Side-by-side diff
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2 files changed, 7 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/securityplugins/notice/noticeplugin.cpp b/noncore/securityplugins/notice/noticeplugin.cpp
index 1da260a..5617855 100644
--- a/noncore/securityplugins/notice/noticeplugin.cpp
+++ b/noncore/securityplugins/notice/noticeplugin.cpp
@@ -1,86 +1,86 @@
#include "noticeplugin.h"
#include <opie2/oapplication.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
using Opie::Security::MultiauthPluginObject;
using Opie::Security::MultiauthConfigWidget;
/// creates and initializes the m_config Config object
-NoticePlugin::NoticePlugin() : MultiauthPluginObject(), noticeW(0) {
+NoticePlugin::NoticePlugin() : MultiauthPluginObject(), m_noticeW(0) {
m_config = new Config("Security");
/// deletes the m_config Config object and noticeW if necessary
NoticePlugin::~NoticePlugin() {
delete m_config;
- if (noticeW != 0)
- delete noticeW;
+ if (m_noticeW != 0)
+ delete m_noticeW;
/// Simply return its name (Notice plugin)
QString NoticePlugin::pluginName() const {
return "Notice plugin";
/// return the Notice widget configuration widget
* \return noticeW, the NoticeConfigWidget
MultiauthConfigWidget * NoticePlugin::configWidget(QWidget * parent) {
- if (noticeW == 0)
- noticeW = new NoticeConfigWidget(parent, "Notice configuration widget");
- return noticeW;
+ if (m_noticeW == 0)
+ m_noticeW = new NoticeConfigWidget(parent, "Notice configuration widget");
+ return m_noticeW;
/// return the path of the small tab icon
QString NoticePlugin::pixmapNameConfig() const {
return "security/noticeplugin_small";
/// return the path of the big icon for the active/order checklist
QString NoticePlugin::pixmapNameWidget() const {
return "security/noticeplugin";
/// Displays the configured message and an 'Accept' button
* \return the outcome code of this authentication (can be only success)
int NoticePlugin::authenticate() {
QMessageBox noticeDialog("Notice plugin",
"notice plugin dialog",
Qt::WStyle_NoBorder | Qt::WStyle_Customize | Qt::WStyle_StaysOnTop);
noticeDialog.setButtonText(QMessageBox::Yes, tr("I accept"));
QRect desk = oApp->desktop()->geometry();
noticeDialog.setGeometry( 0, 0, desk.width(), desk.height() );
switch (noticeDialog.exec())
case QMessageBox::Yes:
return MultiauthPluginObject::Success;
return 255; //should not be returned anyway
/// get the notice text from our m_config config file (with true new lines)
* if no text has been defined yet returns defaultNoticeText
QString NoticePlugin::getNoticeText() {
// Note: C++ processes '\' character, so we have to type \\\\ to mean \\ to QRegExp
return m_config->readEntry("noticeText", QObject::tr(defaultNoticeText)).replace( QRegExp("\\\\n"), "\n" );
diff --git a/noncore/securityplugins/notice/noticeplugin.h b/noncore/securityplugins/notice/noticeplugin.h
index 4aa6f02..2828f58 100644
--- a/noncore/securityplugins/notice/noticeplugin.h
+++ b/noncore/securityplugins/notice/noticeplugin.h
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
* \file noticeplugin.h
* \brief Standard Opie multiauth plugin definition
* \author Cl�ment S�veillac (clement . seveillac (at) via . ecp . fr)
=. This file is part of the Opie Project
.=l. Copyright (C) 2004 Opie Developer Team <>
_;:, .> :=|. This library is free software; you can
.> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under
:`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU Library General Public
.="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software
- . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
._= =} : or (at your option) any later version.
.%`+i> _;_.
.i_,=:_. -<s. This library is distributed in the hope that
+ . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
: .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of
_.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
..}^=.= = ; Library General Public License for more
++= -. .` .: details.
: = ...= . :.=-
-. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU
-_. . . )=. = Library General Public License along with
-- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qpe/config.h>
#include <opie2/multiauthplugininterface.h>
#include "noticeConfigWidget.h"
/// Multi-authentication plugin, having the user accept a (legal, etc.) notice text.
* The plugin itself, implementing the main authenticate() function.
class NoticePlugin : public QObject, public Opie::Security::MultiauthPluginObject {
virtual ~NoticePlugin();
int authenticate();
Opie::Security::MultiauthConfigWidget * configWidget(QWidget * parent);
QString pixmapNameConfig() const;
QString pixmapNameWidget() const;
QString pluginName() const;
- NoticeConfigWidget * noticeW;
+ NoticeConfigWidget * m_noticeW;
Config * m_config;
QString getNoticeText();