-rw-r--r-- | core/launcher/launcherview.cpp | 13 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | library/applnk.cpp | 24 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | library/applnk.h | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | library/lnkproperties.cpp | 29 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | library/lnkpropertiesbase_p.ui | 354 |
5 files changed, 363 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/core/launcher/launcherview.cpp b/core/launcher/launcherview.cpp index fa46543..6e63fca 100644 --- a/core/launcher/launcherview.cpp +++ b/core/launcher/launcherview.cpp @@ -1,934 +1,933 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "launcherview.h" #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/applnk.h> #include <qpe/qpedebug.h> #include <qpe/categories.h> #include <qpe/categoryselect.h> #include <qpe/menubutton.h> #include <qpe/mimetype.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpe/qpetoolbar.h> //#include <qtopia/private/palmtoprecord.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qdict.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> #include <qhbox.h> #include <qiconview.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <qregexp.h> #include <qtoolbutton.h> #include <qimage.h> class BgPixmap { public: BgPixmap( const QPixmap &p ) : pm(p), ref(1) {} QPixmap pm; int ref; }; enum BusyIndicatorType { BIT_Normal = 0, BIT_Blinking }; static QMap<QString,BgPixmap*> *bgCache = 0; class LauncherIconView : public QIconView { public: LauncherIconView( QWidget* parent, const char* name=0 ) : QIconView(parent,name), tf(""), cf(0), bsy(0), bigIcns(TRUE), bgColor(white) { sortmeth = Name; hidden.setAutoDelete(TRUE); ike = FALSE; busytimer = 0; calculateGrid( Bottom ); } ~LauncherIconView() { #if 0 // debuggery QListIterator<AppLnk> it(hidden); AppLnk* l; while ((l=it.current())) { ++it; //qDebug("%p: hidden (should remove)",l); } #endif } void setBusyIndicatorType ( BusyIndicatorType t ) { busyType = t; } QPixmap* busyPixmap() const { return (QPixmap*)&bpm[::abs(busystate)]; } QIconViewItem* busyItem() const { return bsy; } void setBigIcons( bool bi ) { bigIcns = bi; } void updateCategoriesAndMimeTypes(); void doAutoScroll() { // We don't want rubberbanding (yet) } void setBusy(bool on) { QIconViewItem *c = on ? currentItem() : 0; if ( bsy != c ) { QIconViewItem *oldbsy = bsy; bsy = c; if ( oldbsy ) oldbsy-> repaint ( ); if ( bsy ) { QPixmap *src = bsy-> QIconViewItem::pixmap(); for ( int i = 0; i <= 5; i++ ) { QImage img = src->convertToImage(); QRgb* rgb; int count; if ( img.depth() == 32 ) { rgb = (QRgb*)img.bits(); count = img.bytesPerLine()/sizeof(QRgb)*img.height(); } else { rgb = img.colorTable(); count = img.numColors(); } int rc, gc, bc; int bs = ::abs ( i * 10 ) + 25; colorGroup().highlight().rgb( &rc, &gc, &bc ); rc = rc * bs / 100; gc = gc * bs / 100; bc = bc * bs / 100; for ( int r = 0; r < count; r++, rgb++ ) { int ri = rc + qRed ( *rgb ) * ( 100 - bs ) / 100; int gi = gc + qGreen ( *rgb ) * ( 100 - bs ) / 100; int bi = bc + qBlue ( *rgb ) * ( 100 - bs ) / 100; int ai = qAlpha ( *rgb ); *rgb = qRgba ( ri, gi, bi, ai ); } bpm [i].convertFromImage( img ); } if ( busyType == BIT_Blinking ) { busystate = 0; if ( busytimer ) killTimer ( busytimer ); busytimer = startTimer ( 200 ); } else busystate = 3; timerEvent ( 0 ); } else { killTimer ( busytimer ); busytimer = 0; } } } virtual void timerEvent ( QTimerEvent *te ) { if ( !te || ( te-> timerId ( ) == busytimer )) { if ( bsy ) { busystate++; if ( busystate > 5 ) busystate = -4; QScrollView::updateContents ( bsy-> pixmapRect ( false )); } } } bool inKeyEvent() const { return ike; } void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* e) { ike = TRUE; if ( e->key() == Key_F33 /* OK button */ || e->key() == Key_Space ) returnPressed(currentItem()); QIconView::keyPressEvent(e); ike = FALSE; } void addItem(AppLnk* app, bool resort=TRUE); bool removeLink(const QString& linkfile); QStringList mimeTypes() const; QStringList categories() const; void clear() { mimes.clear(); cats.clear(); QIconView::clear(); hidden.clear(); } void addCatsAndMimes(AppLnk* app) { // QStringList c = app->categories(); // for (QStringList::ConstIterator cit=c.begin(); cit!=c.end(); ++cit) { // cats.replace(*cit,(void*)1); // } QString maj=app->type(); int sl=maj.find('/'); if (sl>=0) { QString k; k = maj.left(12) == "application/" ? maj : maj.left(sl); mimes.replace(k,(void*)1); } } void setBackgroundPixmap( const QPixmap &pm ) { if ( pm. isNull ( )) { bgPixmap = pm; } else { // This is need for bg images with alpha channel QPixmap tmp ( pm. size ( ), pm. depth ( )); QPainter p ( &tmp ); p. fillRect ( 0, 0, pm. width ( ), pm. height ( ), bgColor. isValid ( ) ? bgColor : white ); p. drawPixmap ( 0, 0, pm ); p. end ( ); bgPixmap = tmp; } } void setBackgroundColor( const QColor &c ) { bgColor = c; } void drawBackground( QPainter *p, const QRect &r ) { if ( !bgPixmap.isNull() ) { //p-> fillRect ( r, bgColor ); p->drawTiledPixmap( r, bgPixmap, QPoint( (r.x() + contentsX()) % bgPixmap.width(), (r.y() + contentsY()) % bgPixmap.height() ) ); } else { p->fillRect( r, bgColor ); } } void setItemTextPos( ItemTextPos pos ) { calculateGrid( pos ); QIconView::setItemTextPos( pos ); } void hideOrShowItems(bool resort); void setTypeFilter(const QString& typefilter, bool resort) { tf = QRegExp(typefilter,FALSE,TRUE); hideOrShowItems(resort); } void setCategoryFilter( int catfilter, bool resort ) { Categories cat; cat.load( categoryFileName() ); QString str; if ( catfilter == -2 ) cf = 0; else cf = catfilter; hideOrShowItems(resort); } enum SortMethod { Name, Date, Type }; void setSortMethod( SortMethod m ) { if ( sortmeth != m ) { sortmeth = m; sort(); } } int compare(const AppLnk* a, const AppLnk* b) { switch (sortmeth) { case Name: return a->name().compare(b->name()); case Date: { QFileInfo fa(a->linkFileKnown() ? a->linkFile() : a->file()); QFileInfo fb(b->linkFileKnown() ? b->linkFile() : b->file()); return fa.lastModified().secsTo(fb.lastModified()); } case Type: return a->type().compare(b->type()); } return 0; } QString getAllDocLinkInfo() const; protected: void styleChange( QStyle &old ) { QIconView::styleChange( old ); calculateGrid( itemTextPos() ); } void calculateGrid( ItemTextPos pos ) { int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int viewerWidth = dw-style().scrollBarExtent().width(); if ( pos == Bottom ) { int cols = 3; if ( viewerWidth <= 200 ) cols = 2; else if ( viewerWidth >= 400 ) cols = viewerWidth/96; setSpacing( 4 ); setGridX( (viewerWidth-(cols+1)*spacing())/cols ); setGridY( fontMetrics().height()*2+24 ); } else { int cols = 2; if ( viewerWidth < 150 ) cols = 1; else if ( viewerWidth >= 400 ) cols = viewerWidth/150; setSpacing( 2 ); setGridX( (viewerWidth-(cols+1)*spacing())/cols ); setGridY( fontMetrics().height()+2 ); } } private: QList<AppLnk> hidden; QDict<void> mimes; QDict<void> cats; SortMethod sortmeth; QRegExp tf; int cf; QIconViewItem* bsy; bool ike; bool bigIcns; QPixmap bgPixmap; QPixmap bpm [6]; QColor bgColor; int busytimer; int busystate; BusyIndicatorType busyType; }; bool LauncherView::bsy=FALSE; void LauncherView::setBusy(bool on) { icons->setBusy(on); } class LauncherItem : public QIconViewItem { public: LauncherItem( QIconView *parent, AppLnk* applnk, bool bigIcon=TRUE ); ~LauncherItem() { LauncherIconView* liv = (LauncherIconView*)iconView(); if ( liv->busyItem() == this ) liv->setBusy(FALSE); delete app; } AppLnk* appLnk() const { return app; } AppLnk* takeAppLnk() { AppLnk* r=app; app=0; return r; } virtual int compare ( QIconViewItem * i ) const; void paintItem( QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg ) { LauncherIconView* liv = (LauncherIconView*)iconView(); QBrush oldBrush( liv->itemTextBackground() ); QColorGroup mycg( cg ); if ( liv->currentItem() == this ) { liv->setItemTextBackground( cg.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) ); mycg.