24 files changed, 57 insertions, 93 deletions
diff --git a/core/settings/button/button.pro b/core/settings/button/button.pro index b10b619..e1c6724 100644 --- a/core/settings/button/button.pro +++ b/core/settings/button/button.pro @@ -1,40 +1,37 @@ -TEMPLATE = app -CONFIG += qt warn_on release -DESTDIR = $(OPIEDIR)/bin +CONFIG += qt warn_on release quick-app + HEADERS = buttonsettings.h \ buttonutils.h \ remapdlg.h SOURCES = main.cpp \ buttonsettings.cpp \ buttonutils.cpp \ remapdlg.cpp INTERFACES = remapdlgbase.ui INCLUDEPATH += $(OPIEDIR)/include DEPENDPATH += $(OPIEDIR)/include LIBS += -lqpe -lopie TARGET = buttonsettings TRANSLATIONS = ../../../i18n/de/buttonsettings.ts \ ../../../i18n/nl/buttonsettings.ts \ ../../../i18n/xx/buttonsettings.ts \ ../../../i18n/en/buttonsettings.ts \ ../../../i18n/es/buttonsettings.ts \ ../../../i18n/fr/buttonsettings.ts \ ../../../i18n/hu/buttonsettings.ts \ ../../../i18n/ja/buttonsettings.ts \ ../../../i18n/ko/buttonsettings.ts \ ../../../i18n/no/buttonsettings.ts \ ../../../i18n/pl/buttonsettings.ts \ ../../../i18n/pt/buttonsettings.ts \ ../../../i18n/pt_BR/buttonsettings.ts \ ../../../i18n/sl/buttonsettings.ts \ ../../../i18n/zh_CN/buttonsettings.ts \ ../../../i18n/zh_TW/buttonsettings.ts \ ../../../i18n/da/buttonsettings.ts - - include ( $(OPIEDIR)/include.pro ) diff --git a/core/settings/button/buttonsettings.cpp b/core/settings/button/buttonsettings.cpp index 942d5e4..b6a07a8 100644 --- a/core/settings/button/buttonsettings.cpp +++ b/core/settings/button/buttonsettings.cpp @@ -1,256 +1,256 @@ /* =. This file is part of the OPIE Project .=l. Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Griebl <sandman@handhelds.org> .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This file is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This file is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General ..}^=.= = ; Public License for more details. ++= -. .` .: : = ...= . :.=- You should have received a copy of the GNU -. .:....=;==+<; General Public License along with this file; -_. . . )=. = see the file COPYING. If not, write to the -- :-=` Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <qlayout.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <opie/odevice.h> #include "buttonsettings.h" #include "buttonutils.h" #include "remapdlg.h" using namespace Opie; struct buttoninfo { const ODeviceButton *m_button; int m_index; OQCopMessage m_pmsg; QLabel *m_picon; QLabel *m_plabel; OQCopMessage m_hmsg; QLabel *m_hicon; QLabel *m_hlabel; bool m_pdirty : 1; bool m_hdirty : 1; }; -ButtonSettings::ButtonSettings ( ) +ButtonSettings::ButtonSettings ( QWidget *parent , const char *name, bool modal, WFlags f ) : QDialog ( 0, "ButtonSettings", false, WStyle_ContextHelp ) { const QValueList <ODeviceButton> &buttons = ODevice::inst ( )-> buttons ( ); (void) ButtonUtils::inst ( ); // initialise setCaption ( tr( "Button Settings" )); QVBoxLayout *toplay = new QVBoxLayout ( this, 3, 3 ); QLabel *l = new QLabel ( tr( "<center>Press or hold the button you want to remap.</center>" ), this ); toplay-> addWidget ( l ); QGridLayout *lay = new QGridLayout ( toplay ); lay-> setMargin ( 0 ); lay-> setColStretch ( 0, 0 ); lay-> setColStretch ( 1, 0 ); lay-> setColStretch ( 2, 0 ); lay-> setColStretch ( 3, 10 ); m_infos. setAutoDelete ( true ); int i = 1; int index = 0; for ( QValueList<ODeviceButton>::ConstIterator it = buttons. begin ( ); it != buttons. end ( ); it++ ) { if ( it != buttons. begin ( )) { QFrame *f = new QFrame ( this ); f-> setFrameStyle ( QFrame::Sunken | QFrame::VLine ); lay-> addMultiCellWidget ( f, i, i, 0, 3 ); i++; } buttoninfo *bi = new buttoninfo ( ); bi-> m_button = &(*it); bi-> m_index = index++; bi-> m_pmsg = (*it). pressedAction ( ); bi-> m_hmsg = (*it). heldAction ( ); bi-> m_pdirty = false; bi-> m_hdirty = false; l = new QLabel ( this ); l-> setPixmap (( *it ). pixmap ( )); lay-> addMultiCellWidget ( l, i, i + 1, 0, 0 ); l = new QLabel ( tr( "Press:" ), this ); lay-> addWidget ( l, i, 1, AlignLeft | AlignBottom ); l = new QLabel ( tr( "Hold:" ), this ); lay-> addWidget ( l, i + 1, 1, AlignLeft | AlignTop ); l = new QLabel ( this ); l-> setFixedSize ( 16, 16 ); lay-> addWidget ( l, i, 2, AlignLeft | AlignBottom ); bi-> m_picon = l; l = new QLabel ( this ); l-> setAlignment ( AlignLeft | AlignVCenter | SingleLine ); lay-> addWidget ( l, i, 3, AlignLeft | AlignBottom ); bi-> m_plabel = l; l = new QLabel ( this ); l-> setFixedSize ( 16, 16 ); lay-> addWidget ( l, i + 1, 2, AlignLeft | AlignTop ); bi-> m_hicon = l; l = new QLabel ( this ); l-> setAlignment ( AlignLeft | AlignVCenter | SingleLine ); lay-> addWidget ( l, i + 1, 3, AlignLeft | AlignTop ); bi-> m_hlabel = l; i += 2; m_infos. append ( bi ); } toplay-> addStretch ( 10 ); m_last_button = 0; m_lock = false; m_timer = new QTimer ( this ); connect ( m_timer, SIGNAL( timeout ( )), this, SLOT( keyTimeout ( ))); updateLabels ( ); QPEApplication::grabKeyboard ( ); } ButtonSettings::~ButtonSettings ( ) { QPEApplication::ungrabKeyboard ( ); } void ButtonSettings::updateLabels ( ) { for ( QListIterator <buttoninfo> it ( m_infos ); *it; ++it ) { qCopInfo cip = ButtonUtils::inst ( )-> messageToInfo ((*it)-> m_pmsg ); (*it)-> m_picon-> setPixmap ( cip. m_icon ); (*it)-> m_plabel-> setText ( cip. m_name ); qCopInfo cih = ButtonUtils::inst ( )-> messageToInfo ((*it)-> m_hmsg ); (*it)-> m_hicon-> setPixmap ( cih. m_icon ); (*it)-> m_hlabel-> setText ( cih. m_name ); } } buttoninfo *ButtonSettings::buttonInfoForKeycode ( ushort key ) { for ( QListIterator <buttoninfo> it ( m_infos ); *it; ++it ) { if ((*it)-> m_button-> keycode ( ) == key ) return *it; } return 0; } void ButtonSettings::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *e ) { buttoninfo *bi = buttonInfoForKeycode ( e-> key ( )); if ( bi && !e-> isAutoRepeat ( )) { m_timer-> stop ( ); m_last_button = bi; m_timer-> start ( ODevice::inst ( )-> buttonHoldTime ( ), true ); } else QDialog::keyPressEvent ( e ); } void ButtonSettings::keyReleaseEvent ( QKeyEvent *e ) { buttoninfo *bi = buttonInfoForKeycode ( e-> key ( )); if ( bi && !e-> isAutoRepeat ( ) && m_timer-> isActive ( )) { m_timer-> stop ( ); edit ( bi, false ); } else QDialog::keyReleaseEvent ( e ); } void ButtonSettings::keyTimeout ( ) { if ( m_last_button ) { edit ( m_last_button, true ); m_last_button = false; } } void ButtonSettings::edit ( buttoninfo *bi, bool hold ) { if ( m_lock ) return; m_lock = true; RemapDlg *d = new RemapDlg ( bi-> m_button, hold, this ); d-> showMaximized ( ); if ( d-> exec ( ) == QDialog::Accepted ) { if ( hold ) { bi-> m_hmsg = d-> message ( ); bi-> m_hdirty = true; } else { bi-> m_pmsg = d-> message ( ); bi-> m_pdirty = true; } updateLabels ( ); } delete d; m_lock = false; } void ButtonSettings::accept ( ) { for ( QListIterator <buttoninfo> it ( m_infos ); *it; ++it ) { buttoninfo *bi = *it; if ( bi-> m_pdirty ) ODevice::inst ( )-> remapPressedAction ( bi-> m_index, bi-> m_pmsg ); if ( bi-> m_hdirty ) ODevice::inst ( )-> remapHeldAction ( bi-> m_index, bi-> m_hmsg ); } QDialog::accept ( ); } void ButtonSettings::done ( int r ) { QDialog::done ( r ); close ( ); } diff --git a/core/settings/button/buttonsettings.h b/core/settings/button/buttonsettings.h index d41a209..67694d3 100644 --- a/core/settings/button/buttonsettings.h +++ b/core/settings/button/buttonsettings.h @@ -1,75 +1,76 @@ /* =. This file is part of the OPIE Project .=l. Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Griebl <sandman@handhelds.org> .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This file is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This file is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General ..}^=.= = ; Public License for more details. ++= -. .` .: : = ...= . :.=- You should have received a copy of the GNU -. .:....=;==+<; General Public License along with this file; -_. . . )=. = see the file COPYING. If not, write to the -- :-=` Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __BUTTON_SETTINGS_H__ #define __BUTTON_SETTINGS_H__ #include <qdialog.h> #include <qlist.h> #include <opie/odevice.h> class QTimer; using namespace Opie; class buttoninfo; class ButtonSettings : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: - ButtonSettings ( ); + ButtonSettings ( QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0, bool modal = FALSE,WFlags f = 0 ); ~ButtonSettings ( ); + static QString appName() { return QString::fromLatin1("buttonsettings"); } virtual void accept ( ); virtual void done ( int r ); private slots: void keyTimeout ( ); void updateLabels ( ); protected: virtual void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *e ); virtual void keyReleaseEvent ( QKeyEvent *e ); private: buttoninfo *buttonInfoForKeycode ( ushort key ); void edit ( buttoninfo *bi, bool hold ); QString qcopToString ( const OQCopMessage &c ); private: QTimer *m_timer; buttoninfo *m_last_button; QList <buttoninfo> m_infos; bool m_lock; }; #endif diff --git a/core/settings/button/main.cpp b/core/settings/button/main.cpp index db274f8..c063c3c 100644 --- a/core/settings/button/main.cpp +++ b/core/settings/button/main.cpp @@ -1,43 +1,33 @@ /* =. This file is part of the OPIE Project .=l. Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Griebl <sandman@handhelds.org> .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This file is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This file is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General ..}^=.