-rw-r--r-- | core/launcher/launcherview.cpp | 28 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/launcher/launcherview.h | 20 |
2 files changed, 32 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/core/launcher/launcherview.cpp b/core/launcher/launcherview.cpp index 506c11e..42704ba 100644 --- a/core/launcher/launcherview.cpp +++ b/core/launcher/launcherview.cpp @@ -210,128 +210,129 @@ void LauncherItem::animateIcon() if ( liv->busyItem() != this || !app ) return; // Highlight the icon if ( iteration == 0 ) { QPixmap src = (isEyeImage()?m_iPixmap:(isBigIcon ? app->bigPixmap() : app->pixmap())); QImage img = src.convertToImage(); QRgb *rgb; int count; if ( img.depth() == 32 ) { rgb = (QRgb*)img.bits(); count = img.bytesPerLine()/sizeof(QRgb)*img.height(); } else { rgb = img.colorTable(); count = img.numColors(); } for ( int r = 0; r < count; r++, rgb++ ) { #if defined(BRIGHTEN_BUSY_ICON) QColor c(*rgb); int h, s, v; c.hsv(&h,&s,&v); c.setHsv(h,QMAX(s-24,0),QMIN(v+48,255)); *rgb = qRgba(c.red(),c.green(),c.blue(),qAlpha(*rgb)); #elif defined(ALPHA_FADE_BUSY_ICON) *rgb = qRgba(qRed(*rgb),qGreen(*rgb),qBlue(*rgb),qAlpha(*rgb)/2); #endif } src.convertFromImage( img ); setPixmap( src ); } iteration++; // Paint animation overlay QPainter p( liv->viewport() ); paintAnimatedIcon( &p ); } void LauncherItem::resetIcon() { iteration = 0; setPixmap((isEyeImage()?m_iPixmap:(isBigIcon ? app->bigPixmap() : app->pixmap()))); } void LauncherItem::setEyePixmap(const QPixmap&aIcon) { if (!isEyeImage()) return; m_iPixmap = aIcon; setPixmap(aIcon); m_EyeImageSet = EYE_ICON; } //=========================================================================== // Implemantation of LauncherIconview start //=========================================================================== LauncherIconView::LauncherIconView( QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : QIconView(parent,name),tf(""),cf(0),bsy(0),busyTimer(0),bigIcns(TRUE),bgColor(white) { m_EyeCallBack = 0; sortmeth = Name; hidden.setAutoDelete(TRUE); ike = FALSE; calculateGrid( Bottom ); + connect(&m_eyeTimer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(stopEyeTimer())); } LauncherIconView::~LauncherIconView() { #if 0 // debuggery QListIterator<AppLnk> it(hidden); AppLnk* l; while ((l=it.current())) { ++it; //odebug << "" << l << ": hidden (should remove)" << oendl; } #endif } int LauncherIconView::compare(const AppLnk* a, const AppLnk* b) { switch (sortmeth) { case Name: return a->name().lower().compare(b->name().lower()); case Date: { QFileInfo fa(a->linkFileKnown() ? a->linkFile() : a->file()); QFileInfo fb(b->linkFileKnown() ? b->linkFile() : b->file()); return fa.lastModified().secsTo(fb.lastModified()); } case Type: return a->type().compare(b->type()); } return 0; } void LauncherIconView::setSortMethod( SortMethod m ) { if ( sortmeth != m ) { sortmeth = m; sort(); } } void LauncherIconView::setCategoryFilter( int catfilter, bool resort ) { Categories cat; cat.load( categoryFileName() ); QString str; if ( catfilter == -2 ) cf = 0; else cf = catfilter; hideOrShowItems(resort); } void LauncherIconView::setTypeFilter(const QString& typefilter, bool resort) { tf = QRegExp(typefilter,FALSE,TRUE); hideOrShowItems(resort); } void LauncherIconView::setItemTextPos( ItemTextPos pos ) { calculateGrid( pos ); QIconView::setItemTextPos( pos ); } void LauncherIconView::drawBackground( QPainter *p, const QRect &r ) { @@ -394,134 +395,145 @@ void LauncherIconView::setBusy(bool on) void