Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
4 files changed, 13 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/apps/opie-console/default.cpp b/noncore/apps/opie-console/default.cpp
index ce5c870..5c1c05a 100644
--- a/noncore/apps/opie-console/default.cpp
+++ b/noncore/apps/opie-console/default.cpp
@@ -1,100 +1,105 @@
#include "io_serial.h"
#include "io_irda.h"
#include "io_bt.h"
+#include "io_modem.h"
#include "filetransfer.h"
#include "filereceive.h"
#include "serialconfigwidget.h"
#include "irdaconfigwidget.h"
#include "btconfigwidget.h"
#include "modemconfigwidget.h"
#include "terminalwidget.h"
#include "vt102emulation.h"
#include "default.h"
extern "C" {
// FILE Transfer Stuff
FileTransferLayer* newSZTransfer(IOLayer* lay) {
return new FileTransfer( FileTransfer::SZ, lay );
FileTransferLayer* newSYTransfer(IOLayer* lay) {
return new FileTransfer( FileTransfer::SY, lay );
FileTransferLayer* newSXTransfer(IOLayer* lay) {
return new FileTransfer(FileTransfer ::SX, lay );
// FILE Transfer Receive Stuff
ReceiveLayer* newSZReceive(IOLayer* lay) {
return new FileReceive( FileReceive::SZ, lay );
ReceiveLayer* newSYReceive(IOLayer* lay) {
return new FileReceive( FileReceive::SY, lay );
ReceiveLayer* newSXReceive(IOLayer* lay) {
return new FileReceive(FileReceive::SX, lay );
// Layer stuff
IOLayer* newSerialLayer( const Profile& prof) {
return new IOSerial( prof );
IOLayer* newBTLayer( const Profile& prof ) {
return new IOBt( prof );
IOLayer* newIrDaLayer( const Profile& prof ) {
return new IOIrda( prof );
+ IOLayer* newModemLayer( const Profile& prof ) {
+ return new IOModem( prof );
+ }
// Connection Widgets
ProfileDialogWidget* newSerialWidget( const QString& str, QWidget* wid ) {
return new SerialConfigWidget( str, wid );
ProfileDialogWidget* newIrDaWidget( const QString& str, QWidget* wid ) {
return new IrdaConfigWidget( str, wid );
ProfileDialogWidget* newModemWidget( const QString& str, QWidget* wid ) {
return new ModemConfigWidget(str, wid );
ProfileDialogWidget* newBTWidget( const QString& str, QWidget* wid ) {
return new BTConfigWidget(str, wid );
// Terminal Widget(s)
/* ProfileDialogWidget* newTerminalWidget(const QString& na, QWidget* wid) {
return new TerminalWidget(na, wid,0 );
/* // VT Emulations
EmulationLayer* newVT102( WidgetLayer* wid ) {
return new Vt102Emulation( wid );
Default::Default( MetaFactory* fact ) {
fact->addFileTransferLayer( "SZ", QObject::tr("Z-Modem"), newSZTransfer );
fact->addFileTransferLayer( "SY", QObject::tr("Y-Modem"), newSYTransfer );
fact->addFileTransferLayer( "SX", QObject::tr("X-Modem"), newSXTransfer );
fact->addReceiveLayer( "SZ", QObject::tr("Z-Modem"), newSZReceive );
fact->addReceiveLayer( "SY", QObject::tr("Y-Modem"), newSYReceive );
fact->addReceiveLayer( "SX", QObject::tr("X-Modem"), newSXReceive );
fact->addIOLayerFactory( "serial", QObject::tr("Serial"), newSerialLayer );
fact->addIOLayerFactory( "irda", QObject::tr("Infrared"), newIrDaLayer );
fact->addIOLayerFactory( "bt", QObject::tr("Bluetooth"), newBTLayer );
+ fact->addIOLayerFactory( "modem", QObject::tr("Modem"), newModemLayer );
fact->addConnectionWidgetFactory( "serial", QObject::tr("Serial"), newSerialWidget );
fact->addConnectionWidgetFactory( "irda", QObject::tr("Infrared"), newIrDaWidget );
fact->addConnectionWidgetFactory( "modem", QObject::tr("Modem"), newModemWidget );
fact->addConnectionWidgetFactory( "bt", QObject::tr("Bluetooth"), newBTWidget );
// fact->addTerminalWidgetFactory( "default", QObject::tr("Default Terminal"), newTerminalWidget );
// fact->addEmulationLayer( "default", QObject::tr("Default Terminal"), newVT102 );
Default::~Default() {
diff --git a/noncore/apps/opie-console/dialer.cpp b/noncore/apps/opie-console/dialer.cpp
index d20965a..90e2b6c 100644
--- a/noncore/apps/opie-console/dialer.cpp
+++ b/noncore/apps/opie-console/dialer.cpp
@@ -1,118 +1,117 @@
#include "dialer.h"
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qprogressbar.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qapp.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
// State machine: | When an error occurs, we don't have to
// | reset everything.
