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3 files changed, 3 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 824e749..a2d3011 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,110 +1,111 @@
2005-??-?? Opie 1.2.0
New Features
Fixed Bugs
* #1236 - VCards contained empty home and work address entries causing Palms to crash (eilers)
* #1536 - Autosave of custom locations in opie backup (ar)
* #1539 - Fixed displaying too long path in the delete dialog in opie-eye (zecke)
* #1540 - Implemented deletion of DocLnks in opie-eye
+ * Work around bug in Qt/Embedded 2.3.10: qt_version() returns 231 (mickeyl)
2005-02-03 Opie 1.1.9
New Features
* Number of icon columns in Launcher is customizable through Launcher.conf (hrw,zecke,mickeyl)
* Number of icon columns in Launcher is customizable through LauncherSettings (mickeyl)
* Usability enhancements in OpieIRC (skyhusker)
Fixed Bugs
* #1501 - Fixed bug in todo sql backend (eilers)
* #1505 - Added more Swap sizes in memoryapplet (mickeyl)
* #1525 - Hopefully fixed double alarms and not removing alarms set with the Clock application (zecke)
* #1533 - Security Owner Dialog (shown in case of unsuccessfull authentiacation) wasn't able to display information in non latin1 encoding (zecke)
* n.a. - Removed hard coded font sizes in a couple of inputmethods (mickeyl)
* n.a. - Removed MediumDlg appearing prior to FirstUsage wizard (i.e. calibration) (mickeyl)
* n.a. - Fixed numerous buglets in OpieIRC (skyhusker)
* Added the Qtopia 1.7 SDK macros for quick-apps to easa compilation of 3rd party apps against our headers (mickeyl)
* You can now use the Opie build system in combination with a OpenEmbedded staging area which makes a nice cross development environment (mickeyl)
* Made Opie compilable with Qt/Embedded 2.3.10 (ar)
* Changed Launcher to get default orientation from ODevice w/ QWS_DISPLAY overriding (mickeyl)
* Build tree cleanups (mickeyl)
2004-11-26 Opie 1.1.8
New Features
* PackageManager supports installation of local ipkg files (drw)
* PackageManager supports linking of applications to root (drw)
* PackageManager supports src/gz feeds (drw,wimpie)
* Added a syslog information tab to sysinfo (mickeyl)
* Added new, more consistent, PIM icons + a GIMP teplate (ar)
Fixed Bugs
* #1017 - Tetrix doesn't display correctly for high resolution screens (drw)
* #1269 - VCards were imported into personal area if it was activated (eilers)
* #1464 - Packagemanager dont set active filter after install a package (drw)
* #1479 - Improved VCard-Parser to import VCards created by Evolution 2 and Apple Addressbook (eilers)
* #1493 - Fixed one column layout bug of the launcher (hrw)
* n.a. - PackageManager - (Minor UI tweak) in filter dialog, when option is enabled, set focus to widget that corresponds to that option (drw)
* n.a. - PackageManager - (Minor UI tweak) fix double entry in source feed configuration when adding a new feed (drw)
* n.a. - Battery Applet - fix sizing of battery info popup (drw,mickeyl)
* Moved libopie1 to unsupported (mickeyl)
* Implemented generic queryByExample() with incremental searching. A lot of internal changes of the Pim2-library (eilers)
* Added fast and full featured and incremental sorted() for SQL addressbook backend (eilers)
2004-11-14 Opie 1.1.7
New Features
* libOpieDB now uses SQLite V3 instead V2. Remember to upgrade your database files! (eilers)
* Backup now uses the busy indicator when backing up and restore (ar)
* OpiePlayer2 gained adding of Directories to the playlist (zecke)
* OpiePlayer2 better error handling (zecke)
* OpiePlayer2 progress indication while streaming (zecke)
* OpiePlayer2 ported to use libxine 1.0.0-rc6a (brad,zecke)
* Ported brightnessapplet from Qtopia 1.7 (mickeyl)
* Opie-Eye got a Digital Camera File Backend (alwin,zecke)
* Support for Tuxpad1 of Tradesquare.NL (mickeyl,zecke)
* Opie-Console use Custom Font and Size in a Profile (harlekin)
* Opie-Console transparently log the Output and Input to a file (harlekin)
* Added new O-menu icon to lock the PDA immediately: opie-lockapplet (clem)
