path: root/libopie2/qt3/opieui/ojanuswidget.cpp
Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (limited to 'libopie2/qt3/opieui/ojanuswidget.cpp') (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/libopie2/qt3/opieui/ojanuswidget.cpp b/libopie2/qt3/opieui/ojanuswidget.cpp
index 063e393..8bdbc03 100644
--- a/libopie2/qt3/opieui/ojanuswidget.cpp
+++ b/libopie2/qt3/opieui/ojanuswidget.cpp
@@ -263,854 +263,854 @@ QFrame *OJanusWidget::addPage( const QString &itemName, const QString &header,
items << itemName;
return addPage(items, header, pixmap);
QVBox *OJanusWidget::addVBoxPage( const QStringList &items,
const QString &header,
const QPixmap &pixmap )
if( mValid == false )
qDebug( "addPage: Invalid object" );
return( 0 );
QVBox *page = new QVBox(FindParent() , "page" );
page->setSpacing( ODialog::spacingHint() );
addPageWidget( page, items, header, pixmap );
return page;
QVBox *OJanusWidget::addVBoxPage( const QString &itemName,
const QString &header,
const QPixmap &pixmap )
QStringList items;
items << itemName;
return addVBoxPage(items, header, pixmap);
QHBox *OJanusWidget::addHBoxPage( const QStringList &items,
const QString &header,
const QPixmap &pixmap )
if( mValid == false ) {
qDebug( "addPage: Invalid object" );
return( 0 );
QHBox *page = new QHBox(FindParent(), "page");
page->setSpacing( ODialog::spacingHint() );
addPageWidget( page, items, header, pixmap );
return page;
QHBox *OJanusWidget::addHBoxPage( const QString &itemName,
const QString &header,
const QPixmap &pixmap )
QStringList items;
items << itemName;
return addHBoxPage(items, header, pixmap);
QGrid *OJanusWidget::addGridPage( int n, Orientation dir,
const QStringList &items,
const QString &header,
const QPixmap &pixmap )
if( mValid == false )
qDebug( "addPage: Invalid object" );
return( 0 );
QGrid *page = new QGrid( n, dir, FindParent(), "page" );
page->setSpacing( ODialog::spacingHint() );
addPageWidget( page, items, header, pixmap );
return page;
QGrid *OJanusWidget::addGridPage( int n, Orientation dir,
const QString &itemName,
const QString &header,
const QPixmap &pixmap )
QStringList items;
items << itemName;
return addGridPage(n, dir, items, header, pixmap);
void OJanusWidget::InsertTreeListItem(const QStringList &items, const QPixmap &pixmap, QFrame *page)
bool isTop = true;
QListViewItem *curTop = 0, *child, *last, *newChild;
unsigned int index = 1;
QStringList curPath;
for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it, index++ ) {
QString name = (*it);
bool isPath = ( index != items.count() );
// Find the first child.
if (isTop) {
child = mTreeList->firstChild();
else {
child = curTop->firstChild();
// Now search for a child with the current Name, and if it we doesn't
// find it, then remember the location of the last child.
for (last = 0; child && child->text(0) != name ; last = child, child = child->nextSibling());
if (last == 0 && child == 0) {
// This node didn't have any children at all, lets just insert the
// new child.
if (isTop)
newChild = new QListViewItem(mTreeList, name);
newChild = new QListViewItem(curTop, name);
else if (child != 0) {
// we found the given name in this child.
if (!isPath) {
qDebug( "The element inserted was already in the TreeList box!" );
else {
// Ok we found the folder
newChild = child;
else {
// the node had some children, but we didn't find the given name
if (isTop)
newChild = new QListViewItem(mTreeList, last, name);
newChild = new QListViewItem(curTop, last, name);
// Now make the element expandable if it is a path component, and make
// ready for next loop
if (isPath) {
curTop = newChild;
isTop = false;
curPath << name;
QString key = curPath.join("_/_");
if (mFolderIconMap.contains(key)) {
QPixmap p = mFolderIconMap[key];
else {
if (mShowIconsInTreeList) {
newChild->setPixmap(0, pixmap);
mTreeListToPageStack.insert(newChild, page);
void OJanusWidget::addPageWidget( QFrame *page, const QStringList &items,
const QString &header,const QPixmap &pixmap )
connect(page, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), SLOT(pageGone(QObject*)));
if( mFace == Tabbed )
mTabControl->addTab (page, items.last());
mPageList->append (page);
else if( mFace == TreeList || mFace == IconList )
mPageList->append( page );
mPageStack->addWidget( page, 0 );
if (items.count() == 0) {
qDebug( "Invalid QStringList, with zero items" );
if( mFace == TreeList )
InsertTreeListItem(items, pixmap, page);
else // mFace == IconList
QString itemName = items.last();
IconListItem *item = new IconListItem( mIconList, pixmap, itemName );
// 2000-06-01 Espen Sand: If I do this with Qt 2.1.1 all sorts of
// strange things happen. With Qt <= 2.1 it worked but now I must
// either specify the listbox in the constructor on the item
// or as below, not both.
