From 0799b67a825c8ec00e57a63e5a5d55fd26bb2337 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: kergoth Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2003 15:23:37 +0000 Subject: Merge from BRANCH_1_0. --- (limited to 'i18n/pl') diff --git a/i18n/pl/.directory b/i18n/pl/.directory index ab1c9d7..ff04f13 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/.directory +++ b/i18n/pl/.directory @@ -6,3 +6,5 @@ Name[it]=Polacco Name[pt]=Polaco Name[pt_BR]=Polaco Name[sl]=Polščina +Name[de]=Polnisch +Name[nl]=Pools \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/i18n/pl/addressbook.ts b/i18n/pl/addressbook.ts index c3bcdca..9cfdc2e 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/addressbook.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/addressbook.ts @@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ Beam Entry - Zgloszenia + Emituj wpis My Personal Details - Moje dane + Moje dane osobiste View @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Edit My Personal Details - Edycja moich danych + Edycja moich danych osobistych Edit Address @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ Contacts - My Personal Details - Kontakty - moje dane + Kontakty - moje dane osobiste Out of space @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ and try again. Quit anyway? Nie mozna zapisac informacji. -Zwilnij miejsce w pamieci +Zwolnij miejsce w pamieci i sprobuj ponownie Zakonczyc? @@ -94,261 +94,267 @@ Zakonczyc? Unfiled - nieprzydzielony + Nieprzydzielony Import vCard - + Importuj wizytowke (vCard) Close Find - + Zamknij Wyszukiwarke Save all Data - + Zapisz wszystkie dane Config - + Konfiguruj Not Found - + Nie znaleziono List - + Lista Cards - + Wizytowki Card - + Wizytowka Start Search - + Szukaj Right file type ? - + Wlasciwy typ pliku? &Yes - + &Tak &No - + &Nie - Unable to find a contact for this - search pattern! - + Unable to find a contact for this search pattern! + Nie znaleziono wizytowki odpowiadajacej +warunkom wyszukiwania! The selected file does not end with ".vcf". Do you really want to open it? - + Wybrany plik +nie konczy sie ".vcf". +Czy na pewno chcesz go otworzyc? Add Contact? - + Dodac wizytowke? Do you really want add contact for %1? - + Czy na pewno chcesz dodac wizytowke +%1? &All Yes - + Tak na &Wszystkie Export vCard - + Eksportuj wizytowke (vCard) You have to select a contact ! - + Musisz wybrac wizytowke! You have to set a filename ! - + Musisz podac nazwe pliku! ConfigDlg_Base Query Style - + Styl zapytania Use Regular Expressions - + Uzywaj wyrazen regularnych Use Wildcards (*,?) - + Uzywaj znakow specjalnych (*,?) Case Sensitive - + Wrazliwe na wilkosc liter Mail - + Poczta Prefer QT-Mail - + Preferuj QT-Mail Prefer Opie-Mail - + Preferuj Opie-Mail Notice: QT-Mail is just provided in the SHARP default ROM. Opie-Mail is provided free ! - + Uwaga: QT-mail jest zalaczony +jedynie w oryginalnym ROM'ie +SHARP'a. Opie-Mail jest +dostepny za darmo! Misc - + Rozne Search Settings - + Ustawienia wyszukiwania Font - Czcionka + Czcionka Small - Maly + Mala Normal - Normalny + Normalna Large - Duzy + Duza Order - + Kolejnosc Select Contact Order: - + Wybierz kolejnosc wizytowek: Up - Gora + Gora Down - Dol + Dol Add - + Dodaj Remove - + Usun Configuration - + Konfiguracja Click on tab to select one - + Kliknij na zakladce aby ja wybrac Settings for the search query style - + Ustawienia stylu zapytania Search widget expects regular expressions if selected - + "Widget" wyszukiwarki bedzie oczekiwal wyrazen regularnych Search widget just expects simple wildcards - + "Widget" wyszukiwarki oczekuje tylko prostych znakow specjalnych If selected, search differs between upper and lower chars - + Wyszukiwarka bedzie rozrozniala wielkosc znakow Font size for list- and card view - + Wielkosc czcionki dla listy i wizytowki Fontsettings for list and card view - + Ustawienia czcionki dla listy i wizytowki Use Sharp's mail application if available - + Uzywaj aplikacji pocztowej Sharp'a, jesli jest dostepna Use OPIE mail if installed - + Uzywaj aplikacji pocztowej OPIE, jesli jest zainstalowana Move selected attribute one line up - + Przesun wybrany atrybut jedna o pozycje do gory Move selected attribute one line down - + Przesun wybrany atrybut jedna o pozycje do dolu List of all available attributes - + Pokaz wszystkie dostepne atrybuty Add selected attribute from list below to the upper list - + Dodaj wybrany atrybut z dolnej listy do gornej listy Remove the selected attribute from the upper list - + Usun wybrany atrybut z gornej listy Order (up -> down) defines the primary contact shown in the second column of the list view - + Kolejnosc (gora -> dol) definiuje glowny kontakt wyswietlany w drugiej kolumnie na liscie wizytowek Tool-/Menubar - + Narzedzia/Menu Fixed - + Stale Switch to fixed menu-/toolbars after restarting application ! - + Zmien Narzedzia/Menu na Stale po ponownym uruchomieniu programu! Moveable - + Przesuwane Switch to moveable menu-/toolbars after restarting application ! - + Zmien Narzedzia/Menu na Przesuwane po ponownym uruchomieniu programu! @@ -371,7 +377,7 @@ is provided free ! File As - Jako + Pokazuj jako Gender @@ -379,7 +385,7 @@ is provided free ! Job Title - Temat pracy + Stanowisko City @@ -387,7 +393,7 @@ is provided free ! State - Wojewodztwo + Region Country @@ -407,7 +413,7 @@ is provided free ! Notes... - Notatka... + Notatki... General @@ -415,7 +421,7 @@ is provided free ! Business - Biznes + Firma Home @@ -439,91 +445,91 @@ is provided free ! Albania - + Albania Algeria - + Algieria American Samoa - + Samoa Amerykanska Andorra - + Andora Angola - + Angola Anguilla - + Anguilla Argentina - + Argentyna Aruba - + Aruba Australia - + Australia Austria - + Austria Azerbaijan - + Azerbejdzan Bahamas - + Bahama Bahrain - + Bahrain Bangladesh - + Bangladesz Barbados - + Barbados Belarus - + Bialorus Belgium - + Belgia Belize - + Belize Benin - + Benin Bermuda - + Bermudy Bhutan - + Bhutan Botswana - + Botswana Bouvet Island @@ -531,27 +537,27 @@ is provided free ! Brazil - + Brazylia Brunei Darussalam - + Brunei Bulgaria - + Bulgaria Burkina Faso - + Burkina Faso Burundi - + Burundi Cambodia - + Kambodza Canada @@ -559,447 +565,447 @@ is provided free ! Cape Verde - + Cape Verde Cayman Islands - + Kajmany Chad - + Czad Chile - + Chile China - + Chiny Christmas Island - + Wyspa Bozego Narodzenia Colombia - + Kolumbia Comoros - + Komory Congo - + Kongo Cook Island - + Wyspy Cooka Costa Rica - + Kostaryka Cote d'Ivoire - + Wybrzeze Kosci Sloniowej Croatia - + Chorwacja Cuba - + Kuba Cyprus - + Cypr Czech Republic - + Czechy Denmark - + Dania Djibouti - + Dzibuti Dominica - + Dominika Dominican Republic - + Dominikana East Timor - + Timor Wschodni Ecuador - + Ekwador Egypt - + Egipt El Salvador - + Salwador Equatorial Guinea - + Gwinea Rownikowa Eritrea - + Erytrea Estonia - + Estonia Ethiopia - + Etiopia Falkland Islands - + Falklandy Faroe Islands - + Wyspy Faroe Fiji - + Fidzi Finland - + Finlandia France - + Francja French Guiana - + Gujana Francuska French Polynesia - + Polinezja Francuska Gabon - + Gabon Gambia - + Gambia Georgia - + Georgia Germany - + Niemcy Gibraltar - + Gibraltar Greece - + Grecja Greenland - + Grenlandia Grenada - + Grenada Guam - + Guam Guatemala - + Gwatemala Guinea - + Gwinea Guyana - + Gujana Haiti - + Haiti Holy See - + Watykan Honduras - + Honduras Hong Kong - + Hong Kong Hungary - + Wegry Iceland - + Islandia India - + Indie Indonesia - + Indonezja Ireland - + Irlandia Israel - + Izrael Italy - + Wlochy Japan - + Japonia Jordan - + Jordan Kazakhstan - + Kazachstan Kenya - + Kenia Korea - + Korea Laos - + Laos Latvia - + Lotwa Lebanon - + Liban Lesotho - + Lesotho Liberia - + Liberia Liechtenstein - + Liechtenstein Lithuania - + Litwa Luxembourg - + Luksemburg Macau - + Makao Macedonia - + Macedonia Madagascar - + Madagaskar Malawi - + Malawi Malaysia - + Malezja Maldives - + Malediwy Mali - + Mali Malta - + Malta Martinique - + Martynika Mauritania - + Maurytania Mauritius - + Mauritius Mayotte - + Mayotte Mexico - + Meksyk Micronesia - + Mikronezja Moldova - + Moldawia Monaco - + Monako Mongolia - + Mongolia Montserrat - + Montserrat Morocco - + Maroko Mozambique - + Mozambik Myanmar - + Myanmar Namibia - + Namibia Nauru - + Nauru Nepal - + Nepal Netherlands - + Holandia New Caledonia - + Nowa Kaledonia New Zealand - + Nowa Zelandia Nicaragua - + Nikaragua Niger - + Niger Nigeria - + Nigeria Niue - + Niue Norway - + Norwegia Oman - + Oman Pakistan - + Pakistan Palau - + Palau Panama - + Panama Papua New Guinea - + Papua Nowa Gwinea Paraguay - + Paragwaj Peru - + Peru Philippines - + Filipiny Poland @@ -1007,207 +1013,207 @@ is provided free ! Portugal - + Portugalia Puerto Rico - + Purto Rico Qatar - + Katar Reunion - + Reunion Romania - + Rumunia Russia - + Rosja Rwanda - + Rwanda Saint Lucia - + Saint Lucia Samoa - + Samoa San Marino - + San Marino Saudi Arabia - + Arabia Saudyjska Senegal - + Senegal Seychelles - + Seszele Sierra Leone - + Sierra Leone Singapore - + Singapur Slovakia - + Slowacja Slovenia - + Slowenia Solomon Islands - + Wyspy Salomona Somalia - + Somalia South Africa - + Afryka Poludniowa Spain - + Hiszpania Sri Lanka - + Sri Lanka St. Helena - + Sw. Helena Sudan - + Sudan Suriname - + Surinam Swaziland - + Suazi Sweden - + Szwecja Switzerland - + Szwajcaria Taiwan - + Tajwan Tajikistan - + Tadzykistan Tanzania - + Tanzania Thailand - + Tajlandia Togo - + Togo Tokelau - + Tokelau Tonga - + Tonga Tunisia - + Tunezja Turkey - + Turcja Turkmenistan - + Turkmenistan Tuvalu - + Tuvalu Uganda - + Uganda Ukraine - + Ukraina Uruguay - + Urugwaj Uzbekistan - + Uzbekistan Vanuatu - + Vanuatu Venezuela - + Wenezuela Virgin Islands - + Wyspy Dziewicze Western Sahara - + Zachodnia Sahara Yemen - + Jemen Yugoslavia - + Jugoslawia Zambia - + Zambia Zimbabwe - + Zimbabwe Male @@ -1235,274 +1241,274 @@ is provided free ! Birthday - + Urodziny Anniversary - + Rocznica Kuwait - + Kuwejt Unknown - + Nieznany Delete - Usun + Usun Afghanistan - + Afganistan Antarctica - + Antarktyka Armenia - + Armenia Bolivia - + Boliwia Cameroon - + Kamerun Ghana - + Ghana Guadeloupe - + Gwadelupe Guinea-Bissau - + Gwinea-Bissau Jamaica - + Jamajka Kiribati - + Kiribati Kyrgyzstan - + Kirgistan Palestinian Sovereign Areas - + Autonomia Palestynska Pitcairn Islands - + Pitcairn Vietnam - + Wietnam Press to enter last- middle and firstname - + Wcisnij by wprowadzc imiona i nazwisko Enter fullname directly ! If you have a lastname with multiple words ( for instance "de la Guerra"), please write <lastname>,<firstnames> like this: "de la Guerra, Carlos Pedro" - + Wpisz swoje dane dokladnie! Jesli masz wieloczlonowe nazwisko (np. "Van Helsing"), wprowadz <nazwisko>,<imiona> w ten sposob: "Van Helsing, Abraham" The jobtitle.. - + Stanowisko.. Something like "jr.".. - + Na przyklad "jr".. The working place of the contact - + Miejsce pracy z wizytowki Press to select attribute to change - + Wcisnij by wybrac atrybut do zmiany Press to select how to store the name (and howto show it in the listview) - + Wcisnij by wybrac sposob zapisania nazwiska (i jego prezentacji na liscie) QObject Business Phone - + Firma - telefon Business Fax - + Firma - fax Business Mobile - + Sluzbowa komorka Default Email - Domyslny e-mail + Domyslny e-mail Emails - E-maile + Adresy e-mail Home Phone - + Telefon domowy Home Fax - + Dom - fax Home Mobile - + Prywatna komorka Office - + Biuro Profession - + Zawod Assistant - + Asystent Manager - + Kierownik Spouse - + Wspolmalzonek Gender - Plec + Plec Birthday - + Urodziny Anniversary - + Rocznica Nickname - + Przydomek Children - + Dzieci Name Title - Tytul + Tytul First Name - Imie + Imie Middle Name - Drugie imie + Drugie imie Last Name - Nazwisko + Nazwisko Suffix - Tytul + Tytul File As - Jako + Pokazuj jako Job Title - Temat pracy + Stanowisko Department - + Wydzial Company - Firma + Firma Business Street - + Firma - ulica Business City - + Firma - miasto Business State - + Firma - region Business Zip - + Firma - kod pocztowy Business Country - + Firma - kraj Business Pager - + Firma - pager Business WebPage - + Firma - strona WWW Home Street - + Dom - ulica Home City - + Dom - miasto Home State - + Dom - region Home Zip - + Dom - kod pocztowy Home Country - + Dom - kraj Home Web Page - + Strona domowa Notes - Notatka + Notatki diff --git a/i18n/pl/advancedfm.ts b/i18n/pl/advancedfm.ts index ee084a6..6e51c54 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/advancedfm.