= = ; Public License for more details. ++= -. .` .: : = ...= . :.=- You should have received a copy of the GNU -. .:....=;==+<; General Public License along with this file; -_. . . )=. = see the file COPYING. If not, write to the -- :-=` Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "buttonsettings.h" #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> +#include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> - -int main ( int argc, char** argv ) -{ - QPEApplication a ( argc,argv ); - - ButtonSettings dlg; - a. showMainWidget ( &dlg ); - dlg. showMaximized ( ); - - return a. exec ( ); -} - +OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<ButtonSettings> ) diff --git a/core/settings/citytime/citytime.h b/core/settings/citytime/citytime.h index 63e3102..cc3d487 100644 --- a/core/settings/citytime/citytime.h +++ b/core/settings/citytime/citytime.h @@ -1,68 +1,68 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #ifndef TIMEWIDGETIMPL_H #define TIMEWIDGETIMPL_H #include <qlist.h> #include <qwidget.h> #include "citytimebase.h" const int CITIES = 6; // the number of cities... class ZoneMap; class CityTime : public CityTimeBase { Q_OBJECT public: CityTime(QWidget* parent = 0, const char *name = 0, WFlags fl = 0); ~CityTime(); - + static QString appName() { return QString::fromLatin1("citytime"); } public slots: void beginNewTz(); void slotNewTz( const QString& strNewCountry, const QString& strNewCity ); void changeClock( bool newClock ); protected: void timerEvent( QTimerEvent* ); void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* event ); private: void showTime( void ); // get and show the time for various places... void readInTimes( void ); // a method to get information from the config QString strRealTz; // save the TZ var QString nameRealTz; // and what it is called QString strHome; // the home variable... bool bAdded; // a flag to indicate things have been added... bool bWhichClock; int timerId; QWidget* selWidget; // a spot to hold the time zone for each city QString strCityTz[CITIES]; QList<QToolButton> listCities; QList<QLabel> listTimes; bool changed; }; #endif diff --git a/core/settings/citytime/citytime.pro b/core/settings/citytime/citytime.pro index c7f4d08..402bcf6 100644 --- a/core/settings/citytime/citytime.pro +++ b/core/settings/citytime/citytime.pro @@ -1,32 +1,30 @@ -CONFIG += qt warn_on release -TEMPLATE = app -DESTDIR = $(OPIEDIR)/bin -#INTERFACES = citytimebase.ui +CONFIG += qt warn_on release quick-app HEADERS = citytime.h citytimebase.h zonemap.h sun.h stylusnormalizer.h SOURCES = citytime.cpp citytimebase.cpp zonemap.cpp main.cpp sun.c stylusnormalizer.cpp -TARGET = citytime INCLUDEPATH += $(OPIEDIR)/include DEPENDPATH += $(OPIEDIR)/include LIBS += -lqpe +TARGET = citytime + TRANSLATIONS = ../../../i18n/de/citytime.ts \ ../../../i18n/nl/citytime.ts \ ../../../i18n/xx/citytime.ts \ ../../../i18n/en/citytime.ts \ ../../../i18n/es/citytime.ts \ ../../../i18n/fr/citytime.ts \ ../../../i18n/hu/citytime.ts \ ../../../i18n/ja/citytime.ts \ ../../../i18n/ko/citytime.ts \ ../../../i18n/no/citytime.ts \ ../../../i18n/pl/citytime.ts \ ../../../i18n/pt/citytime.ts \ ../../../i18n/pt_BR/citytime.ts \ ../../../i18n/sl/citytime.ts \ ../../../i18n/zh_CN/citytime.ts \ ../../../i18n/zh_TW/citytime.ts \ ../../../i18n/da/citytime.ts include ( $(OPIEDIR)/include.pro ) diff --git a/core/settings/citytime/main.cpp b/core/settings/citytime/main.cpp index e8664c6..69bfe44 100644 --- a/core/settings/citytime/main.cpp +++ b/core/settings/citytime/main.cpp @@ -1,30 +1,25 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "citytime.h" #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> +#include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> -int main( int argc, char** argv ) -{ - QPEApplication a( argc, argv ); - CityTime main; - a.showMainWidget( &main ); - return a.exec(); -} +OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<CityTime> ) diff --git a/core/settings/launcher/launcher.pro b/core/settings/launcher/launcher.pro index cea268d..9d05832 100644 --- a/core/settings/launcher/launcher.pro +++ b/core/settings/launcher/launcher.pro @@ -1,28 +1,26 @@ -TEMPLATE = app -CONFIG += qt warn_on release -DESTDIR = $(OPIEDIR)/bin +CONFIG += qt warn_on release quick-app HEADERS = launchersettings.h \ tabssettings.h \ taskbarsettings.h \ menusettings.h \ inputmethodsettings.h \ tabconfig.h \ tabdialog.h SOURCES = main.cpp \ launchersettings.cpp \ tabssettings.cpp \ taskbarsettings.cpp \ menusettings.cpp \ inputmethodsettings.cpp \ tabdialog.cpp INCLUDEPATH += $(OPIEDIR)/include DEPENDPATH += $(OPIEDIR)/include LIBS += -lqpe -lopie TARGET = launchersettings include ( $(OPIEDIR)/include.pro ) diff --git a/core/settings/launcher/launchersettings.cpp b/core/settings/launcher/launchersettings.cpp index 3982194..efc4a86 100644 --- a/core/settings/launcher/launchersettings.cpp +++ b/core/settings/launcher/launchersettings.cpp @@ -1,76 +1,77 @@ /* =. This file is part of the OPIE Project .=l. Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Griebl <sandman@handhelds.org> .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This file is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This file is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General ..}^=.= = ; Public License for more details. ++= -. .` .: : = ...= . :.=- You should have received a copy of the GNU -. .:....=;==+<; General Public License along with this file; -_. . . )=. = see the file COPYING. If not, write to the -- :-=` Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <qlayout.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include <opie/otabwidget.h> #include "launchersettings.h" #include "tabssettings.h" #include "menusettings.h" #include "taskbarsettings.h" #include "inputmethodsettings.h" -LauncherSettings::LauncherSettings ( ) : QDialog ( 0, "LauncherSettings", false, WStyle_ContextHelp ) +LauncherSettings::LauncherSettings (QWidget*,const char*, WFlags) + : QDialog ( 0, "LauncherSettings", false, WStyle_ContextHelp ) { setCaption ( tr( "Launcher Settings" )); QVBoxLayout *lay = new QVBoxLayout ( this, 4, 4 ); OTabWidget *tw = new OTabWidget ( this, "otab" ); lay-> addWidget ( tw ); m_tabs = new TabsSettings ( tw ); m_taskbar = new TaskbarSettings ( tw ); m_menu = new MenuSettings ( tw ); m_imethods = new InputMethodSettings ( tw ); tw-> addTab ( m_taskbar, "wait", tr( "Taskbar" )); tw-> addTab ( m_menu, "go", tr( "O-Menu" )); tw-> addTab ( m_tabs, "launchersettings/tabstab.png", tr( "Tabs" )); tw-> addTab ( m_imethods, "launchersettings/inputmethod.png", tr( "InputMethods" )); tw-> setCurrentTab ( m_taskbar ); } void LauncherSettings::accept ( ) { m_taskbar-> accept ( ); m_menu-> accept ( ); m_tabs-> accept ( ); m_imethods-> accept ( ); QDialog::accept ( ); } void LauncherSettings::done ( int r ) { QDialog::done ( r ); close ( ); } diff --git a/core/settings/launcher/launchersettings.h b/core/settings/launcher/launchersettings.h index 71165a3..7458d8b 100644 --- a/core/settings/launcher/launchersettings.h +++ b/core/settings/launcher/launchersettings.h @@ -1,54 +1,55 @@ /* =. This file is part of the OPIE Project .=l. Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Griebl <sandman@handhelds.org> .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This file is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This file is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General ..}^=.= = ; Public License for more details. ++= -. .` .: : = ...= . :.=- You should have received a copy of the GNU -. .:....=;==+<; General Public License along with this file; -_. . . )=. = see the file COPYING. If not, write to the -- :-=` Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __LAUNCHER_SETTINGS_H__ #define __LAUNCHER_SETTINGS_H__ #include <qdialog.h> class TabsSettings; class TaskbarSettings; class MenuSettings; class InputMethodSettings; class LauncherSettings : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: - LauncherSettings ( ); + static QString appName() { return QString::fromLatin1("launchersettings"); } + LauncherSettings (QWidget *parent = 0, const char* name = 0, WFlags fl = 0 ); virtual void accept ( ); virtual void done ( int r ); private: TabsSettings *m_tabs; TaskbarSettings *m_taskbar; MenuSettings *m_menu; InputMethodSettings* m_imethods; }; #endif diff --git a/core/settings/launcher/main.cpp b/core/settings/launcher/main.cpp index f65dab8..4cc1d35 100644 --- a/core/settings/launcher/main.cpp +++ b/core/settings/launcher/main.cpp @@ -1,43 +1,35 @@ /* =. This file is part of the OPIE Project .=l. Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Griebl <sandman@handhelds.org> .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This file is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This file is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General ..}^=.= = ; Public License for more details. ++= -. .` .: : = ...= . :.=- You should have received a copy of the GNU -. .:....=;==+<; General Public License along with this file; -_. . . )=. = see the file COPYING. If not, write to the -- :-=` Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "launchersettings.h" #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> +#include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> +OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<LauncherSettings> ) -int main ( int argc, char** argv ) -{ - QPEApplication a ( argc,argv ); - - LauncherSettings dlg; - a. showMainWidget ( &dlg ); - dlg. showMaximized ( ); - - return a. exec ( ); -} diff --git a/core/settings/launcher/menusettings.cpp b/core/settings/launcher/menusettings.cpp index 6fca621..faa7cf4 100644 --- a/core/settings/launcher/menusettings.cpp +++ b/core/settings/launcher/menusettings.cpp @@ -1,163 +1,175 @@ /* This file is part of the OPIE Project =. Copyright (c) 2002 Trolltech AS <info@trolltech.com> .