-rw-r--r-- | library/backend/vobject_p.h | 810 |
1 files changed, 406 insertions, 404 deletions
diff --git a/library/backend/vobject_p.h b/library/backend/vobject_p.h index a0d921e..0d0a2a8 100644 --- a/library/backend/vobject_p.h +++ b/library/backend/vobject_p.h @@ -1,404 +1,406 @@ -/***************************************************************************
-(C) Copyright 1996 Apple Computer, Inc., AT&T Corp., International
-Business Machines Corporation and Siemens Rolm Communications Inc.
-For purposes of this license notice, the term Licensors shall mean,
-collectively, Apple Computer, Inc., AT&T Corp., International
-Business Machines Corporation and Siemens Rolm Communications Inc.
-The term Licensor shall mean any of the Licensors.
-Subject to acceptance of the following conditions, permission is hereby
-granted by Licensors without the need for written agreement and without
-license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify and distribute this
-software for any purpose.
-The above copyright notice and the following four paragraphs must be
-reproduced in all copies of this software and any software including
-this software.
-The software is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or
-disclosure by the government are subject to restrictions set forth in
-DFARS 252.227-7013 or 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.
-The vCard/vCalendar C interface is implemented in the set
-of files as follows:
-vcc.y, yacc source, and vcc.c, the yacc output you will use
-implements the core parser
-vobject.c implements an API that insulates the caller from
-the parser and changes in the vCard/vCalendar BNF
-port.h defines compilation environment dependent stuff
-vcc.h and vobject.h are header files for their .c counterparts
-vcaltmp.h and vcaltmp.c implement vCalendar "macro" functions
-which you may find useful.
-test.c is a standalone test driver that exercises some of
-the features of the APIs provided. Invoke test.exe on a
-VCARD/VCALENDAR input text file and you will see the pretty
-print output of the internal representation (this pretty print
-output should give you a good idea of how the internal
-representation looks like -- there is one such output in the
-following too). Also, a file with the .out suffix is generated
-to show that the internal representation can be written back
-in the original text format.
-For more information on this API see the readme.txt file
-which accompanied this distribution.
- Also visit:
- http://www.versit.com
- http://www.ralden.com
-#ifndef __VOBJECT_H__
-#define __VOBJECT_H__ 1
-#include <qstring.h>
-#define vCardClipboardFormat "+//ISBN 1-887687-00-9::versit::PDI//vCard"
-#define vCalendarClipboardFormat "+//ISBN 1-887687-00-9::versit::PDI//vCalendar"
-/* The above strings vCardClipboardFormat and vCalendarClipboardFormat
-are globally unique IDs which can be used to generate clipboard format
-ID's as per the requirements of a specific platform. For example, in
-Windows they are used as the parameter in a call to RegisterClipboardFormat.
-For example:
- CLIPFORMAT foo = RegisterClipboardFormat(vCardClipboardFormat);
-#define vCardMimeType "text/x-vCard"
-#define vCalendarMimeType "text/x-vCalendar"
-#include <qglobal.h>
-#if defined(Q_WS_WIN)
-#define DLLEXPORT(t) __declspec(dllexport) t
-#define DLLEXPORT(t) t
-#ifndef FALSE
-#define FALSE 0
-#ifndef TRUE
-#define TRUE 1
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#define VC7bitProp "7BIT"
-#define VC8bitProp "8BIT"
-#define VCAAlarmProp "AALARM"
-#define VCAdditionalNamesProp "ADDN"
-#define VCAdrProp "ADR"
-#define VCAgentProp "AGENT"
-#define VCAIFFProp "AIFF"
-#define VCAOLProp "AOL"
-#define VCAppleLinkProp "APPLELINK"
-#define VCAttachProp "ATTACH"
-#define VCAttendeeProp "ATTENDEE"
-#define VCATTMailProp "ATTMAIL"
-#define VCAudioContentProp "AUDIOCONTENT"
-#define VCAVIProp "AVI"
-#define VCBase64Prop "BASE64"
-#define VCBBSProp "BBS"
-#define VCBirthDateProp "BDAY"
-#define VCBMPProp "BMP"
-#define VCBodyProp "BODY"
-#define VCBusinessRoleProp "ROLE"
-#define VCCalProp "VCALENDAR"
-#define VCCaptionProp "CAP"
-#define VCCardProp "VCARD"
-#define VCCarProp "CAR"
-#define VCCategoriesProp "CATEGORIES"
-#define VCCellularProp "CELL"
-#define VCCGMProp "CGM"
-#define VCCharSetProp "CS"
-#define VCCIDProp "CID"
-#define VCCISProp "CIS"
-#define VCCityProp "L"
-#define VCClassProp "CLASS"
-#define VCCommentProp "NOTE"