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/advancedfm.ts @@ -3,87 +3,87 @@ AdvancedFm AdvancedFm - + AdvancedFm File - + Plik View - + Widok Show Hidden Files - + Pokazuj ukryte pliki Make Directory - + Utworz folder Rename - + Zmien nazwe Run Command - + Wykonaj polecenie Run Command with Output - + Wykonaj polecenie z wyswietleniem wyniku Delete - + Usun Switch to Local - + Przelacz na lokalne Switch to Remote - + przelacz na zdalne Size - + Rozmiar Date - + Data 1 - + 1 2 - + 2 Yes - + Tak No - + Nie Note - + Notatka Could not rename - + Nie mozna zmienic nazwy That directory does not exist - + Folder nie istnieje Copy As - + Kopiuj jako AdvancedFm Output @@ -95,131 +95,131 @@ Ir sent. - + Wiazka Ir wyemitowana. Ok - + OK Change Directory - + Zmien folder Execute - + Wykonaj Open as text - + Otworz jako tekst Make Symlink - + Utworz dowiazanie Copy - + Kopiuj Move - + Przenies File Info - + Informacje o pliku Set Permissions - + Ustaw uprawnienia Properties - + Wlasciwosci Beam File - + Emituj plik Copy - + Kopiuj As - + Jako Copy Same Dir - + Kopiuj ten sam folder Could not copy - + Nie mozna skopiowac + to - + do Could not move - + Nie mozna przeniesc Add To Documents - + Dodaj do Dokumentow Actions - + Akcje Select All - + Zaznacz wszystko Really delete %1 files? - + Czy na pewno usunac +%1 plikow? Delete Directory? - - - - Really delete - - + Usunac folder? Really copy %1 files? - + Czy na pewno skopiowac +%1 plikow? File Exists! - + Plik istnieje! exists. Ok to overwrite? - + +istnieje. Czy nadpisac? already exists. Do you really want to delete it? - + juz istnieje. +Czy na pewno chcesz go usunac? %1 exists. Ok to overwrite? - + %1 istnieje. Czy nadpisac? Could not copy %1 to %2 - + Nie mozna skopiowac %1 do %2 Advanced FileManager @@ -229,32 +229,65 @@ and is licensed by the GPL + Bookmark Directory + Dodaj folder do zakladek + + + Remove Current Directory from Bookmarks + Usun aktualny folder z zakladek + + + Error + Blad + + Cannot remove current directory from bookmarks. -It is not bookmarked!! - +It is not bookmarked! + Nie mozna usunac aktualnego folderu +z zakladek. +Nie ma go w zakladkach! - Bookmark Directory - + File Search + Szukaj pliku - Remove Current Directory from Bookmarks - + Really delete %1 +and all it's contents ? + Czy na pewno usunac %1 +wraz z zawartoscia? - Error - + Really delete +%1? + Czy na pewno usunac +%1? Output Save output to file (name only) - + Zapisz wyjscie do pliku (tylko nazwa) Output + Wyjscie + + + Process could not start + + + + Error + + + + + +Finished + @@ -262,42 +295,62 @@ It is not bookmarked!! filePermissions Set File Permissions - + Ustaw uprawnienia pliku Set file permissions for: - + Ustaw uprawnienia pliku dla: owner - + wlasciciel group - + grupa others - + pozostali Owner - + Wlasciciel Group - + Grupa read - + odczyt write - + zapis execute + wykonywanie + + + Warning + + + + Error- no user + + + + Error- no group + + + + Error setting ownership or group + + + + Error setting mode diff --git a/i18n/pl/appearance.ts b/i18n/pl/appearance.ts index 1aa9690..1a073fd 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/appearance.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/appearance.ts @@ -3,189 +3,199 @@ Appearance Settings... - + Ustawienia... Current scheme - Aktualny schemat + Aktualny schemat Edit... - + Edytuj... Delete - Usun + Usun Save - Zapisz + Zapisz Force styling for all applications. - + Wymuszaj styl dla wszystkich aplikacji. Disable styling for these applications ( <b>*</b> can be used as a wildcard): - + Wylacz styl dla aplikacji (mozna uzywac znaku specjalnego <b>*</b>): Binary file(s) - + Plik(i) binarny(e) Tab style: - + Styl zakladek: Tabs - + Zakladki Tabs w/icons - + Zakladki z ikonami Drop down list - + Lista rozwijana Drop down list w/icons - + Lista rozwijana z ikonami Top - + Gora Bottom - + Dol Style - Styl + Styl Font - + Czcionka Colors - Kolory + Kolory Windows - + Okna Advanced - + Zaawansowane Restart - + Restart Do you want to restart %1 now? - + Czy chcesz teraz zrestartowac %1? Yes - Tak + Tak No - Nie + Nie Save Scheme - + Zapisz schemat Save scheme - + Zapisz schemat Scheme does already exist. - + Schemat juz istnieje. Delete scheme - Usun schemat + Usun schemat Unable to delete current scheme. - Nie mozna usunac aktualnego schematu. + Nie mozna usunac aktualnego schematu. <new> - + <nowy> Styles control the way items such as buttons and scroll bars appear in all applications. Click here to select an available style. - + Style okreslaja wyglad elementow takich jak przyciski i listwy przewijania w aplikacjach. + +Kliknij tu aby wybrac dostepny styl. Click here to configure the currently selected style. Note: This option is not available for all styles. - + Kliknij tu aby skonfigurowac wybrany styl. + +Uwaga: Ta opcja jest niedostepna dla niektorych stylow. Window decorations control the way the application title bar and its buttons appear. Click here to select an available decoration. - + Dekoracje okien okreslaja wyglad listwy tytulowej aplikacji i wyglad przyciskow na tej listwie. + +Kliknij tu aby wybrac dostepna dekoracje. Select the desired name, style and size of the default font applications will use. - + Wybierz nazwe, styl i rozmiar domyslnej czcionki dla aplikacji. Color schemes are a collection of colors which are used for various parts of the display. Click here to select an available scheme. - + Schematy barw sa zestawem kolorow uzywanych w roznych wyswietlanych elementach. + +Kliknij tu aby wybrac dostepny schemat. Click here to change the colors in the current color scheme. - + Kliknij tu aby zmienic kolory w aktualnym schemacie barw. Click here to delete the color scheme selected in the list to the left. - + Kliknij tu aby usunac schemat barw wybrany na liscie po lewej stronie. Click here to name and save the current color scheme. - + Kliknij tu aby nazwac i zapisac aktualny schemat barw. Click here to allow all applications to use global appearance settings. - + Kliknij tu aby zezwolic wszystkim aplikacjom na uzywanie globalnych ustawien wygladu. If some applications do not display correctly with the global appearance settings, certain features can be turned off for that application. This area allows you to select an application and which settings you wish to disable. - + Jesli niektore aplikacje nie wyswietlaja sie prawidlowo z globalnymi ustawieniami wygladu, pewne funkcje moga byc dla nich wylaczone. + +Ten obszar pozwala ci na wybor aplikacji i opcji, ktore chcesz wylaczyc. Click here to add an application to the list above. - + Kliknij tu aby dodac aplikacje do powyzszej listy. Click here to delete the currently selected application. - + Kliknij tu aby usunac aktualnie wybrana aplikacje. Click here to move the currently selected application up in the list. - + Kliknij to aby przesunac wybrana aplikacje w gore listy. Click here to move the currently selected application down in the list. - + Kliknij to aby przesunac wybrana aplikacje w dol listy. Click here to select a desired style for tabbed dialogs (such as this application). The styles available are: @@ -194,27 +204,32 @@ This area allows you to select an application and which settings you wish to dis 2. Tabs w/icons - tabs with icons for each tab, text label only appears on current tab 3. Drop down list - a vertical listing of tabs 4. Drop down list w/icons - a vertical listing of tabs with icons - + Kliknij tu aby wybrac styl dla okien dialogowych z zakladkami (takich jak ta aplikacja). Dostepne style to: + +1. Zakladki - normalne zakladki jedynie z tekstem +2. Zakladki z ikonami - zakladki z ikonami, etykieta tekstowa pojawia sie jedynie na aktualnej zakladce +3. Lista rozwijana - pionowa lista zakladek +4. Lista rozwijana z ikonami - pionowa lista zakladek z ikonami Click here so that tabs appear at the top of the window. - + Kliknij tu aby zakladki pojawialy sie na gorze okna. Click here so that tabs appear at the bottom of the window. - + Kliknij tu aby zakladki pojawialy sie na dole okna. This is a preview window. Look here to see your new appearance as options are changed. - + To jest okno podgladu. Mozesz tu zobaczyc jak zmienia sie wyglad wraz ze zmianami opcji. Appearance Settings - + Ustawienia wygladu Rotation direction: - + Kierunek rotacji: @@ -225,38 +240,38 @@ This area allows you to select an application and which settings you wish to dis Click here to select a color for: - + Kliknij tu by wybrac kolor dla: SampleWindow Sample - + Przyklad Normal Item - + Normalna pozycja Disabled Item - + Nieaktywna pozycja Menu - + Menu Normal Text - + Normalny tekst Highlighted Text - + Podswietlony tekst Button - + Przycisk Check Box @@ -264,7 +279,7 @@ This area allows you to select an application and which settings you wish to dis Sample window using the selected settings. - + Przykladowe okno dla wybranych ustawien. diff --git a/i18n/pl/appskey.ts b/i18n/pl/appskey.ts deleted file mode 100644 index ece7213..0000000 --- a/i18n/pl/appskey.ts +++ b/dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ - - - AppsKeyApp - - Set Application Key - - - - Address Book - - - - Home - - - - Popup Menu - - - - Mail - - - - Calendar - - - - diff --git a/i18n/pl/aqpkg.ts b/i18n/pl/aqpkg.ts index 348cc10..76dfbf6 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/aqpkg.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/aqpkg.ts @@ -3,107 +3,114 @@ CategoryFilterImpl Category Filter - + Filtr kategorii Select one or more groups - + Wybierz jedna lub wiecej grup DataManager Reading configuration... - + Czytam konfiguracje... InputDialog &OK - + &OK &Cancel - + &Anuluj InstallDlgImpl Close - + Zamknij Remove - + Usun + Install - + Instaluj Upgrade - + Aktualizuj + (ReInstall) - + (Przeinstaluj) (Upgrade) - + (Aktualizuj) Destination - + Cel Space Avail - + Dostepna przestrzen Output - + Wyjscie Start - + Start Options - + Opcje All - + Wszystkie Text - + Tekst Abort - + Przerwij **** User Clicked ABORT *** - + +**** Uzytkownik wcisnal PRZERWIJ *** **** Process Aborted **** - + **** Proces przerwany **** Save output - + Zapisz wyjscie Unknown + Nieznany + + + %1 Kb @@ -111,42 +118,122 @@ InstallOptionsDlgImpl Options - + Opcje Force Depends - + Wymus zaleznosci Force Reinstall - + Wymus reinstalacje Force Remove - + Wymus usuniecie Force Overwrite - + Wymus nadpisanie Information Level - + Poziom informacji Errors only - + Tylko bledy Normal messages - + Normalne wiadomosci Informative messages - + Wiadomosci informujace Troubleshooting output + Komunikaty problemow + + + + Ipkg + + Dealing with package %1 + + + + Removing symbolic links... + + + + + Creating symbolic links for %1. + + + + Creating symbolic links for %1 + + + + Finished + + + + Removing status entry... + + + + status file - + + + + package - + + + + Couldn't open status file - + + + + Couldn't create tempory status file - + + + + Couldn't start ipkg process + + + + Could not open : + + + + Creating directory + + + + Linked %1 to %2 + + + + Failed to link %1 to %2 + + + + Removed %1 + + + + Failed to remove %1 + + + + Removed + + + + Failed to remove @@ -154,143 +241,143 @@ MainWindow AQPkg - Package Manager - + AQPkg - Manager Pakietow Type the text to search for here. - + Wpisz tu tekst do wyszukania. Click here to hide the Quick Jump toolbar. - + Kliknij tu by ukryc listwe Quick Jump. Update lists - + Aktualizuj liste Click here to update package lists from servers. - + Kliknij tu aby aktualizowac liste pakietow z serwera. Upgrade - + Aktualizuj Click here to upgrade all installed packages if a newer version is available. - + Kliknij tu aby aktualizowac wszystkie zainstalowane pakiety, jasli dostepne sa nowsze wersje. Download - + Sciagaj Click here to download the currently selected package(s). - + Kliknij tu aby sciagnac aktualnie wybrane pakiety. Apply changes - + Zastosuj zmiany Click here to install, remove or upgrade currently selected package(s). - + Kliknij tu aby instalowac, usunac lub aktualizowac aktualnie wybrane pakiety. Actions - + Akcje Show packages not installed - + Pokaz pakiety nie zainstalowane Click here to show packages available which have not been installed. - + Kliknij tu aby wyswietlic dostepne pakiety, ktore nie zostaly zainstalowane. Show installed packages - + Pokaz zainstalowane pakiety Click here to show packages currently installed on this device. - + Kliknij tu aby wyswietlic zainstalowane na tym urzadzeniu pakiety. Show updated packages - + Pokaz zaktualizowane pakiety Click here to show packages currently installed on this device which have a newer version available. - + Kliknij tu aby wyswietlic zainstalowane na tym urzadzeniu pakiety, dla ktorych dostepne sa nowsze wersje. Filter by category - + Filtruj po kategorii Click here to list packages belonging to one category. - + Kliknij tu aby wyswietlic pakiety nalezace do jednej kategorii. Set filter category - + Ustaw kategorie filtrowania Click here to change package category to used filter. - + Kliknij tu aby zmienic kategorie pakietow w uzywanym filtrze. Find - + Szukaj Click here to search for text in package names. - + Kliknij tu aby wyszukac tekst w nazwach pakietow. Find next - + Znajdz nastepny Click here to find the next package name containing the text you are searching for. - + Kliknij tu aby znalezc nastepna nazwe pakietu zawierajaca szukany tekst. Quick Jump keypad - + Klawiatura Quick Jump Click here to display/hide keypad to allow quick movement through the package list. - + Kliknij tu aby pokazac/ukryc klawiature pozwalajaca na szybkie przegladanie listy pakietow. View - + Widok Configure - + Konfiguruj Click here to configure this application. - + Kliknij tu aby skonfigurowac ta aplikacje. Click here to hide the find toolbar. - + Kliknij tu aby ukryc pasek wyszukiwania. Servers: - + Serwery: Click here to select a package feed. - + Kliknij tu aby wybrac zrodlo pakietow (feed). Packages - + Pakiety This is a listing of all packages for the server feed selected above. @@ -300,29 +387,37 @@ A blue dot next to the package name indicates that the package is currently inst A blue dot with a star indicates that a newer version of the package is available from the server feed. Click inside the box at the left to select a package. - + To jest lista wszystkich pakietow dostepnych z wybanego powyzej zrodla (feed). + +Niebieska kropka obok nazwy pakietu oznacza, ze jest on aktualnie zainstalowany. + +Niebieska kropka z gwiazdka oznacza, ze na serwerze jest dostepna nowsza wersja pakietu. + +Kliknij w okienko po lewej aby wybrac pakiet. Remove - + Usun Click here to uninstall the currently selected package(s). - + Kliknij tu aby odinstalowac aktualnie wybrane pakiety. Building server list: %1 - + Buduje liste serwerow: +%1 Building package list for: %1 - + Buduje liste pakietow dla: +%1 Refreshing server package lists - + Odswiezam liste pakietow serwera WARNING: Upgrading while @@ -331,216 +426,259 @@ is NOT recommended! Are you sure? - + OSTRZEZENIE: Aktualizacja w czasie +gdy dziala Opie/Qtopia +jest NIEZALECANE! + +Czy jestes pewien? Warning - + Ostrzezenie Upgrading installed packages - + Aktualizuje zainstalowane pakiety Are you sure you wish to delete %1? - + Czy jestes pewien, ze chcesz usunac +%1? Are you sure? - + Czy jestes pewien? No - + Nie Yes - + Tak Download to where - + Gdzie sciagac Enter path to download to - + Wpisz sciezke do ktorej sciagac Install Remote Package - + Instaluj Zdalny Pakiet Enter package location - + Wpisz lokalizacje pakietu Nothing to do - + Nic do roboty No packages selected - + Brak wybranych pakietow OK - + OK Do you wish to remove or reinstall %1? - + Czy chcesz usunac lub przeinstalowac +%1? Remove or ReInstall - + Usun lub Przeinstaluj ReInstall - - - - R - + Przeinstaluj Do you wish to remove or upgrade %1? - + Czy chcesz usunac lub aktualizowac +%1? Remove or Upgrade - - - - U - + Usun lub Aktualizuj Updating Launcher... - + Aktualizuje Launcher... PackageWindow <b>Description</b> - - + <b>Opis</b> - <p><b>Installed To</b> - - + <p><b>Zainstalowany</b> - <p><b>Size</b> - - + <p><b>Rozmiar</b> - <p><b>Section</b> - - + <p><b>Wybor</b> - <p><b>Filename</b> - - + <p><b>Nazwa pliku</b> - <p><b>Version Installed</b> - - + <p><b>Zainstalowana wersja</b> - <p><b>Version Available</b> - - + <p><b>Dostepna wersja</b> - Package Information - + Informacje o pakiecie Package information is unavailable - + Informacje o pakiecie niedostepne Close + Zamknij + + + + QObject + + Installed packages + + + + Local packages + + + + N/A + + + + Package - %1 + version - %2 + + + + + inst version - %1 + + + + Version string is empty. + + + + Epoch in version is not number. + + Nothing after colon in version number. + + + + + QuestionDlg + + Remove + Usun + SettingsImpl Configuration - + Konfiguracja Servers - + Serwery Destinations - + Cele Proxies - + Proxy New - + Nowy Delete - + Usun Server - + Serwer Name: - + Nazwa: Address: - + Adres: Active Server - + Serwer aktywny Update - + Aktualizuj Destination - + Cel Location: - + Lokalizacja: Link to root - + Linkuj do root'a HTTP Proxy - + HTTP Proxy Enabled - + Wlaczone FTP Proxy - + FTP Proxy Username: - + Nazwa uzytkownika: Password: - + Haslo: diff --git a/i18n/pl/backgammon.ts b/i18n/pl/backgammon.ts index 4eb9e18..5f9519d 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/backgammon.