=l. Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Griebl <sandman@handhelds.org> .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This file is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This file is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General ..}^=.= = ; Public License for more details. ++= -. .` .: : = ...= . :.=- You should have received a copy of the GNU -. .:....=;==+<; General Public License along with this file; -_. . . )=. = see the file COPYING. If not, write to the -- :-=` Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "menusettings.h" #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/qlibrary.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/menuappletinterface.h> #include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qlistview.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qheader.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qwhatsthis.h> #include <stdlib.h> MenuSettings::MenuSettings ( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget ( parent, name ) { m_applets_changed = false; QBoxLayout *lay = new QVBoxLayout ( this, 4, 4 ); QLabel *l = new QLabel ( tr( "Load applets in O-Menu:" ), this ); lay-> addWidget ( l ); m_list = new QListView ( this ); m_list-> addColumn ( "foobar" ); m_list-> header ( )-> hide ( ); lay-> addWidget ( m_list ); m_menutabs = new QCheckBox ( tr( "Show Launcher tabs in O-Menu" ), this ); lay-> addWidget ( m_menutabs ); + m_menusubpopup = new QCheckBox ( tr( "Show Applications in subpopups" ), this ); + lay-> addWidget ( m_menusubpopup ); + QWhatsThis::add ( m_list, tr( "Check the applets that you want to have included in the O-Menu." )); QWhatsThis::add ( m_menutabs, tr( "Adds the contents of the Launcher Tabs as menus in the O-Menu." )); connect ( m_list, SIGNAL( clicked ( QListViewItem * )), this, SLOT( appletChanged ( ))); init ( ); } void MenuSettings::init ( ) { Config cfg ( "StartMenu" ); cfg. setGroup ( "Applets" ); QStringList exclude = cfg. readListEntry ( "ExcludeApplets", ',' ); QString path = QPEApplication::qpeDir ( ) + "/plugins/applets"; #ifdef Q_OS_MACX QStringList list = QDir ( path, "lib*.dylib" ). entryList ( ); #else QStringList list = QDir ( path, "lib*.so" ). entryList ( ); #endif /* Q_OS_MACX */ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = list. begin ( ); it != list. end ( ); ++it ) { QString name; QPixmap icon; MenuAppletInterface *iface = 0; QLibrary *lib = new QLibrary ( path + "/" + *it ); lib-> queryInterface ( IID_MenuApplet, (QUnknownInterface**) &iface ); if ( iface ) { QString lang = getenv( "LANG" ); QTranslator *trans = new QTranslator ( qApp ); QString type = (*it). left ((*it). find (".")); QString tfn = QPEApplication::qpeDir ( ) + "/i18n/" + lang + "/" + type + ".qm"; if ( trans-> load ( tfn )) qApp-> installTranslator ( trans ); else delete trans; name = iface-> name ( ); icon = iface-> icon ( ). pixmap ( QIconSet::Small, QIconSet::Normal ); iface-> release ( ); lib-> unload ( ); QCheckListItem *item; item = new QCheckListItem ( m_list, name, QCheckListItem::CheckBox ); if ( !icon. isNull ( )) item-> setPixmap ( 0, icon ); item-> setOn ( exclude. find ( *it ) == exclude. end ( )); m_applets [*it] = item; } else { delete lib; } } cfg. setGroup ( "Menu" ); m_menutabs-> setChecked ( cfg. readBoolEntry ( "LauncherTabs", true )); + m_menusubpopup-> setChecked ( cfg. readBoolEntry ( "LauncherSubPopup", true )); } void MenuSettings::appletChanged() { m_applets_changed = true; } void MenuSettings::accept ( ) { bool apps_changed = false; Config cfg ( "StartMenu" ); cfg. setGroup ( "Applets" ); if ( m_applets_changed ) { QStringList exclude; QMap <QString, QCheckListItem *>::Iterator it; for ( it = m_applets. begin ( ); it != m_applets. end ( ); ++it ) { if ( !(*it)-> isOn ( )) exclude << it. key ( ); } cfg. writeEntry ( "ExcludeApplets", exclude, ',' ); } cfg. writeEntry ( "SafeMode", false ); cfg. setGroup ( "Menu" ); if ( m_menutabs-> isChecked ( ) != cfg. readBoolEntry ( "LauncherTabs", true )) { apps_changed = true; cfg. writeEntry ( "LauncherTabs", m_menutabs-> isChecked ( )); } + if ( m_menusubpopup-> isChecked ( ) != cfg. readBoolEntry ( "LauncherSubPopup", true )) { + apps_changed = true; + cfg. writeEntry ( "LauncherSubPopup", m_menusubpopup-> isChecked ( )); + } + cfg. write ( ); if ( m_applets_changed ) { QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/TaskBar", "reloadApplets()" ); m_applets_changed = false; } if ( apps_changed ) { + // currently use reloadApplets() since reloadApps is now used exclusive for server + // to refresh the tabs. But what we want here is also a refresh of the startmenu entries QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/TaskBar", "reloadApps()" ); + QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/TaskBar", "reloadApplets()" ); } } diff --git a/core/settings/launcher/menusettings.h b/core/settings/launcher/menusettings.h index 5986958..5bb7afa 100644 --- a/core/settings/launcher/menusettings.h +++ b/core/settings/launcher/menusettings.h @@ -1,60 +1,60 @@ /* =. This file is part of the OPIE Project .=l. Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Griebl <sandman@handhelds.org> .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This file is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This file is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General ..}^=.= = ; Public License for more details. ++= -. .` .: : = ...= . :.=- You should have received a copy of the GNU -. .:....=;==+<; General Public License along with this file; -_. . . )=. = see the file COPYING. If not, write to the -- :-=` Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __MENU_SETTINGS_H__ #define __MENU_SETTINGS_H__ #include <qwidget.h> #include <qmap.h> class QListView; class QCheckListItem; class QCheckBox; class MenuSettings : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: MenuSettings ( QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 ); void accept ( ); protected slots: void appletChanged ( ); protected: void init ( ); private: QListView *m_list; QMap <QString, QCheckListItem *> m_applets; bool m_applets_changed; - QCheckBox *m_menutabs; + QCheckBox *m_menutabs, *m_menusubpopup; }; #endif diff --git a/core/settings/launcher/tabssettings.cpp b/core/settings/launcher/tabssettings.cpp index 7cd00bd..3d8b456 100644 --- a/core/settings/launcher/tabssettings.cpp +++ b/core/settings/launcher/tabssettings.cpp @@ -1,318 +1,318 @@ /* =. This file is part of the OPIE Project .=l. Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Griebl <sandman@handhelds.org> .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This file is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This file is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General ..}^=.= = ; Public License for more details. ++= -. .` .: : = ...= . :.=- You should have received a copy of the GNU -. .:....=;==+<; General Public License along with this file; -_. . . )=. = see the file COPYING. If not, write to the -- :-=` Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "tabssettings.h" #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpe/applnk.h> #include <qpe/mimetype.h> #include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qlistbox.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qwhatsthis.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include "tabdialog.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #define GLOBALID ".global." TabsSettings::TabsSettings ( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget ( parent, name ) { QGridLayout *lay = new QGridLayout ( this, 0, 0, 4, 4 ); QLabel *l = new QLabel ( tr( "Launcher Tabs:" ), this ); lay-> addMultiCellWidget ( l, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); m_list = new QListBox ( this ); lay-> addMultiCellWidget ( m_list, 1, 4, 0, 0 ); QWhatsThis::add ( m_list, tr( "foobar" )); QPushButton *p1, *p2, *p3; p1 = new QPushButton ( tr( "New" ), this ); lay-> addWidget ( p1, 1, 1 ); connect ( p1, SIGNAL( clicked ( )), this, SLOT( newClicked ( ))); p2 = new QPushButton ( tr( "Edit" ), this ); lay-> addWidget ( p2, 2, 1 ); connect ( p2, SIGNAL( clicked ( )), this, SLOT( editClicked ( ))); p3 = new QPushButton ( tr( "Delete" ), this ); lay-> addWidget ( p3, 3, 1 ); connect ( p3, SIGNAL( clicked ( )), this, SLOT( deleteClicked ( ))); lay-> setRowStretch ( 4, 10 ); m_bigbusy = new QCheckBox( tr( "Enable big busy indicator" ), this ); lay-> addMultiCellWidget ( m_bigbusy, 5, 5, 0, 1 ); - m_busyblink = new QCheckBox ( tr( "Enable blinking busy indicator" ), this ); - lay-> addMultiCellWidget ( m_busyblink, 6, 6, 0, 1 ); + m_busyani = new QCheckBox ( tr( "Enable animated busy indicator" ), this ); + lay-> addMultiCellWidget ( m_busyani, 6, 6, 0, 1 ); p1-> setEnabled ( false ); p3-> setEnabled ( false ); init ( ); QWhatsThis::add ( m_list, tr( "Select the Launcher Tab you want to edit or delete." )); QWhatsThis::add ( p1, tr( "Adds a new Tab to the Launcher." ) + QString ( "<center><br><i>not yet implemented</i><br>Please use the tabmanager</center>." )); QWhatsThis::add ( p2, tr( "Opens a new dialog to