path: root/libopie
Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (limited to 'libopie') (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/libopie/odevice.cpp b/libopie/odevice.cpp
index fef623a..58254a7 100644
--- a/libopie/odevice.cpp
+++ b/libopie/odevice.cpp
@@ -1011,256 +1011,257 @@ bool Yopy::isYopy ( )
void Yopy::init ( )
d-> m_vendorstr = "G.Mate";
d-> m_vendor = Vendor_GMate;
d-> m_modelstr = "Yopy3700";
d-> m_model = Model_Yopy_3700;
d-> m_rotation = Rot0;
d-> m_systemstr = "Linupy";
d-> m_system = System_Linupy;
QFile f ( "/etc/issue" );
if ( f. open ( IO_ReadOnly )) {
QTextStream ts ( &f );
d-> m_sysverstr = ts. readLine ( );
f. close ( );
void Yopy::initButtons ( )
if ( d-> m_buttons )
d-> m_buttons = new QValueList <ODeviceButton>;
for (uint i = 0; i < ( sizeof( yopy_buttons ) / sizeof(yopy_button)); i++) {
yopy_button *ib = yopy_buttons + i;
ODeviceButton b;
b. setKeycode ( ib-> code );
b. setUserText ( QObject::tr ( "Button", ib-> utext ));
b. setPixmap ( Resource::loadPixmap ( ib-> pix ));
b. setFactoryPresetPressedAction
(OQCopMessage(makeChannel(ib->fpressedservice), ib->fpressedaction));
b. setFactoryPresetHeldAction
(OQCopMessage(makeChannel(ib->fheldservice), ib->fheldaction));
d-> m_buttons-> append ( b );
reloadButtonMapping ( );
QCopChannel *sysch = new QCopChannel("QPE/System", this);
connect(sysch, SIGNAL(received(const QCString &, const QByteArray & )),
this, SLOT(systemMessage(const QCString &, const QByteArray & )));
bool Yopy::suspend()
/* Opie for Yopy does not implement its own power management at the
moment. The public version runs parallel to X, and relies on the
existing power management features. */
return false;
bool Yopy::setDisplayBrightness(int bright)
/* The code here works, but is disabled as the current version runs
parallel to X, and relies on the existing backlight demon. */
#if 0
if ( QFile::exists("/proc/sys/pm/light") ) {
int fd = ::open("/proc/sys/pm/light", O_WRONLY);
if (fd >= 0 ) {
if (bright)
::write(fd, "1\n", 2);
::write(fd, "0\n", 2);
return true;
return false;
int Yopy::displayBrightnessResolution() const
return 2;
* iPAQ
void iPAQ::init ( )
d-> m_vendorstr = "HP";
d-> m_vendor = Vendor_HP;
QFile f ( "/proc/hal/model" );
if ( f. open ( IO_ReadOnly )) {
QTextStream ts ( &f );
d-> m_modelstr = "H" + ts. readLine ( );
if ( d-> m_modelstr == "H3100" )
d-> m_model = Model_iPAQ_H31xx;
else if ( d-> m_modelstr == "H3600" )
d-> m_model = Model_iPAQ_H36xx;
else if ( d-> m_modelstr == "H3700" )
d-> m_model = Model_iPAQ_H37xx;
else if ( d-> m_modelstr == "H3800" )
d-> m_model = Model_iPAQ_H38xx;
else if ( d-> m_modelstr == "H3900" )
d-> m_model = Model_iPAQ_H39xx;
else if ( d-> m_modelstr == "H5400" )
d-> m_model = Model_iPAQ_H5xxx;
d-> m_model = Model_Unknown;
f. close ( );
switch ( d-> m_model ) {
case Model_iPAQ_H31xx:
case Model_iPAQ_H38xx:
d-> m_rotation = Rot90;
case Model_iPAQ_H36xx:
case Model_iPAQ_H37xx:
case Model_iPAQ_H39xx:
d-> m_rotation = Rot270;
case Model_iPAQ_H5xxx:
d-> m_rotation = Rot0;
f. setName ( "/etc/familiar-version" );
if ( f. open ( IO_ReadOnly )) {
d-> m_systemstr = "Familiar";
d-> m_system = System_Familiar;
QTextStream ts ( &f );
d-> m_sysverstr = ts. readLine ( ). mid ( 10 );
f. close ( );
} else {
f. setName ( "/etc/oz_version" );
if ( f. open ( IO_ReadOnly )) {
d-> m_systemstr = "OpenEmbedded/iPaq";
d-> m_system = System_Familiar;
QTextStream ts ( &f );
ts.setDevice ( &f );
d-> m_sysverstr = ts. readLine ( );
f. close ( );
m_leds [0] = m_leds [1] = Led_Off;
m_power_timer = 0;
void iPAQ::initButtons ( )
if ( d-> m_buttons )
if ( isQWS( ) )
QWSServer::setKeyboardFilter ( this );
d-> m_buttons = new QValueList <ODeviceButton>;
for ( uint i = 0; i < ( sizeof( ipaq_buttons ) / sizeof( i_button )); i++ ) {