// (init) <------+ | But if the user wants to reset,
// | | | we stop dialing immediately.
// v | |
// (options) ----+ | Following the state machine is necessary
// | \ | to get determinable results.
// v ^ |
// (dial) ----+ |
// | ^ |
// v | |
// (online) --+ |
// | |
// v |
// from atconfigdialog
//initStringLine->setText( config.readEntry("InitString", MODEM_DEFAULT_INIT_STRING ) );
//resetStringLine->setText( config.readEntry("ResetString", MODEM_DEFAULT_RESET_STRING ) );
//dialPref1Line->setText( config.readEntry("DialPrefix1", MODEM_DEFAULT_DIAL_PREFIX1 ) );
//dialSuf1Line->setText( config.readEntry("DialSuffix1", MODEM_DEFAULT_DIAL_SUFFIX1 ) );
//dialPref2Line->setText( config.readEntry("DialPrefix2", MODEM_DEFAULT_DIAL_PREFIX1 ) );
//dialSuf2Line->setText( config.readEntry("DialSuffix2", MODEM_DEFAULT_DIAL_SUFFIX1 ) );
//dialPref3Line->setText( config.readEntry("DialPrefix3", MODEM_DEFAULT_DIAL_PREFIX1 ) );
//dialSuf3Line->setText( config.readEntry("DialSuffix3", MODEM_DEFAULT_DIAL_SUFFIX1 ) );
//connectLine->setText( config.readEntry("DefaultConnect" MODEM_DEFAULT_CONNECT_STRING ) );
//hangupLine->setText( config.readEntry("HangupString", MODEM_DEFAULT_HANGUP_STRING ) );
// from modemconfigwidget
//int rad_flow = prof.readNumEntry("Flow");
//int rad_parity = prof.readNumEntry("Parity");
//int speed = prof.readNumEntry("Speed");
//QString number = prof.readEntry("Number");
Dialer::Dialer(const Profile& profile, QWidget *parent, const char *name)
-: QDialog(parent, name, true)
+: QDialog(parent, name, true), m_profile(profile)
QVBoxLayout *vbox;
QLabel *desc;
usercancel = 0;
- m_profile = profile;
desc = new QLabel(QObject::tr("Dialing number: %1").arg(m_profile.readEntry("Number")), this);
progress = new QProgressBar(this);
status = new QLabel("", this);
status->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken);
cancel = new QPushButton(QObject::tr("Cancel"), this);
vbox = new QVBoxLayout(this, 2);
connect(cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotCancel()));
QTimer::singleShot(500, this, SLOT(slotAutostart()));
void Dialer::slotCancel()
if(state != state_online)
usercancel = 1;
else accept();
void Dialer::reset()
void Dialer::slotAutostart()
state = state_preinit;
void Dialer::dial(const QString& number)
while(state != state_online)
else break;
void Dialer::trydial(const QString& number)
diff --git a/noncore/apps/opie-console/dialer.h b/noncore/apps/opie-console/dialer.h
index 8c83bb6..09cc5ca 100644
--- a/noncore/apps/opie-console/dialer.h
+++ b/noncore/apps/opie-console/dialer.h
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
#ifndef DIALER_H
#define DIALER_H
#include <qdialog.h>
#include "profile.h"
class QLabel;
class QProgressBar;
class Dialer : public QDialog
Dialer(const Profile& profile, QWidget *parent = NULL, const char *name = NULL);
public slots:
void slotCancel();
void slotAutostart();
void switchState(int newstate);
void reset();
