-rw-r--r-- | Rules.make | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/apps/opie-gutenbrowser/NetworkDialog.cpp | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/opieftp/opieftp.cpp | 2 |
3 files changed, 4 insertions, 3 deletions
@@ -1,299 +1,300 @@ .phony: force force: $(configs) : $(call makecfg,$@) $(TOPDIR)/gen.pro : $(TOPDIR)/.config echo > $@ # added for threaded version ifneq ($(CONFIG_THREADED),) echo CONFIG += thread >> $@ else echo CONFIG -= thread >> $@ endif ifneq ($(CONFIG_DEBUG),) echo CONFIG += debug >> $@ echo CONFIG -= release >> $@ echo DEFINES += "QT_COMPONENT_DEBUG=2" >> $@ echo DEFINES += QT_DEBUG >> $@ else echo CONFIG -= debug >> $@ echo CONFIG += release >> $@ echo DEFINES += "OPIE_NO_DEBUG" >> $@ endif ifeq ($(filter 3.%,$(QTE_VERSION)),) # not qt3 echo CONFIG -= qt3 >> $@ else echo CONFIG += qt3 >> $@ endif ifneq ($(CONFIG_QUICK_LAUNCH),) echo contains\( CONFIG, quick-app \) \{ >> $@ echo CONFIG -= quick-app >> $@ echo CONFIG += quick-app-lib >> $@ echo QUICKLAUNCH_PATH = $(CONFIG_QUICKLAUNCH_PATH) >> $@ echo \} >> $@ else echo contains\( CONFIG, quick-app \) \{ >> $@ echo CONFIG -= quick-app >> $@ echo CONFIG += quick-app-bin >> $@ echo \} >> $@ endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_SQL_PIM_BACKEND),y) echo ENABLE_SQL_PIM_BACKEND=$(CONFIG_SQL_PIM_BACKEND) >> $@ else echo ENABLE_SQL_PIM_BACKEND=n >> $@ endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_OPIE_NO_OVERRIDE_QT),y) echo CONFIG += no-override >> $@ endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_OPIE_NO_BUILTIN_SHUTDOWN),y) echo DEFINES += OPIE_NO_BUILTIN_SHUTDOWN >> $@ endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_OPIE_NO_BUILTIN_CALIBRATE),y) echo DEFINES += OPIE_NO_BUILTIN_CALIBRATE >> $@ endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_USE_REALTIME_AUDIO_THREAD),y) echo DEFINES += USE_REALTIME_AUDIO_THREAD >> $@ endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_USE_FILE_NOTIFICATION),y) echo DEFINES += USE_FILE_NOTIFICATION >> $@ endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_QT_QWS_ALLOW_CLOCK),y) echo DEFINES += QT_QWS_ALLOW_OVERCLOCK >> $@ endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_OPIE_HIGH_RES_SMALL_PHY),y) echo DEFINES += OPIE_HIGH_RES_SMALL_PHY >> $@ endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_OPIE_NEW_ALLOC),y) echo DEFINES += OPIE_NEW_MALLOC >> $@ endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_OPIE_NO_SOUND_PCM_READ_BITS),y) echo DEFINES += OPIE_NO_SOUND_PCM_READ_BITS >> $@ endif echo DEFINES += OPIE_SOUND_FRAGMENT_SHIFT=$(CONFIG_OPIE_SOUND_FRAGMENT_SHIFT) >> $@ ifeq ($(CONFIG_OPIE_WE_VERSION_OVERRIDE),y) echo DEFINES += OPIE_WE_VERSION=$(CONFIG_OPIE_WE_VERSION) >> $@ endif # Write LIB dirs and INC dirs... ifeq ($(CONFIG_LIBETPAN_DEP),y) echo LIBETPAN_LIB_DIR = $(CONFIG_LIBETPAN_LIB_DIR) >> $@ echo LIBETPAN_INC_DIR = $(CONFIG_LIBETPAN_INC_DIR) >> $@ endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_LIBPCAP_DEP),y) echo LIBPCAP_LIB_DIR = $(CONFIG_LIBPCAP_LIB_DIR) >> $@ echo LIBPCAP_INC_DIR = $(CONFIG_LIBPCAP_INC_DIR) >> $@ endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_LIBSQLITE_DEP),y) echo LIBSQLITE_LIB_DIR = $(CONFIG_LIBSQLITE_LIB_DIR) >> $@ echo LIBSQLITE_INC_DIR = $(CONFIG_LIBSQLITE_INC_DIR) >> $@ endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_LIBXINE_DEP),y) echo LIBXINE_LIB_DIR = $(CONFIG_LIBXINE_LIB_DIR) >> $@ echo LIBXINE_INC_DIR = $(CONFIG_LIBXINE_INC_DIR) >> $@ endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_LIBIPK_DEP),y) echo LIBIPK_LIB_DIR = $(CONFIG_LIBIPK_LIB_DIR) >> $@ echo LIBIPK_INC_DIR = $(CONFIG_LIBIPK_INC_DIR) >> $@ endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_LIBSDK_DEP),y) echo LIBSDL_LIB_DIR = $(CONFIG_LIBSDL_LIB_DIR) >> $@ echo LIBSDL_INC_DIR = $(CONFIG_LIBSDL_INC_DIR) >> $@ endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_LIBSWORD_DEP),y) echo LIBSWORD_LIB_DIR = $(CONFIG_LIBSWORD_LIB_DIR) >> $@ echo LIBSWORD_INC_DIR = $(CONFIG_LIBSWORD_INC_DIR) >> $@ endif $(TOPDIR)/.depends : $(shell if [ -e $(TOPDIR)/config.in ]\; then echo $(TOPDIR)/config.in\; fi\;) $(TOPDIR)/.config $(TOPDIR)/packages @echo Generating dependency information... # add to subdir-y, and add descend rules @cat $(TOPDIR)/packages | grep -v '^#' | \ awk '{print \ ".PHONY : " $$2 "\n" \ "subdir-$$(" $$1 ") += " $$2 "\n\n"; \ print $$2 " : " $$2 "/Makefile\n\t$$(call descend,$$@,$(filter-out $$@,$$(filter-out $$@,$$(MAKECMDGOALS))))\n"; }' > $(TOPDIR)/.depends cat $(TOPDIR)/packages | grep -v '^#' | \ perl -ne '($$cfg, $$dir, $$pro) = $$_ =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/; if ( -e "$$dir/$$pro" ) { print "$$dir/Makefile : $$dir/$$pro \$$(QMAKE) \$$(OPIEDIR)/gen.pro \$$(OPIEDIR)/.config\n\t\$$(call makefilegen,\$$@)\n\n"; }' \ >> $(TOPDIR)/.depends # interpackage dependency generation @cat $(TOPDIR)/packages | \ $(TOPDIR)/scripts/deps.pl >> $(TOPDIR)/.depends $(TOPDIR)/.depends.cfgs: # config.in interdependencies @echo $(configs) | sed -e 's,/config.in,,g' | ( for i in `cat`; do echo $$i; done ) > dirs @cat dirs | ( for i in `cat`; do if [ "`cat dirs|grep $$i 2>/dev/null|wc -l`" -ne "1" ]; then deps=`cat dirs|grep $$i| grep -v "^$$i$$"|for i in \`cat|sed -e's,^$(TOPDIR)/,$$(TOPDIR)/,g'\`; do echo $$i/config.in; done`; echo `echo $$i/config.in|sed -e 's,^$(TOPDIR)/,$$(TOPDIR)/,'` : $$deps; fi; done ) >> $@ @-rm -f dirs $(QTDIR)/stamp-headers : @-rm -f $(QTDIR)/stamp-headers* ( cd $(QTDIR)/include; \ $(patsubst %,ln -sf ../src/kernel/%;,qgfx_qws.h qwsmouse_qws.h \ qcopchannel_qws.h qwindowsystem_qws.h \ qfontmanager_qws.h qwsdefaultdecoration_qws.h)) touch $@ $(QTDIR)/stamp-headers-x11 : @-rm -f $(QTDIR)/stamp-headers* cd $(QTDIR)/include; $(patsubst %,ln -sf $(OPIEDIR)/x11/libqpe-x11/qt/%;,qgfx_qws.h qwsmouse_qws.h qcopchannel_qws.h qwindowsystem_qws.h qfontmanager_qws.h qwsdefaultdecoration_qws.h) touch $@ $(OPIEDIR)/stamp-headers : @-rm -f $(OPIEDIR)/stamp-headers* mkdir -p $(TOPDIR)/include/qpe \ $(TOPDIR)/include/qtopia \ $(TOPDIR)/include/opie \ $(TOPDIR)/include/opie2 \ $(TOPDIR)/include/qtopia/private \ $(TOPDIR)/include/sl ( cd include/qpe && rm -f *.h; ln -sf ../../library/*.h .; ln -sf ../../library/backend/*.h .; rm -f *_p.h; ) ( cd include/qtopia && rm -f *.h; ln -sf ../../library/*.h .; ) ( cd include/qtopia/private && rm -f *.h; ln -sf ../../../library/backend/*.h .; ) ifeq ($(CONFIG_LIBOPIE),y) # libopie1 ( cd include/opie && rm -f *.h; ln -sf ../../libopie/*.h .; rm -f *_p.h; ) ( cd include/opie && ln -sf ../../libopie/pim/*.h .; ) ( cd include/opie && ln -sf ../../libopie/big-screen/*.h .; ) endif # libopie2 ( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opiecore/*.h .; ) ( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opiecore/device/*.h .; ) ( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opiemm/*.h .; ) ( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opiedb/*.h .; ) ( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opienet/*.h .; ) ( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opiepim/*.h .; ) ( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opiepim/core/*.h .; ) ( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opiepim/core/backends/*.h .; ) ( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opiepim/ui/*.h .; ) ( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opieui/*.h .; ) ( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opieui/fileselector/*.h .; ) ( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opieui/big-screen/*.h .; ) # auxilliary libraries ( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libqtaux/*.h .; ) ( cd include/sl && ln -sf ../../libslcompat/*.h .; ) + ( cd include/ && ln -sf ../noncore/net/ftplib/*.h .; ) # all ifeq ($(CONFIG_LIBOPIE),y) ( cd include/opie; for generatedHeader in `cd ../../libopie; ls *.ui | sed -e "s,\.ui,\.h,g"`; do \ ln -sf ../../libopie/$$generatedHeader $$generatedHeader; done ) endif ( cd include/opie2; for generatedHeader in `cd ../../libopie2/opieui; ls *.ui | sed -e "s,\.ui,\.h,g"`; do \ ln -sf ../../libopie2/opieui/$$generatedHeader $$generatedHeader; done ) ( cd include/opie2; for generatedHeader in `cd ../../libopie2/opiepim/ui; ls *.ui | sed -e "s,\.ui,\.h,g"`; do \ ln -sf ../../libopie2/opiepim/ui/$$generatedHeader $$generatedHeader; done ) ln -sf ../../library/custom.h $(TOPDIR)/include/qpe/custom.h touch $@ $(OPIEDIR)/stamp-headers-x11 : @-rm -f $(OPIEDIR)/stamp-headers* mkdir -p $(TOPDIR)/include/qpe $(TOPDIR)/include/qtopia \ $(TOPDIR)/include/opie $(TOPDIR)/include/qtopia/private ( cd include/qpe && rm -f *.h; ln -sf ../../library/*.h .; ln -sf ../../library/backend/*.h .; rm -f *_p.h; ) ( cd include/qtopia && rm -f *.h; ln -sf ../../library/*.h .; ) ( cd include/qtopia/private && rm -f *.h; ln -sf ../../../library/backend/*.h .; ) ( cd include/opie && rm -f *.h; ln -sf ../../libopie/*.h .; rm -f *_p.h; ) ( cd include/opie && ln -sf ../../libsql/*.h .; ) ( cd include/opie && ln -sf ../../libopie/pim/*.h .; ) ( cd include/opie; for generatedHeader in `cd ../../libopie; ls *.ui | sed -e "s,\.ui,\.h,g"`; do \ ln -sf ../../libopie/$$generatedHeader $$generatedHeader; done ) ln -sf ../../library/custom.h $(TOPDIR)/include/qpe/custom.h ( cd include/qpe; ln -sf ../../x11/libqpe-x11/qpe/*.h .; ) touch $@ $(TOPDIR)/library/custom.h : $(TOPDIR)/.config @-rm -f $@ @$(if $(patsubst "%",%,$(CONFIG_CUSTOMFILE)),\ ln -sf $(patsubst "%",%,$(CONFIG_CUSTOMFILE)) $@) @touch $@ $(TOPDIR)/scripts/lxdialog/lxdialog $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/mconf $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/conf $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/qconf $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/libkconfig.so $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/gconf $(TOPDIR)/qmake/qmake: @$(call descend,$(shell dirname $@),$(shell basename $@)) menuconfig: $(TOPDIR)/scripts/lxdialog/lxdialog $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/mconf ./config.in $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/mconf ./config.in @touch ./.config.stamp xconfig: $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/qconf $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/libkconfig.so ./config.in $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/qconf ./config.in @touch .config.stamp gconfig: $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/gconf $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/libkconfig.so ./config.in $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/gconf ./config.in @touch .config.stamp config: $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/conf ./config.in $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/conf ./config.in @touch .config.stamp oldconfig: $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/conf ./config.in $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/conf -o ./config.in @touch .config.stamp randconfig: $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/conf ./config.in $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/conf -r ./config.in @touch .config.stamp allyesconfig: $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/conf ./config.in $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/conf -y ./config.in @touch .config.stamp allnoconfig: $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/conf ./config.in $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/conf -n ./config.in @touch .config.stamp defconfig: $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/conf ./config.in $(TOPDIR)/scripts/kconfig/conf -d ./config.in @touch .config.stamp $(TOPDIR)/qmake/qmake : $(TOPDIR)/mkspecs/default $(TOPDIR)/mkspecs/default : ln -sf linux-g++ $@ $(TOPDIR)/scripts/subst : force @( \ echo 's,\$$QPE_VERSION,$(QPE_VERSION),g'; \ echo 's,\$$OPIE_VERSION,$(OPIE_VERSION),g'; \ echo 's,\$$QTE_VERSION,$(QTE_VERSION),g'; \ echo 's,\$$QTE_REVISION,$(QTE_REVISION),g'; \ echo 's,\$$SUB_VERSION,$(SUB_VERSION),g'; \ echo 's,\$$EXTRAVERSION,$(EXTRAVERSION),g'; \ echo 's,\$$QTE_BASEVERSION,$(QTE_BASEVERSION),g'; \ ) > $@ || ( rm -f $@; exit 1 ) $(TOPDIR)/scripts/filesubst : force @( \ echo 's,\$$OPIEDIR/root/,/,g'; \ echo 's,$(OPIEDIR)/root/,/,g'; \ echo 