-rw-r--r-- | core/pim/todo/mainwindow.cpp | 5 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/pim/todo/mainwindow.h | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/pim/todo/tableview.cpp | 13 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/pim/todo/tableview.h | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/pim/todo/textviewshow.cpp | 17 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/pim/todo/textviewshow.h | 5 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/pim/todo/todoshow.cpp | 9 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/pim/todo/todoshow.h | 7 |
8 files changed, 52 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/core/pim/todo/mainwindow.cpp b/core/pim/todo/mainwindow.cpp index c90166b..d328558 100644 --- a/core/pim/todo/mainwindow.cpp +++ b/core/pim/todo/mainwindow.cpp @@ -158,193 +158,193 @@ void MainWindow::initActions() { // Options menu a = new QAction( QWidget::tr("Find"), Resource::loadIconSet( "mag" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect(a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( slotFind() ) ); a->addTo( m_options ); m_findAction = a; m_options->insertSeparator(); m_completedAction = new QAction( QString::null, QWidget::tr("Show completed tasks"), 0, this, 0, TRUE ); m_completedAction->addTo( m_options ); m_completedAction->setOn( showCompleted() ); connect(m_completedAction, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT(slotShowCompleted(bool) ) ); a = new QAction( QString::null, QWidget::tr("Show only over-due tasks"), 0, this, 0, TRUE ); a->addTo( m_options ); a->setOn( showOverDue() ); connect(a, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotShowDue(bool) ) ); m_showDeadLineAction = new QAction( QString::null, QWidget::tr("Show task deadlines"), 0, this, 0, TRUE ); m_showDeadLineAction->addTo( m_options ); m_showDeadLineAction->setOn( showDeadline() ); connect(m_showDeadLineAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( slotShowDeadLine( bool ) ) ); m_showQuickTaskAction = new QAction( QString::null, QWidget::tr("Show quick task bar"), 0, this, 0, TRUE ); m_showQuickTaskAction->addTo( m_options ); m_showQuickTaskAction->setOn( showQuickTask() ); connect(m_showQuickTaskAction, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT(slotShowQuickTask(bool) ) ); m_options->insertSeparator(); m_bar->insertItem( QWidget::tr("Data") ,m_edit ); m_bar->insertItem( QWidget::tr("Category"), m_catMenu ); m_bar->insertItem( QWidget::tr("Options"), m_options ); m_curQuick = new QuickEditImpl( this, m_quicktask ); addToolBar( (QPEToolBar *)m_curQuick->widget(), QWidget::tr( "QuickEdit" ), QMainWindow::Top, TRUE ); m_curQuick->signal()->connect( this, SLOT(slotQuickEntered() ) ); } /* m_curCat from Config */ void MainWindow::initConfig() { Config config( "todo" ); config.setGroup( "View" ); m_completed = config.readBoolEntry( "ShowComplete", TRUE ); m_curCat = config.readEntry( "Category", QString::null ); m_deadline = config.readBoolEntry( "ShowDeadLine", TRUE); m_overdue = config.readBoolEntry("ShowOverDue", FALSE ); m_quicktask = config.readBoolEntry("ShowQuickTask", TRUE); } void MainWindow::initUI() { m_stack = new QWidgetStack(this, "main stack"); setCentralWidget( m_stack ); setToolBarsMovable( FALSE ); m_tool = new QPEToolBar( this ); m_tool->setHorizontalStretchable( TRUE ); m_bar = new QMenuBar( m_tool ); /** QPopupMenu */ m_edit = new QPopupMenu( this ); m_options = new QPopupMenu( this ); m_catMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); m_template = new QPopupMenu( this ); m_catMenu->setCheckable( TRUE ); m_template->setCheckable( TRUE ); connect(m_catMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int) ), this, SLOT(setCategory(int) ) ); connect(m_template, SIGNAL(activated(int) ), this, SLOT(slotNewFromTemplate(int) ) ); } void MainWindow::initViews() { TableView* tableView = new TableView( this, m_stack ); QWhatsThis::add( tableView, QWidget::tr( "This is a listing of all current tasks.