-#define VCCompletedProp "COMPLETED"
-#define VCContentIDProp "CONTENT-ID"
-#define VCCountryNameProp "C"
-#define VCDAlarmProp "DALARM"
-#define VCDataSizeProp "DATASIZE"
-#define VCDayLightProp "DAYLIGHT"
-#define VCDCreatedProp "DCREATED"
-#define VCDeliveryLabelProp "LABEL"
-#define VCDescriptionProp "DESCRIPTION"
-#define VCDIBProp "DIB"
-#define VCDisplayStringProp "DISPLAYSTRING"
-#define VCDomesticProp "DOM"
-#define VCDTendProp "DTEND"
-#define VCDTstartProp "DTSTART"
-#define VCDueProp "DUE"
-#define VCEmailAddressProp "EMAIL"
-#define VCEncodingProp "ENCODING"
-#define VCEndProp "END"
-#define VCEventProp "VEVENT"
-#define VCEWorldProp "EWORLD"
-#define VCExNumProp "EXNUM"
-#define VCExpDateProp "EXDATE"
-#define VCExpectProp "EXPECT"
-#define VCExtAddressProp "EXT ADD"
-#define VCFamilyNameProp "F"
-#define VCFaxProp "FAX"
-#define VCFullNameProp "FN"
-#define VCGeoProp "GEO"
-#define VCGeoLocationProp "GEO"
-#define VCGIFProp "GIF"
-#define VCGivenNameProp "G"
-#define VCGroupingProp "Grouping"
-#define VCHomeProp "HOME"
-#define VCIBMMailProp "IBMMail"
-#define VCInlineProp "INLINE"
-#define VCInternationalProp "INTL"
-#define VCInternetProp "INTERNET"
-#define VCISDNProp "ISDN"
-#define VCJPEGProp "JPEG"
-#define VCLanguageProp "LANG"
-#define VCLastModifiedProp "LAST-MODIFIED"
-#define VCLastRevisedProp "REV"
-#define VCLocationProp "LOCATION"
-#define VCLogoProp "LOGO"
-#define VCMailerProp "MAILER"
-#define VCMAlarmProp "MALARM"
-#define VCMCIMailProp "MCIMAIL"
-#define VCMessageProp "MSG"
-#define VCMETProp "MET"
-#define VCModemProp "MODEM"
-#define VCMPEG2Prop "MPEG2"
-#define VCMPEGProp "MPEG"
-#define VCMSNProp "MSN"
-#define VCNamePrefixesProp "NPRE"
-#define VCNameProp "N"
-#define VCNameSuffixesProp "NSUF"
-#define VCNoteProp "NOTE"
-#define VCOrgNameProp "ORGNAME"
-#define VCOrgProp "ORG"
-#define VCOrgUnit2Prop "OUN2"
-#define VCOrgUnit3Prop "OUN3"
-#define VCOrgUnit4Prop "OUN4"
-#define VCOrgUnitProp "OUN"
-#define VCPagerProp "PAGER"
-#define VCPAlarmProp "PALARM"
-#define VCParcelProp "PARCEL"
-#define VCPartProp "PART"
-#define VCPCMProp "PCM"
-#define VCPDFProp "PDF"
-#define VCPGPProp "PGP"
-#define VCPhotoProp "PHOTO"
-#define VCPICTProp "PICT"
-#define VCPMBProp "PMB"
-#define VCPostalBoxProp "BOX"
-#define VCPostalCodeProp "PC"
-#define VCPostalProp "POSTAL"
-#define VCPowerShareProp "POWERSHARE"
-#define VCPreferredProp "PREF"
-#define VCPriorityProp "PRIORITY"
-#define VCProcedureNameProp "PROCEDURENAME"
-#define VCProdIdProp "PRODID"
-#define VCProdigyProp "PRODIGY"
-#define VCPronunciationProp "SOUND"
-#define VCPSProp "PS"
-#define VCPublicKeyProp "KEY"
-#define VCQPProp "QP"
-#define VCQuickTimeProp "QTIME"
-#define VCQuotedPrintableProp "QUOTED-PRINTABLE"
-#define VCRDateProp "RDATE"
-#define VCRegionProp "R"
-#define VCRelatedToProp "RELATED-TO"
-#define VCRepeatCountProp "REPEATCOUNT"
-#define VCResourcesProp "RESOURCES"
-#define VCRNumProp "RNUM"
-#define VCRoleProp "ROLE"
-#define VCRRuleProp "RRULE"
-#define VCRSVPProp "RSVP"
-#define VCRunTimeProp "RUNTIME"
-#define VCSequenceProp "SEQUENCE"
-#define VCSnoozeTimeProp "SNOOZETIME"
-#define VCStartProp "START"
-#define VCStatusProp "STATUS"
-#define VCStreetAddressProp "STREET"
-#define VCSubTypeProp "SUBTYPE"
-#define VCSummaryProp "SUMMARY"
-#define VCTelephoneProp "TEL"
-#define VCTIFFProp "TIFF"
-#define VCTimeZoneProp "TZ"
-#define VCTitleProp "TITLE"
-#define VCTLXProp "TLX"
-#define VCTodoProp "VTODO"
-#define VCTranspProp "TRANSP"
-#define VCUniqueStringProp "UID"
-#define VCURLProp "URL"
-#define VCURLValueProp "URLVAL"
-#define VCValueProp "VALUE"
-#define VCVersionProp "VERSION"
-#define VCVideoProp "VIDEO"
-#define VCVoiceProp "VOICE"
-#define VCWAVEProp "WAVE"
-#define VCWMFProp "WMF"
-#define VCWorkProp "WORK"
-#define VCX400Prop "X400"
-#define VCX509Prop "X509"
-#define VCXRuleProp "XRULE"
-typedef struct VObject VObject;
-typedef struct VObjectIterator {
- VObject* start;
- VObject* next;
- } VObjectIterator;
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) newVObject(const char *id);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) deleteVObject(VObject *p);