customize the select Tab." )); QWhatsThis::add ( p3, tr( "Deletes a Tab from the Launcher." ) + QString ( "<center><br><i>not yet implemented</i><br>Please use the tabmanager</center>." )); QWhatsThis::add ( m_bigbusy, tr( "Activate this, if you want a big busy indicator in the middle of the screen instead of the one in taskbar." )); - QWhatsThis::add ( m_busyblink, tr( "Activate this, if you want a blinking busy indicator for starting applications in the Launcher." )); + QWhatsThis::add ( m_busyani, tr( "Activate this, if you want an animatedbusy indicator for starting applications in the Launcher." )); } void TabsSettings::init ( ) { AppLnkSet rootFolder( MimeType::appsFolderName ( )); QStringList types = rootFolder. types ( ); m_list-> insertItem ( tr( "All Tabs" )); m_ids << GLOBALID; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = types. begin ( ); it != types. end ( ); ++it ) { m_list-> insertItem ( rootFolder. typePixmap ( *it ), rootFolder. typeName ( *it )); m_ids << *it; } QImage img ( Resource::loadImage ( "DocsIcon" )); QPixmap pix; pix = img. smoothScale ( AppLnk::smallIconSize ( ), AppLnk::smallIconSize ( )); m_list-> insertItem ( pix, tr( "Documents" )); m_ids += "Documents"; // No tr Config cfg ( "Launcher" ); readTabSettings ( cfg ); cfg. setGroup ( "GUI" ); - m_busyblink-> setChecked ( cfg. readEntry ( "BusyType" ). lower ( ) == "blink" ); + m_busyani-> setChecked ( cfg. readEntry ( "BusyType" ). lower ( ) == "animated" ); m_bigbusy->setChecked( cfg. readBoolEntry ( "BigBusy" ) ); } void TabsSettings::readTabSettings ( Config &cfg ) { QString grp ( "Tab %1" ); // No tr m_tabs. clear ( ); TabConfig global_def; global_def. m_view = TabConfig::Icon; global_def. m_bg_type = TabConfig::Ruled; global_def. m_bg_image = "launcher/opie-background"; global_def. m_bg_color = colorGroup ( ). color ( QColorGroup::Base ). name ( ); global_def. m_text_color = colorGroup ( ). color ( QColorGroup::Text ). name ( ); global_def. m_font_use = false; global_def. m_font_family = font ( ). family ( ); global_def. m_font_size = font ( ). pointSize ( ); global_def. m_font_weight = 50; global_def. m_font_italic = false; global_def. m_changed = false; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = m_ids. begin ( ); it != m_ids. end ( ); ++it ) { TabConfig tc = ( it != m_ids. begin ( )) ? m_tabs [GLOBALID] : global_def; cfg. setGroup ( grp. arg ( *it )); QString view = cfg. readEntry ( "View" ); if ( view == "Icon" ) // No tr tc. m_view = TabConfig::Icon; if ( view == "List" ) // No tr tc. m_view = TabConfig::List; QString bgType = cfg. readEntry ( "BackgroundType" ); if ( bgType == "Image" ) tc. m_bg_type = TabConfig::Image; else if ( bgType == "SolidColor" ) tc. m_bg_type = TabConfig::SolidColor; else if ( bgType == "Image" ) // No tr tc. m_bg_type = TabConfig::Image; tc. m_bg_image = cfg. readEntry ( "BackgroundImage", tc. m_bg_image ); tc. m_bg_color = cfg. readEntry ( "BackgroundColor", tc. m_bg_color ); tc. m_text_color = cfg. readEntry ( "TextColor", tc. m_text_color ); QStringList f = cfg. readListEntry ( "Font", ',' ); if ( f. count ( ) == 4 ) { tc. m_font_use = true; tc. m_font_family = f [0]; tc. m_font_size = f [1]. toInt ( ); tc. m_font_weight = f [2]. toInt ( ); tc. m_font_italic = ( f [3]. toInt ( )); } m_tabs [*it] = tc; } // if all tabs have the same config, then initialize the GLOBALID tab to these values TabConfig *first = 0; bool same = true; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = m_ids. begin ( ); it != m_ids. end ( ); ++it ) { if ( *it == GLOBALID ) continue; else if ( !first ) first = &m_tabs [*it]; else same &= ( *first == m_tabs [*it] ); } if ( same ) { m_tabs [GLOBALID] = *first; m_tabs [GLOBALID]. m_changed = true; } } void TabsSettings::accept ( ) { Config cfg ( "Launcher" ); // Launcher Tab QString grp ( "Tab %1" ); // No tr for ( QStringList::Iterator it = m_ids. begin ( ); it != m_ids. end ( ); ++it ) { TabConfig &tc = m_tabs [*it]; if ( !tc. m_changed ) continue; cfg. setGroup ( grp. arg ( *it )); switch ( tc. m_view ) { case TabConfig::Icon: cfg.writeEntry ( "View", "Icon" ); break; case TabConfig::List: cfg.writeEntry ( "View", "List" ); break; } QCopEnvelope e ( "QPE/Launcher", "setTabView(QString,int)" ); e << *it << tc. m_view; cfg. writeEntry ( "BackgroundImage", tc. m_bg_image ); cfg. writeEntry ( "BackgroundColor", tc. m_bg_color ); cfg. writeEntry ( "TextColor", tc. m_text_color ); if ( tc. m_font_use ) { QString f = tc. m_font_family + "," + QString::number ( tc. m_font_size ) + "," + QString::number ( tc. m_font_weight ) + "," + ( tc. m_font_italic ? "1" : "0" ); cfg. writeEntry ( "Font", f ); } else cfg. removeEntry ( "Font" ); QCopEnvelope be ( "QPE/Launcher", "setTabBackground(QString,int,QString)" ); switch ( tc. m_bg_type ) { case TabConfig::Ruled: cfg.writeEntry( "BackgroundType", "Ruled" ); be << *it << tc. m_bg_type << QString(""); break; case TabConfig::SolidColor: cfg.writeEntry( "BackgroundType", "SolidColor" ); be << *it << tc. m_bg_type << tc. m_bg_color; break; case TabConfig::Image: cfg.writeEntry( "BackgroundType", "Image" ); be << *it << tc. m_bg_type << tc. m_bg_image; break; } QCopEnvelope te( "QPE/Launcher", "setTextColor(QString,QString)" ); te << *it << tc. m_text_color; QCopEnvelope fe ( "QPE/Launcher", "setFont(QString,QString,int,int,int)" ); fe << *it; fe << ( tc. m_font_use ? tc. m_font_family : QString::null ); fe << tc. m_font_size; fe << tc. m_font_weight; fe << ( tc. m_font_italic ? 1 : 0 ); tc. m_changed = false; } cfg. setGroup ( "GUI" ); - QString busytype = QString ( m_busyblink-> isChecked ( ) ? "blink" : "" ); + QString busytype = QString ( m_busyani-> isChecked ( ) ? "Animated" : "" ); cfg. writeEntry ( "BusyType", busytype ); cfg. writeEntry ( "BigBusy", m_bigbusy->isChecked( ) ); { QCopEnvelope e ( "QPE/Launcher", "setBusyIndicatorType(QString)" ); e << busytype; } } void TabsSettings::newClicked ( ) { QMessageBox::information ( this, tr( "Error" ), tr( "Not implemented yet" )); } void TabsSettings::deleteClicked ( ) { int ind = m_list-> currentItem ( ); if ( ind < 0 ) return; QMessageBox::information ( this, tr( "Error" ), tr( "Not implemented yet" )); } void TabsSettings::editClicked ( ) { int ind = m_list-> currentItem ( ); if ( ind < 0 ) return; TabConfig tc = m_tabs [m_ids [ind]]; TabDialog *d = new TabDialog ( m_list-> pixmap ( ind ), m_list-> text ( ind ), tc, this, "TabDialog", true ); d-> showMaximized ( ); if ( d-> exec ( ) == QDialog::Accepted ) { tc. m_changed = true; m_tabs [m_ids [ind]] = tc; if ( m_ids [ind] == GLOBALID ) { for ( QStringList::Iterator it = m_ids. begin ( ); it != m_ids. end ( ); ++it ) { if ( *it != GLOBALID ) m_tabs [*it] = tc; } } } delete d; } diff --git a/core/settings/launcher/tabssettings.h b/core/settings/launcher/tabssettings.h index 439def6..600c65c 100644 --- a/core/settings/launcher/tabssettings.h +++ b/core/settings/launcher/tabssettings.h @@ -1,68 +1,68 @@ /* =. This file is part of the OPIE Project .=l. Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Griebl <sandman@handhelds.org> .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This file is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This file is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General ..}^=.= = ; Public License for more details. ++= -. .` .: : = ...= . :.=- You should have received a copy of the GNU -. .:....=;==+<; General Public License along with this file; -_. . . )=. = see the file COPYING. If not, write to the -- :-=` Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __TABS_SETTINGS_H__ #define __TABS_SETTINGS_H__ #include <qwidget.h> #include <qmap.h> #include "tabconfig.h" class QListBox; class QCheckBox; class Config; class TabsSettings : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: TabsSettings ( QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 ); void accept ( ); protected slots: void newClicked ( ); void deleteClicked ( ); void editClicked ( ); protected: void init ( ); void readTabSettings ( Config & ); private: QListBox *m_list; // QString currentTab; QStringList m_ids; QMap <QString, TabConfig> m_tabs; - QCheckBox *m_busyblink, *m_bigbusy; + QCheckBox *m_busyani, *m_bigbusy; }; #endif diff --git a/core/settings/light-and-power/light-and-power.pro b/core/settings/light-and-power/light-and-power.pro index 9304fa8..4972701 100644 --- a/core/settings/light-and-power/light-and-power.pro +++ b/core/settings/light-and-power/light-and-power.pro @@ -1,33 +1,32 @@ -TEMPLATE = app -CONFIG += qt warn_on debug -DESTDIR = $(OPIEDIR)/bin +CONFIG += qt warn_on release quick-app HEADERS = light.h sensor.h calibration.h SOURCES = light.cpp main.cpp sensor.cpp calibration.cpp INTERFACES = lightsettingsbase.ui sensorbase.ui INCLUDEPATH += $(OPIEDIR)/include DEPENDPATH += ../$(OPIEDIR)/include LIBS += -lqpe -lopie + TARGET = light-and-power TRANSLATIONS = ../../../i18n/de/light-and-power.ts \ ../../../i18n/nl/light-and-power.ts \ ../../../i18n/xx/light-and-power.ts \ ../../../i18n/en/light-and-power.ts \ ../../../i18n/es/light-and-power.ts \ ../../../i18n/fr/light-and-power.ts \ ../../../i18n/hu/light-and-power.ts \ ../../../i18n/ja/light-and-power.ts \ ../../../i18n/ko/light-and-power.ts \ ../../../i18n/no/light-and-power.ts \ ../../../i18n/pl/light-and-power.ts \ ../../../i18n/pt/light-and-power.ts \ ../../../i18n/pt_BR/light-and-power.ts \ ../../../i18n/sl/light-and-power.ts \ ../../../i18n/zh_CN/light-and-power.ts \ ../../../i18n/zh_TW/light-and-power.ts \ ../../../i18n/it/light-and-power.ts \ ../../../i18n/da/light-and-power.ts include ( $(OPIEDIR)/include.pro ) diff --git a/core/settings/light-and-power/light.h b/core/settings/light-and-power/light.h index c48e5f6..83d5520 100644 --- a/core/settings/light-and-power/light.h +++ b/core/settings/light-and-power/light.h @@ -1,70 +1,71 @@ /* This file is part of the OPIE Project =. Copyright (c) 2002 Maximilian Reiss <harlekin@handhelds.org> .