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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/unsupported/qpdf/QOutputDev.cpp b/noncore/unsupported/qpdf/QOutputDev.cpp
index 15a58b1..f587a33 100644
--- a/noncore/unsupported/qpdf/QOutputDev.cpp
+++ b/noncore/unsupported/qpdf/QOutputDev.cpp
@@ -1,697 +1,695 @@
// Copyright 1996 Derek B. Noonburg
// CopyRight 2002 Robert Griebl
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma implementation
#include <aconf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "GString.h"
#include "Object.h"
#include "Stream.h"
#include "Link.h"
#include "GfxState.h"
#include "GfxFont.h"
#include "UnicodeMap.h"
#include "CharCodeToUnicode.h"
#include "FontFile.h"
#include "Error.h"
#include "TextOutputDev.h"
#include "QOutputDev.h"
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qimage.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qdict.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qclipboard.h>
//#define QPDFDBG(x) x // special debug mode
#define QPDFDBG(x) // normal compilation
// Constants and macros
static inline QColor q_col ( const GfxRGB &rgb )
return QColor ( lrint ( rgb. r * 255 ), lrint ( rgb. g * 255 ), lrint ( rgb. b * 255 ));
// Font substitutions
struct QOutFontSubst {
char * m_name;
char * m_sname;
bool m_bold;
bool m_italic;
QFont::StyleHint m_hint;
static QOutFontSubst qStdFonts [] = {
{ "Helvetica", "Helvetica", false, false, QFont::Helvetica },
{ "Helvetica-Oblique", "Helvetica", false, true, QFont::Helvetica },
{ "Helvetica-Bold", "Helvetica", true, false, QFont::Helvetica },
{ "Helvetica-BoldOblique", "Helvetica", true, true, QFont::Helvetica },
{ "Times-Roman", "Times", false, false, QFont::Times },
{ "Times-Italic", "Times", false, true, QFont::Times },
{ "Times-Bold", "Times", true, false, QFont::Times },
{ "Times-BoldItalic", "Times", true, true, QFont::Times },
{ "Courier", "Courier", false, false, QFont::Courier },
{ "Courier-Oblique", "Courier", false, true, QFont::Courier },
{ "Courier-Bold", "Courier", true, false, QFont::Courier },
{ "Courier-BoldOblique", "Courier", true, true, QFont::Courier },
{ "Symbol", 0, false, false, QFont::AnyStyle },
{ "Zapf-Dingbats", 0, false, false, QFont::AnyStyle },
{ 0, 0, false, false, QFont::AnyStyle }
QFont QOutputDev::matchFont ( GfxFont *gfxFont, fp_t m11, fp_t m12, fp_t m21, fp_t m22 )
static QDict<QOutFontSubst> stdfonts;
// build dict for std. fonts on first invocation
if ( stdfonts. isEmpty ( )) {
for ( QOutFontSubst *ptr = qStdFonts; ptr-> m_name; ptr++ ) {
stdfonts. insert ( QString ( ptr-> m_name ), ptr );
// compute size and normalized transform matrix
int size = lrint ( sqrt ( m21 * m21 + m22 * m22 ));
QPDFDBG( printf ( "SET FONT: Name=%s, Size=%d, Bold=%d, Italic=%d, Mono=%d, Serif=%d, Symbol=%d, CID=%d, EmbFN=%s, M=(%f,%f,%f,%f)\n",
(( gfxFont-> getName ( )) ? gfxFont-> getName ( )-> getCString ( ) : "<n/a>" ),
gfxFont-> isBold ( ),
gfxFont-> isItalic ( ),
gfxFont-> isFixedWidth ( ),
gfxFont-> isSerif ( ),
gfxFont-> isSymbolic ( ),
gfxFont-> isCIDFont ( ),
( gfxFont-> getEmbeddedFontName ( ) ? gfxFont-> getEmbeddedFontName ( ) : "<n/a>" ),
(double) m11, (double) m12, (double) m21, (double) m22 ));
QString fname (( gfxFont-> getName ( )) ? gfxFont-> getName ( )-> getCString ( ) : "<n/a>" );
QFont f;
f. setPixelSize ( size > 0 ? size : 8 ); // type3 fonts misbehave sometimes
// fast lookup for std. fonts
QOutFontSubst *subst = stdfonts [fname];
if ( subst ) {
if ( subst-> m_sname )
f. setFamily ( subst-> m_sname );
f. setStyleHint ( subst-> m_hint, (QFont::StyleStrategy) ( QFont::PreferOutline | QFont::PreferQuality ));
