Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
5 files changed, 40 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/core/applets/vmemo/vmemo.cpp b/core/applets/vmemo/vmemo.cpp
index e747a19..07ef15c 100644
--- a/core/applets/vmemo/vmemo.cpp
+++ b/core/applets/vmemo/vmemo.cpp
@@ -318,204 +318,208 @@ bool VMemo::startRecording() {
QString fName;
config.setGroup( "System" );
fName = QPEApplication::documentDir() ;
fileName = config.readEntry("RecLocation", fName);
int s;
odebug << "pathname will be "+fileName << oendl;
if( fileName.left(1).find('/') == -1)
if( fileName.right(1).find('/') == -1)
fName = "vm_"+ date + ".wav";
odebug << "filename is " + fileName << oendl;
// open tmp file here
char *pointer;
odebug << "Opening tmp file " << pointer << "" << oendl;
if(openWAV(pointer ) == -1) {
QString err("Could not open the temp file\n");
err += fileName;
QMessageBox::critical(0, "vmemo", err, "Abort");
return FALSE;
if( record() ) {
QString cmd;
if( fileName.find(".wav",0,TRUE) == -1)
fileName += ".wav";
cmd.sprintf("mv %s "+fileName, pointer);
// move tmp file to regular file here
QArray<int> cats(1);
cats[0] = config.readNumEntry("Category", 0);
QString dlName("vm_");
dlName += date;
DocLnk l;
return TRUE;
} else
return FALSE;
void VMemo::stopRecording() {
// show();
odebug << "Stopped recording" << oendl;
recording = FALSE;
if(useAlerts) {
delete msgLabel;
Config cfg("Vmemo");
// if( cfg.readNumEntry("hideIcon",0) == 1 )
// hide();
int VMemo::openDSP() {
Config cfg("Vmemo");
speed = cfg.readNumEntry("SampleRate", 22050);
channels = cfg.readNumEntry("Stereo", 1) ? 2 : 1; // 1 = stereo(2), 0 = mono(1)
if (cfg.readNumEntry("SixteenBit", 1)==1) {
format = AFMT_S16_LE;
resolution = 16;
} else {
format = AFMT_U8;
resolution = 8;
odebug << "samplerate: " << speed << ", channels " << channels << ", resolution " << resolution << "" << oendl;
if(systemZaurus) {
dsp = open("/dev/dsp1", O_RDONLY); //Zaurus needs /dev/dsp1
channels=1; //zaurus has one input channel
} else {
+#ifdef QT_QWS_DEVFS
+ dsp = open("/dev/sound/dsp", O_RDONLY);
dsp = open("/dev/dsp", O_RDONLY);
- if(dsp == -1) {
+ if (dsp == -1) {
delete msgLabel;
errorMsg="open(\"/dev/dsp\")\n "+(QString)strerror(errno);
- QMessageBox::critical(0, "vmemo", errorMsg, "Abort");
- return -1;
+ QMessageBox::critical(0, "vmemo", errorMsg, "Abort");
+ return -1;
if(ioctl(dsp, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT , &format)==-1) {
return -1;
if(ioctl(dsp, SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS , &channels)==-1) {
return -1;
if(ioctl(dsp, SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED , &speed)==-1) {
return -1;
if(ioctl(dsp, SOUND_PCM_READ_RATE , &rate)==-1) {
return -1;
QCopEnvelope( "QPE/System", "volumeChange(bool)" ) << FALSE; //mute
return 1;
int VMemo::openWAV(const char *filename) {
if(!|IO_Truncate|IO_Raw)) {
return -1;
Config vmCfg("Vmemo");
useADPCM = vmCfg.readBoolEntry("use_ADPCM", 0);
WaveHeader wh;
wh.main_chunk = RIFF;
wh.chunk_type = WAVE;
wh.sub_chunk = FMT;
wh.sc_len = 16;
wh.format = PCM_CODE;
wh.modus = channels;
wh.sample_fq = speed;
wh.byte_p_sec = speed * channels * resolution/8;
wh.byte_p_spl = channels * (resolution / 8);
