-rw-r--r-- | core/apps/textedit/textedit.cpp | 60 |
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/core/apps/textedit/textedit.cpp b/core/apps/textedit/textedit.cpp index ccc43fa..ea27e1b 100644 --- a/core/apps/textedit/textedit.cpp +++ b/core/apps/textedit/textedit.cpp @@ -1,138 +1,135 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ // changes added by L. J. Potter Sun 02-17-2002 21:31:31 #include "textedit.h" -//#include "fileBrowser.h" #include "fileSaver.h" #include "filePermissions.h" - #include "fontDialog.h" +#include <opie/ofileselector.h> +#include <opie/ofiledialog.h> + #include <qpe/fontdatabase.h> #include <qpe/global.h> #include <qpe/fileselector.h> #include <qpe/applnk.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/qpemenubar.h> #include <qpe/qpetoolbar.h> #include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h> -//#include <qpe/finddialog.h> - -#include <opie/ofileselector.h> -#include <opie/ofiledialog.h> #include <qstringlist.h> #include <qaction.h> #include <qcolordialog.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qobjectlist.h> #include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qspinbox.h> #include <qtoolbutton.h> #include <qwidgetstack.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qcombo.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdlib.h> //getenv /* XPM */ static char * filesave_xpm[] = { "16 16 78 1", " c None", ". c #343434", "+ c #A0A0A0", "@ c #565656", "# c #9E9E9E", "$ c #525252", "% c #929292", "& c #676767", "* c #848484", "= c #666666", "- c #D8D8D8", "; c #FFFFFF", "> c #DBDBDB", ", c #636363", "' c #989898", ") c #2D2D2D", "! c #909090", "~ c #AEAEAE", "{ c #EAEAEA", "] c #575757", "^ c #585858", "/ c #8A8A8A", "( c #828282", "_ c #6F6F6F", ": c #C9C9C9", "< c #050505", "[ c #292929", "} c #777777", "| c #616161", "1 c #3A3A3A", "2 c #BEBEBE", "3 c #2C2C2C", "4 c #7C7C7C", "5 c #F6F6F6", "6 c #FCFCFC", "7 c #6B6B6B", "8 c #959595", "9 c #4F4F4F", "0 c #808080", "a c #767676", "b c #818181", "c c #B8B8B8", "d c #FBFBFB", "e c #F9F9F9", "f c #CCCCCC", "g c #030303", "h c #737373", "i c #7A7A7A", "j c #7E7E7E", "k c #6A6A6A", "l c #FAFAFA", "m c #505050", "n c #9D9D9D", "o c #333333", "p c #7B7B7B", "q c #787878", "r c #696969", "s c #494949", "t c #555555", "u c #949494", "v c #E6E6E6", "w c #424242", "x c #515151", "y c #535353", "z c #3E3E3E", "A c #D4D4D4", "B c #0C0C0C", "C c #353535", "D c #474747", "E c #ECECEC", "F c #919191", "G c #7D7D7D", "H c #000000", "I c #404040", "J c #858585", @@ -414,236 +411,203 @@ TextEdit::TextEdit( QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f ) } else { fileOpen(); } viewSelection = cfg.readNumEntry( "FileView", 0 ); } void TextEdit::cleanUp() { // save(); Config cfg("TextEdit"); cfg.setGroup("View"); QFont f = editor->font(); cfg.writeEntry("FontSize",f.pointSize()); cfg.writeEntry("Bold",f.bold()); cfg.writeEntry("Italic",f.italic()); cfg.writeEntry("Wrap",editor->wordWrap() == QMultiLineEdit::WidgetWidth); cfg.writeEntry( "FileView", viewSelection ); } TextEdit::~TextEdit() { } void TextEdit::zoomIn() { setFontSize(editor->font().pointSize()+1,FALSE); } void TextEdit::zoomOut() { setFontSize(editor->font().pointSize()-1,TRUE); } void TextEdit::setFontSize(int sz, bool round_down_not_up) { int s=10; for (int i=0; i<nfontsizes; i++) { if ( fontsize[i] == sz ) { s = sz; break; } else if ( round_down_not_up ) { if ( fontsize[i] < sz ) s = fontsize[i]; } else { if ( fontsize[i] > sz ) { s = fontsize[i]; break; } } } QFont f = editor->font(); f.setPointSize(s); editor->setFont(f); zin->setEnabled(s != fontsize[nfontsizes-1]); zout->setEnabled(s != fontsize[0]); } void TextEdit::setBold(bool y) { QFont