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3 files changed, 16 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/configwindow.cpp b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/configwindow.cpp
index 7f39230..9358866 100644
--- a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/configwindow.cpp
+++ b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/configwindow.cpp
@@ -1,193 +1,199 @@
** Copyright (C) 2002 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of Opie Environment.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
/* LOCAL */
#include "configwindow.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
/* OPIE */
#include <opie2/onetwork.h>
#ifdef QWS
#include <opie2/oapplication.h>
#include <opie2/oconfig.h>
#include <opie/odevice.h>
using namespace Opie;
/* QT */
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qtabwidget.h>
#include <qtoolbutton.h>
#include <qspinbox.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
/* POSIX */
#include <assert.h>
WellenreiterConfigWindow* WellenreiterConfigWindow::_instance = 0;
WellenreiterConfigWindow::WellenreiterConfigWindow( QWidget * parent, const char * name, WFlags f )
:WellenreiterConfigBase( parent, name, true, f )
_devicetype[ "cisco" ] = DEVTYPE_CISCO;
_devicetype[ "wlan-ng" ] = DEVTYPE_WLAN_NG;
_devicetype[ "hostap" ] = DEVTYPE_HOSTAP;
_devicetype[ "orinoco" ] = DEVTYPE_ORINOCO;
_devicetype[ "<manual>" ] = DEVTYPE_MANUAL;
_devicetype[ "<file>" ] = DEVTYPE_FILE;
// gather possible interface names from ONetwork
ONetwork* net = ONetwork::instance();
ONetwork::InterfaceIterator it = net->iterator();
while ( it.current() )
if ( it.current()->isWireless() )
interfaceName->insertItem( it.current()->name() );
#ifdef Q_WS_X11 // We're on X11: adding an Ok-Button for the Dialog here
QPushButton* okButton = new QPushButton( "ok", this );
WellenreiterConfigBaseLayout->addWidget( okButton, 0, 3 ); //FIXME: rename this in configbase.ui
connect( okButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( accept() ) );
WellenreiterConfigWindow::_instance = this;
connect( deviceType, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( changedDeviceType(int) ) );
connect( newNetworkAction, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( changedNetworkAction(int) ) );
connect( newClientAction, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( changedClientAction(int) ) );
connect( newStationAction, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( changedStationAction(int) ) );
connect( getCaptureFileName, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( getCaptureFileNameClicked() ) );
// make the checkbox 'channelAll' control all other channels
connect( channelAll, SIGNAL( stateChanged(int) ), this, SLOT( channelAllClicked(int) ) );
connect( autodetect, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( performAutodetection() ) );
// hide tab4 (parse) until Wellenreiter 1.2
tab->removePage( tab_4 );
+void WellenreiterConfigWindow::accept()
+ QDialog::accept();
void WellenreiterConfigWindow::performAutodetection()
//TODO: insert modal splash screen here
// and sleep a second, so that it looks
// like we're actually doing something fancy... ;-)
qDebug( "WellenreiterConfigWindow::performAutodetection()" );
// try to guess device type
QFile m( "/proc/modules" );
if ( IO_ReadOnly ) )
int devicetype(0);
QString line;
QTextStream modules( &m );
while( !modules.atEnd() && !devicetype )
modules >> line;
if ( line.contains( "cisco" ) ) devicetype = DEVTYPE_CISCO;
else if ( line.contains( "hostap" ) ) devicetype = DEVTYPE_HOSTAP;
else if ( line.contains( "prism" ) ) devicetype = DEVTYPE_WLAN_NG;
else if ( line.contains( "orinoco" ) ) devicetype = DEVTYPE_ORINOCO;
if ( devicetype )
deviceType->setCurrentItem( devicetype );
_guess = devicetype;
qDebug( "Wellenreiter: guessed device type to be #%d", devicetype );
int WellenreiterConfigWindow::driverType() const
QString name = deviceType->currentText();
if ( _devicetype.contains( name ) )
