Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/libopie2/opiecore/oprocess.cpp b/libopie2/opiecore/oprocess.cpp
index 5cfcf32..83677aa 100644
--- a/libopie2/opiecore/oprocess.cpp
+++ b/libopie2/opiecore/oprocess.cpp
@@ -175,771 +175,771 @@ OProcess::~OProcess()
if ( runs && ( run_mode != DontCare ) )
kill( SIGKILL );
// Clean up open fd's and socket notifiers.
// TODO: restore SIGCHLD and SIGPIPE handler if this is the last OProcess
delete d;
void OProcess::detach()
OProcessController::theOProcessController->removeOProcess( this );
runs = false;
pid_ = 0;
// Clean up open fd's and socket notifiers.
bool OProcess::setExecutable( const QString& proc )
if ( runs )
return false;
if ( proc.isEmpty() )
return false;
if ( !arguments.isEmpty() )
arguments.remove( arguments.begin() );
arguments.prepend( QFile::encodeName( proc ) );
return true;
OProcess &OProcess::operator<<( const QStringList& args )
QStringList::ConstIterator it = args.begin();
for ( ; it != args.end() ; ++it )
arguments.append( QFile::encodeName( *it ) );
return *this;
OProcess &OProcess::operator<<( const QCString& arg )
return operator<< ( );
OProcess &OProcess::operator<<( const char* arg )
arguments.append( arg );
return *this;
OProcess &OProcess::operator<<( const QString& arg )
arguments.append( QFile::encodeName( arg ) );
return *this;
void OProcess::clearArguments()
bool OProcess::start( RunMode runmode, Communication comm )
uint i;
uint n = arguments.count();
char **arglist;
if ( runs || ( 0 == n ) )
return false; // cannot start a process that is already running
// or if no executable has been assigned
run_mode = runmode;
status = 0;
QCString shellCmd;
if ( d && d->useShell )
if ( d->shell.isEmpty() )
qWarning( "Could not find a valid shell" );
return false;
arglist = static_cast<char **>( malloc( ( 4 ) * sizeof( char * ) ) );
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
shellCmd += arguments[ i ];
shellCmd += " "; // CC: to separate the arguments
arglist[ 0 ] = d->;
arglist[ 1 ] = ( char * ) "-c";
arglist[ 2 ] =;
arglist[ 3 ] = 0;
arglist = static_cast<char **>( malloc( ( n + 1 ) * sizeof( char * ) ) );
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
arglist[ i ] = arguments[ i ].data();
arglist[ n ] = 0;
if ( !setupCommunication( comm ) )
qWarning( "Could not setup Communication!" );
// We do this in the parent because if we do it in the child process
// gdb gets confused when the application runs from gdb.
uid_t uid = getuid();
gid_t gid = getgid();
struct passwd *pw = getpwuid( uid );
int fd[ 2 ];
if ( 0 > pipe( fd ) )
fd[ 0 ] = fd[ 1 ] = 0; // Pipe failed.. continue
runs = true;
// WABA: Note that we use fork() and not vfork() because
// vfork() has unclear semantics and is not standardized.
pid_ = fork();
if ( 0 == pid_ )
if ( fd[ 0 ] )
close( fd[ 0 ] );
if ( !runPrivileged() )
setgid( gid );
#if defined( HAVE_INITGROUPS)
if ( pw )
initgroups( pw->pw_name, pw->pw_gid );
setuid( uid );
// The child process
if ( !commSetupDoneC() )
qWarning( "Could not finish comm setup in child!" );
// Matthias
if ( run_mode == DontCare )
setpgid( 0, 0 );
// restore default SIGPIPE handler (Harri)
struct sigaction act;
sigemptyset( &( act.sa_mask ) );
sigaddset( &( act.sa_mask ), SIGPIPE );
act.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
act.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction( SIGPIPE, &act, 0L );
// We set the close on exec flag.