=l. Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Griebl <sandman@handhelds.org> .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This file is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This file is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General ..}^=.= = ; Public License for more details. ++= -. .` .: : = ...= . :.=- You should have received a copy of the GNU -. .:....=;==+<; General Public License along with this file; -_. . . )=. = see the file COPYING. If not, write to the -- :-=` Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __LIGHT_H__ #define __LIGHT_H__ #include <qstringlist.h> #include <qlistbox.h> #include "lightsettingsbase.h" class QTimer; class LightSettings : public LightSettingsBase { Q_OBJECT public: LightSettings( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, WFlags fl = 0 ); ~LightSettings(); + static QString appName() { return QString::fromLatin1("light-and-power"); } protected: virtual void accept(); virtual void done ( int r ); protected slots: virtual void calibrateSensor ( ); virtual void calibrateSensorAC ( ); void setBacklight ( int ); void setContrast ( int ); void setFrequency ( int ); void resetBacklight ( ); private: int m_bres; int m_cres; int m_oldcontrast; int m_oldfreq; QTimer *m_resettimer; QStringList m_sensordata; QStringList m_sensordata_ac; }; #endif diff --git a/core/settings/light-and-power/lightsettingsbase.ui b/core/settings/light-and-power/lightsettingsbase.ui index 1f5d594..e4d5f0e 100644 --- a/core/settings/light-and-power/lightsettingsbase.ui +++ b/core/settings/light-and-power/lightsettingsbase.ui @@ -498,812 +498,812 @@ </property> </widget> <widget> <class>QPushButton</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>CalibrateLightSensor</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string>Calibrate</string> </property> <property> <name>whatsThis</name> <string>Advanced settings for light sensor handling</string> </property> </widget> </hbox> </widget> </vbox> </widget> <spacer> <property> <name>name</name> <cstring>Spacer4</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>orientation</name> <enum>Vertical</enum> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>sizeType</name> <enum>Expanding</enum> </property> <property> <name>sizeHint</name> <size> <width>20</width> <height>20</height> </size> </property> </spacer> </vbox> </widget> <widget> <class>QWidget</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>tab</cstring> </property> <attribute> <name>title</name> <string>on AC</string> </attribute> <vbox> <property stdset="1"> <name>margin</name> <number>-1</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>spacing</name> <number>-1</number> </property> <widget> <class>QGroupBox</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>Group3</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>enabled</name> <bool>true</bool> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>title</name> <string>General Settings</string> </property> <property> <name>layoutMargin</name> </property> <property> <name>layoutSpacing</name> </property> <grid> <property stdset="1"> <name>margin</name> <number>5</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>spacing</name> <number>3</number> </property> <widget row="1" column="1" > <class>QSpinBox</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>interval_lightoff_ac</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>suffix</name> <string> sec</string> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>specialValueText</name> <string>never</string> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>buttonSymbols</name> <enum>PlusMinus</enum> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>maxValue</name> <number>3600</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>minValue</name> <number>0</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>lineStep</name> <number>10</number> </property> </widget> <widget row="0" column="0" > <class>QLabel</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>TextLabel1_3_2</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>sizePolicy</name> <sizepolicy> <hsizetype>3</hsizetype> <vsizetype>1</vsizetype> </sizepolicy> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string>Dim light after</string> </property> </widget> <widget row="2" column="1" > <class>QSpinBox</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>interval_suspend_ac</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>suffix</name> <string> sec</string> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>specialValueText</name> <string>never</string> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>buttonSymbols</name> <enum>PlusMinus</enum> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>maxValue</name> <number>3600</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>minValue</name> <number>0</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>lineStep</name> <number>10</number> </property> </widget> <widget row="0" column="1" > <class>QSpinBox</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>interval_dim_ac</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>suffix</name> <string> sec</string> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>specialValueText</name> <string>never</string> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>buttonSymbols</name> <enum>PlusMinus</enum> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>maxValue</name> <number>3600</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>minValue</name> <number>0</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>lineStep</name> <number>10</number> </property> </widget> <widget row="1" column="0" > <class>QLabel</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>TextLabel2_2_2</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>sizePolicy</name> <sizepolicy> <hsizetype>3</hsizetype> <vsizetype>1</vsizetype> </sizepolicy> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string>Light off after</string> </property> </widget> <widget row="2" column="0" > <class>QLabel</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>TextLabel1_2_2_3</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>sizePolicy</name> <sizepolicy> <hsizetype>3</hsizetype> <vsizetype>1</vsizetype> </sizepolicy> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string>Suspend after</string> </property> </widget> <widget row="3" column="1" > <class>QComboBox</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>frequency_ac</cstring> </property> </widget> <widget row="4" column="0" > <class>QCheckBox</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>LcdOffOnly_ac</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>sizePolicy</name> <sizepolicy> <hsizetype>7</hsizetype> <vsizetype>0</vsizetype> </sizepolicy> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string>Deactivate LCD only (does not suspend)</string> </property> </widget> <widget row="3" column="0" > <class>QLabel</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>TextLabel1_2_2_3_2</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>sizePolicy</name> <sizepolicy> <hsizetype>3</hsizetype> <vsizetype>1</vsizetype> </sizepolicy> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string>CPU frequency</string> </property> </widget> </grid> </widget> <widget> <class>QGroupBox</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>GroupLight_ac</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>title</name> <string>Backlight</string> </property> <property> <name>layoutMargin</name> </property> <property> <name>layoutSpacing</name> </property> <vbox> <property stdset="1"> <name>margin</name> <number>5</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>spacing</name> <number>3</number> </property> <widget> <class>QSlider</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>brightness_ac</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>maxValue</name> <number>255</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>value</name> <number>255</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>orientation</name> <enum>Horizontal</enum> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>tickmarks</name> <enum>Right</enum> </property> <property> <name>whatsThis</name> <string>set a fix value for backlight</string> </property> </widget> <widget> <class>QSlider</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>contrast_ac</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>maxValue</name> <number>255</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>value</name> <number>255</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>orientation</name> <enum>Horizontal</enum> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>tickmarks</name> <enum>Right</enum> </property> <property> <name>whatsThis</name> <string>set a fix value for contrast</string> </property> </widget> <widget> <class>QLayoutWidget</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>Layout20</cstring> </property> <property> <name>layoutSpacing</name> </property> <hbox> <property