return _devicetype[name];
return 0;
int WellenreiterConfigWindow::hoppingInterval() const
return hopInterval->cleanText().toInt();
bool WellenreiterConfigWindow::usePrismHeader() const
return prismHeader->isChecked();
bool WellenreiterConfigWindow::isChannelChecked( int channel ) const
switch ( channel )
case 1: return channel1->isOn();
case 2: return channel2->isOn();
case 3: return channel3->isOn();
case 4: return channel4->isOn();
case 5: return channel5->isOn();
case 6: return channel6->isOn();
case 7: return channel7->isOn();
case 8: return channel8->isOn();
case 9: return channel9->isOn();
case 10: return channel10->isOn();
case 11: return channel11->isOn();
case 12: return channel12->isOn();
case 13: return channel13->isOn();
case 14: return channel14->isOn();
void WellenreiterConfigWindow::changedDeviceType(int t)
if ( t != DEVTYPE_FILE ) return;
QString name = ( (WellenreiterMainWindow*) qApp->mainWidget() )->getFileName(false);
if ( !name.isEmpty() && QFile::exists( name ) )
interfaceName->insertItem( name );
interfaceName->setCurrentItem( interfaceName->count()-1 );
deviceType->setCurrentItem( _guess );
@@ -215,254 +221,254 @@ void WellenreiterConfigWindow::changedNetworkAction(int t)
void WellenreiterConfigWindow::changedClientAction(int t)
void WellenreiterConfigWindow::changedStationAction(int t)
void WellenreiterConfigWindow::getCaptureFileNameClicked()
QString name = ( (WellenreiterMainWindow*) qApp->mainWidget() )->getFileName(true);
qDebug( "name = %s", (const char*) name );
if ( !name.isEmpty() )
captureFileName->setText( name );
void WellenreiterConfigWindow::channelAllClicked(int state)
bool b = state;
channel1->setChecked( b );
channel2->setChecked( b );
channel3->setChecked( b );
channel4->setChecked( b );
channel5->setChecked( b );
channel6->setChecked( b );
channel7->setChecked( b );
channel8->setChecked( b );
channel9->setChecked( b );
channel10->setChecked( b );
channel11->setChecked( b );
channel12->setChecked( b );
channel13->setChecked( b );
channel14->setChecked( b );
bool WellenreiterConfigWindow::useGPS() const
return enableGPS->isChecked();
const QString WellenreiterConfigWindow::gpsHost() const
return useGPS() ? gpsdHost->currentText() : QString::null;
int WellenreiterConfigWindow::gpsPort() const
bool ok;
return useGPS() ? gpsdPort->value() : -1;
void WellenreiterConfigWindow::performAction( const QString& type,
const QString& essid,
const QString& mac,
bool wep,
int channel,
int signal
/* , const GpsLocation& loc */ )
int action;
QString script;
if ( type == "network" )
action = newNetworkAction->currentItem();
script = newNetworkScript->text();
else if ( type == "managed" || type == "adhoc" )
action = newClientAction->currentItem();
script = newClientScript->text();
else if ( type == "station" )
action = newStationAction->currentItem();
script = newStationScript->text();
qWarning( "WellenreiterConfigWindow::performAction(): unknown type '%s'", (const char*) type );
- qDebug( "going to perform action %d (script='%s')", action, (const char*) script );
+ qDebug( "for event '%s' I'm going to perform action %d (script='%s')", (const char*) type, action, (const char*) script );
switch( action )
case 0: /* Ignore */ return;
case 1: /* Play Alarm */ ODevice::inst()->alarmSound(); return;
case 2: /* Play Click */ ODevice::inst()->touchSound(); return;
case 3: /* Blink LED */ break; //FIXME: Implement this
case 4: /* Run Script */
* Script Substitution Information:
* $MAC = MAC
* $WEP = Wep
* $CHAN = Channel
script = script.replace( QRegExp( "$SSID" ), essid );
script = script.replace( QRegExp( "$MAC" ), mac );
script = script.replace( QRegExp( "$WEP" ), wep ? QString( "true" ) : QString( "false" ) );
script = script.replace( QRegExp( "$CHAN" ), QString::number( channel ) );
qDebug( "going to call script '%s'", (const char*) script );
::system( script );
qDebug( "script returned." );
default: assert( false );
void WellenreiterConfigWindow::load()
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