\n\nThe list displays the following information:\n1. Completed - A green checkmark indicates task is completed. Click here to complete a task.\n2. Priority - a graphical representation of task priority. Double-click here to modify.\n3. Description - description of task. Click here to select the task.\n4. Deadline - shows when task is due. This column can be shown or hidden by selecting Options->'Show task deadlines' from the menu above." ) ); m_stack->addWidget( tableView, m_counter++ ); m_views.append( tableView ); m_curView = tableView; connectBase( tableView ); /* add QString type + QString configname to * the View menu * and subdirs for multiple views */ } void MainWindow::initEditor() { m_curEdit = new Editor(); } void MainWindow::initShow() { - m_curShow = new TextViewShow(this); + m_curShow = new TextViewShow(this, this); m_stack->addWidget( m_curShow->widget() , m_counter++ ); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete templateManager(); } void MainWindow::connectBase( ViewBase* ) { // once templates and signals mix we'll use it again } QPopupMenu* MainWindow::contextMenu( int , bool recur ) { QPopupMenu* menu = new QPopupMenu(); m_editAction->addTo( menu ); m_deleteAction->addTo( menu ); m_duplicateAction->addTo( menu ); menu->insertSeparator(); /* * if this event recurs we allow * to detach it. * remove all */ if ( recur ) { ; // FIXME } return menu; } QPopupMenu* MainWindow::options() { qWarning("Options"); return m_options; } QPopupMenu* MainWindow::edit() { return m_edit; } QToolBar* MainWindow::toolbar() { return m_tool; } OTodoAccess::List MainWindow::list()const { return m_todoMgr.list(); } OTodoAccess::List MainWindow::sorted( bool asc, int sortOrder ) { int cat = 0; if ( m_curCat != QWidget::tr("All Categories") ) cat = currentCatId(); int filter = 1; if (!m_completed ) filter |= 4; if (m_overdue) filter |= 2; return m_todoMgr.sorted( asc, sortOrder, filter, cat ); } OTodoAccess::List MainWindow::sorted( bool asc, int sortOrder, int addFilter) { int cat = 0; if ( m_curCat != QWidget::tr("All Categories") ) cat = currentCatId(); return m_todoMgr.sorted(asc, sortOrder, addFilter, cat ); } OTodo MainWindow::event( int uid ) { return m_todoMgr.event( uid ); } bool MainWindow::isSyncing()const { return m_syncing; } TemplateManager* MainWindow::templateManager() { return m_tempManager; } Editor* MainWindow::currentEditor() { return m_curEdit; } TodoShow* MainWindow::currentShow() { return m_curShow; } void MainWindow::slotReload() { m_todoMgr.reload(); currentView()->updateView( ); raiseCurrentView(); } void MainWindow::closeEvent( QCloseEvent* e ) { if (m_stack->visibleWidget() == currentShow()->widget() ) { raiseCurrentView(); e->ignore(); return; } /* * we should have flushed and now we're still saving * so there is no need to flush */ if (m_syncing ) { e->accept(); return; } @@ -720,96 +720,99 @@ void MainWindow::slotComplete( const OTodo& todo ) { to.setUid( 1 ); /* add the old one cause it has a new UID here cause it was spin off */ m_todoMgr.add( to ); /* * update the due date * start date * and complete date */ to2.setDueDate( date ); to2.setStartDate( inval ); to2.setCompletedDate( inval ); to2.setCompleted( false ); updateTodo( to2 ); }else updateTodo( to ); }else updateTodo( to ); currentView()->updateView(); raiseCurrentView(); } void MainWindow::flush() { slotFlush(); } void MainWindow::reload() { slotReload(); } int MainWindow::create() { int uid = 0; if(m_syncing) { QMessageBox::warning(this, QWidget::tr("Todo"), QWidget::tr("Can not edit data, currently syncing")); return uid; } OTodo todo = currentEditor()->newTodo( currentCatId(), this ); if ( currentEditor()->accepted() ) { //todo.assignUid(); uid = todo.uid(); m_todoMgr.add( todo ); currentView()->addEvent( todo ); // I'm afraid we must call this every time now, otherwise // spend expensive time comparing all these strings... // but only call if we changed something -zecke populateCategories(); } raiseCurrentView( ); return uid; } /* delete it silently... */ bool MainWindow::remove( int uid ) { if (m_syncing) return false; return m_todoMgr.remove( uid ); } void MainWindow::beam( int uid, int ) { ::unlink( beamfile ); OTodo todo = event( uid ); OTodoAccessVCal* cal = new OTodoAccessVCal(QString::fromLatin1(beamfile) ); OTodoAccess acc( cal ); acc.load(); acc.add( todo ); acc.save(); Ir* ir = new Ir(this ); connect(ir, SIGNAL(done(Ir*) ), this, SLOT(beamDone(Ir*) ) ); ir->send( beamfile, todo.summary(), "text/x-vCalendar" ); } void MainWindow::show( int uid ) { slotShow( uid ); } void MainWindow::edit( int uid ) { slotEdit( uid ); } void MainWindow::add( const OPimRecord& rec) { if ( rec.rtti() != OTodo::rtti() ) return; const OTodo& todo = static_cast<const OTodo&>(rec); m_todoMgr.add(todo ); currentView()->addEvent( todo ); // I'm afraid we must call this every time now, otherwise // spend expensive time comparing all these strings... // but only call if we changed something -zecke populateCategories(); } +void MainWindow::slotReturnFromView() { + raiseCurrentView(); +} diff --git a/core/pim/todo/mainwindow.h b/core/pim/todo/mainwindow.h index d756d64..f880505 100644 --- a/core/pim/todo/mainwindow.h +++ b/core/pim/todo/mainwindow.h @@ -1,199 +1,201 @@ /* =. This file is part of the OPIE Project .=l. Copyright (c) 2002 Holger Freyther <zecke@handhelds.org> .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= = ; Library General Public License for more ++= -. .` .: details. : = ...= . :.=- -. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . . )=. = Library General Public License along with -- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef TODO_MAIN_WINDOW_H #define TODO_MAIN_WINDOW_H #include <qlist.h> #include <opie/otodoaccess.h> #include <opie/otodo.h> #include <opie/opimmainwindow.h> #include "smalltodo.h" #include "todoview.h" #include "quickedit.h" #include "todomanager.h" class QPopupMenu; class QMenuBar; class QToolBar; class QAction; class QWidgetStack; class Ir; class QVBox; class QLineEdit; namespace Todo { typedef TodoView View; class TemplateManager; class Editor; class TodoShow; class TemplateEditor; struct QuickEditBase; class MainWindow : public OPimMainWindow { Q_OBJECT friend class TodoView; // avoid QObject here.... + friend class TodoShow; // avoid QObject public: MainWindow( QWidget *parent = 0, const char* name = 0 ); ~MainWindow(); /** return a context menu for an OTodo */ QPopupMenu* contextMenu(int uid, bool doesRecur = FALSE ); QPopupMenu* options(); QPopupMenu* edit(); QToolBar* toolbar(); void updateList(); OTodoAccess::List list()const; OTodoAccess::List sorted( bool asc, int sortOrder ); OTodoAccess::List sorted( bool asc, int sortOrder, int addFilter ); OTodo event(int uid ); bool isSyncing()const; bool showCompleted()const; bool showDeadline()const; bool showOverDue()const; bool showQuickTask()const; QString currentCategory()const; int currentCatId(); TemplateManager* templateManager(); QuickEditBase* quickEditor(); void updateTodo( const OTodo& ); void populateTemplates(); Editor* currentEditor(); void setReadAhead(uint count ); private slots: void slotQuickEntered(); void populateCategories(); void slotReload(); void slotFlush(); protected: void closeEvent( QCloseEvent* e ); private: void receiveFile( const QString& filename ); void connectBase( ViewBase* ); void initUI(); void initActions(); void initConfig(); void initViews(); void initEditor(); void initShow(); void initTemplate(); void