Side-by-side diff
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2 files changed, 12 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/libopie2/opiemm/opieexif.cpp b/libopie2/opiemm/opieexif.cpp
index 0860ea8..de49937 100644
--- a/libopie2/opiemm/opieexif.cpp
+++ b/libopie2/opiemm/opieexif.cpp
@@ -184,193 +184,192 @@ int ExifData::ReadJpegSections (QFile & infile, ReadMode_t ReadMode)
Sections[SectionsRead].Size = itemlen;
Data = (uchar *)malloc(itemlen+1); // Add 1 to allow sticking a 0 at the end.
Sections[SectionsRead].Data = Data;
// Store first two pre-read bytes.
Data[0] = (uchar)lh;
Data[1] = (uchar)ll;
got = infile.readBlock((char*)Data+2, itemlen-2); // Read the whole section.
if (( unsigned ) got != itemlen-2){
return false;
case M_SOS: // stop before hitting compressed data
// If reading entire image is requested, read the rest of the data.
if (ReadMode & READ_IMAGE){
unsigned long size;
size = QMAX( 0ul, infile.size() );
Data = (uchar *)malloc(size);
if (Data == NULL){
return false;
got = infile.readBlock((char*)Data, size);
if (( unsigned ) got != size){
return false;
Sections[SectionsRead].Data = Data;
Sections[SectionsRead].Size = size;
Sections[SectionsRead].Type = PSEUDO_IMAGE_MARKER;
SectionsRead ++;
//HaveAll = 1;
return true;
case M_EOI: // in case it's a tables-only JPEG stream
owarn << "No image in jpeg!" << oendl;
return false;
case M_COM: // Comment section
// pieczy 2002-02-12
// now the User comment goes to UserComment
// so we can store a Comment section also in READ_EXIF mode
process_COM(Data, itemlen);
case M_JFIF:
// Regular jpegs always have this tag, exif images have the exif
// marker instead, althogh ACDsee will write images with both markers.
// this program will re-create this marker on absence of exif marker.
// hence no need to keep the copy from the file.
case M_EXIF:
// Seen files from some 'U-lead' software with Vivitar scanner
// that uses marker 31 for non exif stuff. Thus make sure
// it says 'Exif' in the section before treating it as exif.
if ((ReadMode & READ_EXIF) && memcmp(Data+2, "Exif", 4) == 0){
process_EXIF((uchar *)Data, itemlen);
// Discard this section.
case M_SOF0:
case M_SOF1:
case M_SOF2:
case M_SOF3:
case M_SOF5:
case M_SOF6:
case M_SOF7:
case M_SOF9:
case M_SOF10:
case M_SOF11:
case M_SOF13:
case M_SOF14:
case M_SOF15:
process_SOFn(Data, marker);
return true;
// Discard read data.
void ExifData::DiscardData(void)
for (int a=0; a < SectionsRead; a++)
SectionsRead = 0;
// Convert a 16 bit unsigned value from file's native byte order
int ExifData::Get16u(void * Short)
if (MotorolaOrder){
return (((uchar *)Short)[0] << 8) | ((uchar *)Short)[1];
return (((uchar *)Short)[1] << 8) | ((uchar *)Short)[0];
// Convert a 32 bit signed value from file's native byte order
int ExifData::Get32s(void * Long)
if (MotorolaOrder){
return ((( char *)Long)[0] << 24) | (((uchar *)Long)[1] << 16)
| (((uchar *)Long)[2] << 8 ) | (((uchar *)Long)[3] << 0 );
return ((( char *)Long)[3] << 24) | (((uchar *)Long)[2] << 16)
| (((uchar *)Long)[1] << 8 ) | (((uchar *)Long)[0] << 0 );
// Convert a 32 bit unsigned value from file's native byte order
unsigned ExifData::Get32u(void * Long)
return (unsigned)Get32s(Long) & 0xffffffff;
// Evaluate number, be it int, rational, or float from directory.