LauncherIconView::clear() { mimes.clear(); cats.clear(); QIconView::clear(); hidden.clear(); } QStringList LauncherIconView::mimeTypes() const { QStringList r; QDictIterator<void> it(mimes); while (it.current()) { r.append(it.currentKey()); ++it; } r.sort(); return r; } LauncherItem*LauncherIconView::findDocItem(const QString&fname) { LauncherItem* item = (LauncherItem*)firstItem(); while (item) { if (item->appLnk()->file()==fname) { break; } item = (LauncherItem*)item->nextItem(); } return item; } void LauncherIconView::setEyePixmap(const QPixmap&aPixmap,const QString&aFile,int width) { int s = ( bigIcns ) ? AppLnk::bigIconSize() : AppLnk::smallIconSize(); if (s!=width) return; LauncherItem*item = findDocItem(aFile); if (!item||!item->isEyeImage()) return; item->setEyePixmap(aPixmap); } void LauncherIconView::checkCallback() { if (m_EyeCallBack) { return; } m_EyeCallBack = new LauncherThumbReceiver(); connect(m_EyeCallBack,SIGNAL(sig_Thumbnail(const QPixmap&,const QString&,int)), this,SLOT(setEyePixmap(const QPixmap&,const QString&,int))); } void LauncherIconView::addCheckItem(AppLnk* app) { LauncherItem*item = new LauncherItem( this, app, bigIcns ); if (item->isEyeImage()) { checkCallback(); } } void LauncherIconView::requestEyePix(const LauncherItem*item) { if (!item) return; if (item->isEyeImage()) { + m_eyeTimer.changeInterval(600000); checkCallback(); int s = ( bigIcns ) ? AppLnk::bigIconSize() : AppLnk::smallIconSize(); m_EyeCallBack->requestThumb(item->appLnk()->file(),s,s); } } +void LauncherIconView::stopEyeTimer() +{ + odebug << "Launcherview: delete opie-eye handle" << oendl; + if (m_EyeCallBack) { + delete m_EyeCallBack; + m_EyeCallBack=0; + } + m_eyeTimer.stop(); +} + void LauncherIconView::addItem(AppLnk* app, bool resort) { addCatsAndMimes(app); if ( (tf.isEmpty() || tf.match(app->type()) >= 0) && (cf == 0 || app->categories().contains(cf) || cf == -1 && app->categories().count() == 0 ) ) { addCheckItem(app); } else { hidden.append(app); } if ( resort ){ sort(); } } void LauncherIconView::updateCategoriesAndMimeTypes() { mimes.clear(); cats.clear(); LauncherItem* item = (LauncherItem*)firstItem(); while (item) { addCatsAndMimes(item->appLnk()); item = (LauncherItem*)item->nextItem(); } QListIterator<AppLnk> it(hidden); AppLnk* l; while ((l=it.current())) { addCatsAndMimes(l); ++it; } } void LauncherIconView::hideOrShowItems(bool resort) { viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( FALSE ); hidden.setAutoDelete(FALSE); QList<AppLnk> links=hidden; hidden.clear(); hidden.setAutoDelete(TRUE); LauncherItem* item = (LauncherItem*)firstItem(); while (item) { links.append(item->takeAppLnk()); item = (LauncherItem*)item->nextItem(); } clear(); QListIterator<AppLnk> it(links); AppLnk* l; while ((l=it.current())) { addItem(l,FALSE); ++it; } if ( resort && !autoArrange() ) sort(); viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); } bool LauncherIconView::removeLink(const QString& linkfile) { LauncherItem* item = (LauncherItem*)firstItem(); AppLnk* l; bool did = FALSE; DocLnk dl(linkfile); while (item) { l = item->appLnk(); @@ -540,128 +552,143 @@ bool LauncherIconView::removeLink(const QString& linkfile) || l->file() == linkfile || dl.isValid() && dl.file() == l->file() ) { hidden.removeRef(l); did = TRUE; } } return did; } void LauncherIconView::timerEvent( QTimerEvent *te ) { if ( te->timerId() == busyTimer ) { if ( bsy ) bsy->animateIcon(); } else { QIconView::timerEvent( te ); } } void LauncherIconView::setBigIcons( bool bi ) { bigIcns = bi; #ifdef