Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 18 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/settings/packagemanager/oipkg.cpp b/noncore/settings/packagemanager/oipkg.cpp
index 3d2c621..417ee95 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/packagemanager/oipkg.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/packagemanager/oipkg.cpp
@@ -182,130 +182,138 @@ void OIpkg::setConfigItems( OConfItemList *configList )
default : break;
confStream << confLine << " " << name << " " << item->value() << "\n";
// Problem writing to /etc/ipkg.conf, exit before removing other conf files
// Delete /etc/ipkg/*.conf files (/etc/ipkg.conf should now have all settings
QStringList confFiles;
QDir confDir( IPKG_CONF_DIR );
if ( confDir.exists() )
confDir.setNameFilter( "*.conf" );
confDir.setFilter( QDir::Files );
confFiles = confDir.entryList( "*.conf", QDir::Files );
QStringList::Iterator lastFile = confFiles.end();
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = confFiles.begin(); it != lastFile; ++it )
// Create absolute file path if necessary
QString absFile = (*it);
if ( !absFile.startsWith( "/" ) )
absFile.prepend( QString( IPKG_CONF_DIR ) + "/" );
// Delete file
QFile::remove( absFile );
// Reinitialize libipkg to pick up new configuration
ipkg_deinit( &m_ipkgArgs );
ipkg_init( &fsignalIpkgMessage, &fIpkgResponse, &m_ipkgArgs );
m_ipkgArgs.noaction = false;
m_ipkgArgs.force_defaults = true;
void OIpkg::saveSettings()
// Save Ipkg execution options to application configuration file
if ( m_config )
m_config->setGroup( "Ipkg" );
m_config->writeEntry( "ExecOptions", m_ipkgExecOptions );
m_config->writeEntry( "Verbosity", m_ipkgExecVerbosity );
OPackageList *OIpkg::availablePackages( const QString &server )
// Load Ipkg configuration info if not already cached
if ( !m_confInfo )
// Build new server list (caller is responsible for deleting)
OPackageList *pl = new OPackageList;
+ // Get directory where server lists are located
+ QString listsDir;
+ OConfItem *confItem = findConfItem( OConfItem::Other, "lists_dir" );
+ if ( confItem )
+ listsDir = confItem->value();
+ else
+ listsDir = IPKG_PKG_PATH;
// Open package list file
- QFile f( IPKG_PKG_PATH + "/" + server );
+ QFile f( listsDir + "/" + server );
if ( ! IO_ReadOnly ) )
return NULL;
QTextStream t( &f );
// Process all information in package list file
OPackage *package = NULL;
QString line = t.readLine();
while ( !t.eof() )
// Determine key/value pair
int pos = line.find( ':', 0 );
QString key;
if ( pos > -1 )
key = line.mid( 0, pos );
key = QString::null;
QString value = line.mid( pos+2, line.length()-pos );
// Allocate new package and insert into list
if ( package == NULL && !key.isEmpty() )
package = new OPackage( value );
package->setSource( server );
pl->append( package );
// Update package data
if ( key == "Package" )
package->setName( value );
else if ( key == "Version" )
package->setVersion( value );
else if ( key == "Section" )
package->setCategory( value );
//DataManager::setAvailableCategories( value );
else if ( key.isEmpty() && value.isEmpty() )
package = NULL;
// Skip past all description lines
if ( key == "Description" )
line = t.readLine();
while ( !line.isEmpty() && line.find( ':', 0 ) == -1 && !t.eof() )
line = t.readLine();
line = t.readLine();
return pl;
OPackageList *OIpkg::installedPackages( const QString &destName, const QString &destPath )
// Load Ipkg configuration info if not already cached
if ( !m_confInfo )
// Build new server list (caller is responsible for deleting)
OPackageList *pl = new OPackageList;
// Open status file
QString path = destPath;
@@ -546,128 +554,132 @@ void OIpkg::loadConfiguration()
// Read in file
QFile f( absFile );
if ( IO_ReadOnly ) )
QTextStream s( &f );
while ( !s.eof() )
QString line = s.readLine().simplifyWhiteSpace();
// Parse line and save info to the conf options list
if ( !line.isEmpty() )
// Strip leading comment marker if exists
