Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 15 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/Rules.make b/Rules.make
index ab77abf..5fd8d90 100644
--- a/Rules.make
+++ b/Rules.make
@@ -1,124 +1,125 @@
.phony: force
$(configs) :
$(call makecfg,$@)
$(TOPDIR)/ : $(TOPDIR)/.config
echo > $@
ifneq ($(CONFIG_DEBUG),)
echo CONFIG += debug >> $@
echo CONFIG -= release >> $@
echo CONFIG -= debug >> $@
echo CONFIG += release >> $@
ifeq ($(filter 3.%,$(QTE_VERSION)),) # not qt3
echo CONFIG -= qt3 >> $@
echo CONFIG += qt3 >> $@
$(TOPDIR)/.depends : $(shell if [ -e $(TOPDIR)/ ]\; then echo $(TOPDIR)/\; fi\;) $(TOPDIR)/.config $(TOPDIR)/packages
@echo Generating dependency information...
# add to subdir-y, and add descend rules
@cat $(TOPDIR)/packages | grep -v '^#' | \
awk '{print \
".PHONY : " $$2 "\n" \
"subdir-$$(" $$1 ") += " $$2 "\n\n"; \
print $$2 " : " $$2 "/Makefile\n\t$$(call descend,$$@,$(filter-out $$@,$$(filter-out $$@,$$(MAKECMDGOALS))))\n"; }' > $(TOPDIR)/.depends
cat $(TOPDIR)/packages | grep -v '^#' | \
perl -ne '($$cfg, $$dir, $$pro) = $$_ =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/; if ( -e "$$dir/$$pro" ) { print "$$dir/Makefile : $$dir/$$pro \$$(QMAKE) \$$(OPIEDIR)/ \$$(OPIEDIR)/.config\n\t\$$(call makefilegen,\$$@)\n\n"; }' \
>> $(TOPDIR)/.depends
# interpackage dependency generation
@cat $(TOPDIR)/packages | \
$(TOPDIR)/scripts/ >> $(TOPDIR)/.depends
# interdependencies
@echo $(configs) | sed -e 's,/,,g' | ( for i in `cat`; do echo $$i; done ) > dirs
@cat dirs | ( for i in `cat`; do if [ "`cat dirs|grep $$i 2>/dev/null|wc -l`" -ne "1" ]; then deps=`cat dirs|grep $$i| grep -v "^$$i$$"|for i in \`cat|sed -e's,^$(TOPDIR)/,$$(TOPDIR)/,g'\`; do echo $$i/; done`; echo `echo $$i/|sed -e 's,^$(TOPDIR)/,$$(TOPDIR)/,'` : $$deps; fi; done ) >> $@
@-rm -f dirs
$(QTDIR)/stamp-headers :
@-rm -f $(QTDIR)/stamp-headers*
( cd $(QTDIR)/include; \
$(patsubst %,ln -sf ../src/kernel/%;,qgfx_qws.h qwsmouse_qws.h \
qcopchannel_qws.h qwindowsystem_qws.h \
qfontmanager_qws.h qwsdefaultdecoration_qws.h))
touch $@
$(QTDIR)/stamp-headers-x11 :
@-rm -f $(QTDIR)/stamp-headers*
cd $(QTDIR)/include; $(patsubst %,ln -sf $(OPIEDIR)/x11/libqpe-x11/qt/%;,qgfx_qws.h qwsmouse_qws.h qcopchannel_qws.h qwindowsystem_qws.h qfontmanager_qws.h qwsdefaultdecoration_qws.h)
touch $@
$(OPIEDIR)/stamp-headers :
@-rm -f $(OPIEDIR)/stamp-headers*
mkdir -p $(TOPDIR)/include/qpe \
$(TOPDIR)/include/qtopia \
$(TOPDIR)/include/opie \
+ $(TOPDIR)/include/opie2 \
( cd include/qpe && rm -f *.h; ln -sf ../../library/*.h .; ln -sf ../../library/backend/*.h .; rm -f *_p.h; )
( cd include/qtopia && rm -f *.h; ln -sf ../../library/*.h .; )
( cd include/qtopia/private && rm -f *.h; ln -sf ../../../library/backend/*.h .; )
( cd include/opie && rm -f *.h; ln -sf ../../libopie/*.h .; rm -f *_p.h; )
( cd include/opie && ln -sf ../../libopie/pim/*.h .; )
( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opiecore/*.h .; )
( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opiemm/*.h .; )
( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opiedb/*.h .; )
( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opienet/*.h .; )
#( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opiepim/*.h .; )
( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opieui/*.h .; )
( cd include/opie; for generatedHeader in `cd ../../libopie; ls *.ui | sed -e "s,\.ui,\.h,g"`; do \
ln -sf ../../libopie/$$generatedHeader $$generatedHeader; done )
ln -sf ../../library/custom.h $(TOPDIR)/include/qpe/custom.h
touch $@
$(OPIEDIR)/stamp-headers-x11 :
@-rm -f $(OPIEDIR)/stamp-headers*
mkdir -p $(TOPDIR)/include/qpe $(TOPDIR)/include/qtopia \
$(TOPDIR)/include/opie $(TOPDIR)/include/qtopia/private
( cd include/qpe && rm -f *.h; ln -sf ../../library/*.h .; ln -sf ../../library/backend/*.h .; rm -f *_p.h; )
( cd include/qtopia && rm -f *.h; ln -sf ../../library/*.h .; )
( cd include/qtopia/private && rm -f *.h; ln -sf ../../../library/backend/*.h .; )