// Closing of fd[1] indicates that the execvp succeeded!
if ( fd[ 1 ] )
fcntl( fd[ 1 ], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC );
execvp( arglist[ 0 ], arglist );
char resultByte = 1;
if ( fd[ 1 ] )
write( fd[ 1 ], &resultByte, 1 );
_exit( -1 );
else if ( -1 == pid_ )
// forking failed
runs = false;
free( arglist );
return false;
if ( fd[ 1 ] )
close( fd[ 1 ] );
// the parent continues here
// Discard any data for stdin that might still be there
input_data = 0;
// Check whether client could be started.
if ( fd[ 0 ] )
for ( ;; )
char resultByte;
int n = ::read( fd[ 0 ], &resultByte, 1 );
if ( n == 1 )
// Error
runs = false;
close( fd[ 0 ] );
free( arglist );
pid_ = 0;
return false;
if ( n == -1 )
if ( ( errno == ECHILD ) || ( errno == EINTR ) )
continue; // Ignore
break; // success
if ( fd[ 0 ] )
close( fd[ 0 ] );
if ( !commSetupDoneP() ) // finish communication socket setup for the parent
qWarning( "Could not finish comm setup in parent!" );
if ( run_mode == Block )
// The SIGCHLD handler of the process controller will catch
// the exit and set the status
while ( runs )
slotDoHousekeeping( 0 );
runs = FALSE;
emit processExited( this );
free( arglist );
return true;
bool OProcess::kill( int signo )
bool rv = false;
if ( 0 != pid_ )
rv = ( -1 != ::kill( pid_, signo ) );
// probably store errno somewhere...
return rv;
bool OProcess::isRunning() const
return runs;
pid_t OProcess::pid() const
return pid_;
bool OProcess::normalExit() const
int _status = status;
return ( pid_ != 0 ) && ( !runs ) && ( WIFEXITED( ( _status ) ) );
int OProcess::exitStatus() const
int _status = status;
return WEXITSTATUS( ( _status ) );
bool OProcess::writeStdin( const char *buffer, int buflen )
bool rv;
// if there is still data pending, writing new data
// to stdout is not allowed (since it could also confuse
// kprocess...
if ( 0 != input_data )
return false;
if ( runs && ( communication & Stdin ) )
input_data = buffer;
input_sent = 0;
input_total = buflen;
slotSendData( 0 );
innot->setEnabled( true );
rv = true;
rv = false;
return rv;
void OProcess::flushStdin ( )
if ( !input_data || ( input_sent == input_total ) )
return ;
int d1, d2;
d1 = input_total - input_sent;
slotSendData ( 0 );
d2 = input_total - input_sent;
while ( d2 <= d1 );
void OProcess::suspend()
if ( ( communication & Stdout ) && outnot )
outnot->setEnabled( false );
void OProcess::resume()
if ( ( communication & Stdout ) && outnot )
outnot->setEnabled( true );
bool OProcess::closeStdin()
bool rv;
if ( communication & Stdin )
communication = ( Communication ) ( communication & ~Stdin );
delete innot;
innot = 0;
close( in[ 1 ] );
rv = true;
rv = false;
return rv;
bool OProcess::closeStdout()
bool rv;
if ( communication & Stdout )
communication = ( Communication ) ( communication & ~Stdout );
delete outnot;
outnot = 0;
close( out[ 0 ] );
rv = true;
rv = false;
return rv;
bool OProcess::closeStderr()
bool rv;
if ( communication & Stderr )
communication = static_cast<Communication>( communication & ~Stderr );
delete errnot;
errnot = 0;
close( err[ 0 ] );
rv = true;
rv = false;
return rv;
void OProcess::slotChildOutput( int fdno )
if ( !childOutput( fdno ) )
void OProcess::slotChildError( int fdno )
if ( !childError( fdno ) )
void OProcess::slotSendData( int )
if ( input_sent == input_total )
innot->setEnabled( false );
input_data = 0;
emit wroteStdin( this );
input_sent += ::write( in[ 1 ], input_data + input_sent, input_total - input_sent );
void OProcess::processHasExited( int state )
if ( runs )
runs = false;
status = state;
commClose(); // cleanup communication sockets
// also emit a signal if the process was run Blocking
if ( DontCare != run_mode )
emit processExited( this );
int OProcess::childOutput( int fdno )
if ( communication & NoRead )
int len = -1;
emit receivedStdout( fdno, len );
errno = 0; // Make sure errno doesn't read "EAGAIN"
return len;
char buffer[ 1024 ];
int len;
len = ::read( fdno, buffer, 1024 );
if ( 0 < len )
emit receivedStdout( this, buffer, len );
return len;
int OProcess::childError( int fdno )
char buffer[ 1024 ];
int len;
len = ::read( fdno, buffer, 1024 );
if ( 0 < len )
emit receivedStderr( this, buffer, len );
return len;
int OProcess::setupCommunication( Communication comm )
int ok;
communication = comm;
ok = 1;
if ( comm & Stdin )
ok &= socketpair( AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, in ) >= 0;
if ( comm & Stdout )
ok &= socketpair( AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, out ) >= 0;
if ( comm & Stderr )
ok &= socketpair( AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, err ) >= 0;
return ok;
int OProcess::commSetupDoneP()
int ok = 1;
if ( communication != NoCommunication )
if ( communication & Stdin )
close( in[ 0 ] );
if ( communication & Stdout )
close( out[ 1 ] );
if ( communication & Stderr )
close( err[ 1 ] );
// Don't create socket notifiers and set the sockets non-blocking if
// blocking is requested.