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, cg.color( QColorGroup::HighlightedText ) ); } QIconViewItem::paintItem(p,mycg); if ( liv->currentItem() == this ) liv->setItemTextBackground( oldBrush ); } virtual QPixmap* pixmap () const { const LauncherIconView* liv = (LauncherIconView*)iconView(); if ( (const LauncherItem *)liv->busyItem() == this ) return liv->busyPixmap(); return QIconViewItem::pixmap(); } protected: AppLnk* app; }; LauncherItem::LauncherItem( QIconView *parent, AppLnk *applnk, bool bigIcon ) : QIconViewItem( parent, applnk->name(), bigIcon ? applnk->bigPixmap() :applnk->pixmap() ), app(applnk) // Takes ownership { } int LauncherItem::compare ( QIconViewItem * i ) const { LauncherIconView* view = (LauncherIconView*)iconView(); return view->compare(app,((LauncherItem *)i)->appLnk()); } QStringList LauncherIconView::mimeTypes() const { QStringList r; QDictIterator<void> it(mimes); while (it.current()) { r.append(it.currentKey()); ++it; } r.sort(); return r; } void LauncherIconView::addItem(AppLnk* app, bool resort) { addCatsAndMimes(app); if ( (tf.isEmpty() || tf.match(app->type()) >= 0) && (cf == 0 || app->categories().contains(cf) || cf == -1 && app->categories().count() == 0 ) ) (void) new LauncherItem( this, app, bigIcns ); else hidden.append(app); if ( resort ) sort(); } void LauncherIconView::updateCategoriesAndMimeTypes() { mimes.clear(); cats.clear(); LauncherItem* item = (LauncherItem*)firstItem(); while (item) { addCatsAndMimes(item->appLnk()); item = (LauncherItem*)item->nextItem(); } QListIterator<AppLnk> it(hidden); AppLnk* l; while ((l=it.current())) { addCatsAndMimes(l); ++it; } } void LauncherIconView::hideOrShowItems(bool resort) { hidden.setAutoDelete(FALSE); QList<AppLnk> links=hidden; hidden.clear(); hidden.setAutoDelete(TRUE); LauncherItem* item = (LauncherItem*)firstItem(); while (item) { links.append(item->takeAppLnk()); item = (LauncherItem*)item->nextItem(); } viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( FALSE ); clear(); QListIterator<AppLnk> it(links); AppLnk* l; while ((l=it.current())) { addItem(l,FALSE); ++it; } viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); if ( resort && !autoArrange() ) sort(); } bool LauncherIconView::removeLink(const QString& linkfile) { LauncherItem* item = (LauncherItem*)firstItem(); AppLnk* l; bool did = FALSE; DocLnk dl(linkfile); while (item) { l = item->appLnk(); - if ( l->linkFileKnown() && l->linkFile() == linkfile - || l->fileKnown() && ( - l->file() == linkfile - || dl.isValid() && dl.file() == l->file() ) ) { + if ( ( l->linkFileKnown() && ( l->linkFile() == linkfile )) + || ( l->fileKnown() && ( l->file() == linkfile )) + || ( dl.fileKnown() && l->fileKnown() && ( dl.file() == l->file() )) ) { delete item; did = TRUE; } item = (LauncherItem*)item->nextItem(); } QListIterator<AppLnk> it(hidden); while ((l=it.current())) { ++it; - if ( l->linkFileKnown() && l->linkFile() == linkfile - || l->file() == linkfile - || dl.isValid() && dl.file() == l->file() ) { + if ( ( l->linkFileKnown() && ( l->linkFile() == linkfile )) + || ( l->file() == linkfile ) + || ( dl.fileKnown() && ( dl.file() == l->file() )) ) { hidden.removeRef(l); did = TRUE; } } return did; } static QString docLinkInfo(const Categories& cats, DocLnk* doc) { QString contents; QFileInfo fi( doc->file() ); if ( !fi.exists() ) return contents; if ( doc->linkFileKnown() ) { QString lfn = doc->linkFile(); QFile f( lfn ); if ( f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { QTextStream ts( &f ); ts.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 ); contents += ts.read(); f.close(); goto calcsize; } } contents += "[Desktop Entry]\n"; contents += "Categories = " // No tr + cats.labels("Document View", doc->categories()).join(";") + "\n"; // No tr contents += "File = "+doc->file()+"\n"; // No tr contents += "Name = "+doc->name()+"\n"; // No tr contents += "Type = "+doc->type()+"\n"; // No tr calcsize: contents += QString("Size = %1\n").arg( fi.size() ); // No tr return contents; } QString LauncherIconView::getAllDocLinkInfo() const { QString contents; LauncherItem* item = (LauncherItem*)firstItem(); Categories cats; while (item) { DocLnk* doc = (DocLnk*)item->appLnk(); contents += docLinkInfo(cats,doc); item = (LauncherItem*)item->nextItem(); } QListIterator<AppLnk> it(hidden); DocLnk* doc; while ((doc=(DocLnk*)it.current())) { contents += docLinkInfo(cats,doc); ++it; } return contents; } //=========================================================================== LauncherView::LauncherView( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : QVBox( parent, name, fl ) { icons = new LauncherIconView( this ); setFocusProxy(icons); QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( icons->viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); icons->setItemsMovable( FALSE ); icons->setAutoArrange( TRUE ); icons->setSorting( TRUE ); icons->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); icons->setMargin( 0 ); icons->setSelectionMode( QIconView::NoSelection ); icons->setBackgroundMode( PaletteBase ); icons->setResizeMode( QIconView::Fixed ); vmode = (ViewMode)-1; setViewMode( Icon ); connect( icons, SIGNAL(mouseButtonClicked(int, QIconViewItem *, const QPoint&)), SLOT(itemClicked(int, QIconViewItem *)) ); connect( icons, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), SLOT(selectionChanged()) ); connect( icons, SIGNAL(returnPressed(QIconViewItem *)), SLOT(returnPressed(QIconViewItem *)) ); connect( icons, SIGNAL(mouseButtonPressed(int, QIconViewItem *, const QPoint&)), SLOT(itemPressed(int, QIconViewItem *)) ); tools = 0; setBackgroundType( Ruled, QString::null ); } LauncherView::~LauncherView() { } void LauncherView::setToolsEnabled(bool y) { if ( !y != !tools ) { if ( y ) { tools = new QHBox(this); // Type filter typemb = new QComboBox(tools); // Category filter catmb = new CategorySelect(tools); updateTools(); tools->show(); } else { delete tools; tools = 0; } } } void LauncherView::updateTools() { disconnect( typemb, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(showType(int)) ); disconnect( catmb, SIGNAL(signalSelected(int)), this, SLOT(showCategory(int)) ); icons->updateCategoriesAndMimeTypes(); QString prev; // Type filter QStringList types; typelist = icons->mimeTypes(); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = typelist.begin(); it!=typelist.end(); ++it) { QString t = *it; if ( t.left(12) == "application/" ) { MimeType mt(t); const AppLnk* app = mt.application(); if ( app ) t = app->name(); else t = t.mid(12); } else { t[0] = t[0].upper(); } types += tr("%1 files").arg(t); } types << tr("All types of file"); prev = typemb->currentText(); typemb->clear(); typemb->insertStringList(types); for (int i=0; i<typemb->count(); i++) { if ( typemb->text(i) == prev ) { typemb->setCurrentItem(i); break; } } if ( prev.isNull() ) typemb->setCurrentItem(typemb->count()-1); Categories cats( 0 ); cats.load( categoryFileName() ); QArray<int> vl( 0 ); catmb->setCategories( vl, "Document View", // No tr tr("Document View") ); catmb->setRemoveCategoryEdit( TRUE ); catmb->setAllCategories( TRUE ); connect(typemb, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(showType(int))); connect(catmb, SIGNAL(signalSelected(int)), this, SLOT(showCategory(int))); } void LauncherView::sortBy(int s) { icons->setSortMethod((LauncherIconView::SortMethod)s); } void LauncherView::showType(int t) { if ( t >= (int)typelist.count() ) { icons->setTypeFilter("",TRUE); } else { QString ty = typelist[t]; if ( !ty.contains('/') ) ty += "/*"; icons->setTypeFilter(ty,TRUE); } } void LauncherView::showCategory( int c ) { icons->setCategoryFilter( c, TRUE ); } void LauncherView::setViewMode( ViewMode m ) { if ( vmode != m ) { bool bigIcons = m == Icon; icons->viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( FALSE ); icons->setBigIcons( bigIcons ); switch ( m ) { case List: icons->setItemTextPos( QIconView::Right ); break; case Icon: icons->setItemTextPos( QIconView::Bottom ); break; } icons->hideOrShowItems( FALSE ); icons->viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); vmode = m; } } void LauncherView::setBackgroundType( BackgroundType t, const QString &val ) { if ( !bgCache ) bgCache = new QMap<QString,BgPixmap*>; if ( bgCache->contains( bgName ) ) (*bgCache)[bgName]->ref--; switch ( t ) { case Ruled: { bgName = QString("Ruled_%1").arg(colorGroup().background().name()); // No tr QPixmap bg; if ( bgCache->contains( bgName ) ) { (*bgCache)[bgName]->ref++; bg = (*bgCache)[bgName]->pm; } else { bg.resize( width(), 9 ); QPainter painter( &bg ); for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { painter.setPen( white ); painter.drawLine( 0, i*3, width()-1, i*3 ); painter.drawLine( 0, i*3+1, width()-1, i*3+1 ); painter.setPen( colorGroup().background().light(105) ); painter.drawLine( 0, i*3+2, width()-1, i*3+2 ); } painter.end(); bgCache->insert( bgName, new BgPixmap(bg) ); } icons->setBackgroundPixmap( bg ); break; } case SolidColor: icons->setBackgroundPixmap( QPixmap() ); if ( val.isEmpty() ) { icons->setBackgroundColor( colorGroup().base() ); } else { icons->setBackgroundColor( val ); } bgName = ""; break; case Image: bgName = val; if ( bgCache->contains( bgName ) ) { (*bgCache)[bgName]->ref++; icons->setBackgroundPixmap( (*bgCache)[bgName]->pm ); } else { qDebug( "Loading image: %s", val.latin1() ); QPixmap bg( Resource::loadPixmap( val ) ); if ( bg.isNull() ) { QImageIO imgio; imgio.setFileName( bgName ); QSize ds = qApp->desktop()->size(); QString param( "Scale( %1, %2, ScaleMin )" ); // No tr imgio.setParameters( param.arg(ds.width()).arg(ds.height()).latin1() ); imgio.read(); bg = imgio.image(); } bgCache->insert( bgName, new BgPixmap(bg) ); icons->setBackgroundPixmap( bg ); } break; } // remove unreferenced backgrounds. QMap<QString,BgPixmap*>::Iterator it = bgCache->begin(); while ( it != bgCache->end() ) { QMap<QString,BgPixmap*>::Iterator curr = it; ++it; if ( (*curr)->ref == 0 ) { delete (*curr); bgCache->remove( curr ); } } bgType = t; icons->viewport()->update(); } void LauncherView::setTextColor( const QColor &tc ) { textCol = tc; QColorGroup cg = icons->colorGroup(); cg.