Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 84 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/settings/aqpkg/mainwin.cpp b/noncore/settings/aqpkg/mainwin.cpp
index 0102292..0efa1e0 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/aqpkg/mainwin.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/aqpkg/mainwin.cpp
@@ -192,975 +192,1032 @@ MainWindow :: MainWindow()
a = new QAction( tr( "Find" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "find" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
a->setWhatsThis( tr( "Click here to search for text in package names." ) );
connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( displayFindBar() ) );
a->addTo( popup );
actionFindNext = new QAction( tr( "Find next" ), Resource::loadIconSet( "next" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
actionFindNext->setEnabled( FALSE );
actionFindNext->setWhatsThis( tr( "Click here to find the next package name containing the text you are searching for." ) );
connect( actionFindNext, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( repeatFind() ) );
actionFindNext->addTo( popup );
actionFindNext->addTo( findBar );
a = new QAction( tr( "Quick Jump keypad" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "aqpkg/keyboard" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
a->setWhatsThis( tr( "Click here to display/hide keypad to allow quick movement through the package list." ) );
connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( displayJumpBar() ) );
a->addTo( popup );
mb->insertItem( tr( "View" ), popup );
// Finish find toolbar creation
a = new QAction( QString::null, Resource::loadPixmap( "close" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
a->setWhatsThis( tr( "Click here to hide the find toolbar." ) );
connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( hideFindBar() ) );
a->addTo( findBar );
// Create widget stack and add UI widgets
stack = new QWidgetStack( this );
stack->addWidget( progressWindow, 2 );
stack->addWidget( networkPkgWindow, 1 );
setCentralWidget( stack );
stack->raiseWidget( progressWindow );
// Delayed call to finish initialization
QTimer::singleShot( 100, this, SLOT( init() ) );
MainWindow :: ~MainWindow()
delete mgr;
void MainWindow :: initMainWidget()
networkPkgWindow = new QWidget( this );
QLabel *l = new QLabel( tr( "Servers:" ), networkPkgWindow );
serversList = new QComboBox( networkPkgWindow );
connect( serversList, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(serverSelected(int)) );
QWhatsThis::add( serversList, tr( "Click here to select a package feed." ) );
installedIcon = Resource::loadPixmap( "installed" );
updatedIcon = Resource::loadPixmap( "aqpkg/updated" );
packagesList = new QListView( networkPkgWindow );
packagesList->addColumn( tr( "Packages" ), 225 );
QWhatsThis::add( packagesList, tr( "This is a listing of all packages for the server feed selected above.\n\nA blue dot next to the package name indicates that the package is currently installed.\n\nA blue dot with a star indicates that a newer version of the package is available from the server feed.\n\nClick inside the box at the left to select a package." ) );
QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( packagesList->viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold );
connect( packagesList, SIGNAL(rightButtonPressed(QListViewItem *,const QPoint &,int)),
this, SLOT(slotDisplayPackage(QListViewItem *)) );
QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout( networkPkgWindow, 0, -1 );
QHBoxLayout *hbox1 = new QHBoxLayout( vbox, -1 );
hbox1->addWidget( l );
hbox1->addWidget( serversList );
vbox->addWidget( packagesList );
downloadEnabled = TRUE;
void MainWindow :: initProgressWidget()
progressWindow = new QWidget( this );
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout( progressWindow, 4, 4 );
m_status = new QLabel( progressWindow );
m_status->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
layout->addWidget( m_status );
m_progress = new QProgressBar( progressWindow );
layout->addWidget( m_progress );
void MainWindow :: init()
#ifdef QWS
// read download directory from config file
Config cfg( "aqpkg" );
cfg.setGroup( "settings" );
currentlySelectedServer = cfg.readEntry( "selectedServer", "local" );
// showJumpTo = cfg.readBoolEntry( "showJumpTo", "true" );
stack->raiseWidget( progressWindow );
mgr = new DataManager();
connect( mgr, SIGNAL( progressSetSteps( int ) ), this, SLOT( setProgressSteps( int ) ) );