bool comment = false;
if ( line.startsWith( "#" ) )
line.remove( 0, 1 );
line = line.simplifyWhiteSpace();
comment = true;
bool recognizedOption = true;
int pos = line.find( ' ', 1 ) + 1;
int endpos = line.find( ' ', pos );
// Name
QString name = line.mid( pos, endpos - pos );
// Value
QString value = "";
if ( endpos > -1 )
value = line.right( line.length() - endpos - 1 );
// Active
bool active = !comment;
// Type
// For options w/type = Other, the mapping is as follows:
// name = typeStr (e.g. "lists_dir")
// value = value
// features = name (from configuration file)
QString typeStr = line.left( pos - 1 );
OConfItem::Type type;
QString features;
if ( typeStr == "src" )
type = OConfItem::Source;
else if ( typeStr == "src/gz" )
type = OConfItem::Source;
features = "Compressed";
else if ( typeStr == "dest" )
type = OConfItem::Destination;
else if ( typeStr == "option" )
type = OConfItem::Option;
else if ( typeStr == "arch" )
type = OConfItem::Arch;
else if ( typeStr == "lists_dir" )
type = OConfItem::Other;
features = name;
name = typeStr;
+ // Default value when not defined
+ if ( value == QString::null || value == "" )
+ value = IPKG_PKG_PATH;
recognizedOption = false;
// Add to list
if ( recognizedOption )
m_confInfo->append( new OConfItem( type, name, value, features, active ) );
// Load Ipkg execution options from application configuration file
if ( m_config )
m_config->setGroup( "Ipkg" );
m_ipkgExecOptions = m_config->readNumEntry( "ExecOptions", m_ipkgExecOptions );
m_ipkgExecVerbosity = m_config->readNumEntry( "Verbosity", m_ipkgExecVerbosity );
OConfItemList *OIpkg::filterConfItems( OConfItem::Type typefilter )
// Load Ipkg configuration info if not already cached
if ( !m_confInfo )
// Build new server list (caller is responsible for deleting)
OConfItemList *sl = new OConfItemList;
// If typefilter is empty, retrieve all items
bool retrieveAll = ( typefilter == OConfItem::NotDefined );
// Parse configuration info for servers
OConfItemListIterator it( *m_confInfo );
for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
OConfItem *item = it.current();
if ( retrieveAll || item->type() == typefilter )
sl->append( item );
return sl;
const QString &OIpkg::rootPath()
if ( m_rootPath.isEmpty() )
OConfItem *rootDest = findConfItem( OConfItem::Destination, "root" );
rootDest ? m_rootPath = rootDest->value()
: m_rootPath = '/';
if ( m_rootPath.right( 1 ) == '/' )
m_rootPath.truncate( m_rootPath.length() - 1 );
return m_rootPath;
void OIpkg::linkPackageDir( const QString &dest )
diff --git a/noncore/settings/packagemanager/oipkgconfigdlg.cpp b/noncore/settings/packagemanager/oipkgconfigdlg.cpp
index d234251..0ad1c82 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/packagemanager/oipkgconfigdlg.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/packagemanager/oipkgconfigdlg.cpp
@@ -67,134 +67,137 @@ OIpkgConfigDlg::OIpkgConfigDlg( OIpkg *ipkg, bool installOptions, QWidget *paren
// Load configuration information
// Setup tabs for all info
m_layout.addWidget( &m_tabWidget );
if ( !m_installOptions )
m_tabWidget.addTab( m_serverWidget, "packagemanager/servertab", tr( "Servers" ) );
m_tabWidget.addTab( m_destWidget, "packagemanager/desttab", tr( "Destinations" ) );
m_tabWidget.addTab( m_proxyWidget, "packagemanager/proxytab", tr( "Proxies" ) );
m_tabWidget.addTab( m_optionsWidget, "exec", tr( "Options" ) );
m_tabWidget.setCurrentTab( tr( "Servers" ) );
m_tabWidget.addTab( m_optionsWidget, "exec", tr( "Options" ) );
void OIpkgConfigDlg::accept()
// Save server, destination and proxy configuration
if ( !m_installOptions )
// Update proxy information before saving settings
OConfItem *confItem = m_ipkg->findConfItem( OConfItem::Option, "http_proxy" );
if ( confItem )
confItem->setValue( m_proxyHttpServer->text() );
confItem->setActive( m_proxyHttpActive->isChecked() );
m_configs->append( new OConfItem( OConfItem::Option, "http_proxy",