( cd include/opie && rm -f *.h; ln -sf ../../libopie/*.h .; rm -f *_p.h; )
( cd include/opie && ln -sf ../../libsql/*.h .; )
( cd include/opie && ln -sf ../../libopie/pim/*.h .; )
( cd include/opie; for generatedHeader in `cd ../../libopie; ls *.ui | sed -e "s,\.ui,\.h,g"`; do \
ln -sf ../../libopie/$$generatedHeader $$generatedHeader; done )
ln -sf ../../library/custom.h $(TOPDIR)/include/qpe/custom.h
( cd include/qpe; ln -sf ../../x11/libqpe-x11/qpe/*.h .; )
touch $@
$(TOPDIR)/library/custom.h : $(TOPDIR)/.config
@-rm -f $@
@$(if $(patsubst "%",%,$(CONFIG_CUSTOMFILE)),\
ln -sf $(patsubst "%",%,$(CONFIG_CUSTOMFILE)) $@)
@touch $@
$(TOPDIR)/scripts/lxdialog/lxdialog $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/mconf $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/conf $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/qconf $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/ $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/gconf $(TOPDIR)/qmake/qmake:
@$(call descend,$(shell dirname $@),$(shell basename $@))
menuconfig: $(TOPDIR)/scripts/lxdialog/lxdialog $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/mconf ./
$(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/mconf ./
@touch ./.config.stamp
xconfig: $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/qconf $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/ ./
$(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/qconf ./
@touch .config.stamp
gconfig: $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/gconf $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/ ./
$(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/gconf ./
@touch .config.stamp
config: $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/conf ./
$(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/conf ./
@touch .config.stamp
oldconfig: $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/conf ./
$(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/conf -o ./
@touch .config.stamp
randconfig: $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/conf ./
$(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/conf -r ./
diff --git a/core/launcher/launcher.cpp b/core/launcher/launcher.cpp
index 0205622..b612aa2 100644
--- a/core/launcher/launcher.cpp
+++ b/core/launcher/launcher.cpp
@@ -320,136 +320,137 @@ void CategoryTabWidget::setTabAppearance( const QString &id, Config &cfg )
v->setBackgroundType( LauncherView::SolidColor, c );
QString textCol = cfg.readEntry( "TextColor" );
if ( textCol.isEmpty() )
v->setTextColor( QColor() );
v->setTextColor( QColor(textCol) );
QStringList font = cfg.readListEntry( "Font", ',' );
if ( font.count() == 4 )
v->setViewFont( QFont(font[0], font[1].toInt(), font[2].toInt(), font[3].toInt()!=0) );
// Tabs
QString tabCol = cfg.readEntry( "TabColor" );
if ( tabCol.isEmpty() )
tab->bgColor = QColor();
tab->bgColor = QColor(tabCol);
QString tabTextCol = cfg.readEntry( "TabTextColor" );
if ( tabTextCol.isEmpty() )
tab->fgColor = QColor();
tab->fgColor = QColor(tabTextCol);
//void CategoryTabWidget::updateDocs(AppLnkSet* docFolder, const QList<FileSystem> & /*fs*/)
// docFolder->detachChildren();
void CategoryTabWidget::tabProperties()
LauncherView *view = (LauncherView*)stack->widget( categoryBar->currentTab() );
QPopupMenu *m = new QPopupMenu( this );
m->insertItem( tr("Icon View"), LauncherView::Icon );
m->insertItem( tr("List View"), LauncherView::List );
m->setItemChecked( (int)view->viewMode(), TRUE );
int rv = m->exec( QCursor::pos() );
if ( rv >= 0 && rv != view->viewMode() ) {
view->setViewMode( (LauncherView::ViewMode)rv );
delete m;
QString CategoryTabWidget::getAllDocLinkInfo() const
return "";
LauncherView* CategoryTabWidget::newView( const QString& id, const QPixmap& pm, const QString& label )
LauncherView* view = new LauncherView( stack );
connect( view, SIGNAL(clicked(const AppLnk*)),
this, SIGNAL(clicked(const AppLnk*)));
connect( view, SIGNAL(rightPressed(AppLnk*)),