-extern DLLEXPORT(char*) dupStr(const char *s, unsigned int size);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) deleteStr(const char *p);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) unUseStr(const char *s);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectName(VObject *o, const char* id);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectStringZValue(VObject *o, const char *s);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectStringZValue_(VObject *o, const char *s);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectIntegerValue(VObject *o, unsigned int i);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectLongValue(VObject *o, unsigned long l);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectAnyValue(VObject *o, void *t);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) setValueWithSize(VObject *prop, void *val, unsigned int size);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) setValueWithSize_(VObject *prop, void *val, unsigned int size);
-extern DLLEXPORT(const char*) vObjectName(VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(const char*) vObjectStringZValue(VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(unsigned int) vObjectIntegerValue(VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(unsigned long) vObjectLongValue(VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void*) vObjectAnyValue(VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) vObjectVObjectValue(VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectVObjectValue(VObject *o, VObject *p);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addVObjectProp(VObject *o, VObject *p);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addProp(VObject *o, const char *id);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addProp_(VObject *o, const char *id);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addPropValue(VObject *o, const char *p, const char *v);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addPropSizedValue_(VObject *o, const char *p, const char *v, unsigned int size);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addPropSizedValue(VObject *o, const char *p, const char *v, unsigned int size);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addGroup(VObject *o, const char *g);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) addList(VObject **o, VObject *p);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) isAPropertyOf(VObject *o, const char *id);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) nextVObjectInList(VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) initPropIterator(VObjectIterator *i, VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(int) moreIteration(VObjectIterator *i);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) nextVObject(VObjectIterator *i);
-extern DLLEXPORT(const char*) lookupStr(const char *s);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) cleanStrTbl();
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) cleanVObject(VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) cleanVObjects(VObject *list);
-extern DLLEXPORT(const char*) lookupProp(const char* str);
-extern DLLEXPORT(const char*) lookupProp_(const char* str);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) writeVObjectToFile(char *fname, VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) writeVObjectsToFile(char *fname, VObject *list);
-extern DLLEXPORT(int) vObjectValueType(VObject *o);
-/* return type of vObjectValueType: */
-#define VCVT_NOVALUE 0
- /* if the VObject has no value associated with it. */
-#define VCVT_STRINGZ 1
- /* if the VObject has value set by setVObjectStringZValue. */
-#define VCVT_UINT 2
- /* if the VObject has value set by setVObjectIntegerValue. */
-#define VCVT_ULONG 3
- /* if the VObject has value set by setVObjectLongValue. */
-#define VCVT_RAW 4
- /* if the VObject has value set by setVObjectAnyValue. */
-#define VCVT_VOBJECT 5
- /* if the VObject has value set by setVObjectVObjectValue. */
-extern const char** fieldedProp;
- * The methods below are implemented in vcc.c (generated from vcc.y )
- ***************************************************/
-/* NOTE regarding printVObject and writeVObject
-The functions below are not exported from the DLL because they
-take a FILE* as a parameter, which cannot be passed across a DLL
-interface (at least that is my experience). Instead you can use
-their companion functions which take file names or pointers
-to memory. However, if you are linking this code into
-your build directly then you may find them a more convenient API
-and you can go ahead and use them. If you try to use them with
-the DLL LIB you will get a link error.