raiseCurrentView(); ViewBase* currentView(); ViewBase* m_curView; QuickEditBase* m_curQuick; Editor* m_curEdit; TodoShow* currentShow(); TodoShow* m_curShow; TemplateEditor* currentTemplateEditor(); TemplateEditor* m_curTempEd; QMenuBar* m_bar; QToolBar* m_tool; QAction* m_editAction, *m_deleteAction, *m_findAction, *m_completedAction, *m_showDeadLineAction, *m_deleteAllAction, *m_deleteCompleteAction, *m_duplicateAction, *m_showOverDueAction, *m_showQuickTaskAction, *m_effectiveAction; QWidgetStack *m_stack; QPopupMenu* m_catMenu, *m_edit, *m_options, *m_template; bool m_syncing:1; bool m_deadline:1; bool m_completed:1; bool m_overdue:1; bool m_quicktask:1; TodoManager m_todoMgr; QString m_curCat; QList<ViewBase> m_views; uint m_counter; TemplateManager* m_tempManager; private slots: void slotShow(int); void slotEdit(int); void slotUpdate3( QWidget* ); void slotComplete( int uid ); void slotComplete( const OTodo& ev ); void slotNewFromTemplate(int id ); void slotNew(); void slotDuplicate(); void slotDelete(); void slotDeleteAll(); void slotDeleteCompleted(); void slotEdit(); void slotFind(); void setCategory( int ); void slotShowDeadLine( bool ); void slotShowCompleted( bool ); void slotShowQuickTask( bool ); void setDocument( const QString& ); void slotBeam(); void beamDone( Ir* ); void slotShowDetails(); void slotShowDue( bool ); + void slotReturnFromView(); // for TodoShow... /* reimplementation from opimmainwindow */ protected slots: void flush(); void reload(); int create(); bool remove( int uid ); void beam(int uid, int transport = IrDa ); void show( int uid ); void edit( int uid ); void add( const OPimRecord& ); }; }; #endif diff --git a/core/pim/todo/tableview.cpp b/core/pim/todo/tableview.cpp index 61d1edd..cec8b5e 100644 --- a/core/pim/todo/tableview.cpp +++ b/core/pim/todo/tableview.cpp @@ -376,157 +376,168 @@ void TableView::paintCell(QPainter* p, int row, int col, const QRect& cr, bool p->drawPixmap( x + marg, y, m_pic_priority[ task.priority() - 1 ] ); } break; case 2: // description field { QString text = task.summary().isEmpty() ? task.description().left(20) : task.summary(); p->drawText(2,2 + fm.ascent(), text); } break; case 3: { QString text; if (task.hasDueDate()) { int off = QDate::currentDate().daysTo( task.dueDate() ); text = tr( "%1 day(s)").arg(QString::number(off)); /* * set color if not completed */ if (!task.isCompleted() ) { QColor color = Qt::black; if ( off < 0 ) color = Qt::red; else if ( off == 0 ) color = Qt::yellow; else if ( off > 0 ) color = Qt::green; p->setPen(color ); } } else { text = tr("None"); } p->drawText(2,2 + fm.ascent(), text); } break; } p->restore(); } QWidget* TableView::createEditor(int row, int col, bool )const { switch( col ) { case 1: { /* the priority stuff */ QComboBox* combo = new QComboBox( viewport() ); for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { combo->insertItem( m_pic_priority[ i ] ); } combo->setCurrentItem( sorted()[row].priority()-1 ); return combo; } /* summary */ case 2:{ QLineEdit* edit = new QLineEdit( viewport() ); edit->setText( sorted()[row].summary() ); return edit; } case 0: default: return 0l; } } void TableView::setCellContentFromEditor(int row, int col ) { if ( col == 1 ) { QWidget* wid = cellWidget(row, 1 ); if ( wid->inherits("QComboBox") ) { int pri = ((QComboBox*)wid)->currentItem() + 1; OTodo todo = sorted()[row]; if ( todo.priority() != pri ) { todo.setPriority( pri ); TodoView::update( todo.uid(), todo ); updateView(); } } }else if ( col == 2) { QWidget* wid = cellWidget(row, 2); if ( wid->inherits("QLineEdit") ) { QString text = ((QLineEdit*)wid)->text(); OTodo todo = sorted()[row]; if ( todo.summary() != text ) { todo.setSummary( text ); TodoView::update( todo.uid(), todo ); updateView(); } } } } void TableView::slotPriority() { setCellContentFromEditor( currentRow(), currentColumn() ); } /* * We'll use the TimerEvent to read ahead or to keep