-rw-r--r-- | core/pim/addressbook/contacteditor.cpp | 36 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/pim/addressbook/contacteditor.h | 4 |
2 files changed, 14 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/core/pim/addressbook/contacteditor.cpp b/core/pim/addressbook/contacteditor.cpp index 75dd2c1..7682399 100644 --- a/core/pim/addressbook/contacteditor.cpp +++ b/core/pim/addressbook/contacteditor.cpp @@ -28,130 +28,128 @@ #include <qpe/qpedialog.h> #include <qpe/timeconversion.h> #include <opie/ocontact.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qtabwidget.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qmultilineedit.h> #include <qscrollview.h> #include <qtoolbutton.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qmainwindow.h> #include <qvaluelist.h> #include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qlistbox.h> #include <qhbox.h> #include <qaction.h> #include <qiconset.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <assert.h> static inline bool containsAlphaNum( const QString &str ); static inline bool constainsWhiteSpace( const QString &str ); // helper functions, convert our comma delimited list to proper // file format... void parseEmailFrom( const QString &txt, QString &strDefaultEmail, QString &strAll ); // helper convert from file format to comma delimited... void parseEmailTo( const QString &strDefaultEmail, const QString &strOtherEmail, QString &strBack ); ContactEditor::ContactEditor( const OContact &entry, QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags fl ) : QDialog( parent, name, TRUE, fl ), defaultEmailChooserPosition( -1 ), m_personalView ( false ), cmbDefaultEmail( 0 ), initializing ( false ) { initializing = true; init(); setEntry( entry ); // cmbDefaultEmail = 0; // defaultEmailChooserPosition = -1; initializing = false; } ContactEditor::~ContactEditor() { } void ContactEditor::init() { qWarning("init() START"); - useFullName = true; - uint i = 0; QStringList trlChooserNames; for (i = 0; i <= 6; i++) { slHomeAddress.append( "" ); slBusinessAddress.append( "" ); } trlChooserNames = OContactFields::trphonefields( false ); slChooserNames = OContactFields::untrphonefields( false ); slDynamicEntries = OContactFields::untrdetailsfields( false ); trlDynamicEntries = OContactFields::trdetailsfields( false ); // Ok, we have to remove elements from the list of dynamic entries // which are now stored in special (not dynamic) widgets.. // Otherwise we will get problems with field assignments! (se) slDynamicEntries.remove("Anniversary"); slDynamicEntries.remove("Birthday"); slDynamicEntries.remove("Gender"); // The same with translated fields.. But I will // use the translation map to avoid mismatches.. QMap<int, QString> translMap = OContactFields::idToTrFields(); trlDynamicEntries.remove( translMap[Qtopia::Anniversary] ); trlDynamicEntries.remove( translMap[Qtopia::Birthday] ); trlDynamicEntries.remove( translMap[Qtopia::Gender] ); // Last Check to be sure.. assert( slDynamicEntries.count() == trlDynamicEntries.count() ); assert( slChooserNames.count() == trlChooserNames.count() ); for (i = 0; i < slChooserNames.count(); i++) slChooserValues.append(""); QVBoxLayout *vb = new QVBoxLayout( this ); tabMain = new QTabWidget( this ); vb->addWidget( tabMain ); QWidget *tabViewport = new QWidget ( tabMain ); vb = new QVBoxLayout( tabViewport ); svGeneral = new QScrollView( tabViewport ); vb->addWidget( svGeneral, 0, 0 ); svGeneral->setResizePolicy( QScrollView::AutoOneFit ); svGeneral->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); QWidget *container = new QWidget( svGeneral->viewport() ); svGeneral->addChild( container ); QGridLayout *gl = new QGridLayout( container, 1, 1, 2, 4 ); gl->setResizeMode( QLayout::FreeResize ); btnFullName = new QPushButton( tr( "Full Name..." ), container ); gl->addWidget( btnFullName, 