m_proxyHttpServer->text(), QString::null,
m_proxyHttpActive->isChecked() ) );
confItem = m_ipkg->findConfItem( OConfItem::Option, "ftp_proxy" );
if ( confItem )
confItem->setValue( m_proxyFtpServer->text() );
confItem->setActive( m_proxyFtpActive->isChecked() );
m_configs->append( new OConfItem( OConfItem::Option, "ftp_proxy",
m_proxyFtpServer->text(), QString::null,
m_proxyFtpActive->isChecked() ) );
confItem = m_ipkg->findConfItem( OConfItem::Option, "proxy_username" );
if ( confItem )
confItem->setValue( m_proxyUsername->text() );
m_configs->append( new OConfItem( OConfItem::Option, "proxy_username",
m_proxyUsername->text() ) );
confItem = m_ipkg->findConfItem( OConfItem::Option, "proxy_password" );
if ( confItem )
confItem->setValue( m_proxyPassword->text() );
m_configs->append( new OConfItem( OConfItem::Option, "proxy_password",
m_proxyPassword->text() ) );
+ QString listsDir = m_optSourceLists->text();
+ if ( listsDir == QString::null || listsDir == "" )
+ listsDir = "/usr/lib/ipkg/lists"; // TODO - use proper libipkg define
confItem = m_ipkg->findConfItem( OConfItem::Other, "lists_dir" );
if ( confItem )
- confItem->setValue( m_optSourceLists->text() );
+ confItem->setValue( listsDir );
m_configs->append( new OConfItem( OConfItem::Other, "lists_dir",
- m_optSourceLists->text(), "name" ) );
+ listsDir, "name" ) );
m_ipkg->setConfigItems( m_configs );
// Save options configuration
int options = 0;
if ( m_optForceDepends->isChecked() )
options |= FORCE_DEPENDS;
if ( m_optForceReinstall->isChecked() )
if ( m_optForceRemove->isChecked() )
options |= FORCE_REMOVE;
if ( m_optForceOverwrite->isChecked() )
m_ipkg->setIpkgExecOptions( options );
m_ipkg->setIpkgExecVerbosity( m_optVerboseIpkg->currentItem() );
void OIpkgConfigDlg::reject()
if ( m_configs )
delete m_configs;
void OIpkgConfigDlg::initServerWidget()
m_serverWidget = new QWidget( this );
// Initialize UI
QVBoxLayout *vb = new QVBoxLayout( m_serverWidget );
QScrollView *sv = new QScrollView( m_serverWidget );
vb->addWidget( sv, 0, 0 );
sv->setResizePolicy( QScrollView::AutoOneFit );
sv->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame );
QWidget *container = new QWidget( sv->viewport() );
sv->addChild( container );
QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout( container, 2, 3, 2, 4 );
m_serverList = new QListBox( container );
QWhatsThis::add( m_serverList, tr( "This is a list of all servers configured. Select one here to edit or delete, or add a new one below." ) );
m_serverList->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred ) );
connect( m_serverList, SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), this, SLOT(slotServerSelected(int)) );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( m_serverList, 0, 0, 0, 2 );
QPixmap pic;
pic.convertFromImage( Resource::loadImage( "new" ).smoothScale( AppLnk::smallIconSize(), AppLnk::smallIconSize() ) );
QPushButton *btn = new QPushButton( pic, tr( "New" ), container );
btn->setMinimumHeight( AppLnk::smallIconSize() );
QWhatsThis::add( btn, tr( "Tap here to create a new entry. Fill in the fields below and then tap on Update." ) );
connect( btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotServerNew()) );
layout->addWidget( btn, 1, 0 );
pic.convertFromImage( Resource::loadImage( "edit" ).smoothScale( AppLnk::smallIconSize(), AppLnk::smallIconSize() ) );
m_serverEditBtn = new QPushButton( pic, tr( "Edit" ), container );
m_serverEditBtn->setMinimumHeight( AppLnk::smallIconSize() );
m_serverEditBtn->setEnabled( false );
QWhatsThis::add( m_serverEditBtn, tr( "Tap here to edit the entry selected above." ) );
connect( m_serverEditBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotServerEdit()) );
layout->addWidget( m_serverEditBtn, 1, 1 );
pic.convertFromImage( Resource::loadImage( "trash" ).smoothScale( AppLnk::smallIconSize(), AppLnk::smallIconSize() ) );
m_serverDeleteBtn = new QPushButton( pic, tr( "Delete" ), container );