connect( mgr, SIGNAL( progressSetMessage( const QString & ) ),
this, SLOT( setProgressMessage( const QString & ) ) );
connect( mgr, SIGNAL( progressUpdate( int ) ), this, SLOT( updateProgress( int ) ) );
showUninstalledPkgs = false;
showInstalledPkgs = false;
showUpgradedPkgs = false;
categoryFilterEnabled = false;
stack->raiseWidget( networkPkgWindow );
void MainWindow :: setDocument( const QString &doc )
// Remove path from package
QString package = Utils::getPackageNameFromIpkFilename( doc );
// First select local server
for ( int i = 0 ; i < serversList->count() ; ++i )
if ( serversList->text( i ) == LOCAL_IPKGS )
serversList->setCurrentItem( i );
serverSelected( 0 );
// Now set the check box of the selected package
for ( QCheckListItem *item = (QCheckListItem *)packagesList->firstChild();
item != 0 ;
item = (QCheckListItem *)item->nextSibling() )
if ( item->text().startsWith( package ) )
item->setOn( true );
void MainWindow :: displaySettings()
SettingsImpl *dlg = new SettingsImpl( mgr, this, "Settings", true );
if ( dlg->showDlg() )
stack->raiseWidget( progressWindow );
stack->raiseWidget( networkPkgWindow );
delete dlg;
void MainWindow :: closeEvent( QCloseEvent *e )
// If install dialog is visible, return to main view, otherwise close app
QWidget *widget = stack->visibleWidget();
if ( widget != networkPkgWindow && widget != progressWindow )
if ( widget ) delete widget;
stack->raiseWidget( networkPkgWindow );
void MainWindow :: displayFindBar()
void MainWindow :: displayJumpBar()
void MainWindow :: repeatFind()
searchForPackage( findEdit->text() );
void MainWindow :: findPackage( const QString &text )
actionFindNext->setEnabled( !text.isEmpty() );
searchForPackage( text );
void MainWindow :: hideFindBar()
void MainWindow :: hideJumpBar()
void MainWindow :: filterUninstalledPackages()
showUninstalledPkgs = actionUninstalled->isOn();
if ( showUninstalledPkgs )
showInstalledPkgs = FALSE;
showUpgradedPkgs = FALSE;
serverSelected( -1 );
actionInstalled->setOn( FALSE );
actionUpdated->setOn( FALSE );
void MainWindow :: filterInstalledPackages()
showInstalledPkgs = actionInstalled->isOn();
if ( showInstalledPkgs )
showUninstalledPkgs = FALSE;
showUpgradedPkgs = FALSE;
serverSelected( -1 );
actionUninstalled->setOn( FALSE );
actionUpdated->setOn( FALSE );
void MainWindow :: filterUpgradedPackages()
showUpgradedPkgs = actionUpdated->isOn();
if ( showUpgradedPkgs )
showUninstalledPkgs = FALSE;
showInstalledPkgs = FALSE;
serverSelected( -1 );
actionUninstalled->setOn( FALSE );
actionInstalled->setOn( FALSE );
bool MainWindow :: setFilterCategory()
// Get categories;
CategoryFilterImpl dlg( DataManager::getAvailableCategories(), categoryFilter, this );
if ( dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
categoryFilter = dlg.getSelectedFilter();
if ( categoryFilter == "" )
return false;
categoryFilterEnabled = true;
serverSelected( -1 );
actionFilter->setOn( TRUE );
return true;
return false;
void MainWindow :: filterCategory()
if ( !actionFilter->isOn() )
filterByCategory( FALSE );
actionFilter->setOn( filterByCategory( TRUE ) );
bool MainWindow :: filterByCategory( bool val )
if ( val )
if ( categoryFilter == "" )
if ( !setFilterCategory() )
return false;
categoryFilterEnabled = true;
serverSelected( -1 );
return true;
// Turn off filter
categoryFilterEnabled = false;
serverSelected( -1 );
return false;
void MainWindow :: raiseMainWidget()
stack->raiseWidget( networkPkgWindow );
void MainWindow :: raiseProgressWidget()
stack->raiseWidget( progressWindow );
void MainWindow :: enableUpgrade( bool enabled )
actionUpgrade->setEnabled( enabled );
void MainWindow :: enableDownload( bool enabled )
if ( enabled )
actionDownload->setIconSet( iconDownload );
actionDownload->setText( tr( "Download" ) );
actionDownload->setWhatsThis( tr( "Click here to download the currently selected package(s)." ) );
actionDownload->setIconSet( iconRemove );
actionDownload->setText( tr( "Remove" ) );
actionDownload->setWhatsThis( tr( "Click here to uninstall the currently selected package(s)." ) );
void MainWindow :: setProgressSteps( int numsteps )
m_progress->setTotalSteps( numsteps );
void MainWindow :: setProgressMessage( const QString &msg )
m_status->setText( msg );
void MainWindow :: updateProgress( int progress )
m_progress->setProgress( progress );
void MainWindow :: updateData()
m_progress->setTotalSteps( mgr->getServerList().count() );
int activeItem = -1;
int i = 0;
QString serverName;
QListIterator<Server> it( mgr->getServerList() );
Server *server;