i_button *ib = ipaq_buttons + i;
ODeviceButton b;
if (( ib-> model & d-> m_model ) == d-> m_model ) {
b. setKeycode ( ib-> code );
b. setUserText ( QObject::tr ( "Button", ib-> utext ));
b. setPixmap ( Resource::loadPixmap ( ib-> pix ));
b. setFactoryPresetPressedAction ( OQCopMessage ( makeChannel ( ib-> fpressedservice ), ib-> fpressedaction ));
b. setFactoryPresetHeldAction ( OQCopMessage ( makeChannel ( ib-> fheldservice ), ib-> fheldaction ));
d-> m_buttons-> append ( b );
reloadButtonMapping ( );
QCopChannel *sysch = new QCopChannel ( "QPE/System", this );
connect ( sysch, SIGNAL( received( const QCString &, const QByteArray & )), this, SLOT( systemMessage ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & )));
//#include <linux/h3600_ts.h> // including kernel headers is evil ...
typedef struct {
unsigned char OffOnBlink; /* 0=off 1=on 2=Blink */
unsigned char TotalTime; /* Units of 5 seconds */
unsigned char OnTime; /* units of 100m/s */
unsigned char OffTime; /* units of 100m/s */
typedef struct {
unsigned char mode;
unsigned char pwr;
unsigned char brightness;
#define LED_ON OD_IOW( 'f', 5, LED_IN )
#define FLITE_ON OD_IOW( 'f', 7, FLITE_IN )
QValueList <OLed> iPAQ::ledList ( ) const
QValueList <OLed> vl;
vl << Led_Power;
if ( d-> m_model == Model_iPAQ_H38xx )
vl << Led_BlueTooth;
return vl;
QValueList <OLedState> iPAQ::ledStateList ( OLed l ) const
QValueList <OLedState> vl;
if ( l == Led_Power )
vl << Led_Off << Led_On << Led_BlinkSlow << Led_BlinkFast;
else if ( l == Led_BlueTooth && d-> m_model == Model_iPAQ_H38xx )
vl << Led_Off; // << Led_On << ???
return vl;
OLedState iPAQ::ledState ( OLed l ) const
switch ( l ) {
case Led_Power:
return m_leds [0];
case Led_BlueTooth:
return m_leds [1];
return Led_Off;
bool iPAQ::setLedState ( OLed l, OLedState st )
static int fd = ::open ( "/dev/touchscreen/0", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK );
@@ -1375,513 +1376,515 @@ void iPAQ::alarmSound ( )
if ( ::ioctl ( fd, MIXER_WRITE( 0 ), &volalarm ) >= 0 )
vol_reset = true;
snd. play ( );
while ( !snd. isFinished ( ))
qApp-> processEvents ( );
if ( fd >= 0 ) {
if ( vol_reset )
::ioctl ( fd, MIXER_WRITE( 0 ), &vol );
::close ( fd );
bool iPAQ::setSoftSuspend ( bool soft )
bool res = false;
int fd;
if (( fd = ::open ( "/proc/sys/ts/suspend_button_mode", O_WRONLY )) >= 0 ) {
if ( ::write ( fd, soft ? "1" : "0", 1 ) == 1 )
res = true;
::perror ( "write to /proc/sys/ts/suspend_button_mode" );
::close ( fd );
::perror ( "/proc/sys/ts/suspend_button_mode" );
return res;
bool iPAQ::setDisplayBrightness ( int bright )
bool res = false;
int fd;
if ( bright > 255 )
bright = 255;
if ( bright < 0 )
bright = 0;
if (( fd = ::open ( "/dev/touchscreen/0", O_WRONLY )) >= 0 ) {
bl. mode = 1;
bl. pwr = bright ? 1 : 0;
bl. brightness = ( bright * ( displayBrightnessResolution ( ) - 1 ) + 127 ) / 255;
res = ( ::ioctl ( fd, FLITE_ON, &bl ) == 0 );
::close ( fd );
return res;
int iPAQ::displayBrightnessResolution ( ) const
switch ( model ( )) {
case Model_iPAQ_H31xx:
case Model_iPAQ_H36xx:
case Model_iPAQ_H37xx:
return 128; // really 256, but >128 could damage the LCD
case Model_iPAQ_H38xx:
case Model_iPAQ_H39xx:
return 64;
case Model_iPAQ_H5xxx:
return 255;
return 2;
bool iPAQ::hasLightSensor ( ) const
return true;
int iPAQ::readLightSensor ( )
int fd;
int val = -1;
if (( fd = ::open ( "/proc/hal/light_sensor", O_RDONLY )) >= 0 ) {
char buffer [8];
if ( ::read ( fd, buffer, 5 ) == 5 ) {
char *endptr;
buffer [4] = 0;
val = ::strtol ( buffer + 2, &endptr, 16 );
if ( *endptr != 0 )
val = -1;
::close ( fd );
return val;
int iPAQ::lightSensorResolution ( ) const
return 256;
* Zaurus
// Check whether this device is the sharp zaurus..
