path: root/libopie2/opiepim/backend/opimaccessbackend.h
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diff --git a/libopie2/opiepim/backend/opimaccessbackend.h b/libopie2/opiepim/backend/opimaccessbackend.h
index 6666fd6..71f81f4 100644
--- a/libopie2/opiepim/backend/opimaccessbackend.h
+++ b/libopie2/opiepim/backend/opimaccessbackend.h
@@ -1,336 +1,337 @@
This file is part of the Opie Project
Copyright (C) The Main Author <>
=. Copyright (C) The Opie Team <>
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#include <qarray.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <opie2/opimtemplatebase.h>
#include <opie2/opimrecord.h>
#include <opie2/opimbackendoccurrence.h>
namespace Opie {
class OPimAccessBackendPrivate;
* OPimAccessBackend is the Backend Interface to be used
* by OTemplateBase based Frontends.
* For efficency reasons and to support delayed loading
* most of the Frontend functions can be implemented
* by this backend.
* This allows to utilise the best method on each backend.
* For example we can use SQL queries instead of self made
* query which is first more efficent and also uses less memory.
template <class T = OPimRecord>
class OPimAccessBackend {
typedef OTemplateBase<T> Frontend;
OPimAccessBackend(int access = 0);
virtual ~OPimAccessBackend();
virtual bool load() = 0;
virtual bool reload() = 0;
virtual bool save() = 0;
virtual void clear() = 0;
// FIXME: Uncommented some of the abstract functions below. This should be removed as they are implemented in
// all typespecifc backenends (eilers)
* Return all possible settings for queryByExample()
* @return All settings provided by the current backend
* (i.e.: query_WildCards & query_IgnoreCase)
* See implementation in the specific backends for contacts, todo and dates.
virtual const uint querySettings() const = 0;
* Check whether settings are correct for queryByExample()
* See implementation in the specific backends for OPimContactAccess, OPimTodoAccess and ODateBookAccess.
* @return <i>true</i> if the given settings are correct and possible.
virtual bool hasQuerySettings (uint querySettings) const = 0;
virtual UIDArray allRecords()const = 0;
virtual UIDArray matchRegexp(const QRegExp &r) const;
virtual UIDArray queryByExample( const UIDArray&, const T& t,
int settings, const QDateTime& d = QDateTime() )const = 0;
virtual UIDArray queryByExample( const T& t, int settings, const QDateTime& d = QDateTime() )const;
virtual UIDArray queryByExample( const OPimRecord* rec, int settings, const QDateTime& d = QDateTime() )const;
virtual UIDArray sorted( const UIDArray&, bool asc, int sortOrder, int sortFilter, const QArray<int>& cats )const = 0;
virtual UIDArray sorted( bool asc, int sortOrder, int sortFilter, const QArray<int>& cats )const;
virtual OPimBackendOccurrence::List occurrences( const QDate& start, const QDate& end)const;
virtual OPimBackendOccurrence::List occurrences( const QDateTime& dt )const;
virtual T find(UID uid )const = 0;
virtual T find(UID uid, const QArray<UID>& items,
uint current, typename Frontend::CacheDirection )const ;
virtual bool add( const T& t ) = 0;
virtual bool remove( UID uid ) = 0;
virtual bool replace( const T& t ) = 0;
void setFrontend( Frontend* front );
* set the read ahead count
void setReadAhead( uint count );
int access()const;
void cache( const T& t )const;
void setSaneCacheSize( int );
uint readAhead()const;
OPimAccessBackendPrivate *d;
Frontend* m_front;
uint m_read;
int m_acc;
template <class T>
OPimAccessBackend<T>::OPimAccessBackend(int acc)
: m_acc( acc )
m_front = 0l;
+ m_read = 20;
template <class T>
OPimAccessBackend<T>::~OPimAccessBackend() {
* Slow but default matchRegexp Implementation
* Create a Big Enough QArray and then iterate
* over all Records and matchRegexp them.