0, 0 ); txtFullName = new QLineEdit( container ); gl->addWidget( txtFullName, 0, 1 ); QLabel *l = new QLabel( tr( "Job Title" ), container ); gl->addWidget( l, 1, 0 ); txtJobTitle = new QLineEdit( container ); @@ -970,363 +968,367 @@ void ContactEditor::slotCmbChooser3Change( int index ) { if ( !cmbChooserChange( cmbChooserField3->currentItem(), m_widgetStack3, 3) ){ txtChooserField3->setText( slChooserValues[index] ); txtChooserField3->setFocus(); } } void ContactEditor::slotCmbChooser4Change( int index ) { qWarning("ContactEditor::slotCmbChooser4Change( %d )", index); if ( !cmbChooserChange( cmbChooserField4->currentItem(), m_widgetStack4, 4) ){ txtChooserField4->setText( slChooserValues[index] ); txtChooserField4->setFocus(); } } void ContactEditor::slotAddressTypeChange( int index ) { if ( !initializing ) contactfields.setFieldOrder( 4, index ); if ( index == 0 ) { txtAddress->setText( slBusinessAddress[0] ); //txtAddress2->setText( (*slBusinessAddress)[1] ); //txtPOBox->setText( (*slBusinessAddress)[2] ); txtCity->setText( slBusinessAddress[3] ); txtState->setText( slBusinessAddress[4] ); txtZip->setText( slBusinessAddress[5] ); QLineEdit *txtTmp = cmbCountry->lineEdit(); txtTmp->setText( slBusinessAddress[6] ); } else { txtAddress->setText( slHomeAddress[0] ); //txtAddress2->setText( (*slHomeAddress)[1] ); //txtPOBox->setText( (*slHomeAddress)[2] ); txtCity->setText( slHomeAddress[3] ); txtState->setText( slHomeAddress[4] ); txtZip->setText( slHomeAddress[5] ); QLineEdit *txtTmp = cmbCountry->lineEdit(); txtTmp->setText( slHomeAddress[6] ); } } void ContactEditor::slotFullNameChange( const QString &textChanged ) { qWarning( "ContactEditor::slotFullNameChange( %s )", textChanged.latin1() ); int index = cmbFileAs->currentItem(); cmbFileAs->clear(); cmbFileAs->insertItem( parseName( textChanged, NAME_LF ) ); cmbFileAs->insertItem( parseName( textChanged, NAME_LFM ) ); cmbFileAs->insertItem( parseName( textChanged, NAME_FL ) ); - cmbFileAs->insertItem( parseName( textChanged, NAME_FMLS ) ); + cmbFileAs->insertItem( parseName( textChanged, NAME_FML ) ); + if ( ! txtSuffix->text().isEmpty() ) + cmbFileAs->insertItem( parseName( textChanged, NAME_FML ) + " " + txtSuffix->text() ); cmbFileAs->setCurrentItem( index ); - useFullName = true; } void ContactEditor::slotSuffixChange( const QString& ) { // Just want to update the FileAs combo if the suffix was changed.. slotFullNameChange( txtFullName->text() ); } void ContactEditor::accept() { if ( isEmpty() ) { cleanupFields(); reject(); } else { saveEntry(); cleanupFields(); QDialog::accept(); } } void ContactEditor::slotNote() { dlgNote->showMaximized(); if ( !dlgNote->exec() ) { txtNote->setText( ent.notes() ); } } void ContactEditor::slotName() { QString tmpName; - if (useFullName) { + txtFirstName->setText( parseName(txtFullName->text(), NAME_F) ); txtMiddleName->setText( parseName(txtFullName->text(), NAME_M) ); txtLastName->setText( parseName(txtFullName->text(), NAME_L) ); // txtSuffix->setText( parseName(txtFullName->text(), NAME_S) ); - } + dlgName->showMaximized(); if ( dlgName->exec() ) { - + if ( txtLastName->text().contains( ' ', TRUE ) ) + tmpName = txtLastName->text() + ", " + txtFirstName->text() + " " + txtMiddleName->text(); + else tmpName = txtFirstName->text() + " " + txtMiddleName->text() + " " + txtLastName->text(); + txtFullName->setText( tmpName.simplifyWhiteSpace() ); slotFullNameChange( txtFullName->text() ); - useFullName = false; } } void ContactEditor::setNameFocus() { txtFullName->setFocus(); } bool ContactEditor::isEmpty() { // Test and see if the record should be saved. // More strict than the original qtopia, needs name or fileas to save QString t = txtFullName->text(); if ( !t.isEmpty() && containsAlphaNum( t ) ) return false; t = cmbFileAs->currentText(); if ( !t.isEmpty() && containsAlphaNum( t ) ) return false; return true; } QString ContactEditor::parseName( const QString fullName, int type ) { QString simplifiedName( fullName.simplifyWhiteSpace() ); QString strFirstName; QString strMiddleName; QString strLastName; QString strTitle; int commapos; bool haveLastName = false; qWarning("Fullname: %s", simplifiedName.latin1()); commapos = simplifiedName.find( ',', 0, TRUE); if ( commapos >= 0 ) { qWarning(" Commapos: %d", commapos ); // A comma (",") separates the lastname from one or // many first names. Thus, remove the lastname from the // String and parse the firstnames. strLastName = simplifiedName.left( commapos ); simplifiedName= simplifiedName.mid( commapos + 1 ); haveLastName = true; qWarning("Fullname without ',': %s", simplifiedName.latin1()); // If we have any lastname, we should now split all first names. // The first one will be the used as first, the rest as "middle names" QStringList allFirstNames = QStringList::split(" ", simplifiedName); QStringList::Iterator it = allFirstNames.begin(); strFirstName = *it++; QStringList allSecondNames; for ( ; it != allFirstNames.end(); ++it ) allSecondNames.append( *it ); strMiddleName = allSecondNames.join(" "); } else { // No comma separator used: We use the first word as firstname, the // last as second/lastname and everything in the middle as middlename QStringList allNames = QStringList::split(" ", simplifiedName); QStringList::Iterator it = allNames.begin(); strFirstName = *it++; QStringList allSecondNames; for ( ; it != --allNames.end(); ++it ) allSecondNames.append( *it ); strMiddleName = allSecondNames.join(" "); strLastName = *(--allNames.end()); } if ( strFirstName == strLastName ) strFirstName = ""; qWarning(" strFirstName: %s", strFirstName.latin1()); qWarning(" strMiddleName: %s", strMiddleName.latin1()); qWarning(" strLastName: %s", strLastName.latin1()); qWarning(" strTitle: %s", strTitle.latin1()); switch (type) { case NAME_FL: return strFirstName + " " + strLastName; case NAME_LF: return strLastName + ", " + strFirstName; case NAME_LFM: return strLastName + ", " + strFirstName + " " + strMiddleName; - case NAME_FMLS: - return strFirstName + " " + strMiddleName + " " + strLastName + " " + txtSuffix->text(); + case NAME_FML: + return strFirstName + " " + strMiddleName + " " + strLastName ; case NAME_F: return strFirstName; case NAME_M: return strMiddleName; case NAME_L: return strLastName; case NAME_S: return txtSuffix->text(); } return QString::null; } void ContactEditor::cleanupFields() { QStringList::Iterator it = slChooserValues.begin(); for ( int i = 0; it != slChooserValues.end(); i++, ++it ) { (*it) = ""; } for ( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) { slHomeAddress[i] = ""; slBusinessAddress[i] = ""; } QListIterator<QLineEdit> itLV( listValue ); for ( ; itLV.current(); ++itLV ) { (*itLV)->setText( "" ); } txtFirstName->setText(""); txtMiddleName->setText(""); txtLastName->setText(""); txtSuffix->setText(""); txtNote->setText(""); txtFullName->setText(""); txtJobTitle->setText(""); txtOrganization->setText(""); txtChooserField1->setText(""); txtChooserField2->setText(""); txtChooserField3->setText(""); txtAddress->setText(""); txtCity->setText(""); txtState->setText(""); txtZip->setText(""); QLineEdit *txtTmp = cmbCountry->lineEdit(); txtTmp->setText(""); txtTmp = cmbFileAs->lineEdit(); txtTmp->setText(""); } void ContactEditor::setEntry( const OContact &entry ) { initializing = true; cleanupFields(); ent = entry; emails = QStringList(ent.emailList()); defaultEmail = ent.defaultEmail(); if (defaultEmail.isEmpty()) defaultEmail = emails[0]; qDebug("default email=%s",defaultEmail.latin1()); - useFullName = false; txtFirstName->setText( ent.firstName() ); txtMiddleName->setText( ent.middleName() ); txtLastName->setText( ent.lastName() ); txtSuffix->setText( ent.suffix() ); // QString *tmpString = new QString; // *tmpString = ent.firstName() + " " + ent.middleName() + // + " " + ent.lastName() + " " + ent.suffix(); // txtFullName->setText( tmpString->simplifyWhiteSpace() ); + if ( !ent.isEmpty() ){ // Lastnames with multiple words need to be protected by a comma ! if ( ent.lastName().contains( ' ', TRUE ) ) txtFullName->setText( ent.lastName() + ", " + ent.firstName() + " " + ent.middleName() ); else txtFullName->setText( ent.firstName() + " " + ent.middleName() + " " + ent.lastName() ); + } cmbFileAs->setEditText( ent.fileAs() ); // if (hasTitle) txtJobTitle->setText( ent.jobTitle() ); // if (hasCompany) txtOrganization->setText( ent.company() ); // if (hasNotes) txtNote->setText( ent.notes() ); // if (hasStreet) { slHomeAddress[0] = ent.homeStreet(); slBusinessAddress[0] = ent.businessStreet(); // } // if (hasCity) { slHomeAddress[3] = ent.homeCity(); slBusinessAddress[3] = ent.businessCity(); //} //if (hasState) { slHomeAddress[4] = ent.homeState(); slBusinessAddress[4] = ent.businessState(); //} //if (hasZip) { slHomeAddress[5] = ent.homeZip(); slBusinessAddress[5] = ent.businessZip(); //} //if (hasCountry) { slHomeAddress[6] = ent.homeCountry(); slBusinessAddress[6] = ent.businessCountry(); //} QStringList::ConstIterator it; QListIterator<QLineEdit> itLE( listValue ); for ( it = slDynamicEntries.begin(); itLE.current()/* != slDynamicEntries.end()*/; ++it, ++itLE) { qWarning(" Filling dynamic Field: %s", (*it).latin1() ); if ( *it == "Department" ) (*itLE)->setText( ent.department() ); if ( *it == "Company" ) (*itLE)->setText( ent.company() ); if ( *it == "Office" ) (*itLE)->setText( ent.office() ); if ( *it == "Profession" ) (*itLE)->setText( ent.profession() ); if ( *it == "Assistant" ) (*itLE)->setText( ent.assistant() ); if ( *it == "Manager" ) (*itLE)->setText( ent.manager() ); if ( *it == "Spouse" ) (*itLE)->setText( ent.spouse() ); @@ -1364,184 +1366,172 @@ void ContactEditor::setEntry( const OContact &entry ) { if ( *it == "Emails" ) *itV = ent.emailList().join(", "); // :SX if ( *it == "Home Phone" ) *itV = ent.homePhone(); /* if ( *it == "Home 2 Phone" ) *itV = ent.home2Phone(); */ if ( *it == "Home Fax" ) *itV = ent.homeFax(); if ( *it == "Home Mobile" ) *itV = ent.homeMobile(); /* if ( *it == "Car Phone" ) *itV = ent.carPhone(); if ( *it == "ISDN Phone" ) *itV = ent.ISDNPhone(); if ( *it == "Other Phone" ) *itV = ent.otherPhone(); */ if ( ( *it == "Business Pager" ) || ( *it == "Work Pager" ) ) *itV = ent.businessPager(); /* if ( *it == "Home Pager") *itV = ent.homePager(); if ( *it == "AIM IM" ) *itV = ent.AIMIM(); if ( *it == "ICQ IM" ) *itV = ent.ICQIM(); if ( *it == "Jabber IM" ) *itV = ent.jabberIM(); if ( *it == "MSN IM" ) *itV = ent.MSNIM(); if ( *it == "Yahoo IM" ) *itV = ent.yahooIM(); */ if ( *it == "Home Web Page" ) *itV = ent.homeWebpage(); if ( ( *it == "Business WebPage" ) || ( *it == "Work Web Page" ) ) *itV = ent.businessWebpage(); } cmbCat->setCategories( ent.categories(), "Contacts", tr("Contacts") ); QString gender = ent.gender(); cmbGender->setCurrentItem( gender.toInt() ); txtNote->setText( ent.notes() ); slotAddressTypeChange( cmbAddress->currentItem() ); - // Calling "show()" to arrange all widgets. Otherwise we will get - // a wrong position of the textfields and are unable to put our - // default-email combo over it.. This is very ugly ! - // Does anybody has a better solution ? - // Basically we should rethink the strategy to hide - // a textfield with overwriting.. (se) - show(); - // Get combo-settings from contact and set preset.. contactfields.loadFromRecord( ent ); cmbChooserField1->setCurrentItem( contactfields.getFieldOrder(0, 7) ); cmbChooserField2->setCurrentItem( contactfields.getFieldOrder(1, 9) ); cmbChooserField3->setCurrentItem( contactfields.getFieldOrder(2, 0) ); cmbChooserField4->setCurrentItem( contactfields.getFieldOrder(3, 