Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/core/launcher/transferserver.cpp b/core/launcher/transferserver.cpp
index 1d4ca40..2b2e435 100644
--- a/core/launcher/transferserver.cpp
+++ b/core/launcher/transferserver.cpp
@@ -171,129 +171,128 @@ bool SyncAuthentication::checkPassword( const QString& password )
static int lastdenial=0;
static int denials=0;
int now = time(0);
Config cfg("Security");
int mode = cfg.readNumEntry("Mode", 0x02 );
//No pass word needed if the user really needs it
if (mode & 0x04) {
QMessageBox unauth(
tr("Sync Connection"),
tr("<qt><p>An unauthorized system is requesting access to this device."
"<p>You chose IntelliSync so you may I allow or deny this connection.</qt>" ),
QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Cancel|QMessageBox::Default, QMessageBox::NoButton,
0, QString::null, TRUE, WStyle_StaysOnTop);
unauth.setButtonText(QMessageBox::Ok, tr("Allow" ) );
unauth.setButtonText(QMessageBox::Cancel, tr("Deny"));
switch( unauth.exec() ) {
case QMessageBox::Ok:
return TRUE;
case QMessageBox::Cancel:
return FALSE;
// Detect old Qtopia Desktop (no password) and fail
if ( password.isEmpty() ) {
if ( denials < 3 || now > lastdenial+600 ) {
QMessageBox unauth(
tr("Sync Connection"),
tr("<p>An unauthorized system is requesting access to this device."
"<p>If you are using a version of Qtopia Desktop older than 1.5.1, "
"please upgrade or change the security setting to use IntelliSync." ),
QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::NoButton, QMessageBox::NoButton,
0, QString::null, TRUE, WStyle_StaysOnTop);
unauth.setButtonText(QMessageBox::Cancel, tr("Deny"));
return FALSE;
// Second, check sync password...
static int lock=0;
if ( lock ) return FALSE;
* we need to support old Sync software and QtopiaDesktop
if ( password.left(6) == "Qtopia" || password.left(6) == "rootme" ) {
- Config cfg( "Security" );
QStringList pwds = cfg.readListEntry("Passwords",' ');
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it=pwds.begin(); it!=pwds.end(); ++it) {
#ifndef Q_OS_WIN32
QString cpassword = QString::fromLocal8Bit(
crypt( password.mid(8).local8Bit(), (*it).left(2).latin1() ) );
// ### revise
QString cpassword("");
if ( *it == cpassword ) {
return TRUE;
// Unrecognized system. Be careful...
QMessageBox unrecbox(
tr("Sync Connection"),
tr( "<p>An unrecognized system is requesting access to this device."
"<p>If you have just initiated a Sync for the first time, this is normal."),
QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::NoButton,
0, QString::null, TRUE, WStyle_StaysOnTop);
unrecbox.setButtonText(QMessageBox::Cancel, tr("Deny"));
unrecbox.setButtonText(QMessageBox::Yes, tr("Allow"));
if ( (denials > 2 && now < lastdenial+600)
|| unrecbox.exec() != QMessageBox::Yes)
return FALSE;
} else {
const char salty[]="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789/.";
char salt[2];
salt[0]= salty[rand() % (sizeof(salty)-1)];
salt[1]= salty[rand() % (sizeof(salty)-1)];
#ifndef Q_OS_WIN32
QString cpassword = QString::fromLocal8Bit(
crypt( password.mid(8).local8Bit(), salt ) );
//### revise
QString cpassword("");
cfg.writeEntry("Passwords",pwds,' ');
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
ServerPI::ServerPI( int socket, QObject *parent, const char* name )
: QSocket( parent, name ) , dtp( 0 ), serversocket( 0 ), waitsocket( 0 ),
state = Connected;
@@ -320,129 +319,131 @@ ServerPI::ServerPI( int socket, QObject *parent, const char* name )
send( "220 Qtopia " QPE_VERSION " FTP Server" ); // No tr
state = Wait_USER;
dtp = new ServerDTP( this );
connect( dtp, SIGNAL( completed() ), SLOT( dtpCompleted() ) );
connect( dtp, SIGNAL( failed() ), SLOT( dtpFailed() ) );
connect( dtp, SIGNAL( error(int) ), SLOT( dtpError(int) ) );
directory = QDir::currentDirPath();
static int p = 1024;
while ( !serversocket || !serversocket->ok() ) {
delete serversocket;
serversocket = new ServerSocket( ++p, this );
connect( serversocket, SIGNAL( newIncomming(int) ),
SLOT( newConnection(int) ) );
if ( dtp )
delete dtp;
delete serversocket;
bool ServerPI::verifyAuthorised()
if ( !SyncAuthentication::isAuthorized(peerAddress()) ) {
state = Forbidden;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void ServerPI::connectionClosed()
// odebug << "Debug: Connection closed" << oendl;
emit connectionClosed(this);
void ServerPI::send( const QString& msg )
QTextStream os( this );
os << msg << endl;
