ | 0x000010 ), Model_Zaurus = ( 2 << 24 ), Model_Zaurus_SL5000 = ( Model_Zaurus | 0x000001 ), Model_Zaurus_SL5500 = ( Model_Zaurus | 0x000002 ), Model_Zaurus_SLA300 = ( Model_Zaurus | 0x000003 ), Model_Zaurus_SLB600 = ( Model_Zaurus | 0x000004 ), Model_Zaurus_SLC700 = ( Model_Zaurus | 0x000005 ), Model_SIMpad = ( 3 << 24 ), Model_SIMpad_All = ( Model_SIMpad | 0xffffff ), Model_SIMpad_CL4 = ( Model_SIMpad | 0x000001 ), Model_SIMpad_SL4 = ( Model_SIMpad | 0x000002 ), Model_SIMpad_SLC = ( Model_SIMpad | 0x000004 ), Model_SIMpad_TSinus = ( Model_SIMpad | 0x000008 ), Model_Ramses = ( 4 << 24 ), Model_Ramses_All = ( Model_Ramses | 0xffffff ), Model_Ramses_MNCI = ( Model_Ramses | 0x000001 ), }; /** * The vendor of the device */ enum OVendor { Vendor_Unknown, Vendor_HP, Vendor_Sharp, Vendor_SIEMENS, Vendor_MundN, }; /** * The System used */ enum OSystem { System_Unknown, System_Familiar, System_Zaurus, System_OpenZaurus }; enum OLedState { Led_Off, Led_On, Led_BlinkSlow, Led_BlinkFast }; enum OLed { Led_Mail, Led_Power, Led_BlueTooth }; enum OHardKey { HardKey_Datebook = Qt::Key_F9, HardKey_Contacts = Qt::Key_F10, HardKey_Menu = Qt::Key_F11, HardKey_Home = Qt::Key_F12, HardKey_Mail = Qt::Key_F13, HardKey_Record = Qt::Key_F24, HardKey_Suspend = Qt::Key_F34, HardKey_Backlight = Qt::Key_F35, }; enum ODirection { CW = 0, CCW = 1, Flip = 2, }; /** * A singleton which gives informations about device specefic option * like the Hardware used, LEDs, the Base Distribution and * hardware key mappings. * * @short A small class for device specefic options * @see QObject * @author Robert Griebl * @version 1.0 */ class ODevice : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private: /* disable copy */ ODevice ( const ODevice & ); protected: ODevice ( ); virtual void init ( ); virtual void initButtons ( ); ODeviceData *d; public: // sandman do we want to allow destructions? -zecke? virtual ~ODevice ( ); static ODevice *inst ( ); // information QString modelString ( ) const; OModel model ( ) const; inline OModel series ( ) const { return (OModel) ( model ( ) & Model_Series_Mask ); } QString vendorString ( ) const; OVendor vendor ( ) const; QString systemString ( ) const; OSystem system ( ) const; QString systemVersionString ( ) const; Transformation rotation ( ) const; ODirection direction ( ) const; // system virtual bool setSoftSuspend ( bool on ); virtual bool suspend ( ); virtual bool setDisplayStatus ( bool on ); virtual bool setDisplayBrightness ( int brightness ); virtual int displayBrightnessResolution ( ) const; virtual bool setDisplayContrast ( int contrast ); virtual int displayContrastResolution ( ) const; // input / output //FIXME playAlarmSound and al might be better -zecke virtual void alarmSound ( ); virtual void keySound ( ); virtual void touchSound ( ); virtual QValueList <OLed> ledList ( ) const; virtual QValueList <OLedState> ledStateList ( OLed led ) const; virtual OLedState ledState ( OLed led ) const; virtual bool setLedState ( OLed led, OLedState st ); virtual bool hasLightSensor ( ) const; virtual int readLightSensor ( ); virtual int lightSensorResolution ( ) const; QStrList &cpuFrequencies() const; bool setCpuFrequency(uint index); - uint cpuFrequency() const; + int cpuFrequency() const; /** * Returns the available buttons on this device. The number and location * of buttons will vary depending on the device. Button numbers will be assigned * by the device manufacturer and will be from most preferred button to least preffered * button. Note that this list only contains "user mappable" buttons. */ const QValueList<ODeviceButton> &buttons ( ); /** * Returns the DeviceButton for the \a keyCode. If \a keyCode is not found, it * returns 0L */ const ODeviceButton *buttonForKeycode ( ushort keyCode ); /** * Reassigns the pressed action for \a button. To return to the factory * default pass an empty string as \a qcopMessage. */ void remapPressedAction ( int button, const OQCopMessage &qcopMessage ); /** * Reassigns the held action for \a button. To return to the factory * default pass an empty string as \a qcopMessage. */ void remapHeldAction ( int button, const OQCopMessage &qcopMessage ); /** * How long (in ms) you have to press a button for a "hold" action */ uint buttonHoldTime ( ) const; signals: void buttonMappingChanged ( ); private slots: void systemMessage ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & ); protected: void reloadButtonMapping ( ); }; } #endif |