stdset="1"> <name>margin</name> <number>0</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>spacing</name> <number>3</number> </property> <widget> <class>QLabel</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>PixmapLabel2_2_3</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>pixmap</name> <pixmap>image0</pixmap> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>scaledContents</name> <bool>false</bool> </property> </widget> <widget> <class>QLabel</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>TextLabel6</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string>Off</string> </property> </widget> <spacer> <property> <name>name</name> <cstring>Spacer3</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>orientation</name> <enum>Horizontal</enum> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>sizeType</name> <enum>Expanding</enum> </property> <property> <name>sizeHint</name> <size> <width>20</width> <height>20</height> </size> </property> </spacer> <widget> <class>QLabel</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>TextLabel7</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string>Full</string> </property> </widget> <widget> <class>QLabel</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>PixmapLabel1_2_3</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>pixmap</name> <pixmap>image1</pixmap> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>scaledContents</name> <bool>false</bool> </property> </widget> </hbox> </widget> <widget> <class>QLayoutWidget</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>Layout10</cstring> </property> <property> <name>layoutSpacing</name> </property> <hbox> <property stdset="1"> <name>margin</name> <number>0</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>spacing</name> <number>3</number> </property> <widget> <class>QCheckBox</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>auto_brightness_ac</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string>Use Light Sensor</string> </property> <property> <name>whatsThis</name> <string>By sensing the ambient light where you are using your device, the screen light can be adjusted automatically. The brightness setting still affects the average brightness.</string> </property> </widget> <widget> <class>QPushButton</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>CalibrateLightSensor_ac</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string>Calibrate</string> </property> <property> <name>whatsThis</name> <string>Advanced settings for light sensor handling</string> </property> </widget> </hbox> </widget> </vbox> </widget> <spacer> <property> <name>name</name> <cstring>Spacer5</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>orientation</name> <enum>Vertical</enum> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>sizeType</name> <enum>Expanding</enum> </property> <property> <name>sizeHint</name> <size> <width>20</width> <height>20</height> </size> </property> </spacer> </vbox> </widget> <widget> <class>QWidget</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>tab</cstring> </property> <attribute> <name>title</name> <string>Warnings</string> </attribute> <vbox> <property stdset="1"> <name>margin</name> <number>5</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>spacing</name> <number>3</number> </property> <widget> <class>QGroupBox</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>Group5</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>title</name> <string>Warnings</string> </property> <property> <name>layoutMargin</name> </property> <property> <name>layoutSpacing</name> </property> <grid> <property stdset="1"> <name>margin</name> <number>5</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>spacing</name> <number>3</number> </property> <widget row="0" column="0" > <class>QLabel</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>TextLabel1</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>sizePolicy</name> <sizepolicy> <hsizetype>3</hsizetype> <vsizetype>5</vsizetype> </sizepolicy> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string>Low power warning interval</string> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>alignment</name> <set>WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignLeft</set> </property> <property> <name>wordwrap</name> </property> </widget> <widget row="1" column="1" > <class>QSpinBox</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>lowSpinBox</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>suffix</name> <string> %</string> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>buttonSymbols</name> <enum>PlusMinus</enum> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>maxValue</name> <number>80</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>minValue</name> <number>2</number> </property> <property> <name>whatsThis</name> <string>At what battery level should the low power warning pop up</string> </property> </widget> <widget row="0" column="1" > <class>QSpinBox</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>warnintervalBox</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>suffix</name> <string> sec</string> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>specialValueText</name> <string>never</string> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>wrapping</name> <bool>true</bool> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>buttonSymbols</name> <enum>PlusMinus</enum> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>maxValue</name> <number>300</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>minValue</name> <number>0</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>lineStep</name> <number>5</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>value</name> <number>5</number> </property> <property> <name>whatsThis</name> <string>how often should be checked for low power. This determines the rate popups occure in low power situations</string> </property> </widget> <widget row="2" column="1" > <class>QSpinBox</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>criticalSpinBox</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>prefix</name> <string></string> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>suffix</name> <string> %</string> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>buttonSymbols</name> <enum>PlusMinus</enum> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>maxValue</name> <number>80</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>minValue</name> <number>2</number> </property> <property> <name>whatsThis</name> <string>At what battery level should the critical power warning pop up</string> </property> </widget> <widget row="1" column="0" > <class>QLabel</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>TextLabel2</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>sizePolicy</name> <sizepolicy> <hsizetype>1</hsizetype> <vsizetype>5</vsizetype> </sizepolicy> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string>very low battery warning at</string> </property> </widget> <widget row="2" column="0" > <class>QLabel</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>TextLabel3</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>sizePolicy</name> <sizepolicy> <hsizetype>1</hsizetype> <vsizetype>5</vsizetype> </sizepolicy> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string>critical power warning at</string> </property> </widget> </grid> </widget> <spacer> <property> <name>name</name> <cstring>Spacer1</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>orientation</name> <enum>Vertical</enum> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>sizeType</name> <enum>Expanding</enum> </property> <property> <name>sizeHint</name> <size> <width>20</width> <height>20</height> </size> </property> </spacer> </vbox> </widget> </widget> </vbox> </widget> <images> <image> <name>image0</name> - <data format="XPM.GZ" length="680">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</data> + <data format="XPM.GZ" length="1025">789c5dd2cd4ec2401846e13d57d1c08e18a58a20312e44f913419626c6c5cc500a42f92b60c178eff6bc2642fd0e8b79be0d43e945d17b1df4bce2452ede98cdc4796e6cd65e71b88da2fddbfbdd572eef57bcf4532e7b7efe2c973ff79cd75fcc03cefdf45ca859820368aa045f440d7c1287047b6240f0591c11ec425b22d881ce27d8122b0417a22138122dc17b51030f70582258107d821fe225c18d784d702b56092ec51b824eac11dc8b96e0a3e808c6a206b6c580e0270c4a0413d127b8162f09866299a011af095ab142b02e56093e8837049b628d6043d49f04e7a22518898ee04ed46f8013510303382a115c893ec1997845702a96098ec52ac1a168492fa4a660acfb3dfded2c0f37189deec2b16672b2fb98ce66d35934378be36eb94a671dc7f1e6b8dbee263bf39924c9feb83b84260cd3d73b5c1e77f7f587df399c7caf8b348f99fb357836cdec9d1bd374ead99d2e9d6477ad7692b43bd9dd53f7b9d7eb6777e72fddeee0df733999fcf76dee0748aaf77c</data> </image> <image> <name>image1</name> - <data format="XPM.GZ" length="1220">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</data> + <data format="XPM.GZ" length="1885">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</data> </image> </images> <connections> <connection> <sender>CalibrateLightSensor</sender> <signal>clicked()</signal> <receiver>LightSettingsBase</receiver> <slot>calibrateSensor()</slot> </connection> <connection> <sender>CalibrateLightSensor_ac</sender> <signal>clicked()</signal> <receiver>LightSettingsBase</receiver> <slot>calibrateSensorAC()</slot> </connection> <slot access="public">calibrateSensor()</slot> <slot