path: root/inputmethods/multikey/keyboard.cpp
Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (limited to 'inputmethods/multikey/keyboard.cpp') (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/inputmethods/multikey/keyboard.cpp b/inputmethods/multikey/keyboard.cpp
index de3aa52..08318bd 100644
--- a/inputmethods/multikey/keyboard.cpp
+++ b/inputmethods/multikey/keyboard.cpp
@@ -319,114 +319,116 @@ void Keyboard::drawKeyboard(QPainter &p, int row, int col)
/* Keyboard::mousePressEvent {{{1 */
void Keyboard::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
int row = (e->y() - (usePicks ? picks->height() : 0)) / keyHeight + 1;
if (row > 5) row = 5;
// figure out the column
int col = 0;
for (int w = 0; e->x() >= w; col++)
if (col < keys->numKeys(row)) // it segfaults if it trys to read past numKeys
w += keys->width(row,col) * defaultKeyWidth;
else break;
if (col <= 0) return;
col --; // rewind one...
qkeycode = keys->qcode(row, col);
unicode = keys->uni(row, col);
// might need to repaint if two or more of the same keys.
// should be faster if just paint one key even though multiple keys exist.
bool need_repaint = FALSE;
// circumflex and diaeresis support
// messy to have this here, but too hard to implement any other method
if (unicode == 0x2c6) {
unicode = 0;
if (shift || lock) {
// diaeresis
qkeycode = 0x2001;
else {
// circumflex
qkeycode = 0x2000;
// Back accent character support
- if (unicode == 0x60) {
+ //if (unicode == 0x60) { // the keys from 2c6 ~ 2cf should be used instead of the ascii one
+ if (unicode == 0x2cb) {
unicode = 0;
if (shift || lock) {
// circumblex
qkeycode = 0x2000;
else {
// back accent
qkeycode = 0x2002;
// Accent character support
- if (unicode == 0xb4) {
+ //if (unicode == 0xb4) {
+ if (unicode == 0x2ca) {
unicode = 0;
if (shift || lock) {
// diaeresis
qkeycode = 0x2001;
else {
// accent
qkeycode = 0x2003;
if (unicode == 0) { // either Qt char, or nothing
if (qkeycode == Qt::Key_F1) { // toggle the pickboard
if ( configdlg ) {
delete (ConfigDlg *) configdlg;
configdlg = 0;
else {
configdlg = new ConfigDlg ();
connect(configdlg, SIGNAL(setMapToDefault()),
this, SLOT(setMapToDefault()));
connect(configdlg, SIGNAL(setMapToFile(QString)),
this, SLOT(setMapToFile(QString)));
connect(configdlg, SIGNAL(pickboardToggled(bool)),
this, SLOT(togglePickboard(bool)));
connect(configdlg, SIGNAL(repeatToggled(bool)),
this, SLOT(toggleRepeat(bool)));
connect(configdlg, SIGNAL(reloadKeyboard()),
this, SLOT(reloadKeyboard()));
connect(configdlg, SIGNAL(configDlgClosed()),
this, SLOT(cleanupConfigDlg()));
} else if (qkeycode == Qt::Key_Control) {
need_repaint = TRUE;
if (ctrl) {
@@ -721,96 +723,103 @@ void Keyboard::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
// painting
pressed = TRUE;
pressedKeyRow = row;
pressedKeyCol = col;
if (need_repaint) repaint(FALSE);
else { // just paint the one key pressed
QPainter p(this);
drawKeyboard(p, row, col);
if (useRepeat) repeatTimer->start( 800 );
//pressTid = startTimer(80);
/* Keyboard::mouseReleaseEvent {{{1 */
void Keyboard::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*)
pressed = FALSE;
//if ( pressTid == 0 )
#if defined(Q_WS_QWS) || defined(_WS_QWS_)
if ( unicode != -1 ) {
emit key( unicode, qkeycode, modifiers, false, false );
if (shift && unicode != 0) {
*shift = 0; // unpress shift key
shift = 0; // reset the shift pointer
+ if (ctrl && unicode != 0) {
+ *ctrl = 0;
+ ctrl = 0;
+ repaint(FALSE);
+ }
* do not make the meta key release after being pressed
else if (meta && unicode != 0) {
*meta = 0;
meta = 0;
else clearHighlight();
/* Keyboard::timerEvent {{{1 */
/* dont know what this does, but i think it is here so that if your screen
* sticks (like on an ipaq) then it will stop repeating if you click another
* key... but who knows what anything does in this thing anyway?
