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diff --git a/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/slave/jpeg_slave.cpp b/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/slave/jpeg_slave.cpp
index fb7d5de..1bb81d9 100644
--- a/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/slave/jpeg_slave.cpp
+++ b/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/slave/jpeg_slave.cpp
@@ -1354,76 +1354,84 @@ QString JpegSlave::fullImageInfo( const QString& path) {
int flash_used = ImageInfo.getFlashUsed();
if ( flash_used >= 0 )
tag += QObject::tr( "Flash used\n" );
if ( ImageInfo.getFocalLength() ) {
tag += QObject::tr( "Focal length: %1\n" ).arg( QString().sprintf( "%4.1f", ImageInfo.getFocalLength() ) );
if ( ImageInfo.getCCDWidth() )
tag += QObject::tr( "35mm equivalent: %1\n" ).arg( (int)(ImageInfo.getFocalLength()/ImageInfo.getCCDWidth()*35 + 0.5) );
if ( ImageInfo.getCCDWidth() )
tag += QObject::tr( "CCD width: %1" ).arg( ImageInfo.getCCDWidth() );
if ( ImageInfo.getExposureTime() ) {
tmp = QString().sprintf("%4.2f", ImageInfo.getExposureTime() );
float exposureTime = ImageInfo.getExposureTime();
if ( exposureTime > 0 && exposureTime <= 0.5 )
tmp += QString().sprintf(" (1/%d)", (int)(0.5 +1/exposureTime) );
tag += QObject::tr( "Exposure time: %1\n" ).arg( tmp );
if ( ImageInfo.getApertureFNumber() )
tag += QObject::tr( "Aperture: %1\n" ).arg( QString().sprintf("f/%3.1f", (double)ImageInfo.getApertureFNumber() ) );
if ( ImageInfo.getDistance() ) {
if ( ImageInfo.getDistance() < 0 )
tag += QObject::tr( "Distance: %1\n" ).arg( QObject::tr( "Infinite" ) );
tag += QObject::tr( "Distance: %1\n" ).arg( QString().sprintf( "%5.2fm", (double)ImageInfo.getDistance() ) );
if ( ImageInfo.getExposureBias() ) {
tag += QObject::tr( "Exposure bias: %1\n", QString().sprintf("%4.2f", (double)ImageInfo.getExposureBias() ) );
if ( ImageInfo.getWhitebalance() != -1 )
tag += white_balance_string( ImageInfo.getWhitebalance() );
if( ImageInfo.getMeteringMode() != -1 )
tag += metering_mode( ImageInfo.getMeteringMode() );
if ( ImageInfo.getExposureProgram() )
tag += exposure_program( ImageInfo.getExposureProgram() );
if ( ImageInfo.getISOequivalent() )
tag += QObject::tr( "ISO equivalent: %1\n" ).arg( QString().sprintf("%2d", ImageInfo.getISOequivalent() ) );
tmp = ImageInfo.getUserComment();
if ( tmp.length() )
tag += QObject::tr( "EXIF comment: %1" ).arg( tmp );
tag += QObject::tr( "</qt>" );
return tag;
QPixmap JpegSlave::pixmap( const QString& path, int wid, int hei) {
ExifData ImageInfo;
+ /*
+ */
if ( !ImageInfo.scan( path ) || ImageInfo.isNullThumbnail() ) {
QImage img;
QImageIO iio( path, 0l );
+ if (wid < ImageInfo.getWidth() || hei<ImageInfo.getHeight()) {
+ odebug << "Scaling "<<ImageInfo.getWidth()<<"x"<<ImageInfo.getHeight()
+ << " to "<<wid<<"x"<<hei<< " ("<<path<<")"<<oendl;
QString str = QString( "Fast Shrink( 4 ) Scale( %1, %2, ScaleFree)" ).arg( wid ).arg( hei );
iio.setParameters( str.latin1() );// will be strdupped anyway
+ } else {
+ odebug << "Not scaling "<<ImageInfo.getWidth()<<"x"<<ImageInfo.getHeight()<< " ("<<path<<")"<<oendl;
+ }
img = ? iio.image() : QImage();
return ThumbNailTool::scaleImage( img, wid,hei );
QImage img = ImageInfo.getThumbnail();
return ThumbNailTool::scaleImage( img, wid,hei );