-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/opieirc/ircchanneltab.cpp | 7 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessage.cpp | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessageparser.cpp | 10 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessageparser.h | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/opieirc/ircperson.cpp | 6 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/opieirc/ircperson.h | 3 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/opieirc/ircquerytab.cpp | 76 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/opieirc/ircquerytab.h | 27 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/opieirc/ircservertab.cpp | 54 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/opieirc/ircservertab.h | 7 |
10 files changed, 182 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircchanneltab.cpp b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircchanneltab.cpp index 3267525..4675265 100644 --- a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircchanneltab.cpp +++ b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircchanneltab.cpp @@ -1,95 +1,94 @@ #include <qhbox.h> #include "ircchanneltab.h" #include "ircservertab.h" IRCChannelTab::IRCChannelTab(IRCChannel *channel, IRCServerTab *parentTab, MainWindow *mainWindow, QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f) : IRCTab(parent, name, f) { m_mainWindow = mainWindow; m_parentTab = parentTab; m_channel = channel; m_description->setText(tr("Talking on channel") + " <b>" + channel->channelname() + "</b>"); QHBox *hbox = new QHBox(this); m_textview = new QTextView(hbox); m_textview->setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); m_textview->setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOn); m_listVisible = TRUE; m_listButton = new QPushButton(">", m_textview); m_textview->setCornerWidget(m_listButton); + m_textview->setTextFormat(RichText); connect(m_listButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(toggleList())); m_list = new IRCChannelList(m_channel, hbox); m_list->update(); m_list->setMaximumWidth(LISTWIDTH); m_field = new QLineEdit(this); m_layout->add(hbox); hbox->show(); m_layout->add(m_field); m_field->setFocus(); connect(m_field, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(processCommand())); } void IRCChannelTab::appendText(QString text) { /* not using append because it creates layout problems */ m_textview->setText(m_textview->text() + text); m_textview->ensureVisible(0, m_textview->contentsHeight()); } IRCChannelTab::~IRCChannelTab() { m_parentTab->removeChannelTab(this); } void IRCChannelTab::processCommand() { QString text = m_field->text(); if (text.length()>0) { if (session()->isSessionActive()) { if (text.startsWith("/") && !text.startsWith("//")) { /* Command mode */ m_parentTab->executeCommand(this, text);; } else { if (text.startsWith("//")) text = text.right(text.length()-1); - if (session()->isSessionActive()) { - session()->sendMessage(m_channel, m_field->text()); - appendText("<<font color=\"#dd0000\">"+m_parentTab->server()->nick()+"</font>> "+IRCOutput::toHTML(m_field->text())+"<br>"); - } + session()->sendMessage(m_channel, m_field->text()); + appendText("<<font color=\"#dd0000\">"+m_parentTab->server()->nick()+"</font>> "+IRCOutput::toHTML(m_field->text())+"<br>"); } } else { appendText("<font color=\"#ff0000\">"+tr("Disconnected")+"</font><br>"); } } m_field->clear(); } void IRCChannelTab::toggleList() { if (m_listVisible) { m_list->setMaximumWidth(0); m_listButton->setText("<"); } else { m_list->setMaximumWidth(LISTWIDTH); m_listButton->setText(">"); } m_listVisible = !m_listVisible; } QString IRCChannelTab::title() { return m_channel->channelname(); } IRCSession *IRCChannelTab::session() { return m_parentTab->session(); } void IRCChannelTab::remove() { if (session()->isSessionActive()) { session()->part(m_channel); } else { m_mainWindow->killTab(this); } } IRCChannel *IRCChannelTab::channel() { return m_channel; } IRCChannelList *IRCChannelTab::list() { return m_list; } diff --git a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessage.cpp b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessage.cpp index 9c2869c..d823ad1 100644 --- a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessage.cpp +++ b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessage.cpp @@ -1,123 +1,122 @@ #include <qtextstream.h> #include "ircmessage.h" /* * Create a new IRCMessage by evaluating * a received string */ IRCMessage::IRCMessage(QString line) { /* Remove CRs from the message */ while((line.right(1) == "\n") || (line.right(1) == "\r")) line = line.left(line.length() - 1); QTextIStream stream(&line); QString temp; stream >> temp; if (temp.startsWith(":")) { /* extract the prefix */ m_prefix = temp.right(temp.length()-1); stream >> temp; m_command = temp.upper(); m_allParameters = line.right(line.length() - m_prefix.length() - m_command.length() - 3); } else { m_command = temp.upper(); m_allParameters = line.right(line.length() - m_command.length() - 1); } /* Create a list of all parameters */ while(!