-rw-r--r-- | libopie2/opieui/big-screen/omodalhelper.h | 2 |
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/libopie2/opieui/big-screen/omodalhelper.h b/libopie2/opieui/big-screen/omodalhelper.h index 096cec4..ed6fee3 100644 --- a/libopie2/opieui/big-screen/omodalhelper.h +++ b/libopie2/opieui/big-screen/omodalhelper.h @@ -1,774 +1,774 @@ /* � � � � � � � �=. This file is part of the OPIE Project � � � � � � �.=l. Copyright (c) 2003 hOlgAr <zecke@handhelds.org> � � � � � �.>+-= �_;:, � � .> � �:=|. This library is free software; you can .> <`_, � > �. � <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- � : the terms of the GNU Library General Public .="- .-=="i, � � .._ License as published by the Free Software �- . � .-<_> � � .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, � � �._= =} � � � : or (at your option) any later version. � � .%`+i> � � � _;_. � � .i_,=:_. � � �-<s. This library is distributed in the hope that � � �+ �. �-:. � � � = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; � � : .. � �.:, � � . . . without even the implied warranty of � � =_ � � � �+ � � =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A � _.=:. � � � : � �:=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= � � � = � � � ; Library General Public License for more ++= � -. � � .` � � .: details. �: � � = �...= . :.=- �-. � .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU � -_. . . � )=. �= Library General Public License along with � � -- � � � �:-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef OMODALHELPER_H #define OMODALHELPER_H /* QT*/ #include <qdialog.h> #include <qwidget.h> #include <qvaluelist.h> #include <qmap.h> #include <qvariant.h> typedef int TransactionID; class QDialog; namespace Opie { class OModalHelperControler; class OModalHelperSignal; struct OModalHelperBase { virtual void done( int status, TransactionID ) = 0; virtual void next( TransactionID ) = 0; virtual void prev( TransactionID ) = 0; }; /** * Modality sucks! ;) But it is easy to work with * do exec() on a dialog and you know everything is funky. * You only need to have one Dialog loaded and so on. * This class helps you to work like with modality and help * you to keep things in sync * It's a template class but it sends signals once one Item is ready * the signals contains the status and id of the item and then you * need fetch it. * Handled Records will stay available until the first call to retrieve * either the record via the TransactionID or via the QValueList<Record>. Note * that most functions do not take handled records into account. * Also if you edit an record external you can tell this class and it'll * call the merge() function of your widget to maybe merge in these changes. * It also supports multiple modes. Either it can create new dialogs * for each item or it can queue them depending on your usage. But it is * so smart that if only one item is shown that the queue bar is not shown * See the example for simple usage. * * @short helps to life without modaility * @author hOlgAr * @version 0.01 */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id = int> class OModalHelper : private OModalHelperBase { friend class OModalHelperSignal; friend class OModalHelperControler; public: typedef QValueList<Record> RecordList; typedef QMap<Id, Record> IdMap; typedef QMap<TransactionID, Id> TransactionMap; typedef QMap<QDialog*, TransactionID> DialogMap enum Mode { Queue, New }; OModalHelper(enum Mode mode, QObject* parnet ); bool handles( Id id)const; TransactionID transactionID( Id id)const; void suspend( bool = true ); void cancel(); void cancel( TransactionID ); void connectDone( QObject* rec, const char* slot ); void connectAccepted( QObject* rec, const char* slot ); void connectRejected( QObject* rec, const char* slot ); TransactionID handle( Id id, const Record& rec = Record() ); void edited( Id, int what, const QVariant& data ); Record record( TransactionID )const; RecordList recordsDone()const; private: virtual void done( int, TransactionID ); virtual void next( TransactionID ); virtual void prev( TransactionID ); Record nextRecord( TransactionID &, int & )const; Record prevRecord( TransactionID &, int & )const; int pos( TransactionID )const; Dialog* newDialogRecord( const Record& ); private: OModalHelperDialog *queuedDialog()const; // generate or recycle OModalHelperDialog *m_dialog; OModalHelperSignal *m_signal; // our signal OModalHelperControler *m_controler; IdMap m_ids; // maps ids (uids) to a record IdMap m_doneIds; TransactionMap m_transactions; // activate transactions TransactionMap m_done; // done and waiting for getting picked DialogMap m_editing; // only used for New Mode enum Mode m_mode; // the mode we're in bool m_disabled :1; }; /* ### FIXME use namespace with Qt3 */ /* * A note on flow. The Signal is used for QT Signals when * a record is done. * There is either one controler and this controler slot will * be connected to a dialog signal. * In Queue we get the next and prev signals and call the Helper. * this then changes the Record of the dialog and sets the transactionId * of the controler. * For the new mode * */ class OModalHelperSignal : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: OModalHelperSignal(OModalHelperBase* base, QObject* parent); ~OModalHelperSignal(); signals: done( int status, TransactionID transaction ); accepted( TransactionID transaction ); rejected( TransactionID transaction ); private: OModalHelperBase* m_base; }; class OModalHelperControler : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: OModalHelperControler( OModalHelperBase* , QObject* parent); virtual TransactionID transactionID()const; void setTransactionID( TransactionID id ); QDialog* dialog()const; public slots: virtual void done(int result ); virtual void next(); virtual void prev(); private: QDialog *m_dia; TransactionID m_id; OModalHelperBase *m_base; } struct OModalQueueBar; class OModalQueuedDialog : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: OModalQueuedDialog(QDialog *mainWidget); ~OModalQueuedDialog(); QDialog* centerDialog()const; void setQueueBarEnabled( bool = true ); void setRecord( int record, int count ); signals: void next(); void prev(); private: OModalQueueBar *m_bar; QDialog *m_center; }; /* * Tcpp Template Implementation */ /** * This is the simple Template c'tor. It takes the mode * this helper should operate in and the parent object. * This helper will be deleted when the parent gets deleted * or you delete it yourself. * * @param mode The mode this dialog should be in * @param parent The parent QObject of this helper. */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id> OModalHelper<Dialog, Record, Id>::OModalHelper( enum Mode mode, QObject* parent ) { m_disabled = false; m_mode = mode; m_signal = new OModalHelperSignal( this, parent ); m_controler = new OModalHelperControler( this, m_signal ); } /** * This functions looks for your record and sees if it is * handled with this helper. Note that done records * will not be returned. * * @return true if the record is currenlty edited otherwise false * - * @param Id The id which might be handled + * @param id The id which might be handled */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id> bool OModalHelper<Dialog, Record, Id>::handles( Id id )const { if ( m_transactions.isEmpty() ) return false; TransactionMap::ConstIterator it = m_transactions.begin(); for ( ; it != m_transactions.end(); ++it ) if ( it.data() == id ) return true; return false; } /** * just like handles( Id ) but returns the TransactionId */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id> TransactionID OModalHelper<Dialog, Record, Id>::transactionID( Id id)const { if ( m_transactions.isEmpty() || !m_ids.contains( id ) ) return 0; TransactionMap::ConstIterator it = m_transactions.begin(); for ( ; it != m_transactions.end(); ++it ) if ( it.data() == id ) return it.key(); return 0; } /** * If you're requested to flush your data and you do not want * to call cancel with this method you can disable and enabled * all dialogs. * The state gets saved so if you want to handle a new record the dialog * will be disabled as well. * * @param sus If true setDisabled(TRUE) will be called otherwise FALSE */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id> void