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, tc ); icons->setPalette( QPalette(cg,cg,cg) ); icons->viewport()->update(); } void LauncherView::setViewFont( const QFont &f ) { icons->setFont( f ); } void LauncherView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { QVBox::resizeEvent( e ); if ( e->size().width() != e->oldSize().width() ) sort(); } void LauncherView::populate( AppLnkSet *folder, const QString& typefilter ) { icons->clear(); internalPopulate( folder, typefilter ); } QString LauncherView::getAllDocLinkInfo() const { return icons->getAllDocLinkInfo(); } void LauncherView::selectionChanged() { QIconViewItem* item = icons->currentItem(); if ( item && item->isSelected() ) { AppLnk *appLnk = ((LauncherItem *)item)->appLnk(); if ( icons->inKeyEvent() ) // not for mouse press emit clicked( appLnk ); item->setSelected(FALSE); } } void LauncherView::returnPressed( QIconViewItem *item ) { if ( item ) { AppLnk *appLnk = ((LauncherItem *)item)->appLnk(); emit clicked( appLnk ); } } void LauncherView::itemClicked( int btn, QIconViewItem *item ) { if ( item ) { AppLnk *appLnk = ((LauncherItem *)item)->appLnk(); if ( btn == LeftButton ) { // Make sure it's the item we execute that gets highlighted icons->setCurrentItem( item ); emit clicked( appLnk ); } item->setSelected(FALSE); } } void LauncherView::itemPressed( int btn, QIconViewItem *item ) { if ( item ) { AppLnk *appLnk = ((LauncherItem *)item)->appLnk(); if ( btn == RightButton ) emit rightPressed( appLnk ); /* else if ( btn == LeftButton ) emit clicked( appLnk ); */ item->setSelected(FALSE); } } void LauncherView::internalPopulate( AppLnkSet *folder, const QString& typefilter ) { QListIterator<AppLnk> it( folder->children() ); icons->setTypeFilter(typefilter,FALSE); while ( it.current() ) { // show only the icons for existing files if (QFile(it.current()->file()).exists() || ( it.current()->file().left(4) == "http" )) { icons->addItem(*it,FALSE); } else { //maybe insert some .desktop file deletion code later //maybe dir specific } ++it; } icons->sort(); } bool LauncherView::removeLink(const QString& linkfile) { return icons->removeLink(linkfile); } void LauncherView::sort() { icons->sort(); } void LauncherView::addItem(AppLnk* app, bool resort) { icons->addItem(app,resort); } void LauncherView::setFileSystems(const QList<FileSystem> &) { // ### does nothing now... } void LauncherView::paletteChange( const QPalette &p ) { icons->unsetPalette(); QVBox::paletteChange( p ); if ( bgType == Ruled ) setBackgroundType( Ruled, QString::null ); QColorGroup cg = icons->colorGroup(); cg.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, textCol ); icons->setPalette( QPalette(cg,cg,cg) ); } void LauncherView::setBusyIndicatorType ( const QString &type ) { if ( type. lower ( ) == "blink" ) icons-> setBusyIndicatorType ( BIT_Blinking ); else icons-> setBusyIndicatorType ( BIT_Normal ); } diff --git a/library/applnk.cpp b/library/applnk.cpp index 44f3f58..a56da5d 100644 --- a/library/applnk.cpp +++ b/library/applnk.cpp @@ -1,1460 +1,1480 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #define QTOPIA_INTERNAL_MIMEEXT #define QTOPIA_INTERNAL_PRELOADACCESS #define QTOPIA_INTERNAL_APPLNKASSIGN #include "applnk.h" #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/categories.h> #include <qpe/categoryselect.h> #ifdef QWS #include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h> #endif #include <qpe/global.h> #include <qpe/mimetype.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/storage.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qdict.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qregexp.h> #ifdef Q_WS_QWS #include <qgfx_qws.h> #endif #include <stdlib.h> int AppLnk::lastId = 5000; static int smallSize = 14; static int bigSize = 32; static QString safeFileName(const QString& n) { QString safename=n; safename.replace(QRegExp("[^0-9A-Za-z.]"),"_"); safename.replace(QRegExp("^[^A-Za-z]*"),""); if ( safename.isEmpty() ) safename = "_"; return safename; } static bool prepareDirectories(const QString& lf) { if ( !QFile::exists(lf) ) { // May need to create directories QFileInfo fi(lf); if ( system(("mkdir -p "+fi.dirPath(TRUE))) ) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } class AppLnkPrivate { public: /* the size of the Pixmap */ enum Size {Normal = 0, Big }; AppLnkPrivate() { /* we want one normal and one big item */ QPixmap pix; mPixmaps.insert(0, pix ); mPixmaps.insert(1, pix); } QStringList mCatList; // always correct QArray<int> mCat; // cached value; correct if not empty QMap<int, QPixmap> mPixmaps; void updateCatListFromArray() { Categories cat( 0 ); cat.load( categoryFileName() ); mCatList = cat.labels("Document View",mCat); } void setCatArrayDirty() { mCat.resize(0); } void ensureCatArray() { if ( mCat.count() > 0 || mCatList.count()==0 ) return; Categories cat( 0 ); cat.load( categoryFileName() ); mCat.resize( mCatList.count() ); int i; QStringList::ConstIterator it; for ( i = 0, it = mCatList.begin(); it != mCatList.end(); ++it, i++ ) { bool number; int id = (*it).toInt( &number ); if ( !number ) { id = cat.id( "Document View", *it ); if ( id == 0 ) id = cat.addCategory( "Document View", *it ); } mCat[i] = id; } } }; /*! \class AppLnk applnk.h \brief The AppLnk class represents an application available on the system. Every Qtopia application \e app has a corresponding \e app.desktop file. When one of these files is read its data is stored as an AppLnk object. The AppLnk class introduces some Qtopia-specific concepts, and provides a variety of functions, as described in the following sections. \tableofcontents \target Types \section1 Types Every AppLnk object has a \e type. For applications, games and settings the type is \c Application; for documents the type is the document's MIME type. \target files-and-links \section1 Files and Links When you create an AppLnk (or more likely, a \link doclnk.html DocLnk\endlink), you don't deal directly with filenames in the filesystem. Instead you do this: \code DocLnk d; d.setType("text/plain"); d.setName("My Nicely Named Document / Whatever"); // Yes, "/" is legal. \endcode At this point, the file() and linkFile() are unknown. Normally this is uninteresting, and the names become automatically known, and more importantly, becomes reserved, when you ask what they are: \code QString fn = d.file(); \endcode This invents a filename, and creates the file on disk (an empty reservation file) to prevent the name being used by another application. In some circumstances, you don't want to create the file if it doesn't already exist (e.g. in the Document tab, some of the \link doclnk.html DocLnk\endlink objects represented by icons are DocLnk's created just for that view - they don't have corresponding \c .desktop files. To avoid littering empty reservation files around, we check in a few places to see whether the file really needs to exist). \section1 Functionality AppLnk objects are created by calling the constructor with the name of a \e .desktop file. The object can be checked for validity using isValid(). The following functions are used to set or retrieve information about the application: \table \header \i Get Function \i Set Function \i Short Description \row \i \l name() \i \l setName() \i application's name \row \i \l pixmap() \i \e none \i application's icon \row \i \l bigPixmap() \i \e none \i application's large icon \row \i \e none \i setIcon() \i sets the icon's filename \row \i \l type() \i \l setType() \i see \link #Types Types\endlink above \row \i \l rotation() \i \e none \i 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees \row \i \l comment() \i \l setComment() \i text for the Details dialog \row \i \l exec() \i \l setExec() \i executable's filename \row \i \l file() \i \e none \i document's filename \row \i \l linkFile() \i \l setLinkFile() \i \e .desktop filename \row \i \l mimeTypes() \i \e none \i the mime types the application can view or edit \row \i \l categories() \i \l setCategories() \i \e{see the function descriptions} \row \i \l fileKnown() \i \e none \i see \link #files-and-links Files and Links\endlink above \row \i \l linkFileKnown() \i \e none \i see \link #files-and-links Files and Links\endlink above \row \i \l property() \i \l setProperty() \i any AppLnk property can be retrieved or set (if writeable) using these \endtable To save an AppLnk to disk use writeLink(). To execute the application that the AppLnk object refers to, use execute(). AppLnk's can be deleted from disk using removeLinkFile(). To remove both the link and the application's executable use removeFiles(). Icon sizes can be globally changed (but only for AppLnk objects created after the