Side-by-side diff
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2 files changed, 81 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/apps/opie-console/widget_layer.cpp b/noncore/apps/opie-console/widget_layer.cpp
index c00871f..3875a6e 100644
--- a/noncore/apps/opie-console/widget_layer.cpp
+++ b/noncore/apps/opie-console/widget_layer.cpp
@@ -1,153 +1,232 @@
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* */
/* widget_layer.cpp Widget Layer */
/* */
/* opie developers <> */
/* */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "widget_layer.h"
#include <qclipboard.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qglobal.h>
#include <string.h>
//#include <
#include "common.h"
WidgetLayer::WidgetLayer( const Profile &config, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QFrame( parent, name )
// get the clipboard
m_clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
// when data on clipboard changes, clear selection
QObject::connect( (QObject*) m_clipboard, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ),
(QObject*)this, SLOT( onClearSelection() ) );
// initialize vars:
m_lines = 1;
m_columns = 1;
m_resizing = false;
// just for demonstrating
//m_image = QArray<Character>( m_lines * m_columns );
m_image = QArray<Character>( 1 );
// clean up
delete m_image;
/* --------------------------------- audio ---------------------------------- */
void WidgetLayer::bell()
+bool WidgetLayer::eventFilter( QObject *obj, QEvent *e )
+ if ( (e->type() == QEvent::Accel ||
+ e->type() == QEvent::AccelAvailable ) && qApp->focusWidget() == this ) {
+ static_cast<QKeyEvent *>( e )->ignore();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ( obj != this /* when embedded */ && obj != parent() /* when standalone */ )
+ return FALSE; // not us
+ if ( e->type() == QEvent::Wheel) {
+ QApplication::sendEvent( m_scrollbar, e);
+ }
+ static bool control = FALSE;
+ static bool alt = FALSE;
+// qDebug(" Has a keyboard with no CTRL and ALT keys, but we fake it:");
+ bool dele=FALSE;
+ if ( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress || e->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease ) {
+ QKeyEvent* ke = (QKeyEvent*)e;
+ bool keydown = e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress || ke->isAutoRepeat();
+ switch (ke->key()) {
+ case Key_F9: // let this be "Control"
+ control = keydown;
+ e = new QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyPress, Key_Control, 0, ke->state());
+ dele=TRUE;
+ break;
+ case Key_F13: // let this be "Alt"
+ alt = keydown;
+ e = new QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyPress, Key_Alt, 0, ke->state());
+ dele=TRUE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if ( control ) {
+ int a = toupper(ke->ascii())-64;
+ if ( a >= 0 && a < ' ' ) {
+ e = new QKeyEvent(e->type(), ke->key(),
+ a, ke->state()|ControlButton,
+ dele=TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( alt ) {
+ e = new QKeyEvent(e->type(), ke->key(),
+ ke->ascii(), ke->state()|AltButton, ke->text());
+ dele=TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) {
+ QKeyEvent* ke = (QKeyEvent*)e;
+ //actSel=0; // Key stroke implies a screen update, so Widget won't
+ // know where the current selection is.
+// qDebug("key pressed is 0x%x",ke->key());
+ if( ke->state() == ShiftButton && ke->key() == Key_Tab) { //lets hardcode this sucker
+ insertText("\\"); // expose
+ } else
+ emit keyPressed( ke ); // expose
+ ke->accept();
+ if ( dele ) delete e;
+ return true; // stop the event
+ }
+ if ( e->type() == QEvent::Enter ) {
+ QObject::disconnect( (QObject*)cb, SIGNAL(dataChanged()),
+ this, SLOT(onClearSelection()) );
+ }
+ if ( e->type() == QEvent::Leave ) {
+ QObject::connect( (QObject*)cb, SIGNAL(dataChanged()),
+ this, SLOT(onClearSelection()) );
+ }
+ return QFrame::eventFilter( obj, e );
/* --------------------------------- screen --------------------------------- */
void WidgetLayer::propagateSize()
QArray<Character> oldimage = m_image.copy();
int oldlines = m_lines;
int oldcolumns = m_columns;
// copy old image, to reduce flicker
if ( ! oldimage.isEmpty() )
int lins = QMIN( oldlines, m_lines );
int cols = QMIN( oldcolumns, m_columns );
for ( int lin = 0; lin < lins; ++lin )
memcpy( (void*) &m_image[m_columns*lin],
(void*) &oldimage[oldcolumns*lin],
cols*sizeof( Character ) );
delete oldimage;
m_resizing = true;
emit imageSizeChanged( m_lines, m_columns );
m_resizing = false;
void WidgetLayer::makeImage()
m_image = QArray<Character>( m_columns * m_lines );
void WidgetLayer::clearImage()
//should this belong here??