#warning Persistent Configuration not yet implemented for standalone X11 build
qDebug( "loading configuration settings..." );
/* This is dumb monkey typing stuff... We _need_ to do this automatically! */
OConfig* c = oApp->config();
c->setGroup( "Interface" );
QString interface = c->readEntry( "name", "<none>" );
if ( interface != "<none>" )
#if QT_VERSION < 300
interfaceName->insertItem( interface, 0 );
interfaceName->setCurrentItem( 0 );
interfaceName->setCurrentText( interface );
QString device = c->readEntry( "type", "<select>" );
#if QT_VERSION < 300
for ( int i = 0; i < deviceType->count(); ++i )
if ( deviceType->text( i ) == device )
deviceType->setCurrentItem( i );
deviceType->setCurrentText( device );
prismHeader->setChecked( c->readBoolEntry( "prism", false ) );
hopChannels->setChecked( c->readBoolEntry( "hop", true ) );
hopInterval->setValue( c->readNumEntry( "interval", 250 ) );
adaptiveHopping->setChecked( c->readBoolEntry( "adaptive", true ) );
c->setGroup( "Capture" );
captureFileName->setText( c->readEntry( "filename", "/tmp/capture" ) );
c->setGroup( "UI" );
lookupVendor->setChecked( c->readBoolEntry( "lookupVendor", true ) );
openTree->setChecked( c->readBoolEntry( "openTree", true ) );
disablePM->setChecked( c->readBoolEntry( "disablePM", true ) );
- newNetworkAction->setCurrentItem( c->readNumEntry( "newNetworkAction", 0 ) );
+ newNetworkAction->setCurrentItem( c->readNumEntry( "newNetworkAction", 1 ) ); // Default: Play Alarm
newNetworkScript->setText( c->readEntry( "newNetworkScript", "" ) );
- newClientAction->setCurrentItem( c->readNumEntry( "newClientAction", 0 ) );
+ newClientAction->setCurrentItem( c->readNumEntry( "newClientAction", 2 ) ); // Default: Play Click
newClientScript->setText( c->readEntry( "newClientScript", "" ) );
- newStationAction->setCurrentItem( c->readNumEntry( "newStationAction", 0 ) );
+ newStationAction->setCurrentItem( c->readNumEntry( "newStationAction", 2 ) ); // Default: Play Click
newStationScript->setText( c->readEntry( "newStationScript", "" ) );
synchronizeActionsAndScripts(); // needed for showing/hiding the script QLineEdit on demand
c->setGroup( "GPS" );
enableGPS->setChecked( c->readBoolEntry( "use", false ) );
#if QT_VERSION < 300
gpsdHost->insertItem( c->readEntry( "host", "localhost" ), 0 );
gpsdHost->setCurrentItem( 0 );
gpsdHost->setCurrentText( c->readEntry( "host", "localhost" ) );
gpsdPort->setValue( c->readNumEntry( "port", 2947 ) );
startGPS->setChecked( c->readBoolEntry( "start", false ) );
commandGPS->setText( c->readEntry( "command", "gpsd -p /dev/ttyS3 -s 57600" ) );
void WellenreiterConfigWindow::save()
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
#warning Persistent Configuration not yet implemented for standalone X11 build
qDebug( "saving configuration settings..." );
/* This is dumb monkey typing stuff... We _need_ to do this automatically! */
OConfig* c = oApp->config();
c->setGroup( "Interface" );
c->writeEntry( "name", interfaceName->currentText() );
c->writeEntry( "type", deviceType->currentText() );
c->writeEntry( "prism", prismHeader->isChecked() );
c->writeEntry( "hop", hopChannels->isChecked() );
c->writeEntry( "interval", hopInterval->value() );
c->writeEntry( "adaptive", adaptiveHopping->isChecked() );
c->setGroup( "Capture" );
c->writeEntry( "filename", captureFileName->text() );
c->setGroup( "UI" );
c->writeEntry( "lookupVendor", lookupVendor->isChecked() );
c->writeEntry( "openTree", openTree->isChecked() );
c->writeEntry( "disablePM", disablePM->isChecked() );
c->writeEntry( "newNetworkAction", newNetworkAction->currentItem() );
c->writeEntry( "newNetworkScript", newNetworkScript->text() );
c->writeEntry( "newClientAction", newClientAction->currentItem() );
c->writeEntry( "newClientScript", newClientScript->text() );
c->writeEntry( "newStationAction", newStationAction->currentItem() );
c->writeEntry( "newStationScript", newStationScript->text() );
c->setGroup( "GPS" );
c->writeEntry( "use", enableGPS->isChecked() );
c->writeEntry( "host", gpsdHost->currentText() );