bool Zaurus::isZaurus()
// If the special devices by embedix exist, it is quite simple: it is a Zaurus !
if ( QFile::exists ( "/dev/sharp_buz" ) || QFile::exists ( "/dev/sharp_led" ) ){
return true;
- // On non-embedix kenrnels, we have too look closer.
+ // On non-embedix kernels, we have to look closer.
bool is_zaurus = false;
QFile f ( "/proc/cpuinfo" );
if ( f. open ( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
QString model;
QFile f ( "/proc/cpuinfo" );
QTextStream ts ( &f );
QString line;
while( line = ts. readLine ( ) ) {
if ( line. left ( 8 ) == "Hardware" )
int loc = line. find ( ":" );
if ( loc != -1 )
model = line. mid ( loc + 2 ). simplifyWhiteSpace( );
if ( model == "Sharp-Collie"
|| model == "Collie"
|| model == "SHARP Corgi"
|| model == "SHARP Shepherd"
|| model == "SHARP Poodle"
+ || model == "SHARP Husky" )
is_zaurus = true;
return is_zaurus;
void Zaurus::init ( )
d-> m_vendorstr = "Sharp";
d-> m_vendor = Vendor_Sharp;
m_embedix = true; // Not openzaurus means: It has an embedix kernel !
// QFile f ( "/proc/filesystems" );
QString model;
// It isn't a good idea to check the system configuration to
// detect the distribution !
// Otherwise it may happen that any other distribution is detected as openzaurus, just
// because it uses a jffs2 filesystem..
// (eilers)
// if ( f. open ( IO_ReadOnly ) && ( QTextStream ( &f ). read ( ). find ( "\tjffs2\n" ) >= 0 )) {
QFile f ("/etc/oz_version");
if ( f.exists() ){
d-> m_vendorstr = "OpenZaurus Team";
d-> m_systemstr = "OpenZaurus";
d-> m_system = System_OpenZaurus;
if ( f. open ( IO_ReadOnly )) {
QTextStream ts ( &f );
d-> m_sysverstr = ts. readLine ( );//. mid ( 10 );
f. close ( );
// Openzaurus sometimes uses the embedix kernel!
