path: root/library
Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (limited to 'library') (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/library/qpeapplication.cpp b/library/qpeapplication.cpp
index 187a7e2..8448352 100644
--- a/library/qpeapplication.cpp
+++ b/library/qpeapplication.cpp
@@ -550,210 +550,216 @@ QPEApplication::QPEApplication( int & argc, char **argv, Type t )
: QApplication( hack( argc ), argv, t )
int dw = desktop() ->width();
if ( dw < 200 ) {
// setFont( QFont( "helvetica", 8 ) );
AppLnk::setSmallIconSize( 10 );
AppLnk::setBigIconSize( 28 );
d = new QPEApplicationData;
QMimeSourceFactory::setDefaultFactory( new ResourceMimeFactory );
connect( this, SIGNAL( lastWindowClosed() ), this, SLOT( hideOrQuit() ) );
#if defined(Q_WS_QWS) && !defined(QT_NO_COP)
QString qcopfn( "/tmp/qcop-msg-" );
qcopfn += QString( argv[ 0 ] ); // append command name
QFile f( qcopfn );
if ( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
flock( f.handle(), LOCK_EX );
sysChannel = new QCopChannel( "QPE/System", this );
connect( sysChannel, SIGNAL( received( const QCString &, const QByteArray & ) ),
this, SLOT( systemMessage( const QCString &, const QByteArray & ) ) );
QCString channel = QCString( argv[ 0 ] );
channel.replace( QRegExp( ".*/" ), "" );
d->appName = channel;
channel = "QPE/Application/" + channel;
pidChannel = new QCopChannel( channel, this );
connect( pidChannel, SIGNAL( received( const QCString &, const QByteArray & ) ),
this, SLOT( pidMessage( const QCString &, const QByteArray & ) ) );
if ( f.isOpen() ) {
d->keep_running = FALSE;
QDataStream ds( &f );
QCString channel, message;
QByteArray data;
while ( !ds.atEnd() ) {
ds >> channel >> message >> data;
d->enqueueQCop( channel, message, data );
flock( f.handle(), LOCK_UN );
for ( int a = 0; a < argc; a++ ) {
if ( qstrcmp( argv[ a ], "-preload" ) == 0 ) {
argv[ a ] = argv[ a + 1 ];
d->preloaded = TRUE;
argc -= 1;
else if ( qstrcmp( argv[ a ], "-preload-show" ) == 0 ) {
argv[ a ] = argv[ a + 1 ];
d->preloaded = TRUE;
d->forceshow = TRUE;
argc -= 1;
/* overide stored arguments */
setArgs( argc, argv );
qwsSetDecoration( new QPEDecoration() );
QStringList langs = Global::languageList();
for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = langs.begin(); it != langs.end(); ++it ) {
QString lang = *it;
QTranslator * trans;
QString tfn;
trans = new QTranslator( this );
tfn = qpeDir() + "/i18n/" + lang + "/libqpe.qm";
if ( trans->load( tfn ) )
installTranslator( trans );
delete trans;
trans = new QTranslator( this );
tfn = qpeDir() + "/i18n/" + lang + "/" + d->appName + ".qm";
if ( trans->load( tfn ) )
installTranslator( trans );
delete trans;
+ /*
+ * not required. if using one of these languages, you might as well install
+ * a custom font.
//###language/font hack; should look it up somewhere
if ( lang == "ja" || lang == "zh_CN" || lang == "zh_TW" || lang == "ko" ) {
QFont fn = FontManager::unicodeFont( FontManager::Proportional );
setFont( fn );
else {
+ */
Config config( "qpe" );
config.setGroup( "Appearance" );
QString familyStr = config.readEntry( "FontFamily", "helvetica" );
QString styleStr = config.readEntry( "FontStyle", "Regular" );
QString sizeStr = config.readEntry( "FontSize", "10" );
QString charSetStr = config.readEntry( "FontCharSet", QString::null );
bool ok;
int i_size = sizeStr.toInt( &ok, 10 );
FontDatabase fdb;
QFont selectedFont = fdb.font( familyStr, styleStr, i_size, charSetStr );
setFont( selectedFont );
- }
+ //}
if ( type() == GuiServer ) {
setScreenSaverInterval( -1 );
QWSServer::setScreenSaver( new QPEScreenSaver );
installEventFilter( this );
// if we have no cursor, probably don't want tooltips
QToolTip::setEnabled( FALSE );
static QPtrDict<void>* inputMethodDict = 0;
static void createInputMethodDict()
if ( !inputMethodDict )
inputMethodDict = new QPtrDict<void>;
Returns the currently set hint to the system as to whether
\a w has any use for text input methods.
\sa setInputMethodHint()
QPEApplication::InputMethodHint QPEApplication::inputMethodHint( QWidget * w )
if ( inputMethodDict && w )
return ( InputMethodHint ) ( int ) inputMethodDict->find( w );
return Normal;
\enum QPEApplication::InputMethodHint
\value Normal the application sometimes needs text input (the default).
\value AlwaysOff the application never needs text input.
\value AlwaysOn the application always needs text input.
Hints to the system that \a w has use for text input methods
as specified by \a mode.
\sa inputMethodHint()
void QPEApplication::setInputMethodHint( QWidget * w, InputMethodHint mode )
if ( mode == Normal ) {
( w );
else {
inputMethodDict->insert( w, ( void* ) mode );
class HackDialog : public QDialog
void acceptIt()
void rejectIt()
void QPEApplication::mapToDefaultAction( QWSKeyEvent * ke, int key )
// specialised actions for certain widgets. May want to
// add more stuff here.
if ( activePopupWidget() && activePopupWidget() ->inherits( "QListBox" )
&& activePopupWidget() ->parentWidget()
&& activePopupWidget() ->parentWidget() ->inherits( "QComboBox" ) )
key = Qt::Key_Return;
if ( activePopupWidget() && activePopupWidget() ->inherits( "QPopupMenu" ) )
key = Qt::Key_Return;
ke->simpleData.keycode = key;