wh.bit_p_spl = resolution;
wh.data_chunk = DATA;
wh.data_length= 0;
// odebug << "Write header channels " << wh.modus << ", speed " << wh.sample_fq << ", b/s "
// << wh.byte_p_sec << ", blockalign " << wh.byte_p_spl << ", bitrate " << wh.bit_p_spl << oendl;
write (wav, &wh, sizeof(WaveHeader));
return 1;
bool VMemo::record() {
length = 0;
int bytesWritten = 0;
int result = 0;
int value = 0;
QString msg;
msg.sprintf("Recording format %d", format);
odebug << msg << oendl;
Config config("Vmemo");
int sRate = config.readNumEntry("SizeLimit", 30);
odebug << "VMEMO rate" << sRate << oendl;
if(sRate > 0) {
t_timer->start( sRate * 1000+1000, TRUE);
msg.sprintf("Recording format other");
odebug << msg << oendl;
useADPCM = config.readBoolEntry("use_ADPCM", 0);
int bufsize = config.readNumEntry("BufferSize",1024);
unsigned short sound[bufsize]; //, monoBuffer[bufsize];
char abuf[bufsize / 2];
short sbuf[bufsize];
odebug << "ready to record"<< oendl;
if(useADPCM) {
odebug << "usr ADPCM" << oendl;
while(recording) {
result = ::read(dsp, sbuf, bufsize); // adpcm read
diff --git a/core/applets/vtapplet/vt.cpp b/core/applets/vtapplet/vt.cpp
index aec63c3..7832ee0 100644
--- a/core/applets/vtapplet/vt.cpp
+++ b/core/applets/vtapplet/vt.cpp
@@ -1,164 +1,172 @@
** Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <>
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
#include "vt.h"
/* OPIE */
#include <opie2/odebug.h>
#include <qpe/resource.h>
using namespace Opie::Core;
/* QT */
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
/* STD */
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/vt.h>
VTApplet::VTApplet ( )
: QObject ( 0, "VTApplet" )
VTApplet::~VTApplet ( )
int VTApplet::position ( ) const
return 2;
QString VTApplet::name ( ) const
return tr( "VT shortcut" );
QString VTApplet::text ( ) const
return tr( "Terminal" );
QString VTApplet::tr( const char* s ) const
return qApp->translate( "VTApplet", s, 0 );
QString VTApplet::tr( const char* s, const char* p ) const
return qApp->translate( "VTApplet", s, p );
QIconSet VTApplet::icon ( ) const
QPixmap pix;
QImage img = Resource::loadImage ( "terminal" );
if ( !img. isNull ( ))
pix. convertFromImage ( img. smoothScale ( 14, 14 ));
return pix;
QPopupMenu *VTApplet::popup ( QWidget* parent ) const
odebug << "VTApplet::popup" << oendl;
struct vt_stat vtstat;
+#ifdef QT_QWS_DEVFS
+ int fd = ::open( "/dev/vc/0", O_RDWR );
int fd = ::open( "/dev/tty0", O_RDWR );
if ( fd == -1 ) return 0;
if ( ioctl( fd, VT_GETSTATE, &vtstat ) == -1 ) return 0;
m_subMenu = new QPopupMenu( parent );
m_subMenu->setCheckable( true );
for ( int i = 1; i < 10; ++i )
int id = m_subMenu->insertItem( QString::number( i ), 500+i );
m_subMenu->setItemChecked( id, id-500 == vtstat.v_active );
::close( fd );
connect( m_subMenu, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( changeVT(int) ) );
connect( m_subMenu, SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), this, SLOT( updateMenu() ) );
return m_subMenu;
void VTApplet::changeVT( int index )
//odebug << "VTApplet::changeVT( " << index-500 << " )" << oendl;
+#ifdef QT_QWS_DEVFS
+ int fd = ::open("/dev/vc/0", O_RDWR);
int fd = ::open("/dev/tty0", O_RDWR);
if ( fd == -1 ) return;