this, SIGNAL(rightPressed(AppLnk*)));
categoryBar->addTab( new CategoryTab( pm, label ) );
stack->addWidget( view, tabs++ );
return view;
void CategoryTabWidget::updateLink(const QString& linkfile)
- // LauncherView* view;
- qApp->processEvents();
-// while ((view = (LauncherView*)stack->widget(i++))) {
-// if ( view->removeLink(linkfile) )
-// break;
-// }
- // addItem(linkfile);
- fileSel->reparse();
+ int i=0;
+ LauncherView* view;
+ //qApp->processEvents();
+ while ((view = (LauncherView*)stack->widget(i++))) {
+ if ( view->removeLink(linkfile) )
+ break;
+ }
+ addItem(linkfile);
+ docview->updateTools();
void CategoryTabWidget::paletteChange( const QPalette &p )
QVBox::paletteChange( p );
QPalette pal = palette();
pal.setColor( QColorGroup::Light, pal.color(QPalette::Active,QColorGroup::Shadow) );
pal.setColor( QColorGroup::Background, );
categoryBar->setPalette( pal );
void CategoryTabWidget::setBusy(bool on)
if ( on )
for (int i=0; i<tabs-1; i++)
LauncherView *CategoryTabWidget::view( const QString &id )
int idx = ids.findIndex( id );
return (LauncherView *)stack->widget(idx);
void CategoryTabWidget::setBusyIndicatorType ( const QString &type )
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = ids. begin ( ); it != ids. end ( ); ++it )
view ( *it )-> setBusyIndicatorType ( type );
CategoryTabBar::CategoryTabBar( QWidget *parent, const char *name )
: QTabBar( parent, name )
setFocusPolicy( NoFocus );
connect( this, SIGNAL( selected(int) ), this, SLOT( layoutTabs() ) );
void CategoryTabBar::layoutTabs()
if ( !count() )
// int percentFalloffTable[] = { 100, 70, 40, 12, 6, 3, 1, 0 };
int available = width()-1;
QFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();
int hiddenTabWidth = -7;
int middleTab = currentTab();
int hframe, vframe, overlap;
style().tabbarMetrics( this, hframe, vframe, overlap );
int x = 0;
QRect r;
QTab *t;
int required = 0;
int eventabwidth = (width()-1)/count();
enum Mode { HideBackText, Pack, Even } mode=Even;
@@ -1280,76 +1281,76 @@ void Launcher::storageChanged()
bool Launcher::mkdir(const QString &localPath)
QDir fullDir(localPath);
if (fullDir.exists())
return true;
// at this point the directory doesn't exist
// go through the directory tree and start creating the direcotories
// that don't exist; if we can't create the directories, return false
QString dirSeps = "/";
int dirIndex = localPath.find(dirSeps);
QString checkedPath;
// didn't find any seps; weird, use the cur dir instead
if (dirIndex == -1) {
//qDebug("No seperators found in path %s", localPath.latin1());
checkedPath = QDir::currentDirPath();
while (checkedPath != localPath) {
// no more seperators found, use the local path
if (dirIndex == -1)
checkedPath = localPath;
else {
// the next directory to check
checkedPath = localPath.left(dirIndex) + "/";
// advance the iterator; the next dir seperator
dirIndex = localPath.find(dirSeps, dirIndex+1);
QDir checkDir(checkedPath);
if (!checkDir.exists()) {
//qDebug("mkdir making dir %s", checkedPath.latin1());
if (!checkDir.mkdir(checkedPath)) {
qDebug("Unable to make directory %s", checkedPath.latin1());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void Launcher::preloadApps()
Config cfg("Launcher");
QStringList apps = cfg.readListEntry("Apps",',');
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it=apps.begin(); it!=apps.end(); ++it) {
#ifndef QT_NO_COP
QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/"+(*it).local8Bit(), "enablePreload()");
DocumentTab::DocumentTab( QWidget *parent, int mode, int selector, const QString &dirName, const QString &fileName)
: OFileSelector(parent,mode,selector,dirName,fileName)
- setYesCancelVisible(false);
- setToolbarVisible(false);
- setPermissionBarVisible(false);
- setLineEditVisible(false) ;
- //setChooserVisible( bool chooser );
+ //setYesCancelVisible(false);
+ //setToolbarVisible(false);
+ //setPermissionBarVisible(false);
+ //setLineEditVisible(false) ;
+ //setChooserVisible( bool chooser );
DocumentTab::~DocumentTab() {