f = editor->font(); f.setBold(y); editor->setFont(f); } void TextEdit::setItalic(bool y) { QFont f = editor->font(); f.setItalic(y); editor->setFont(f); } void TextEdit::setWordWrap(bool y) { bool state = editor->edited(); editor->setWordWrap(y ? QMultiLineEdit::WidgetWidth : QMultiLineEdit::NoWrap ); editor->setEdited( state ); } void TextEdit::fileNew() { // if( !bFromDocView ) { // saveAs(); // } newFile(DocLnk()); } void TextEdit::fileOpen() { Config cfg("TextEdit"); cfg.setGroup("View"); bool b=FALSE; -// if(cfg.readEntry("useOldFileDialog") == "TRUE") -// b=TRUE; -// if(!b) { - QMap<QString, QStringList> map; - map.insert(tr("All"), QStringList() ); - QStringList text; - text << "text/*"; - map.insert(tr("Text"), text ); - QString str = OFileDialog::getOpenFileName( 2,"/", QString::null, map);//,"", "*", this ); + + QMap<QString, QStringList> map; + map.insert(tr("All"), QStringList() ); + QStringList text; + text << "text/*"; + map.insert(tr("Text"), text ); + text << "*"; + map.insert(tr("All"), text ); + QString str = OFileDialog::getOpenFileName( 2,"/", QString::null, map); if(!str.isEmpty() ) openFile( str ); -// } else { -// QString str; -// browseForFiles = new fileBrowser(this,tr("Open File"),TRUE,0, "*"); // -// browseForFiles->setFileView( viewSelection ); -// browseForFiles->showMaximized(); -// // if( result != -1 ) - -// if( browseForFiles->exec() != -1 ) { -// QString selFile = browseForFiles->selectedFileName; -// QStringList fileList = browseForFiles->fileList; -// qDebug(selFile); -// QStringList::ConstIterator f; -// QString fileTemp; -// for ( f = fileList.begin(); f != fileList.end(); f++ ) { -// fileTemp = *f; -// fileTemp.right( fileTemp.length()-5); -// QString fileName = fileTemp; -// if( fileName != "Unnamed" || fileName != "Empty Text" ) { -// currentFileName = fileName; -// qDebug("please open "+currentFileName); -// openFile(currentFileName ); -// } -// } -// viewSelection = browseForFiles->SelectionCombo->currentItem(); -// } -// delete browseForFiles; -// editor->setEdited( FALSE); -// edited1=FALSE; -// edited=FALSE; -// if(caption().left(1)=="*") -// setCaption(caption().right(caption().length()-1)); -// doSearchBar(); -// } } void TextEdit::doSearchBar() { Config cfg("TextEdit"); cfg.setGroup("View"); if(cfg.readEntry("SearchBar","Closed") != "Opened") searchBar->hide(); } #if 0 void TextEdit::slotFind() { FindDialog frmFind( tr("Text Editor"), this ); connect( &frmFind, SIGNAL(signalFindClicked(const QString &, bool, bool, int)), editor, SLOT(slotDoFind( const QString&,bool,bool))); //case sensitive, backwards, [category] connect( editor, SIGNAL(notFound()), &frmFind, SLOT(slotNotFound()) ); connect( editor, SIGNAL(searchWrapped()), &frmFind, SLOT(slotWrapAround()) ); frmFind.exec(); } #endif void TextEdit::fileRevert() { clear(); fileOpen(); } void TextEdit::editCut() { #ifndef QT_NO_CLIPBOARD editor->cut(); #endif } void TextEdit::editCopy() { #ifndef QT_NO_CLIPBOARD editor->copy(); #endif } void TextEdit::editPaste() { #ifndef QT_NO_CLIPBOARD editor->paste(); #endif } void TextEdit::editFind() { searchBar->show(); searchVisible = TRUE; searchEdit->setFocus(); Config cfg("TextEdit"); cfg.setGroup("View"); cfg.writeEntry("SearchBar","Opened"); } void TextEdit::findNext() { editor->find( searchEdit->text(), FALSE, FALSE ); } void TextEdit::findClose() { searchVisible = FALSE; searchBar->hide(); Config cfg("TextEdit"); cfg.setGroup("View"); cfg.writeEntry("SearchBar","Closed"); cfg.write(); } void TextEdit::search() { editor->find( searchEdit->text(), FALSE, FALSE ); } void TextEdit::newFile( const DocLnk &f ) { DocLnk nf = f; nf.setType("text/plain"); clear(); setWState (WState_Reserved1 ); |