for ( ; it.current(); ++it, ++i )
server = it.current();
serverName = server->getServerName();
m_status->setText( tr( "Building server list:\n\t%1" ).arg( serverName ) );
m_progress->setProgress( i );
if ( !server->isServerActive() )
serversList->insertItem( serverName );
if ( serverName == currentlySelectedServer )
activeItem = i;
// set selected server to be active server
if ( activeItem != -1 )
serversList->setCurrentItem( activeItem );
serverSelected( 0, FALSE );
void MainWindow :: serverSelected( int index )
serverSelected( index, TRUE );
void MainWindow :: serverSelected( int, bool raiseProgress )
QPixmap nullIcon( installedIcon.size() );
nullIcon.fill( colorGroup().base() );
// display packages
QString serverName = serversList->currentText();
currentlySelectedServer = serverName;
Server *s = mgr->getServer( serverName );
QList<Package> &list = s->getPackageList();
QListIterator<Package> it( list );
// Display progress widget while loading list
bool doProgress = ( list.count() > 200 );
if ( doProgress )
if ( raiseProgress )
stack->raiseWidget( progressWindow );
m_progress->setTotalSteps( list.count() );
m_status->setText( tr( "Building package list for:\n\t%1" ).arg( serverName ) );
#ifdef QWS
// read download directory from config file
Config cfg( "aqpkg" );
cfg.setGroup( "settings" );
cfg.writeEntry( "selectedServer", currentlySelectedServer );
int i = 0;
Package *package;
for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
// Update progress after every 100th package (arbitrary value, seems to give good balance)
if ( ( i % 100 ) == 0 )
if ( doProgress )
m_progress->setProgress( i );
QString text = "";
package = it.current();
// Apply show only uninstalled packages filter
if ( showUninstalledPkgs && package->isInstalled() )
// Apply show only installed packages filter
if ( showInstalledPkgs && !package->isInstalled() )
// Apply show only new installed packages filter
if ( showUpgradedPkgs )
if ( !package->isInstalled() || !package->getNewVersionAvailable() )
// Apply the section filter
if ( categoryFilterEnabled && categoryFilter != "" )
if ( package->getSection() == "" || categoryFilter.find( package->getSection().lower() ) == -1 )
// If the local server, only display installed packages
if ( serverName == LOCAL_SERVER && !package->isInstalled() )
QCheckListItem *item = new QCheckListItem( packagesList, package->getPackageName(),
QCheckListItem::CheckBox );
if ( package->isInstalled() )
// If a different version of package is available, show update available icon
// Otherwise, show installed icon
if ( package->getNewVersionAvailable())
item->setPixmap( 0, updatedIcon );
item->setPixmap( 0, installedIcon );
item->setPixmap( 0, nullIcon );
packagesList->insertItem( item );
// If the local server or the local ipkgs server disable the download button
if ( serverName == LOCAL_SERVER )
downloadEnabled = TRUE;
actionUpgrade->setEnabled( FALSE );
else if ( serverName == LOCAL_IPKGS )
downloadEnabled = FALSE;
actionUpgrade->setEnabled( FALSE );
downloadEnabled = TRUE;
actionUpgrade->setEnabled( TRUE );
enableDownload( downloadEnabled );
// Display this widget once everything is done
if ( doProgress && raiseProgress )
stack->raiseWidget( networkPkgWindow );
void MainWindow :: searchForPackage( const QString &text )
if ( !text.isEmpty() )
// look through package list for text startng at current position
QCheckListItem *start = (QCheckListItem *)packagesList->currentItem();
if ( start == 0 )
start = (QCheckListItem *)packagesList->firstChild();
for ( QCheckListItem *item = start; item != 0 ;
item = (QCheckListItem *)item->nextSibling() )
if ( item->text().lower().find( text ) != -1 )
packagesList->ensureItemVisible( item );
packagesList->setCurrentItem( item );
void MainWindow :: updateServer()
QString serverName = serversList->currentText();
// Update the current server
// Display dialog
// Disable buttons to stop silly people clicking lots on them :)
// First, write out ipkg_conf file so that ipkg can use it
Ipkg *ipkg = new Ipkg;
ipkg->setOption( "update" );
InstallDlgImpl *dlg = new InstallDlgImpl( ipkg, tr( "Refreshing server package lists" ),
tr( "Update lists" ) );
connect( dlg, SIGNAL( reloadData( InstallDlgImpl * ) ), this, SLOT( reloadData( InstallDlgImpl * ) ) );
reloadDocuments = FALSE;
stack->addWidget( dlg, 3 );
stack->raiseWidget( dlg );
// delete progDlg;
void MainWindow :: upgradePackages()
// We're gonna do an upgrade of all packages
// First warn user that this isn't recommended
// TODO - ODevice????