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/backgammon.ts @@ -1,2 +1,166 @@ + + AI_Dialog + + Settings + + + + <b>Rescue</b> + + + + ? + + + + <b>Eliminate</b> + + + + <b>Expose</b> + + + + <b>Protect</b> + + + + <b>Safe</b> + + + + <b>Empty</b> + + + + Default Values + + + + Help + + + + Bring the pieces out of the endzone + + + + Eliminate an opponents piece + + + + Expose you own pieces. +After such a move only one piece will remain in the slot + + + + Protect a single piece by +putting another one in this slot + + + + Move piece to a slot already +occupied by the player + + + + Move piece to an empty slot + + + + Press and hold the ? buttton +next to a field for help + + + + + BackGammon + + Backgammon + + + + New + + + + Load + + + + Save + + + + Delete + + + + Game + + + + Default + + + + Theme + + + + Player + + + + AI + + + + Rules + + + + Options + + + + deleted theme %1? + + + + OK + + + + Cancel + + + + Load Theme + + + + <b>no move</b> + + + + <b>Player 1 wins. Click on board for new game.</b> + + + + <b>Player 2 wins. Click on board for new game.</b> + + + + <b>P2 turn</b> + P means player + + + + <b>P1 turn</b> + P means player + + + diff --git a/i18n/pl/backup.ts b/i18n/pl/backup.ts index 02b6cc2..1d04af7 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/backup.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/backup.ts @@ -3,10 +3,55 @@ BackupAndRestore Backup and Restore... working... - + Backup and Restore... pracuje... Backup and Restore + Backup and Restore + + + Error from System: + + + + + Message + + + + Backup Failed! + + + + Ok + + + + Details + + + + Backup and Restore.. Failed !! + + + + Backup Successfull. + + + + Please select something to restore. + + + + Restore Failed. + + + + Unable to open File: %1 + + + + Restore Successfull. @@ -14,38 +59,57 @@ BackupAndRestoreBase Backup And Restore - + Backup and Restore Backup - + Tworzenie kopii Applications - + Aplikacje Save To - + Zapisz do &Backup - + &Tworz kopie Restore - + Odzyskiwanie Select Source - + Wybierz zrodlo Column 1 - + Kolumna 1 &Restore + &Odzyskuj + + + Update Filelist + + + + + ErrorDialog + + Error Info + + + + Error Message: + + + + &OK diff --git a/i18n/pl/bounce.ts b/i18n/pl/bounce.ts index 9d2d3d1..9baa618 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/bounce.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/bounce.ts @@ -7,35 +7,35 @@ &New game - + &Nowa gra &Pause game - + &Pauzuj gre &About - + &O... &Game - + &Gra Score: 00 - + Punkty: 00 Lives: 0% - + Zycia: 0% Filled: 00% - + Wypelnione: 00% Time: 00 - + Czas: 00 Bounce Level %1 @@ -43,33 +43,35 @@ Score: %1 - + Punkty: %1 Game paused. Press P to continue! - + Gra zatrzymana. +Wcisnij P aby kontynuowac! Game Over! Score: %1 - + Koniec Gry! +Punkty: %1 Time: %1 - + Czas: %1 Lives: %1 - + Zycia: %1 Filled: %1% - + Wypelnione: %1% Filled: 0% - + Wypelnione: 0% Successfully cleared more than 75%. @@ -79,21 +81,41 @@ Score: %1 %1 points: 15 points per life - + %1 punktow: 15 punktow na zycie + %1 points: Bonus - + %1 punktow: Bonus + %1 points: Total score - + %1 punktow: Wszystkie punkty + On to level %1. You get %2 lives this time! + Na poziom %1. +Tym razem otrzymujesz %2 zyc! + + + About + + + + Written by: Stefan Schimanski +Ported by: Martin Imobersteg + +Click to form walls. +Hit space to switch wall direction. +Try to reduce total space by 75%. + +This program is distributed under +the terms of the GPL v2. diff --git a/i18n/pl/buttonsettings.ts b/i18n/pl/buttonsettings.ts index 6c13a5b..9e19925 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/buttonsettings.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/buttonsettings.ts @@ -3,59 +3,59 @@ ButtonSettings Button Settings - + Ustawienia przyciskow <center>Press or hold the button you want to remap.</center> - + <center>Wcisnij lub przytrzymaj wcisniety przycisk ktory chcesz przestawic.</center> Press: - + Wcisniety: Hold: - + Przytrzymany: Beam VCard - + Emituj wizytowke (vCard) Send eMail - + Wyslij e-mail Toggle Menu - + Zmien Menu Toggle O-Menu - + Zmien O-Menu Show Desktop - + Pokaz Pulpit Toggle Recording - + Przelacz nagrywanie <nobr>Ignored</nobr> - + <nobr>Zignorowane</nobr> <nobr>Show <b>%1</b></nobr> - + <nobr>Pokaz <b>%1</b></nobr> <nobr>Call <b>%1</b>: <i>%2</i></nobr> - + <nobr>Dzwon <b>%1</b>: <i>%2</i></nobr> <nobr>Call <b>%1</b> <i>%2</i></nobr> - + <nobr>Dzwon <b>%1</b> <i>%2</i></nobr> @@ -63,50 +63,50 @@ %1 %2 (hold|press) buttoname - + %1 %2 Held - + Wcisniety Pressed - + Przytrzymany No mapping - + Brak ustawien Default - + Domyslne Custom - + Inne Actions - + Akcje Show - + Pokaz RemapDlgBase Action - + Akcja Channel - + Kanal Message - + Wiadomosc diff --git a/i18n/pl/buzzword.ts b/i18n/pl/buzzword.ts index 076f679..9594760 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/buzzword.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/buzzword.ts @@ -3,19 +3,19 @@ BuzzWord buZzword - + buZzword &New game - + &Nowa gra &Game - + &Gra <h1><b>BINGO !</b></h1> - + <h1><b>BINGO !</b></h1> diff --git a/i18n/pl/calculator.ts b/i18n/pl/calculator.ts index d0f1bff..b25e304 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/calculator.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/calculator.ts @@ -7,119 +7,119 @@ M+ - + M+ MR - + MR MC - + MC CE - + CE log - + log ln - + ln ( - + ( ) - + ) sin - + sin cos - + cos tan - + tan % - + % +/- - + +/- 3 - + 3 6 - + 6 = - + = 0 - + 0 - - + - x - + x 4 - + 4 8 - + 8 / - + / + - + + 1 - + 1 . - + . 5 - + 5 7 - + 7 9 - + 9 2 - + 2 @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Standard - + Standard diff --git a/i18n/pl/calibrate.ts b/i18n/pl/calibrate.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6af2a57 --- a/dev/null +++ b/i18n/pl/calibrate.ts @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ + + + Calibrate + + Touch the crosshairs firmly and +accurately to calibrate your screen. + + + + Welcome to Opie + + + + diff --git a/i18n/pl/checkbook.ts b/i18n/pl/checkbook.ts index 77b4422..87a0025 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/checkbook.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/checkbook.ts @@ -3,43 +3,43 @@ Checkbook Checkbook - + Rachunek New checkbook - + Nowy rachunek Info - + Informacje Transactions - + Transakcje Charts - + Wykresy Name: - + Nazwa: Enter name of checkbook here. - + Wpisz nazwe rachunku. Type: - + Typ: Select type of checkbook here. - + Wybierz typ rachunku. Savings - + Oszczednosci Checking @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ CD - + CD Money market @@ -59,446 +59,465 @@ Other - + Inne Bank: - + Bank: Enter name of the bank for this checkbook here. - + Wpisz tu nazwe banku dla rachunku. Account number: - + Numer konta: Enter account number for this checkbook here. - + Wpisz tu numer konta dla rachunku. PIN number: - + Numer PIN: Enter PIN number for this checkbook here. - + Wpisz tu numer PIN dla rachunku. Starting balance: - + Bilans poczatkowy: Enter the initial balance for this checkbook here. - + Wpisz tu poczatkowy bilans dla rachunku. Notes: - + Notatki: Enter any additional information for this checkbook here. - + Wpisz tu dodatkowe informacje o tym rachunku. Current balance: %10.00 - + Aktualny bilans: %10.00 This area shows the current balance in this checkbook. - + Ten obszar pokazuje aktualny bilans tego rachunku. This is a listing of all transactions entered for this checkbook. To sort entries by a specific field, click on the column name. - + To jest lista wszystkich transakcji przeprowadzonych na tym rachunku. + +By przesortowac wpisy wg pewnego pola, kliknij na nazwe kolumny. Date - + Data Description - + Opis Amount - + Ilosc New - + Nowa Click here to add a new transaction. - + Kliknij tu aby dodac nowa transakcje. Edit - + Edytuj Select a transaction and then click here to edit it. - + Wybierz transakcje, a nastepnie kliknij tu by ja edytowac. Delete - + Usun Select a checkbook and then click here to delete it. - + Wybierz rachunek i kliknij tu aby go usunac. Select the desired chart below and then click on the Draw button. - + Wybierz pozadany wykres ponizej i kliknij na przycisk Rysuj. Click here to select the desired chart type. - + Kliknij tu aby wyprac typ wykresu. Account balance - + Bilans konta Withdrawals by category - + Wyplaty wg kateorii Deposits by category - + Wplaty wg kategorii Draw - + Rysuj Click here to draw the selected chart. - + Kliknij tu aby rysowac wybrany wykres. Current balance: %1%2 - + Aktualny bilans: %1%2 Delete transaction - + Usun transakcje Password protect - + Ochrona hasla Click here to enable/disable password protection of this checkbook. - + Kliknij tu aby wlaczyc/wylaczyc ochrone tego rachunku haslem. Num - + Nr Enter password - + Wpisz haslo Please enter your password: - + Prosze wpisac swoje haslo: Confirm password - + Potwierdz haslo Please confirm your password: - + Prosze potwierdzic swoje haslo: Please enter your password to confirm removal of password protection: - + Prosze wpisac swoje haslo aby potwierdzic zniesienie ochrony hasla: Configuration Configure Checkbook - + Konfiguruj rachunek Enter currency symbol: - + Podaj symbol waluty: Enter your local currency symbol here. - + Tu wpisz symbol swojej lokalnej waluty. Show whether checkbook is password protected - + Pokaz czy rachunek jest chroniony +haslem Click here to select whether or not the main window will display that the checkbook is protected with a password. - + Kliknij tu by zdecydowac, czy okno glowne ma pokazywac czy rachunek jest chroniony haslem. Show checkbook balances - + Pokaz bilanse rachunkow Click here to select whether or not the main window will display the current balance for each checkbook. - + Kliknij tu by zdecydowac, czy okno glowne ma pokazywac aktualny bilans kazdego rachunku. MainWindow Checkbook - + Rachunek New - + Nowa Click here to create a new checkbook. You also can select New from the Checkbook menu. - + Kliknij tu aby stworzyc nowy rachunek. + +Mozesz rowniez wybrac Nowy z menu Rachunek. Edit - + Edytuj Select a checkbook and then click here to edit it. You also can select Edit from the Checkbook menu, or click and hold on a checkbook name. - + Wybierz rachunek i kliknij tu aby go edytowac. + +Mozesz rowniez wybrac Edytuj z menu Rachunek albo kliknac i przytrzymac nazwe rachunku. Delete - + Usun Select a checkbook and then click here delete it. You also can select Delete from the Checkbook menu. - + Wybierz rachunek i kliknij tu aby go usunac. + +Mozesz rowniez wybrac Usun z menu Rachunek. This is a listing of all checkbooks currently available. - + To jest lista wszystkich aktualnie dostepnych rachunkow. Delete checkbook - + Usun rachunek Configure - + Konfiguruj Click here to configure this app. - + Kliknij tu aby skonfigurowac ta aplikcaje. Checkbook Name - + Nazwa rachunku Balance - + Bilans Enter password - + Podaj haslo Please enter your password: - + Prosze podac swoje haslo: Transaction Transaction for - + Transakcja na Withdrawal - + Wyplata Select whether the transaction is a withdrawal or deposit here. - + Wybierz tu czy transakcja jest wycofaniem czy depozytem. Deposit - + Wplata Date: - + Data: Select date of transaction here. - + Tu wybierz date transakcji. Number: - + Numer: Enter check number here. - + Wpisz tu numer czeku. Description: - + Opis: Enter description of transaction here. - + Tu wpisz opis transakcji. Category: - + Kategoria: Select transaction category here. - + Wybierz tu kategorie transakcji. Type: - + Typ: Select transaction type here. The options available vary based on whether the transaction is a deposit or withdrawal. - + Tu wybierz typ transakcji. + +Dostepnosc opcji jest uzalezniona od tego, czy transakcja jest depozytem, czy wycofaniem. Amount: - + Ilosc: Enter the amount of transaction here. The value entered should always be positive. - + Wpisz tu wielkosc transakcji. + +Wartosc ta powinna byc zawsze liczba dodatnia. Fee: - + Prowizja: Enter any fee amount assoiciated with this transaction. The value entered should always be positive. - + Wpisz jakiekolwiek oplaty/prowizje zwiazana z ta transakcja. + +Wpisana wartosc powinna byc liczba dodatnia. Notes: - + Notatki: Enter any additional information for this transaction here. - + Wpisz tu dodatkowe informacje o transakcji. Automobile - + Samochod Bills - + Rachunki CDs - + Plyty CD Clothing - + Ubrania Computer - + Komputer DVDs - + Plyty DVD Eletronics - + Elektronika Entertainment - + Rozrywka Food - + Jedzenie Gasoline - + Bezyna Misc - + Rozne Movies - + Filmy Rent - + Czynsz Travel - + Podroz Debit Charge - + Karta platnicza Written Check - + Czek Transfer - + Transfer Credit Card - + Karta kredytowa Work - + Praca Family Member - + Czlonek rodziny Misc. Credit - + Rozne Automatic Payment - + Automatyczna platnosc Cash + Gotowka + + + Electronics diff --git a/i18n/pl/citytime.ts b/i18n/pl/citytime.ts index dcb79e8..200e47c 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/citytime.