void Keyboard::timerEvent(QTimerEvent* e)
if ( e->timerId() == pressTid ) {
pressTid = 0;
if ( !pressed )
cout << "calling clearHighlight from timerEvent\n";
void Keyboard::repeat()
repeatTimer->start( 200 );
emit key( unicode, qkeycode, modifiers, true, true );
void Keyboard::clearHighlight()
if ( pressedKeyRow >= 0 && pressedKeyCol >= 0) {
int tmpRow = pressedKeyRow;
int tmpCol = pressedKeyCol;
@@ -970,181 +979,181 @@ void Keyboard::loadKeyboardColors() {
color = QStringList::split(",", "240,240,240");
config.writeEntry("keycolor", color.join(","));
keycolor = QColor(color[0].toInt(), color[1].toInt(), color[2].toInt());
color = config.readListEntry("keycolor_pressed", QChar(','));
if (color.isEmpty()) {
color = QStringList::split(",", "171,183,198");
config.writeEntry("keycolor_pressed", color.join(","));
keycolor_pressed = QColor(color[0].toInt(), color[1].toInt(), color[2].toInt());
color = config.readListEntry("keycolor_lines", QChar(','));
if (color.isEmpty()) {
color = QStringList::split(",", "138,148,160");
config.writeEntry("keycolor_lines", color.join(","));
keycolor_lines = QColor(color[0].toInt(), color[1].toInt(), color[2].toInt());
color = config.readListEntry("textcolor", QChar(','));
if (color.isEmpty()) {
color = QStringList::split(",", "43,54,68");
config.writeEntry("textcolor", color.join(","));
textcolor = QColor(color[0].toInt(), color[1].toInt(), color[2].toInt());
/* korean input functions {{{1
* one major problem with this implementation is that you can't move the
* cursor after inputing korean chars, otherwise it will eat up and replace
* the char before the cursor you move to. fix that
* make backspace delete one single char, not the whole thing if still
* editing.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* how korean input works
* all following chars means unicode char value and are in hex
- * = schar (start char)
- * = mchar (middle char)
- * = echar (end char)
+ * 초음 = schar (start char)
+ * 중음 = mchar (middle char)
+ * 끝음 = echar (end char)
* there are 19 schars. unicode position is at 1100 - 1112
* there are 21 mchars. unicode position is at 1161 - 1175
* there are 27 echars. unicode position is at 11a8 - 11c2
* the map with everything combined is at ac00 - d7a3
ushort Keyboard::parseKoreanInput (ushort c) {
if ((c != 0 && (c < 0x1100 || 0x11c2 < c) && (c < 0xac00 || 0xd7a3 < c))
(c == 0 && qkeycode != Qt::Key_Shift && Qt::Key_CapsLock != qkeycode
&& qkeycode != Qt::Key_Control && qkeycode != Qt::Key_Alt)) {
schar = 0, mchar = 0, echar = 0;
return c;
if ( 0x1100 <= c && c <= 0x1112 ) { // schar or echar was input
if (schar == 0 || (schar != 0 && mchar == 0)) {
schar = c; mchar = 0; echar = 0;
return c;
else if (mchar != 0) {
if (echar == 0) {
if (!(echar = constoe(c))) {
schar = c; mchar = 0; echar = 0;
return c;
else { // must figure out what the echar is
- if (echar == 0x11a8) { //
+ if (echar == 0x11a8) { // ㄱ
- if (c == 0x1100) echar = 0x11a9; // +
- else if (c == 0x1109) echar = 0x11aa; // +
+ if (c == 0x1100) echar = 0x11a9; // ㄱ + ㄱ
+ else if (c == 0x1109) echar = 0x11aa; // ㄱ + ㅅ
else {
schar = c; mchar = 0; echar = 0;
return c;
- } else if (echar == 0x11ab) { //
+ } else if (echar == 0x11ab) { // ㄴ
- if (c == 0x110c) echar = 0x11ac; // +
- else if (c == 0x1112) echar = 0x11ad; // +
+ if (c == 0x110c) echar = 0x11ac; // ㄴ + ㅈ
+ else if (c == 0x1112) echar = 0x11ad; // ㄴ + ㅎ
else {
schar = c; mchar = 0; echar = 0;
return c;
- } else if (echar == 0x11af) { //
+ } else if (echar == 0x11af) { // ㄹ
- if (c == 0x1100) echar = 0x11b0; // +
- else if (c == 0x1106) echar = 0x11b1; // +