// => Check whether this is an embedix kernel
FILE *uname = popen("uname -r", "r");
QString line;
if (, uname) ) {
QTextStream ts ( &f );
line = ts. readLine ( );
int loc = line. find ( "embedix" );
if ( loc != -1 )
m_embedix = true;
m_embedix = false;
f. close ( );
else {
d-> m_systemstr = "Zaurus";
d-> m_system = System_Zaurus;
f. setName ( "/proc/cpuinfo" );
if ( f. open ( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
QTextStream ts ( &f );
QString line;
while( line = ts. readLine ( ) ) {
if ( line. left ( 8 ) == "Hardware" )
int loc = line. find ( ":" );
if ( loc != -1 )
model = line. mid ( loc + 2 ). simplifyWhiteSpace( );
if ( model == "SHARP Corgi" ) {
- d-> m_model = Model_Zaurus_SLC700;
+ d-> m_model = Model_Zaurus_SLC7x0;
d-> m_modelstr = "Zaurus SL-C700";
} else if ( model == "SHARP Shepherd" ) {
- d-> m_model = Model_Zaurus_SLC700; // Do we need a special type for the C750 ? (eilers)
+ d-> m_model = Model_Zaurus_SLC7x0;
d-> m_modelstr = "Zaurus SL-C750";
+ } else if ( model == "SHARP Husky" ) {
+ d-> m_model = Model_Zaurus_SLC7x0;
+ d-> m_modelstr = "Zaurus SL-C760";
} else if ( model == "SHARP Poodle" ) {
d-> m_model = Model_Zaurus_SLB600;
d-> m_modelstr = "Zaurus SL-B500 or SL-5600";
} else if ( model == "Sharp-Collie" || model == "Collie" ) {
d-> m_model = Model_Zaurus_SL5500;
d-> m_modelstr = "Zaurus SL-5500 or SL-5000d";
} else {
d-> m_model = Model_Zaurus_SL5500;
d-> m_modelstr = "Zaurus (Model unknown)";
bool flipstate = false;
switch ( d-> m_model ) {
case Model_Zaurus_SLA300:
d-> m_rotation = Rot0;
- case Model_Zaurus_SLC700:
+ case Model_Zaurus_SLC7x0:
// Note: need to 1) set flipstate based on physical screen orientation
// and 2) check to see if the user overrode the rotation direction
// using appearance, and if so, remove that item from the Config to
// ensure the rotate applet flips us back to the previous state.
if ( flipstate ) {
// 480x640
d-> m_rotation = Rot0;
d-> m_direction = CW;
} else {
// 640x480
d-> m_rotation = Rot270;
d-> m_direction = CCW;
case Model_Zaurus_SLB600:
case Model_Zaurus_SL5500:
case Model_Zaurus_SL5000:
d-> m_rotation = Rot270;
m_leds [0] = Led_Off;
void Zaurus::initButtons ( )
if ( d-> m_buttons )
d-> m_buttons = new QValueList <ODeviceButton>;
struct z_button * pz_buttons;
int buttoncount;
switch ( d-> m_model ) {
- case Model_Zaurus_SLC700:
+ case Model_Zaurus_SLC7x0:
pz_buttons = z_buttons_c700;
buttoncount = ARRAY_SIZE(z_buttons_c700);
pz_buttons = z_buttons;
buttoncount = ARRAY_SIZE(z_buttons);
for ( int i = 0; i < buttoncount; i++ ) {
struct z_button *zb = pz_buttons + i;
ODeviceButton b;
b. setKeycode ( zb-> code );
b. setUserText ( QObject::tr ( "Button", zb-> utext ));
b. setPixmap ( Resource::loadPixmap ( zb-> pix ));
b. setFactoryPresetPressedAction ( OQCopMessage ( makeChannel ( zb-> fpressedservice ),
zb-> fpressedaction ));
b. setFactoryPresetHeldAction ( OQCopMessage ( makeChannel ( zb-> fheldservice ),
zb-> fheldaction ));
d-> m_buttons-> append ( b );
reloadButtonMapping ( );
QCopChannel *sysch = new QCopChannel ( "QPE/System", this );
connect ( sysch, SIGNAL( received( const QCString &, const QByteArray & )),
this, SLOT( systemMessage ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & )));
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
//#include <asm/sharp_char.h> // including kernel headers is evil ...
#define SHARP_BUZ_TOUCHSOUND 1 /* touch panel sound */
#define SHARP_BUZ_KEYSOUND 2 /* key sound */
#define SHARP_BUZ_SCHEDULE_ALARM 11 /* schedule alarm */
/* --- for SHARP_BUZZER device --- */
//#define SHARP_BUZ_TOUCHSOUND 1 /* touch panel sound */
//#define SHARP_BUZ_KEYSOUND 2 /* key sound */
//#define SHARP_PDA_ILLCLICKSOUND 3 /* illegal click */
//#define SHARP_PDA_WARNSOUND 4 /* warning occurred */
//#define SHARP_PDA_ERRORSOUND 5 /* error occurred */
//#define SHARP_PDA_CRITICALSOUND 6 /* critical error occurred */
//#define SHARP_PDA_SYSSTARTSOUND 7 /* system start */
//#define SHARP_PDA_SYSTEMENDSOUND 8 /* system shutdown */
//#define SHARP_PDA_APPSTART 9 /* application start */
//#define SHARP_PDA_APPQUIT 10 /* application ends */
//#define SHARP_BUZ_SCHEDULE_ALARM 11 /* schedule alarm */
//#define SHARP_BUZ_DAILY_ALARM 12 /* daily alarm */
//#define SHARP_BUZ_GOT_PHONE_CALL 13 /* phone call sound */
//#define SHARP_BUZ_GOT_MAIL 14 /* mail sound */
typedef struct sharp_led_status {
int which; /* select which LED status is wanted. */
int status; /* set new led status if you call SHARP_LED_SETSTATUS */
} sharp_led_status;
#define SHARP_LED_MAIL_EXISTS 9 /* mail status (exists or not) */
// #include <asm/sharp_apm.h> // including kernel headers is evil ...