f. setBold ( subst-> m_bold );
f. setItalic ( subst-> m_italic );
else {
QFont::StyleHint sty;
if ( gfxFont-> isSerif ( ))
sty = QFont::Serif;
else if ( gfxFont-> isFixedWidth ( ))
sty = QFont::TypeWriter;
sty = QFont::Helvetica;
f. setStyleHint ( sty, (QFont::StyleStrategy) ( QFont::PreferOutline | QFont::PreferQuality ));
f. setBold ( gfxFont-> isBold ( ) > 0 );
f. setItalic ( gfxFont-> isItalic ( ) > 0 );
f. setFixedPitch ( gfxFont-> isFixedWidth ( ) > 0 );
// common specifiers in font names
if ( fname. contains ( "Oblique" ) || fname. contains ( "Italic" ))
f. setItalic ( true );
if ( fname. contains ( "Bold" ))
f. setWeight ( QFont::Bold );
if ( fname. contains ( "Demi" ))
f. setWeight ( QFont::DemiBold );
if ( fname. contains ( "Light" ))
f. setWeight ( QFont::Light );
if ( fname. contains ( "Black" ))
f. setWeight ( QFont::Black );
// Treat x-sheared fonts as italic
if (( m12 > -0.1 ) && ( m12 < 0.1 ) && ((( m21 > -5.0 ) && ( m21 < -0.1 )) || (( m21 > 0.1 ) && ( m21 < 5.0 )))) {
f. setItalic ( true );
return f;
// QOutputDev
QOutputDev::QOutputDev ( QWidget *parent, const char *name, int flags ) : QScrollView ( parent, name, WRepaintNoErase | WResizeNoErase | flags )
m_pixmap = 0;
m_painter = 0;
- m_use_string = true;
// create text object
m_text = new TextPage ( gFalse );
QOutputDev::~QOutputDev ( )
delete m_painter;
delete m_pixmap;
delete m_text;
void QOutputDev::startPage ( int /*pageNum*/, GfxState *state )
delete m_pixmap;
delete m_painter;
m_pixmap = new QPixmap ( lrint ( state-> getPageWidth ( )), lrint ( state-> getPageHeight ( )));
m_painter = new QPainter ( m_pixmap );
QPDFDBG( printf ( "NEW PIXMAP (%ld x %ld)\n", lrint ( state-> getPageWidth ( )), lrint ( state-> getPageHeight ( ))));
resizeContents ( m_pixmap-> width ( ), m_pixmap-> height ( ));
setContentsPos ( 0, 0 );
m_pixmap-> fill ( white ); // clear window
m_text-> clear ( ); // cleat text object
viewport ( )-> repaint ( );
void QOutputDev::endPage ( )
m_text-> coalesce ( );
delete m_painter;
m_painter = 0;
updateContents ( 0, 0, contentsWidth ( ), contentsHeight ( ));
void QOutputDev::drawLink ( Link *link, Catalog */*catalog*/ )
fp_t x1, y1, x2, y2, w;
link-> getBorder ( &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, &w );
if ( w > 0 ) {
int x, y, dx, dy;
cvtUserToDev ( x1, y1, &x, &y );
cvtUserToDev ( x2, y2, &dx, &dy );
QPen oldpen = m_painter-> pen ( );
m_painter-> setPen ( blue );
m_painter-> drawRect ( x, y, dx, dy );
m_painter-> setPen ( oldpen );
void QOutputDev::saveState ( GfxState */*state*/ )
QPDFDBG( printf ( "SAVE (CLIP=%d/%d)\n", m_painter-> hasClipping ( ), !m_painter-> clipRegion ( ). isEmpty ( )));
m_painter-> save ( );
void QOutputDev::restoreState ( GfxState */*state*/ )
m_painter-> restore ( );
// m_painter-> setClipRegion ( QRect ( 0, 0, m_pixmap-> width ( ), m_pixmap-> height ( )));
// m_painter-> setClipping ( false );
QPDFDBG ( printf ( "RESTORE (CLIP=%d/%d)\n", m_painter-> hasClipping ( ), !m_painter-> clipRegion ( ). isEmpty ( )));
void QOutputDev::updateAll ( GfxState *state )
updateLineAttrs ( state, gTrue );
// updateFlatness ( state );
// updateMiterLimit ( state );
updateFillColor ( state );
updateStrokeColor ( state );
updateFont ( state );
void QOutputDev::updateCTM ( GfxState *state, fp_t /*m11*/, fp_t /*m12*/, fp_t /*m21*/, fp_t /*m22*/, fp_t /*m31*/, fp_t /*m32*/ )
updateLineAttrs ( state, gTrue );
void QOutputDev::updateLineDash ( GfxState *state )
updateLineAttrs ( state, gTrue );
void QOutputDev::updateFlatness ( GfxState */*state*/ )
// not supported