void dial(const QString& number);
void trydial(const QString& number);
void send(const QString& msg);
QString receive();
enum States
QLabel *status;
QProgressBar *progress;
QPushButton *cancel;
int state;
int usercancel;
- Profile m_profile;
+ const Profile& m_profile;
diff --git a/noncore/apps/opie-console/io_modem.cpp b/noncore/apps/opie-console/io_modem.cpp
index 56147d8..28d1722 100644
--- a/noncore/apps/opie-console/io_modem.cpp
+++ b/noncore/apps/opie-console/io_modem.cpp
@@ -1,75 +1,79 @@
#include "io_modem.h"
#include "dialer.h"
IOModem::IOModem( const Profile &profile )
: IOSerial( profile ), m_profile( profile ) {
IOModem::~IOModem() {
void IOModem::close() {
bool IOModem::open() {
- qWarning("IOModem::open");
- IOSerial::open();
+ bool ret = IOSerial::open();
+ if(!ret) return false;
+ qWarning("IOModem::open continues...");
Dialer d(m_profile);
+ qWarning("dialer created");
int result = d.exec();
if(result == QDialog::Accepted)
return true;
else return false;
void IOModem::reload( const Profile &config ) {
m_device = config.readEntry("Device", MODEM_DEFAULT_DEVICE);
m_baud = config.readNumEntry("Baud", MODEM_DEFAULT_BAUD);
m_parity = config.readNumEntry("Parity", MODEM_DEFAULT_PARITY);
m_dbits = config.readNumEntry("DataBits", MODEM_DEFAULT_DBITS);
m_sbits = config.readNumEntry("StopBits", MODEM_DEFAULT_SBITS);
m_flow = config.readNumEntry("Flow", MODEM_DEFAULT_FLOW);
m_initString = config.readEntry("InitString", MODEM_DEFAULT_INIT_STRING );
m_resetString = config.readEntry("ResetString", MODEM_DEFAULT_RESET_STRING );
m_dialPref1 = config.readEntry("DialPrefix1", MODEM_DEFAULT_DIAL_PREFIX1 );
m_dialSuf1 = config.readEntry("DialSuffix1", MODEM_DEFAULT_DIAL_SUFFIX1 );
m_dialPref2 = config.readEntry("DialPrefix2", MODEM_DEFAULT_DIAL_PREFIX1 );
m_dialSuf2 = config.readEntry("DialSuffix2", MODEM_DEFAULT_DIAL_SUFFIX1 );
m_dialPref3 = config.readEntry("DialPrefix3", MODEM_DEFAULT_DIAL_PREFIX1 );
m_dialSuf3 = config.readEntry("DialSuffix3", MODEM_DEFAULT_DIAL_SUFFIX1 );
m_connect = config.readEntry("DefaultConnect" MODEM_DEFAULT_CONNECT_STRING );
m_hangup = config.readEntry("HangupString", MODEM_DEFAULT_HANGUP_STRING );
m_cancel = config.readEntry("CancelString", MODEM_DEFAULT_CANCEL_STRING );
m_dialTime = config.readNumEntry("DialTime", MODEM_DEFAULT_DIAL_TIME );
m_delayRedial = config.readNumEntry("DelayRedial", MODEM_DEFAULT_DELAY_REDIAL );
m_numberTries = config.readNumEntry("NumberTries", MODEM_DEFAULT_NUMBER_TRIES );
m_dtrDropTime = config.readNumEntry("DTRDRopTime", MODEM_DEFAULT_DTR_DROP_TIME );
m_bpsDetect = config.readBoolEntry("BPSDetect", MODEM_DEFAULT_BPS_DETECT );
m_dcdLines = config.readBoolEntry("DCDLines", MODEM_DEFAULT_DCD_LINES );
m_multiLineUntag = config.readBoolEntry("MultiLineUntag", MODEM_DEFAULT_MULTI_LINE_UNTAG );
QString IOModem::identifier() const {
return "modem";
QString IOModem::name() const {
return "Modem IO Layer";
void IOModem::slotExited(OProcess* proc ){