access="public">calibrateSensorAC()</slot> </connections> <tabstops> + <tabstop>brightness</tabstop> <tabstop>interval_dim</tabstop> <tabstop>interval_lightoff</tabstop> <tabstop>interval_suspend</tabstop> <tabstop>LcdOffOnly</tabstop> - <tabstop>brightness</tabstop> <tabstop>auto_brightness</tabstop> <tabstop>CalibrateLightSensor</tabstop> + <tabstop>brightness</tabstop> <tabstop>tabs</tabstop> - <tabstop>interval_lightoff_ac</tabstop> - <tabstop>interval_suspend_ac</tabstop> - <tabstop>interval_dim_ac</tabstop> + <tabstop>interval_lightoff</tabstop> + <tabstop>interval_suspend</tabstop> + <tabstop>interval_dim</tabstop> <tabstop>LcdOffOnly_ac</tabstop> - <tabstop>brightness_ac</tabstop> - <tabstop>auto_brightness_ac</tabstop> + <tabstop>auto_brightness</tabstop> <tabstop>CalibrateLightSensor_ac</tabstop> <tabstop>lowSpinBox</tabstop> <tabstop>warnintervalBox</tabstop> <tabstop>criticalSpinBox</tabstop> </tabstops> </UI> diff --git a/core/settings/light-and-power/main.cpp b/core/settings/light-and-power/main.cpp index ecacf69..68d433b 100644 --- a/core/settings/light-and-power/main.cpp +++ b/core/settings/light-and-power/main.cpp @@ -1,38 +1,29 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "light.h" #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h> #include <qpe/global.h> +#include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> -int main(int argc, char** argv) -{ - QPEApplication a(argc,argv); - - LightSettings dlg; - - a.showMainWidget(&dlg); - - return a.exec(); -} - +OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<LightSettings> ) diff --git a/core/settings/security/main.cpp b/core/settings/security/main.cpp index c15bb31..3141fb8 100644 --- a/core/settings/security/main.cpp +++ b/core/settings/security/main.cpp @@ -1,38 +1,32 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h> #include <qpe/global.h> #include "security.h" +#include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> -int main(int argc, char** argv) -{ - QPEApplication a(argc,argv); +OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<Security> ) - Security dlg; - a.showMainWidget(&dlg); - - return a.exec(); -} diff --git a/core/settings/security/security.cpp b/core/settings/security/security.cpp index 42a39c2..81363d2 100644 --- a/core/settings/security/security.cpp +++ b/core/settings/security/security.cpp @@ -1,325 +1,320 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "security.h" #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/password.h> #include <qpe/qpedialog.h> #include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qlistview.h> #include <qtextstream.h> Security::Security( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : SecurityBase( parent, name, TRUE, fl ) { valid=FALSE; Config cfg("Security"); cfg.setGroup("Passcode"); passcode = cfg.readEntry("passcode"); passcode_poweron->setChecked(cfg.readBoolEntry("passcode_poweron",FALSE)); cfg.setGroup("Sync"); int auth_peer = cfg.readNumEntry("auth_peer",0xc0a88100);//new default int auth_peer_bits = cfg.readNumEntry("auth_peer_bits",24); selectNet(auth_peer,auth_peer_bits); connect(syncnet, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(setSyncNet(const QString&))); /* cfg.setGroup("Remote"); if ( telnetAvailable() ) telnet->setChecked(cfg.readEntry("allow_telnet")); else telnet->hide(); if ( sshAvailable() ) ssh->setChecked(cfg.readEntry("allow_ssh")); else ssh->hide(); */ QString configFile = QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "/etc/opie-login.conf"; Config loginCfg(configFile,Config::File); loginCfg.setGroup("General"); autoLoginName=loginCfg.readEntry("AutoLogin",""); if (autoLoginName.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) { autoLogin=false; } else { autoLogin=true; } cfg.setGroup("SyncMode"); int mode = cfg.readNumEntry("Mode",2); // Default to Sharp syncModeCombo->setCurrentItem( mode - 1 ); connect(autologinToggle, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(toggleAutoLogin(bool))); connect(userlist, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(changeLoginName(int))); connect(changepasscode,SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(changePassCode())); connect(clearpasscode,SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clearPassCode())); loadUsers(); updateGUI(); dl = new QPEDialogListener(this); showMaximized(); } Security::~Security() { } void Security::updateGUI() { bool empty = passcode.isEmpty(); changepasscode->setText( empty ? tr("Set passcode" ) : tr("Change passcode" ) ); passcode_poweron->setEnabled( !empty ); clearpasscode->setEnabled( !empty ); autologinToggle->setChecked(autoLogin); userlist->setEnabled(autoLogin); } void Security::show() { //valid=FALSE; setEnabled(FALSE); SecurityBase::show(); if ( passcode.isEmpty() ) { // could insist... //changePassCode(); //if ( passcode.isEmpty() ) //reject(); } else { - if (!valid) // security passcode was not asked yet, so ask now { QString pc = enterPassCode(tr("Enter passcode")); if ( pc != passcode ) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Passcode incorrect"), tr("The passcode entered is incorrect.\nAccess denied")); reject(); return; } } } setEnabled(TRUE); valid=TRUE; } void Security::accept() { applySecurity(); QDialog::accept(); QCopEnvelope env("QPE/System", "securityChanged()" ); } void Security::done(int r) { QDialog::done(r); close(); } void Security::selectNet(int auth_peer,int auth_peer_bits) { QString sn; if ( auth_peer_bits == 0 && auth_peer == 0 ) { sn = tr("Any"); } else if ( auth_peer_bits == 32 && auth_peer == 0 ) { sn = tr("None"); } else { sn = QString::number((auth_peer>>24)&0xff) + "." + QString::number((auth_peer>>16)&0xff) + "." + QString::number((auth_peer>>8)&0xff) + "." + QString::number((auth_peer>>0)&0xff) + "/" + QString::number(auth_peer_bits); } for (int i=0; i<syncnet->count(); i++) { if ( syncnet->text(i).left(sn.length()) == sn ) { syncnet->setCurrentItem(i); return; } } qDebug("No match for \"%s\"",sn.latin1()); } void Security::parseNet(const QString& sn,int& auth_peer,int& auth_peer_bits) { auth_peer=0; if ( sn == tr("Any") ) { auth_peer = 0; auth_peer_bits = 0; } else if ( sn == tr("None") ) { auth_peer = 0; auth_peer_bits = 32; } else { int x=0; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { int nx = sn.find(QChar(i==3 ? '/' : '.'),x); auth_peer = (auth_peer<<8)|sn.mid(x,nx-x).toInt(); x = nx+1; } uint n = (uint)sn.find(' ',x)-x; auth_peer_bits = sn.mid(x,n).toInt(); } } void Security::loadUsers ( void ) { QFile passwd("/etc/passwd"); if ( passwd.open(IO_ReadOnly) ) { QTextStream t( &passwd ); QString s; QStringList account; while ( !t.eof() ) { account = QStringList::split(':',t.readLine()); // Hide disabled accounts if (*account.at(1)!="*") { userlist->insertItem(*account.at(0)); // Highlight this item if it is set to autologinToggle if ( *account.at(0) == autoLoginName) userlist->setCurrentItem(userlist->count()-1); } } passwd.close(); } } void Security::toggleAutoLogin(bool val) { autoLogin=val; userlist->setEnabled(val); if (!autoLogin) autoLoginName=userlist->currentText(); } void Security::setSyncNet(const QString& sn) { int auth_peer,auth_peer_bits; parseNet(sn,auth_peer,auth_peer_bits); selectNet(auth_peer,auth_peer_bits); } void Security::applySecurity() { if ( valid ) { - Config cfg("Security"); cfg.setGroup("Passcode"); cfg.writeEntry("passcode",passcode); cfg.writeEntry("passcode_poweron",passcode_poweron->isChecked()); cfg.setGroup("Sync"); int auth_peer=0; int auth_peer_bits; QString sn = syncnet->currentText(); parseNet(sn,auth_peer,auth_peer_bits); cfg.writeEntry("auth_peer",auth_peer); cfg.writeEntry("auth_peer_bits",auth_peer_bits); /* cfg.setGroup("Remote"); if ( telnetAvailable() ) cfg.writeEntry("allow_telnet",telnet->isChecked()); if ( sshAvailable() ) cfg.writeEntry("allow_ssh",ssh->isChecked()); // ### write ssh/telnet sys config files */ QString configFile = QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "/etc/opie-login.conf"; Config loginCfg(configFile,Config::File); loginCfg.setGroup("General"); if (autoLogin) { loginCfg.writeEntry("AutoLogin",autoLoginName); } else { loginCfg.removeEntry("AutoLogin"); } - cfg.setGroup("SyncMode"); - cfg.writeEntry("Mode", syncModeCombo->currentItem()+1 ); - } } void Security::changeLoginName( int idx ) { autoLoginName = userlist->text(idx);; updateGUI(); } void Security::changePassCode() { QString new1; QString new2; do { new1 = enterPassCode(tr("Enter new passcode")); if ( new1.isNull() ) return; new2 = enterPassCode(tr("Re-enter new passcode")); if ( new2.isNull() ) return; } while (new1 != new2); passcode = new1; updateGUI(); } void Security::clearPassCode() { passcode = QString::null; updateGUI(); } QString Security::enterPassCode(const QString& prompt) { return Password::getPassword(prompt); } bool Security::telnetAvailable() const { // ### not implemented return FALSE; } bool Security::sshAvailable() const { // ### not implemented return FALSE; } diff --git a/core/settings/security/security.h b/core/settings/security/security.h index 2f18f91..52d56de 100644 --- a/core/settings/security/security.h +++ b/core/settings/security/security.h @@ -1,70 +1,71 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #ifndef SECURITY_H #define SECURITY_H #include "securitybase.h" class QPEDialogListener; class Security : public SecurityBase { Q_OBJECT public: + static QString appName() { return QString::fromLatin1("security"); } Security( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, WFlags fl = 0 ); ~Security(); void show(); protected: void