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/citytime.ts @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ CityTime Time Changing - Czas zmieniony + Zmieniam czas There was a problem setting timezone %1 - Jest problem z ustawieniem strony czasowej %1 + Jest problem z ustawieniem strefy czasowej %1 Restore Time Zone - Przywracam Strefe Czasowa + Przywroc Strefe Czasowa There was a problem setting your timezone.Your time may be wrong now... @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Click on one of the set cities to replace it - + Kliknij na jednym z ustawionych miast by je zastapic innym @@ -37,31 +37,31 @@ Unable to Find Timezone Info - Nie moge znalesc informacji o strefie czasowej + Nie mozna znalesc informacji o strefie czasowej <p>Unable to find any timezone information in %1 - <p>Nie moge znalesc zadnej strefy czasowej w %1 + <p>Nie mozna znalesc informacji o strefie czasowej w %1 Couldn't Find Map - + Nie mozna znalezc mapy <p>Couldn't load map: %1, exiting - + <p>Nie mozna zaladowac mapy: %1, koncze Continent - + Kontynent Select a continent/country here, then select a city - + Wybierz kontynent/kraj, a potem wybierz miasto City - + Miasto diff --git a/i18n/pl/clock.ts b/i18n/pl/clock.ts index 5a28d2b..53a4c84 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/clock.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/clock.ts @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ PM - + PM Clock @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Stopwatch - Zatrzymaj + Stoper Start @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Reset - + Zeruj Set Alarm @@ -39,14 +39,18 @@ Stop - + Zatrzymaj Set date and time. - + Ustaw date i godzine. Clock: Alarm was missed. + Zegar: Alarm zostal przegapiony. + + + Alarm set: %1 @@ -66,29 +70,29 @@ AM - + AM PM - + PM Snooze Delay (minutes) - Opoznienie drzemni + Opoznienie drzemki (minuty) mp3 alarm - + alarm mp3 All - + Wszystkie Audio - + Audio diff --git a/i18n/pl/confedit.ts b/i18n/pl/confedit.ts index a4f440a..e6907ca 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/confedit.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/confedit.ts @@ -3,76 +3,76 @@ EditWidget File Name: - + Nazwa pliku: Group: - + Grupa: Key: - + Klucz: Value: - + Wartosc: ListViewConfDir Files - + Pliki Could not open - + Nie mozna otworzyc The directory - + Folder could not be opened. - + nie moze byc otworzony. ListViewItemConfFile Could not open - + Nie mozna otworzyc The file - + Plik could not be opened. - + nie moze byc otworzony. no group - + bez grupy MainWindow Conf File Editor - + Edytor Plikow Konfiguracyjnych Save - + Zapisz Revert - + Odwroc zmiany Delete - + Usun diff --git a/i18n/pl/datebook.ts b/i18n/pl/datebook.ts index 71b9162..5ef4c55 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/datebook.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/datebook.ts @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ WeekLst - Tydzien + Tydzien - lista Month @@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ Event duration is potentially longer than interval between repeats. - Czas zdarzenia jest dluzszy -niz czestotliwosc powtarzania. + Czas zdarzenia jest potencjalnie dluzszy +niz odstep pomiedzy jego powtorzeniami. Can not edit data, currently syncing @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ niz czestotliwosc powtarzania. OK - + OK Out of space @@ -66,14 +66,14 @@ Free up some space and try again. Quit anyway? Kaledarz nie moze -zapisac zmien. -Zrob wiecej miejsca w pamieci i sprobuj ponownie. +zapisac zmian. +Zwolnij miejsce w pamieci i sprobuj ponownie. Wyjsc ? (Unknown) - (nieznany) + (Nieznany) Error! @@ -89,10 +89,14 @@ Wyjsc ? Duplicate Event - + Duplikuj zdarzenie Edit... + Edytuj... + + + error box @@ -100,23 +104,23 @@ Wyjsc ? DateBookDayHeaderBase M - P + M T - W + T W - S + W F - P + F S - + S Monday @@ -151,7 +155,7 @@ Wyjsc ? DateBookDayView :00p - + :00p @@ -174,22 +178,26 @@ Wyjsc ? Beam - + Emituj This is an all day event. - + To jest zdarzenie calodniowe. Time - + Czas - - + - Duplicate + Duplikuj + + + Beam this occurence @@ -197,27 +205,27 @@ Wyjsc ? DateBookSettings :00 PM - + :00 PM :00 AM - + :00 AM PM - + PM AM - + AM :00 - + :00 Calendar - Kalendarz + Kalendarz @@ -232,11 +240,11 @@ Wyjsc ? Start Time: - Czas startu: + Czas poczatkowy: :00 - + :00 Alarm Settings @@ -244,7 +252,7 @@ Wyjsc ? Alarm Preset - Reset alarmu + Ustawienie alarmu minutes @@ -252,107 +260,115 @@ Wyjsc ? Misc - + Rozne Row style: - + Styl wierszy: Default - + Domyslne Medium - + Srednie Large - + Duze Views - + Widoki Default view: - + Domyslny widok: Day - Dzien + Dzien Week - Tydzien + Tydzien Week List - + Tydzien - lista Month - Miesiac + Miesiac Jump to current time - + Skocz do "dzisiaj" Time display - + Wyswietlanie czasu None - Brak + Brak Start - Poczatek + Poczatek Start-End - + Poczatek-koniec Defaults - + Domyslne Location: - + Lokalizacja: Office - Biuro + Biuro Home - Dom + Dom Category: - + Kategoria: DateBookWeek This is an all day event. - + To jest zdarzenie calodniowe. DateBookWeekHeader w - + t DateBookWeekHeaderBase 00. Jan-00. Jan + 00. Sty-00. Sty + + + + DateBookWeekLstDayHdr + + MTWTFSSM + Week days @@ -360,60 +376,60 @@ Wyjsc ? DateBookWeekLstHeader w - + t DateBookWeekLstHeaderBase W: 00,00 - + T: 00,00 2 - + 2 DateBookWeekView - M + p + p + + + Mo Monday - + Pn - T + Tu Tuesday - + Wt - W + We Wednesday - + Sr - T + Th Thursday - + Czw - F + Fr Friday - + Pt - S + Sa Saturday - + So - S + Su Sunday - - - - p - + Ni @@ -448,11 +464,11 @@ Wyjsc ? Start Time - + Poczatek End Time - + Koniec @@ -499,11 +515,11 @@ Wyjsc ? Start time - Czas startu + Poczatek All day - Kazdy dzien + Caly dzien Time zone @@ -511,7 +527,7 @@ Wyjsc ? &Alarm - + &Alarm minutes @@ -535,14 +551,21 @@ Wyjsc ? Description - + Opis Start - End - + Poczatek - Koniec Note... + Notatki... + + + + DatebookAlldayDisp + + Info @@ -550,18 +573,18 @@ Wyjsc ? NoteEntryBase Edit Note - + Edytuj notatke <b>1/10</b> Lunch - + <b>1/10</b> Obiad QObject Start - Poczatek + Poczatek End @@ -639,15 +662,15 @@ Wyjsc ? RepeatEntry No Repeat - Nie Powtarzaj + Jednorazowe day(s) - dzien + dzienne week(s) - tydzien + tygodniowe Repeat By @@ -663,11 +686,11 @@ Wyjsc ? month(s) - miesiac + miesieczne year(s) - rok + roczne days @@ -707,12 +730,16 @@ i , and , i + + on + + RepeatEntryBase Repeating Event - Powtarzajace zdarzenie + Powtarzajace sie zdarzenie None diff --git a/i18n/pl/drawpad.ts b/i18n/pl/drawpad.ts index 0087591..8cbf1c6 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/drawpad.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/drawpad.ts @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Import... - Import... + Importuj... Export @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Export... - + Eksportuj... Tools @@ -63,27 +63,27 @@ Draw Point - Rysik + Rysuj punkt Draw Line - Linia + Rysuj linie Draw Rectangle - Prostokaty + Rysuj prostokat Draw Filled Rectangle - Pudelka + Rysuj wypelniony prostokat Draw Ellipse - Elipsy + Rysuj elipse Draw Filled Ellipse - Wypelnione elipsy + Rysuj wypelniona elipse Fill Region @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Erase Point - Usun punkt + Wyczysc punkt Pen Width @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Insert Text - + Wstaw tekst Thumbnail View @@ -119,113 +119,113 @@ Page Information - + Informacje o stronie Page Information... - + Informacje o stronie... Do you want to clear the current page? - Chcesz wyczyscic + Chcesz wyczyscic aktualna strone? Yes - + Tak No - + Nie Do you want to delete the current page? - Chcesz usunac + Chcesz usunac aktualna strone? Do you want to delete all the pages? - Chcesz usunac + Chcesz usunac wszystkie strony? Anti-Aliasing - + Antyaliasing Click here to add a new sheet. - + Kliknij tu aby dodac nowa kartke. Click here to erase the current sheet. - + Kliknij tu aby wyczyscic aktualna kartke. Click here to remove the current sheet. - + Kliknij tu aby usunac aktualna kartke. Click here to undo the last action. - + Kliknij tu by cofnac ostatnia akcje. Click here to re-perform the last action. - + Kliknij tu aby powtorzyc ostatnia akcje. Click here to view the first page. - + Kliknij tu aby zobaczyc pierwsza strone. Click here to view the previous page. - + Kliknij tu aby zobaczyc poprzednia strone. Click here to view the next page. - + Kliknij tu aby zobaczyc nastepna strone. Click here to view the last page. - + Kliknij tu aby zobaczyc ostatnia strone. Click here to select one of the available tools to draw lines. - + Kliknij tu aby wybrac jedno z dostepnych narzedzi do rysowania linii. Click here to select one of the available tools to draw rectangles. - + Kliknij tu aby wybrac jedno z dostepnych narzedzi do rysowania prostokatow. Click here to select one of the available tools to draw ellipses. - + Kliknij tu aby wybrac jedno z dostepnych narzedzi do rysowania elips. Click here to select the text drawing tool. - + Kliknij tu aby wybrac narzedzie do wstawiania tekstu. Click here to select the fill tool. - + Kliknij tu aby wybrac narzedzie do wypelniania. Click here to select the eraser tool. - + Kliknij tu aby wybrac gumke. Click here to select the width of the drawing pen. - + Kliknij tu aby wybrac szerokosc rysika. Click here to select the color used when drawing. - + Kliknij tu aby wybrac kolor rysika. Click here to select the color used when filling in areas. - + Kliknij tu aby wybrac kolor wypelnienia. DrawPad - Page %1/%2 @@ -270,6 +270,10 @@ wszystkie strony? DrawPad - Export + + All Images + Wszystkie obrazki + ImportDialog @@ -285,6 +289,10 @@ wszystkie strony? DrawPad - Import + + All images + Wszystkie obrazki + NewPageDialog @@ -306,80 +314,80 @@ wszystkie strony? Fill Color - Kolor wypelnienia + Kolor wypelnienia General - + Ogolne Title: - + Tytul: Size - + Rozmiar Width: - + Szerokosc: Height: - + Wysokosc: PageInformationDialog Page Information - + Informacje o stronie General - + Ogolne Title: - + Tytul: Date: - + Data: Size - + Rozmiar Width: - + Szerokosc: Height: - + Wysokosc: QObject Title: %1 - + Tytul: %1 Dimension: %1x%2 - + Wymiary: %1x%2 Date: %1 - + Data: %1 TextToolDialog Insert Text - + Wstaw tekst @@ -390,49 +398,51 @@ wszystkie strony? Clear Page - Wyczysc strone + Wyczysc strone Do you want to clear the selected page? - + Czy chcesz wyczyscic +wybrana strone? Yes - + Tak No - + Nie Delete Page - Usun strone + Usun strone Do you want to delete the selected page? - + Czy chcesz usunac +wybrana strone? Click here to add a new sheet. - + Kliknij tu aby dodac nowa kartke. Click here to erase the current sheet. - + Kliknij tu aby wyczyscic aktualna kartke. Click here to remove the current sheet. - + Kliknij tu aby usunac aktualna kartke. Click here to move the current sheet up one position in the list. - + Kliknij tu aby przesunac aktualna kartke w gore listy. Click here to move the current sheet down one position in the list. - + Kliknij tu aby przesunac aktualna kartke w dol listy. diff --git a/i18n/pl/embeddedkonsole.ts b/i18n/pl/embeddedkonsole.ts index 1e73799..fb27ae3 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/embeddedkonsole.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/embeddedkonsole.ts @@ -3,22 +3,42 @@ CommandEditDialog Command Selection - Wybor komenty + Wybor polecenia + + + new + nowe + + + edit + edytuj + + + delete + usun + + + up + gora + + + down + dol CommandEditDialogBase Commands - Komendy + Polecenia <B>Commands</B>: - <B>Komendy</B>: + <B>Polecenia</B>: <B>Suggested Commands</B>: - <B>Sugerowane</B>: + <B>Sugerowane polecenia</B>: @@ -29,7 +49,7 @@ Micro - + Bardzo male Small Fixed @@ -41,11 +61,11 @@ Show command list - Wyswietl liste komend + Wyswietl liste polecen Hide command list - Ukryj liste komend + Ukryj liste polecen Tabs on Bottom @@ -65,7 +85,7 @@ Black on Transparent - Biale na przezroczystym + Czarne na przezroczystym Black on Red @@ -85,15 +105,15 @@ Magenta on Blue - Magneta na Niebieskim + Magneta na niebieskim Cyan on White - Cyan na bialym + Cyjan na bialym White on Cyan - Biale na cyanie + Biale na cyjan Blue on Black @@ -101,7 +121,7 @@ Amber on Black - Amber na czarnym + Bursztyn na czarnym Colors @@ -169,49 +189,49 @@ Show Command List - Wyswietl liste komend + Wyswietl liste polecen Hide Command List - Ukryj liste komend + Ukryj liste polecen Custom - + Zdefiniuj Command List - + Lista polecen Wrap - + Zawijaj Use Beep - + Uzywaj sygnalu Tabs on Top - + Zakladki na gorze PlayListSelection Command Selection - Wybor komendy + Wybor polecenia editCommandBase Add command - Dodaj komende + Dodaj polecenie Enter command to add: - Wprowadz komende do dodania: + Wprowadz polecenie do dodania: diff --git a/i18n/pl/euroconv.ts b/i18n/pl/euroconv.ts index 4eb9e18..3b1456a 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/euroconv.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/euroconv.ts @@ -1,2 +1,9 @@ + + QObject + + Euroconv + + + diff --git a/i18n/pl/fifteen.ts b/i18n/pl/fifteen.ts index 99c3adc..462fd0e 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/fifteen.