-extern void writeVObject(FILE *fp, VObject *o);
-typedef void (*MimeErrorHandler)(char *);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) registerMimeErrorHandler(MimeErrorHandler);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) Parse_MIME(const char *input, unsigned long len);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) Parse_MIME_FromFileName(char* fname);
-/* NOTE regarding Parse_MIME_FromFile
-The function above, Parse_MIME_FromFile, comes in two flavors,
-neither of which is exported from the DLL. Each version takes
-a CFile or FILE* as a parameter, neither of which can be
-passed across a DLL interface (at least that is my experience).
-If you are linking this code into your build directly then
-you may find them a more convenient API that the other flavors
-that take a file name. If you use them with the DLL LIB you
-will get a link error.
-extern VObject* Parse_MIME_FromFile(CFile *file);
-extern VObject* Parse_MIME_FromFile(FILE *file);
-extern DLLEXPORT(const char *) vObjectTypeInfo(VObject *o);
-#endif /* __VOBJECT_H__ */
+/*************************************************************************** +(C) Copyright 1996 Apple Computer, Inc., AT&T Corp., International +Business Machines Corporation and Siemens Rolm Communications Inc. + +For purposes of this license notice, the term Licensors shall mean, +collectively, Apple Computer, Inc., AT&T Corp., International +Business Machines Corporation and Siemens Rolm Communications Inc. +The term Licensor shall mean any of the Licensors. + +Subject to acceptance of the following conditions, permission is hereby +granted by Licensors without the need for written agreement and without +license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify and distribute this +software for any purpose. + +The above copyright notice and the following four paragraphs must be +reproduced in all copies of this software and any software including +this software. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS AND NO LICENSOR SHALL HAVE +ANY OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS OR +MODIFICATIONS. + +IN NO EVENT SHALL ANY LICENSOR BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, +INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOST PROFITS ARISING OUT +OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH +DAMAGE. + +EACH LICENSOR SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, +INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF NONINFRINGEMENT OR THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. + +The software is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or +disclosure by the government are subject to restrictions set forth in +DFARS 252.227-7013 or 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. + +***************************************************************************/ + +/* + +The vCard/vCalendar C interface is implemented in the set +of files as follows: + +vcc.y, yacc source, and vcc.c, the yacc output you will use +implements the core parser + +vobject.c implements an API that insulates the caller from +the parser and changes in the vCard/vCalendar BNF + +port.h defines compilation environment dependent stuff + +vcc.h and vobject.h are header files for their .c counterparts + +vcaltmp.h and vcaltmp.c implement vCalendar "macro" functions +which you may find useful. + +test.c is a standalone test driver that exercises some of +the features of the APIs provided. Invoke test.exe on a +VCARD/VCALENDAR input text file and you will see the pretty +print output of the internal representation (this pretty print +output should give you a good idea of how the internal +representation looks like -- there is one such output in the +following too). Also, a file with the .out suffix is generated +to show that the internal representation can be written back +in the original text format. + +For more information on this API see the readme.txt file +which accompanied this