accept(); void applySecurity(); void done(int); private slots: void changePassCode(); void clearPassCode(); void setSyncNet(const QString&); void changeLoginName(int); void toggleAutoLogin(bool); private: void loadUsers(void); bool telnetAvailable() const; bool sshAvailable() const; void updateGUI(); static void parseNet(const QString& sn,int& auth_peer,int& auth_peer_bits); void selectNet(int auth_peer,int auth_peer_bits); QString enterPassCode(const QString&); QString passcode; bool valid; bool autoLogin; QString autoLoginName; QPEDialogListener *dl; }; #endif // SECURITY_H diff --git a/core/settings/security/security.pro b/core/settings/security/security.pro index c359537..67995d4 100644 --- a/core/settings/security/security.pro +++ b/core/settings/security/security.pro @@ -1,32 +1,30 @@ -TEMPLATE = app -CONFIG += qt warn_on release -DESTDIR = $(OPIEDIR)/bin +CONFIG += qt warn_on release quick-app HEADERS = security.h SOURCES = security.cpp main.cpp INTERFACES = securitybase.ui INCLUDEPATH += $(OPIEDIR)/include DEPENDPATH += ../$(OPIEDIR)/include LIBS += -lqpe TARGET = security TRANSLATIONS = ../../../i18n/de/security.ts \ ../../../i18n/nl/security.ts \ ../../../i18n/xx/security.ts \ ../../../i18n/en/security.ts \ ../../../i18n/es/security.ts \ ../../../i18n/fr/security.ts \ ../../../i18n/hu/security.ts \ ../../../i18n/ja/security.ts \ ../../../i18n/ko/security.ts \ ../../../i18n/no/security.ts \ ../../../i18n/pl/security.ts \ ../../../i18n/pt/security.ts \ ../../../i18n/pt_BR/security.ts \ ../../../i18n/sl/security.ts \ ../../../i18n/zh_CN/security.ts \ ../../../i18n/zh_TW/security.ts \ ../../../i18n/da/security.ts include ( $(OPIEDIR)/include.pro ) diff --git a/core/settings/security/securitybase.ui b/core/settings/security/securitybase.ui index 73290e5..9fb63a8 100644 --- a/core/settings/security/securitybase.ui +++ b/core/settings/security/securitybase.ui @@ -1,437 +1,437 @@ <!DOCTYPE UI><UI> <class>SecurityBase</class> <widget> <class>QDialog</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>SecurityBase</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>geometry</name> <rect> <x>0</x> <y>0</y> - <width>339</width> + <width>329</width> <height>483</height> </rect> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>caption</name> <string>Security Settings</string> </property> <property> <name>layoutMargin</name> </property> <property> <name>layoutSpacing</name> </property> <vbox> <property stdset="1"> <name>margin</name> <number>0</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>spacing</name> <number>0</number> </property> <widget> <class>QTabWidget</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>TabWidget2</cstring> </property> <property> <name>layoutMargin</name> </property> <widget> <class>QWidget</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>tab</cstring> </property> <attribute> <name>title</name> <string>Passcode</string> </attribute> <vbox> <property stdset="1"> <name>margin</name> <number>6</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>spacing</name> <number>6</number> </property> <widget> <class>QGroupBox</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>GroupBox4</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>title</name> <string>Passcode</string> </property> <vbox> <property stdset="1"> <name>margin</name> <number>11</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>spacing</name> <number>6</number> </property> <widget> <class>QLayoutWidget</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>Layout1</cstring> </property> <property> <name>layoutSpacing</name> </property> <hbox> <property stdset="1"> <name>margin</name> <number>0</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>spacing</name> <number>-1</number> </property> <widget> <class>QPushButton</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>changepasscode</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string>Change passcode</string> </property> </widget> <widget> <class>QPushButton</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>clearpasscode</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string>Clear passcode</string> </property> </widget> </hbox> </widget> <widget> <class>QCheckBox</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>passcode_poweron</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string>Require pass code at power-on</string> </property> </widget> <widget> <class>QLabel</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>TextLabel1</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>sizePolicy</name> <sizepolicy> <hsizetype>5</hsizetype> <vsizetype>7</vsizetype> </sizepolicy> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string><P>Pass code protection provides a minimal level of protection from casual access to this device.</string> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>textFormat</name> <enum>RichText</enum> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>alignment</name> <set>AlignTop|AlignLeft</set> </property> <property> <name>vAlign</name> </property> </widget> </vbox> </widget> <spacer> <property> <name>name</name> <cstring>Spacer3</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>orientation</name> <enum>Vertical</enum> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>sizeType</name> <enum>Expanding</enum> </property> <property> <name>sizeHint</name> <size> <width>20</width> <height>20</height> </size> </property> </spacer> </vbox> </widget> <widget> <class>QWidget</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>tab</cstring> </property> <attribute> <name>title</name> <string>Login</string> </attribute> <vbox> <property stdset="1"> <name>margin</name> <number>6</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>spacing</name> <number>6</number> </property> <widget> <class>QGroupBox</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>GroupBox3</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>title</name> <string>Login</string> </property> <vbox> <property stdset="1"> <name>margin</name> <number>11</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>spacing</name> <number>6</number> </property> <widget> <class>QCheckBox</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>autologinToggle</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string>Login Automatically</string> </property> </widget> <widget> <class>QComboBox</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>userlist</cstring> </property> </widget> </vbox> </widget> <spacer> <property> <name>name</name> <cstring>Spacer2</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>orientation</name> <enum>Vertical</enum> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>sizeType</name> <enum>Expanding</enum> </property> <property> <name>sizeHint</name> <size> <width>20</width> <height>20</height> </size> </property> </spacer> </vbox> </widget> <widget> <class>QWidget</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>tab</cstring> </property> <attribute> <name>title</name> <string>Sync</string> </attribute> <vbox> <property stdset="1"> <name>margin</name> <number>6</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>spacing</name> <number>6</number> </property> <widget> <class>QGroupBox</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>GroupBox2</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>title</name> <string>Sync</string> </property> <vbox> <property stdset="1"> <name>margin</name> <number>11</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>spacing</name> <number>6</number> </property> <widget> <class>QLabel</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>TextLabel1_2</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string>Accept sync from network:</string> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>textFormat</name> <enum>RichText</enum> </property> </widget> <widget> <class>QComboBox</class> <item> <property> <name>text</name> <string> (default)</string> </property> </item> <item> <property> <name>text</name> <string></string> </property> </item> <item> <property> <name>text</name> <string></string> </property> </item> <item> <property> <name>text</name> <string></string> </property> </item> <item> <property> <name>text</name> <string></string> </property> </item> <item> <property> <name>text</name> <string></string> </property> </item> <item> <property> <name>text</name> <string>Any</string> </property> </item> <item> <property> <name>text</name> <string>None</string> </property> </item> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>syncnet</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>editable</name> <bool>true</bool> </property> </widget> <widget> <class>QComboBox</class> <item> <property> <name>text</name> <string>Qtopia 1.7</string> </property> </item> <item> <property> <name>text</name> <string>Opie 1.0</string> </property> </item> <item> <property> <name>text</name> <string>Both</string> </property> </item> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>syncModeCombo</cstring> </property> </widget> </vbox> </widget> <spacer> <property> <name>name</name> <cstring>Spacer1</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>orientation</name> <enum>Vertical</enum> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>sizeType</name> <enum>Expanding</enum> </property> <property> <name>sizeHint</name> <size> <width>20</width> <height>20</height> </size> </property> </spacer> </vbox> </widget> </widget> </vbox> </widget> </UI> |