's,\$$OPIEDIR,$(prefix),g'; \ echo 's,$(OPIEDIR),$(prefix),g'; \ echo 's,\$$QTDIR,$(prefix),g'; \ echo 's,$(QTDIR),$(prefix),g'; \ echo 's,^\(\./\)*root/,/,g'; \ echo 's,^\(\./\)*etc/,$(prefix)/etc/,g'; \ echo 's,^\(\./\)*lib/,$(prefix)/lib/,g'; \ echo 's,^\(\./\)*bin/,$(prefix)/bin/,g'; \ echo 's,^\(\./\)*pics/,$(prefix)/pics/,g'; \ echo 's,^\(\./\)*sounds/,$(prefix)/sounds/,g'; \ echo 's,^\(\./\)*i18n/,$(prefix)/i18n/,g'; \ echo 's,^\(\./\)*plugins/,$(prefix)/plugins/,g'; \ echo 's,^\(\./\)*apps/,$(prefix)/apps/,g'; \ echo 's,^\(\./\)*share/,$(prefix)/share/,g'; \ echo 's,^\(\./\)*i18n/,$(prefix)/i18n/,g'; \ echo 's,^\(\./\)*help/,$(prefix)/help/,g'; \ ) > $@ || ( rm -f $@; exit 1 ) ## general rules ## define descend $(MAKE) $(if $(QMAKE),QMAKE=$(QMAKE)) -C $(1) $(2) endef define makefilegen cd $(if $(1),$(shell dirname $(1))); $(TOPDIR)/qmake/qmake $(3) -o $(if $(1),$(shell basename $(1))) `cat $(OPIEDIR)/packages | grep " \`echo $(1)|sed -e 's,/Makefile$$,,'\` " | \ head -1 | awk '{print $$3}'` endef define makecfg $(TOPDIR)/scripts/makecfg.pl $1 $(OPIEDIR) endef diff --git a/noncore/apps/opie-gutenbrowser/NetworkDialog.cpp b/noncore/apps/opie-gutenbrowser/NetworkDialog.cpp index e8ade87..aed53c6 100644 --- a/noncore/apps/opie-gutenbrowser/NetworkDialog.cpp +++ b/noncore/apps/opie-gutenbrowser/NetworkDialog.cpp @@ -1,329 +1,329 @@ // /*************************************************************************** // NetworkDialog.cpp - description // begin : Sun Aug 27 2000 // copyright : (C) 2000 - 2004 by L.J. Potter // email : ljp@llornkcor.com // * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * // * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * // * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * // * (at your option) any later version. * // ***************************************************************************/ // // half-assed attempt at providing a network dialog. // /* Created: Sun Aug 27 15:24:52 2000*/ #include <unistd.h> + extern "C" { -#include "../../net/ftplib/ftplib.h" +#include <ftplib.h> } - #include "NetworkDialog.h" #include "gutenbrowser.h" #include <qprogressbar.h> #include <qstringlist.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qvaluelist.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qstringlist.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qlayout.h> QProgressBar* ProgressBar1; QPushButton* buttonCancel; static netbuf *conn = NULL; static int log_progress(netbuf *ctl, int xfered, void *arg) { int fsz = *(int *)arg; int pct = (xfered * 100) / fsz; printf("%3d%%\r", pct); fflush(stdout); ProgressBar1->setProgress(xfered); qApp->processEvents(); return 1; } NetworkDialog::NetworkDialog( QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl, const QStringList netL) : QDialog( parent, name, modal, fl ) { ftp_host = netL[0]; networkUrl = strUrl = netL[0]; dir = ftp_base_dir = netL[1]; localFileName = netL[2]; s_partialFileName = netL[3]; resize(240,110); local_library = (QDir::homeDirPath ()) +"/Applications/gutenbrowser/"; // autoOk = autoDownload; // if( networkUrl.find("ftp",0,false)== -1 ) { // if ( !name ) // setName( "HTTP NetworkDialog" ); // setCaption( tr( "HTTP Download ) ); // qInitNetworkProtocols(); // registers ftp protocol // for now // QNetworkProtocol::registerNetworkProtocol( "http", new QNetworkProtocolFactory<Http> ); // } else { if ( !name ) setName( "FTP NetworkDialog" ); setCaption(tr("FTP Download")); // } initDialog(); //opens file to be written } NetworkDialog::~NetworkDialog() { } void NetworkDialog::initDialog() { totalBytesDownloaded=0; warnLabel = new QLabel( this, "TextLabel" ); warnLabel ->setText( tr( "Push Ok to download file...." ) ); TextLabel3 = new QLabel( this, "TextLabel3" ); TextLabel3->setText( ""); QWidget* Layout1 = new QWidget( this, "Layout1" ); hbox = new QHBoxLayout(Layout1); hbox->setMargin(4); ProgressBar1 = new QProgressBar( Layout1, "ProgressBar1" ); ProgressBar1->setProgress(0); hbox->addWidget(ProgressBar1,10,AlignCenter); hbox->addStretch(1); buttonOk = new QPushButton( Layout1, "buttonOk" ); buttonOk->setText( tr( "&OK" ) ); hbox->addWidget(buttonOk,0,AlignRight); hbox->addSpacing(5); buttonCancel = new QPushButton( Layout1, "buttonCancel" ); buttonCancel->setText( tr( "&Cancel" ) ); buttonCancel->setAutoDefault( TRUE ); buttonCancel->setDefault( TRUE ); hbox->addWidget(buttonCancel,0,AlignRight); ProgressBar1->setFixedSize(140,22); buttonOk->setFixedSize(35,22); buttonCancel->setFixedSize(35,22); warnLabel ->setGeometry( QRect( 5,1,230,25)); TextLabel3->setGeometry( QRect( 5,20,230,25)); Layout1->setGeometry( QRect(1,60,235,50)); //TODO check these!! // timer= new QTimer(this,"vu timer"); // connectionTimer=new QTimer(this,"connectionTimeout"); connect(buttonOk,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(doOk())); connect(buttonCancel,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(reject())); // connect( timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this , SLOT(timeSlot())); // connect( connectionTimer,SIGNAL( timeout()),this,SLOT( connectionTimeSlot())); if(autoOk) { qWarning("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"); buttonOk->setDown(true); doOk(); } } void NetworkDialog::timeSlot() { // if(timerProgess < 19 && posTimer) { // ProgressBar1->setProgress(timerProgess); // timerProgess++; // } else if(timerProgess > 19 && posTimer) { // ProgressBar1->setProgress(timerProgess); // timerProgess++; // posTimer=FALSE; // } // if(timerProgess > 1 &&!posTimer) { // ProgressBar1->setProgress(timerProgess); // timerProgess--; // } else if(timerProgess > 1 &&!posTimer){ // ProgressBar1->setProgress(timerProgess); // timerProgess--; // posTimer=TRUE; // } // // qDebug("timer event"); // qApp->processEvents(); // repaint(); } void NetworkDialog::connectionTimeSlot() { // qDebug("Connections timed out"); // ftpQuit(); // qApp->processEvents(); // repaint(); // reject(); } /* downloads the file networkUrl */ bool NetworkDialog::downloadFile( QString networkUrl ) { int fsz; // timer->start( 250 , FALSE); // posTimer=TRUE; // connectionTimer->start( 600 , FALSE); warnLabel ->setText( ""); qApp->processEvents(); qDebug("Downloading: %s",networkUrl.latin1()); qDebug("Into: %s",localFileName.latin1()); if( networkUrl.length() > 5) { QString ftp_user = "anonymous"; QString ftp_pass = "zaurus@gutenbrowser.com"; // ftp_host= networkUrl.mid(networkUrl.find("ftp://",0, TRUE), if(ftp_host.length() < 2) { qDebug("Please select an ftp host" ); successDownload=false; QMessageBox::message("Note","You need to select an ftp host"); return false; } QString msg; qDebug(ftp_host); qDebug("Opening ftp connection."); warnLabel->setText("connecting to: "+ftp_host ); qApp->processEvents(); /////////// Open FTP connection if (!FtpConnect( ftp_host.latin1(), &conn)) { i=0; successDownload=false; QMessageBox::message("Note","Unable to connect to\n"+ftp_host); return false; } TextLabel3->setText("Opening ftp connection."); qApp->processEvents(); if (!FtpLogin( ftp_user.latin1(), ftp_pass.latin1(),conn )) { FtpQuit(conn); successDownload=false; msg.sprintf("Unable to log in\n%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); QMessageBox::message("Note",msg); return false; } qDebug("Changing directories."); TextLabel3->setText("Changing directories."); qApp->processEvents(); if (!FtpChdir( dir.latin1(), conn )) { successDownload=false; msg.sprintf("Unable to change directories "+dir+"\n%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); QMessageBox::message("Note",msg); FtpQuit(conn); return false; } // if (!FtpNlst( "./.guten_temp", dir, conn)) { // successDownload=false; // msg.sprintf("Unable to change directories "+dir+"\n%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); // QMessageBox::message("Note",msg); // FtpQuit(conn); // return false; // } qDebug("Requesting directory list."); TextLabel3->setText("Getting directory list."); qApp->processEvents(); if (!FtpDir( "./.guten_temp", dir.latin1(), conn) ) { msg.sprintf("Unable to list the directory\n"+dir+"\n%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); QMessageBox::message("Note",msg); successDownload=false; FtpQuit(conn); return false; } QFile tmp("./.guten_temp"); QString s, File_Name; if (tmp.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { QTextStream t( &tmp ); // use a text stream qDebug("Finding partial filename "+s_partialFileName); while ( !t.eof()) { s = t.readLine(); if (s.contains(s_partialFileName, FALSE)) { QString str = s.right( (s.length()) - (s.find(s_partialFileName, FALSE)) ); if (str.contains(".txt")) { File_Name = str; qDebug("Found file_name "+ File_Name); break; } // if (str.contains(".zip")) { // File_Name = str; // qDebug("Found file_name "+ File_Name); // break; // } } } //end of while loop tmp.close(); // tmp.remove(); ///TODO this is for release version Zaurus } else qDebug("Error opening temp file."); Config cfg("Gutenbrowser"); cfg.setGroup("General"); QString temp=cfg.readEntry("DownloadDirectory",local_library); localFileName = temp+File_Name; qDebug("Requesting file "+ File_Name); qDebug( "Saving as "+localFileName); msg="Requesting file "+ File_Name; TextLabel3->setText(msg); qApp->processEvents(); if( File_Name.length()>3) { if (!FtpSize( File_Name.latin1(), &fsz, FTPLIB_ASCII, conn)) fsz = 0; QString temp; temp.sprintf( File_Name+" "+" %dkb", fsz); TextLabel3->setText(temp); ProgressBar1->setTotalSteps(fsz); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACK, (long) log_progress, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_IDLETIME, (long) 1000, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACKARG, (long) &fsz, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACKBYTES, (long) fsz/10, conn); if (!FtpGet( localFileName.latin1(), File_Name.latin1(), FTPLIB_ASCII, conn)) { msg.sprintf("Could not download "+ File_Name+"\n%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); successDownload=false; QMessageBox::message("Note",msg); update(); } } else { QMessageBox::message("Note","Could not download file "+ File_Name); successDownload=false; FtpQuit(conn); return false; } qDebug("Ftp session successful"); successDownload=TRUE; FtpQuit(conn); return true; } //no network url return false; } void NetworkDialog::doOk() { qWarning("Do OK"); QString loginStr; loginStr = "gutenbrowser"; if ( !ftp_host.isEmpty() ) { if( ftp_host.find( "/", ftp_host.length() - 1,TRUE) != -1 && ftp_host.find("ftp://",0, TRUE) != -1) { TextLabel3->setText( tr( "List remote dir:\n" + ftp_host) ); // TextLabel2->setText( tr( "local file to download into: " +localFileName ) ); if( downloadFile(ftp_host)) successDownload = true; else { successDownload = false; reject(); } } else { if(downloadFile(ftp_host)) successDownload = true; else { successDownload = false; reject(); } } } accept(); } diff --git a/noncore/net/opieftp/opieftp.cpp b/noncore/net/opieftp/opieftp.cpp index fe96103..aa4314a 100644 --- a/noncore/net/opieftp/opieftp.cpp +++ b/noncore/net/opieftp/opieftp.cpp @@ -1,785 +1,785 @@ /*************************************************************************** opieftp.cpp ------------------- ** Created: Sat Mar 9 23:33:09 2002 copyright : (C) 2002 by ljp email : ljp@llornkcor.com * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ //#define DEVELOPERS_VERSION #include "opieftp.h" extern "C" { -#include "../ftplib/ftplib.h" +#include <ftplib.h> } #include "inputDialog.h" /* OPIE */ #include <opie2/odebug.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/mimetype.h> using namespace Opie::Core; #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qtoolbutton.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qlistview.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qprogressbar.h> #include <qspinbox.h> #include <qtabwidget.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qmenubar.