* Opie-Security now hides the plugin-based authentication tabs if no auth. plugin package is installed (clem)
* Opie-Security gained a 'test authentication' button (clem)
* Opie-Eye got a more unique layout (menubar), a slideshow, user can setup some defaults
* Opie-Mail improve the handling of POP mail boxes (alwin)
* Both Opie-Eye and Opie-Mail were greatly improved due the hard work of Rajko Albrecht(alwin)
* Opie IRC - backports of the 'NeIRC fork' (zecke)
Fixed Bugs
* #501 - Pickboard is able to show 'Umlaute' (TT,zecke)
* #608 - Make Opie usable for left handed users (zecke)
* #957 - Import of VCards/VTodos/VEvents with BASE64 encoding (ljp,zecke)
* #1245 - Opie-Go 'paused' (zecke)
* #1358 - DocTab didn't show any MimeTypes (was fixed earlier) (zecke)
* #1380 - QDateBookAccess::remove() doesn't remove entries (eilers, zecke)
* #1395 - Build VNC Backend with gcc3.4
* #1440 - The icon of opie-mobilemsg is missing (CoreDump)
* #1426 - Add missing opie-bartender Icon (CoreDump)
* #1445 - Opie-Sheet Has No Icon (CoreDump)
* #1448 - Brightness Applet added (mickeyl)
* #1450 - ZSame didn't clear the bonus item after winning a game (zecke)
* #1482 - Fix OFileSelector to be able to sort by size (zecke)
* n.a. - Opie-mail: fixed some crasher, some layout-problems
* n.a. - Converted applications to not hardcode /opt/QtPalmtop but to use QPEApplication::qpeDir (zecke)
* n.a. - Converted usage of qpeDir() not to include a '/' as first charachter of the string (zecke)
* n.a. - Build system: Enable distcc and ccache when crosscompiling too, and use them everywhere we can (clem)
diff --git a/libopie2/opieui/ofontselector.cpp b/libopie2/opieui/ofontselector.cpp
index 6c24f14..8b679c8 100644
--- a/libopie2/opieui/ofontselector.cpp
+++ b/libopie2/opieui/ofontselector.cpp
@@ -59,193 +59,193 @@ public:
FontDatabase m_fdb;
class FontListItem : public QListBoxText
FontListItem ( const QString &t, const QStringList &styles, const QValueList<int> &sizes ) : QListBoxText()
m_name = t;
m_styles = styles;
m_sizes = sizes;
QString str = t;
str [0] = str [0]. upper();
setText ( str );
QString family() const
return m_name;
const QStringList &styles() const
return m_styles;
const QValueList<int> &sizes() const
return m_sizes;
QStringList m_styles;
QValueList<int> m_sizes;
QString m_name;
using namespace Opie::Ui;
using namespace Opie::Ui::Internal;
static int findItemCB( QComboBox *box, const QString &str )
for ( int i = 0; i < box->count(); i++ )
if ( box->text ( i ) == str )
return i;
return -1;
/* static same as anon. namespace */
static int qt_version()
const char *qver = qVersion();
return ( qver [0] - '0' ) * 100 + ( qver [2] - '0' ) * 10 + ( qver [4] - '0' );
* Constructs the Selector object
* @param withpreview If a font preview should be given
* @param parent The parent of the Font Selector
* @param name The name of the object
* @param fl WidgetFlags
OFontSelector::OFontSelector( bool withpreview, QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags fl ) : QWidget ( parent, name, fl )
d = new OFontSelectorPrivate();
QGridLayout *gridLayout = new QGridLayout( this, 0, 0, 4, 4 );
gridLayout->setRowStretch( 4, 10 );
d->m_font_family_list = new QListBox( this, "FontListBox" );
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget( d->m_font_family_list, 0, 4, 0, 0 );
connect( d->m_font_family_list, SIGNAL( highlighted(int) ), this, SLOT( fontFamilyClicked(int) ) );
QLabel *label = new QLabel( tr( "Style" ), this );
gridLayout->addWidget( label, 0, 1 );
d->m_font_style_list = new QComboBox( this, "StyleListBox" );
connect( d->m_font_style_list, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( fontStyleClicked(int) ) );
gridLayout->addWidget( d->m_font_style_list, 1, 1 );
label = new QLabel( tr( "Size" ), this );
gridLayout->addWidget( label, 2, 1 );
d->m_font_size_list = new QComboBox( this, "SizeListBox" );
connect( d->m_font_size_list, SIGNAL( activated(int) ),
this, SLOT( fontSizeClicked(int) ) );
gridLayout->addWidget( d->m_font_size_list, 3, 1 );