OModalHelper<Dialog, Record, Id>::suspend(bool sus) { m_disabled = sus; if (m_mode == New ) for (DialogMap::Iterator it = m_editing.begin(); it != m_editing.end(); ++it ) it.key()->setDisabled( sus ); else if (m_dialog ) queuedDialog()->setDisabled( sus ); } /** * Cancel will cancel all current operations and clear the list * of done operations as well. * This also clears all done operations you did not popped */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id> void OModalHelper<Dialog, Record, Id>::cancel() { m_ids.clear(); m_doneIds.clear(); m_done.clear(); m_transactions.clear(); /* we also need to remove the QDialogs */ /* and hide the queue dialog if present */ if (m_mode == New && !m_editing.isEmpty() ) { for (DialogMap::Iterator it = m_editing.begin(); it != m_editing.end(); ++it ) delete it.key(); m_editing.clear(); } else if (m_dialog ) queuedDialog()->setRecord( 0, 0 ); m_controler->setTransactionID( 0 ); } /** * This cancels editing of the record behind the Transaction Number * Note that if editing is already done it will also be removed from this list */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id> void OModalHelper::cancel( TransactionID tid ) { /* wrong tid */ if (!m_transactions.contains( tid ) && !m_done.contains( tid) ) return; if (m_mode == New ) /* reverse map eek */ for (DialogMap::Iterator it = m_editing.begin(); it != m_editing.end(); ++it ) if ( it.data() == tid ) { it.key()->hide(); delete it.key(); it = m_editing.remove( it ); break; } /* now remove from the various maps done and currently editing map*/ if (m_transactions.contains( tid ) ) m_ids.remove( m_transactions[tid] ); if (m_done.contains( tid ) ) m_doneIds.remove( m_done[tid ] ); m_done.remove( tid ); m_transactions.remove( tid ); next( 0 ); } /** * Connect to the done Signal. SIGNAL( done(int, TransactionID ) ) * This signal gets emitted whenever a Record was accepted or rejected * * @param rec The object where the slot belongs to * @param slot The slot which should be called. See the needed parameter above */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id> void OModalHelper<Dialog, Record, Id>::connectDone( QObject* rec, const char* slot ) { QObject::connect(m_signal, SIGNAL(done(int, TransactionID) ), rec, slot ); } /** * Connect to the accepted Signal. SIGNAL( accepted(TransactionID ) ) * This signal gets emitted whenever a Record was accepted * * @param rec The object where the slot belongs to * @param slot The slot which should be called. See the needed parameter above */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id> void OModalHelper<Dialog, Record, Id>::connectAccepted( QObject* rec, const char* slot ) { QObject::connect(m_signal, SIGNAL(accepted(TransactionID) ), rec, slot ); } /** * Same as the accepted method but this one gets emitted if the dialog * got rejected. * SIGNAL( rejected(TransactionID) ) * * @param rec The QObject of the slot * @param slot The slot make sure the signature is correct */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id> void OModalHelper<Dialog, Record, Id>::connectRejected( QObject* rec, const char* slot ) { QObject::connect(m_signal, SIGNAL(rejected(TransactionID) ), rec, slot ); } /** * Tell the helper to handle a record. If the record is currently handled * it will be made active. * Already handled record which are waiting getting popped are not taken into account * Otherwise this helpers make the record editable. * The record supplied needs to have a valid copy operator and constructor. * In the case where the record is already present the parameter gets discarded. * If you want the new record to be taken you need to cancel the Transaction first * * @param id The Identification of the Record. For PIM it would uid() * @param rec The record we want to be edited * * @returns This functions returns the TransactionId assigned to the record * */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id> TransactionID OModalHelper<Dialog, Record, Id>::handle( Id id, const Record& rec ) { static TransactionID t_id = 0; /* *this method consists out of two parts divided each into New and Queued Mode. * Either we have the dialog already, in this case we need to highlight the widget * Or we need to add it. */ TransactionID tid = 0; /* we already have the record lets see if it was done or not */ if ( !