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qlistbox.h> #include <qvbox.h> /* STD */ #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> QProgressBar *ProgressBar; static netbuf *conn=NULL; static int log_progress(netbuf *, int xfered, void *) { // int fsz = *(int *)arg; // int pct = (xfered * 100) / fsz; // printf("%3d%%\r", pct); // fflush(stdout); ProgressBar->setProgress(xfered); qApp->processEvents(); return 1; } OpieFtp::OpieFtp( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl) : QMainWindow( parent, name, fl ) { odebug << "OpieFtp constructor" << oendl; setCaption( tr( "OpieFtp" ) ); fuckeduphack=FALSE; QVBox* wrapperBox = new QVBox( this ); setCentralWidget( wrapperBox ); QWidget *view = new QWidget( wrapperBox ); QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout( view ); layout->setSpacing( 2); layout->setMargin( 2); connect( qApp,SIGNAL( aboutToQuit()),SLOT( cleanUp()) ); QMenuBar *menuBar = new QMenuBar(this); // QToolBar *menuBar = new QToolBar(this); // menuBar->setHorizontalStretchable( TRUE ); QWMatrix matrix; QPixmap pix(Resource::loadPixmap( "UnknownDocument" )); matrix.scale( .4, .4); unknownXpm = pix.xForm(matrix); connectionMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); localMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); remoteMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); tabMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); //#if 0 layout->addMultiCellWidget( menuBar, 0, 0, 0, 2 ); //#endif menuBar->insertItem( tr( "Connection" ), connectionMenu); // menuBar->insertItem( tr( "Local" ), localMenu); // menuBar->insertItem( tr( "Remote" ), remoteMenu); menuBar->insertItem( tr( "View" ), tabMenu); tabMenu->insertItem( tr( "Local" ), localMenu); tabMenu->insertItem( tr( "Remote" ), remoteMenu); connectionMenu->insertItem( tr( "New" ), this, SLOT( newConnection() )); connectionMenu->insertItem( tr( "Connect" ), this, SLOT( connector() )); connectionMenu->insertItem( tr( "Disconnect" ), this, SLOT( disConnector() )); localMenu->insertItem( tr( "Show Hidden Files" ), this, SLOT( showHidden() )); localMenu->insertSeparator(); localMenu->insertItem( tr( "Upload" ), this, SLOT( localUpload() )); localMenu->insertItem( tr( "Make Directory" ), this, SLOT( localMakDir() )); localMenu->insertItem( tr( "Rename" ), this, SLOT( localRename() )); localMenu->insertSeparator(); localMenu->insertItem( tr( "Delete" ), this, SLOT( localDelete() )); localMenu->setCheckable(TRUE); remoteMenu->insertItem( tr( "Download" ), this, SLOT( remoteDownload() )); remoteMenu->insertItem( tr( "Make Directory" ), this, SLOT( remoteMakDir() )); remoteMenu->insertItem( tr( "Rename" ), this, SLOT( remoteRename() )); remoteMenu->insertSeparator(); remoteMenu->insertItem( tr( "Delete" ), this, SLOT( remoteDelete() )); tabMenu->insertSeparator(); tabMenu->insertItem( tr( "Switch to Local" ), this, SLOT( switchToLocalTab() )); tabMenu->insertItem( tr( "Switch to Remote" ), this, SLOT( switchToRemoteTab() )); tabMenu->insertItem( tr( "Switch to Config" ), this, SLOT( switchToConfigTab() )); tabMenu->insertSeparator(); // tabMenu->insertItem( tr( "About" ), this, SLOT( doAbout() )); tabMenu->setCheckable(TRUE); cdUpButton = new QToolButton( view,"cdUpButton"); cdUpButton->setPixmap(Resource::loadPixmap("up")); cdUpButton ->setFixedSize( QSize( 20, 20 ) ); connect( cdUpButton ,SIGNAL(released()),this,SLOT( upDir()) ); layout->addMultiCellWidget( cdUpButton, 0, 0, 3, 3 ); cdUpButton->hide(); // docButton = new QPushButton(Resource::loadIconSet("DocsIcon"),"",view,"docsButton"); // docButton->setFixedSize( QSize( 20, 20 ) ); // connect( docButton,SIGNAL(released()),this,SLOT( docButtonPushed()) ); // docButton->setFlat(TRUE); // layout->addMultiCellWidget( docButton, 0, 0, 6, 6 ); homeButton = new QToolButton(view,"homeButton"); homeButton->setPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap("home")); homeButton->setFixedSize( QSize( 20, 20 ) ); connect(homeButton,SIGNAL(released()),this,SLOT(homeButtonPushed()) ); layout->addMultiCellWidget( homeButton, 0, 0, 4, 4); homeButton->hide(); TabWidget = new QTabWidget( view, "TabWidget" ); layout->addMultiCellWidget( TabWidget, 1, 1, 0, 4 ); // TabWidget->setTabShape(QTabWidget::Triangular); tab = new QWidget( TabWidget, "tab" ); tabLayout = new QGridLayout( tab ); tabLayout->setSpacing( 2); tabLayout->setMargin( 2); Local_View = new QListView( tab, "Local_View" ); // Local_View->setResizePolicy( QListView::AutoOneFit ); Local_View->addColumn( tr("File"),150); Local_View->addColumn( tr("Date"),-1); Local_View->setColumnAlignment(1,QListView::AlignRight); Local_View->addColumn( tr("Size"),-1); Local_View->setColumnAlignment(2,QListView::AlignRight); Local_View->setAllColumnsShowFocus(TRUE); Local_View->setMultiSelection( TRUE); Local_View->setSelectionMode(QListView::Extended); Local_View->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::ClickFocus); QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( Local_View->viewport(),QPEApplication::RightOnHold); tabLayout->addWidget( Local_View, 0, 0 ); connect( Local_View, SIGNAL( clicked(QListViewItem*)), this,SLOT( localListClicked(QListViewItem*)) ); // connect( Local_View, SIGNAL( doubleClicked(QListViewItem*)), // this,SLOT( localListClicked(QListViewItem*)) ); connect( Local_View, SIGNAL( mouseButtonPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int)), this,SLOT( ListPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int)) ); TabWidget->insertTab( tab, tr( "Local" ) ); tab_2 = new QWidget( TabWidget, "tab_2" ); tabLayout_2 = new QGridLayout( tab_2 ); tabLayout_2->setSpacing( 2); tabLayout_2->setMargin( 2); Remote_View = new QListView( tab_2, "Remote_View" ); Remote_View->addColumn( tr("File"),150); Remote_View->addColumn( tr("Date"),-1); // Remote_View->setColumnAlignment(1,QListView::AlignRight); Remote_View->addColumn( tr("Size"),-1); Remote_View->setColumnAlignment(2,QListView::AlignRight); Remote_View->setColumnAlignment(3,QListView::AlignCenter); Remote_View->addColumn( tr("Dir"),-1); Remote_View->setColumnAlignment(4,QListView::AlignRight); Remote_View->setAllColumnsShowFocus(TRUE); Remote_View->setMultiSelection( FALSE); Remote_View->setSelectionMode(QListView::Extended); Remote_View->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::ClickFocus); QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( Remote_View->viewport(),QPEApplication::RightOnHold); connect( Remote_View, SIGNAL( clicked(QListViewItem*)), this,SLOT( remoteListClicked(QListViewItem*)) ); connect( Remote_View, SIGNAL( mouseButtonPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int)), this,SLOT( RemoteListPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int)) ); tabLayout_2->addWidget( Remote_View, 