* At the end we will resize the array to the actual
* number of items
template <class T>
UIDArray OPimAccessBackend<T>::matchRegexp( const QRegExp& reg )const {
UIDArray all_rec = allRecords();
UIDArray result( all_rec.count() );
uint used_records = 0, all_rec_count = all_rec.count();
for ( uint i = 0; i < all_rec_count; ++i )
if (find( all_rec[i], all_rec, i, Frontend::Forward ).match( reg ) )
result[used_records++] = all_rec[i];
/* shrink to fit */
result.resize( used_records );
return result;
template <class T>
UIDArray OPimAccessBackend<T>::queryByExample( const T& rec, int settings,
const QDateTime& datetime )const {
return queryByExample( allRecords(), rec, settings, datetime );
template <class T>
UIDArray OPimAccessBackend<T>::queryByExample( const OPimRecord* rec, int settings,
const QDateTime& datetime )const {
T* tmp_rec = T::safeCast( rec );
UIDArray ar;
if ( tmp_rec )
ar = queryByExample( *tmp_rec, settings, datetime );
return ar;
template <class T>
UIDArray OPimAccessBackend<T>::sorted( bool asc, int order, int filter,
const QArray<int>& cats )const {
return sorted( allRecords(), asc, order, filter, cats );
template<class T>
OPimBackendOccurrence::List OPimAccessBackend<T>::occurrences( const QDate&,
const QDate& )const {
return OPimBackendOccurrence::List();
template<class T>
OPimBackendOccurrence::List OPimAccessBackend<T>::occurrences( const QDateTime& dt )const {
QDate date =;
return occurrences( date, date );
template <class T>
void OPimAccessBackend<T>::setFrontend( Frontend* fr ) {
m_front = fr;
template <class T>
void OPimAccessBackend<T>::cache( const T& t )const {
if ( m_front )
m_front->cache( t );
template <class T>
void OPimAccessBackend<T>::setSaneCacheSize( int size) {
if ( m_front )
m_front->setSaneCacheSize( size );
template <class T>
T OPimAccessBackend<T>::find( int uid, const QArray<int>&,
uint, typename Frontend::CacheDirection ) const{
qDebug( "*** Lookahead feature not supported. Fallback to default find!!" );
return find( uid );
template <class T>
void OPimAccessBackend<T>::setReadAhead( uint count ) {
m_read = count;
template <class T>
uint OPimAccessBackend<T>::readAhead()const {
return m_read;
template <class T>
int OPimAccessBackend<T>::access()const {
return m_acc;
* \fn template <class T> OPimAccessBackend<T>::OPimAccessBackend(int hint )
* @param hint The access hint from the frontend
* \fn template <class T> bool OPimAccessBackend<T>::load()
* Opens the DataBase and does necessary
* initialisation of internal structures.
* @return true If the DataBase could be opened and
* Information was successfully loaded
* \fn template <class T> bool OPimAccessBackend<T>::reload()
* Reinitialise the DataBase and merges the external changes
* with your local changes.
* @return True if the DataBase was reloaded.
* \fn template <class T> bool OPimAccessBackend<T>::save()
* Save the changes to storage. In case of memory or
* disk shortage, return false.
* @return True if the DataBase could be saved to storage.
* \fn template <class T> bool OPimAccessBackend<T>::clear()
* Until a \sa save() changes shouldn't be comitted
* @return True if the DataBase could be cleared
* @todo Introduce a 'Commit'
* \fn template <class T> QArray<UID> OPimAccessBackend<T>::allRecords()const
* Return an array of all available uids in the loaded
* DataBase.
* @see load
* \fn template <class T> QArray<UID> OPimAccessBackend<T>::matchRegexp(const QRegExp& r)const
* Return a List of records that match the regex \par r.
* @param r The QRegExp to match.
* \fn template <class T> QArray<UID> OPimAccessBackend<T>::queryByExample(const T& t, int settings, const QDateTime& d = QDateTime() )
* Implement QueryByExample. An Example record is filled and with the
* settings and QDateTime it is determined how the query should be executed.
* Return a list of UIDs that match the Example
* @param t The Example record
* @param settings Gives
* \fn template<class T> QArray<UID> OPimAccessBackend<T>::sorted(const QArray<UID>& ids, bool asc, int sortOrder, int sortFilter, int cat)
* \brief Sort the List of records according to the preference
* Implement sorting in your backend. The default implementation is
* to return the list as it was passed.
* The default Backend Implementation should do unaccelerated filtering
* @param ids The Records to sort
* @param asc Sort ascending or descending
* @param sortOrder
* @param sortFilter Sort filter
* @param cat The Category to include
* \fn template <class T> T OPimAccessBackend<T>::find(UID uid)const
* \brief Find the Record with the UID
* Find the UID in the database and return the record.
* @param uid The uid to be searched for
* @return The record or an empty record (T.isEmpty())