// mIconList->insertItem( item );
mIconListToPageStack.insert(item, page);
if (mIconList->isVisible())
// Make sure the title label is sufficiently wide
QString lastName = items.last();
const QString &title = (header != QString::null ? header : lastName);
QRect r = mTitleLabel->fontMetrics().boundingRect( title );
if( mTitleLabel->minimumWidth() < r.width() )
mTitleLabel->setMinimumWidth( r.width() );
mTitleList->append( title );
if( mTitleList->count() == 1 )
qDebug( "OJanusWidget::addPageWidget: can only add a page in Tabbed, TreeList or IconList modes" );
void OJanusWidget::setFolderIcon(const QStringList &path, const QPixmap &pixmap)
QString key = path.join("_/_");
bool OJanusWidget::setSwallowedWidget( QWidget *widget )
if( mFace != Swallow || mValid == false )
return( false );
// Remove current layout and make a new.
if( mSwallowPage->layout() != 0 )
delete mSwallowPage->layout();
QGridLayout *gbox = new QGridLayout( mSwallowPage, 1, 1, 0 );
// Hide old children
QObjectList *l = (QObjectList*)mSwallowPage->children(); // silence please
for( uint i=0; i < l->count(); i++ )
QObject *o = l->at(i);
if( o->isWidgetType() )
// Add new child or make default size
if( widget == 0 )
if( widget->parent() != mSwallowPage )
widget->reparent( mSwallowPage, 0, QPoint(0,0) );
gbox->addWidget(widget, 0, 0 );
mSwallowPage->setMinimumSize( widget->minimumSize() );
return( true );
bool OJanusWidget::slotShowPage()
if( mValid == false )
return( false );
if( mFace == TreeList )
QListViewItem *node = mTreeList->selectedItem();
if( node == 0 ) { return( false ); }
QWidget *stackItem = mTreeListToPageStack[node];
return showPage(stackItem);
else if( mFace == IconList )
QListBoxItem *node = mIconList->item( mIconList->currentItem() );
if( node == 0 ) { return( false ); }
QWidget *stackItem = mIconListToPageStack[node];
return showPage(stackItem);
return( false );
bool OJanusWidget::showPage( int index )
if( mPageList == 0 || mValid == false )
return( false );
return showPage(mPageList->at(index));
bool OJanusWidget::showPage( QWidget *w )
if( w == 0 || mValid == false )
return( false );
if( mFace == TreeList || mFace == IconList )
mPageStack->raiseWidget( w );
mActivePageWidget = w;
int index = mPageList->findRef( w );
mTitleLabel->setText( *mTitleList->at(index) );
if( mFace == TreeList )
QMap<QListViewItem *, QWidget *>::Iterator it;
for (it = mTreeListToPageStack.begin(); it != mTreeListToPageStack.end(); ++it){
QListViewItem *key = it.key();
QWidget *val =;
if (val == w) {
mTreeList->setSelected(key, true );
QMap<QListBoxItem *, QWidget *>::Iterator it;
for (it = mIconListToPageStack.begin(); it != mIconListToPageStack.end(); ++it){
QListBoxItem *key = it.key();
QWidget *val =;
if (val == w) {
mIconList->setSelected( key, true );
// 2000-02-13 Espen Sand
// Don't ask me why (because I don't know). If I select a page
// with the mouse the page is not updated until it receives an
// event. It seems this event get lost if the mouse is not moved
// when released. The timer ensures the update
QTimer::singleShot( 0, mActivePageWidget, SLOT(update()) );
else if( mFace == Tabbed )
mActivePageWidget = w;
return( false );
return( true );
int OJanusWidget::activePageIndex() const
if( mFace == TreeList) {
QListViewItem *node = mTreeList->selectedItem();
if( node == 0 ) { return -1; }
QWidget *stackItem = mTreeListToPageStack[node];
return mPageList->findRef(stackItem);
else if (mFace == IconList) {
QListBoxItem *node = mIconList->item( mIconList->currentItem() );
if( node == 0 ) { return( false ); }
QWidget *stackItem = mIconListToPageStack[node];
return mPageList->findRef(stackItem);
else if( mFace == Tabbed ) {
QWidget *widget = mTabControl->currentPage();
return( widget == 0 ? -1 : mPageList->findRef( widget ) );
else {
return( -1 );
int OJanusWidget::pageIndex( QWidget *widget ) const
if( widget == 0 )
return( -1 );
else if( mFace == TreeList || mFace == IconList )
return( mPageList->findRef( widget ) );
else if( mFace == Tabbed )
// The user gets the real page widget with addVBoxPage(), addHBoxPage()
// and addGridPage() but not with addPage() which returns a child of
// the toplevel page. addPage() returns a QFrame so I check for that.