the cahce always * filled enough. * We will try to read ahead 4 items in both ways * up and down. On odd or even we will currentRow()+-4 or +-9 * */ -void TableView::timerEvent( QTimerEvent* ev ) { +void TableView::timerEvent( QTimerEvent* ) { // qWarning("sorted %d", sorted().count() ); if (sorted().count() == 0 ) return; int row = currentRow(); if ( m_row ) { int ro = row-4; if (ro < 0 ) ro = 0; sorted()[ro]; ro = row+4; sorted()[ro]; } else { int ro = row + 8; sorted()[ro]; ro = row-8; if (ro < 0 ) ro = 0; sorted()[ro]; } m_row = !m_row; } // We want a strike through completed ;) // durchstreichen to complete /* * MouseTracking is off this mean we only receive * these events if the mouse button is pressed * We've the previous point saved * We check if the previous and current Point are * in the same row. * Then we check if they're some pixel horizontal away * if the distance between the two points is greater than * 8 we mark the underlying todo as completed and do a repaint * * BUG: When clicking on the Due column and it's scrollable * the todo is marked as completed... * REASON: QTable is doing auto scrolling which leads to a move * in the x coordinate and this way it's able to pass the * m_completeStrokeWidth criteria * WORKAROUND: strike through needs to strike through the same * row and two columns! */ void TableView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* e) { int row = rowAt(m_prevP.y()); int colOld = columnAt(m_prevP.x() ); int colNew = columnAt(e->x() ); qWarning("colNew: %d colOld: %d", colNew, colOld ); if ( row == rowAt( e->y() ) && row != -1 && colOld != colNew ) { TodoView::complete( sorted()[row] ); return; } QTable::contentsMouseReleaseEvent( e ); } void TableView::contentsMouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) { m_menuTimer->stop(); QTable::contentsMouseMoveEvent( e ); } +void TableView::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* event) { + switch( event->key() ) { + case Qt::Key_F33: + case Qt::Key_Enter: + case Qt::Key_Return: + showTodo( sorted().uidAt( currentRow() ) ); + break; + default: + QTable::keyPressEvent( event ); + } +} diff --git a/core/pim/todo/tableview.h b/core/pim/todo/tableview.h index 2b6ea2b..689c496 100644 --- a/core/pim/todo/tableview.h +++ b/core/pim/todo/tableview.h @@ -1,111 +1,112 @@ /* =. This file is part of the OPIE Project .=l. Copyright (c) 2002 <> .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= = ; Library General Public License for more ++= -. .` .: details. : = ...= . :.=- -. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . . )=. = Library General Public License along with -- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef OPIE_TABLE_VIEW_H #define OPIE_TABLE_VIEW_H #include <qtable.h> #include <qmap.h> #include <qpixmap.h> #include "todoview.h" class QTimer; namespace Todo { class CheckItem; class DueTextItem; class TableView : public QTable, public TodoView { Q_OBJECT public: TableView( MainWindow*, QWidget* parent ); ~TableView(); QString type()const; int current(); QString currentRepresentation(); void clear(); void showOverDue( bool ); void updateView(); void setTodo( int uid, const OTodo& ); void addEvent( const OTodo& event ); void replaceEvent( const OTodo& ); void removeEvent( int uid ); void setShowCompleted( bool ); void setShowDeadline( bool ); void setShowCategory(const QString& =QString::null ); void newDay(); QWidget* widget(); void sortColumn(int, bool, bool ); /* * we do our drawing ourselves * because we don't want to have * 40.000 QTableItems for 10.000 * OTodos where we only show 10 at a time! */ void paintCell(QPainter* p, int row, int col, const QRect&, bool ); private: /* reimplented for internal reasons */ void viewportPaintEvent( QPaintEvent* ); QTimer *m_menuTimer; bool m_enablePaint:1; QString m_oleCat; bool m_first : 1; QPixmap