USE_ANIMATED_BUSY_ICON_OVERLAY busyPix.resize(0,0); #endif } QIconViewItem* LauncherIconView::busyItem() const { return bsy; } void LauncherIconView::setBusyIndicatorType ( BusyIndicatorType t ) { busyType = t; } void LauncherIconView::calculateGrid( ItemTextPos pos ) { int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int viewerWidth = dw-style().scrollBarExtent().width(); if ( pos == Bottom ) { int cols = 3; if ( viewerWidth <= 200 ) cols = 2; else if ( viewerWidth >= 400 ) cols = viewerWidth/96; setSpacing( 4 ); setGridX( (viewerWidth-(cols+1)*spacing())/cols ); setGridY( fontMetrics().height()*2+24 ); } else { int cols = 2; if ( viewerWidth < 150 ) cols = 1; else if ( viewerWidth >= 400 ) cols = viewerWidth/150; setSpacing( 2 ); setGridX( (viewerWidth-(cols+1)*spacing())/cols ); setGridY( fontMetrics().height()+2 ); } } void LauncherIconView::styleChange( QStyle &old ) { QIconView::styleChange( old ); calculateGrid( itemTextPos() ); } + +void LauncherIconView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* e) +{ + ike = TRUE; + if ( e->key() == Key_F33 /* OK button */ || e->key() == Key_Space ) { + if ( (e->state() & ShiftButton) ) + emit mouseButtonPressed(ShiftButton, currentItem(), QPoint() ); + else + returnPressed(currentItem()); + } + + QIconView::keyPressEvent(e); + ike = FALSE; +} + //=========================================================================== // Implemantation of LauncherIconview end //=========================================================================== //=========================================================================== LauncherView::LauncherView( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : QVBox( parent, name, fl ) { catmb = 0; icons = new LauncherIconView( this ); setFocusProxy(icons); QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( icons->viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); icons->setItemsMovable( FALSE ); icons->setAutoArrange( TRUE ); icons->setSorting( TRUE ); icons->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); icons->setMargin( 0 ); icons->setSelectionMode( QIconView::NoSelection ); icons->setBackgroundMode( PaletteBase ); icons->setResizeMode( QIconView::Fixed ); vmode = (ViewMode)-1; setViewMode( Icon ); connect( icons, SIGNAL(mouseButtonClicked(int,QIconViewItem*,const QPoint&)), SLOT(itemClicked(int,QIconViewItem*)) ); connect( icons, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), SLOT(selectionChanged()) ); connect( icons, SIGNAL(returnPressed(QIconViewItem*)), SLOT(returnPressed(QIconViewItem*)) ); connect( icons, SIGNAL(mouseButtonPressed(int,QIconViewItem*,const QPoint&)), SLOT(itemPressed(int,QIconViewItem*)) ); tools = 0; setBackgroundType( Ruled, QString::null ); } LauncherView::~LauncherView() { if ( bgCache && bgCache->contains( bgName ) ) (*bgCache)[bgName]->ref--; } bool LauncherView::bsy=FALSE; void LauncherView::setBusy(bool on) { icons->setBusy(on); } void LauncherView::setBusyIndicatorType( const QString& type ) { if ( type. lower ( ) == "animated" ) icons->setBusyIndicatorType( BIT_Animated ) ; else icons->setBusyIndicatorType( BIT_Normal ) ; } void LauncherView::hideIcons() { icons->hide(); } @@ -1062,87 +1089,86 @@ void LauncherView::fontChanged(const QFont&) void LauncherView::relayout(void) { icons->hideOrShowItems(FALSE); } void LauncherView::flushBgCache() { if ( !bgCache ) return; // remove unreferenced backgrounds. QMap<QString,BgPixmap*>::Iterator it = bgCache->begin(); while ( it != bgCache->end() ) { QMap<QString,BgPixmap*>::Iterator