distribution. + + Also visit: + + http://www.versit.com + http://www.ralden.com + +*/ + +// No tr() anywhere in this file + + +#ifndef __VOBJECT_H__ +#define __VOBJECT_H__ 1 + +#include <qstring.h> + +#define vCardClipboardFormat "+//ISBN 1-887687-00-9::versit::PDI//vCard" +#define vCalendarClipboardFormat "+//ISBN 1-887687-00-9::versit::PDI//vCalendar" + +/* The above strings vCardClipboardFormat and vCalendarClipboardFormat +are globally unique IDs which can be used to generate clipboard format +ID's as per the requirements of a specific platform. For example, in +Windows they are used as the parameter in a call to RegisterClipboardFormat. +For example: + + CLIPFORMAT foo = RegisterClipboardFormat(vCardClipboardFormat); + +*/ + +#define vCardMimeType "text/x-vCard" +#define vCalendarMimeType "text/x-vCalendar" + +#undef DLLEXPORT +#include <qglobal.h> +#if defined(Q_WS_WIN) +#define DLLEXPORT(t) __declspec(dllexport) t +#else +#define DLLEXPORT(t) t +#endif + +#ifndef FALSE +#define FALSE 0 +#endif +#ifndef TRUE +#define TRUE 1 +#endif + +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <stdio.h> + + +#define VC7bitProp "7BIT" +#define VC8bitProp "8BIT" +#define VCAAlarmProp "AALARM" +#define VCAdditionalNamesProp "ADDN" +#define VCAdrProp "ADR" +#define VCAgentProp "AGENT" +#define VCAIFFProp "AIFF" +#define VCAOLProp "AOL" +#define VCAppleLinkProp "APPLELINK" +#define VCAttachProp "ATTACH" +#define VCAttendeeProp "ATTENDEE" +#define VCATTMailProp "ATTMAIL" +#define VCAudioContentProp "AUDIOCONTENT" +#define VCAVIProp "AVI" +#define VCBase64Prop "BASE64" +#define VCBBSProp "BBS" +#define VCBirthDateProp "BDAY" +#define VCBMPProp "BMP" +#define VCBodyProp "BODY" +#define VCBusinessRoleProp "ROLE" +#define VCCalProp "VCALENDAR" +#define VCCaptionProp "CAP" +#define VCCardProp "VCARD" +#define VCCarProp "CAR" +#define VCCategoriesProp "CATEGORIES" +#define VCCellularProp "CELL" +#define VCCGMProp "CGM" +#define VCCharSetProp "CHARSET" +#define VCCIDProp "CID" +#define VCCISProp "CIS" +#define VCCityProp "L" +#define VCClassProp "CLASS" +#define VCCommentProp "NOTE" +#define VCCompletedProp "COMPLETED" +#define VCContentIDProp "CONTENT-ID" +#define VCCountryNameProp "C" +#define VCDAlarmProp "DALARM" +#define VCDataSizeProp "DATASIZE" +#define VCDayLightProp "DAYLIGHT" +#define VCDCreatedProp "DCREATED" +#define VCDeliveryLabelProp "LABEL" +#define VCDescriptionProp "DESCRIPTION" +#define VCDIBProp "DIB" +#define VCDisplayStringProp "DISPLAYSTRING" +#define VCDomesticProp "DOM" +#define VCDTendProp "DTEND" +#define VCDTstartProp "DTSTART" +#define VCDueProp "DUE" +#define VCEmailAddressProp "EMAIL" +#define VCEncodingProp "ENCODING" +#define VCEndProp "END" +#define VCEventProp "VEVENT" +#define VCEWorldProp "EWORLD" +#define VCExNumProp "EXNUM" +#define VCExpDateProp "EXDATE" +#define VCExpectProp "EXPECT" +#define VCExtAddressProp "EXT ADD" +#define VCFamilyNameProp "F" +#define VCFaxProp "FAX" +#define VCFullNameProp "FN" +#define VCGeoProp "GEO" +#define VCGeoLocationProp "GEO" +#define VCGIFProp "GIF" +#define VCGivenNameProp "G" +#define VCGroupingProp "Grouping" +#define VCHomeProp "HOME" +#define VCIBMMailProp "IBMMail" +#define VCInlineProp "INLINE" +#define VCInternationalProp "INTL" +#define VCInternetProp "INTERNET" +#define VCISDNProp "ISDN" +#define VCJPEGProp "JPEG" +#define VCLanguageProp "LANG" +#define VCLastModifiedProp "LAST-MODIFIED" +#define VCLastRevisedProp "REV" +#define VCLocationProp "LOCATION" +#define VCLogoProp "LOGO" +#define VCMailerProp "MAILER" +#define VCMAlarmProp "MALARM" +#define VCMCIMailProp "MCIMAIL" +#define VCMessageProp "MSG" +#define VCMETProp "MET" +#define VCModemProp "MODEM" +#define VCMPEG2Prop "MPEG2" +#define VCMPEGProp "MPEG" +#define VCMSNProp "MSN" +#define VCNamePrefixesProp "NPRE" +#define VCNameProp "N" +#define VCNameSuffixesProp "NSUF" +#define VCNoteProp "NOTE" +#define VCOrgNameProp "ORGNAME" +#define VCOrgProp "ORG" +#define VCOrgUnit2Prop "OUN2" +#define VCOrgUnit3Prop "OUN3" +#define VCOrgUnit4Prop "OUN4" +#define VCOrgUnitProp "OUN" +#define VCPagerProp "PAGER" +#define VCPAlarmProp "PALARM" +#define VCParcelProp "PARCEL" +#define VCPartProp "PART" +#define VCPCMProp "PCM" +#define VCPDFProp "PDF" +#define VCPGPProp "PGP" +#define VCPhotoProp "PHOTO" +#define VCPICTProp "PICT" +#define VCPMBProp "PMB" +#define VCPostalBoxProp "BOX" +#define VCPostalCodeProp "PC" +#define VCPostalProp "POSTAL" +#define VCPowerShareProp "POWERSHARE" +#define VCPreferredProp "PREF" +#define VCPriorityProp "PRIORITY" +#define VCProcedureNameProp "PROCEDURENAME" +#define VCProdIdProp "PRODID" +#define VCProdigyProp "PRODIGY" +#define VCPronunciationProp "SOUND" +#define VCPSProp "PS" +#define VCPublicKeyProp "KEY" +#define VCQPProp "QP" +#define VCQuickTimeProp "QTIME" +#define VCQuotedPrintableProp "QUOTED-PRINTABLE" +#define VCRDateProp "RDATE" +#define VCRegionProp "R" +#define VCRelatedToProp "RELATED-TO" +#define VCRepeatCountProp "REPEATCOUNT" +#define VCResourcesProp "RESOURCES" +#define VCRNumProp "RNUM" +#define VCRoleProp "ROLE" +#define VCRRuleProp "RRULE" +#define VCRSVPProp "RSVP" +#define VCRunTimeProp "RUNTIME" +#define VCSequenceProp "SEQUENCE" +#define VCSnoozeTimeProp "SNOOZETIME" +#define VCStartProp "START" +#define VCStatusProp "STATUS" +#define VCStreetAddressProp "STREET" +#define VCSubTypeProp "SUBTYPE" +#define VCSummaryProp "SUMMARY" +#define VCTelephoneProp "TEL" +#define VCTIFFProp "TIFF" +#define VCTimeZoneProp "TZ" +#define VCTitleProp "TITLE" +#define VCTLXProp "TLX" +#define VCTodoProp "VTODO" +#define VCTranspProp "TRANSP" +#define VCUniqueStringProp "UID" +#define VCURLProp "URL" +#define VCURLValueProp "URLVAL" +#define VCValueProp "VALUE" +#define VCVersionProp "VERSION" +#define VCVideoProp "VIDEO" +#define VCVoiceProp "VOICE" +#define VCWAVEProp "WAVE" +#define VCWMFProp "WMF" +#define VCWorkProp "WORK" +#define VCX400Prop "X400" +#define VCX509Prop "X509" +#define VCXRuleProp "XRULE" + + +typedef struct VObject VObject; + +typedef struct VObjectIterator { + VObject* start; + VObject* next; + } VObjectIterator; + +extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) newVObject(const char *id); +extern DLLEXPORT(void) deleteVObject(VObject *p); +extern DLLEXPORT(char*) dupStr(const char *s, unsigned int size); +extern DLLEXPORT(void) deleteStr(const char *p); +extern DLLEXPORT(void) unUseStr(const char *s); + +extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectName(VObject *o, const char* id); +extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectStringZValue(VObject *o, const char *s); +extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectStringZValue_(VObject *o, const char *s); +extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectIntegerValue(VObject *o, unsigned int i); +extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectLongValue(VObject *o, unsigned long l); +extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectAnyValue(VObject *o, void *t); +extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) setValueWithSize(VObject *prop, void *val, unsigned int size); +extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) setValueWithSize_(VObject *prop, void *val, unsigned int size); + +extern DLLEXPORT(const char*) vObjectName(VObject *o); +extern DLLEXPORT(const char*) vObjectStringZValue(VObject *o); +extern DLLEXPORT(unsigned int) vObjectIntegerValue(VObject *o); +extern DLLEXPORT(unsigned long) vObjectLongValue(VObject *o); +extern DLLEXPORT(void*) vObjectAnyValue(VObject *o); +extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) vObjectVObjectValue(VObject *o); +extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectVObjectValue(VObject *o, VObject *p); + +extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addVObjectProp(VObject *o, VObject *p); +extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addProp(VObject *o, const char *id); +extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addProp_(VObject *o, const char *id); +extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addPropValue(VObject *o, const char *p, const char *v); +extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addPropSizedValue_(VObject *o, const char *p, const char *v, unsigned int size); +extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addPropSizedValue(VObject *o, const char *p, const char *v, unsigned int size); +extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addGroup(VObject *o, const char *g); +extern DLLEXPORT(void) addList(VObject **o, VObject *p); + +extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) isAPropertyOf(VObject *o, const char *id); + +extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) nextVObjectInList(VObject *o); +extern DLLEXPORT(void) initPropIterator(VObjectIterator *i, VObject *o); +extern DLLEXPORT(int) moreIteration(VObjectIterator *i); +extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) nextVObject(VObjectIterator *i); + +extern DLLEXPORT(const char*) lookupStr(const char *s); +extern DLLEXPORT(void) cleanStrTbl(); + +extern DLLEXPORT(void) cleanVObject(VObject *o); +extern DLLEXPORT(void) cleanVObjects(VObject *list); + +extern DLLEXPORT(const char*) lookupProp(const char* str); +extern DLLEXPORT(const char*) lookupProp_(const char* str); + +extern DLLEXPORT(void) writeVObjectToFile(char *fname, VObject *o); +extern DLLEXPORT(void) writeVObjectsToFile(char *fname, VObject *list); + +extern DLLEXPORT(int) vObjectValueType(VObject *o); + +/* return type of vObjectValueType: */ +#define VCVT_NOVALUE 0 + /* if the VObject has no value associated with it. */ +#define VCVT_STRINGZ 1 + /* if the VObject has value set by setVObjectStringZValue. */ +#define VCVT_UINT 2 + /* if the VObject has value set by setVObjectIntegerValue. */ +#define VCVT_ULONG 3 + /* if the VObject has value set by setVObjectLongValue. */ +#define VCVT_RAW 4 + /* if the VObject has value set by setVObjectAnyValue. */ +#define VCVT_VOBJECT 5 + /* if the VObject has value set by setVObjectVObjectValue. */ + +extern const char** fieldedProp; + +/*************************************************** + * The methods below are implemented in vcc.c (generated from vcc.y ) + ***************************************************/ + +/* NOTE regarding printVObject and writeVObject + +The functions below are not exported from the DLL because they +take a FILE* as a parameter, which cannot be passed across a DLL +interface (at least that is my experience). Instead you can use +their companion functions which take file names or pointers +to memory. However, if you are linking this code into +your build directly then you may find them a more convenient API +and you can go ahead and use them. If you try to use them with +the DLL LIB you will get a link error. +*/ +extern void writeVObject(FILE *fp, VObject *o); + + + +typedef void (*MimeErrorHandler)(char *); + +extern DLLEXPORT(void) registerMimeErrorHandler(MimeErrorHandler); + +extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) Parse_MIME(const char *input, unsigned long len); +extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) Parse_MIME_FromFileName(char* fname); + + +/* NOTE regarding Parse_MIME_FromFile +The function above, Parse_MIME_FromFile, comes in two flavors, +neither of which is exported from the DLL. Each version takes +a CFile or FILE* as a parameter, neither of which can be +passed across a DLL interface (at least that is my experience). +If you are linking this code into your build directly then +you may find them a more convenient API that the other flavors +that take a file name. If you use them with the DLL LIB you +will get a link error. +*/ + + +#if INCLUDEMFC +extern VObject* Parse_MIME_FromFile(CFile *file); +#else +extern VObject* Parse_MIME_FromFile(FILE *file); +#endif + +extern DLLEXPORT(const char *) vObjectTypeInfo(VObject *o); + + +#endif /* __VOBJECT_H__ */ + + |