ioctl( fd, VT_ACTIVATE, index-500 );
void VTApplet::updateMenu()
//odebug << "VTApplet::updateMenu()" << oendl;
int fd = ::open( "/dev/console", O_RDONLY );
if ( fd == -1 ) return;
for ( int i = 1; i < 10; ++i )
int result = ioctl( fd, VT_DISALLOCATE, i );
if ( result == -1 )
odebug << "VT " << i << " disallocated == free" << oendl;
odebug << "VT " << i << " _not_ disallocated == busy" << oendl;
m_subMenu->setItemEnabled( 500+i, result == -1 );
::close( fd );
void VTApplet::activated()
odebug << "VTApplet::activated()" << oendl;
QRESULT VTApplet::queryInterface ( const QUuid &uuid, QUnknownInterface **iface )
*iface = 0;
if ( uuid == IID_QUnknown )
*iface = this;
else if ( uuid == IID_MenuApplet )
*iface = this;
return QS_FALSE;
if ( *iface )
(*iface)-> addRef ( );
return QS_OK;
diff --git a/libopie/odevice.cpp b/libopie/odevice.cpp
index 21070bf..9d0bbbf 100644
--- a/libopie/odevice.cpp
+++ b/libopie/odevice.cpp
@@ -502,193 +502,197 @@ void ODevice::initButtons ( )
b. setKeycode ( ib-> code );
b. setUserText ( QObject::tr ( "Button", ib-> utext ));
b. setPixmap ( Resource::loadPixmap ( ib-> pix ));
b. setFactoryPresetPressedAction ( OQCopMessage ( makeChannel ( ib-> fpressedservice ), ib-> fpressedaction ));
b. setFactoryPresetHeldAction ( OQCopMessage ( makeChannel ( ib-> fheldservice ), ib-> fheldaction ));
d-> m_buttons-> append ( b );
reloadButtonMapping ( );
QCopChannel *sysch = new QCopChannel ( "QPE/System", this );
connect ( sysch, SIGNAL( received(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)), this, SLOT( systemMessage(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)));
ODevice::~ODevice ( )
// we leak m_devicebuttons and m_cpu_frequency
// but it's a singleton and it is not so importantant
// -zecke
delete d;
bool ODevice::setSoftSuspend ( bool /*soft*/ )
return false;
//#include <linux/apm_bios.h>
#define APM_IOC_SUSPEND OD_IO( 'A', 2 )
* This method will try to suspend the device
* It only works if the user is the QWS Server and the apm application
* is installed.
* It tries to suspend and then waits some time cause some distributions
* do have asynchronus apm implementations.
* This method will either fail and return false or it'll suspend the
* device and return once the device got woken up
* @return if the device got suspended
bool ODevice::suspend ( )
if ( !isQWS( ) ) // only qwsserver is allowed to suspend
return false;
if ( d-> m_model == Model_Unknown ) // better don't suspend in qvfb / on unkown devices
return false;
bool res = false;
struct timeval tvs, tvn;
::gettimeofday ( &tvs, 0 );
::sync ( ); // flush fs caches
res = ( ::system ( "apm --suspend" ) == 0 );
// This is needed because the iPAQ apm implementation is asynchronous and we
// can not be sure when exactly the device is really suspended
// This can be deleted as soon as a stable familiar with a synchronous apm implementation exists.
if ( res ) {
do { // wait at most 1.5 sec: either suspend didn't work or the device resumed
::usleep ( 200 * 1000 );
::gettimeofday ( &tvn, 0 );
} while ((( tvn. tv_sec - tvs. tv_sec ) * 1000 + ( tvn. tv_usec - tvs. tv_usec ) / 1000 ) < 1500 );
return res;
//#include <linux/fb.h> better not rely on kernel headers in userspace ...