QPDFDBG( printf ( "updateFlatness not supported !\n" ));
void QOutputDev::updateLineJoin ( GfxState *state )
updateLineAttrs ( state, gFalse );
void QOutputDev::updateLineCap ( GfxState *state )
updateLineAttrs ( state, gFalse );
// unimplemented
void QOutputDev::updateMiterLimit ( GfxState */*state*/ )
QPDFDBG( printf ( "updateMiterLimit not supported !\n" ));
void QOutputDev::updateLineWidth ( GfxState *state )
updateLineAttrs ( state, gFalse );
void QOutputDev::updateLineAttrs ( GfxState *state, GBool updateDash )
fp_t *dashPattern;
int dashLength;
fp_t dashStart;
Qt::PenCapStyle cap;
Qt::PenJoinStyle join;
int width;
width = lrint ( state-> getTransformedLineWidth ( ));
switch ( state-> getLineCap ( )) {
case 0: cap = FlatCap; break;
case 1: cap = RoundCap; break;
case 2: cap = SquareCap; break;
qWarning ( "Bad line cap style (%d)\n", state-> getLineCap ( ));
cap = FlatCap;
switch (state->getLineJoin()) {
case 0: join = MiterJoin; break;
case 1: join = RoundJoin; break;
case 2: join = BevelJoin; break;
qWarning ( "Bad line join style (%d)\n", state->getLineJoin ( ));
join = MiterJoin;
state-> getLineDash ( &dashPattern, &dashLength, &dashStart );
QColor oldcol = m_painter-> pen ( ). color ( );
GfxRGB rgb;
state-> getStrokeRGB ( &rgb );
oldcol = q_col ( rgb );
m_painter-> setPen ( QPen ( oldcol, width, dashLength > 0 ? DashLine : SolidLine, cap, join ));
if ( updateDash && ( dashLength > 0 )) {
// Not supported by QT
char dashList[20];
if (dashLength > 20)
dashLength = 20;
for ( int i = 0; i < dashLength; ++i ) {
dashList[i] = xoutRound(state->transformWidth(dashPattern[i]));
if (dashList[i] == 0)
dashList[i] = 1;
XSetDashes(display, strokeGC, xoutRound(dashStart), dashList, dashLength);
void QOutputDev::updateFillColor ( GfxState *state )
GfxRGB rgb;
state-> getFillRGB ( &rgb );
m_painter-> setBrush ( q_col ( rgb ));
void QOutputDev::updateStrokeColor ( GfxState *state )
GfxRGB rgb;
state-> getStrokeRGB ( &rgb );
QPen pen = m_painter-> pen ( );
pen. setColor ( q_col ( rgb ));
m_painter-> setPen ( pen );
void QOutputDev::updateFont ( GfxState *state )
fp_t m11, m12, m21, m22;
GfxFont *gfxFont = state-> getFont ( );
if ( !gfxFont )
state-> getFontTransMat ( &m11, &m12, &m21, &m22 );
m11 *= state-> getHorizScaling ( );
m12 *= state-> getHorizScaling ( );
QFont font = matchFont ( gfxFont, m11, m12, m21, m22 );
m_painter-> setFont ( font );
m_text-> updateFont ( state );
void QOutputDev::stroke ( GfxState *state )
QPointArray points;
QArray<int> lengths;
// transform points
int n = convertPath ( state, points, lengths );
QPDFDBG( printf ( "DRAWING: %d POLYS\n", n ));
// draw each subpath
int j = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
int len = lengths [i];
if ( len >= 2 ) {
QPDFDBG( printf ( " - POLY %d: ", i ));
QPDFDBG( for ( int ii = 0; ii < len; ii++ ))
QPDFDBG( printf ( "(%d/%d) ", points [j+ii]. x ( ), points [j+ii]. y ( )));
QPDFDBG( printf ( "\n" ));
m_painter-> drawPolyline ( points, j, len );
j += len;
qApp-> processEvents ( );
void QOutputDev::fill ( GfxState *state )
doFill ( state, true );
void QOutputDev::eoFill ( GfxState *state )
doFill ( state, false );
// X doesn't color the pixels on the right-most and bottom-most
// borders of a polygon. This means that one-pixel-thick polygons
// are not colored at all. I think this is supposed to be a
// feature, but I can't figure out why. So after it fills a
// polygon, it also draws lines around the border. This is done
// only for single-component polygons, since it's not very
// compatible with the compound polygon kludge (see convertPath()).