(tid = transactionID( id ) ) ) { if (m_mode == New ) { /* lets find the dialog and show it need to reverse map*/ for (DialogMap::Iterator it = m_editing.begin(); it != m_editing.end(); ++it ) if ( it.data() == tid ) it.key()->show(); } else if (m_controler->transactionID() != tid ) { int po = pos( tid ); m_controler->setTransactionID( tid ); static_cast<Dialog*>( queuedDialog()->centerDialog() )->setRecord( m_ids[ m_transactions[tid] ] ); queuedDialog()->setRecord( po, m_transactions.count() ); } } else { tid = ++t_id; m_transactions.insert( tid, id ); m_ids.insert( id, rec ); if (m_mode == New ) m_editing.insert( newDialogRecord( rec ), tid ); else { m_controler->setTransactionID( tid ); static_cast<Dialog*>( queuedDialog()->centerDialog() )->setRecord( rec ); queuedDialog()->setRecord( m_transactions.count(), m_transactions.count() ); } } return tid; } /** * The goal of this helper is to help you to create non blocking * GUIs. In the example of the todolist you can have the edit dialog * but still change the priority or completion inline even if you currently * edit the record. * Your Dialog needs to have a Method setData(int,const QVariant& ) which will be called * in these cases. * If you edit anything while a record is edited call this function to merge the * change in. Note if the record is not handled here we will ignore the request * */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id> void OModalHelper<Dialog, Record, Id>::edited( Id id, int what, const QVariant& data ) { int tid; if (!( tid = transactionID( id ) ) ) return; if (m_mode == New ) { for (DialogMap::Iterator it= m_editing.begin(); it != m_editing.end(); ++it ) if ( it.data() == tid ) it.key()->setData( what, data ); } else { int po = pos( tid ); Dialog* dia = static_cast<Dialog*>( queuedDialog()->centerDialog() ); dia->setRecord( m_ids[id] ); dia->setData( what, data ); queuedDialog()->setRecord( pos, m_transactions.count() ); } } /** * This functions either returns the unedited record the done record * or a new empty Record using Record(). * If a done record is retrieved all traces are removed inside this class. This * is what was called popping a record. This means when you call this function * with the same TransactionID an Empty record is retrieved. * */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id> Record OModalHelper<Dialog, Record, Id>::record( TransactionID tid)const { if (m_transactions.contains( tid ) ) return m_ids[ m_transactions[tid] ]; else if (m_done.contains( tid ) ) { Record rec = m_doneIds[ m_done[ tid] ]; m_doneIds.remove( m_done[ tid ] ); m_done.remove( tid ); return rec; } else return Record(); } /** * Returns all done Records and removes all references to them internally. A 2nd call to this will * only contain done record that where edited past the point */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id> OModalHelper<Dialog,Record,Id>::RecordList OModalHelper<Dialog, Record, Id>::recordsDone()const { RecordList list; for (IdMap::ConstIterator it = m_doneIds.begin(); it != m_doneIds.end(); ++it ) list.append( it.data() ); /* clean up */ m_done.clear(); m_doneIds.clear(); return list; } /** * @internal */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id> void OModalHelper<Dialog, Record, Id>::done( int status, TransactionID tid) { /* If we're in New mode the transaction Id does not count */ Record rec; if (m_mode == New ) { Dialog *dia = static_cast<Dialog*>( m_controler->dialog() ); m_controler->setTransactionID( 0 ); // set the internal dialog to 0l again tid = m_editing[ dia ]; m_editing.remove( dia ); rec = dia->record(); delete dia; } else rec = queuedDialog()->record(); Id id = m_transactions[ tid ]; if (result == QDialog::Accept ) { m_doneIds.insert( is, rec ); m_done.insert( tid, id ); } m_transactions.remove( tid ); m_ids.remove( id ); if (status == QDialog::Accept ) emit m_signal->accepted( tid ); else emit m_signal->rejected( tid ); emit m_signal->done( result, tid ); next( 0 ); } /** * @internal */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id> void OModalHelper<Dialog, Record, Id>::next( TransactionID tid) { if (m_mode == New ) return; if (! (m_transactions.count() ) ) { m_controler->setTransactionID( 0 ); queuedDialog()->setRecord( 0, 0 ); return; } int next; Record rec; /* save the maybe edited record before switching */ Dialog *dia = static_cast<Dialog*>( queuedDialog()->centerDialog() ); rec = dia->record(); m_ids.replace( m_transactions[tid], rec ); rec = nextRecord( tid, next ); queuedDialog()->setRecord( next, m_transactions.count() ); dia->setRecord( rec ); m_controler->setTransactionID( tid ); // was changed during the next call } /** * @internal */ /* * code duplication should create a template fcuntion * which takes a pointer to a function ( next, prev ) function */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id> void OModalHelper<Dialog, Record, Id>::prev( TransactionID tid ) { if (m_mode == New ) return; if (! (m_transactions.count()) ) { m_controler->setTransactionID( 0 ); queuedDialog()->setRecord( 0, 0 ); return; } int prev; Record rec; /* save the maybe edited record before switching */ Dialog *dia = static_cast<Dialog*>( queuedDialog()->centerDialog() ); rec = dia->record(); m_ids.replace( m_transactions[tid], rec ); rec = prevRecord( tid, prev ); queuedDialog()->setRecord( prev, m_transactions.count() ); dia->setRecord( rec ); m_controler->setTransactionID( tid ); // was changed during the next call } /** * @internal */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id> Record OModalHelper<Dialog, Record, Id>::nextRecord( TransactionID &tid, int &po ) { /* if tid is == 0 we will take the first one */ /* pos starts at 1 here */ /* we know we're only called if there are records */ Record rec; TransactionMap::Iterator it; if (!tid ) { po = 1; TransactionMap::Iterator it = m_transactions.begin(); } else { po = pos( tid ); /* if it is the last take the first as next */ if ( po == m_transactions.count() ) { po = 1; it = m_transactions.begin(); } else { /* we know we're not the last and there is one after us */ it = m_transactions.find( tid ); ++it; ++po; } } tid = it.key(); rec = m_ids[ tid ]; return rec; } /** * @internal */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id> Record OModalHelper<Dialog, Record, Id>::prevRecord( TransactionID& tid, int& pos ) { /* if tid is == 0 we will take the first one */ /* pos starts at 1 here */ /* we know we're only called if there are records */ Record rec; TransactionMap::Iterator it; if (!tid ) { po = 1; TransactionMap::Iterator it = m_transactions.begin(); } else { po = pos( tid ); /* if it is the last take the first as next */ if ( po == 1 ) { po = m_transactions.count(); it = m_transactions.end(); --it; } else { /* we know we're not the first and there is one before us */ it = m_transactions.find( tid ); --it; --po; } } tid = it.key(); rec = m_ids[ tid ]; return rec; } /** * @internal */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id> int OModalHelper<Dialog, Record, Id>::pos( TransactionID id)const { int i = 1; for ( TransactionMap::ConstIterator it = m_transactions.begin(); it != m_transactions.end(); ++it, i++ ) if ( it.key() == id ) return i; return 0; } /** * @internal */ template<class Dialog, class Record, typename Id> Dialog* OModalHelper<Dialog, Record, Id>::newDialogRecord( const Record& rec ) { Dialog* dia = new Dialog; dia->setRecord( rec ); dia->setDisabled( m_disabled ); QObject::connect(dia, SIGNAL(done(int) ), m_controler, SLOT(done(int) ) ); /* FIXME big screen QPEApplication needs fixed*/ dia->show(); } template<class Record, class Dialog, typename Id> OModalHelperDialog* OModalHelper<Record, Dialog, Id>::queuedDialog()const { if (!m_dialog ) { m_dialog = new OModalHelperDialog; m_dialog->setEnabled( m_disabled ); QObject::connect(m_dialog, SIGNAL(done(int) ), m_controler, SLOT(done(int) ) ); QObject::connect(m_dialog, SIGNAL(next() ), m_controler, SLOT(next() ) ); QObject::connect(m_dialog, SIGNAL(prev() ), m_controler, SLOT(prev() ) ); } return m_dialog; } }; #endif |