double ExifData::ConvertAnyFormat(void * ValuePtr, int Format)
double Value;
Value = 0;
case FMT_SBYTE: Value = *(signed char *)ValuePtr; break;
case FMT_BYTE: Value = *(uchar *)ValuePtr; break;
case FMT_USHORT: Value = Get16u(ValuePtr); break;
case FMT_ULONG: Value = Get32u(ValuePtr); break;
int Num,Den;
Num = Get32s(ValuePtr);
Den = Get32s(4+(char *)ValuePtr);
if (Den == 0){
Value = 0;
Value = (double)Num/Den;
case FMT_SSHORT: Value = (signed short)Get16u(ValuePtr); break;
case FMT_SLONG: Value = Get32s(ValuePtr); break;
// Not sure if this is correct (never seen float used in Exif format)
case FMT_SINGLE: Value = (double)*(float *)ValuePtr; break;
case FMT_DOUBLE: Value = *(double *)ValuePtr; break;
return Value;
// Process one of the nested EXIF directories.
void ExifData::ProcessExifDir(unsigned char * DirStart, unsigned char * OffsetBase, unsigned ExifLength)
int de;
int a;
int NumDirEntries;
unsigned ThumbnailOffset = 0;
unsigned ThumbnailSize = 0;
NumDirEntries = Get16u(DirStart);
@@ -916,280 +915,237 @@ static QImage rotate_90_8( const QImage &img ) {
return dest;
static QImage rotate_90_all( const QImage& img ) {
dest.create(img.height(), img.width(), img.depth());
for ( y=0; y < img.height(); ++y ) {
srcData = (unsigned int *)img.scanLine(y);
for ( x=0; x < img.width(); ++x ) {
destData = (unsigned int *)dest.scanLine(x);
destData[img.height()-y-1] = srcData[x];
return dest;
static QImage rotate_90( const QImage & img ) {
if ( img.depth() > 8)
return rotate_90_all( img );
return rotate_90_8( img );
static QImage rotate_180_all( const QImage& img ) {
dest.create(img.width(), img.height(), img.depth());
for ( y=0; y < img.height(); ++y ){
srcData = (unsigned int *)img.scanLine(y);
destData = (unsigned int *)dest.scanLine(img.height()-y-1);
for ( x=0; x < img.width(); ++x )
destData[img.width()-x-1] = srcData[x];
return dest;
static QImage rotate_180_8( const QImage& img ) {
dest.create(img.width(), img.height(), img.depth());
srcTable = (unsigned int *)img.colorTable();
destTable = (unsigned int *)dest.colorTable();
for ( x=0; x < img.numColors(); ++x )
destTable[x] = srcTable[x];
for ( y=0; y < img.height(); ++y ){
srcData8 = (unsigned char *)img.scanLine(y);
destData8 = (unsigned char *)dest.scanLine(img.height()-y-1);
for ( x=0; x < img.width(); ++x )
destData8[img.width()-x-1] = srcData8[x];
return dest;
static QImage rotate_180( const QImage& img ) {
if ( img.depth() > 8 )
return rotate_180_all( img );
return rotate_180_8( img );
static QImage rotate_270_8( const QImage& img ) {
dest.create(img.height(), img.width(), img.depth());
srcTable = (unsigned int *)img.colorTable();
destTable = (unsigned int *)dest.colorTable();
for ( x=0; x < img.numColors(); ++x )
destTable[x] = srcTable[x];
for ( y=0; y < img.height(); ++y ){
srcData8 = (unsigned char *)img.scanLine(y);
for ( x=0; x < img.width(); ++x ){
destData8 = (unsigned char *)dest.scanLine(img.width()-x-1);
destData8[y] = srcData8[x];
return dest;
static QImage rotate_270_all( const QImage& img ) {
dest.create(img.height(), img.width(), img.depth());
for ( y=0; y < img.height(); ++y ){
srcData = (unsigned int *)img.scanLine(y);
for ( x=0; x < img.width(); ++x ){
destData = (unsigned int *)dest.scanLine(img.width()-x-1);
destData[y] = srcData[x];
return dest;
static QImage rotate_270( const QImage& img ) {