QString text = tr( "WARNING: Upgrading while\nOpie/Qtopia is running\nis NOT recommended!\n\nAre you sure?\n" );
QMessageBox warn( tr( "Warning" ), text, QMessageBox::Warning,
QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Escape | QMessageBox::Default ,
0, this );
if ( warn.exec() == QMessageBox::Yes )
// First, write out ipkg_conf file so that ipkg can use it
// Now run upgrade
Ipkg *ipkg = new Ipkg;
ipkg->setOption( "upgrade" );
InstallDlgImpl *dlg = new InstallDlgImpl( ipkg, tr( "Upgrading installed packages" ),
tr ( "Upgrade" ) );
connect( dlg, SIGNAL( reloadData( InstallDlgImpl * ) ), this, SLOT( reloadData( InstallDlgImpl * ) ) );
reloadDocuments = TRUE;
stack->addWidget( dlg, 3 );
stack->raiseWidget( dlg );
void MainWindow :: downloadPackage()
bool doUpdate = true;
if ( downloadEnabled )
// See if any packages are selected
bool found = false;
if ( serversList->currentText() != LOCAL_SERVER )
for ( QCheckListItem *item = (QCheckListItem *)packagesList->firstChild();
item != 0 && !found;
item = (QCheckListItem *)item->nextSibling() )
if ( item->isOn() )
found = true;
// If user selected some packages then download the and store the locally
// otherwise, display dialog asking user what package to download from an http server
// and whether to install it
if ( found )
doUpdate = false;
for ( QCheckListItem *item = (QCheckListItem *)packagesList->firstChild();
item != 0 ;
item = (QCheckListItem *)item->nextSibling() )
if ( item->isOn() )
QString name = item->text();
int pos = name.find( "*" );
name.truncate( pos );
// if (there is a (installed), remove it
pos = name.find( "(installed)" );
if ( pos > 0 )
name.truncate( pos - 1 );
Package *p = mgr->getServer( serversList->currentText() )->getPackage( name );
QString msgtext;
msgtext = tr( "Are you sure you wish to delete\n%1?" ).arg( (const char *)p->getPackageName() );
if ( QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Are you sure?" ),
msgtext, tr( "No" ), tr( "Yes" ) ) == 1 )
doUpdate = true;
QFile f( p->getFilename() );
if ( doUpdate )
reloadData( 0x0 );
void MainWindow :: downloadSelectedPackages()
// First, write out ipkg_conf file so that ipkg can use it
// Display dialog to user asking where to download the files to
bool ok = FALSE;
QString dir = "";
#ifdef QWS
// read download directory from config file
Config cfg( "aqpkg" );
cfg.setGroup( "settings" );
dir = cfg.readEntry( "downloadDir", "/home/root/Documents/application/ipkg" );
QString text = InputDialog::getText( tr( "Download to where" ), tr( "Enter path to download to" ), dir, &ok, this );
if ( ok && !text.isEmpty() )
dir = text; // user entered something and pressed ok
return; // user entered nothing or pressed cancel
#ifdef QWS
// Store download directory in config file
cfg.writeEntry( "downloadDir", dir );
// Get starting directory
char initDir[PATH_MAX];
getcwd( initDir, PATH_MAX );
// Download each package
Ipkg ipkg;
connect( &ipkg, SIGNAL(outputText(const QString &)), this, SLOT(displayText(const QString &)));
ipkg.setOption( "download" );
ipkg.setRuntimeDirectory( dir );
for ( QCheckListItem *item = (QCheckListItem *)packagesList->firstChild();
item != 0 ;
item = (QCheckListItem *)item->nextSibling() )
if ( item->isOn() )
ipkg.setPackage( item->text() );
ipkg.runIpkg( );
void MainWindow :: downloadRemotePackage()
// Display dialog
bool ok;
QString package = InputDialog::getText( tr( "Install Remote Package" ), tr( "Enter package location" ), "http://", &ok, this );
if ( !ok || package.isEmpty() )
// DownloadRemoteDlgImpl dlg( this, "Install", true );
// if ( dlg.exec() == QDialog::Rejected )
// return;
// grab details from dialog
// QString package = dlg.getPackageLocation();
InstallData *item = new InstallData();
item->option = "I";
item->packageName = package;