m_pic_completed; QPixmap m_pic_priority[ 5 ]; protected: + void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* ); void contentsMouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* ); void contentsMouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* ); void timerEvent( QTimerEvent* e ); QWidget* createEditor(int row, int col, bool initFromCell )const; void setCellContentFromEditor( int row, int col ); private slots: void slotShowMenu(); void slotClicked(int, int, int, const QPoint& ); void slotPressed(int, int, int, const QPoint& ); void slotValueChanged(int, int); void slotCurrentChanged(int, int ); void slotPriority(); private: void initConfig(); int m_completeStrokeWidth; bool m_row : 1; QPoint m_prevP; }; }; #endif diff --git a/core/pim/todo/textviewshow.cpp b/core/pim/todo/textviewshow.cpp index 24c8c0e..fe8a9c8 100644 --- a/core/pim/todo/textviewshow.cpp +++ b/core/pim/todo/textviewshow.cpp @@ -1,19 +1,32 @@ +#include "mainwindow.h" #include "textviewshow.h" using namespace Todo; -TextViewShow::TextViewShow( QWidget* parent) - : QTextView( parent ), TodoShow() { +TextViewShow::TextViewShow( QWidget* parent, MainWindow* win) + : QTextView( parent ), TodoShow(win) { } TextViewShow::~TextViewShow() { } QString TextViewShow::type()const { return QString::fromLatin1("TextViewShow"); } void TextViewShow::slotShow( const OTodo& ev ) { setText( ev.toRichText() ); } QWidget* TextViewShow::widget() { return this; } +void TextViewShow::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* event ) { + switch( event->key() ) { + case Qt::Key_F33: + case Qt::Key_Enter: + case Qt::Key_Return: + escapeView(); + break; + default: + QTextView::keyPressEvent( event ); + break; + } +} diff --git a/core/pim/todo/textviewshow.h b/core/pim/todo/textviewshow.h index f58026b..498de81 100644 --- a/core/pim/todo/textviewshow.h +++ b/core/pim/todo/textviewshow.h @@ -1,17 +1,20 @@ #include <qtextview.h> #include "todoshow.h" namespace Todo { class TextViewShow : public QTextView, public TodoShow { public: - TextViewShow( QWidget* parent ); + TextViewShow( QWidget* parent, MainWindow* ); ~TextViewShow(); QString type()const; void slotShow( const OTodo& ev ); QWidget* widget(); + protected: + void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* ); + }; }; diff --git a/core/pim/todo/todoshow.cpp b/core/pim/todo/todoshow.cpp index c84a08f..4dbc9aa 100644 --- a/core/pim/todo/todoshow.cpp +++ b/core/pim/todo/todoshow.cpp @@ -1,9 +1,16 @@ + +#include "mainwindow.h" #include "todoshow.h" using namespace Todo; -TodoShow::TodoShow() { +TodoShow::TodoShow(MainWindow* win) { + m_win = win; } TodoShow::~TodoShow() { } +void TodoShow::escapeView() { + if (m_win ) + m_win->slotReturnFromView(); +} diff --git a/core/pim/todo/todoshow.h b/core/pim/todo/todoshow.h index 198e9ae..7267b13 100644 --- a/core/pim/todo/todoshow.h +++ b/core/pim/todo/todoshow.h @@ -1,53 +1,58 @@ /* =. This file is part of the OPIE Project .=l. Copyright (c) 2002 <> .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= = ; Library General Public License for more ++= -. .` .: details. : = ...= . :.=- -. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . . )=. = Library General Public License along with -- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef TODO_TODO_SHOW_H #define TODO_TODO_SHOW_H #include <qstring.h> #include <qwidget.h> #include <opie/otodo.h> namespace Todo { + class MainWindow; /** * TodoShow is the baseclass of * of all TodoShows. * The first implementation is a QTextView * implementation showing the Todo as richtext */ class TodoShow { public: - TodoShow(); + TodoShow( MainWindow* win); virtual ~TodoShow(); virtual QString type()const = 0; virtual void slotShow( const OTodo& ev ) = 0; virtual QWidget* widget() = 0; + protected: + void escapeView(); + private: + MainWindow *m_win; }; }; #endif |