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/fifteen.ts @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Wygrales gre! &Reset Pieces - &Reset klocki + &Resetuj klocki diff --git a/i18n/pl/filebrowser.ts b/i18n/pl/filebrowser.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 72816ab..0000000 --- a/i18n/pl/filebrowser.ts +++ b/dev/null @@ -1,247 +0,0 @@ - - - FileBrowser - - File Manager - Przegladarka plikow - - - Dir - Katalog - - - Sort - Sortuj - - - by Name - wg Nazwy - - - by Size - wg Rozmiaru - - - by Date - wg Daty - - - by Type - wg Typu - - - Ascending - Malejaco - - - Hidden - Ukryj - - - Symlinks - Symlinki - - - View - Widok - - - Previous dir - Poprzedni katalog - - - Parent dir - Nadrzedny katalog - - - New folder - Nowy folder - - - Cut - Wytnij - - - Copy - Kopiuj - - - Paste - Wklej - - - / - - - - Thumbnails - - - - - FileView - - File Manager - Przegladarka plikow - - - Can't show /dev/ directory. - Nie moge wyswietlic katalogu /dev/ - - - &Ok - - - - Rename file - Zmiana nazwy - - - Rename failed! - Zmiana nazwy nie udala sie! - - - Paste file - Wklej plik - - - Paste failed! - Wklejanie nie udalo sie! - - - Ok - - - - Cut file - Wytnij plik - - - Cut failed! - Wycinanie nie udalo sie! - - - Delete - Usun - - - Are you sure? - Jestes pewnien? - - - Yes - Tak - - - No - Nie - - - Delete failed! - Usuwanie nie udalo sie! - - - New folder - Nowy folder - - - Folder creation failed! - Tworzenie katalogu nie udalo sie! - - - Launch Application - Wywolaj Aplikacje - - - Launch failed! - Wywolanie nie powiodlo sie! - - - Add to Documents - Dodaj do dokumentow - - - Run - Uruchom - - - View as text - Wyswietl jako tekst - - - Rename - Zmien nazwe - - - Cut - Wytnij - - - Copy - Kopiuj - - - Paste - Wklej - - - Change Permissions - Zmien uprawnienia - - - Select all - Zaznacz wszystko - - - Deselect all - Odznacz wszystko - - - Change permissions - Zmien uprawnienia - - - - filePermissions - - Set File Permissions - Ustaw uprawnienia - - - Set file permissions for: - Ustaw uprawnienia dla: - - - owner - wlasciciel - - - group - grupa - - - others - inni - - - Owner - Wlasciciel - - - Group - Grupa - - - read - odczyt - - - write - zapis - - - execute - uruchamianie - - - diff --git a/i18n/pl/formatter.ts b/i18n/pl/formatter.ts index 751e732..1cfe32c 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/formatter.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/formatter.ts @@ -3,158 +3,209 @@ FormatterApp Formatter - + Formater Storage Type - + Typ pamieci File Systems - + Systemy plikow Format - + Format Main - + Glowny CAUTION: Changing parameters on this page may cause your system to stop functioning properly!! - + UWAGA: +Zmiana parametrow na tej +stronie moze zaklocic prawidlowe +dzialanie twojego systemu!! Edit fstab - + Edytuj fstab Check Disk - + Sprawdz dysk Device - + Urzadzenie Mount Point - + Punkt montowania Advanced - + Zaawansowane Format?!? - + Formatowac?!? Really format - + Na pewno formatowac + with - + +na filesystem?!? You will loose all data!! - + system plikow?!? +Stracisz wszystkie dane!! Yes - + Tak No - + Nie Could not format. Unknown type - + Nie mozna zformatowac. +Nieznany typ Ok - + Ok Formatter Output - + Dane wyjsciowe Formatera Trying to umount. - + Probuje odmontowac. umount failed! - + odmontowanie sie nie powiodlo! &OK - + &OK Could not umount. Device is busy! - + Nie mozna odmontowac. Urzadzenie jest uzywane! Trying to format. - + Probuje formatowac. No such device! - + Brak takiego urzadzenia! has been successfully formatted. - + +zostal zformatowany. Trying to mount. - + Probuje zamontowac. Card mount failed! - + Zamontowanie karty nie powiodlo sie! has been successfully mounted. - + +zostal zamontowany. You can now close the output window. - + Mozesz zamknac okno z wynikami. Internal - + Wewnetrzny Storage Type : - + Typ pamieci: Total: %1 kB ( %d mB) - + Calosc: %1 kB ( %d mB) + Used: %1 kB ( %d mB) - + Zajete: %1 kB ( %d mB) + Available: %1 kB ( %d mB) + Dostepne: %1 kB ( %d mB) + + + CAUTION: +Changing parameters on this +page may cause your system +to stop functioning properly! + + + + Format? + + + + +with %1 filesystem? +You will loose all data!! + + + + Trying to umount %1. + + + + Trying to mount %1. + + + + %1 +has been successfully mounted. + + + + Storage Type: %1 + + + + Type: %1 +Formatted with %2 +%3, %4, %5 diff --git a/i18n/pl/go.ts b/i18n/pl/go.ts index f69efe3..3c8fab0 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/go.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/go.ts @@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ Pass - + Pas Resign - + Rezygnuj Two player option - Opcje dla 2 graczy + Opcja dla 2 graczy Game @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ I pass - + Pasuje Prisoners: black %1, white %2 diff --git a/i18n/pl/helpbrowser.ts b/i18n/pl/helpbrowser.ts index 2f8b5a7..2c48923 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/helpbrowser.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/helpbrowser.ts @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Home - Dom + Poczatek Add Bookmark @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ Pomoc - HelpBrowser - Pomoc + Go + diff --git a/i18n/pl/kbill.ts b/i18n/pl/kbill.ts index f4d45dd..1f17284 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/kbill.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/kbill.ts @@ -3,35 +3,35 @@ KBill kBill - + kBill New game - + Nowa gra Pause game - + Pauzuj gre Story of kBill - + Historia kBill'a Rules - + Zasady &File - + &Plik &Help - + &Pomoc Pause Game - + Pauzuj Gre <b>The Story</b><p>Yet again, the fate of the world rests in your hands! An evil computer hacker, known only by his handle 'Bill', has created the ultimate computer virus. A virus so powerful that it has the power to transmute an ordinary computer into a toaster oven. (oooh!) 'Bill' has cloned himself into a billion-jillion micro-Bills. Their sole purpose is to deliver the nefarious virus, which has been cleverly diguised as a popular operating system. As System Administrator and Exterminator, your job is to keep Bill from succeeding at his task. @@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ The story of KBill - + Historia KBill The rules of KBill - + Zasady KBill <b>The Rules</b><p>kBill has been painstakingly designed and researched in order to make it as easy to use for the whole family as it is for little Sally. Years - nay - days of beta testing and consulting with the cheapest of human interface designers have resulted in a game that is easy to use, yet nothing at all like a Macintosh.<p><UL><LI>Whack the Bills (click)</LI><LI>Restart the computer (click)</LI><LI>Pick up stolen OSes & return (drag) them to their respective computers</LI><LI>Drag the bucket to extinguish sparks</LI><LI>Scoring is based on total uptime, with bonuses for killing Bills.</LI></UL><P>As for the rest, you can probably work it out for yourself. We did, so it can't be too hard @@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ UI After Level - + Po Poziomie Your score - + Twoje punkty diff --git a/i18n/pl/kcheckers.ts b/i18n/pl/kcheckers.ts index d11d388..93e10f5 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/kcheckers.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/kcheckers.ts @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Go! - + Start! Congratulation! You have won! @@ -31,99 +31,99 @@ &New - + &Nowa &Undo Move - + &Cofnij ruch &Quit - + &Koniec &Beginner - + &Poczatkujacy &Novice - + &Nowicjusz &Average - + &Sredni &Good - + &Dobry &Expert - + &Ekspert &Master - + &Mistrz &Show Numeration - + &Pokaz numeracje &English Rules - + Zasady &angielskie &Russian Rules - + Zasady &rosyjskie &Green Board - + &Zielona szachownica &Marble Board - + &Marmurowa szachownica &Wooden Board - + &Drewniana szachownica &Rules of Play - + &Reguly gry &About KCheckers - + &O KCheckers &Game - + &Gra &Skill - + &Trudnosc &Options - + &Opcje &Help - + &Pomoc New Game - + Nowa gra Undo Move - + Cofnij ruch Rules of Play - + Reguly gry diff --git a/i18n/pl/keypebble.ts b/i18n/pl/keypebble.ts index 0a39aad..7ed2803 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/keypebble.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/keypebble.ts @@ -17,11 +17,13 @@ Read Error: QSocket reported an error reading data, the remote host has probably dropped the connection. - + Blad odczytu: QSocket zglosil blad przy czytaniu +danych, prawdopodobnie zdalny host porzucil +polaczenie. QSocket reported an invalid error code - + QSocket zglosil nieprawidlowy kod bledu @@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ connection. Protocol Error: An unknown encoding was used by the server %1 - + Blad protokolu: Serwer %1 uzyl nieznanego kodowania @@ -55,11 +57,11 @@ connection. Error: Invalid server version, %1 - + Blad: Niewlasciwa wersja serwera, %1 Error: Unsupported server version, %1 - + Blad: Nieobslugiwana wersja serwera, %1 Logged in @@ -68,16 +70,18 @@ connection. Error: This server requires a password, but none has been specified. - + Blad: Serwer zazadal hasla, ale zadne nie zostalo podane. + Error: The password you specified was incorrect. - + Blad: Podane haslo jest nieprawidlowe. Error: Too many invalid login attempts have been made to this account, please try later. - + Blad: Zbyt wiele nieudanych prob logowania na to konto, +sprobuj pozniej. Login Failed @@ -120,85 +124,85 @@ to this account, please try later. New Connection - + Nowe polaczenie Open Bookmark - + Otworz zakladke Delete Bookmark - + Usun zakladke Send Contrl-Alt-Delete - + Wyslij Contrl-Alt-Delete Next Click is Double Click - + Natepne klikniecie to podwojne klikniecie Next Click is Right Click - + Nastepne klikniecie to prawy przycisk KVNCBookmarkDlgBase Bookmarks - + Zakladki Choose a bookmark that you would like to open - + Wybierz zakladke, ktora chcesz otworzyc KVNCConnDlgBase VNC Viewer Connection - + Polaczenie z VNC Viewer Server - + Serwer Show Password - + Pokaz haslo Password: - Haslo: + Haslo: Bookmark Name: - + Nazwa zakladki: Host Name: - Nazwa serwera: + Nazwa komputera: Display Number: - Numer pulpitu: + Numer pulpitu: Options - + Opcje Check for screen updates every: - Sprawdz zmiany na pulpicie co: + Sprawdz zmiany na pulpicie co: Milliseconds - Milisekund + Milisekund Request 8-bit session - Zarzadaj 8-bit sesji + Zazadaj 8-bit sesji Raise on bell @@ -206,19 +210,19 @@ to this account, please try later. Request shared session - Zarzadaj wspoldzielonej sesji + Zarzadaj wspoldzielonej sesji 1 - + 1 2 - + 2 4 - + 4 Scale Factor @@ -226,19 +230,19 @@ to this account, please try later. Encodings - + Kodowania Hextile encoding - + Kodowanie Hextile CoRRE encoding - + Kodowanie CoRRE RRE encoding - + Kodowanie RRE Copy rectangle encoding @@ -246,7 +250,7 @@ to this account, please try later. The password of the VNC server - + Haslo serwera VNC Toggle obscuring the password @@ -254,15 +258,15 @@ to this account, please try later. The name of the VNC server - + Nazwa serwera VNC The host name of the VNC server - + Nazwa komputera serwera VNC The display number of the VNC server - + Numer pulpitu serwera VNC Delay between requesting updates from the server @@ -274,11 +278,11 @@ to this account, please try later. Allow other users to connect to the VNC server - + Zezwalaj innym uzytkownikom na polaczenia do serwera VNC Scale the remote display to fit on the PDA (Slow) - + Skaluj zdalny pulpit do ekranu PDA (wolne) Enable transmiting identical rectangles as references to existing data diff --git a/i18n/pl/kpacman.ts b/i18n/pl/kpacman.ts index fb73268..ca93483 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/kpacman.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/kpacman.ts @@ -3,62 +3,62 @@ Keys Ok - + Ok Defaults - + Domyslne Cancel - + Anuluj Change Direction Keys - + Zmien przyciski kierunkow Undefined key - + Niezdefiniowany przycisk Kpacman &New - + &Nowa &Pause - + &Pauza &Hall of fame - + &Sala slawy &Quit - + &Koniec &Hide Mousecursor - + &Ukryj kursor &Select graphic scheme - + &Wybierz schemat grafiki &Pause in Background - + Pauzuj w &tle &Continue in Foreground - + Kontynuuj na &pierwszym planie Change &keys... - + &Zmien przyciski... @PACKAGE@ - @VERSION@ @@ -79,15 +79,10 @@ the last 10 years of her friendship. &Help - + &Pomoc - Configuration Error - - - - There are no schemes defined, -or no scheme is selected. + KPacman @@ -105,63 +100,63 @@ or is of an unknown format. Referee GAME OVER - + KONIEC GRY PLAYER ONE - + GRACZ 1 READY! - + SZYKUJ SIE! PAUSED - + PAUZA CHARACTER - + POSTAC / - + / NICKNAME - + KSYWKA -SHADOW - + -SHADOW "BLINKY" - + "BLINKY" -SPEEDY - + -SPEEDY "PINKY" - + "PINKY" -BASHFUL - + -BASHFUL "INKY" - + "INKY" -POKEY - + -POKEY "CLYDE" - + "CLYDE" QTOPIA PORT: CATALIN CLIMOV @@ -169,7 +164,7 @@ or is of an unknown format. PRESS CURSOR TO START - + WCISNIJ KURSOR BY ZACZAC @@ -188,15 +183,15 @@ or is of an unknown format. CONGRATULATIONS - + GRATULACJE YOU HAVE ARCHIEVED - + OSIAGNOLES A SCORE IN THE TOP 10. - + PUNKTACJA W PIERWSZEJ 10. RNK SCORE NAME DATE @@ -204,7 +199,7 @@ or is of an unknown format. PAUSED - + PAUZA @YY@/@MM@/@DD@ @@ -226,7 +221,7 @@ or is of an unknown format. Initialization Error - + Blad inicjalizacji diff --git a/i18n/pl/language.ts b/i18n/pl/language.ts index 3ddd2bc..e7dc76a 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/language.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/language.ts @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ LanguageSettings English - + Angielski default - + domyslny @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Language Settings - + Ustawienia jezyka diff --git a/i18n/pl/launchersettings.ts b/i18n/pl/launchersettings.ts index d6ee0ff..d463456 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/launchersettings.