#define APM_IOCGEVTSRC OD_IOR( 'A', 203, int )
#define APM_IOCSEVTSRC OD_IORW( 'A', 204, int )
#define APM_EVT_POWER_BUTTON (1 << 0)
void Zaurus::buzzer ( int sound )
#ifndef QT_NO_SOUND
QString soundname;
- // Not all devices have real sound. But I expect
- // that Openzaurus now has a sound driver which
- // I will use instead the buzzer...
- if ( ( d->m_model == Model_Zaurus_SLC700 )
- || d->m_system == System_OpenZaurus ){
+ // Not all devices have real sound
+ if ( d->m_model == Model_Zaurus_SLC7x0
+ || d->m_model == Model_Zaurus_SLB600 ){
switch ( sound ){
soundname = "alarm";
soundname = "touchsound";
soundname = "keysound";
soundname = "alarm";
// If a soundname is defined, we expect that this device has
// sound capabilities.. Otherwise we expect to have the buzzer
// device..
if ( !soundname.isEmpty() ){
int fd;
int vol;
bool vol_reset = false;
Sound snd ( soundname );
if (( fd = ::open ( "/dev/sound/mixer", O_RDWR )) >= 0 ) {
if ( ::ioctl ( fd, MIXER_READ( 0 ), &vol ) >= 0 ) {
Config cfg ( "qpe" );
cfg. setGroup ( "Volume" );
int volalarm = cfg. readNumEntry ( "AlarmPercent", 50 );
if ( volalarm < 0 )
volalarm = 0;
else if ( volalarm > 100 )
volalarm = 100;
volalarm |= ( volalarm << 8 );
if ( ::ioctl ( fd, MIXER_WRITE( 0 ), &volalarm ) >= 0 )
vol_reset = true;
snd. play ( );
while ( !snd. isFinished ( ))
qApp-> processEvents ( );
if ( fd >= 0 ) {
if ( vol_reset )
::ioctl ( fd, MIXER_WRITE( 0 ), &vol );
::close ( fd );
} else {
int fd = ::open ( "/dev/sharp_buz", O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK );
if ( fd >= 0 ) {
::ioctl ( fd, SHARP_BUZZER_MAKESOUND, sound );
::close ( fd );
void Zaurus::alarmSound ( )
void Zaurus::touchSound ( )
void Zaurus::keySound ( )
QValueList <OLed> Zaurus::ledList ( ) const
QValueList <OLed> vl;
vl << Led_Mail;
return vl;
QValueList <OLedState> Zaurus::ledStateList ( OLed l ) const
QValueList <OLedState> vl;
if ( l == Led_Mail )
vl << Led_Off << Led_On << Led_BlinkSlow;
return vl;
OLedState Zaurus::ledState ( OLed which ) const
if ( which == Led_Mail )
return m_leds [0];
return Led_Off;
bool Zaurus::setLedState ( OLed which, OLedState st )
if (!m_embedix) // Currently not supported on non_embedix kernels
return false;
static int fd = ::open ( "/dev/sharp_led", O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK );
if ( which == Led_Mail ) {
if ( fd >= 0 ) {
struct sharp_led_status leds;
::memset ( &leds, 0, sizeof( leds ));
leds. which = SHARP_LED_MAIL_EXISTS;
bool ok = true;
switch ( st ) {
case Led_Off : leds. status = LED_MAIL_NO_UNREAD_MAIL; break;
case Led_On : leds. status = LED_MAIL_NEWMAIL_EXISTS; break;
case Led_BlinkSlow: leds. status = LED_MAIL_UNREAD_MAIL_EX; break;
default : ok = false;
if ( ok && ( ::ioctl ( fd, SHARP_LED_SETSTATUS, &leds ) >= 0 )) {