if( widget->isA("QFrame") )
return( mPageList->findRef( widget->parentWidget() ) );
return( mPageList->findRef( widget ) );
return( -1 );
void OJanusWidget::slotFontChanged()
#ifdef FIXME
if ( mTitleLabel != 0 )
mTitleLabel->setFont( KGlobalSettings::generalFont() );
QFont titleFont( mTitleLabel->font() );
titleFont.setBold( true );
mTitleLabel->setFont( titleFont );
if( mFace == IconList )
QFont listFont( mIconList->font() );
listFont.setBold( true );
mIconList->setFont( listFont );
// makes the treelist behave like the list of kcontrol
void OJanusWidget::slotItemClicked(QListViewItem *it)
if(it && (it->childCount()>0))
void OJanusWidget::setFocus()
if( mValid == false ) { return; }
if( mFace == TreeList )
if( mFace == IconList )
else if( mFace == Tabbed )
else if( mFace == Swallow )
else if( mFace == Plain )
QSize OJanusWidget::minimumSizeHint() const
if( mFace == TreeList || mFace == IconList )
QSize s1( ODialog::spacingHint(), ODialog::spacingHint()*2 );
QSize s2(0,0);
QSize s3(0,0);
QSize s4( mPageStack->sizeHint() );
if( mFace == TreeList )
-#if QT_VERSION < 300
+#if QT_VERSION < 0x030000
s1.rwidth() += style().splitterWidth();
s1.rwidth() += style().pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_SplitterWidth );
s2 = mTreeList->minimumSize();
s2 = mIconList->minimumSize();
if( mTitleLabel->isVisible() == true )
s3 += mTitleLabel->sizeHint();
s3.rheight() += mTitleSep->minimumSize().height();
// Select the tallest item. It has only effect in IconList mode
int h1 = s1.rheight() + s3.rheight() + s4.height();
int h2 = QMAX( h1, s2.rheight() );
return( QSize( s1.width()+s2.width()+QMAX(s3.width(),s4.width()), h2 ) );
else if( mFace == Tabbed )
return( mTabControl->sizeHint() );
else if( mFace == Swallow )
return( mSwallowPage->minimumSize() );
else if( mFace == Plain )
return( mPlainPage->sizeHint() );
return( QSize( 100, 100 ) ); // Should never happen though.
QSize OJanusWidget::sizeHint() const
return( minimumSizeHint() );
void OJanusWidget::setTreeListAutoResize( bool state )
if( mFace == TreeList )
mTreeListResizeMode = state == false ?
QSplitter::KeepSize : QSplitter::Stretch;
QSplitter *splitter = (QSplitter*)(mTreeList->parentWidget());
splitter->setResizeMode( mTreeList, mTreeListResizeMode );
void OJanusWidget::setIconListAllVisible( bool state )
if( mFace == IconList )
mIconList->setShowAll( state );
void OJanusWidget::setShowIconsInTreeList( bool state )
mShowIconsInTreeList = state;
void OJanusWidget::setRootIsDecorated( bool state )
if( mFace == TreeList ) {
void OJanusWidget::unfoldTreeList( bool persist )
if( mFace == TreeList )
if( persist )
connect( mTreeList, SIGNAL( collapsed(QListViewItem*) ), this, SLOT( slotReopen(QListViewItem*) ) );
disconnect( mTreeList, SIGNAL( collapsed(QListViewItem*) ), this, SLOT( slotReopen(QListViewItem*) ) );
for( QListViewItem * item = mTreeList->firstChild(); item; item = item->itemBelow() )
item->setOpen( true );
void OJanusWidget::showEvent( QShowEvent * )
if( mFace == TreeList )
QSplitter *splitter = (QSplitter*)(mTreeList->parentWidget());
splitter->setResizeMode( mTreeList, mTreeListResizeMode );
// 2000-13-02 Espen Sand
// It should be obvious that this eventfilter must only be
// be installed on the vertical scrollbar of the mIconList.