#define FBIOBLANK OD_IO( 'F', 0x11 ) // 0x4611
/* VESA Blanking Levels */
* This sets the display on or off
bool ODevice::setDisplayStatus ( bool on )
qDebug("ODevice::setDisplayStatus(%d)", on);
if ( d-> m_model == Model_Unknown )
return false;
bool res = false;
int fd;
+#ifdef QT_QWS_DEVFS
+ if (( fd = ::open ( "/dev/fb/0", O_RDWR )) >= 0 ) {
if (( fd = ::open ( "/dev/fb0", O_RDWR )) >= 0 ) {
res = ( ::ioctl ( fd, FBIOBLANK, on ? VESA_NO_BLANKING : VESA_POWERDOWN ) == 0 );
::close ( fd );
return res;
* This sets the display brightness
* @param p The brightness to be set on a scale from 0 to 255
* @return success or failure
bool ODevice::setDisplayBrightness ( int p)
return false;
* @return returns the number of steppings on the brightness slider
* in the Light-'n-Power settings.
int ODevice::displayBrightnessResolution ( ) const
return 16;
* This sets the display contrast
* @param p The contrast to be set on a scale from 0 to 255
* @return success or failure
bool ODevice::setDisplayContrast ( int p)
return false;
* @return return the max value for the brightness settings slider
* or 0 if the device doesn't support setting of a contrast
int ODevice::displayContrastResolution ( ) const
return 0;
* This returns the vendor as string
* @return Vendor as QString
QString ODevice::vendorString ( ) const
return d-> m_vendorstr;
* This returns the vendor as one of the values of OVendor
* @return OVendor
OVendor ODevice::vendor ( ) const
return d-> m_vendor;
* This returns the model as a string
* @return A string representing the model
QString ODevice::modelString ( ) const
return d-> m_modelstr;
* This does return the OModel used
OModel ODevice::model ( ) const
return d-> m_model;
* This does return the systen name
QString ODevice::systemString ( ) const
return d-> m_systemstr;
* Return System as OSystem value
OSystem ODevice::system ( ) const
return d-> m_system;
diff --git a/libopie2/opiemm/osoundsystem.cpp b/libopie2/opiemm/osoundsystem.cpp
index 763ff65..17e5cb0 100644
--- a/libopie2/opiemm/osoundsystem.cpp
+++ b/libopie2/opiemm/osoundsystem.cpp
@@ -44,194 +44,199 @@
using namespace Opie::Core;
using namespace Opie::MM;
* OSoundSystem
OSoundSystem* OSoundSystem::_instance = 0;
odebug << "OSoundSystem::OSoundSystem()" << oendl;
void OSoundSystem::synchronize()
// gather available interfaces by inspecting /dev
//FIXME: we could use SIOCGIFCONF here, but we aren't interested in virtual (e.g. eth0:0) devices
//FIXME: Use SIOCGIFCONF anway, because we can disable listing of aliased devices
_interfaces.insert( "soundcard", new OSoundCard( this, "soundcard" ) );
QString str;
QFile f( "/dev/sound" );
bool hasFile = IO_ReadOnly );
if ( !hasFile )
odebug << "OSoundSystem: /dev/sound not existing. No sound devices available" << oendl;
QTextStream s( &f );
while ( !s.atEnd() )
s >> str;
str.truncate( str.find( ':' ) );
odebug << "OSoundSystem: found interface '" << str << "'" << oendl;
OAudioInterface* iface;
iface = new OAudioInterface( this, (const char*) str );
_interfaces.insert( str, iface );
int OSoundSystem::count() const
return _interfaces.count();
OSoundCard* OSoundSystem::card( const QString& iface ) const
return _interfaces[iface];
OSoundSystem* OSoundSystem::instance()
if ( !_instance ) _instance = new OSoundSystem();
return _instance;
OSoundSystem::CardIterator OSoundSystem::iterator() const
return OSoundSystem::CardIterator( _interfaces );
* OSoundCard
OSoundCard::OSoundCard( QObject* parent, const char* name )
:QObject( parent, name ), _audio( 0 ), _mixer( 0 )
odebug << "OSoundCard::OSoundCard()" << oendl;
void OSoundCard::init()
+#ifdef QT_QWS_DEVFS
+ _audio = new OAudioInterface( this, "/dev/sound/dsp" );