for ( int y = 0; y < m_lines; y++ )
for ( int x = 0; x < m_columns; x++ )
m_image[loc(x,y)].c = 0xff;
m_image[loc(x,y)].f = 0xff;
m_image[loc(x,y)].b = 0xff;
m_image[loc(x,y)].r = 0xff;
/* --------------------------------- selection ------------------------------ */
void WidgetLayer::pasteClipboard()
void WidgetLayer::insertSelection()
QString text = QApplication::clipboard()->text();
if ( ! text.isNull() )
text.replace( QRegExp( "\n" ), "\r" );
insertText( text );
// selection should be unselected
emit selectionCleared();
void WidgetLayer::insertText( QString text )
// text is inserted as key event
QKeyEvent e( QEvent::KeyPress, 0, -1, 0, text);
emit keyPressed( &e );
void WidgetLayer::onClearSelection()
emit selectionCleared();
void WidgetLayer::setSelection( const QString& text )
// why get the clipboard, we have it as instance var...
QObject *m_clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
// we know, that cliboard changes, when we change clipboard
QObject::disconnect( (QObject*) m_clipboard, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ),
(QObject*) this, SLOT( selectionCleared() ) );
QApplication::clipboard()->setText( text );
diff --git a/noncore/apps/opie-console/widget_layer.h b/noncore/apps/opie-console/widget_layer.h
index 067f3da..1d96bf4 100644
--- a/noncore/apps/opie-console/widget_layer.h
+++ b/noncore/apps/opie-console/widget_layer.h
@@ -28,192 +28,194 @@
#include "profile.h"
* given a pseudo location ( column, line ),
* returns the actual index, in the QArray<Character>
#define loc(X,Y) ((Y)*m_columns+(X))
extern unsigned short vt100_graphics[32];
class WidgetLayer : public QFrame
* constructor
* @param const Profile &config, the configuration for this widget
* @param QWidget *parent, the parent widget
* @param const char *name, the name of the widget, defaults to ""
WidgetLayer( const Profile& config, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 );
* destructor
virtual ~WidgetLayer();
* sets the image
* @param QArray<Character> const newimg, the new image
* @param int lines, lines count of newimg
* @param int columns, columns count of newimg
virtual void setImage( QArray<Character> const newimg, int lines, int colums ) = 0;
* annoy the user
void bell();
* @return int m_lines, the lines count
int lines() { return m_lines; }
* @return int m_columns, the columns count
int columns() { return m_columns; }
* insert current selection (currently this is only the clipboard)
void insertSelection();
* insert text
* @param QString text, the text to be inserted
void insertText( QString text );
* set selection (clipboard) to text
* @param const QString &text, the text to be selected
void setSelection( const QString &text );
* paste content of clipboard
void pasteClipboard();
* reload configuration
* @param const Profile& config, the config to be used (may be the same as in constructor)
virtual void reloadConfig( const Profile& config ) = 0;
* sets the scrollbar (if implemented by successor of this class)
virtual void setScroll( int cursor, int slines ) = 0;
* scrolls (if implemented, by successor of this class)
* @param int value, how much the widget should scroll up (positive value) or down (negative value)
virtual void scroll( int value ) = 0;
+ virtual bool eventFilter( QObject *obj, QEvent *event );
* key was pressed
void keyPressed( QKeyEvent *e );
* whenever Mouse selects something
* @param int button, the button that us pressed :
* 0 left Button
* 3 Button released
* @param int x, x position
* @param int y, y position
* // numbering due to layout in old TEWidget
void mousePressed( int button, int x, int y );
* size of image changed
* @param int lines, line count of new size
* @param int columns, column count of new size
void imageSizeChanged( int lines, int columns );
* cursor in history changed
* @param int value, value of history cursor
void historyCursorChanged( int value );
* selection should be cleared
void selectionCleared();
* selection begin
* @param const int x, x position
* @param const int y, y position
void selectionBegin( const int x, const int y );
* selection extended
* (from begin (s.a.) to x, y)
* @param const int x, x position
* @param const int y, y position
void selectionExtended( const int x, const int y );
* selection end
* @param const bool lineBreakPreserve, preserve line breaks in selection
void selectionEnd( const bool lineBreakPreserve );
// protected methods
// image operations
* changes image, to suit new size
* TODO: find meaningful name!
void propagateSize();
*determines count of lines and columns
virtual void calcGeometry() = 0;
* makes an empty image
void makeImage();
* clears the image
void clearImage();
protected slots:
* clear selection
void onClearSelection();
// protected vars