bool OJanusWidget::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e )
if( e->type() == QEvent::Show )
IconListItem *item = (IconListItem*)mIconList->item(0);
if( item != 0 )
int lw = item->width( mIconList );
int sw = mIconList->verticalScrollBar()->sizeHint().width();
mIconList->setFixedWidth( lw+sw+mIconList->frameWidth()*2 );
else if( e->type() == QEvent::Hide )
IconListItem *item = (IconListItem*)mIconList->item(0);
if( item != 0 )
int lw = item->width( mIconList );
mIconList->setFixedWidth( lw+mIconList->frameWidth()*2 );
return QWidget::eventFilter( o, e );
// Code for the icon list box
OJanusWidget::IconListBox::IconListBox( QWidget *parent, const char *name,
WFlags f )
:QListBox( parent, name, f ), mShowAll(false), mHeightValid(false),
void OJanusWidget::IconListBox::updateMinimumHeight()
if( mShowAll == true && mHeightValid == false )
int h = frameWidth()*2;
for( QListBoxItem *i = item(0); i != 0; i = i->next() )
h += i->height( this );
setMinimumHeight( h );
mHeightValid = true;
void OJanusWidget::IconListBox::updateWidth()
if( mWidthValid == false )
int maxWidth = 10;
for( QListBoxItem *i = item(0); i != 0; i = i->next() )
int w = ((IconListItem *)i)->width(this);
maxWidth = QMAX( w, maxWidth );
for( QListBoxItem *i = item(0); i != 0; i = i->next() )
((IconListItem *)i)->expandMinimumWidth( maxWidth );
if( verticalScrollBar()->isVisible() )
maxWidth += verticalScrollBar()->sizeHint().width();
setFixedWidth( maxWidth + frameWidth()*2 );
mWidthValid = true;
void OJanusWidget::IconListBox::invalidateHeight()
mHeightValid = false;
void OJanusWidget::IconListBox::invalidateWidth()
mWidthValid = false;
void OJanusWidget::IconListBox::setShowAll( bool showAll )
mShowAll = showAll;
mHeightValid = false;
OJanusWidget::IconListItem::IconListItem( QListBox *listbox, const QPixmap &pixmap,
const QString &text )
: QListBoxItem( listbox )
mPixmap = pixmap;
if( mPixmap.isNull() == true )
mPixmap = defaultPixmap();
setText( text );
mMinimumWidth = 0;
int OJanusWidget::IconListItem::expandMinimumWidth( int width )
mMinimumWidth = QMAX( mMinimumWidth, width );
return( mMinimumWidth );
const QPixmap &OJanusWidget::IconListItem::defaultPixmap()
static QPixmap *pix=0;
if( pix == 0 )
pix = new QPixmap( 32, 32 );
QPainter p( pix );
p.eraseRect( 0, 0, pix->width(), pix->height() );
p.setPen( Qt::red );
p.drawRect ( 0, 0, pix->width(), pix->height() );
QBitmap mask( pix->width(), pix->height(), true );
mask.fill( Qt::black );
p.begin( &mask );
p.setPen( Qt::white );
p.drawRect ( 0, 0, pix->width(), pix->height() );
pix->setMask( mask );
return( *pix );
void OJanusWidget::IconListItem::paint( QPainter *painter )
QFontMetrics fm = painter->fontMetrics();
//int wt = fm.boundingRect(text()).width();
int wp = mPixmap.width();
int ht = fm.lineSpacing();
int hp = mPixmap.height();
painter->drawPixmap( (mMinimumWidth-wp)/2, 5, mPixmap );
if( text().isEmpty() == false )
painter->drawText( 0, hp+7, mMinimumWidth, ht, Qt::AlignCenter, text() );
int OJanusWidget::IconListItem::height( const QListBox *lb ) const
if( text().isEmpty() == true )
return( mPixmap.height() );
return( mPixmap.height() + lb->fontMetrics().lineSpacing()+10 );
int OJanusWidget::IconListItem::width( const QListBox *lb ) const
int wt = lb->fontMetrics().boundingRect(text()).width()+10;
int wp = mPixmap.width() + 10;
int w = QMAX( wt, wp );
return( QMAX( w, mMinimumWidth ) );
// Just remove the page from our stack of widgets. Do not modify the given widget in
// any way. No memory leak occurs as parent is not changed.
// Make this virtual in KDE 4.0.
// Ravikiran Rajagopal <>
void OJanusWidget::removePage( QWidget *page )
if (!mPageList || !mPageList->containsRef(page))
int index = mPageList->findRef( page );
if ( mTitleList )
if ( mFace == TreeList )
QMap<QListViewItem*, QWidget *>::Iterator i;
for( i = mTreeListToPageStack.begin(); i != mTreeListToPageStack.end(); ++i )
if (
delete i.key();
else if ( mFace == IconList )
QMap<QListBoxItem*, QWidget *>::Iterator i;
for( i = mIconListToPageStack.begin(); i != mIconListToPageStack.end(); ++i )
if (
delete i.key();
else // Tabbed