0, 0 ); TabWidget->insertTab( tab_2, tr( "Remote" ) ); tab_3 = new QWidget( TabWidget, "tab_3" ); tabLayout_3 = new QGridLayout( tab_3 ); tabLayout_3->setSpacing( 2); tabLayout_3->setMargin( 2); TextLabel1 = new QLabel( tab_3, "TextLabel1" ); TextLabel1->setText( tr( "Username" ) ); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( TextLabel1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); UsernameComboBox = new QComboBox( FALSE, tab_3, "UsernameComboBox" ); UsernameComboBox->setEditable(TRUE); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( UsernameComboBox, 1, 1, 0, 1 ); connect( UsernameComboBox,SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)),this, SLOT( UsernameComboBoxEdited(const QString&) )); TextLabel2 = new QLabel( tab_3, "TextLabel2" ); TextLabel2->setText( tr( "Password" ) ); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( TextLabel2, 0, 0, 2, 3 ); PasswordEdit = new QLineEdit( "", tab_3, "PasswordComboBox" ); PasswordEdit->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( PasswordEdit, 1, 1, 2, 3 ); connect( PasswordEdit,SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)),this, SLOT( PasswordEditEdited(const QString&) )); //PasswordEdit->setFixedWidth(85); TextLabel3 = new QLabel( tab_3, "TextLabel3" ); TextLabel3->setText( tr( "Remote server" ) ); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( TextLabel3, 2, 2, 0, 1 ); ServerComboBox = new QComboBox( FALSE, tab_3, "ServerComboBox" ); ServerComboBox->setEditable(TRUE); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( ServerComboBox, 3, 3, 0, 1 ); connect(ServerComboBox,SIGNAL(activated(int)),this,SLOT(serverComboSelected(int) )); connect(ServerComboBox,SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)),this, SLOT(serverComboEdited(const QString&) )); QLabel *TextLabel5 = new QLabel( tab_3, "TextLabel5" ); TextLabel5->setText( tr( "Remote path" ) ); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( TextLabel5, 2, 2, 2, 3 ); remotePath = new QLineEdit( "/", tab_3, "remotePath" ); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( remotePath, 3, 3, 2, 3 ); TextLabel4 = new QLabel( tab_3, "TextLabel4" ); TextLabel4->setText( tr( "Port" ) ); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( TextLabel4, 4, 4, 0, 1 ); PortSpinBox = new QSpinBox( tab_3, "PortSpinBox" ); PortSpinBox->setButtonSymbols( QSpinBox::UpDownArrows ); PortSpinBox->setMaxValue(32786); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( PortSpinBox, 4, 4, 1, 1); serverListView = new QListBox( tab_3, "ServerListView" ); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( serverListView , 5, 5, 0, 5); connect( serverListView, SIGNAL( highlighted(const QString&)), this,SLOT( serverListClicked(const QString&) ) ); connectServerBtn = new QPushButton( tr("Connect"), tab_3 , "ConnectButton" ); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( connectServerBtn, 6, 6, 0, 1); connectServerBtn->setToggleButton(TRUE); connect(connectServerBtn,SIGNAL( toggled(bool)),SLOT( connectorBtnToggled(bool) )); newServerButton= new QPushButton( tr("Add"), tab_3 , "NewServerButton" ); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( newServerButton, 6, 6, 2, 2); connect( newServerButton,SIGNAL( clicked()),SLOT( NewServer() )); QPushButton *deleteServerBtn; deleteServerBtn = new QPushButton( tr("Delete"), tab_3 , "OpenButton" ); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( deleteServerBtn, 6, 6, 3, 3); connect(deleteServerBtn,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(deleteServer())); QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding ); tabLayout_3->addItem( spacer, 5, 0 ); TabWidget->insertTab( tab_3, tr( "Config" ) ); #if 0 connect(TabWidget,SIGNAL(currentChanged(QWidget*)), this,SLOT(tabChanged(QWidget*))); #endif currentDir.setFilter( QDir::Files | QDir::Dirs/* | QDir::Hidden*/ | QDir::All); currentDir.setPath( QDir::currentDirPath()); // currentDir.setSorting(/* QDir::Size*/ /*| QDir::Reversed | */QDir::DirsFirst); currentPathCombo = new QComboBox( FALSE, view, "currentPathCombo" ); layout->addMultiCellWidget( currentPathCombo, 3, 3, 0, 4); currentPathCombo ->setFixedWidth(220); currentPathCombo->setEditable(TRUE); currentPathCombo->lineEdit()->setText( currentDir.canonicalPath()); #if 0 connect( currentPathCombo, SIGNAL( activated(const QString&) ), this, SLOT( currentPathComboActivated(const QString&) ) ); connect( currentPathCombo->lineEdit(),SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this,SLOT(currentPathComboChanged())); #endif ProgressBar = new QProgressBar( view, "ProgressBar" ); layout->addMultiCellWidget( ProgressBar, 4, 4, 0, 4); ProgressBar->setMaximumHeight(10); filterStr="*"; b=FALSE; #if 0 populateLocalView(); #endif readConfig(); // ServerComboBox->setCurrentItem(currentServerConfig); TabWidget->setCurrentPage(2); odebug << "Constructor done" << oendl; } OpieFtp::~OpieFtp() { } void OpieFtp::cleanUp() { if(conn) FtpQuit(conn); QString sfile=QDir::homeDirPath(); if(sfile.right(1) != "/") sfile+="/._temp"; else sfile+="._temp"; QFile file( sfile); if(file.exists()) file.remove(); Config cfg("opieftp"); cfg.setGroup("Server"); cfg.writeEntry("currentServer", currentServerConfig); exit(0); } void OpieFtp::tabChanged(QWidget *) { if (TabWidget->currentPageIndex() == 0) { currentPathCombo->lineEdit()->setText( currentDir.canonicalPath()); tabMenu->setItemChecked(tabMenu->idAt(0),TRUE); tabMenu->setItemChecked(tabMenu->idAt(1),FALSE); tabMenu->setItemChecked(tabMenu->idAt(2),FALSE); if(cdUpButton->isHidden()) cdUpButton->show(); if(homeButton->isHidden()) homeButton->show(); } if (TabWidget->currentPageIndex() == 1) { currentPathCombo->lineEdit()->setText( currentRemoteDir ); tabMenu->setItemChecked(tabMenu->idAt(1),TRUE); tabMenu->setItemChecked(tabMenu->idAt(0),FALSE); tabMenu->setItemChecked(tabMenu->idAt(2),FALSE); if(cdUpButton->isHidden()) cdUpButton->show(); homeButton->hide(); } if (TabWidget->currentPageIndex() == 2) { tabMenu->setItemChecked(tabMenu->idAt(2),TRUE); tabMenu->setItemChecked(tabMenu->idAt(0),FALSE); tabMenu->setItemChecked(tabMenu->idAt(1),FALSE); cdUpButton->hide(); homeButton->hide(); } } void OpieFtp::newConnection() { UsernameComboBox->lineEdit()->setText(""); PasswordEdit->setText( "" ); ServerComboBox->lineEdit()->setText( ""); remotePath->setText( currentRemoteDir = "/"); PortSpinBox->setValue( 21); TabWidget->setCurrentPage(2); } void OpieFtp::serverComboEdited(const QString & ) { // if( ServerComboBox->text(currentServerConfig) != edit /*edit.isEmpty() */) { // odebug << "ServerComboEdited" << oendl; // // currentServerConfig = -1; // } } void OpieFtp::UsernameComboBoxEdited(const QString &) { // currentServerConfig = -1; } void OpieFtp::PasswordEditEdited(const QString & ) { // currentServerConfig = -1; } void OpieFtp::connectorBtnToggled(bool On) { if(On) { connector(); } else { disConnector(); } } void OpieFtp::connector() { // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "busy()" ); // qApp->processEvents(); currentRemoteDir=remotePath->text(); if( ServerComboBox->currentText().isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(this,tr("Ftp"),tr("Please set the server info"),tr("Ok"),0,0); TabWidget->setCurrentPage(2); ServerComboBox->setFocus(); connectServerBtn->setOn(FALSE); connectServerBtn->setText( tr("Connect")); return; } FtpInit(); TabWidget->setCurrentPage(1); QString ftp_host = ServerComboBox->currentText(); QString ftp_user = UsernameComboBox->currentText(); QString ftp_pass = PasswordEdit->text(); QString port=PortSpinBox->cleanText(); port.stripWhiteSpace(); Config cfg("opieftp"); cfg.setGroup("Server"); // int current=cfg.readNumEntry("currentServer", 1); // if(ftp_host!= cfg.readEntry(QString::number( current))) // currentServerConfig=-1; // cfg.setGroup(QString::number(current)); // if( ftp_user != cfg.readEntry("Username")) // currentServerConfig=-1; // if(ftp_pass != cfg.readEntry(cfg.readEntry("Username"))) // currentServerConfig=-1; if(ftp_host.find("ftp://",0, TRUE) != -1 ) ftp_host=ftp_host.right(ftp_host.length()-6); ftp_host+=":"+port; if (!FtpConnect( ftp_host.latin1(), &conn)) { QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),tr("Unable to connect to\n")+ftp_host); connectServerBtn->setOn(FALSE); connectServerBtn->setText( tr("Connect")); return ; } if (!FtpLogin( ftp_user.latin1(), ftp_pass.latin1(),conn )) { QString msg; msg.sprintf(tr("Unable to log in\n")+"%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); msg.replace(QRegExp(":"),"\n"); QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),msg); if(conn) FtpQuit(conn); connectServerBtn->setOn(FALSE); connectServerBtn->setText( tr("Connect")); return ; } remoteDirList("/") ; setCaption(ftp_host); if( currentServerConfig == -1) writeConfig(); connectServerBtn->setText( tr("Disconnect")); // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "notBusy()" ); } void OpieFtp::disConnector() { if(conn) FtpQuit(conn); setCaption("OpieFtp"); currentRemoteDir="/"; Remote_View->clear(); connectServerBtn->setText( tr("Connect")); connectServerBtn->setOn(FALSE); setCaption("OpieFtp"); } void OpieFtp::localUpload() { int fsz; // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "busy()" ); // qApp->processEvents(); QList<QListViewItem> * getSelectedItems( QListView * Local_View ); QListViewItemIterator it( Local_View ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if ( it.current()->isSelected() ) { QString strItem = it.current()->text(0); QString localFile = currentDir.canonicalPath()+"/"+strItem; QString remoteFile= currentRemoteDir+strItem; QFileInfo fi(localFile); if( !fi.isDir()) { fsz=fi.size(); ProgressBar->setTotalSteps(fsz); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACK, (long) log_progress, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_IDLETIME, (long) 1000, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACKARG, (long) &fsz, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACKBYTES, (long) fsz/10, conn); odebug << "Put: " << localFile.latin1() << ", " << remoteFile.latin1() << "" << oendl; if( !FtpPut( localFile.latin1(), remoteFile.latin1(),FTPLIB_IMAGE, conn ) ) { QString msg; msg.sprintf(tr("Unable to upload\n")+"%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); msg.replace(QRegExp(":"),"\n"); QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),msg); } } else { QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),tr("Cannot upload directories")); } ProgressBar->reset(); nullifyCallBack(); it.current()->setSelected(FALSE); } //end currentSelected } for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { Local_View->clearSelection(); } Local_View->clearFocus(); TabWidget->setCurrentPage(1); remoteDirList( (const QString &)currentRemoteDir); //this also calls populate // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "notBusy()" ); } void OpieFtp::nullifyCallBack() { FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACK, 0, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_IDLETIME, 0, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACKARG, 0, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACKBYTES, 0, conn); } void OpieFtp::remoteDownload() { // qApp->processEvents(); int fsz; // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "busy()" ); QList<QListViewItem> * getSelectedItems( QListView * Remote_View ); QListViewItemIterator it( Remote_View ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if ( it.current()->isSelected() ) { QString strItem = it.current()->text(0); // strItem=strItem.right(strItem.length()-1); QString localFile = currentDir.canonicalPath(); if(localFile.right(1).find("/",0,TRUE) == -1) localFile += "/"; localFile += strItem; // QString localFile = currentDir.canonicalPath()+"/"+strItem; QString remoteFile= currentRemoteDir+strItem; if (!FtpSize( remoteFile.latin1(), &fsz, FTPLIB_ASCII, conn)) fsz = 0; QString