+ _mixer = new OMixerInterface( this, "/dev/sound/mixer" );
_audio = new OAudioInterface( this, "/dev/dsp" );
_mixer = new OMixerInterface( this, "/dev/mixer" );
* OAudioInterface
OAudioInterface::OAudioInterface( QObject* parent, const char* name )
:QObject( parent, name ), _sfd(0)
odebug << "OAudioInterface::OAudioInterface()" << oendl;
void OAudioInterface::init()
* OMixerInterface
OMixerInterface::OMixerInterface( QObject* parent, const char* name )
:QObject( parent, name )
odebug << "OMixerInterface::OMixerInterface()" << oendl;
void OMixerInterface::init()
// open the device
_fd = ::open( name(), O_RDWR );
if ( _fd == -1 )
owarn << "OMixerInterface::init(): Can't open mixer." << oendl;
// construct the device capabilities
int devmask = 0;
if ( ioctl( _fd, SOUND_MIXER_READ_DEVMASK, &devmask ) != -1 )
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_VOLUME ) ) _channels.insert( "PlayVolume", SOUND_MIXER_VOLUME );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_BASS ) ) _channels.insert( "PlayBass", SOUND_MIXER_BASS );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_TREBLE ) ) _channels.insert( "PlayTreble", SOUND_MIXER_TREBLE );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_SYNTH ) ) _channels.insert( "PlaySynth", SOUND_MIXER_SYNTH );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_PCM ) ) _channels.insert( "PlayPCM", SOUND_MIXER_PCM );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_SPEAKER ) ) _channels.insert( "PlaySpeaker", SOUND_MIXER_SPEAKER );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_LINE ) ) _channels.insert( "PlayLine", SOUND_MIXER_LINE );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_MIC ) ) _channels.insert( "PlayMic", SOUND_MIXER_MIC );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_CD ) ) _channels.insert( "PlayCD", SOUND_MIXER_CD );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_IMIX ) ) _channels.insert( "PlayInputMix", SOUND_MIXER_IMIX );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_ALTPCM ) ) _channels.insert( "PlayAltPCM", SOUND_MIXER_ALTPCM );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_RECLEV ) ) _channels.insert( "PlayRecord", SOUND_MIXER_RECLEV );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_IGAIN ) ) _channels.insert( "PlayInputGain", SOUND_MIXER_IGAIN );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_OGAIN ) ) _channels.insert( "PlayOutputGain", SOUND_MIXER_OGAIN );
//odebug << "devmask available and constructed." << oendl;
devmask = 0;
if ( ioctl( _fd, SOUND_MIXER_READ_RECMASK, &devmask ) != -1 )
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_VOLUME ) ) _channels.insert( "RecVolume", SOUND_MIXER_VOLUME );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_BASS ) ) _channels.insert( "RecBass", SOUND_MIXER_BASS );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_TREBLE ) ) _channels.insert( "RecTreble", SOUND_MIXER_TREBLE );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_SYNTH ) ) _channels.insert( "RecSynth", SOUND_MIXER_SYNTH );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_PCM ) ) _channels.insert( "RecPCM", SOUND_MIXER_PCM );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_SPEAKER ) ) _channels.insert( "RecSpeaker", SOUND_MIXER_SPEAKER );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_LINE ) ) _channels.insert( "RecLine", SOUND_MIXER_LINE );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_MIC ) ) _channels.insert( "RecMic", SOUND_MIXER_MIC );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_CD ) ) _channels.insert( "RecCD", SOUND_MIXER_CD );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_IMIX ) ) _channels.insert( "RecInputMix", SOUND_MIXER_IMIX );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_ALTPCM ) ) _channels.insert( "RecAltPCM", SOUND_MIXER_ALTPCM );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_RECLEV ) ) _channels.insert( "RecRecord", SOUND_MIXER_RECLEV );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_IGAIN ) ) _channels.insert( "RecInputGain", SOUND_MIXER_IGAIN );