6) ); cmbAddress->setCurrentItem( contactfields.getFieldOrder(4, 1) ); slotCmbChooser1Change( cmbChooserField1->currentItem() ); slotCmbChooser2Change( cmbChooserField2->currentItem() ); slotCmbChooser3Change( cmbChooserField3->currentItem() ); slotCmbChooser4Change( cmbChooserField4->currentItem() ); slotAddressTypeChange( cmbAddress->currentItem() ); updateDatePicker(); initializing = false; } void ContactEditor::updateDatePicker() { // Set DatePicker if ( !ent.birthday().isNull() ){ birthdayButton->setText( TimeString::numberDateString( ent.birthday() ) ); birthdayPicker->setDate( ent.birthday() ); } else birthdayButton->setText( tr ("Unknown") ); if ( !ent.anniversary().isNull() ){ anniversaryButton->setText( TimeString::numberDateString( ent.anniversary() ) ); anniversaryPicker->setDate( ent.anniversary() ); } else anniversaryButton->setText( tr ("Unknown") ); } void ContactEditor::saveEntry() { // Store current combo into contact contactfields.saveToRecord( ent ); - if ( useFullName ) { txtFirstName->setText( parseName( txtFullName->text(), NAME_F ) ); txtMiddleName->setText( parseName( txtFullName->text(), NAME_M ) ); txtLastName->setText( parseName( txtFullName->text(), NAME_L ) ); // txtSuffix->setText( parseName( txtFullName->text(), NAME_S ) ); - useFullName = false; - } - ent.setFirstName( txtFirstName->text() ); ent.setLastName( txtLastName->text() ); ent.setMiddleName( txtMiddleName->text() ); ent.setSuffix( txtSuffix->text() ); ent.setFileAs( cmbFileAs->currentText() ); ent.setCategories( cmbCat->currentCategories() ); //if (hasTitle) ent.setJobTitle( txtJobTitle->text() ); //if (hasCompany) ent.setCompany( txtOrganization->text() ); // if (hasNotes) ent.setNotes( txtNote->text() ); //if (hasStreet) { ent.setHomeStreet( slHomeAddress[0] ); ent.setBusinessStreet( slBusinessAddress[0] ); // } // if (hasCity) { ent.setHomeCity( slHomeAddress[3] ); ent.setBusinessCity( slBusinessAddress[3] ); // } // if (hasState) { ent.setHomeState( slHomeAddress[4] ); ent.setBusinessState( slBusinessAddress[4] ); // } // if (hasZip) { ent.setHomeZip( slHomeAddress[5] ); ent.setBusinessZip( slBusinessAddress[5] ); // } // if (hasCountry) { ent.setHomeCountry( slHomeAddress[6] ); ent.setBusinessCountry( slBusinessAddress[6] ); // } QStringList::ConstIterator it; QListIterator<QLineEdit> itLE( listValue ); for ( it = slDynamicEntries.begin(); itLE.current() && it != slDynamicEntries.end(); ++it, ++itLE) { if ( *it == "Department" ) ent.setDepartment( (*itLE)->text() ); if ( *it == "Company" ) ent.setCompany( (*itLE)->text() ); if ( *it == "Office" ) ent.setOffice( (*itLE)->text() ); if ( *it == "Profession" ) ent.setProfession( (*itLE)->text() ); if ( *it == "Assistant" ) ent.setAssistant( (*itLE)->text() ); if ( *it == "Manager" ) diff --git a/core/pim/addressbook/contacteditor.h b/core/pim/addressbook/contacteditor.h index 954c77e..c6fa48f 100644 --- a/core/pim/addressbook/contacteditor.h +++ b/core/pim/addressbook/contacteditor.h @@ -1,183 +1,181 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2002 Michael R. Crawford <mike@tuxnami.org> * * This file is an add-on for the OPIE Palmtop Environment * * This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the * GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software * Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the pacakaging * of this file. * * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE * WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * * This is a rewrite of the abeditor.h file, modified to provide a more * intuitive interface to TrollTech's original Address Book editor. This * is made to operate exactly in interface with the exception of name. * */ #ifndef CONTACTEDITOR_H #define CONTACTEDITOR_H #include <opie/ocontact.h> #include <qpe/datebookmonth.h> #include <qdialog.h> #include <qlist.h> #include <qmap.h> #include <qstringlist.h> #include <qwidgetstack.h> #include "ocontactfields.h" const int NAME_LF = 0; const int NAME_LFM = 1; const int NAME_FL = 2; -const int NAME_FMLS = 3; +const int NAME_FML = 3; const int NAME_F = 4; const int NAME_M = 5; const int NAME_L = 6; const int NAME_S = 7; class QScrollView; class QTabWidget; class QMultiLineEdit; class QLineEdit; class QComboBox; class QPushButton; class CategorySelect; class QLabel; class ContactEditor : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: ContactEditor( const OContact &entry, QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0, WFlags fl = 0 ); ~ContactEditor(); void setNameFocus(); void setPersonalView( bool personal = true ); OContact entry() const { return ent; } public slots: void slotNote(); void slotName(); void setEntry(const OContact &entry); protected slots: void accept(); private: void init(); void saveEntry(); bool isEmpty(); void cleanupFields(); void updateDatePicker(); QString parseName( QString fullName, int type ); void chooserError( int index ); private slots: void slotChooser1Change( const QString &textChanged ); void slotChooser2Change( const QString &textChanged ); void slotChooser3Change( const QString &textChanged ); void slotChooser4Change( const QString &textChanged ); void slotCmbChooser1Change( int index ); void slotCmbChooser2Change( int index ); void slotCmbChooser3Change( int index ); void slotCmbChooser4Change( int index ); void slotAddressTypeChange( int index ); void slotAddressChange( const QString &textChanged ); void slotAddress2Change( const QString &textChanged ); void slotPOBoxChange( const QString &textChanged ); void slotCityChange( const QString &textChanged ); void slotStateChange( const QString &textChanged ); void slotZipChange( const QString &textChanged ); void slotCountryChange( const QString &textChanged ); void slotFullNameChange( const QString &textChanged ); void slotSuffixChange( const QString &textChanged ); void slotAnniversaryDateChanged( int year, int month, int day); void slotBirthdayDateChanged( int year, int month, int day); void slotRemoveBirthday(); void slotRemoveAnniversary(); void defaultEmailChanged(int); private: enum StackWidgets { TextField = 1, Combo }; int defaultEmailChooserPosition; void populateDefaultEmailCmb(); void chooserChange( const QString&, int , QLineEdit*, int ); bool cmbChooserChange( int , QWidgetStack*, int ); OContactFields contactfields; - bool useFullName; - OContact ent; QDialog *dlgNote; QDialog *dlgName; QList<QLineEdit> listValue; QList<QLabel> listName; QStringList slDynamicEntries; QStringList trlDynamicEntries; bool m_personalView; QStringList slHomeAddress; QStringList slBusinessAddress; QStringList slChooserNames; QStringList slChooserValues; QStringList emails; QString defaultEmail; QMultiLineEdit *txtNote; QLabel *lblNote; //QLineEdit *txtTitle; QLineEdit *txtFirstName; QLineEdit *txtMiddleName; QLineEdit *txtLastName; QLineEdit *txtSuffix; QTabWidget *tabMain; QScrollView *svGeneral; QPushButton *btnFullName; QPushButton *btnNote; QLineEdit *txtFullName; QLineEdit *txtJobTitle; QLineEdit *txtOrganization; QLineEdit *txtChooserField1; QLineEdit *txtChooserField2; QLineEdit *txtChooserField3; QLineEdit *txtChooserField4; QWidgetStack* m_widgetStack1; QWidgetStack* m_widgetStack2; QWidgetStack* m_widgetStack3; QWidgetStack* m_widgetStack4; QComboBox *cmbChooserField1; QComboBox *cmbChooserField2; QComboBox *cmbChooserField3; QComboBox *cmbChooserField4; QComboBox *cmbDefaultEmail; QComboBox *cmbFileAs; CategorySelect *cmbCat; QLabel *labCat; QScrollView *svAddress; QLineEdit *txtAddress; //QLineEdit *txtAddress2; //QLineEdit *txtPOBox; QLineEdit *txtCity; QLineEdit *txtState; QLineEdit *txtZip; QComboBox *cmbAddress; QComboBox *cmbCountry; QScrollView *svDetails; |