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/launchersettings.ts @@ -3,206 +3,206 @@ LauncherSettings Launcher Settings - + Ustawienia Launcher'a Taskbar - + Pasek zadan O-Menu - + O-Menu Tabs - + Zakladki MenuSettings Load applets in O-Menu: - + W O-Menu laduj applety: Show Launcher tabs in O-Menu - + W O-Menu pokazuj zakladki Launcher'a Check the applets that you want to have included in the O-Menu. - + Zaznacz applety, ktore maja byc umieszczone w O-Menu. Adds the contents of the Launcher Tabs as menus in the O-Menu. - + Dodaje zawartosc zakladek Launcher'a jako menu w O-Menu. - SampleView + QObject Sample 1 - + Przyklad 1 Sample 2 - + Przyklad 2 Sample 3 - + Przyklad 3 TabDialog Edit Tab - + Edytuj zakladke Background - + Tlo Font - + Czcionka Icons - + Ikony Previewing %1 - + Podglad %1 This is a rough preview of what the currently selected Tab will look like. - + To ogolny podglad tego jak bedzie wygladac aktualnie wybrana zakladka. Use a custom font - + Uzyj wlasnej czcionki Type: - + Typ: Ruled - + Paski Solid color - + Jednolity kolor Image - + Tapeta Select... - + Wybierz... Default - + Domyslne Size: - + Rozmiar: Small - + Male Large - + Duze Color: - + Kolor: TabsSettings Launcher Tabs: - + Zakladki Launcher'a: foobar - + foobar New - + Nowa Edit - + Edytuj Delete - + Usun Enable big busy indicator - + Wlacz duzy wskaznik zajetosci Enable blinking busy indicator - + Wlacz migajacy wskaznik zajetosci Select the Launcher Tab you want to edit or delete. - + Wybierz zakladke, ktora chcesz edytowac lub usunac. Adds a new Tab to the Launcher. - + Dodaje nowa zakladke do Launcher'a. Opens a new dialog to customize the select Tab. - + Otwiera okno z ustawieniami wybranej zakladki. Deletes a Tab from the Launcher. - + Usuwa zakladke. Activate this, if you want a big busy indicator in the middle of the screen instead of the one in taskbar. - + Wybierz to, jesli chcesz miec duzy wskaznik zajetosci na srodku ekranu zamiast tego w pasku zadan. Activate this, if you want a blinking busy indicator for starting applications in the Launcher. - + Wybierz to, jasli chcesz aby ikonki uruchamianych aplikacji migaly przy starcie. All Tabs - + Wszystkie zakladki Documents - + Dokumenty Error - + Blad Not implemented yet - + Nie zaimplementowane TaskbarSettings Load applets in Taskbar: - + Applety do zaladowania w pasku zadan: Check the applets that you want displayed in the Taskbar. - + Zaznacz applety, ktore maja sie pokazywac w pasku zadan. diff --git a/i18n/pl/libfreetypefactory.ts b/i18n/pl/lib.ts index 4eb9e18..4eb9e18 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/libfreetypefactory.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/lib.ts diff --git a/i18n/pl/libbatteryapplet-ipaq.ts b/i18n/pl/libbatteryapplet-ipaq.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 523dd46..0000000 --- a/i18n/pl/libbatteryapplet-ipaq.ts +++ b/dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ - - - BatteryStatus - - Battery status for Ipaq - - - - Failure - - - - could not open file - - - - Charging both devices - - - - Charging - - - - Percentage battery remaining - - - - Battery status: - - - - Good - - - - Low - - - - Very Low - - - - Critical - - - - Unknown - - - - On backup power - - - - Power on-line - - - - External power disconnected - - - - Battery time remaining - - - - Percentage battery remaining: - - - - Battery time remaining: - - - - No jacket with battery inserted - - - - Close - - - - diff --git a/i18n/pl/libbatteryapplet.ts b/i18n/pl/libbatteryapplet.ts index a5408cf..3686a7a 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/libbatteryapplet.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libbatteryapplet.ts @@ -3,79 +3,79 @@ BatteryStatus Charging - + Laduje Percentage battery remaining - + Pozostaly procent energii Battery status: - + Stan baterii: Good - + Dobry Low - + Niski Very Low - + Bardzo niski Critical - + Krytyczny Unknown - + Nieznany On backup power - + Na zasilaniu zapasowym Power on-line - + Podlaczony do zasilania External power disconnected - + Zewnetrzne zasilanie odlaczone Battery time remaining - + Pozostaly czas dzialania baterii Close - + Zamknij Battery status - + Stan baterii Failure - + Porazka could not open file - + nie mozna otworzyc pliku Charging both devices - + Laduje oba urzadzenia Percentage battery remaining: - + Pozostaly procent energii: Battery time remaining: - + Pozostaly czas dzialania baterii: No jacket with battery inserted diff --git a/i18n/pl/libcardmonapplet.ts b/i18n/pl/libcardmonapplet.ts index 441a701..f0843b2 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/libcardmonapplet.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libcardmonapplet.ts @@ -3,31 +3,31 @@ CardMonitor CF/PCMCIA card eject failed! - + Nie udalo sie odlaczenie karty CF/PCMCIA! SD/MMC card eject failed! - + Nie udalo sie odlaczenie karty SD/MMC! New card: - + Nowa karta: Ejected: - + Odlaczona: Eject SD/MMC card - + Odlacz karte SD/MMC Eject card 0: %1 - + Odlacz karte 0: %1 Eject card 1: %1 - + Odlacz karte 1: %1 diff --git a/i18n/pl/libclipboardapplet.ts b/i18n/pl/libclipboardapplet.ts index 9b0ac97..fa8d150 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/libclipboardapplet.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libclipboardapplet.ts @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ ClipboardApplet Cut - + Wytnij Copy - + Kopiuj Paste - + Wklej diff --git a/i18n/pl/libclockapplet.ts b/i18n/pl/libclockapplet.ts index 4eb9e18..db92457 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/libclockapplet.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libclockapplet.ts @@ -1,2 +1,5 @@ + + LauncherClock + diff --git a/i18n/pl/libdialup.ts b/i18n/pl/libdialup.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 139ade9..0000000 --- a/i18n/pl/libdialup.ts +++ b/dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - DialupBase - - Dial-up - - - - Account - Konto - - - Username: - Nazwa uzytkownika: - - - Password: - Haslo: - - - Phone: - Telefon: - - - Name: - Nazwa: - - - Modem - - - - AT-dial: - - - - ATDT - - - - ATDP - - - - Speed: - Predkosc: - - - 4800 - - - - 9600 - - - - 19200 - - - - 38400 - - - - 57600 - - - - 115200 - - - - Wait time: - Czas oczekiwania: - - - 1 - - - - sec - - - - Flow control: - Kontrola przeplywu: - - - Hardware flow control - Sprzetowa - - - Demand Dialing - Na zadanie - - - Manual connect and disconnect - Reczne - - - seconds - sekund - - - Idle timeout: - Czas bezczynnosci - - - Automatic connect and disconnect - Automatyczne - - - Manual connect, automatic disconnect - Reczne dzwonienie, automatyczne rozlaczanie - - - Network - Siec - - - Auto-detect name servers - Rozpoznaj serwery nazw - - - Gateway - Brama - - - Auto-detect routing - Rozpoznaj routing - - - First DNS - Podstawowy DNS - - - Second DNS - Pomocniczy DNS - - - Proxies - Proxy - - - Device: - - - - IrDA - - - - PCMCIA - - - - Serial - - - - - PppMon - - Waiting for activity - Oczekiwanie na aktywacje - - - Initializing modem - Inicjalizacja modemu - - - Connecting - Laczenie - - - Authenticating - Autoryzacja - - - No dialtone - Brak sygnalu wybierania - - - No carrier - Brak nosnej - - - Number is busy - Numer zajety - - - Timed out - Czas zakonczony - - - Connection failed - Polaczenie nie powiodlo sie - - - Authentication Failed - Blad autoryzacji - - - Connected - Polaczony - - - - ProxiesPageBase - - Proxy Settings - Ustwienia proxy - - - No proxies - Bez proxy - - - Auto configure proxies - Automatyczna konfiguracja proxy - - - Set proxies - Ustaw proxy - - - Config: - Ustwienia: - - - Port: - Port: - - - HTTP: - - - - FTP: - - - - Host: - - - - No proxies for: - Bezposrednio dla: - - - diff --git a/i18n/pl/libflatstyle.ts b/i18n/pl/libflatstyle.ts index 4eb9e18..25a952a 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/libflatstyle.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libflatstyle.ts @@ -1,2 +1,10 @@ + + FlatStyle + + Flat + Name of the style Flat + + + diff --git a/i18n/pl/libinterfaces.ts b/i18n/pl/libinterfaces.ts index 407ea1f..560568f 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/libinterfaces.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libinterfaces.ts @@ -3,35 +3,35 @@ InterfaceAdvanced Advanced Interface Information - + Zaawansowane Informacje o Interfejsach eth0 - + eth0 IP Address - + Adres IP Interface - + Interfejs Subnet Mask - + Maska podsieci - + DHCP Information - + Informacje o DHCP DHCP Server - + Serwer DHCP Lease Expires @@ -43,65 +43,69 @@ Broadcast - + Rozglaszanie MAC Address - + Adres MAC 00:00:00:00:00:00 - + 00:00:00:00:00:00 InterfaceInformation Interface Information - + Informacje o Interfejsie &Refresh - + &Odswiez S&top - + &Zatrzymaj R&estart - + &Restart &Start - + &Start IP Address - + Adres IP Subnet Mask - + Maska podsieci MAC Address - + Adres MAC Broadcast - + Rozglaszanie - + 00:00:00:00:00:00 - + 00:00:00:00:00:00 &View Advanced Information + &Pokaz informacje zaawansowane + + + be &silent @@ -109,46 +113,50 @@ InterfaceSetup Interface Configuration - + Konfiguracja Interfejsu Automatically bring up - + Automatycznie podnos DHCP - + DHCP Static Ip Configuration - + Konfiguracja statycznego IP Subnet Mask - + Maska podsieci First DNS - + Pierwszy DNS IP Address - + Adres IP Gateway - + Brama Second DNS - + Drugi DNS + + + + InterfaceSetupImp Restarting interface - + Restart interfejsu diff --git a/i18n/pl/libirdaapplet.ts b/i18n/pl/libirdaapplet.ts index 1000064..f87088e 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/libirdaapplet.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libirdaapplet.ts @@ -3,39 +3,39 @@ IrdaApplet Discovered Device: - + Znalezione urzadzenie: Disable IrDA - + Wylacz IrDA Enable IrDA - + Wlacz IrDA Disable Discovery - + Wylacz wyszukiwanie Enable Discovery - + Wlacz wyszukiwanie Disable Receive - + Wylacz odbior Enable Receive - + Wlacz odbior Found: - + Znalezione: Lost: - + Zgubione: diff --git a/i18n/pl/libkeyview.ts b/i18n/pl/libkeyview.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 4f2b2a8..0000000 --- a/i18n/pl/libkeyview.ts +++ b/dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ - - - Keyview - - Keyview - - - - diff --git a/i18n/pl/libkppp.ts b/i18n/pl/libkppp.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b184b3f --- a/dev/null +++ b/i18n/pl/libkppp.ts @@ -0,0 +1,1263 @@ + + + AccountWidget + + Allows you to modify the selected account + + + + Create a new dialup connection +to the Internet + + + + Makes a copy of the selected account. All +settings of the selected account are copied +to a new account, that you can modify to fit your +needs + + + + <p>Deletes the selected account + +<font color="red"><b>Use with care!</b></font> + + + + No account selected. + + + + Are you sure you want to delete +the account "%1"? + + + + Confirm + + + + New Account + + + + Edit Account: + + + + Dial + + + + Edit Login Script + + + + Authentication + + + + IP Setup + + + + IP + + + + Gateway Setup + + + + Gateway + + + + DNS Servers + + + + DNS + + + + Execute Programs + + + + Execute + + + + You must enter a unique account name + + + + + AuthWidget + + Authentication: + + + + Script-based + + + + PAP + + + + Terminal-based + + + + CHAP + + + + PAP/CHAP + + + + <p>Specifies the method used to identify yourself to +the PPP server. Most universities still use +<b>Terminal</b>- or <b>Script</b>-based authentication, +while most ISP use <b>PAP</b> and/or <b>CHAP</b>. If +unsure, contact your ISP. + +If you can choose between PAP and CHAP, +choose CHAP, because it's much safer. If you don't know +whether PAP or CHAP is right, choose PAP/CHAP. + + + + Username: + + + + Enter your username here... + + + + Password: + + + + Enter your password here + + + + Store password + + + + <p>When this is turned on, your ISP password +will be saved in <i>kppp</i>'s config file, so +you do not need to type it in every time. + +<b><font color="red">Warning:</font> your password will be stored as +plain text in the config file, which is +readable only to you. Make sure nobody +gains access to this file! + + + + error + + + + <qt>Login script has unbalanced loop Start/End<qt> + + + + + ChooserWidget + + &Edit... + + + + &New... + + + + Co&py + + + + De&lete + + + + + DNSWidget + + Domain name: + + + + If you enter a domain name here, this domain +name is used for your computer while you are +connected. When the connection is closed, the +original domain name of your computer is +restored. + +If you leave this field blank, no changes are +made to the domain name. + + + + Configuration: + + + + Automatic + + + + Manual + + + + DNS IP address: + + + + <p>Allows you to specify a new DNS server to be +used while you are connected. When the +connection is closed, this DNS entry will be +removed again. + +To add a DNS server, type in the IP address of +the DNS server here and click on <b>Add</b> + + + + Add + + + + Click this button to add the DNS server +specified in the field above. The entry +will then be added to the list below + + + + Remove + + + + Click this button to remove the selected DNS +server entry from the list below + + + + DNS address list: + + + + <p>This shows all defined DNS servers to use +while you are connected. Use the <b>Add</b> and +<b>Remove</b> buttons to modify the list + + + + Disable DNS servers during connection + + + + <p>When this option is selected, all DNS +servers specified in <tt>/etc/resolv.conf</tt> are +temporary disabled while the dialup connection +is established. After the connection is +closed, the servers will be re-enabled + +Typically, there is no reason to use this +option, but it may become useful under +some circumstances. + + + + + DevicesWidget + + No devices selected. + + + + Are you sure you want to delete +the device "%1"? + + + + Confirm + + + + New Device + + + + Edit Device: + + + + &Device + + + + &Modem + + + + Allows you to modify the selected device + + + + Create a new device + + + + Makes a copy of the selected device. All +settings of the selected device are copied +to a new device, that you can modify to fit your +needs + + + + <p>Deletes the selected device + +<font color="red"><b>Use with care!