calls) with setSmallIconSize() and setBigIconSize(). \ingroup qtopiaemb */ /*! Sets the size used for small icons to \a small pixels. Only affects AppLnk objects created after the call. \sa smallIconSize() setIcon() */ void AppLnk::setSmallIconSize(int small) { smallSize = small; } /*! Returns the size used for small icons. \sa setSmallIconSize() setIcon() */ int AppLnk::smallIconSize() { return smallSize; } /*! Sets the size used for large icons to \a big pixels. Only affects AppLnk objects created after the call. \sa bigIconSize() setIcon() */ void AppLnk::setBigIconSize(int big) { bigSize = big; } /*! Returns the size used for large icons. \sa setBigIconSize() setIcon() */ int AppLnk::bigIconSize() { return bigSize; } /*! \fn QString AppLnk::name() const Returns the Name property. This is the user-visible name for the document or application, not the filename. See \link #files-and-links Files and Links\endlink. \sa setName() */ /*! \fn QString AppLnk::exec() const Returns the Exec property. This is the name of the executable program associated with the AppLnk. \sa setExec() */ /*! \fn QString AppLnk::rotation() const Returns the Rotation property. The value is 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees. */ /*! \fn QString AppLnk::comment() const Returns the Comment property. \sa setComment() */ /*! \fn QStringList AppLnk::mimeTypes() const Returns the MimeTypes property. This is the list of MIME types that the application can view or edit. */ /*! \fn const QArray<int>& AppLnk::categories() const Returns the Categories property. See the CategoryWidget for more details. \sa setCategories() */ const QArray<int>& AppLnk::categories() const { d->ensureCatArray(); return d->mCat; } /*! \fn int AppLnk::id() const Returns the id of the AppLnk. If the AppLnk is not in an AppLnkSet, this value is 0, otherwise it is a value that is unique for the duration of the current process. \sa AppLnkSet::find() */ /*! \fn bool AppLnk::isValid() const Returns TRUE if this AppLnk is valid; otherwise returns FALSE. */ /*! Creates an invalid AppLnk. \sa isValid() */ AppLnk::AppLnk() { mId = 0; d = new AppLnkPrivate(); } /*! Loads \a file (e.g. \e app.desktop) as an AppLnk. \sa writeLink() */ AppLnk::AppLnk( const QString &file ) { QStringList sl; d = new AppLnkPrivate(); if ( !file.isNull() ) { Config config( file, Config::File ); if ( config.isValid() ) { config.setGroup( "Desktop Entry" ); mName = config.readEntry( "Name", file ); mExec = config.readEntry( "Exec" ); mType = config.readEntry( "Type", QString::null ); mIconFile = config.readEntry( "Icon", QString::null ); mRotation = config.readEntry( "Rotation", "" ); mComment = config.readEntry( "Comment", QString::null ); // MIME types are case-insensitive. mMimeTypes = config.readListEntry( "MimeType", ';' ); for (QStringList::Iterator it=mMimeTypes.begin(); it!=mMimeTypes.end(); ++it) *it = (*it).lower(); mMimeTypeIcons = config.readListEntry( "MimeTypeIcons", ';' ); mLinkFile = file; mFile = config.readEntry("File", QString::null); - if ( mFile[0] != '/' ) { + if ( !mExec. isEmpty ( )) { + mFile = QString::null; + } + else if ( mFile[0] != '/' ) { int slash = file.findRev('/'); if ( slash >= 0 ) { mFile = file.left(slash) + '/' + mFile; } } d->mCatList = config.readListEntry("Categories", ';'); if ( d->mCatList[0].toInt() < -1 ) { // numeric cats in file! convert to text Categories cat( 0 ); cat.load( categoryFileName() ); d->mCat.resize( d->mCatList.count() ); int i; QStringList::ConstIterator it; for ( i = 0, it = d->mCatList.begin(); it != d->mCatList.end(); ++it, i++ ) { bool number; int id = (*it).toInt( &number ); if ( !number ) { // convert from text id = cat.id( "Document View", *it ); if ( id == 0 ) id = cat.addCategory( "Document View", *it ); } d->mCat[i] = id; } d->updateCatListFromArray(); } } } mId = 0; } AppLnk& AppLnk::operator=(const AppLnk ©) { if ( mId ) qWarning("Deleting AppLnk that is in an AppLnkSet"); if ( d ) delete d; mName = copy.mName; /* remove for Qtopia 3.0 -zecke */ mPixmap = copy.mPixmap; mBigPixmap = copy.mBigPixmap; mExec = copy.mExec; mType = copy.mType; mRotation = copy.mRotation; mComment = copy.mComment; mFile = copy.mFile; mLinkFile = copy.mLinkFile; mIconFile = copy.mIconFile; mMimeTypes = copy.mMimeTypes; mMimeTypeIcons = copy.mMimeTypeIcons; mId = 0; d = new AppLnkPrivate(); d->mCat = copy.d->mCat; d->mCatList = copy.d->mCatList; d->mPixmaps = copy.d->mPixmaps; return *this; } /*! protected internally to share code should I document that at all? I don't know the TT style for that */ const QPixmap& AppLnk::pixmap( int pos, int size ) const { if ( d->mPixmaps[pos].isNull() ) { AppLnk* that = (AppLnk*)this; if ( mIconFile.isEmpty() ) { MimeType mt(type()); that->d->mPixmaps[pos] = mt.pixmap(); if ( that->d->mPixmaps[pos].isNull() ) that->d->mPixmaps[pos].convertFromImage( Resource::loadImage("UnknownDocument") .smoothScale( size, size ) ); return that->d->mPixmaps[pos]; } QImage unscaledIcon = Resource::loadImage( that->mIconFile ); if ( unscaledIcon.isNull() ) { qDebug( "Cannot find icon: %s", that->mIconFile.latin1() ); that->d->mPixmaps[pos].convertFromImage( Resource::loadImage("UnknownDocument") .smoothScale( size, size ) ); } else { that->d->mPixmaps[0].convertFromImage( unscaledIcon.smoothScale( smallSize, smallSize ) ); that->d->mPixmaps[1].convertFromImage( unscaledIcon.smoothScale( bigSize, bigSize ) ); } return that->d->mPixmaps[pos]; } return d->mPixmaps[pos]; } /*! Returns a small pixmap associated with the application. \sa bigPixmap() setIcon() */ const QPixmap& AppLnk::pixmap() const { if ( d->mPixmaps[0].isNull() ) { return pixmap(AppLnkPrivate::Normal, smallSize ); } return d->mPixmaps[0]; } /*! Returns a large pixmap associated with the application. \sa pixmap() setIcon() */ const QPixmap& AppLnk::bigPixmap() const { if ( d->mPixmaps[1].isNull() ) { return pixmap( AppLnkPrivate::Big, bigSize ); } return d->mPixmaps[1]; } /*! Returns the type of the AppLnk. For applications, games and settings the type is \c Application; for documents the type is the document's MIME type. */ QString AppLnk::type() const { if ( mType.isNull() ) { AppLnk* that = (AppLnk*)this; QString f = file(); if ( !f.isNull() ) { MimeType mt(f); that->mType = mt.id(); return that->mType; } } return mType; } /*! Returns the file associated with the AppLnk. \sa exec() name() */ QString AppLnk::file() const { - if ( mFile.isNull() ) { + if ( mExec.isEmpty ( ) && mFile.isNull() ) { AppLnk* that = (AppLnk*)this; QString ext = MimeType(mType).extension(); if ( !ext.isEmpty() ) ext = "." + ext; if ( !mLinkFile.isEmpty() ) { that->mFile = mLinkFile.right(8)==".desktop" // 8 = strlen(".desktop") ? mLinkFile.left(mLinkFile.length()-8) : mLinkFile; + qDebug("mFile now == %s", mFile.latin1()); } else if ( mType.contains('/') ) { that->mFile = QString(getenv("HOME"))+"/Documents/"+mType+"/"+safeFileName(that->mName); /* * A file with the same name or a .desktop file already exists */ if ( QFile::exists(that->mFile+ext) || QFile::exists(that->mFile+".desktop") ) { int n=1; QString nn; while (QFile::exists((nn=(that->mFile+"_"+QString::number(n)))+ext) || QFile::exists(nn+".desktop")) n++; that->mFile = nn; } that->mLinkFile = that->mFile+".desktop"; that->mFile += ext; } prepareDirectories(that->mFile); if ( !that->mFile.isEmpty() ) { QFile f(that->mFile); if ( !f.open(IO_WriteOnly) ) that->mFile = QString::null; return that->mFile; } } return mFile; } /*! Returns the desktop file corresponding to this AppLnk. \sa file() exec() name() */ QString AppLnk::linkFile() const { if ( mLinkFile.isNull() ) { AppLnk* that = (AppLnk*)this; if ( type().contains('/') ) { StorageInfo storage; const FileSystem *fs = storage.fileSystemOf( that->mFile ); /* tmpfs + and ramfs are available too but not removable * either we fix storage or add this */ if ( fs && ( fs->isRemovable() || fs->disk() == "/dev/mtdblock6" || fs->disk() == "tmpfs") ) { that->mLinkFile = fs->path(); } else that->mLinkFile = getenv( "HOME" ); that->mLinkFile += "/Documents/"+type()+"/"+safeFileName(that->mName); /* the desktop file exists make sure we don't point to the same file */ if ( QFile::exists(that->mLinkFile+".desktop") ) { AppLnk lnk( that->mLinkFile + ".desktop" ); /* the linked is different */ if(that->file() != lnk.file() ) { int n = 1; QString nn; while (QFile::exists((nn=that->mLinkFile+"_"+QString::number(n))+".desktop")) { n++; /* just to be sure */ AppLnk lnk(nn ); if (lnk.file() == that->file() ) break; } that->mLinkFile = nn; } } that->mLinkFile += ".desktop"; storeLink(); } return that->mLinkFile; } return mLinkFile; } /*! Copies \a copy. */ AppLnk::AppLnk( const AppLnk © ) { mName = copy.mName; mPixmap = copy.mPixmap; mBigPixmap = copy.mBigPixmap; mExec = copy.mExec; mType = copy.mType; mRotation = copy.mRotation; mComment = copy.mComment; mFile = copy.mFile; mLinkFile = copy.mLinkFile; mIconFile = copy.mIconFile; mMimeTypes = copy.mMimeTypes; mMimeTypeIcons = copy.mMimeTypeIcons; mId = 0; d = new AppLnkPrivate(); d->mCat = copy.d->mCat; d->mCatList = copy.d->mCatList; d->mPixmaps = copy.d->mPixmaps; } /*! Destroys the AppLnk. Note that if the AppLnk is currently a member of an AppLnkSet, this will produce a run-time warning. \sa AppLnkSet::add() AppLnkSet::remove() */ AppLnk::~AppLnk() { if ( mId ) qWarning("Deleting AppLnk that is in an AppLnkSet"); if ( d ) delete d; } /*! \overload Executes the application associated with this AppLnk. \sa exec() */ void AppLnk::execute() const { execute(QStringList()); } /*! Executes the application associated with this AppLnk, with \a args as arguments. \sa exec() */ void AppLnk::execute(const QStringList& args) const { #ifdef Q_WS_QWS if ( !mRotation.isEmpty() ) { // ######## this will only work in the server int rot = QPEApplication::defaultRotation(); rot = (rot+mRotation.toInt())%360; QCString old = getenv("QWS_DISPLAY"); setenv("QWS_DISPLAY", QString("Transformed:Rot%1:0").arg(rot), 1); invoke(args); setenv("QWS_DISPLAY", old.data(), 1); } else #endif invoke(args); } /*! Invokes the application associated with this AppLnk, with \a args as arguments. Rotation is not taken into account by this function, so you should not call it directly. \sa execute() */ void AppLnk::invoke(const QStringList& args) const { Global::execute( exec(), args[0] ); } /*! Sets the Exec property to \a exec. \sa exec() name() */ void AppLnk::setExec( const QString& exec ) { mExec = exec; } +#if 0 // this was inlined for better BC +/*! + Sets the Rotation property to \a rot. + + \sa rotation() +*/ +void AppLnk::setRotation ( const QString &rot ) +{ + mRotation = rot; +} +#endif + /*! Sets the Name property to \a docname. \sa name() */ void AppLnk::setName( const QString& docname ) { mName = docname; } /*! Sets the File property to \a filename. \sa file() name() */ void AppLnk::setFile( const QString& filename ) { mFile = filename; } /*! Sets the LinkFile property to \a filename. \sa linkFile() */ void AppLnk::setLinkFile( const QString& filename ) { mLinkFile = filename; } /*! Sets the Comment property to \a comment. This text is displayed in the 'Details Dialog', for example if the user uses the 'press-and-hold' gesture. \sa comment() */ void AppLnk::setComment( const QString& comment ) { mComment = comment; } /*! Sets the Type property to \a type. For applications, games and settings the type should be \c Application; for documents the type should be the document's MIME type. \sa type() */ void AppLnk::setType( const QString& type ) { mType = type; } /*! \fn QString AppLnk::icon() const Returns the Icon property. \sa setIcon() */ /*! Sets the Icon property to \a iconname. This is the filename from which the pixmap() and bigPixmap() are obtained. \sa icon() setSmallIconSize() setBigIconSize() */ void AppLnk::setIcon( const QString& iconname ) { mIconFile = iconname; QImage unscaledIcon = Resource::loadImage( mIconFile ); d->mPixmaps[0].convertFromImage( unscaledIcon.smoothScale( smallSize, smallSize ) ); d->mPixmaps[1].convertFromImage( unscaledIcon.smoothScale( bigSize, bigSize ) ); } /*! Sets the Categories property to \a c. See the CategoryWidget for more details. \sa categories() */ void AppLnk::setCategories( const QArray<int>& c ) { d->mCat = c; d->updateCatListFromArray(); } /*! \fn QStringList AppLnk::mimeTypeIcons() const Returns the MimeTypeIcons property of the AppLnk. */ /*! Attempts to ensure that the link file for this AppLnk exists, including creating any required directories. Returns TRUE if successful; otherwise returns FALSE. You should not need to use this function. */ bool AppLnk::ensureLinkExists() const { QString lf = linkFile(); return prepareDirectories(lf); } /*! Commits the AppLnk to disk. Returns TRUE if the operation succeeded; otherwise returns FALSE. In addition, the "linkChanged(QString)" message is sent to the "QPE/System" \link qcop.html QCop\endlink channel. */ bool AppLnk::writeLink() const { // Only re-writes settable parts QString lf = linkFile(); if ( !ensureLinkExists() ) return FALSE; storeLink(); return TRUE; } /*! \internal */ void AppLnk::storeLink() const { Config config( mLinkFile, Config::File ); config.setGroup("Desktop Entry"); config.writeEntry("Name",mName); if ( !mIconFile.isNull() ) config.writeEntry("Icon",mIconFile); config.writeEntry("Type",type()); + if(!rotation().isEmpty()) + config.writeEntry("Rotation",rotation()); + else + config.removeEntry("Rotation"); if ( !mComment.isNull() ) config.writeEntry("Comment",mComment); QString f = file(); int i = 0; while ( i < (int)f.length() && i < (int)mLinkFile.length() && f[i] == mLinkFile[i] ) i++; while ( i && f[i] != '/' ) i--; // simple case where in the same directory if ( mLinkFile.find( '/', i + 1 ) < 0 ) f = f.mid(i+1); // ### could do relative ie ../../otherDocs/file.doc config.writeEntry("File",f); config.writeEntry( "Categories", d->mCatList, ';' ); #ifndef QT_NO_COP QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "linkChanged(QString)"); e << mLinkFile; #endif } /*! Sets the property named \a key to \a value. \sa property() */ void AppLnk::setProperty(const QString& key, const QString& value) { if ( ensureLinkExists() ) { Config cfg(linkFile(), Config::File); cfg.writeEntry(key,value); } } /*! Returns the property named \a key. \sa setProperty() */ QString AppLnk::property(const QString& key) const { QString lf = linkFile(); if ( !QFile::exists(lf) ) return QString::null; Config cfg(lf, Config::File); return cfg.readEntry(key); } bool AppLnk::isPreloaded() const { // Preload information is stored in the Launcher config in v1.5. Config cfg("Launcher"); cfg.setGroup("Preload"); QStringList apps = cfg.readListEntry("Apps",','); if (apps.contains(exec())) return true; return false; } void AppLnk::setPreloaded(bool yesNo) { // Preload information is stored in the Launcher config in v1.5. Config cfg("Launcher"); cfg.setGroup("Preload"); QStringList apps = cfg.readListEntry("Apps", ','); if (apps.contains(exec()) && !yesNo) apps.remove(exec()); else if (yesNo && !apps.contains(exec())) apps.append(exec()); cfg.writeEntry("Apps", apps, ','); } /*! Deletes both the linkFile() and the file() associated with this AppLnk. \sa removeLinkFile() */ void AppLnk::removeFiles() { bool valid = isValid(); if ( !valid || !linkFileKnown() || QFile::remove(linkFile()) ) { if ( QFile::remove(file()) ) { #ifndef QT_NO_COP QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "linkChanged(QString)"); if ( linkFileKnown() ) e << linkFile(); else e << file(); #endif } else if ( valid ) { // restore link writeLink(); } } } /*! Deletes the linkFile(), leaving any file() untouched. \sa removeFiles() */ void AppLnk::removeLinkFile() { if ( isValid() && linkFileKnown() && QFile::remove(linkFile()) ) { #ifndef QT_NO_COP QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "linkChanged(QString)"); e << linkFile(); #endif } } class AppLnkSetPrivate { public: AppLnkSetPrivate() { typPix.setAutoDelete(TRUE); typPixBig.setAutoDelete(TRUE); typName.setAutoDelete(TRUE); } QDict<QPixmap> typPix; QDict<QPixmap> typPixBig; QDict<QString> typName; }; /*! \class AppLnkSet applnk.h \brief The AppLnkSet class is a set of AppLnk objects. */ /*! \fn QStringList AppLnkSet::types() const Returns the list of \link applnk.html#Types types\endlink in the set. For applications, games and settings the type is \c Application; for documents the type is the document's MIME type. \sa AppLnk::type(), typeName(), typePixmap(), typeBigPixmap() */ /*! \fn const QList<AppLnk>& AppLnkSet::children() const Returns the members of the set. */ /*! Constructs an empty AppLnkSet. */ AppLnkSet::AppLnkSet() : d(new AppLnkSetPrivate) { } /*! Constructs an AppLnkSet that contains AppLnk objects representing all the files in the given \a directory (and any subdirectories recursively). \omit The directories may contain ".directory" files which override any AppLnk::type() values for AppLnk objects found in the directory. This allows simple localization of application types. \endomit */ AppLnkSet::AppLnkSet( const QString &directory ) : d(new AppLnkSetPrivate) { QDir dir( directory ); mFile = directory; findChildren(directory,QString::null,QString::null); } /*! Detaches all AppLnk objects from the set. The set become empty and the caller becomes responsible for deleting the AppLnk objects. */ void AppLnkSet::detachChildren() { QListIterator<AppLnk> it( mApps ); for ( ; it.current(); ) { AppLnk* a = *it; ++it; a->mId = 0; } mApps.clear(); } /*! Destroys the set, deleting all the AppLnk objects it contains. \sa detachChildren() */ AppLnkSet::~AppLnkSet() { QListIterator<AppLnk> it( mApps ); for ( ; it.current(); ) { AppLnk* a = *it; ++it; a->mId = 0; delete a; } delete d; } void AppLnkSet::findChildren(const QString &dr, const QString& typ, const QString& typName, int depth) { depth++; if ( depth > 10 ) return; QDir dir( dr ); QString typNameLocal = typName; if ( dir.exists( ".directory" ) ) { Config config( dr + "/.directory", Config::File ); config.setGroup( "Desktop Entry" ); typNameLocal = config.readEntry( "Name", typNameLocal ); if ( !typ.isEmpty() ) { QString iconFile = config.readEntry( "Icon", "AppsIcon" ); QImage unscaledIcon = Resource::loadImage( iconFile ); QPixmap pm, bpm; pm.convertFromImage( unscaledIcon.smoothScale( smallSize, smallSize ) ); bpm.convertFromImage( unscaledIcon.smoothScale( bigSize, bigSize ) ); d->typPix.insert(typ, new QPixmap(pm)); d->typPixBig.insert(typ, new QPixmap(bpm)); d->typName.insert(typ, new QString(typNameLocal)); } } const QFileInfoList *list = dir.entryInfoList(); if ( list ) { QFileInfo* fi; bool cadded=FALSE; for ( QFileInfoListIterator it(*list); (fi=*it); ++it ) { QString bn = fi->fileName(); if ( bn[0] != '.' && bn != "CVS" ) { if ( fi->isDir() ) { QString c = typ.isNull() ? bn : typ+"/"+bn; QString d = typNameLocal.isNull() ? bn : typNameLocal+"/"+bn; findChildren(fi->filePath(), c, d, depth ); } else { if ( fi->extension(FALSE) == "desktop" ) { AppLnk* app = new AppLnk( fi->filePath() ); #ifdef QT_NO_QWS_MULTIPROCESS if ( !Global::isBuiltinCommand( app->exec() ) ) delete app; else #endif { if ( !typ.isEmpty() ) { if ( !cadded ) { typs.append(typ); cadded = TRUE; } app->setType(typ); } add(app); } } } } } } } /*! Adds AppLnk \a f to the set. The set takes responsibility for deleting \a f. \sa remove() */ void AppLnkSet::add( AppLnk *f ) { if ( f->mId == 0 ) { AppLnk::lastId++; f->mId = AppLnk::lastId; mApps.append( f ); } else { qWarning("Attempt to add an AppLnk twice"); } } /*! Removes AppLnk \a f to the set. The caller becomes responsible for deleting \a f. Returns TRUE if \a f was in the set; otherwise returns FALSE. \sa add() */ bool AppLnkSet::remove( AppLnk *f ) { if ( mApps.remove( f ) ) { f->mId = 0; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /*! Returns the localized name for type \a t. For applications, games and settings the type is \c Application; for documents the type is the document's MIME type. */ QString AppLnkSet::typeName( const QString& t ) const { QString *st = d->typName.find(t); return st ? *st : QString::null; } /*! Returns the small pixmap associated with type \a t. For applications, games and settings the type is \c Application; for documents the type is the document's MIME type. */ QPixmap AppLnkSet::typePixmap( const QString& t ) const { QPixmap *pm = d->typPix.find(t); return pm ? *pm : QPixmap(); } /*! Returns the large pixmap associated with type \a t. For applications, games and settings the type is \c Application; for documents the type is the document's MIME type. */ QPixmap AppLnkSet::typeBigPixmap( const QString& t ) const { QPixmap *pm = d->typPixBig.find(t); return pm ? *pm : QPixmap(); } /*! Returns the AppLnk with the given \a id. */ const AppLnk *AppLnkSet::find( int id ) const { QListIterator<AppLnk> it( children() ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { const AppLnk *app = it.current(); if ( app->id() == id ) return app; } return 0; } /*! Returns the AppLnk with the given \a exec attribute. */ const AppLnk *AppLnkSet::findExec( const QString& exec ) const { QListIterator<AppLnk> it( children() ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { const AppLnk *app = it.current(); if ( app->exec() == exec ) return app; } return 0; } /*! \class DocLnkSet applnk.h \brief The DocLnkSet class is a set of DocLnk objects. */ /*! \fn const QList<DocLnk>& DocLnkSet::children() const Returns the members of the set. */ /*! Constructs an empty DocLnkSet. \sa appendFrom() */ DocLnkSet::DocLnkSet() { } /*! Constructs a DocLnkSet that contains DocLnk objects representing all the files in the \a directory (and any subdirectories, recursively). If \a mimefilter is not null, only documents with a MIME type matching \a mimefilter are selected. The value may contain multiple wild-card patterns separated by ";", such as \c{*o/mpeg;audio/x-wav}. See also \link applnk.html#files-and-links Files and Links\endlink. */ DocLnkSet::DocLnkSet( const QString &directory, const QString& mimefilter ) : AppLnkSet() { QDir dir( directory ); mFile = dir.dirName(); QDict<void> reference; QStringList subFilter = QStringList::split(";", mimefilter); QValueList<QRegExp> mimeFilters; for( QStringList::Iterator it = subFilter.begin(); it != subFilter.end(); ++ it ) mimeFilters.append( QRegExp(*it, FALSE, TRUE) ); findChildren(directory, mimeFilters, reference); const QList<DocLnk> &list = children(); for ( QListIterator<DocLnk> it( list ); it.current(); ++it ) { reference.remove( (*it)->file() ); } for ( QDictIterator<void> dit(reference); dit.current(); ++dit ) { if ( dit.current() == (void*)2 ) { // Unreferenced, make an unwritten link DocLnk* dl = new DocLnk; QFileInfo fi( dit.currentKey() ); dl->setFile(fi.filePath()); dl->setName(fi.baseName()); // #### default to current path? // dl->setCategories( ... ); bool match = mimefilter.isNull(); if ( !match ) for( QValueList<QRegExp>::Iterator it = mimeFilters.begin(); it != mimeFilters.end() && !match; ++ it ) if ( (*it).match(dl->type()) >= 0 ) match = TRUE; if ( match /* && dl->type() != "application/octet-stream" */ && !!dl->exec() ) add(dl); else delete dl; } } } // other becomes empty /*! Transfers all DocLnk objects from \a other to this set. \a other becomes empty. */ void DocLnkSet::appendFrom( DocLnkSet& other ) { if ( &other == this ) return; QListIterator<AppLnk> it( other.mApps ); for ( ; it.current(); ) { mApps.append(*it); ++it; } other.mApps.clear(); } void DocLnkSet::findChildren(const QString &dr, const QValueList<QRegExp> &mimeFilters, QDict<void> &reference, int depth) { depth++; if ( depth > 10 ) return; QDir dir( dr ); /* Opie got a different approach * I guess it's geek vs. consumer * in this case to be discussed */ if ( dir.exists( ".Qtopia-ignore" ) ) return; const QFileInfoList *list = dir.entryInfoList(); if ( list ) { QFileInfo* fi; for ( QFileInfoListIterator it(*list); (fi=*it); ++it ) { QString bn = fi->fileName(); if ( bn[0] != '.' ) { if ( fi->isDir() ) { if ( bn != "CVS" && bn != "Qtopia" && bn != "QtPalmtop" ) findChildren(fi->filePath(), mimeFilters, reference, depth); } else { if ( fi->extension(FALSE) == "desktop" ) { DocLnk* dl = new DocLnk( fi->filePath() ); QFileInfo fi2(dl->file()); bool match = FALSE; if ( !fi2.exists() ) { dir.remove( dl->file() ); } if ( mimeFilters.count() == 0 ) { add( dl ); match = TRUE; } else { for( QValueList<QRegExp>::ConstIterator it = mimeFilters.begin(); it != mimeFilters.end(); ++ it ) { if ( (*it).match(dl->type()) >= 0 ) { add(dl); match = TRUE; } } } if ( !match ) delete dl; } else { if ( !reference.find(fi->fileName()) ) reference.insert(fi->filePath(), (void*)2); } } } } } } /*! \class DocLnk applnk.h \brief The DocLnk class represents loaded document references. */ /*! \fn DocLnk::DocLnk( const DocLnk &o ) Copies \a o. */ /*! Constructs a DocLnk from a valid .desktop \a file or a new .desktop \a file for other files. */ DocLnk::DocLnk( const QString &file ) : AppLnk(file) { init(file); } /*! Constructs a DocLnk from a valid .desktop \a file or a new .desktop \a file for other files. If \a may_be_desktopfile is TRUE, then an attempt is made to read \a file as a .desktop file; if that fails it is read as a normal file. */ DocLnk::DocLnk( const QString &file, bool may_be_desktopfile ) : AppLnk(may_be_desktopfile ? file : QString::null) { init(file); } void DocLnk::init(const QString &file) { if ( isValid() ) { #ifndef FORCED_DIR_STRUCTURE_WAY if ( mType.isNull() ) // try to infer it #endif { int s0 = file.findRev('/'); if ( s0 > 0 ) { int s1 = file.findRev('/',s0-1); if ( s1 > 0 ) { int s2 = file.findRev('/',s1-1); if ( s2 > 0 ) { mType = file.mid(s2+1,s0-s2-1); } } } } } else if ( QFile::exists(file) ) { QString n = file; n.replace(QRegExp(".*/"),""); n.replace(QRegExp("\\..