(stream.atEnd())) { stream >> temp; if (temp.startsWith(":")) { /* last parameter */ m_trailing = line.right(line.length() - line.find(QChar(':'), 1) - 1); m_parameters << m_trailing; break; } else { m_parameters << temp; } } m_commandNumber = m_command.toInt(&m_isNumerical); /* Is this a CTCP command */ if ((m_command == "PRIVMSG" || m_command == "NOTICE") && m_trailing.length()>0 && m_trailing.left(1) == QChar(1)) { m_ctcp = TRUE; /* Strip CTCP \001 characters */ m_allParameters = m_allParameters.replace(QRegExp(QChar(1)), ""); QTextIStream ctcpStream(&m_allParameters); if (m_command == "PRIVMSG") ctcpStream >> m_ctcpDestination; ctcpStream >> temp; m_ctcpCommand = temp.upper().right(temp.length()-1); m_parameters.clear(); int length = m_allParameters.length() - m_ctcpCommand.length() - 1; if (m_command == "PRIVMSG") length -= m_ctcpDestination.length() + 1; if (length <= 0) { m_allParameters = ""; } else { m_allParameters = m_allParameters.right(length); m_parameters << m_allParameters; } } else { m_ctcp = FALSE; } /* -- Uncomment to debug -- printf("Parsed : '%s'\n", line.ascii()); printf("Prefix : '%s'\n", m_prefix.ascii()); printf("Command : '%s'\n", m_command.ascii()); printf("Allparameters : '%s'\n", m_allParameters.ascii()); for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_parameters.count(); i++) { printf("Parameter %i : '%s'\n", i, m_parameters[i].ascii()); } printf("CTCP Command : '%s'\n", m_ctcpCommand.latin1()); printf("CTCP Destination : '%s'\n", m_ctcpDestination.latin1()); printf("CTCP param count is : '%i'\n", m_parameters.count()); - */ } QString IRCMessage::param(int param) { return m_parameters[param]; } QString IRCMessage::prefix() { return m_prefix; } QString IRCMessage::command() { return m_command; } QString IRCMessage::ctcpCommand() { return m_ctcpCommand; } QString IRCMessage::ctcpDestination() { return m_ctcpDestination; } unsigned short IRCMessage::commandNumber() { return m_commandNumber; } bool IRCMessage::isNumerical() { return m_isNumerical; } bool IRCMessage::isCTCP() { return m_ctcp; } QString IRCMessage::trailing() { return m_trailing; } QString IRCMessage::allParameters() { return m_allParameters; } diff --git a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessageparser.cpp b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessageparser.cpp index 4038673..3063741 100644 --- a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessageparser.cpp +++ b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessageparser.cpp @@ -1,271 +1,273 @@ #include <qtextstream.h> #include "ircmessageparser.h" #include "ircversion.h" #include <stdio.h> /* Lookup table for literal commands */ IRCLiteralMessageParserStruct IRCMessageParser::literalParserProcTable[] = { { "PING", FUNC(parseLiteralPing) }, { "NOTICE", FUNC(parseLiteralNotice) }, { "JOIN", FUNC(parseLiteralJoin) }, { "PRIVMSG", FUNC(parseLiteralPrivMsg) }, { "NICK", FUNC(parseLiteralNick) }, { "PART", FUNC(parseLiteralPart) }, { "QUIT", FUNC(parseLiteralQuit) }, { "ERROR", FUNC(parseLiteralError) }, { "ERROR:", FUNC(parseLiteralError) }, { "MODE", FUNC(parseLiteralMode) }, { "KICK", FUNC(parseLiteralKick) }, { 0 , 0 } }; /* Lookup table for literal commands */ IRCCTCPMessageParserStruct IRCMessageParser::ctcpParserProcTable[] = { { "PING", FUNC(parseCTCPPing) }, { "VERSION", FUNC(parseCTCPVersion) }, { "ACTION", FUNC(parseCTCPAction) }, { 0 , 0 } }; /* Lookup table for numerical commands */ IRCNumericalMessageParserStruct IRCMessageParser::numericalParserProcTable[] = { { 1, FUNC(parseNumerical001) }, // RPL_WELCOME { 2, FUNC(parseNumerical002) }, // RPL_YOURHOST { 3, FUNC(parseNumerical003) }, // RPL_CREATED { 4, FUNC(parseNumerical004) }, // RPL_MYINFO { 5, FUNC(parseNumerical005) }, // RPL_BOUNCE, RPL_PROTOCTL { 251, FUNC(parseNumericalStats) }, // RPL_LUSERCLIENT { 254, FUNC(nullFunc)}, // RPL_LUSERCHANNELS { 255, FUNC(parseNumericalStats) }, // RPL_LUSERNAME { 353, FUNC(parseNumericalNames) }, // RPL_NAMREPLY { 366, FUNC(parseNumericalEndOfNames) }, // RPL_ENDOFNAMES { 375, FUNC(parseNumericalStats) }, // RPL_MOTDSTART { 372, FUNC(parseNumericalStats) }, // RPL_MOTD { 376, FUNC(parseNumericalStats) }, // RPL_ENDOFMOTD { 377, FUNC(parseNumericalStats) }, // RPL_MOTD2 { 378, FUNC(parseNumericalStats) }, // RPL_MOTD3 - { 412, FUNC(parseNumericalStats) }, // ERNOTEXTTOSEND + { 401, FUNC(parseNumericalNoSuchNick) }, // ERR_NOSUCHNICK + { 406, FUNC(parseNumericalNoSuchNick) }, // ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK + { 412, FUNC(parseNumericalStats) }, // ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND { 433, FUNC(parseNumericalNicknameInUse) }, // ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE { 0, 0 } }; IRCMessageParser::IRCMessageParser(IRCSession *session) { m_session = session; } void IRCMessageParser::parse(IRCMessage *message) { /* Find out what kind of message we have here and call the appropriate handler using the parser tables. If no handler can be found, print out an error message */ if (message->isNumerical()) { for (int i=0; i<numericalParserProcTable[i].commandNumber; i++) { if (message->commandNumber() == numericalParserProcTable[i].commandNumber) { (this->*(numericalParserProcTable[i].proc))(message); return; } } emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Received unhandled numeric command : ")+QString::number(message->commandNumber()))); } else if (message->isCTCP()) { for (int i=0; ctcpParserProcTable[i].commandName; i++) { if (message->ctcpCommand() == ctcpParserProcTable[i].commandName) { (this->*(ctcpParserProcTable[i].proc))(message); return; } } emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Received unhandled ctcp command : ")+message->ctcpCommand())); } else { for (int i=0; literalParserProcTable[i].commandName; i++) { if (message->command() == literalParserProcTable[i].commandName) { (this->*(literalParserProcTable[i].proc))(message); return; } } emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Received unhandled literal command : ")+message->command())); } } void IRCMessageParser::nullFunc(IRCMessage *) { /* Do nothing */ } void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralPing(IRCMessage *message) { m_session->m_connection->sendLine("PONG " + message->allParameters()); } void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralNotice(IRCMessage *message) { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_SERVERMESSAGE, message->allParameters())); } void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralJoin(IRCMessage *message) { QString channelName = message->param(0); IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(channelName); if (!channel) { /* We joined */ if (mask.nick() == m_session->m_server->nick()) { channel = new IRCChannel(channelName); m_session->addChannel(channel); } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Nonexistant channel join - desynchronized?"))); } } else { /* Someone else joined */ if (mask.nick() != m_session->m_server->nick()) { if (!channel->getPerson(mask.nick())) { IRCChannelPerson *chanperson = new IRCChannelPerson(); IRCPerson *person = m_session->getPerson(mask.nick()); if (!person) { person = new IRCPerson(message->prefix()); m_session->addPerson(person); } chanperson->flags = 0; chanperson->person = person; channel->addPerson(chanperson); IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_OTHERJOIN, mask.nick() + tr(" joined channel ") + channelName); output.addParam(channel); output.addParam(chanperson); emit outputReady(output); } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Person has already joined the channel - desynchronized?"))); } } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("You already joined the channel - desynchronized?"))); } } } void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralPart(IRCMessage *message) { QString channelName = message->param(0); IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(channelName); IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); if (channel) { if (mask.nick() == m_session->m_server->nick()) { m_session->removeChannel(channel); IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_SELFPART, tr("You left channel ") + channelName); output.addParam(channel); emit outputReady(output); delete channel; } else { IRCChannelPerson *person = channel->getPerson(mask.nick()); if (person) { channel->removePerson(person); IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_OTHERPART, mask.nick() + tr(" left channel ") + channelName); output.addParam(channel); output.addParam(person); emit outputReady(output); delete person; } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Parting person not found - desynchronized?"))); } } } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Channel for part not found - desynchronized?"))); } } void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralPrivMsg(IRCMessage *message) { if (m_session->m_server->nick() == message->param(0)) { /* IRC Query message detected, verify sender and display it */ IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); IRCPerson *person = m_session->getPerson(mask.nick()); if (!person) { /* Person not yet known, create and add to the current session */ person = new IRCPerson(message->prefix()); m_session->addPerson(person); } - IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_CHANPRIVMSG, message->param(1)); + IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_QUERYPRIVMSG, message->param(1)); output.addParam(person); emit outputReady(output); } else if (message->param(0).at(0) == '#') { /* IRC Channel message detected, verify sender, channel and display it */ IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(message->param(0)); if (channel) { IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); IRCChannelPerson *person = channel->getPerson(mask.nick()); if (person) { IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_CHANPRIVMSG, message->param(1)); output.addParam(channel); output.addParam(person); emit outputReady(output); } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Channel message with unknown sender"))); } } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Channel message with unknown channel"))); } } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Received PRIVMSG of unknown