if ( devmask & ( 1 << SOUND_MIXER_OGAIN ) ) _channels.insert( "RecOutputGain", SOUND_MIXER_OGAIN );
//odebug << "recmask available and constructed." << oendl;
/* ChannelIterator it;
diff --git a/library/qpeapplication.cpp b/library/qpeapplication.cpp
index c6d9cfd..ca90427 100644
--- a/library/qpeapplication.cpp
+++ b/library/qpeapplication.cpp
@@ -472,264 +472,280 @@ static void qpe_show_dialog( QDialog* d, bool nomax )
void loadImageCodecs()
QString path = QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "/plugins/imagecodecs";
#ifdef Q_OS_MACX
QDir dir( path, "lib*.dylib" );
QDir dir( path, "lib*.so" );
QStringList list;
if ( dir. exists ( ))
list = dir.entryList();
QStringList::Iterator it;
for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
ImageCodecInterface *iface = 0;
QLibrary *lib = new QLibrary( path + "/" + *it );
if ( lib->queryInterface( IID_QtopiaImageCodec, (QUnknownInterface**)&iface ) == QS_OK && iface ) {
QStringList formats = iface->keys();
for (QStringList::ConstIterator i = formats.begin(); i != formats.end(); ++i) {
// ### it exists now; need to remember if we can delete it
else {
delete lib;
class ResourceMimeFactory : public QMimeSourceFactory
ResourceMimeFactory() : resImage( 0 )
setFilePath( Global::helpPath() );
setExtensionType( "html", "text/html;charset=UTF-8" );
~ResourceMimeFactory() {
delete resImage;
const QMimeSource* data( const QString& abs_name ) const
const QMimeSource * r = QMimeSourceFactory::data( abs_name );
if ( !r ) {
int sl = abs_name.length();
do {
sl = abs_name.findRev( '/', sl - 1 );
QString name = sl >= 0 ? abs_name.mid( sl + 1 ) : abs_name;
int dot = name.findRev( '.' );
if ( dot >= 0 )
name = name.left( dot );
QImage img = Resource::loadImage( name );
if ( !img.isNull() ) {
delete resImage;
resImage = new QImageDrag( img );
r = resImage;
while ( !r && sl > 0 );
return r;
mutable QImageDrag *resImage;
static int& hack(int& i)
#if QT_VERSION <= 230 && defined(QT_NO_CODECS)
// These should be created, but aren't in Qt 2.3.0
(void)new QUtf8Codec;
(void)new QUtf16Codec;
return i;
static int muted = 0;
static int micMuted = 0;
static void setVolume( int t = 0, int percent = -1 )
switch ( t ) {
case 0: {
Config cfg( "qpe" );
cfg.setGroup( "Volume" );
if ( percent < 0 )
percent = cfg.readNumEntry( "VolumePercent", 50 );
#ifndef QT_NO_SOUND
int fd = 0;
+#ifdef QT_QWS_DEVFS
+ if ( ( fd = open( "/dev/sound/mixer", O_RDWR ) ) >= 0 ) {
if ( ( fd = open( "/dev/mixer", O_RDWR ) ) >= 0 ) {
int vol = muted ? 0 : percent;
// set both channels to same volume
vol |= vol << 8;
ioctl( fd, MIXER_WRITE( SOUND_MIXER_VOLUME ), &vol );
::close( fd );
static void setMic( int t = 0, int percent = -1 )
switch ( t ) {
case 0: {
Config cfg( "qpe" );
cfg.setGroup( "Volume" );
if ( percent < 0 )
percent = cfg.readNumEntry( "Mic", 50 );
#ifndef QT_NO_SOUND
int fd = 0;
int mic = micMuted ? 0 : percent;
+#ifdef QT_QWS_DEVFS
+ if ( ( fd = open( "/dev/sound/mixer", O_RDWR ) ) >= 0 ) {
if ( ( fd = open( "/dev/mixer", O_RDWR ) ) >= 0 ) {
ioctl( fd, MIXER_WRITE( SOUND_MIXER_MIC ), &mic );
::close( fd );
static void setBass( int t = 0, int percent = -1 )
switch ( t ) {
case 0: {
Config cfg( "qpe" );
cfg.setGroup( "Volume" );
if ( percent < 0 )
percent = cfg.readNumEntry( "BassPercent", 50 );