- d->m_pointbug = ( qt_version() <= 233 );
+ d->m_pointbug = ( qt_version() == 232 || qt_version() == 233 ); // SharpROM uses 2.3.2
if ( withpreview )
d->m_preview = new QMultiLineEdit ( this, "Preview" );
d->m_preview->setAlignment ( AlignCenter );
d->m_preview->setWordWrap ( QMultiLineEdit::WidgetWidth );
d->m_preview->setMargin ( 3 );
d->m_preview->setText ( tr( "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog" ));
gridLayout->addRowSpacing ( 5, 4 );
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget ( d->m_preview, 6, 6, 0, 1 );
gridLayout->setRowStretch ( 6, 5 );
d->m_preview = 0;
loadFonts ( d->m_font_family_list );
delete d;
* This methods tries to set the font
* @param f The wishes font
* @return success or failure
bool OFontSelector::setSelectedFont ( const QFont &f )
return setSelectedFont ( f. family(), d->m_fdb. styleString ( f ), f. pointSize(), QFont::encodingName ( f. charSet()));
* This is an overloaded method @see setSelectedFont
* @param familyStr The family of the font
* @param styleStr The style of the font
* @param sizeVal The size of font
* @param charset The charset to be used. Will be deprecated by QT3
bool OFontSelector::setSelectedFont( const QString &familyStr, const QString &styleStr, int sizeVal, const QString & charset )
Q_CONST_UNUSED( charset )
QString sizeStr = QString::number ( sizeVal );
QListBoxItem *family = d->m_font_family_list->findItem ( familyStr );
if ( !family )
family = d->m_font_family_list->findItem ( "Helvetica" );
if ( !family )
family = d->m_font_family_list->firstItem();
d->m_font_family_list->setCurrentItem ( family );
fontFamilyClicked ( d->m_font_family_list->index ( family ));
int style = findItemCB ( d->m_font_style_list, styleStr );
if ( style < 0 )
style = findItemCB ( d->m_font_style_list, "Regular" );
if ( style < 0 && d->m_font_style_list->count() > 0 )
style = 0;
d->m_font_style_list->setCurrentItem ( style );
fontStyleClicked ( style );
int size = findItemCB ( d->m_font_size_list, sizeStr );
if ( size < 0 )
size = findItemCB ( d->m_font_size_list, "10" );
if ( size < 0 && d->m_font_size_list->count() > 0 )
size = 0;
d->m_font_size_list->setCurrentItem ( size );
fontSizeClicked ( size );
return (( family ) && ( style >= 0 ) && ( size >= 0 ));
* This method returns the name, style and size of the currently selected
* font or false if no font is selected
* @param family The font family will be written there
* @param style The style will be written there
* @param size The size will be written there
* @return success or failure
bool OFontSelector::selectedFont ( QString &family, QString &style, int &size )
QString dummy;
return selectedFont ( family, style, size, dummy );
* This method does return the font family or QString::null if there is
* no font item selected
* @return the font family
QString OFontSelector::fontFamily() const
FontListItem *fli = (FontListItem *) d->m_font_family_list->item ( d->m_font_family_list->currentItem());
diff --git a/libopie2/opieui/ b/libopie2/opieui/
index ffa8b83..5525ea2 100644
--- a/libopie2/opieui/
+++ b/libopie2/opieui/
@@ -1,65 +1,65 @@
CONFIG += qt warn_on
HEADERS = oclickablelabel.h \
odialog.h \
ofontselector.h \
oimageeffect.h \
okeyconfigwidget.h \
oledbox.h \
olistview.h \
opixmapeffect.h \
opopupmenu.h \
opixmapprovider.h \
oselector.h \
oseparator.h \
otabinfo.h \
otabbar.h \
otabwidget.h \
otaskbarapplet.h \
otimepicker.h \
oversatileview.h \
oversatileviewitem.h \
SOURCES = oclickablelabel.cpp \
odialog.cpp \
ofontselector.cpp \
oimageeffect.cpp \
okeyconfigwidget.cpp \
oledbox.cpp \
olistview.cpp \
opixmapeffect.cpp \
opopupmenu.cpp \
opixmapprovider.cpp \
oselector.cpp \
oseparator.cpp \
otabbar.cpp \
otabwidget.cpp \
otaskbarapplet.cpp \
otimepicker.cpp \
oversatileview.cpp \
oversatileviewitem.cpp \
include( big-screen/ )
include( fileselector/ )
INTERFACES = otimepickerbase.ui
TARGET = opieui2
-VERSION = 1.9.0
+VERSION = 1.9.1
LIBS += -lopiecore2
!contains( platform, x11 ) {
include( $(OPIEDIR)/ )
contains( platform, x11 ) {
LIBS += -L$(OPIEDIR)/lib -Wl,-rpath,$(OPIEDIR)/lib