curr = it; ++it; if ( (*curr)->ref == 0 ) { delete (*curr); bgCache->remove( curr ); } } } /* * Launcherthumbnail handling for image files */ /* special image handling - based on opie eye */ QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream& s, PixmapInfo& inf ) { s >> inf.file >> inf.pixmap >> inf.width >> inf.height; return s; } QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream& s, const PixmapInfo& inf) { return s << inf.file << inf.width << inf.height; } LauncherThumbReceiver::LauncherThumbReceiver() :QObject() { QCopChannel * chan = new QCopChannel( "QPE/opie-eye",this ); connect(chan, SIGNAL(received(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)), this, SLOT(recieve(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)) ); { QCopEnvelope( "QPE/Application/opie-eye_slave", "refUp()" ); } } LauncherThumbReceiver::~LauncherThumbReceiver() { { QCopEnvelope( "QPE/Application/opie-eye_slave", "refDown()" ); } } void LauncherThumbReceiver::recieve( const QCString&str, const QByteArray&at ) { PixmapInfos pixinfos; QDataStream stream( at, IO_ReadOnly ); /* we are just interested in thumbmails */ if ( str == "pixmapsHandled(PixmapList)" ) stream >> pixinfos; for ( PixmapInfos::Iterator it = pixinfos.begin(); it != pixinfos.end(); ++it ) { - odebug << "Pixinfos: " << (*it).file << " - " << (*it).width << oendl; emit sig_Thumbnail((*it).pixmap,(*it).file,(*it).width); } } void LauncherThumbReceiver::requestThumb(const QString&file,int width,int height) { PixmapInfo rItem; rItem.file = file; rItem.width = width; rItem.height = height; m_inThumbNail.append(rItem); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(sendRequest())); } void LauncherThumbReceiver::sendRequest() { if (m_inThumbNail.count()>0) { QCopEnvelope env("QPE/opie-eye_slave", "pixmapInfos(PixmapInfos)" ); env << m_inThumbNail; m_inThumbNail.clear(); } } diff --git a/core/launcher/launcherview.h b/core/launcher/launcherview.h index 0be9a1f..ebb1362 100644 --- a/core/launcher/launcherview.h +++ b/core/launcher/launcherview.h @@ -1,91 +1,92 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #ifndef LAUNCHERVIEW_H #define LAUNCHERVIEW_H #include <qtopia/storage.h> #include <qtopia/applnk.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <qiconview.h> +#include <qtimer.h> class CategorySelect; class LauncherIconView; class LauncherItem; class QIconViewItem; class QLabel; class QWidgetStack; class MenuButton; class QComboBox; enum BusyIndicatorType { BIT_Normal = 0, BIT_Animated }; class LauncherView : public QVBox { Q_OBJECT public: LauncherView( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, WFlags fl = 0 ); ~LauncherView(); void hideIcons(); bool removeLink(const QString& linkfile); void addItem(AppLnk* app, bool resort=TRUE); void removeAllItems(); void setSortEnabled(bool); void setUpdatesEnabled(bool); void sort(); void setToolsEnabled(bool); void updateTools(); void setBusy(bool); void setBusyIndicatorType( const QString& ); enum ViewMode { Icon, List }; void setViewMode( ViewMode m ); ViewMode viewMode() const { return vmode; } enum BackgroundType { Ruled, SolidColor, Image }; void setBackgroundType( BackgroundType t, const QString & ); BackgroundType backgroundType() const { return bgType; } void setTextColor( const QColor & ); QColor textColor() const { return textCol; } void setViewFont( const QFont & ); void clearViewFont(); void relayout(void); signals: void clicked( const AppLnk * ); void rightPressed( AppLnk * ); protected