</b></font> + + + + You must enter a unique device name + + + + + DialWidget + + Connection name: + + + + Type in a unique name for this connection + + + + Phone number: + + + + &Add... + + + + &Remove + + + + <p>Specifies the phone numbers to dial. You +can supply multiple numbers here, simply +click on "Add". You can arrange the +order the numbers are tried by using the +arrow buttons. + +When a number is busy or fails, <i>kppp</i> will +try the next number and so on + + + + Customize pppd Arguments... + + + + + ExecWidget + + Here you can select commands to run at certain stages of the connection. The commands are run with your real user id, so you cannot run any commands here requiring root permissions (unless, of course, you are root).<br><br>Be sure to supply the whole path to the program otherwise we might be unable to find it. + + + + Before connect: + + + + Allows you to run a program <b>before</b> a connection +is established. It is called immediately before +dialing has begun. + +This might be useful, e.g. to stop HylaFAX blocking the +modem. + + + + Upon connect: + + + + Allows you to run a program <b>after</b> a connection +is established. When your program is called, all +preparations for an Internet connection are finished. + +Very useful for fetching mail and news + + + + Before disconnect: + + + + Allows you to run a program <b>before</b> a connection +is closed. The connection will stay open until +the program exits. + + + + Upon disconnect: + + + + Allows you to run a program <b>after</b> a connection +has been closed. + + + + + GatewayWidget + + Configuration + + + + Default gateway + + + + This makes the PPP peer computer (the computer +you are connected to with your modem) to act as +a gateway. Your computer will send all packets not +going to a computer inside your local net to this +computer, which will route these packets. + +This is the default for most ISPs, so you should +probably leave this option on. + + + + Static gateway + + + + <p>Allows you to specify which computer you want +to use as gateway (see <i>Default Gateway</i> above) + + + + Gateway IP address: + + + + Assign the default route to this gateway + + + + If this option is enabled, all packets not +going to the local net are routed through +the PPP connection. + +Normally, you should turn this on + + + + + IPWidget + + Configuration + + + + Dynamic IP address + + + + Select this option when your computer gets an +internet address (IP) every time a +connection is made. + +Almost every Internet Service Provider uses +this method, so this should be turned on. + + + + Static IP address + + + + Select this option when your computer has a +fixed internet address (IP). Most computers +don't have this, so you should probably select +dynamic IP addressing unless you know what you +are doing. + + + + IP address: + + + + If your computer has a permanent internet +address, you must supply your IP address here. + + + + Subnet mask: + + + + <p>If your computer has a static Internet address, +you must supply a network mask here. In almost +all cases this netmask will be <b></b>, +but your mileage may vary. + +If unsure, contact your Internet Service Provider + + + + Auto-configure hostname from this IP + + + + <p>Whenever you connect, this reconfigures +your hostname to match the IP address you +got from the PPP server. This may be useful +if you need to use a protocol which depends +on this information, but it can also cause several +<a href="kppp-7.html#autohostname">problems</a>. + +Don't enable this unless you really need it. + + + + Selecting this option might cause some weird problems with the X-server and applications while kppp is connected. Don't use it until you know what you are doing! +For more information take a look at the handbook (or help) in the section "Frequently asked questions". + + + + Warning + + + + + InterfacePPP + + No password + + + + Username defined but no password + Please enter a password + + + + Error + + + + + ModemTransfer + + Error + + + + + ModemWidget + + Modem &name: + + + + Modem de&vice: + + + + This specifies the serial port your modem is attached +to. On Linux/x86, typically this is either /dev/ttyS0 +(COM1 under DOS) or /dev/ttyS1 (COM2 under DOS). + +If you have an internal ISDN card with AT command +emulation (most cards under Linux support this), you +should select one of the /dev/ttyIx devices. + + + + &Flow control: + + + + Hardware [CRTSCTS] + + + + Software [XON/XOFF] + + + + None + + + + <p>Specifies how the serial port and modem +communicate. You should not change this unless +you know what you are doing. + +<b>Default</b>: CRTSCTS + + + + &Line termination: + + + + <p>Specifies how AT commands are sent to your +modem. Most modems will work fine with the +default <i>CR/LF</i>. If your modem does not react +to the init string, you should try different +settings here + +<b>Default</b>: CR/LF + + + + Co&nnection speed: + + + + Specifies the speed your modem and the serial +port talk to each other. You should begin with +the default of 38400 bits/sec. If everything +works you can try to increase this value, but to +no more than 115200 bits/sec (unless you know +that your serial port supports higher speeds). + + + + &Use lock file + + + + <p>To prevent other programs from accessing the +modem while a connection is established, a +file can be created to indicate that the modem +is in use. On Linux an example file would be +<tt>/var/lock/LCK..ttyS1</tt> +Here you can select whether this locking will +be done. + +<b>Default</b>: On + + + + Modem timeout: + + + + sec + + + + This specifies how long <i>kppp</i> waits for a +<i>CONNECT</i> response from your modem. The +recommended value is 30 seconds. + + + + + ModemWidget2 + + Busy wait: + + + + &Wait for dial tone before dialing + + + + <p>Normally the modem waits for a dial tone +from your phone line, indicating that it can +start to dial a number. If your modem does not +recognize this sound, or your local phone system +does not emit such a tone, uncheck this option + +<b>Default:</b>: On + + + + sec + + + + Specifies the number of seconds to wait before +redial if all dialed numbers are busy. This is +necessary because some modems get stuck if the +same number is busy too often. + +The default is 0 seconds, you should not change +this unless you need to. + + + + Modem &volume: + + + + Most modems have a speaker which makes +a lot of noise when dialing. Here you can +either turn this completely off or select a +lower volume. + +If this does not work for your modem, +you must modify the modem volume command. + + + + Modem asserts CD line + + + + This controls how <i>kppp</i> detects that the modem +is not responding. Unless you are having +problems with this, do not modify this setting. + +<b>Default</b>: Off + + + + Mod&em Commands... + + + + Allows you to change the AT command for +your modem. + + + + &Query Modem... + + + + Most modems support the ATI command set to +find out vendor and revision of your modem. + +Press this button to query your modem for +this information. It can be useful to help +you setup the modem + + + + + PPPConfigWidget + + Configure Modem + + + + Modem failure + + + + A critical failure appeard while testing the modem + + + + &Accounts + + + + &Devices + + + + + PPPdArguments + + Customize pppd Arguments + + + + Argument: + + + + Add + + + + Remove + + + + Defaults + + + + + PhoneNumberDialog + + Add Phone Number + + + + Enter a phone number: + + + + + QObject + + PPP + + + + generic ppp device + + + + Unable to open modem. + + + + Unable to detect state of CD line. + + + + The modem is not ready. + + + + The modem is busy. + + + + Modem Ready. + + + + Can't restore tty settings: tcsetattr() + + + + + The modem does not respond. + + + + Unknown speed + + + + ATI Query + + + + Unable to create modem lock file. + + + + Looking for modem... + + + + Cancel + + + + Modem Query timed out. + + + + Modem device is locked. + + + + Modem Ready + + + + One moment please... + + + + Modem Query Results + + + + Close + + + + You're not allowed to dial out with kppp. +Contact your system administrator. + + + + Cannot find the PPP daemon! +Make sure that pppd is installed. + + + + You do not have the permission to start pppd! +Contact your system administrator and ask to get access to pppd. + + + + You don't have sufficient permission to run +%1 +Please make sure that kppp is owned by root and has the SUID bit set. + + + + %1 is missing or can't be read! +Ask your system administrator to create this file (can be empty) with appropriate read and write permissions. + + + + Edit Modem Commands + + + + Pre-init delay (sec/100): + + + + Initialization string %1: + + + + Post-init delay (sec/100): + + + + Dialing speed (sec/100): + + + + Init response: + + + + No dial tone detection: + + + + Dial string: + + + + Connect response: + + + + Busy response: + + + + No carrier response: + + + + No dial tone response: + + + + Hangup string: + + + + Hangup response: + + + + Answer string: + + + + Ring response: + + + + Answer response: + + + + Escape string: + + + + Escape response: + + + + Guard time (sec/50): + + + + Volume off/low/high: + + + + Connected at: + + + + Time connected: + + + + Volume: + + + + Session Bill: + + + + Total Bill: + + + + Disconnect + + + + Byte + + + + KB + + + + MB + + + + GB + + + + Connecting to: + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + Log + + + + Connecting to: %1 + + + + Running pre-startup command... + + + + Initializing modem... + + + + Setting + + + + Setting speaker volume... + + + + Turning off dial tone waiting... + + + + Dialing %1 + + + + Line busy. Hanging up... + + + + Line busy. Waiting: %1 seconds + + + + No Dialtone + + + + No Carrier + + + + Scanning %1 + + + + Saving %1 + + + + Sending %1 + + + + Expecting %1 + + + + Pause %1 seconds + + + + Timeout %1 seconds + + + + Hangup + + + + Answer + + + + ID %1 + + + + Password %1 + + + + Prompting %1 + + + + PW Prompt %1 + + + + Loop Start %1 + + + + ERROR: Nested too deep, ignored. + + + + Loops nested too deeply! + + + + Loop End %1 + + + + LoopEnd without matching Start! Line: %1 + + + + Starting pppd... + + + + Scan Var: %1 + + + + Found: %1 + + + + Looping: %1 + + + + Script timed out! + + + + Scanning: %1 + + + + Expecting: %1 + + + + Logging on to network... + + + + Running startup command... + + + + Done + + + + pppd command + command-line arguments exceed 2024 characters in length. + + + + <qt>Cannot find the PPP daemon!<br>Make sure that pppd is installed and that you have entered the correct path.</qt> + + + + <qt>Cannot execute:<br> %1<br>Please make sure that you have given setuid permission and that pppd is executable.<br> + + + + <qt>Cannot find:<br> %1<br>Please make sure you have setup your modem device properly and/or adjust the location of the modem device on the modem tab of the setup dialog.</qt> + + + + <qt>You have selected the authentication method PAP or CHAP. This requires that you supply a username and a password!</qt> + + + + <qt>Cannot create PAP/CHAP authentication<br>file "%1"</qt> + + + + You must specify a telephone number! + + + + + ScriptWidget + + Add + + + + Insert + + + + Remove + + + + diff --git a/i18n/pl/libliquid.ts b/i18n/pl/libliquid.ts index a60e040..f61f2b8 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/libliquid.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libliquid.ts @@ -1,67 +1,71 @@ Decoration + + Liquid + Liquid + LiquidSettings Liquid Style - + Styl Liquid No translucency - + Bez przezroczystosci Stippled, background color - + Pasiasty, kolor tla Stippled, button color - + Pasiasty, kolor przycisku Translucent stippled, background color - + Przezroczysty pasiasty, kolor tla Translucent stippled, button color - + Przezroczysty pasiasty, kolor przycisku Custom translucency - + Ustawiona przezroczystosc Menu color - + Kolor menu Text color - + Kolor tekstu Opacity - + Nieprzezroczystosc Use shadowed menu text - + Uzywaj cieniowanego tekstu menu Make toolbar buttons appear flat - + Plaskie przyciski na pasku narzedzi Stipple contrast - + Kontrast pasków Styles Liquid - + Liquid High Performance Liquid style by Mosfet diff --git a/i18n/pl/liblogoutapplet.ts b/i18n/pl/liblogoutapplet.ts index 06cbe25..aebca1f 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/liblogoutapplet.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/liblogoutapplet.ts @@ -3,16 +3,17 @@ LogoutApplet Logout shortcut - + Skrot wyloguj Logout - + Wyloguj Do you really want to end this session ? - + Czy na pewno chcesz +zakonczyc sesje? diff --git a/i18n/pl/libmadplugin.ts b/i18n/pl/libmadplugin.ts index 1ccb02c..0182447 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/libmadplugin.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libmadplugin.ts @@ -31,15 +31,15 @@ Info: - + Informacje: Name: - + Nazwa: Genre: - + Gatunek: Bitrate: @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ URL: - + URL: diff --git a/i18n/pl/libmail.ts b/i18n/pl/libmail.ts index 78c7198..3524cec 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/libmail.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libmail.ts @@ -3,98 +3,99 @@ MailFactory Error - + Blad <p>Couldn't attach file '%1'. Continue anyway or abort?</p> - + <p>Nie mozna dolaczyc pliku '%1'. Kontynuowac mimo to, czy anulowac?</p> Continue - + Kontynuuj Abort - + Anuluj SmtpHandler Looking up host... - + Szukam hosta... The server refused the connection. - + Serwer odmowil polaczenia. Host lookup failed. - + Nie znaleziono hosta. The read from the socket failed for an unknown reason. - + Odczyt z gniazda nie powiodl sie z nieznanego powodu. The sending failed for an unknown reason. - + Wyslanie nie powiodlo sie z nieznanego powodu. Host found. - + Host znaleziony. Connected to %1 - + Polaczony z %1 SMTP > %3 - + SMTP > %3 SMTP> EHLO * - + SMTP> EHLO * SMTP> AUTH CRAM-MD5 - + SMTP> AUTH CRAM-MD5 SMTP> Authenticating - + SMTP> Autoryzacja SMTP> HELO * - + SMTP> HELO * + SMTP> MAIL FROM: * - + SMTP> MAIL FROM: * SMTP> RCPT TO: * - + SMTP> RCPT TO: * SMTP> DATA - + SMTP> DATA SMTP> Sending data... - + SMTP> Wysylanie danych... SMTP> QUIT (Done) - + SMTP> QUIT (Gotowe) The server returned an error. This is the message:<br>%1 - + Serwer zwrocil blad. Oto wiadomosc:<BR>%1 SMTP < %3 - + SMTP < %3 diff --git a/i18n/pl/libmpeg3plugin.ts b/i18n/pl/libmodplugin.ts index 4eb9e18..4eb9e18 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/libmpeg3plugin.