if ( run_mode == Block )
return ok;
if ( communication & Stdin )
// ok &= (-1 != fcntl(in[1], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK));
innot = new QSocketNotifier( in[ 1 ], QSocketNotifier::Write, this );
CHECK_PTR( innot );
innot->setEnabled( false ); // will be enabled when data has to be sent
QObject::connect( innot, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),
this, SLOT( slotSendData( int ) ) );
if ( communication & Stdout )
// ok &= (-1 != fcntl(out[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK));
outnot = new QSocketNotifier( out[ 0 ], QSocketNotifier::Read, this );
CHECK_PTR( outnot );
QObject::connect( outnot, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),
this, SLOT( slotChildOutput( int ) ) );
if ( communication & NoRead )
if ( communication & Stderr )
// ok &= (-1 != fcntl(err[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK));
errnot = new QSocketNotifier( err[ 0 ], QSocketNotifier::Read, this );
CHECK_PTR( errnot );
QObject::connect( errnot, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),
this, SLOT( slotChildError( int ) ) );
return ok;
int OProcess::commSetupDoneC()
int ok = 1;
struct linger so;
memset( &so, 0, sizeof( so ) );
if ( communication & Stdin )
close( in[ 1 ] );
if ( communication & Stdout )
close( out[ 0 ] );
if ( communication & Stderr )
close( err[ 0 ] );
if ( communication & Stdin )
ok &= dup2( in[ 0 ], STDIN_FILENO ) != -1;
int null_fd = open( "/dev/null", O_RDONLY );
ok &= dup2( null_fd, STDIN_FILENO ) != -1;
close( null_fd );
if ( communication & Stdout )
ok &= dup2( out[ 1 ], STDOUT_FILENO ) != -1;
ok &= !setsockopt( out[ 1 ], SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, ( char* ) & so, sizeof( so ) );
int null_fd = open( "/dev/null", O_WRONLY );
ok &= dup2( null_fd, STDOUT_FILENO ) != -1;
close( null_fd );
if ( communication & Stderr )
ok &= dup2( err[ 1 ], STDERR_FILENO ) != -1;
ok &= !setsockopt( err[ 1 ], SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, reinterpret_cast<char *>( &so ), sizeof( so ) );
int null_fd = open( "/dev/null", O_WRONLY );
ok &= dup2( null_fd, STDERR_FILENO ) != -1;
close( null_fd );
return ok;
void OProcess::commClose()
if ( NoCommunication != communication )
bool b_in = ( communication & Stdin );
bool b_out = ( communication & Stdout );
bool b_err = ( communication & Stderr );
if ( b_in )
delete innot;
if ( b_out || b_err )
// If both channels are being read we need to make sure that one socket buffer
// doesn't fill up whilst we are waiting for data on the other (causing a deadlock).
// Hence we need to use select.
// Once one or other of the channels has reached EOF (or given an error) go back
// to the usual mechanism.
int fds_ready = 1;
fd_set rfds;
int max_fd = 0;
if ( b_out )
fcntl( out[ 0 ], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK );
if ( out[ 0 ] > max_fd )
max_fd = out[ 0 ];
delete outnot;
outnot = 0;
if ( b_err )
fcntl( err[ 0 ], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK );
if ( err[ 0 ] > max_fd )
max_fd = err[ 0 ];
delete errnot;
errnot = 0;
while ( b_out || b_err )
// * If the process is still running we block until we
// receive data. (p_timeout = 0, no timeout)
// * If the process has already exited, we only check
// the available data, we don't wait for more.