slots: void selectionChanged(); void returnPressed( QIconViewItem *item ); void itemClicked( int, QIconViewItem * ); @@ -112,143 +113,132 @@ private: BackgroundType bgType; QString bgName; QColor textCol; QImage loadBackgroundImage(QString &fname); }; /* from opie-eye */ struct PixmapInfo { PixmapInfo() : width( -1 ), height( -1 ) {} bool operator==( const PixmapInfo& r ) { if ( width != r.width ) return false; if ( height != r.height ) return false; if ( file != r.file ) return false; return true; } int width, height; QString file; QPixmap pixmap; }; class LauncherThumbReceiver:public QObject { Q_OBJECT typedef QValueList<PixmapInfo> PixmapInfos; public: LauncherThumbReceiver(); ~LauncherThumbReceiver(); void requestThumb(const QString&file,int width,int height); public slots: void recieve( const QCString&, const QByteArray& ); protected slots: virtual void sendRequest(); signals: void sig_Thumbnail(const QPixmap&,const QString&,int); protected: PixmapInfos m_inThumbNail; }; class LauncherIconView : public QIconView { Q_OBJECT public: LauncherIconView( QWidget* parent, const char* name=0 ); ~LauncherIconView(); QIconViewItem* busyItem() const; #ifdef USE_ANIMATED_BUSY_ICON_OVERLAY QPixmap busyPixmap() const { return busyPix; } #endif void setBigIcons( bool bi ); void updateCategoriesAndMimeTypes(); void setBusyIndicatorType ( BusyIndicatorType t ); void doAutoScroll() { // We don't want rubberbanding (yet) } void setBusy(bool on); bool inKeyEvent() const { return ike; } - void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* e) - { - ike = TRUE; - if ( e->key() == Key_F33 /* OK button */ || e->key() == Key_Space ) { - if ( (e->state() & ShiftButton) ) - emit mouseButtonPressed(ShiftButton, currentItem(), QPoint() ); - else - returnPressed(currentItem()); - } - - QIconView::keyPressEvent(e); - ike = FALSE; - } - void addItem(AppLnk* app, bool resort=TRUE); bool removeLink(const QString& linkfile); QStringList mimeTypes() const; QStringList categories() const; void clear(); void addCatsAndMimes(AppLnk* app); void setBackgroundOrigin( QWidget::BackgroundOrigin ) {} void setBackgroundPixmap( const QPixmap &pm ) { bgPixmap = pm; } void setBackgroundColor( const QColor &c ) { bgColor = c; } void drawBackground( QPainter *p, const QRect &r ); void setItemTextPos( ItemTextPos pos ); void hideOrShowItems(bool resort); void setTypeFilter(const QString& typefilter, bool resort); void setCategoryFilter( int catfilter, bool resort ); enum SortMethod { Name, Date, Type }; void setSortMethod( SortMethod m ); int compare(const AppLnk* a, const AppLnk* b); void requestEyePix(const LauncherItem*which); protected: - void timerEvent( QTimerEvent *te ); + virtual void timerEvent( QTimerEvent *te ); void styleChange( QStyle &old ); void calculateGrid( ItemTextPos pos ); void focusInEvent( QFocusEvent * ) {} void focusOutEvent( QFocusEvent * ) {} LauncherItem*findDocItem(const QString&); void addCheckItem(AppLnk* app); void checkCallback(); + virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* e); protected slots: void setEyePixmap(const QPixmap&,const QString&,int width); + void stopEyeTimer(); private: QList<AppLnk> hidden; QDict<void> mimes; QDict<void> cats; SortMethod sortmeth; QRegExp tf; int cf; LauncherItem* bsy; int busyTimer; bool ike; bool bigIcns; QPixmap bgPixmap; QColor bgColor; LauncherThumbReceiver*m_EyeCallBack; #ifdef USE_ANIMATED_BUSY_ICON_OVERLAY QPixmap busyPix; #endif BusyIndicatorType busyType; + QTimer m_eyeTimer; }; #endif // LAUNCHERVIEW_H |