void QOutputDev::doFill ( GfxState *state, bool winding )
QPointArray points;
QArray<int> lengths;
// transform points
int n = convertPath ( state, points, lengths );
QPDFDBG( printf ( "FILLING: %d POLYS\n", n ));
QPen oldpen = m_painter-> pen ( );
m_painter-> setPen ( QPen ( NoPen ));
// draw each subpath
int j = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
int len = lengths [i];
if ( len >= 3 ) {
QPDFDBG( printf ( " - POLY %d: ", i ));
QPDFDBG( for ( int ii = 0; ii < len; ii++ ))
QPDFDBG( printf ( "(%d/%d) ", points [j+ii]. x ( ), points [j+ii]. y ( )));
QPDFDBG( printf ( "\n" ));
m_painter-> drawPolygon ( points, winding, j, len );
j += len;
m_painter-> setPen ( oldpen );
qApp-> processEvents ( );
void QOutputDev::clip ( GfxState *state )
doClip ( state, true );
void QOutputDev::eoClip ( GfxState *state )
doClip ( state, false );
void QOutputDev::doClip ( GfxState *state, bool winding )
QPointArray points;
QArray<int> lengths;
// transform points
int n = convertPath ( state, points, lengths );
QRegion region;
QPDFDBG( printf ( "CLIPPING: %d POLYS\n", n ));
// draw each subpath
int j = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
int len = lengths [i];
if ( len >= 3 ) {
QPointArray dummy;
dummy. setRawData ( points. data ( ) + j, len );
QPDFDBG( printf ( " - POLY %d: ", i ));
QPDFDBG( for ( int ii = 0; ii < len; ii++ ) printf ( "(%d/%d) ", points [j+ii]. x ( ), points [j+ii]. y ( )));
QPDFDBG( printf ( "\n" ));
region |= QRegion ( dummy, winding );
dummy. resetRawData ( points. data ( ) + j, len );
j += len;
if ( m_painter-> hasClipping ( ))
region &= m_painter-> clipRegion ( );
// m_painter-> setClipRegion ( region );
// m_painter-> setClipping ( true );
// m_painter-> fillRect ( 0, 0, m_pixmap-> width ( ), m_pixmap-> height ( ), red );
// m_painter-> drawText ( points [0]. x ( ) + 10, points [0]. y ( ) + 10, "Bla bla" );
qApp-> processEvents ( );
// Transform points in the path and convert curves to line segments.
// Builds a set of subpaths and returns the number of subpaths.
// If <fillHack> is set, close any unclosed subpaths and activate a
// kludge for polygon fills: First, it divides up the subpaths into
// non-overlapping polygons by simply comparing bounding rectangles.
// Then it connects subaths within a single compound polygon to a single
// point so that X can fill the polygon (sort of).
int QOutputDev::convertPath ( GfxState *state, QPointArray &points, QArray<int> &lengths )
GfxPath *path = state-> getPath ( );
int n = path-> getNumSubpaths ( );
lengths. resize ( n );
// do each subpath
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
// transform the points
lengths [i] = convertSubpath ( state, path-> getSubpath ( i ), points );
return n;
// Transform points in a single subpath and convert curves to line
// segments.