type"))); } } void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralNick(IRCMessage *message) { IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); if (mask.nick() == m_session->m_server->nick()) { /* We are changing our nickname */ m_session->m_server->setNick(message->param(0)); IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_NICKCHANGE, tr("You are now known as ")+message->param(0)); output.addParam(0); emit outputReady(output); } else { /* Someone else is */ IRCPerson *person = m_session->getPerson(mask.nick()); if (person) { IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_NICKCHANGE, mask.nick() + tr(" is now known as ") + message->param(0)); output.addParam(person); emit outputReady(output); } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Nickname change of an unknown person"))); } } } void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralQuit(IRCMessage *message) { IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); IRCPerson *person = m_session->getPerson(mask.nick()); if (person) { QList<IRCChannel> channels; m_session->getChannelsByPerson(person, channels); QListIterator<IRCChannel> it(channels); for (;it.current(); ++it) { IRCChannelPerson *chanperson = it.current()->getPerson(mask.nick()); it.current()->removePerson(chanperson); delete chanperson; } m_session->removePerson(person); IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_QUIT, mask.nick() + tr(" has quit ") + "(" + message->param(0) + ")"); output.addParam(person); emit outputReady(output); delete person; } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Unknown person quit - desynchronized?"))); } } void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralError(IRCMessage *message) { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, message->allParameters())); } void IRCMessageParser::parseCTCPPing(IRCMessage *message) { IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); m_session->m_connection->sendCTCP(mask.nick(), "PING " + message->allParameters()); emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_CTCP, tr("Received a CTCP PING from ")+mask.nick())); } void IRCMessageParser::parseCTCPVersion(IRCMessage *message) { IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); m_session->m_connection->sendCTCP(mask.nick(), APP_VERSION " " APP_COPYSTR); emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_CTCP, tr("Received a CTCP VERSION from ")+mask.nick())); } void IRCMessageParser::parseCTCPAction(IRCMessage *message) { IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); QString dest = message->ctcpDestination(); if (dest.startsWith("#")) { IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(dest); if (channel) { IRCChannelPerson *person = channel->getPerson(mask.nick()); if (person) { IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_CHANACTION, "*" + mask.nick() + message->param(0)); output.addParam(channel); output.addParam(person); emit outputReady(output); @@ -386,96 +388,100 @@ void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralKick(IRCMessage *message) { } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Unknown person kick - desynchronized?"))); } } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Unknown channel kick - desynchronized?"))); } } void IRCMessageParser::parseNumerical001(IRCMessage *message) { /* Welcome to IRC message, display */ emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_SERVERMESSAGE, message->param(1))); } void IRCMessageParser::parseNumerical002(IRCMessage *message) { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_SERVERMESSAGE, message->param(1))); } void IRCMessageParser::parseNumerical003(IRCMessage *message) { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_SERVERMESSAGE, message->param(1))); } void IRCMessageParser::parseNumerical004(IRCMessage *message) { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_SERVERMESSAGE, message->allParameters())); } void IRCMessageParser::parseNumerical005(IRCMessage *message) { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_SERVERMESSAGE, message->allParameters())); } void IRCMessageParser::parseNumericalStats(IRCMessage *message) { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_SERVERMESSAGE, message->param(1))); } void IRCMessageParser::parseNumericalNames(IRCMessage *message) { /* Name list sent when joining a channel */ IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(message->param(2)); if (channel != 0) { QString people = message->param(3); QTextIStream stream(&people); QString temp; while (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> temp; char flagch = temp.at(0).latin1(); int flag = 0; QString nick; /* Parse person flags */ if (flagch == '@' || flagch == '+' || flagch=='%' || flagch == '*') { nick = temp.right(temp.length()-1); switch (flagch) { case '@': flag = PERSON_FLAG_OP; break; case '+': flag = PERSON_FLAG_VOICE; break; case '%': flag = PERSON_FLAG_HALFOP; break; default : flag = 0; break; } } else { nick = temp; } IRCChannelPerson *chan_person = new IRCChannelPerson(); IRCPerson *person = m_session->getPerson(nick); if (person == 0) { person = new