c->writeEntry( "port", gpsdPort->value() );
c->writeEntry( "start", startGPS->isChecked() );
c->writeEntry( "command", commandGPS->text() );
diff --git a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/configwindow.h b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/configwindow.h
index 5c998cb..d31d1e8 100644
--- a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/configwindow.h
+++ b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/configwindow.h
@@ -1,81 +1,82 @@
** Copyright (C) 2002 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of Opie Environment.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
#include "configbase.h"
#include "gps.h"
/* QT */
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include <qstring.h>
const int DEVTYPE_SELECT = 0;
const int DEVTYPE_CISCO = 1;
const int DEVTYPE_WLAN_NG = 2;
const int DEVTYPE_HOSTAP = 3;
const int DEVTYPE_ORINOCO = 4;
const int DEVTYPE_MANUAL = 5;
const int DEVTYPE_FILE = 6;
class WellenreiterConfigWindow;
class WellenreiterConfigWindow : public WellenreiterConfigBase
WellenreiterConfigWindow( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = "WellenreiterConfigWindow", WFlags f = 0 );
int driverType() const;
const QString soundOnNetwork() const { return "";/*netSound->currentText();*/ };
const QString soundOnBeacon() const { return "";/*beaconSound->currentText();*/ };
static WellenreiterConfigWindow* instance() { return _instance; };
int hoppingInterval() const;
bool usePrismHeader() const;
bool isChannelChecked( int ) const;
bool useGPS() const;
const QString gpsHost() const;
int gpsPort() const;
void save();
void load();
public slots:
void changedDeviceType(int);
void changedNetworkAction(int t);
void changedClientAction(int t);
void changedStationAction(int t);
void getCaptureFileNameClicked();
void performAutodetection();
void channelAllClicked(int);
void performAction( const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, bool, int, int /* , const GpsLocation& */ );
- protected:
+ protected slots:
void synchronizeActionsAndScripts();
+ virtual void accept();
QMap<QString, int> _devicetype;
static WellenreiterConfigWindow* _instance;
int _guess;
diff --git a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.cpp b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.cpp
index fd88b63..10ead53 100644
--- a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.cpp
+++ b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.cpp
@@ -339,192 +339,195 @@ void MScanListView::identify( const OMacAddress& macaddr, const QString& ip )
void MScanListView::addService( const QString& name, const OMacAddress& macaddr, const QString& ip )
qDebug( "addService '%s', Server = %s = %s", (const char*) name, (const char*) macaddr.toString(), (const char*) ip );
//TODO: Refactor that out, we need it all over the place.
// Best to do it in a more comfortable abstraction in OListView
// (Hmm, didn't I already start something in this direction?)
QListViewItemIterator it( this );
for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
if ( it.current()->text( col_ap ) == macaddr.toString(true) )
MScanListItem* subitem = static_cast<MScanListItem*>( it.current()->firstChild() );
while ( subitem && ( subitem->text( col_essid ) != name ) )
#ifdef DEBUG
qDebug( "subitemtext: %s", (const char*) subitem->text( col_essid ) );
subitem = static_cast<MScanListItem*> ( subitem->nextSibling() );
if ( subitem )
// we have already seen this item, it's a dupe
#ifdef DEBUG
qDebug( "%s is a dupe - ignoring...", (const char*) name );
subitem->receivedBeacon(); //FIXME: sent data bit
// never seen that - add new item
MScanListItem* item = new MScanListItem( it.current(), "service", "N/A", " ", false, -1, -1 );
item->setText( col_essid, name );
qDebug( "D'oh! Received identification, but item not yet in list... ==> Handle this!" );
MLogWindow::logwindow()->log( QString().sprintf( "WARNING: Unhandled service addition %s = %s!",
(const char*) macaddr.toString(), (const char*) ip ) );
