Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/apps/odict/odict.cpp b/noncore/apps/odict/odict.cpp
index 78c3f90..c4114f7 100644
--- a/noncore/apps/odict/odict.cpp
+++ b/noncore/apps/odict/odict.cpp
@@ -32,133 +32,128 @@
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qaction.h>
#include <qtextbrowser.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include <qpe/resource.h>
ODict::ODict() : QMainWindow()
activated_name = QString::null;
vbox = new QVBox( this );
setCaption( tr( "OPIE-Dictionary" ) );
QHBox *hbox = new QHBox( vbox );
QLabel* query_label = new QLabel( tr( "Query:" ) , hbox ); query_label->show();
query_le = new QLineEdit( hbox );
query_co = new QComboBox( hbox );
connect( query_co , SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( slotMethodChanged(int) ) );
ok_button = new QPushButton( tr( "&Ok" ), hbox );
connect( ok_button, SIGNAL( released() ), this, SLOT( slotStartQuery() ) );
browser_top = new QTextBrowser( vbox );
browser_bottom = new QTextBrowser( vbox );
ding = new DingWidget();
setCentralWidget( vbox );
void ODict::loadConfig()
Config cfg ( "odict" );
cfg.setGroup( "generalsettings" );
errorTol = cfg.readEntry( "errtol" ).toInt();
casesens = cfg.readEntry( "casesens" ).toInt();
regexp = cfg.readEntry( "regexp" ).toInt();
completewords = cfg.readEntry( "completewords" ).toInt();
QStringList groupListCfg = cfg.groupList().grep( "Method_" );
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = groupListCfg.begin() ; it != groupListCfg.end() ; ++it )
cfg.setGroup( *it );
query_co->insertItem( cfg.readEntry( "Name" ) );
slotMethodChanged(1 ); //FIXME: this line should not contain a integer
void ODict::saveConfig()
Config cfg ( "odict" );
cfg.setGroup( "generalsettings" );
cfg.writeEntry( "errtol" , errorTol );
cfg.writeEntry( "casesens" , casesens );
cfg.writeEntry( "regexp" , regexp );
cfg.writeEntry( "completewords" , completewords );
-void ODict::slotDisplayAbout()
- QMessageBox::about( this, tr( "About ODict" ), tr( "OPIE-Dictionary ODict \n (c) 2002, 2003 Carsten Niehaus \n \n Version 20030111" ) );
void ODict::slotStartQuery()
QString querystring = query_le->text();
//X qDebug("opening dict >%s< for >%s<", activated_name.latin1(),querystring.latin1());
//X if (querystring.isEmpty()){
//X qWarning("empty querystring");
//X return;
//X }
//X if (!activated_name || activated_name.isEmpty())
//X QMessageBox::warning(this,tr("No Dictionary"),tr("Please choose a dictonary") );
//X else
//X {
ding->setCaseSensitive( casesens );
ding->setCompleteWord( completewords );
ding->setDict( activated_name );
if ( activated_name != ding->loadedDict() )
BroswerContent test = ding->setText( querystring );
browser_top->setText( );
browser_bottom->setText( test.bottom );
qDebug( "Text sollte gesetzt sein..." );
//X }
void ODict::slotSetErrorcount( int count )
errorTol = count;
void ODict::slotSettings()
ConfigDlg dlg( this, "Config" , true);
if ( dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
else qDebug( "abgebrochen" );
void ODict::slotSetParameter( int count )
if ( count == 0 )
if ( casesens )
casesens = false;
casesens = true;
if ( count == 1 )
if ( completewords )
completewords = false;
completewords = true;
diff --git a/noncore/apps/odict/odict.h b/noncore/apps/odict/odict.h
index b20c165..3065feb 100644
--- a/noncore/apps/odict/odict.h
+++ b/noncore/apps/odict/odict.h
@@ -1,66 +1,65 @@
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* ( at your option ) any later version. *
* *
#include <qmainwindow.h>
class QVBox;
class QPopupMenu;
class QMenuBar;
class QHBox;
class QPushButton;
class QLineEdit;
class QAction;
class QVBoxLayout;
class QActionGroup;
class DingWidget;
class QTextBrowser;
class QComboBox;
class DingWidget;
class ODict : public QMainWindow
QVBox *vbox;
QTextBrowser *browser_top,
DingWidget *ding;
QPopupMenu *help, *settings, *parameter, *error_tol_menu;
QMenuBar *menu;
QHBox *hbox;
QLineEdit *query_le;
QComboBox *query_co;
QPushButton *ok_button;
QVBoxLayout *vbox_layout;
QAction *setting_a, *setting_b;
void setupMenus();
int errorTol;
bool casesens, completewords, regexp;
void loadConfig();
void saveConfig();
QString activated_name;
private slots:
- void slotDisplayAbout();
void slotStartQuery();
void slotSetErrorcount( int );
void slotSettings();
void slotSetParameter( int );
void slotMethodChanged( int );