-rw-r--r-- | libopie2/opiepim/backend/ocontactaccessbackend_vcard.cpp | 12 |
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libopie2/opiepim/backend/ocontactaccessbackend_vcard.cpp b/libopie2/opiepim/backend/ocontactaccessbackend_vcard.cpp index f3b6d56..0ffbb67 100644 --- a/libopie2/opiepim/backend/ocontactaccessbackend_vcard.cpp +++ b/libopie2/opiepim/backend/ocontactaccessbackend_vcard.cpp @@ -327,271 +327,283 @@ OPimContact OPimContactAccessBackend_VCard::parseVObject( VObject *obj ) while( moreIteration( &nit ) ) { VObject *o = nextVObject( &nit ); QCString name = vObjectTypeInfo( o ); odebug << "Emailtype is: "<< name << " Value: " << value.latin1() << oendl; if ( name != VCInternetProp && name != VCHomeProp && name != VCWorkProp && name != VCPreferredProp && name.left( 2 ) != "X-" && name.left( 2 ) != "x-" ){ // ### preffered should map to default email valid = FALSE; odebug << "Email was detected as invalid!" << oendl; } } if ( valid ) { c.insertEmail( email ); } } else if ( name == VCURLProp ) { VObjectIterator nit; initPropIterator( &nit, o ); while( moreIteration( &nit ) ) { VObject *o = nextVObject( &nit ); QCString name = vObjectTypeInfo( o ); if ( name == VCHomeProp ) c.setHomeWebpage( value ); else if ( name == VCWorkProp ) c.setBusinessWebpage( value ); } } else if ( name == VCOrgProp ) { VObjectIterator nit; initPropIterator( &nit, o ); while( moreIteration( &nit ) ) { VObject *o = nextVObject( &nit ); QCString name = vObjectName( o ); QString value = QString::fromUtf8( vObjectStringZValue( o ) ); if ( name == VCOrgNameProp ) c.setCompany( value ); else if ( name == VCOrgUnitProp ) c.setDepartment( value ); else if ( name == VCOrgUnit2Prop ) c.setOffice( value ); } } else if ( name == VCTitleProp ) { c.setJobTitle( value ); } else if ( name == "X-Qtopia-Profession" ) { c.setProfession( value ); } else if ( name == "X-Qtopia-Manager" ) { c.setManager( value ); } else if ( name == "X-Qtopia-Assistant" ) { c.setAssistant( value ); } else if ( name == "X-Qtopia-Spouse" ) { c.setSpouse( value ); } else if ( name == "X-Qtopia-Gender" ) { c.setGender( value ); } else if ( name == "X-Qtopia-Anniversary" ) { c.setAnniversary( convVCardDateToDate( value ) ); } else if ( name == "X-Qtopia-Nickname" ) { c.setNickname( value ); } else if ( name == "X-Qtopia-Children" ) { c.setChildren( value ); } else if ( name == VCBirthDateProp ) { // Reading Birthdate regarding RFC 2425 (5.8.4) c.setBirthday( convVCardDateToDate( value ) ); } else if ( name == VCCommentProp ) { c.setNotes( value ); } #if 0 else { printf("Name: %s, value=%s\n", name.data(), QString::fromUtf8( vObjectStringZValue( o ) ) ); VObjectIterator nit; initPropIterator( &nit, o ); while( moreIteration( &nit ) ) { VObject *o = nextVObject( &nit ); QCString name = vObjectName( o ); QString value = QString::fromUtf8( vObjectStringZValue( o ) ); printf(" subprop: %s = %s\n", name.data(), value.latin1() ); } } else { printf("Name: %s, value=%s\n", name.data(), vObjectStringZValue( o ) ); VObjectIterator nit; initPropIterator( &nit, o ); while( moreIteration( &nit ) ) { VObject *o = nextVObject( &nit ); QCString name = vObjectName( o ); QString value = vObjectStringZValue( o ); printf(" subprop: %s = %s\n", name.data(), value.latin1() ); } } #endif } c.setFileAs(); return c; } VObject* OPimContactAccessBackend_VCard::createVObject( const OPimContact &c ) { VObject *vcard = newVObject( VCCardProp ); safeAddPropValue( vcard, VCVersionProp, "2.1" ); safeAddPropValue( vcard, VCLastRevisedProp, TimeConversion::toISO8601( QDateTime::currentDateTime() ) ); safeAddPropValue( vcard, VCUniqueStringProp, QString::number(c.uid()) ); // full name safeAddPropValue( vcard, VCFullNameProp, c.fullName() ); // name properties VObject *name = safeAddProp( vcard, VCNameProp ); safeAddPropValue( name, VCFamilyNameProp, c.lastName() ); safeAddPropValue( name, VCGivenNameProp, c.firstName() ); safeAddPropValue( name, VCAdditionalNamesProp, c.middleName() ); safeAddPropValue( name, VCNamePrefixesProp, c.title() ); safeAddPropValue( name, VCNameSuffixesProp, c.suffix() ); // home properties + if ( !( c.homeStreet().isEmpty() + && c.homeCity().isEmpty() + && c.homeState().isEmpty() + && c.homeZip().isEmpty() + && c.homeCountry().isEmpty() ) ){ VObject *home_adr= safeAddProp( vcard, VCAdrProp ); safeAddProp( home_adr, VCHomeProp ); safeAddPropValue( home_adr, VCStreetAddressProp, c.homeStreet() ); safeAddPropValue( home_adr, VCCityProp, c.homeCity() ); safeAddPropValue( home_adr, VCRegionProp, c.homeState() ); safeAddPropValue( home_adr, VCPostalCodeProp, c.homeZip() ); safeAddPropValue( home_adr, VCCountryNameProp, c.homeCountry() ); + } VObject *home_phone = safeAddPropValue( vcard, VCTelephoneProp, c.homePhone() ); safeAddProp( home_phone, VCHomeProp ); home_phone = safeAddPropValue( vcard, VCTelephoneProp, c.homeMobile() ); safeAddProp( home_phone, VCHomeProp ); safeAddProp( home_phone, VCCellularProp ); home_phone = safeAddPropValue( vcard, VCTelephoneProp, c.homeFax() ); safeAddProp( home_phone, VCHomeProp ); safeAddProp( home_phone, VCFaxProp ); VObject *url = safeAddPropValue( vcard, VCURLProp, c.homeWebpage() ); safeAddProp( url, VCHomeProp ); // work properties + if ( !( c.businessStreet().isEmpty() + && c.businessCity().isEmpty() + && c.businessState().isEmpty() + && c.businessZip().isEmpty() + && c.businessCountry().isEmpty() ) ){ VObject *work_adr= safeAddProp( vcard, VCAdrProp ); safeAddProp( work_adr, VCWorkProp ); safeAddPropValue( work_adr, VCStreetAddressProp, c.businessStreet() ); safeAddPropValue( work_adr, VCCityProp, c.businessCity() ); safeAddPropValue( work_adr, VCRegionProp, c.businessState() ); safeAddPropValue( work_adr, VCPostalCodeProp, c.businessZip() ); safeAddPropValue( work_adr, VCCountryNameProp, c.businessCountry() ); + } VObject *work_phone = safeAddPropValue( vcard, VCTelephoneProp, c.businessPhone() ); safeAddProp( work_phone, VCWorkProp ); work_phone = safeAddPropValue( vcard, VCTelephoneProp, c.businessMobile() ); safeAddProp( work_phone, VCWorkProp ); safeAddProp( work_phone, VCCellularProp ); work_phone = safeAddPropValue( vcard, VCTelephoneProp, c.businessFax() ); safeAddProp( work_phone, VCWorkProp ); safeAddProp( work_phone, VCFaxProp ); work_phone = safeAddPropValue( vcard, VCTelephoneProp, c.businessPager() ); safeAddProp( work_phone, VCWorkProp ); safeAddProp( work_phone, VCPagerProp ); url = safeAddPropValue( vcard, VCURLProp, c.businessWebpage() ); safeAddProp( url, VCWorkProp ); VObject *title = safeAddPropValue( vcard, VCTitleProp, c.jobTitle() ); safeAddProp( title, VCWorkProp ); QStringList emails = c.emailList(); // emails.prepend( c.defaultEmail() ); Fix for bugreport #1045 for( QStringList::Iterator it = emails.begin(); it != emails.end(); ++it ) { VObject *email = safeAddPropValue( vcard, VCEmailAddressProp, *it ); safeAddProp( email, VCInternetProp ); } safeAddPropValue( vcard, VCNoteProp, c.notes() ); // Exporting Birthday regarding RFC 2425 (5.8.4) if ( c.birthday().isValid() ){ safeAddPropValue( vcard, VCBirthDateProp, convDateToVCardDate( c.birthday() ) ); } if ( !c.company().isEmpty() || !c.department().isEmpty() || !c.office().isEmpty() ) { VObject *org = safeAddProp( vcard, VCOrgProp ); safeAddPropValue( org, VCOrgNameProp, c.company() ); safeAddPropValue( org, VCOrgUnitProp, c.department() ); safeAddPropValue( org, VCOrgUnit2Prop, c.office() ); } // some values we have to export as custom fields safeAddPropValue( vcard, "X-Qtopia-Profession", c.profession() ); safeAddPropValue( vcard, "X-Qtopia-Manager", c.manager() ); safeAddPropValue( vcard, "X-Qtopia-Assistant", c.assistant() ); safeAddPropValue( vcard, "X-Qtopia-Spouse", c.spouse() ); safeAddPropValue( vcard, "X-Qtopia-Gender", c.gender() ); if ( c.anniversary().isValid() ){ safeAddPropValue( vcard, "X-Qtopia-Anniversary", convDateToVCardDate( c.anniversary() ) ); } safeAddPropValue( vcard, "X-Qtopia-Nickname", c.nickname() ); safeAddPropValue( vcard, "X-Qtopia-Children", c.children() ); return vcard; } QString OPimContactAccessBackend_VCard::convDateToVCardDate( const QDate& d ) const { QString str_rfc2425 = QString("%1-%2-%3") .arg( d.year() ) .arg( d.month(), 2 ) .arg( d.day(), 2 ); // Now replace spaces with "0"... int pos = 0; while ( ( pos = str_rfc2425.find (' ') ) > 0 ) str_rfc2425.replace( pos, 1, "0" ); return str_rfc2425; } QDate OPimContactAccessBackend_VCard::convVCardDateToDate( const QString& datestr ) { int monthPos = datestr.find('-'); int dayPos = datestr.find('-', monthPos+1 ); int sep_ignore = 1; if ( monthPos == -1 || dayPos == -1 ) { odebug << "fromString didn't find - in str = " << datestr << "; mpos = " << monthPos << " ypos = " << dayPos << "" << oendl; // Ok.. No "-" found, therefore we will try to read other format ( YYYYMMDD ) if ( datestr.length() == 8 ){ monthPos = 4; dayPos = 6; sep_ignore = 0; odebug << "Try with follwing positions str = " << datestr << "; mpos = " << monthPos << " ypos = " << dayPos << "" << oendl; } else { return QDate(); } } int y = datestr.left( monthPos ).toInt(); int m = datestr.mid( monthPos + sep_ignore, dayPos - monthPos - sep_ignore ).toInt(); int d = datestr.mid( dayPos + sep_ignore ).toInt(); odebug << "TimeConversion::fromString ymd = " << datestr << " => " << y << " " << m << " " << d << "; mpos = " << monthPos << " ypos = " << dayPos << "" << oendl; QDate date ( y,m,d ); return date; } VObject* OPimContactAccessBackend_VCard::safeAddPropValue( VObject *o, const char *prop, const QString &value ) { VObject *ret = 0; if ( o && !value.isEmpty() ) ret = addPropValue( o, prop, value.utf8() ); return ret; } VObject* OPimContactAccessBackend_VCard::safeAddProp( VObject *o, const char *prop) { VObject *ret = 0; if ( o ) ret = addProp( o, prop ); return ret; } } |