QList<InstallData> workingPackages;
workingPackages.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
workingPackages.append( item );
InstallDlgImpl *dlg = new InstallDlgImpl( workingPackages, mgr, tr( "Download" ) );
connect( dlg, SIGNAL( reloadData( InstallDlgImpl * ) ), this, SLOT( reloadData( InstallDlgImpl * ) ) );
reloadDocuments = TRUE;
stack->addWidget( dlg, 3 );
stack->raiseWidget( dlg );
void MainWindow :: applyChanges()
stickyOption = "";
// First, write out ipkg_conf file so that ipkg can use it
// Now for each selected item
// deal with it
QList<InstallData> workingPackages;
workingPackages.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
for ( QCheckListItem *item = (QCheckListItem *)packagesList->firstChild();
item != 0 ;
item = (QCheckListItem *)item->nextSibling() )
if ( item->isOn() )
- workingPackages.append( dealWithItem( item ) );
+ InstallData *instdata = dealWithItem( item );
+ if ( instdata )
+ workingPackages.append( instdata );
+ else
+ return;
if ( workingPackages.count() == 0 )
// Nothing to do
QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Nothing to do" ),
tr( "No packages selected" ), tr( "OK" ) );
// do the stuff
InstallDlgImpl *dlg = new InstallDlgImpl( workingPackages, mgr, tr( "Apply changes" ) );
connect( dlg, SIGNAL( reloadData( InstallDlgImpl * ) ), this, SLOT( reloadData( InstallDlgImpl * ) ) );
reloadDocuments = TRUE;
stack->addWidget( dlg, 3 );
stack->raiseWidget( dlg );
// decide what to do - either remove, upgrade or install
// Current rules:
// If not installed - install
// If installed and different version available - upgrade
// If installed and version up to date - remove
InstallData *MainWindow :: dealWithItem( QCheckListItem *item )
QString name = item->text();
// Get package
Server *s = mgr->getServer( serversList->currentText() );
Package *p = s->getPackage( name );
// If the package has a filename then it is a local file
if ( p->isPackageStoredLocally() )
name = p->getFilename();
QString option;
QString dest = "root";
if ( !p->isInstalled() )
InstallData *newitem = new InstallData();
newitem->option = "I";
newitem->packageName = name;
return newitem;
InstallData *newitem = new InstallData();
newitem->option = "D";
if ( !p->isPackageStoredLocally() )
newitem->packageName = p->getInstalledPackageName();
newitem->packageName = name;
if ( p->getInstalledTo() )
newitem->destination = p->getInstalledTo();
newitem->destination = p->getLocalPackage()->getInstalledTo();
// Now see if version is newer or not
int val = compareVersions( p->getInstalledVersion(), p->getVersion() );
// If the version requested is older and user selected a local ipk file, then reinstall the file
if ( p->isPackageStoredLocally() && val == -1 )
val = 0;
if ( val == -2 )
// Error - should handle
else if ( val == -1 )
// Version available is older - remove only
newitem->option = "D";
QString caption;
QString text;
QString secondButton;
QString secondOption;
if ( val == 0 )
// Version available is the same - option to remove or reinstall
caption = tr( "Do you wish to remove or reinstall\n%1?" );
text = tr( "Remove or ReInstall" );
secondButton = tr( "ReInstall" );
secondOption = tr( "R" );
else if ( val == 1 )
// Version available is newer - option to remove or upgrade
caption = tr( "Do you wish to remove or upgrade\n%1?" );
text = tr( "Remove or Upgrade" );
secondButton = tr( "Upgrade" );
secondOption = tr( "U" );
// Sticky option not implemented yet, but will eventually allow
// the user to say something like 'remove all'
if ( stickyOption == "" )
QString msgtext;
msgtext = caption.arg( ( const char * )name );
- switch( QMessageBox::information( this, text,
- msgtext, tr( "Remove" ), secondButton ) )
+// switch( QMessageBox::information( this, text,
+// msgtext, tr( "Remove" ), secondButton ) )