void MScanListView::contextMenuRequested( QListViewItem* item, const QPoint&, int col )
if ( !item ) return;
MScanListItem* itm = static_cast<MScanListItem*>( item );
qDebug( "contextMenuRequested on item '%s' (%s) in column: '%d'",
(const char*) itm->text(0), (const char*) itm->type, col );
if ( itm->type == "adhoc" || itm->type == "managed" )
QString entry = QString().sprintf( "&Join %s Net '%s'...", (const char*) itm->type, (const char*) itm->essid() );
QPopupMenu m( this );
m.insertItem( entry, 37773, 0 );
int result = m.exec( QCursor::pos() );
if ( result == 37773 )
emit joinNetwork( itm->type, itm->essid(), itm->channel(), itm->macaddr() );
// MScanListItem
MScanListItem::MScanListItem( QListView* parent, const QString& type, const QString& essid, const QString& macaddr,
bool wep, int channel, int signal, bool probed )
:OListViewItem( parent, essid, QString::null, macaddr, QString::null, QString::null ),
_type( type ), _essid( essid ), _macaddr( macaddr ), _wep( wep ),
_channel( channel ), _signal( signal ), _beacons( 1 )
#ifdef DEBUG
qDebug( "creating scanlist item" );
if ( WellenreiterConfigWindow::instance() )
WellenreiterConfigWindow::instance()->performAction( type, essid, macaddr, wep, channel, signal ); // better use signal/slot combination here
decorateItem( type, essid, macaddr, wep, channel, signal, probed );
MScanListItem::MScanListItem( QListViewItem* parent, const QString& type, const QString& essid, const QString& macaddr,
bool wep, int channel, int signal )
:OListViewItem( parent, essid, QString::null, macaddr, QString::null, QString::null )
#ifdef DEBUG
qDebug( "creating scanlist item" );
+ if ( WellenreiterConfigWindow::instance() )
+ WellenreiterConfigWindow::instance()->performAction( type, essid, macaddr, wep, channel, signal ); // better use signal/slot combination here
decorateItem( type, essid, macaddr, wep, channel, signal, false );
const QString& MScanListItem::essid() const
if ( type == "network" )
return _essid;
return ( (MScanListItem*) parent() )->essid();
OListViewItem* MScanListItem::childFactory()
return new MScanListItem( this );
void MScanListItem::serializeTo( QDataStream& s ) const
#ifdef DEBUG
qDebug( "serializing MScanListItem" );
OListViewItem::serializeTo( s );
s << _type;
s << (Q_UINT8) ( _wep ? 'y' : 'n' );
void MScanListItem::serializeFrom( QDataStream& s )
#ifdef DEBUG
qDebug( "serializing MScanListItem" );
OListViewItem::serializeFrom( s );
char wep;
s >> _type;
s >> (Q_UINT8) wep;
_wep = (wep == 'y');
QString name;
name.sprintf( "wellenreiter/%s", (const char*) _type );
setPixmap( col_type, Resource::loadPixmap( name ) );
if ( _wep )
setPixmap( col_wep, Resource::loadPixmap( "wellenreiter/cracked" ) ); //FIXME: rename the pixmap!
void MScanListItem::decorateItem( QString type, QString essid, QString macaddr, bool wep, int channel, int signal, bool probed )
#ifdef DEBUG
qDebug( "decorating scanlist item %s / %s / %s [%d]",
(const char*) type,
(const char*) essid,
(const char*) macaddr,
channel );
// set icon for managed or adhoc mode
QString name;
name.sprintf( "wellenreiter/%s", (const char*) type );
setPixmap( col_type, Resource::loadPixmap( name ) );
// special case for probed networks FIXME: This is ugly at present
if ( type == "network" && probed )
setPixmap( col_type, Resource::loadPixmap( "wellenreiter/network-probed.png" ) );
// set icon for wep (wireless encryption protocol)
if ( wep )
setPixmap( col_wep, Resource::loadPixmap( "wellenreiter/cracked" ) ); //FIXME: rename the pixmap!
// set channel and signal text
if ( signal != -1 )
setText( col_sig, QString::number( signal ) );
if ( channel != -1 )
setText( col_channel, QString::number( channel ) );
setText( col_firstseen, QTime::currentTime().toString() );
//setText( col_lastseen, QTime::currentTime().toString() );
this->type = type;
_type = type;
_essid = essid;
_macaddr = macaddr;
_channel = channel;
_beacons = 1;
_signal = 0;
if ( WellenreiterConfigWindow::instance()->openTree->isChecked() )
listView()->ensureItemVisible( this );