IRCPerson(); person->setNick(nick); m_session->addPerson(person); } chan_person->person = person; chan_person->flags = flag; channel->addPerson(chan_person); } } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Server message with unknown channel"))); } } void IRCMessageParser::parseNumericalEndOfNames(IRCMessage *message) { /* Done syncing to channel */ IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(message->param(1)); if (channel) { channel->setHasPeople(TRUE); /* Yes, we want the names before anything happens inside the GUI */ IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_SELFJOIN, tr("You joined channel ") + channel->channelname()); output.addParam(channel); emit outputReady(output); } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Server message with unknown channel"))); } } void IRCMessageParser::parseNumericalNicknameInUse(IRCMessage *) { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Nickname is in use, please reconnect with a different nickname"))); m_session->endSession(); } + +void IRCMessageParser::parseNumericalNoSuchNick(IRCMessage *) { + emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("No such nickname"))); +} diff --git a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessageparser.h b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessageparser.h index b45b8f0..f774047 100644 --- a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessageparser.h +++ b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessageparser.h @@ -1,95 +1,96 @@ /* OpieIRC - An embedded IRC client Copyright (C) 2002 Wenzel Jakob This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef __IRCMESSAGEPARSER_H #define __IRCMESSAGEPARSER_H #include "ircsession.h" /* Macro to facilitate the parser table's creation */ #define FUNC(__proc) &IRCMessageParser::__proc class IRCMessageParser; /* Typedef representing a parser function */ typedef void (IRCMessageParser::*IRCMessageParseProc)(IRCMessage *); /* Struct representing a literal command handler */ typedef struct IRCLiteralMessageParserStruct { char *commandName; IRCMessageParseProc proc; }; /* Struct representing a ctcp command handler */ typedef struct IRCCTCPMessageParserStruct { char *commandName; IRCMessageParseProc proc; }; /* Struct representing a numerical command handler */ typedef struct IRCNumericalMessageParserStruct { unsigned short commandNumber; IRCMessageParseProc proc; }; class IRCMessageParser : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: /* Create an IRCMessageParser object */ IRCMessageParser(IRCSession *session); /* Parse a server message and take the appropriate actions */ void parse(IRCMessage *message); signals: /* Used to send commands to the UI (such as displaying text etc) */ void outputReady(IRCOutput output); private: /* Parser functions */ void nullFunc(IRCMessage *message); void parseLiteralPing(IRCMessage *message); void parseLiteralNotice(IRCMessage *message); void parseLiteralJoin(IRCMessage *message); void parseLiteralPrivMsg(IRCMessage *message); void parseLiteralNick(IRCMessage *message); void parseLiteralPart(IRCMessage *message); void parseLiteralQuit(IRCMessage *message); void parseLiteralError(IRCMessage *message); void parseLiteralMode(IRCMessage *message); void parseLiteralKick(IRCMessage *message); void parseNumerical001(IRCMessage *message); void parseNumerical002(IRCMessage *message); void parseNumerical003(IRCMessage *message); void parseNumerical004(IRCMessage *message); void parseNumerical005(IRCMessage *message); void parseNumericalStats(IRCMessage *message); void parseNumericalNames(IRCMessage *message); void parseNumericalEndOfNames(IRCMessage *message); void parseNumericalNicknameInUse(IRCMessage *message); + void parseNumericalNoSuchNick(IRCMessage *message); void parseCTCPPing(IRCMessage *message); void parseCTCPVersion(IRCMessage *message); void parseCTCPAction(IRCMessage *message); protected: IRCSession *m_session; /* Parser tables */ static IRCLiteralMessageParserStruct literalParserProcTable[]; static IRCNumericalMessageParserStruct numericalParserProcTable[]; static IRCCTCPMessageParserStruct ctcpParserProcTable[]; }; #endif /* __IRCMESSAGEPARSER_H */ diff --git a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircperson.cpp b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircperson.cpp index bd6b8d6..bd341f1 100644 --- a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircperson.cpp +++ b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircperson.cpp @@ -1,50 +1,56 @@ #include "ircperson.h" #include <stdio.h> IRCPerson::IRCPerson() { m_nick = ""; m_user = ""; m_host = ""; } +IRCPerson::IRCPerson(const IRCPerson &person) { + m_nick = person.m_nick; + m_user = person.m_user; + m_host = person.m_host; +} + IRCPerson::IRCPerson(QString mask) { IRCPerson(); fromMask(mask); } void IRCPerson::fromMask(QString mask) { int sep1 = mask.find("!"); int sep2 = mask.find("@"); m_nick = mask.left(sep1); m_user = mask.mid(sep1+1, sep2-sep1-1); m_host = mask.right(mask.length()-sep2-1); } QString IRCPerson::toMask() { return m_nick + "!" + m_user + "@" + m_host; } void IRCPerson::setNick(QString nick) { m_nick = nick; } void IRCPerson::setUser(QString user) { m_user = user; } void IRCPerson::setHost(QString host) { m_host = host; } QString IRCPerson::nick() { return m_nick; } QString IRCPerson::user() { return m_user; } QString IRCPerson::host() { return m_host; } diff --git a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircperson.h b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircperson.h index 850f91b..38732c4 100644 --- a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircperson.h +++ b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircperson.h @@ -1,50 +1,53 @@ /* OpieIRC - An embedded IRC client Copyright (C) 2002 Wenzel Jakob This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef __IRCPERSON #define __IRCPERSON #include <qstring.h> /* This class requires all required information relating to a person on the IRC network. This class can be used as an input mask for IRCMessage-prefixes too */ class IRCPerson { public: IRCPerson(); + /* Create an IRCPerson from an IRC style description (nick!user@host) */ IRCPerson(QString mask); + /* Copy constructor */ + IRCPerson(const IRCPerson &person); void fromMask(QString mask); void setNick(QString name); void setUser(QString user); void setHost(QString host); QString toMask(); QString nick(); QString user(); QString host(); protected: QString m_nick; QString m_user; QString m_host; }; #endif /* __IRCPERSON */ diff --git a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircquerytab.cpp b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircquerytab.cpp index 6d24845..642cc5b 100644 --- a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircquerytab.cpp +++ b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircquerytab.cpp @@ -1,2 +1,78 @@ +#include <qhbox.h> #include "ircquerytab.h" +#include "ircservertab.h" + +IRCQueryTab::IRCQueryTab(IRCPerson *person, IRCServerTab *parentTab, MainWindow *mainWindow, QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f) : IRCTab(parent, name, f) { + m_mainWindow = mainWindow; + m_parentTab = parentTab; + m_person = new IRCPerson(*person); /* We need this (the person might sign off and the original IRCPerson gets deleted) */ + m_description->setText(tr("Talking to ") + " <b>" + person->nick() + "</b>"); + QHBox *hbox = new QHBox(this); + m_textview = new QTextView(hbox); + m_textview->setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); + m_textview->setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOn); + m_textview->setTextFormat(RichText); + m_field = new QLineEdit(this); + m_layout->add(hbox); + hbox->show(); + m_layout->add(m_field); + m_field->setFocus(); + connect(m_field, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(processCommand())); + +} + +void IRCQueryTab::appendText(QString text) { + /* not using append because it creates layout problems */ + m_textview->setText(m_textview->text() + text); + m_textview->ensureVisible(0, m_textview->contentsHeight()); +} + +IRCQueryTab::~IRCQueryTab() { + m_parentTab->removeQueryTab(this); + delete m_person; +} + +void IRCQueryTab::processCommand() { + QString text = m_field->text(); + if (text.length()>0) { + if (session()->isSessionActive()) { + if (text.startsWith("/") && !text.startsWith("//")) { + /* Command mode */ + m_parentTab->executeCommand(this, text);; + } else { + if (text.startsWith("//")) + text = text.right(text.length()-1); + session()->sendMessage(m_person, m_field->text()); + appendText("<<font color=\"#dd0000\">"+m_parentTab->server()->nick()+"</font>> "+IRCOutput::toHTML(m_field->text())+"<br>"); + } + } else { + appendText("<font color=\"#ff0000\">"+tr("Disconnected")+"</font><br>"); + } + } + m_field->clear(); +} + +void IRCQueryTab::display(IRCOutput output) { + if (output.type() == OUTPUT_QUERYPRIVMSG) { + appendText("<<font color=\"#0000dd\">"+m_person->nick()+"</font>> " + output.htmlMessage() + "<br>"); + } else if (output.type() == OUTPUT_QUERYACTION) { + appendText("<font color=\"#0000dd\">" + output.htmlMessage() + "<br>"); + } +} + +QString IRCQueryTab::title() { + return m_person->nick(); +} + +IRCSession *IRCQueryTab::session() { + return m_parentTab->session(); +} + +void IRCQueryTab::remove() { + m_mainWindow->killTab(this); +} + +IRCPerson *IRCQueryTab::person() { + return m_person; +} diff --git a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircquerytab.h b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircquerytab.h index fac976d..ea777f4 100644 --- a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircquerytab.h +++ b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircquerytab.h @@ -1,24 +1,51 @@ /* OpieIRC - An embedded IRC client Copyright (C) 2002 Wenzel Jakob This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef __IRCQUERYTAB_H #define __IRCQUERYTAB_H +#include "ircsession.h" +#include "mainwindow.h" + +class IRCServerTab; +class IRCQueryTab : public IRCTab { + Q_OBJECT +public: + /* IRCTab implementation */ + IRCQueryTab(IRCPerson *person, IRCServerTab *parentTab, MainWindow *mainWindow, QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0, WFlags f = 0); + ~IRCQueryTab(); + QString title(); + IRCSession *session(); + IRCPerson *person(); + void appendText(QString text); +public slots: + void remove(); + void processCommand(); + void display(IRCOutput output); +protected: + bool m_close; + MainWindow *m_mainWindow; + IRCServerTab *m_parentTab; + IRCPerson *m_person; + QTextView *m_textview; + QLineEdit *m_field; +}; + #endif /* __IRCQUERYTAB_H */ diff --git a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircservertab.cpp b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircservertab.cpp index 503a758..8b8771f 100644 --- a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircservertab.cpp +++ b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircservertab.cpp @@ -1,195 +1,243 @@ #include <stdio.