+ QuestionDlg dlg( text, msgtext, secondButton );
+ switch( dlg.exec() )
- case 0: // Try again or Enter
- // option 0 = Remove
+ case 0: // Cancel
+ delete newitem;
+ return 0x0;
+ break;
+ case 1: // Remove
newitem->option = "D";
- case 1: // Quit or Escape
+ case 2: // Reinstall or Upgrade
newitem->option = secondOption;
// newitem->option = stickyOption;
// Check if we are reinstalling the same version
if ( newitem->option != "R" )
newitem->recreateLinks = true;
newitem->recreateLinks = false;
// User hit cancel (on dlg - assume remove)
return newitem;
void MainWindow :: reloadData( InstallDlgImpl *dlg )
stack->raiseWidget( progressWindow );
if ( dlg )
delete dlg;
serverSelected( -1, FALSE );
#ifdef QWS
if ( reloadDocuments )
m_status->setText( tr( "Updating Launcher..." ) );
// Finally let the main system update itself
QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "linkChanged(QString)");
QString lf = QString::null;
e << lf;
stack->raiseWidget( networkPkgWindow );
void MainWindow :: letterPushed( QString t )
QCheckListItem *top = (QCheckListItem *)packagesList->firstChild();
QCheckListItem *start = (QCheckListItem *)packagesList->currentItem();
if ( packagesList->firstChild() == 0 )
QCheckListItem *item;
if ( start == 0 )
item = (QCheckListItem *)packagesList->firstChild();
start = top;
item = (QCheckListItem *)start->nextSibling();
if ( item == 0 )
item = (QCheckListItem *)packagesList->firstChild();
if ( item->text().lower().startsWith( t.lower() ) )
packagesList->setSelected( item, true );
packagesList->ensureItemVisible( item );
item = (QCheckListItem *)item->nextSibling();
if ( !item )
item = (QCheckListItem *)packagesList->firstChild();
} while ( item != start);
void MainWindow :: slotDisplayPackage( QListViewItem *item )
QString itemstr( ((QCheckListItem*)item)->text() );
PackageWindow *p = new PackageWindow( mgr->getServer( serversList->currentText() )->getPackage( itemstr ) );
+QuestionDlg::QuestionDlg( const QString &caption, const QString &text, const QString &secondbtn )
+ : QWidget( 0x0, 0x0, WType_Modal | WType_TopLevel | WStyle_Dialog )
+ setCaption( caption );
+ resize( 175, 100 );
+ QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout( this );
+ QLabel *l = new QLabel( text, this );
+ l->setAlignment( AlignCenter | WordBreak );
+ layout->addMultiCellWidget( l, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
+ btn1 = new QPushButton( tr( "Remove" ), this );
+ connect( btn1, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotButtonPressed()) );
+ layout->addWidget( btn1, 1, 0 );
+ btn2 = new QPushButton( secondbtn, this );
+ connect( btn2, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotButtonPressed()) );
+ layout->addWidget( btn2, 1, 1 );
+ executing = FALSE;
+int QuestionDlg::exec()
+ show();
+ if ( !executing )
+ {
+ executing = TRUE;
+ qApp->enter_loop();
+ }
+ return buttonpressed;
+void QuestionDlg::slotButtonPressed()
+ if ( sender() == btn1 )
+ buttonpressed = 1;
+ else if ( sender() == btn2 )
+ buttonpressed = 2;
+ else
+ buttonpressed = 0;
+ qApp->exit_loop();
diff --git a/noncore/settings/aqpkg/mainwin.h b/noncore/settings/aqpkg/mainwin.h
index 9f48321..615ff8b 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/aqpkg/mainwin.h
+++ b/noncore/settings/aqpkg/mainwin.h
@@ -1,154 +1,175 @@
                This file is part of the OPIE Project
=. Copyright (c) 2002 Andy Qua <>
             .=l. Dan Williams <>
 _;:,     .>    :=|. This file is free software; you can
.> <`_,   >  .   <= redistribute it and/or modify it under
:`=1 )Y*s>-.--   : the terms of the GNU General Public
.="- .-=="i,     .._ License as published by the Free Software
 - .   .-<_>     .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
     ._= =}       : or (at your option) any later version.