*"),""); setName( n ); setFile( file ); } MimeType mt(mType); if( mt.application() ) mExec = mt.application()->exec(); } /*! Constructs an invalid DocLnk. */ DocLnk::DocLnk() { } /*! Destroys the DocLnk. Just like AppLnk objects, a run-time error occurs if the DocLnk is a member of a DocLnkSet (or AppLnkSet). */ DocLnk::~DocLnk() { } /*! \reimp */ QString DocLnk::exec() const { MimeType mt(type()); const AppLnk* app = mt.application(); if ( app ) return app->exec(); else return QString::null; } /*! \reimp */ void DocLnk::invoke(const QStringList& args) const { MimeType mt(type()); const AppLnk* app = mt.application(); if ( app ) { QStringList a = args; if ( linkFileKnown() && QFile::exists( linkFile() ) ) a.append(linkFile()); else a.append(file()); app->execute(a); } } diff --git a/library/applnk.h b/library/applnk.h index 71b62ef..b92ddba 100644 --- a/library/applnk.h +++ b/library/applnk.h @@ -1,207 +1,208 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #ifndef __APPLNK_H__ #define __APPLNK_H__ #include <qobject.h> #include <qiconset.h> #include <qlist.h> #include <qdict.h> #include <qstringlist.h> class AppLnkSetPrivate; class AppLnkPrivate; class AppLnk { public: AppLnk(); AppLnk( const QString &file ); AppLnk( const AppLnk © ); // copy constructor virtual ~AppLnk(); bool isValid() const { return !mLinkFile.isNull(); } static void setSmallIconSize(int); static void setBigIconSize(int); static int smallIconSize(); static int bigIconSize(); QString name() const { return mName; } const QPixmap& pixmap() const; const QPixmap& bigPixmap() const; QString icon() const { return mIconFile; } virtual QString exec() const { return mExec; } QString type() const; QString rotation() const { return mRotation; } QString comment() const { return mComment; } QString file() const; QString linkFile() const; QStringList mimeTypes() const { return mMimeTypes; } QStringList mimeTypeIcons() const { return mMimeTypeIcons; } const QArray<int> &categories() const; int id() const { return mId; } bool fileKnown() const { return !mFile.isNull(); } bool linkFileKnown() const { return !mLinkFile.isNull(); } void execute() const; void execute(const QStringList& args) const; void removeFiles(); void removeLinkFile(); void setName( const QString& docname ); void setExec( const QString& exec ); void setFile( const QString& filename ); void setLinkFile( const QString& filename ); void setComment( const QString& comment ); void setType( const QString& mimetype ); + inline void setRotation ( const QString &rotation ) { mRotation = rot; } // inline for BC void setIcon( const QString& iconname ); void setCategories( const QArray<int> &v ); bool writeLink() const; void setProperty(const QString& key, const QString& value); QString property(const QString& key) const; #ifdef QTOPIA_INTERNAL_PRELOADACCESS bool isPreloaded() const; void setPreloaded(bool yesNo); #endif #ifdef QTOPIA_INTERNAL_APPLNKASSIGN AppLnk &operator=(const AppLnk &other); #endif protected: QString mName; /* remove for Qtopia 3.0 -zecke */ QPixmap mPixmap; /* remove for Qtopia 3.0 -zecke */ QPixmap mBigPixmap; QString mExec; QString mType; QString mRotation; QString mComment; QString mFile; QString mLinkFile; QString mIconFile; QStringList mMimeTypes; QStringList mMimeTypeIcons; int mId; static int lastId; AppLnkPrivate *d; friend class AppLnkSet; virtual void invoke(const QStringList& args) const; bool ensureLinkExists() const; void storeLink() const; private: const QPixmap& pixmap(int pos, int size) const; }; class DocLnk : public AppLnk { public: DocLnk(); DocLnk( const DocLnk &o ) : AppLnk(o) { } DocLnk( const QString &file ); DocLnk( const QString &file, bool may_be_desktopfile ); virtual ~DocLnk(); #ifdef QTOPIA_INTERNAL_APPLNKASSIGN DocLnk &operator=(const DocLnk &other) { AppLnk::operator=(other); return *this; } #endif QString exec() const; protected: void invoke(const QStringList& args) const; private: void init(const QString &file); }; class AppLnkSet { public: AppLnkSet(); AppLnkSet( const QString &dir ); ~AppLnkSet(); const AppLnk *find( int id ) const; const AppLnk *findExec( const QString& execname ) const; QStringList types() const { return typs; } QString typeName( const QString& ) const; QPixmap typePixmap( const QString& ) const; QPixmap typeBigPixmap( const QString& ) const; void add(AppLnk*); bool remove(AppLnk*); void clear() { QListIterator<AppLnk> it( mApps ); for ( ; it.current(); ) { AppLnk* a = *it; ++it; a->mId = 0; delete a; } mApps.clear(); typs.clear(); } const QList<AppLnk> &children() const { return mApps; } void detachChildren(); protected: friend class AppLnk; QList<AppLnk> mApps; QString mFile; QStringList typs; AppLnkSetPrivate *d; private: AppLnkSet( const AppLnkSet & ); // no copying! void findChildren(const QString &, const QString& t, const QString& lt, int depth = 0); }; class DocLnkSet : public AppLnkSet { public: DocLnkSet(); DocLnkSet( const QString &dir, const QString &mimefilter=QString::null ); const QList<DocLnk> &children() const { return (const QList<DocLnk> &)mApps; } void appendFrom( DocLnkSet& other ); private: DocLnkSet( const DocLnkSet & ); // no copying! void findChildren(const QString &dr, const QValueList<QRegExp> &mimeFilters, QDict<void> &reference, int depth=0); }; #endif // __APPLNK_H__ diff --git a/library/lnkproperties.cpp b/library/lnkproperties.cpp index 983c677..0b30a9a 100644 --- a/library/lnkproperties.cpp +++ b/library/lnkproperties.cpp @@ -1,309 +1,336 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ // WARNING: Do *NOT* define this yourself. The SL5xxx from SHARP does NOT // have this class. #define QTOPIA_INTERNAL_FSLP #include "lnkproperties.h" #include "lnkproperties.h" #include "lnkpropertiesbase_p.h" #include "ir.h" +#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/applnk.h> #include <qpe/global.h> #include <qpe/categorywidget.h> #ifdef QWS #include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h> #endif #include <qpe/filemanager.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/storage.h> #include <qpe/qpemessagebox.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qtoolbutton.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qgroupbox.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qsize.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qregexp.h> +#include <qbuttongroup.h> #include <stdlib.h> LnkProperties::LnkProperties( AppLnk* l, QWidget* parent ) : QDialog( parent, 0, TRUE ), lnk(l), fileSize( 0 ) { setCaption( tr("Properties") ); QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout( this ); d = new LnkPropertiesBase( this ); vbox->add( d ); d->docname->setText(l->name()); QString inf; if ( l->type().isEmpty() ) { d->type->hide(); d->typeLabel->hide(); } else { d->type->setText( l->type() ); } if ( l->comment().isEmpty() ) { d->comment->hide(); d->commentLabel->hide(); } else { d->comment->setText( l->comment() ); } connect(d->beam,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(beamLnk())); if ( lnk->type().contains('/') ) { // A document? (#### better predicate needed) connect(d->unlink,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(unlinkLnk())); connect(d->duplicate,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(duplicateLnk())); d->docname->setReadOnly( FALSE ); d->preload->hide(); - d->spacer->hide(); + d->rotate->hide(); + d->rotateButtons->hide(); + d->labelspacer->hide(); // ### THIS MUST GO, FIX WIERD BUG in QLAYOUT d->categoryEdit->kludge(); d->categoryEdit->setCategories( lnk->categories(), "Document View", tr("Document View") ); setupLocations(); } else { d->unlink->hide(); d->duplicate->hide(); d->beam->hide(); d->hline->hide(); d->locationLabel->hide(); d->locationCombo->hide(); // Can't edit categories, since the app .desktop files are global, // possibly read-only. d->categoryEdit->hide(); d->docname->setReadOnly( TRUE ); if ( l->property("CanFastload") == "0" ) d->preload->hide(); + if ( !l->property("Rotation"). isEmpty ()) { + d->rotate->setChecked ( true ); + d->rotateButtons->setButton(((QPEApplication::defaultRotation()+l->rotation().toInt())%360)/90); + } + else { + d->rotateButtons->setEnabled(false); + } Config cfg("Launcher"); cfg.setGroup("Preload"); QStringList apps = cfg.readListEntry("Apps",','); d->preload->setChecked( apps.contains(l->exec()) ); if ( Global::isBuiltinCommand(lnk->exec()) ) d->preload->hide(); // builtins are always fast currentLocation = 0; // apps not movable (yet) } } LnkProperties::~LnkProperties() { } void LnkProperties::unlinkLnk() { if ( QPEMessageBox::confirmDelete( this, tr("Delete"), lnk->name() ) ) { lnk->removeFiles(); if ( QFile::exists(lnk->file()) ) { QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Delete"), tr("File deletion failed.") ); } else { reject(); } } } void LnkProperties::setupLocations() { QFileInfo fi( lnk->file() ); fileSize = fi.size(); StorageInfo storage; const QList<FileSystem> &fs = storage.fileSystems(); QListIterator<FileSystem> it ( fs ); QString s; QString homeDir = getenv("HOME"); QString hardDiskHome; QString hardDiskPath; int index = 0; currentLocation = -1; for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { // we add 10k to the file size so we are sure we can also save the desktop file if ( (ulong)(*it)->availBlocks() * (ulong)(*it)->blockSize() > (ulong)fileSize + 10000 ) { if ( (*it)->isRemovable() || (*it)->disk() == "/dev/mtdblock1" || (*it)->disk() == "/dev/mtdblock/1" || (*it)->disk().left(13) == "/dev/mtdblock" || (*it)->disk() == "/dev/mtdblock6" || (*it)->disk() == "tmpfs" ) { d->locationCombo->insertItem( (*it)->name(), index ); locations.append( ( ((*it)->isRemovable() || (*it)->disk() == "/dev/mtdblock6" || (*it)->disk() == "tmpfs" ) ? (*it)->path() : homeDir) ); if ( lnk->file().contains( (*it)->path() ) ) { d->locationCombo->setCurrentItem( index ); currentLocation = index; } index++; } else if ( (*it)->name().contains( tr("Hard Disk") ) && homeDir.contains( (*it)->path() ) && (*it)->path().length() > hardDiskHome.length() ) { hardDiskHome = (*it)->name(); hardDiskPath = (*it)->path(); } } } if ( !hardDiskHome.isEmpty() ) { d->locationCombo->insertItem( hardDiskHome ); locations.append( hardDiskPath ); if ( currentLocation == -1 ) { // assume it's the hard disk d->locationCombo->setCurrentItem( index ); currentLocation = index; } } } void LnkProperties::duplicateLnk() { // The duplicate takes the new properties. DocLnk newdoc( *((DocLnk *)lnk) ); if ( d->docname->text() == lnk->name() ) newdoc.setName(tr("Copy of ")+d->docname->text()); else newdoc.setName(d->docname->text()); if ( !copyFile( newdoc ) ) { QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Duplicate"), tr("File copy failed.") ); return; } reject(); } bool LnkProperties::moveLnk() { DocLnk newdoc( *((DocLnk *)lnk) ); newdoc.setName(d->docname->text()); if ( !copyFile( newdoc ) ) { QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Details"), tr("Moving Document failed.") ); return FALSE; } // remove old lnk lnk->removeFiles(); return TRUE; } void LnkProperties::beamLnk() { Ir ir; DocLnk doc( *((DocLnk *)lnk) ); doc.setName(d->docname->text()); reject(); ir.send( doc, doc.comment() ); } bool LnkProperties::copyFile( DocLnk &newdoc ) { const char *linkExtn = ".desktop"; QString fileExtn; int extnPos = lnk->file().findRev( '.' ); if ( extnPos > 0 ) fileExtn = lnk->file().mid( extnPos ); QString safename = newdoc.name(); safename.replace(QRegExp("/"),"_"); QString fn = locations[ d->locationCombo->currentItem() ] + "/Documents/" + newdoc.type() + "/" + safename; if ( QFile::exists(fn + fileExtn) || QFile::exists(fn + linkExtn) ) { int n=1; QString nn = fn + "_" + QString::number(n); while ( QFile::exists(nn+fileExtn) || QFile::exists(nn+linkExtn) ) { n++; nn = fn + "_" + QString::number(n); } fn = nn; } newdoc.setFile( fn + fileExtn ); newdoc.setLinkFile( fn + linkExtn ); // Copy file FileManager fm; if ( !fm.copyFile( *lnk, newdoc ) ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } void LnkProperties::done(int ok) { if ( ok ) { bool changed=FALSE; if ( lnk->name() != d->docname->text() ) { lnk->setName(d->docname->text()); changed=TRUE; } if ( d->categoryEdit->isVisible() ) { QArray<int> tmp = d->categoryEdit->newCategories(); if ( lnk->categories() != tmp ) { lnk->setCategories( tmp ); changed = TRUE; } } + if ( !d->rotate->isHidden()) { + QString newrot; + + if (d->rotate->isChecked()) { + int rot=0; + for(; rot<4; rot++) { + if (d->rotateButtons->find(rot)->isOn()) + break; + } + newrot = QString::number((QPEApplication::defaultRotation()+rot*90)%360); + } + if (newrot !=lnk->rotation()) { + lnk->setRotation(newrot); + changed = TRUE; + } + } if ( d->preload->isHidden() && d->locationCombo->currentItem() != currentLocation ) { moveLnk(); } else if ( changed ) { lnk->writeLink(); } if ( !d->preload->isHidden() ) { Config cfg("Launcher"); cfg.setGroup("Preload"); QStringList apps = cfg.readListEntry("Apps",','); QString exe = lnk->exec(); if ( apps.contains(exe) != d->preload->isChecked() ) { if ( d->preload->isChecked() ) { apps.append(exe); #ifndef QT_NO_COP QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/"+exe.local8Bit(), "enablePreload()"); #endif } else { apps.remove(exe); #ifndef QT_NO_COP QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/"+exe.local8Bit(), "quitIfInvisible()"); #endif } cfg.writeEntry("Apps",apps,','); } } } QDialog::done( ok ); } diff --git a/library/lnkpropertiesbase_p.ui b/library/lnkpropertiesbase_p.ui index e7139e7..c2271f1 100644 --- a/library/lnkpropertiesbase_p.ui +++ b/library/lnkpropertiesbase_p.ui @@ -1,423 +1,681 @@ <!DOCTYPE UI><UI> <class>LnkPropertiesBase</class> <widget> <class>QWidget</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>Form1</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>geometry</name> <rect> <x>0</x> <y>0</y> - <width>289</width> - <height>449</height> + <width>267</width> + <height>450</height> </rect> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>sizePolicy</name> <sizepolicy> <hsizetype>5</hsizetype> <vsizetype>5</vsizetype> </sizepolicy> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>font</name> <font> </font> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>caption</name> <string>Details</string> </property> + <property stdset="1"> + <name>icon</name> + <pixmap>image0</pixmap> + </property> <property> <name>layoutMargin</name> </property> <property> <name>layoutSpacing</name> </property> <vbox> <property stdset="1"> <name>margin</name> <number>0</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>spacing</name> <number>0</number> </property> <widget> <class>QFrame</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>Frame8</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>focusPolicy</name> <enum>NoFocus</enum> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>frameShape</name> <enum>NoFrame</enum> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>frameShadow</name> <enum>Plain</enum> </property> <property> <name>layoutMargin</name> </property> <property> <name>layoutSpacing</name> </property> <grid> <property stdset="1"> <name>margin</name> <number>3</number> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>spacing</name> <number>3</number> </property> - <widget row="6" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="2" > + <widget row="8" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="2" > <class>CategoryWidget</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>categoryEdit</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>sizePolicy</name> <sizepolicy> <hsizetype>1</hsizetype> <vsizetype>7</vsizetype> </sizepolicy> </property> </widget> <widget row="5" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="2" > - <class>QLabel</class> + <class>QCheckBox</class> + <property stdset="1"> + <name>name</name> + <cstring>rotate</cstring> + </property> + <property stdset="1"> + <name>text</name> + <string>Use custom rotation</string> + </property> + <property> + <name>layoutMargin</name> + </property> + <property> + <name>layoutSpacing</name> + </property> + <property> + <name>whatsThis</name> + <string>Preload this application so that it is available instantly.</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget row="0" column="1" > + <class>QLineEdit</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> - <cstring>spacer</cstring> + <cstring>docname</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>sizePolicy</name> <sizepolicy> - <hsizetype>1</hsizetype> - <vsizetype>7</vsizetype> + <hsizetype>7</hsizetype> + <vsizetype>0</vsizetype> </sizepolicy> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string></string> </property> + <property> + <name>whatsThis</name> + <string>The name of this document.</string> + </property> </widget> - <widget row="3" column="0" > - <class>QLabel</class> + <widget row="1" column="1" > + <class>QComboBox</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> - <cstring>commentLabel</cstring> + <cstring>locationCombo</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> - <name>text</name> - <string>Comment:</string> + <name>sizePolicy</name> + <sizepolicy> + <hsizetype>7</hsizetype> + <vsizetype>0</vsizetype> + </sizepolicy> + </property> + <property> + <name>whatsThis</name> + <string>The media the document resides on.</string> </property> </widget> <widget row="2" column="0" > <class>QLabel</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> <cstring>typeLabel</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>focusPolicy</name> <enum>NoFocus</enum> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>text</name> <string>Type:</string> </property> <property> <name>layoutMargin</name> </property> <property> <name>layoutSpacing</name> </property> </widget> - <widget row="1" column="1" > - <class>QComboBox</class> + <widget row="2" column="1" > + <class>QLabel</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> - <cstring>locationCombo</cstring> + <cstring>type</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> - <name>sizePolicy</name> - <sizepolicy> - <hsizetype>7</hsizetype> - <vsizetype>0</vsizetype> - </sizepolicy> - </property> - <property> - <name>whatsThis</name> - <string>The media the document resides on.</string> + <name>text</name> + <string></string> </property> </widget> - <widget row="0" column="1" > - <class>QLineEdit</class> + <widget row="1" column="0" > + <class>QLabel</class> <property stdset="1"> <name>name</name> - <cstring>docname</cstring> + <cstring>locationLabel</cstring> </property> <property stdset="1"> <name>sizePolicy</name> <sizepolicy> - <hsizetype>7</hsizetype> - <vsizetype>0</vsizetype> + <hsizetype>1</hsizetype> + <vsizetype>1</vsizetype> </sizepolicy> </property> <property stdset="1"> - <name>text</name> + <name>caption</name> <string></string> </property> + <property stdset="1"> + <name>text</name> + <string>Location:</string> + </property> <property> - 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