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include "ircservertab.h" IRCServerTab::IRCServerTab(IRCServer server, MainWindow *mainWindow, QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f) : IRCTab(parent, name, f) { m_server = server; m_session = new IRCSession(&m_server); m_mainWindow = mainWindow; m_close = FALSE; m_description->setText(tr("Connection to")+" <b>" + server.hostname() + ":" + QString::number(server.port()) + "</b>"); m_textview = new QTextView(this); m_textview->setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); m_textview->setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOn); + m_textview->setTextFormat(RichText); m_layout->add(m_textview); m_field = new QLineEdit(this); m_layout->add(m_field); connect(m_field, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(processCommand())); m_field->setFocus(); connect(m_session, SIGNAL(outputReady(IRCOutput)), this, SLOT(display(IRCOutput))); } void IRCServerTab::appendText(QString text) { /* not using append because it creates layout problems */ m_textview->setText(m_textview->text() + text); m_textview->ensureVisible(0, m_textview->contentsHeight()); } IRCServerTab::~IRCServerTab() { delete m_session; } void IRCServerTab::removeChannelTab(IRCChannelTab *tab) { m_channelTabs.remove(tab); } +void IRCServerTab::removeQueryTab(IRCQueryTab *tab) { + m_queryTabs.remove(tab); +} + QString IRCServerTab::title() { return "Server"; } IRCSession *IRCServerTab::session() { return m_session; } IRCServer *IRCServerTab::server() { return &m_server; } void IRCServerTab::executeCommand(IRCTab *tab, QString line) { QTextIStream stream(&line); QString command; stream >> command; command = command.upper().right(command.length()-1); if (command == "JOIN") { QString channel; stream >> channel; if (channel.length() > 0 && channel.startsWith("#")) { m_session->join(channel); } else { tab->appendText("<font color=\"#ff0000\">Unknown channel format!</font><br>"); } } else if (command == "ME") { - QString text = IRCOutput::toHTML(line.right(line.length()-4)); + QString text = line.right(line.length()-4); if (text.length() > 0) { if (tab->isA("IRCChannelTab")) { - tab->appendText("<font color=\"#cc0000\">*" + m_server.nick() + " " + text + "</font><br>"); + tab->appendText("<font color=\"#cc0000\">*" + IRCOutput::toHTML(m_server.nick()) + " " + IRCOutput::toHTML(text) + "</font><br>"); m_session->sendAction(((IRCChannelTab *)tab)->channel(), text); } else if (tab->isA("IRCQueryTab")) { + tab->appendText("<font color=\"#cc0000\">*" + IRCOutput::toHTML(m_server.nick()) + " " + IRCOutput::toHTML(text) + "</font><br>"); + m_session->sendAction(((IRCQueryTab *)tab)->person(), text); } else { tab->appendText("<font color=\"#ff0000\">Invalid tab for this command</font><br>"); } } + } else if (command == "MSG") { + QString nickname; + stream >> nickname; + if (nickname.length() > 0) { + if (line.length() > 6 + nickname.length()) { + QString text = line.right(line.length()-nickname.length()-6); + IRCPerson person; + person.setNick(nickname); + tab->appendText("><font color=\"#0000dd\">"+IRCOutput::toHTML(nickname)+"</font>< "+IRCOutput::toHTML(text)+"<br>"); + m_session->sendMessage(&person, text); + } + } } else { tab->appendText("<font color=\"#ff0000\">Unknown command</font><br>"); } } void IRCServerTab::processCommand() { QString text = m_field->text(); if (text.startsWith("/") && !text.startsWith("//")) { /* Command mode */ executeCommand(this, text); } m_field->clear(); } void IRCServerTab::doConnect() { m_session->beginSession(); } void IRCServerTab::remove() { /* Close requested */ if (m_session->isSessionActive()) { /* While there is a running session */ m_close = TRUE; m_session->endSession(); } else { /* Session has previously been closed */ m_channelTabs.first(); while (m_channelTabs.current() != 0) { m_mainWindow->killTab(m_channelTabs.current()); } + m_queryTabs.first(); + while (m_queryTabs.current() != 0) { + m_mainWindow->killTab(m_queryTabs.current()); + } m_mainWindow->killTab(this); } } IRCChannelTab *IRCServerTab::getTabForChannel(IRCChannel *channel) { QListIterator<IRCChannelTab> it(m_channelTabs); for (; it.current(); ++it) { if (it.current()->channel() == channel) return it.current(); } return 0; } +IRCQueryTab *IRCServerTab::getTabForQuery(IRCPerson *person) { + QListIterator<IRCQueryTab> it(m_queryTabs); + + for (; it.current(); ++it) { + if (it.current()->person()->nick() == person->nick()) + return it.current(); + } + return 0; +} + void IRCServerTab::display(IRCOutput output) { /* All messages to be displayed inside the GUI get here */ switch (output.type()) { case OUTPUT_CONNCLOSE: if (m_close) { m_channelTabs.first(); while (m_channelTabs.current() != 0) { m_mainWindow->killTab(m_channelTabs.current()); } + m_queryTabs.first(); + while (m_queryTabs.current() != 0) { + m_mainWindow->killTab(m_queryTabs.current()); + } m_mainWindow->killTab(this); } else { appendText("<font color=\"#0000dd\">" + output.htmlMessage() +"</font><br>"); QListIterator<IRCChannelTab> it(m_channelTabs); for (; it.current(); ++it) { it.current()->appendText("<font color=\"#0000dd\">" + output.htmlMessage() +"</font><br>"); } } break; case OUTPUT_SELFJOIN: { IRCChannelTab *channeltab = new IRCChannelTab((IRCChannel *)output.getParam(0), this, m_mainWindow, (QWidget *)parent()); m_channelTabs.append(channeltab); m_mainWindow->addTab(channeltab); } break; case OUTPUT_CHANPRIVMSG: { IRCChannelTab *channelTab = getTabForChannel((IRCChannel *)output.getParam(0)); - channelTab->appendText("<<font color=\"#0000dd\">"+((IRCChannelPerson *)output.getParam(1))->person->nick()+"</font>> "+output.htmlMessage()+"<br>"); + channelTab->appendText("<<font color=\"#0000dd\">"+IRCOutput::toHTML(((IRCChannelPerson *)output.getParam(1))->person->nick())+"</font>> "+output.htmlMessage()+"<br>"); + } + break; + case OUTPUT_QUERYACTION: + case OUTPUT_QUERYPRIVMSG: { + IRCQueryTab *queryTab = getTabForQuery((IRCPerson *)output.getParam(0)); + if (!queryTab) { + queryTab = new IRCQueryTab((IRCPerson *)output.getParam(0), this, m_mainWindow, (QWidget *)parent()); + m_queryTabs.append(queryTab); + m_mainWindow->addTab(queryTab); + } + queryTab->display(output); } break; case OUTPUT_SELFPART: { IRCChannelTab *channelTab = getTabForChannel((IRCChannel *)output.getParam(0)); if (channelTab) m_mainWindow->killTab(channelTab); } break; case OUTPUT_SELFKICK: { appendText("<font color=\"#ff0000\">" + output.htmlMessage() + "</font><br>"); IRCChannelTab *channelTab = getTabForChannel((IRCChannel *)output.getParam(0)); if (channelTab) m_mainWindow->killTab(channelTab); } break; case OUTPUT_CHANACTION: { IRCChannelTab *channelTab = getTabForChannel((IRCChannel *)output.getParam(0)); channelTab->appendText("<font color=\"#cc0000\">"+output.htmlMessage()+"</font><br>"); } break; case OUTPUT_QUIT: { QString nick = ((IRCPerson *)output.getParam(0))->nick(); QListIterator<IRCChannelTab> it(m_channelTabs); for (; it.current(); ++it) { if (it.current()->list()->hasPerson(nick)) { it.current()->appendText("<font color=\"#aa3e00\">"+output.htmlMessage()+"</font><br>"); it.current()->list()->update(); } } } break; case OUTPUT_OTHERJOIN: case OUTPUT_OTHERKICK: case OUTPUT_CHANPERSONMODE: case OUTPUT_OTHERPART: { IRCChannelTab *channelTab = getTabForChannel((IRCChannel *)output.getParam(0)); channelTab->appendText("<font color=\"#aa3e00\">"+output.htmlMessage()+"</font><br>"); channelTab->list()->update(); } break; case OUTPUT_CTCP: appendText("<font color=\"#00bb00\">" + output.htmlMessage() + "</font><br>"); break; case OUTPUT_ERROR: appendText("<font color=\"#ff0000\">" + output.htmlMessage() + "</font><br>"); break; default: appendText("<font color=\"#0000dd\">" + output.htmlMessage() + "</font><br>"); break; } } diff --git a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircservertab.h b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircservertab.h index cfa0832..e439d84 100644 --- a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircservertab.h +++ b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircservertab.h @@ -1,63 +1,70 @@ /* OpieIRC - An embedded IRC client Copyright (C) 2002 Wenzel Jakob This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef __IRCSERVERTAB_H #define __IRCSERVERTAB_H #include "irctab.h" #include "ircsession.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "ircchanneltab.h" +#include "ircquerytab.h" class IRCServerTab : public IRCTab { Q_OBJECT public: /* IRCTab implementation */ IRCServerTab(IRCServer server, MainWindow *mainWindow, QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0, WFlags f = 0); ~IRCServerTab(); QString title(); IRCSession *session(); IRCServer *server(); /* Start the server session */ void doConnect(); + /* Remove tabs from the internal tab lists */ void removeChannelTab(IRCChannelTab *tab); + void removeQueryTab(IRCQueryTab *tab); /* Execute a user command such as /join */ void executeCommand(IRCTab *tab, QString line); protected: void appendText(QString text); IRCChannelTab *getTabForChannel(IRCChannel *channel); + IRCQueryTab *getTabForQuery(IRCPerson *person); public slots: void remove(); void processCommand(); protected slots: void display(IRCOutput output); protected: bool m_close; IRCServer m_server; IRCSession *m_session; MainWindow *m_mainWindow; QTextView *m_textview; QLineEdit *m_field; + /* Channel tabs associated with this server tab */ QList<IRCChannelTab> m_channelTabs; + /* Query tabs associated with this server tab */ + QList<IRCQueryTab> m_queryTabs; }; #endif /* __IRCSERVERTAB_H */ |