// (p_timeout = &timeout, timeout immediately)
struct timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = 0;
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
struct timeval *p_timeout = runs ? 0 : &timeout;
FD_ZERO( &rfds );
if ( b_out )
FD_SET( out[ 0 ], &rfds );
if ( b_err )
FD_SET( err[ 0 ], &rfds );
fds_ready = select( max_fd + 1, &rfds, 0, 0, p_timeout );
if ( fds_ready <= 0 )
if ( b_out && FD_ISSET( out[ 0 ], &rfds ) )
int ret = 1;
while ( ret > 0 )
ret = childOutput( out[ 0 ] );
if ( ( ret == -1 && errno != EAGAIN ) || ret == 0 )
b_out = false;
if ( b_err && FD_ISSET( err[ 0 ], &rfds ) )
int ret = 1;
while ( ret > 0 )
ret = childError( err[ 0 ] );
if ( ( ret == -1 && errno != EAGAIN ) || ret == 0 )
b_err = false;
if ( b_in )
communication = ( Communication ) ( communication & ~Stdin );
close( in[ 1 ] );
if ( b_out )
communication = ( Communication ) ( communication & ~Stdout );
close( out[ 0 ] );
if ( b_err )
communication = ( Communication ) ( communication & ~Stderr );
close( err[ 0 ] );
void OProcess::setUseShell( bool useShell, const char *shell )
if ( !d )
d = new OProcessPrivate;
d->useShell = useShell;
d->shell = shell;
if ( d->shell.isEmpty() )
d->shell = searchShell();
QString OProcess::quote( const QString &arg )
QString res = arg;
res.replace( QRegExp( QString::fromLatin1( "\'" ) ),
QString::fromLatin1( "'\"'\"'" ) );
res.prepend( '\'' );
res.append( '\'' );
return res;
QCString OProcess::searchShell()
QCString tmpShell = QCString( getenv( "SHELL" ) ).stripWhiteSpace();
if ( !isExecutable( tmpShell ) )
tmpShell = "/bin/sh";
return tmpShell;
bool OProcess::isExecutable( const QCString &filename )
struct stat fileinfo;
if ( filename.isEmpty() )
return false;
// CC: we've got a valid filename, now let's see whether we can execute that file
if ( -1 == stat(, &fileinfo ) )
return false;
// CC: return false if the file does not exist
// CC: anyway, we cannot execute directories, block/character devices, fifos or sockets
if ( ( S_ISDIR( fileinfo.st_mode ) ) ||
( S_ISCHR( fileinfo.st_mode ) ) ||
( S_ISBLK( fileinfo.st_mode ) ) ||
#ifdef S_ISSOCK
// CC: SYSVR4 systems don't have that macro
( S_ISSOCK( fileinfo.st_mode ) ) ||
( S_ISFIFO( fileinfo.st_mode ) ) ||
( S_ISDIR( fileinfo.st_mode ) ) )
return false;
// CC: now check for permission to execute the file
if ( access(, X_OK ) != 0 )
return false;
// CC: we've passed all the tests...
return true;
int OProcess::processPID( const QString& process )
QString line;
QDir d = QDir( "/proc" );
QStringList dirs = d.entryList( QDir::Dirs );
QStringList::Iterator it;
for ( it = dirs.begin(); it != dirs.end(); ++it )
//qDebug( "next entry: %s", (const char*) *it );
QFile file( "/proc/"+*it+"/cmdline" ); IO_ReadOnly );
if ( !file.isOpen() ) continue;
QTextStream t( &file );
line = t.readLine();
//qDebug( "cmdline = %s", (const char*) line );
if ( line.contains( process ) ) break; //FIXME: That may find also other process, if the name is not long enough ;)
if ( line.contains( process ) )
//qDebug( "found process id #%d", (*it).toInt() );
return (*it).toInt();
//qDebug( "process '%s' not found", (const char*) process );
- return -1;
+ return 0;