if ( img.depth() > 8 )
return rotate_270_all( img );
return rotate_270_8( img );
-static QString color_mode_to_string( bool b ) {
+QString ExifData::color_mode_to_string( bool b ) {
return b ? QObject::tr( "Colormode: Color\n" ) : QObject::tr( "Colormode: Black and white\n" );
-static QString compression_to_string( int level ) {
+QString ExifData::compression_to_string( int level ) {
QString str;
switch( level ) {
case 1:
str = QObject::tr( "Basic" );
case 2:
str = QObject::tr( "Normal" );
case 4:
str = QObject::tr( "Fine" );
str = QObject::tr( "Unknown" );
return QObject::tr("Quality: %1\n").arg(str);
-static QDateTime parseDateTime( const QString& string )
- QDateTime dt;
- if ( string.length() != 19 )
- return dt;
- QString year = string.left( 4 );
- QString month = string.mid( 5, 2 );
- QString day = string.mid( 8, 2 );
- QString hour = string.mid( 11, 2 );
- QString minute = string.mid( 14, 2 );
- QString seconds = string.mid( 18, 2 );
- bool ok;
- bool allOk = true;
- int y = year.toInt( &ok );
- allOk &= ok;
- int mo = month.toInt( &ok );
- allOk &= ok;
- int d = day.toInt( &ok );
- allOk &= ok;
- int h = hour.toInt( &ok );
- allOk &= ok;
- int mi = minute.toInt( &ok );
- allOk &= ok;
- int s = seconds.toInt( &ok );
- allOk &= ok;
- if ( allOk ) {
- dt.setDate( QDate( y, mo, d ) );
- dt.setTime( QTime( h, mi, s ) );
- }
- return dt;
-static QString white_balance_string( int i ) {
+QString ExifData::white_balance_string( int i ) {
QString balance;
switch ( i ) {
case 0:
balance = QObject::tr( "Unknown" );
case 1:
balance = QObject::tr( "Daylight" );
case 2:
balance = QObject::tr( "Fluorescent" );
case 3:
balance = QObject::tr( "Tungsten" );
case 17:
balance = QObject::tr( "Standard light A" );
case 18:
balance = QObject::tr( "Standard light B" );
case 19:
balance = QObject::tr( "Standard light C" );
case 20:
balance = QObject::tr( "D55" );
case 21:
balance = QObject::tr( "D65" );
case 22:
balance = QObject::tr( "D75" );
case 255:
balance = QObject::tr( "Other" );
balance = QObject::tr( "Unknown" );
return QObject::tr( "White Balance: %1\n" ).arg( balance );
-static QString metering_mode( int i) {
+QString ExifData::metering_mode( int i) {
QString meter;
switch( i ) {
case 0:
meter = QObject::tr( "Unknown" );
case 1:
meter = QObject::tr( "Average" );
case 2:
meter = QObject::tr( "Center weighted average" );
case 3:
meter = QObject::tr( "Spot" );
case 4:
meter = QObject::tr( "MultiSpot" );
case 5:
meter = QObject::tr( "Pattern" );
case 6:
meter = QObject::tr( "Partial" );
case 255:
meter = QObject::tr( "Other" );
meter = QObject::tr( "Unknown" );
return QObject::tr( "Metering Mode: %1\n" ).arg( meter );
-static QString exposure_program( int i ) {
+QString ExifData::exposure_program( int i ) {
QString exp;
switch( i ) {
case 0:
exp = QObject::tr( "Not defined" );
case 1:
exp = QObject::tr( "Manual" );
case 2:
exp = QObject::tr( "Normal progam" );
case 3:
exp = QObject::tr( "Aperture priority" );
case 4:
exp = QObject::tr( "Shutter priority" );
case 5:
exp = QObject::tr( "Creative progam\n(biased toward fast shutter speed" );
case 6:
exp = QObject::tr( "Action progam\n(biased toward fast shutter speed)" );
case 7:
exp = QObject::tr( "Portrait mode\n(for closeup photos with the background out of focus)" );
case 8:
exp = QObject::tr( "Landscape mode\n(for landscape photos with the background in focus)" );
exp = QObject::tr( "Unknown" );
return QObject::tr( "Exposure Program: %1\n" ).arg( exp );
} // namespace MM
} // namespace OPIE
diff --git a/libopie2/opiemm/opieexif.h b/libopie2/opiemm/opieexif.h
index efaed71..fb06bf8 100644
--- a/libopie2/opiemm/opieexif.h
+++ b/libopie2/opiemm/opieexif.h
@@ -39,101 +39,108 @@ public:
uchar * Data;
int Type;
unsigned Size;
struct TagTable_t {
unsigned short Tag;
const char*const Desc;
static const int MAX_SECTIONS=20;
static const unsigned int PSEUDO_IMAGE_MARKER=0x123;
Section_t Sections[MAX_SECTIONS];
QString CameraMake;
QString CameraModel;
QString DateTime;
int Orientation;
int Height, Width;
int ExifImageLength, ExifImageWidth;
int IsColor;
int Process;
int FlashUsed;
float FocalLength;
float ExposureTime;
float ApertureFNumber;
float Distance;
int Whitebalance;
int MeteringMode;
float CCDWidth;
float ExposureBias;
int ExposureProgram;
int ISOequivalent;
int CompressionLevel;
QString UserComment;
QString Comment;
QImage Thumbnail;
unsigned char * LastExifRefd;
int ExifSettingsLength;
double FocalplaneXRes;
double FocalplaneUnits;
int MotorolaOrder;
int SectionsRead;
int ReadJpegSections (QFile & infile, ReadMode_t ReadMode);
void DiscardData(void);
int Get16u(void * Short);
int Get32s(void * Long);
unsigned Get32u(void * Long);
double ConvertAnyFormat(void * ValuePtr, int Format);
void ProcessExifDir(unsigned char * DirStart, unsigned char * OffsetBase, unsigned ExifLength);
void process_COM (const uchar * Data, int length);
void process_SOFn (const uchar * Data, int marker);
int Get16m(const void * Short);
void process_EXIF(unsigned char * CharBuf, unsigned int length);
int Exif2tm(struct ::tm * timeptr, char * ExifTime);
//! Contructor for initialising
//! destructor
virtual ~ExifData();
//! scan a given file
* try to scan the EXIF data of a image file
* \param aFile the file to scan
* \return true if success, otherwise false
bool scan(const QString &aFile);
QString getCameraMake() { return CameraMake; }
QString getCameraModel() { return CameraModel; }
QString getDateTime() { return DateTime; }
int getOrientation() { return Orientation; }
int getHeight() { return Height; }
int getWidth() { return Width; }
int getIsColor() { return IsColor; }
int getProcess() { return Process; }
int getFlashUsed() { return FlashUsed; }
float getFocalLength() { return FocalLength; }
float getExposureTime() { return ExposureTime; }
float getApertureFNumber() { return ApertureFNumber; }
float getDistance() { return Distance; }
int getWhitebalance() { return Whitebalance; }
int getMeteringMode() { return MeteringMode; }
float getCCDWidth() { return CCDWidth; }
float getExposureBias() { return ExposureBias; }
int getExposureProgram() { return ExposureProgram; }
int getISOequivalent() { return ISOequivalent; }
int getCompressionLevel() { return CompressionLevel; }
QString getUserComment() { return UserComment; }
QString getComment() { return Comment; }
QImage getThumbnail();
bool isThumbnailSane();
bool isNullThumbnail() { return !isThumbnailSane(); }
+ // some helpers
+ static QString color_mode_to_string( bool b );
+ static QString compression_to_string( int level );
+ static QString white_balance_string( int i );
+ static QString metering_mode( int i);
+ static QString exposure_program( int i );