temp; temp.sprintf( remoteFile+" "+" %dkb", fsz); ProgressBar->setTotalSteps(fsz); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACK, (long) log_progress, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_IDLETIME, (long) 1000, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACKARG, (long) &fsz, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACKBYTES, (long) fsz/10, conn); odebug << "Get: " << localFile.latin1() << ", " << remoteFile.latin1() << "" << oendl; if(!FtpGet( localFile.latin1(), remoteFile.latin1(),FTPLIB_IMAGE, conn ) ) { QString msg; msg.sprintf(tr("Unable to download \n")+"%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); msg.replace(QRegExp(":"),"\n"); QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),msg); } ProgressBar->reset(); nullifyCallBack(); it.current()->setSelected(FALSE); } } for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { Remote_View->clearSelection(); } Remote_View->setFocus(); TabWidget->setCurrentPage(0); populateLocalView(); // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "notBusy()" ); } bool OpieFtp::remoteDirList(const QString &dir) { QString tmp = QDir::homeDirPath(); if(tmp.right(1) != "/") tmp+="/._temp"; else tmp+="._temp"; // odebug << "Listing remote dir "+tmp << oendl; // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "busy()" ); if (!FtpDir( tmp.latin1(), dir.latin1(), conn) ) { QString msg; msg.sprintf(tr("Unable to list the directory\n")+dir+"\n%s",FtpLastResponse(conn) ); msg.replace(QRegExp(":"),"\n"); QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),msg); return false; } populateRemoteView() ; // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "notBusy()" ); return true; } bool OpieFtp::remoteChDir(const QString &dir) { // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "busy()" ); if (!FtpChdir( dir.latin1(), conn )) { QString msg; msg.sprintf(tr("Unable to change directories\n")+dir+"\n%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); msg.replace(QRegExp(":"),"\n"); QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),msg); // odebug << msg << oendl; // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "notBusy()" ); return FALSE; } // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "notBusy()" ); return TRUE; } void OpieFtp::populateLocalView() { Local_View->clear(); currentDir.setSorting(/* QDir::Size*/ /*| QDir::Reversed | */QDir::DirsFirst); currentDir.setMatchAllDirs(TRUE); currentDir.setNameFilter(filterStr); QString fileL, fileS, fileDate; bool isDir=FALSE; const QFileInfoList *list = currentDir.entryInfoList( /*QDir::All*/ /*, QDir::SortByMask*/); QFileInfoListIterator it(*list); QFileInfo *fi; while ( (fi=it.current()) ) { if (fi->isSymLink() ){ QString symLink=fi->readLink(); odebug << "Symlink detected "+symLink << oendl; QFileInfo sym( symLink); fileS.sprintf( "%10i", sym.size() ); fileL.sprintf( "%s -> %s", fi->fileName().data(),sym.absFilePath().data() ); fileDate = sym.lastModified().toString(); } else { odebug << "Not a dir: "+currentDir.canonicalPath()+fileL << oendl; fileS.sprintf( "%10i", fi->size() ); fileL.sprintf( "%s",fi->fileName().data() ); fileDate= fi->lastModified().toString(); if( QDir(QDir::cleanDirPath(currentDir.canonicalPath()+"/"+fileL)).exists() ) { fileL+="/"; isDir=TRUE; odebug << fileL << oendl; } } if(fileL !="./" && fi->exists()) { item = new QListViewItem( Local_View,fileL, fileDate, fileS ); QPixmap pm; if(isDir || fileL.find("/",0,TRUE) != -1) { if( !QDir( fi->filePath() ).isReadable()) pm = Resource::loadPixmap( "lockedfolder" ); else pm= Resource::loadPixmap( "folder" ); item->setPixmap( 0,pm ); } else { if( !fi->isReadable() ) pm = Resource::loadPixmap( "locked" ); else { MimeType mt(fi->filePath()); pm=mt.pixmap(); //sets the correct pixmap for mimetype if(pm.isNull()) pm = unknownXpm; } } if( fileL.find("->",0,TRUE) != -1) { // overlay link image pm= Resource::loadPixmap( "folder" ); QPixmap lnk = Resource::loadPixmap( "opie/symlink" ); QPainter painter( &pm ); painter.drawPixmap( pm.width()-lnk.width(), pm.height()-lnk.height(), lnk ); pm.setMask( pm.createHeuristicMask( FALSE ) ); } item->setPixmap( 0,pm); } isDir=FALSE; ++it; } Local_View->setSorting( 3,FALSE); currentPathCombo->lineEdit()->setText( currentDir.canonicalPath() ); fillCombo( (const QString &)currentDir); } bool OpieFtp::populateRemoteView( ) { // odebug << "populate remoteview" << oendl; QString sfile=QDir::homeDirPath(); if(sfile.right(1) != "/") sfile+="/._temp"; else sfile+="._temp"; QFile file( sfile); Remote_View->clear(); QString s, File_Name; QListViewItem *itemDir=NULL, *itemFile=NULL; QRegExp monthRe(" [JFMASOND][eapuecoe][brynlgptvc] [ 0-9][0-9] [ 0-9][0-9][:0-9][0-9][0-9] "); QString fileL, fileS, fileDate; if ( file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { QTextStream t( &file ); // use a text stream while ( !t.eof()) { s = t.readLine(); if(s.find("total",0,TRUE) == 0) continue; int len, month = monthRe.match(s, 0, &len); fileDate = s.mid(month + 1, len - 2); // minus spaces fileL = s.right(s.length() - month - len); if(s.left(1) == "d") fileL = fileL+"/"; fileS = s.mid(month - 8, 8); // FIXME fileS = fileS.stripWhiteSpace(); if(s.left(1) == "d" || fileL.find("/",0,TRUE) != -1) { QListViewItem * item = new QListViewItem( Remote_View, fileL, fileDate, fileS,"d"); item->setPixmap( 0, Resource::loadPixmap( "folder" )); // if(itemDir) item->moveItem(itemDir); itemDir=item; } else { QListViewItem * item = new QListViewItem( Remote_View, fileL, fileDate, fileS,"f"); item->setPixmap( 0, Resource::loadPixmap( "fileopen" )); // if(itemFile) item->moveItem(itemDir); item->moveItem(itemFile); itemFile=item; } } QListViewItem * item1 = new QListViewItem( Remote_View, "../"); item1->setPixmap( 0, Resource::loadPixmap( "folder" )); file.close(); if( file.exists()) file. remove(); } else odebug << "temp file not opened successfully "+sfile << oendl; Remote_View->setSorting( 4,TRUE); return true; } void OpieFtp::remoteListClicked(QListViewItem *selectedItem) { if( selectedItem) { // if(selectedItem!= NULL) { // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "busy()" ); QString oldRemoteCurrentDir = currentRemoteDir; |