int QOutputDev::convertSubpath ( GfxState *state, GfxSubpath *subpath, QPointArray &points )
int oldcnt = points. count ( );
fp_t x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
int m = subpath-> getNumPoints ( );
int i = 0;
while ( i < m ) {
if ( i >= 1 && subpath-> getCurve ( i )) {
state-> transform ( subpath-> getX ( i - 1 ), subpath-> getY ( i - 1 ), &x0, &y0 );
state-> transform ( subpath-> getX ( i ), subpath-> getY ( i ), &x1, &y1 );
state-> transform ( subpath-> getX ( i + 1 ), subpath-> getY ( i + 1 ), &x2, &y2 );
state-> transform ( subpath-> getX ( i + 2 ), subpath-> getY ( i + 2 ), &x3, &y3 );
QPointArray tmp;
tmp. setPoints ( 4, lrint ( x0 ), lrint ( y0 ), lrint ( x1 ), lrint ( y1 ),
lrint ( x2 ), lrint ( y2 ), lrint ( x3 ), lrint ( y3 ));
#if QT_VERSION < 300
tmp = tmp. quadBezier ( );
for ( uint loop = 0; loop < tmp. count ( ); loop++ ) {
QPoint p = tmp. point ( loop );
points. putPoints ( points. count ( ), 1, p. x ( ), p. y ( ));
tmp = tmp. cubicBezier ( );
points. putPoints ( points. count ( ), tmp. count ( ), tmp );
i += 3;
else {
state-> transform ( subpath-> getX ( i ), subpath-> getY ( i ), &x1, &y1 );
points. putPoints ( points. count ( ), 1, lrint ( x1 ), lrint ( y1 ));
return points. count ( ) - oldcnt;
void QOutputDev::beginString ( GfxState *state, GString */*s*/ )
m_text-> beginString ( state );
void QOutputDev::endString ( GfxState */*state*/ )
m_text-> endString ( );
void QOutputDev::drawChar ( GfxState *state, fp_t x, fp_t y,
fp_t dx, fp_t dy, fp_t originX, fp_t originY,
CharCode code, Unicode *u, int uLen )
fp_t x1, y1, dx1, dy1;
if ( uLen > 0 )
m_text-> addChar ( state, x, y, dx, dy, u, uLen );
// check for invisible text -- this is used by Acrobat Capture
if (( state-> getRender ( ) & 3 ) == 3 ) {
x -= originX;
y -= originY;
state-> transform ( x, y, &x1, &y1 );
state-> transformDelta ( dx, dy, &dx1, &dy1 );
if ( uLen > 0 ) {
QString str;
QFontMetrics fm = m_painter-> fontMetrics ( );
for ( int i = 0; i < uLen; i++ ) {
QChar c = QChar ( u [i] );
if ( fm. inFont ( c )) {
str [i] = QChar ( u [i] );
else {
str [i] = ' ';
QPDFDBG( printf ( "CHARACTER NOT IN FONT: %hx\n", c. unicode ( )));
if (( uLen == 1 ) && ( str [0] == ' ' ))
fp_t m11, m12, m21, m22;
state-> getFontTransMat ( &m11, &m12, &m21, &m22 );
m11 *= state-> getHorizScaling ( );
m12 *= state-> getHorizScaling ( );
fp_t fsize = m_painter-> font ( ). pixelSize ( );
QWMatrix oldmat;
bool dorot = (( m12 < -0.1 ) || ( m12 > 0.1 )) && (( m21 < -0.1 ) || ( m21 > 0.1 ));
if ( dorot ) {
oldmat = m_painter-> worldMatrix ( );
cerr << endl << "ROTATED: " << m11 << ", " << m12 << ", " << m21 << ", " << m22 << " / SIZE: " << fsize << " / TEXT: " << str. local8Bit ( ) << endl << endl;
QWMatrix mat ( lrint ( m11 / fsize ), lrint ( m12 / fsize ), -lrint ( m21 / fsize ), -lrint ( m22 / fsize ), lrint ( x1 ), lrint ( y1 ));
m_painter-> setWorldMatrix ( mat );
x1 = 0;
y1 = 0;
QPen oldpen = m_painter-> pen ( );
if (!( state-> getRender ( ) & 1 )) {
QPen fillpen = oldpen;
fillpen. setColor ( m_painter-> brush ( ). color ( ));
m_painter-> setPen ( fillpen );
if ( fsize > 5 )
m_painter-> drawText ( lrint ( x1 ), lrint ( y1 ), str );