//odebug << "Reply: " << msg << "" << oendl;
void ServerPI::read()
while ( canReadLine() )
process( readLine().stripWhiteSpace() );
bool ServerPI::checkReadFile( const QString& file )
QString filename;
- if ( file[0] != "/" )
+ if ( file.length() == 1 && file[0] == "/" )
+ filename = file;
+ else if ( file[0] != "/" )
filename = directory.path() + "/" + file;
filename = file;
QFileInfo fi( filename );
return ( fi.exists() && fi.isReadable() );
bool ServerPI::checkWriteFile( const QString& file )
QString filename;
if ( file[0] != "/" )
filename = directory.path() + "/" + file;
filename = file;
QFileInfo fi( filename );
if ( fi.exists() )
if ( !QFile( filename ).remove() )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void ServerPI::process( const QString& message )
//odebug << "Command: " << message << "" << oendl;
// split message using "," as separator
QStringList msg = QStringList::split( " ", message );
if ( msg.isEmpty() ) return;
// command token
QString cmd = msg[0].upper();
// argument token
QString arg;
if ( msg.count() >= 2 )
arg = msg[1];
// full argument string
QString args;
if ( msg.count() >= 2 ) {
QStringList copy( msg );
// FIXME: for Qt3
// copy.pop_front()
copy.remove( copy.begin() );
args = copy.join( " " );
//odebug << "args: " << args << "" << oendl;
// we always respond to QUIT, regardless of state
if ( cmd == "QUIT" ) {
send( "211 Good bye!" ); // No tr
// connected to client
if ( Connected == state )
@@ -636,128 +637,131 @@ void ServerPI::process( const QString& message )
send( "550 Requested action not taken" ); // No tr
// abort (ABOR)
else if ( cmd.contains( "ABOR" ) ) {
if ( dtp->dtpMode() != ServerDTP::Idle )
send( "426 Connection closed; transfer aborted" ); // No tr
send( "226 Closing data connection" ); // No tr
// delete (DELE)
else if ( cmd == "DELE" ) {
if ( args.isEmpty() )
send( "500 Syntax error, command unrecognized" ); // No tr
else {
QFile file( absFilePath( args ) ) ;
if ( file.remove() ) {
send( "250 Requested file action okay, completed" ); // No tr
QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "linkChanged(QString)" );
e <<;
} else {
send( "550 Requested action not taken" ); // No tr
// remove directory (RMD)
else if ( cmd == "RMD" ) {
if ( args.isEmpty() )
send( "500 Syntax error, command unrecognized" ); // No tr
else {
QDir dir;
if ( dir.rmdir( absFilePath( args ), TRUE ) )
send( "250 Requested file action okay, completed" ); // No tr
send( "550 Requested action not taken" ); // No tr
// make directory (MKD)
else if ( cmd == "MKD" ) {
if ( args.isEmpty() ) {
odebug << " Error: no arg" << oendl;
send( "500 Syntax error, command unrecognized" ); // No tr
else {
QDir dir;
if ( dir.mkdir( absFilePath( args ), TRUE ) )
send( "250 Requested file action okay, completed." ); // No tr
send( "550 Requested action not taken" ); // No tr
// print working directory (PWD)
else if ( cmd == "PWD" ) {
send( "257 \"" + directory.path() +"\"" );
// list (LIST)
else if ( cmd == "LIST" ) {
+ if ( args == "-la" )
+ args = QString::null;
if ( sendList( absFilePath( args ) ) )
send( "150 File status okay" ); // No tr
send( "500 Syntax error, command unrecognized" ); // No tr
// size (SIZE)
else if ( cmd == "SIZE" ) {
QString filePath = absFilePath( args );
QFileInfo fi( filePath );
bool gzipfile = backupRestoreGzip( filePath );
if ( !fi.exists() && !gzipfile )
send( "500 Syntax error, command unrecognized" ); // No tr
else {
if ( !gzipfile )
send( "213 " + QString::number( fi.size() ) );
else {
Process duproc( QString("du") );
QString in, out;
if ( !duproc.exec(in, out) ) {
odebug << "du process failed; just sending back 1K" << oendl;
send( "213 1024");
else {
QString size = out.left( out.find("\t") );
int guess = size.toInt()/5;
if ( filePath.contains("doc") ) // No tr
guess *= 1000;
odebug << "sending back gzip guess of " << guess << "" << oendl;
send( "213 " + QString::number(guess) );
// name list (NLST)
else if ( cmd == "NLST" ) {
send( "502 Command not implemented" ); // No tr
// site parameters (SITE)
else if ( cmd == "SITE" ) {
send( "502 Command not implemented" ); // No tr
// system (SYST)
else if ( cmd == "SYST" ) {
send( "215 UNIX Type: L8" ); // No tr
// status (STAT)
else if ( cmd == "STAT" ) {
send( "502 Command not implemented" ); // No tr
// help (HELP )
else if ( cmd == "HELP" ) {
send( "502 Command not implemented" ); // No tr
// noop (NOOP)
else if ( cmd == "NOOP" ) {
send( "200 Command okay" ); // No tr