#ifndef QT_NO_SOUND
int fd = 0;
int bass = percent;
+#ifdef QT_QWS_DEVFS
+ if ( ( fd = open( "/dev/sound/mixer", O_RDWR ) ) >= 0 ) {
if ( ( fd = open( "/dev/mixer", O_RDWR ) ) >= 0 ) {
ioctl( fd, MIXER_WRITE( SOUND_MIXER_BASS ), &bass );
::close( fd );
static void setTreble( int t = 0, int percent = -1 )
switch ( t ) {
case 0: {
Config cfg( "qpe" );
cfg.setGroup( "Volume" );
if ( percent < 0 )
percent = cfg.readNumEntry( "TreblePercent", 50 );
#ifndef QT_NO_SOUND
int fd = 0;
int treble = percent;
+#ifdef QT_QWS_DEVFS
+ if ( ( fd = open( "/dev/sound/mixer", O_RDWR ) ) >= 0 ) {
if ( ( fd = open( "/dev/mixer", O_RDWR ) ) >= 0 ) {
ioctl( fd, MIXER_WRITE( SOUND_MIXER_TREBLE ), &treble );
::close( fd );
\class QPEApplication
\brief The QPEApplication class implements various system services
that are available to all Qtopia applications.
Simply by using QPEApplication instead of QApplication, a standard Qt
application becomes a Qtopia application. It automatically follows
style changes, quits and raises, and in the
case of \link docwidget.html document-oriented\endlink applications,
changes the currently displayed document in response to the environment.
To create a \link docwidget.html document-oriented\endlink
application use showMainDocumentWidget(); to create a
non-document-oriented application use showMainWidget(). The
keepRunning() function indicates whether the application will
continue running after it's processed the last \link qcop.html
QCop\endlink message. This can be changed using setKeepRunning().
A variety of signals are emitted when certain events occur, for
example, timeChanged(), clockChanged(), weekChanged(),
dateFormatChanged() and volumeChanged(). If the application receives
a \link qcop.html QCop\endlink message on the application's
QPE/Application/\e{appname} channel, the appMessage() signal is
emitted. There are also flush() and reload() signals, which
are emitted when synching begins and ends respectively - upon these
signals, the application should save and reload any data
files that are involved in synching. Most of these signals will initially
be received and unfiltered through the appMessage() signal.
This class also provides a set of useful static functions. The
qpeDir() and documentDir() functions return the respective paths.
The grabKeyboard() and ungrabKeyboard() functions are used to
control whether the application takes control of the device's
physical buttons (e.g. application launch keys). The stylus' mode of
operation is set with setStylusOperation() and retrieved with
stylusOperation(). There are also setInputMethodHint() and
inputMethodHint() functions.
\ingroup qtopiaemb
\fn void QPEApplication::clientMoused()
\fn void QPEApplication::timeChanged();
This signal is emitted when the time changes outside the normal
passage of time, i.e. if the time is set backwards or forwards.
\fn void QPEApplication::clockChanged( bool ampm );
This signal is emitted when the user changes the clock's style. If
\a ampm is TRUE, the user wants a 12-hour AM/PM clock, otherwise,
they want a 24-hour clock.
\fn void QPEApplication::volumeChanged( bool muted )
This signal is emitted whenever the mute state is changed. If \a
muted is TRUE, then sound output has been muted.
\fn void QPEApplication::weekChanged( bool startOnMonday )
This signal is emitted if the week start day is changed. If \a
startOnMonday is TRUE then the first day of the week is Monday; if
\a startOnMonday is FALSE then the first day of the week is
\fn void QPEApplication::dateFormatChanged(DateFormat)
This signal is emitted whenever the date format is changed.
\fn void QPEApplication::flush()