- else if (c == 0x1107) echar = 0x11b2; // +
- else if (c == 0x1109) echar = 0x11b3; // +
- else if (c == 0x1110) echar = 0x11b4; // +
- else if (c == 0x1111) echar = 0x11b5; // +
- else if (c == 0x1112) echar = 0x11b6; // +
+ if (c == 0x1100) echar = 0x11b0; // ㄹ + ㄱ
+ else if (c == 0x1106) echar = 0x11b1; // ㄹ + ㅁ
+ else if (c == 0x1107) echar = 0x11b2; // ㄹ + ㅂ
+ else if (c == 0x1109) echar = 0x11b3; // ㄹ + ㅅ
+ else if (c == 0x1110) echar = 0x11b4; // ㄹ + ㅌ
+ else if (c == 0x1111) echar = 0x11b5; // ㄹ + ㅍ
+ else if (c == 0x1112) echar = 0x11b6; // ㄹ + ㅎ
else {
schar = c; mchar = 0; echar = 0;
return c;
- } else if (echar == 0x11b8) { //
+ } else if (echar == 0x11b8) { // ㅂ
- if (c == 0x1109) echar = 0x11b9; // +
+ if (c == 0x1109) echar = 0x11b9; // ㅂ + ㅅ
else {
schar = c; mchar = 0; echar = 0;
return c;
- } else if (echar == 0x11ba) { //
+ } else if (echar == 0x11ba) { // ㅅ
- if (c == 0x1109) echar = 0x11bb; // +
+ if (c == 0x1109) echar = 0x11bb; // ㅅ + ㅅ
else {
schar = c; mchar = 0; echar = 0;
return c;
} else { // if any other char, cannot combine chars
schar = c; mchar = 0; echar = 0;
return c;
unicode = echar;
else if (0x1161 <= c && c <= 0x1175) { // mchar was input
if (schar != 0 && mchar == 0) { mchar = c; }
else if (schar != 0 && mchar != 0 && echar == 0) {
switch (mchar) {
case 0x1169:
if (c == 0x1161) mchar = 0x116a;
else if (c == 0x1162) mchar = 0x116b;
else if (c == 0x1175) mchar = 0x116c;
else {
schar = 0; mchar = 0; echar = 0;
return c;
case 0x116e:
if (c == 0x1165) mchar = 0x116f;
else if (c == 0x1166) mchar = 0x1170;
else if (c == 0x1175) mchar = 0x1171;
else {
schar = 0; mchar = 0; echar = 0;
return c;
case 0x1173:
if (c == 0x1175) mchar = 0x1174;
else {
schar = 0; mchar = 0; echar = 0;
return c;
@@ -1417,97 +1426,97 @@ void Keys::setKeysFromFile(const char * filename) {
// meta key map
else if (buf.contains(QRegExp("^\\s*m\\s+[0-9a-fx]+\\s+[0-9a-fx]+\\s*$", FALSE, FALSE))) {
QTextStream tmp (buf, IO_ReadOnly);
ushort lower, shift;
QChar m;
tmp >> m >> lower >> shift;
metaMap.insert(lower, shift);
buf = t.readLine();
// circumflex
else if (buf.contains(QRegExp("^\\s*c\\s+[0-9a-fx]+\\s+[0-9a-fx]+\\s*$", FALSE, FALSE))) {
QTextStream tmp (buf, IO_ReadOnly);
ushort lower, shift;
QChar c;
tmp >> c >> lower >> shift;
circumflexMap.insert(lower, shift);
buf = t.readLine();
// diaeresis
else if (buf.contains(QRegExp("^\\s*d\\s+[0-9a-fx]+\\s+[0-9a-fx]+\\s*$", FALSE, FALSE))) {
QTextStream tmp (buf, IO_ReadOnly);
ushort lower, shift;
QChar d;
tmp >> d >> lower >> shift;
diaeresisMap.insert(lower, shift);
buf = t.readLine();
// back accent
else if (buf.contains(QRegExp("^\\s*b\\s+[0-9a-fx]+\\s+[0-9a-fx]+\\s*$", FALSE, FALSE))) {
QTextStream tmp (buf, IO_ReadOnly);
ushort lower, shift;
QChar d;
tmp >> d >> lower >> shift;
baccentMap.insert(lower, shift);
- qDebug ("Estoy aadiendo %i con %i", lower, shift);
+ qDebug ("Estoy aadiendo %i con %i", lower, shift);
buf = t.readLine();
// accent
else if (buf.contains(QRegExp("^\\s*a\\s+[0-9a-fx]+\\s+[0-9a-fx]+\\s*$", FALSE, FALSE))) {
QTextStream tmp (buf, IO_ReadOnly);
ushort lower, shift;
QChar d;
tmp >> d >> lower >> shift;
accentMap.insert(lower, shift);
buf = t.readLine();
// other variables like lang & title
else if (buf.contains(QRegExp("^\\s*[a-zA-Z]+\\s*=\\s*[a-zA-Z0-9/]+\\s*$", FALSE, FALSE))) {
QTextStream tmp (buf, IO_ReadOnly);
QString name, equals, value;
tmp >> name >> equals >> value;
if (name == "lang") {
lang = value;
buf = t.readLine();
// comments
else if (buf.contains(QRegExp("^\\s*#"))) {
buf = t.readLine();
} else { // blank line, or garbage
buf = t.readLine();