    .%`+i>       _;_.
    .i_,=:_.      -<s. This file is distributed in the hope that
     +  .  -:.       = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
    : ..    .:,     . . . without even the implied warranty of
    =_        +     =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
  _.=:.       :    :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
..}^=.=       =       ; Public License for more details.
++=   -.     .`     .:
 :     =  ...= . :.=- You should have received a copy of the GNU
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    --        :-=` Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef MAINWIN_H
#define MAINWIN_H
#include <qmainwindow.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
class DataManager;
class InstallData;
class InstallDlgImpl;
class QAction;
class QCheckListItem;
class QComboBox;
class QLabel;
class QLineEdit;
class QListView;
class QListViewItem;
class QToolBar;
class QProgressBar;
+class QPushButton;
class QWidgetStack;
class MainWindow :public QMainWindow
void closeEvent( QCloseEvent* e );
DataManager *mgr;
QWidgetStack *stack;
QToolBar *findBar;
QToolBar *jumpBar;
QLineEdit *findEdit;
QAction *actionFindNext;
QAction *actionFilter;
QAction *actionUpgrade;
QAction *actionDownload;
QAction *actionUninstalled;
QAction *actionInstalled;
QAction *actionUpdated;
QPixmap iconDownload;
QPixmap iconRemove;
int mnuShowUninstalledPkgsId;
int mnuShowInstalledPkgsId;
int mnuShowUpgradedPkgsId;
int mnuFilterByCategory;
int mnuSetFilterCategory;
// Main package list widget
QWidget *networkPkgWindow;
QComboBox *serversList;
QListView *packagesList;
QPixmap installedIcon;
QPixmap updatedIcon;
QString currentlySelectedServer;
QString categoryFilter;
QString stickyOption;
bool categoryFilterEnabled;
bool showJumpTo;
bool showUninstalledPkgs;
bool showInstalledPkgs;
bool showUpgradedPkgs;
bool downloadEnabled;
bool reloadDocuments;
void initMainWidget();
void updateData();
void serverSelected( int index, bool showProgress );
void searchForPackage( const QString & );
bool filterByCategory( bool val );
void downloadSelectedPackages();
void downloadRemotePackage();
InstallData *dealWithItem( QCheckListItem *item );
// Progress widget
QWidget *progressWindow;
QLabel *m_status;
QProgressBar *m_progress;
void initProgressWidget();
public slots:
void setDocument( const QString &doc );
void displayFindBar();
void displayJumpBar();
void repeatFind();
void findPackage( const QString & );
void hideFindBar();
void hideJumpBar();
void displaySettings();
void filterUninstalledPackages();
void filterInstalledPackages();
void filterUpgradedPackages();
void filterCategory();
bool setFilterCategory();
void raiseMainWidget();
void raiseProgressWidget();
void enableUpgrade( bool );
void enableDownload( bool );
void reloadData( InstallDlgImpl * );
private slots:
void init();
void setProgressSteps( int );
void setProgressMessage( const QString & );
void updateProgress( int );
void serverSelected( int index );
void updateServer();
void upgradePackages();
void downloadPackage();
void applyChanges();
void letterPushed( QString t );
void slotDisplayPackage( QListViewItem * );
+class QuestionDlg : public QWidget
+ QuestionDlg( const QString &caption, const QString &text, const QString &secondbtn );
+ int exec();
+ QPushButton *btn1;
+ QPushButton *btn2;
+ bool executing;
+ int buttonpressed;
+private slots:
+ void slotButtonPressed();