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libmodplugin.ts diff --git a/i18n/pl/libnotesapplet.ts b/i18n/pl/libnotesapplet.ts index 6bbcf69..1c1ce8f 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/libnotesapplet.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libnotesapplet.ts @@ -3,43 +3,43 @@ NotesControl New - + Nowy Save - + Zapisz Delete - + Usun Delete? - + Usunac? Do you really want to<BR><B> delete</B> this note ? - + Czy na pewno chcesz<BR><b> usunac</b> ta notatke? Yes - + Tak No - + Nie Beam Out - + Emituj przez IrDA Search For... - + Szukaj... Toggle Maximized - + Przelacz maksymalizacje diff --git a/i18n/pl/libopie.ts b/i18n/pl/libopie.ts index b78f90c..24385f3 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/libopie.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libopie.ts @@ -1,5 +1,185 @@ + Button + + Calendar Button + + + + Contacts Button + + + + Menu Button + + + + Mail Button + + + + Home Button + + + + Record Button + + + + Display Rotate + + + + Lower+Up + + + + Lower+Down + + + + Lower+Right + + + + Lower+Left + + + + Upper+Up + + + + Upper+Down + + + + Upper+Right + + + + Upper+Left + + + + + OColorDialog + + Hue: + + + + Sat: + + + + Val: + + + + Red: + + + + Green: + + + + Blue: + + + + Alpha channel: + + + + Select color + + + + + OColorPopupMenu + + More + + + + More... + + + + + OFileDialog + + FileDialog + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + + OFileSelector + + Name: + + + + + OFileViewFileListView + + Name + + + + Size + + + + Date + + + + Mime Type + + + + + OFontMenu + + Large + + + + Medium + + + + Small + + + + + OFontSelector + + Style + + + + Size + + + + The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog + + + + ORecurranceBase Repeating Event @@ -91,6 +271,130 @@ + ORecurranceWidget + + No End Date + + + + days + + + + day + + + + weeks + + + + week + + + + months + + + + month + + + + years + + + + year + + + + and + + + + , +and + + + + , and + + + + No Repeat + + + + day(s) + + + + Repeat On + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Sun + + + + week(s) + + + + Repeat By + + + + Day + + + + Date + + + + month(s) + + + + year(s) + + + + Every + + + + on + + + + OTimePickerDialogBase Time: @@ -105,4 +409,250 @@ + + QObject + + Priority: + + + + Progress: + + + + Deadline: + + + + Category: + + + + Default Email: + + + + Office: + + + + Business Web Page: + + + + Business Phone: + + + + Business Fax: + + + + Business Mobile: + + + + Business Pager: + + + + Home Web Page: + + + + Home Phone: + + + + Home Fax: + + + + Home Mobile: + + + + All Emails: + + + + Profession: + + + + Assistant: + + + + Manager: + + + + Male + + + + Female + + + + Gender: + + + + Spouse: + + + + Birthday: + + + + Anniversary: + + + + Children: + + + + Nickname: + + + + Notes: + + + + Start: + + + + End: + + + + Note: + + + + Every + + + + %1 %2 every + + + + The %1 every + + + + Every + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + Sunday + + + + Documents + + + + Files + + + + All Files + + + + Very high + + + + High + + + + Normal + + + + Low + + + + Very low + + + + Location: + + + + This is an all day event + + + + This is a multiple day event + + + + <br><br><b>Work Address:</b> + + + + <br><br><b>Home Address:</b> + + + + The %1 %2 of every + + + + + QWidget + + st + + + + nd + + + + rd + + + + th + + + diff --git a/i18n/pl/libopieobex.ts b/i18n/pl/libopieobex.ts index 5fda095..8fd774c 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/libopieobex.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libopieobex.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ - OtherHandler + OpieObex::OtherHandler <qt><b>Received:</b></qt> @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - SendWidget + OpieObex::SendWidget <qt><h1>Sending:</h1></qt> diff --git a/i18n/pl/libqpe.ts b/i18n/pl/libqpe.ts index 97b29f2..7db75f9 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/libqpe.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libqpe.ts @@ -398,6 +398,17 @@ edytuje kategorie. + QMessageBox + + Yes + + + + No + + + + QObject Out of Space @@ -466,7 +477,7 @@ Zwolnij wiecej pamieci Are you sure you want to delete %1? - Jestes pewnien ze chces zusunac + Jestes pewnien ze chces zusunac %1? @@ -769,16 +780,26 @@ Zwolnij wiecej pamieci Sun Nie - - - QPEApplication - %1 document + Click to close this window, discarding changes. + + + + Click to close this window. + + + + Click to close this window and apply changes. + + + + Click to make this window moveable. + + + + Click to make this window use all available screen area. - - - QPEDecoration <Qt>Comprehensive help is not available for this application, however there is context-sensitive help.<p>To use context-sensitive help:<p><ol><li>click and hold the help button.<li>when the title bar shows <b>What's this...</b>, click on any control.</ol></Qt> @@ -787,27 +808,64 @@ Zwolnij wiecej pamieci What's this... - - - QPEManager - Click to close this window, discarding changes. + <qt>Are you sure you want to delete + %1?</qt> - Click to close this window. + Jan - Click to close this window and apply changes. + Feb - Click to make this window moveable. + Mar - Click to make this window use all available screen area. + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + + QPEApplication + + %1 document diff --git a/i18n/pl/libsdmonapplet.ts b/i18n/pl/libsdmonapplet.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 11c0c2a..0000000 --- a/i18n/pl/libsdmonapplet.ts +++ b/dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ - - - SdMonitor - - Eject card - - - - SdMonitor - - - - Card eject failed! - - - - &OK - - - - diff --git a/i18n/pl/libtodayaddressbookplugin.ts b/i18n/pl/libtodayaddressbookplugin.ts index 2f40ece..29bd54f 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/libtodayaddressbookplugin.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libtodayaddressbookplugin.ts @@ -26,10 +26,6 @@ - To activate settings: Restart application ! - - - Set Headline Color: diff --git a/i18n/pl/libtodaydatebookplugin.ts b/i18n/pl/libtodaydatebookplugin.ts index e392d58..05721f2 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/libtodaydatebookplugin.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libtodaydatebookplugin.ts @@ -9,9 +9,20 @@ note + + All day + + DatebookPluginConfig + + + DatebookPluginConfigBase + + DatebookPluginConfigBase + + Show location @@ -29,8 +40,7 @@ - Show only later - appointments + Show only later appointments @@ -38,10 +48,7 @@ - How many -appointment -should be -shown? + Show time in extra line @@ -49,19 +56,19 @@ shown? - How many more days + How many appointment should be shown? - How many more days should be in the range + only today - day(s) + How many more days should be in the range - only today + How many more days diff --git a/i18n/pl/libtodaytodolistplugin.ts b/i18n/pl/libtodaytodolistplugin.ts index 5ca01fe..b423a53 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/libtodaytodolistplugin.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libtodaytodolistplugin.ts @@ -19,22 +19,25 @@ - TodolistPluginConfig + TodoPluginConfigBase - tasks shown + Set the maximum number of task that should be shown - Set the maximum number of task that should be shown + tasks shown - Clip line after X chars + After how many chars should be the info about the task be cut off - After how many chars should be the info about the task be cut off + Clip line after X chars + + TodolistPluginConfig + diff --git a/i18n/pl/librestartapplet.ts b/i18n/pl/libtremorplugin.ts index 4eb9e18..4eb9e18 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/librestartapplet.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libtremorplugin.ts diff --git a/i18n/pl/liblan.ts b/i18n/pl/libwlan.ts index 56b0969..868d0d1 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/liblan.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libwlan.ts @@ -1,135 +1,139 @@ - Lan + WLAN - LAN Setup + Wireless Configuration - This name already -exists. Please choose a -different name. + General - - - LanBase - LAN + Mode - Account + ESS-ID - Name: + MAC - Specify TCP/IP Information + Specify &Access Point - Obtain TCP/IP Information Automatically + Specify &Channel - TCP/IP + any - IP Address + Infrastructure - Gateway + Auto - Subnet Mask + Managed - Broadcast + Ad-Hoc - DNS + Encryption - First DNS + &Enable Encryption - Second DNS + &Key Setting - Proxies + Key &1 + + + + Key &2 - - - LanState - Form2 + Key &3 - Service: + Key &4 - IP address: + Non-encrypted Packets - + &Accept + + + + &Reject - ProxiesPageBase + WlanInfo + + Interface Information + + - Proxy Settings + 802.11b - No proxies + Channel - Auto configure proxies + Mode - Set proxies + ESSID - Config: + Station - Port: + AP - HTTP: + Rate - FTP: + Quality - Host: + Noise - No proxies for: + Signal diff --git a/i18n/pl/liblan.ts b/i18n/pl/libwlanplugin.ts index 56b0969..216af89 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/liblan.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/libwlanplugin.ts @@ -1,135 +1,135 @@ - Lan + WLAN - LAN Setup + Wireless Configuration - This name already -exists. Please choose a -different name. + General - - - LanBase - LAN + Mode - Account + ESS-ID - Name: + MAC - Specify TCP/IP Information + Specify &Access Point - Obtain TCP/IP Information Automatically + Specify &Channel - TCP/IP + Auto - IP Address + Managed - Gateway + Ad-Hoc - Subnet Mask + any - Broadcast + Encryption - DNS + &Enable Encryption - First DNS + &Key Setting - Second DNS + Key &1 - Proxies + Key &2 + + + + Key &3 - - - LanState - Form2 + Key &4 - Service: + Non-encrypted Packets - IP address: + &Accept - + &Reject - ProxiesPageBase + WlanInfo + + Interface Information + + - Proxy Settings + 802.11b - No proxies + Channel - Auto configure proxies + Mode - Set proxies + ESSID - Config: + Station - Port: + AP - HTTP: + Rate - FTP: + Quality - Host: + Noise - No proxies for: + Signal diff --git a/i18n/pl/mailit.ts b/i18n/pl/mailit.ts index d61ee1d..3d729bc 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/mailit.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/mailit.ts @@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ attach... + + Adding attachments + + EditAccount @@ -166,6 +170,36 @@ associated to this mail it can not be downloaded + + <qt>Unknown response from server</qt> + + + + <qt>host not found</qt> + + + + <qt>connection refused</qt> + + + + <qt>socket packet error</qt> + + + + <qt>Login failed +Check user name and password</qt> + + + + Receiving error + + + + OK + + + EmailHandler @@ -196,10 +230,6 @@ Mail has NOT been sent - Examine mail - - - Central view area @@ -213,6 +243,14 @@ has not been downloaded yet. Would you like to do it now ? + + Mailit + + + + Read Mail + + PopClient @@ -244,6 +282,10 @@ has not been downloaded yet. No new messages + + DNS lookup + + QWidget @@ -260,10 +302,6 @@ has not been downloaded yet. - This button opens the address selector with all mail adresses from your OPIE addressbook - - - Enter your mail text here @@ -294,6 +332,10 @@ reviewed by double clicking the entry. Choose the recipients from this list + + This button opens the address selector with all mail adresses from your Opie addressbook + + ReadMail @@ -417,6 +459,30 @@ Press and hold for more options. Click here to install the attachment to your Documents + + Exploring attatchments + + + + Attatchment + + + + Type + + + + Installed + + + + No + + + + Yes + + WriteMail @@ -527,5 +593,13 @@ and be valid emailaddresses wrote on + + Name + + + + EMail + + diff --git a/i18n/pl/mediummount.ts b/i18n/pl/mediummount.ts index 896ec3d..8f647e3 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/mediummount.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/mediummount.ts @@ -1,17 +1,21 @@ - MainWindow + MediumMountSetting::MainWindow - Global + Medium Mount Settings - Medium Mount Settings + Global - MediumGlobalWidget + MediumMountSetting::MediumGlobalWidget + + If a medium gets inserted into this device Opie tries to search the medium for Documents. On large mediums this can take some time. You can choose if Opie should scan for Documents globally or on a per medium level. You're also able to reconfigure each medium. + + Enable medium checking @@ -44,13 +48,13 @@ Video + + + MediumMountSetting::MediumMountWidget - If a medium gets inserted into this device Opie tries to search the medium for Documents. On large mediums this can take some time. You can choose if Opie should scan for Documents globally or on a per medium level. You're also able to reconfigure each medium. + Configure this medium. The changes will go into effect when the application gets closed. To update the Document Tab you need to remove and insert this medium. - - - MediumMountWidget Which media files @@ -87,9 +91,5 @@ Always check this medium - - Configure this medium. The changes will go into effect when the application gets closed. To update the Document Tab you need to remove and insert this medium. - - diff --git a/i18n/pl/mpegplayer.ts b/i18n/pl/mpegplayer.ts deleted file mode 100644 index a7fc892..0000000 --- a/i18n/pl/mpegplayer.ts +++ b/dev/null @@ -1,229 +0,0 @@ - - - AudioWidget - - OpiePlayer - - - - - MediaPlayer - - No file - Brak pliku - - - Error: There is no file selected - Blad: nie wybrano pliku - - - File not found - Plik nieznaleziony - - - The following file was not found: <i> - Nastepujacy plik nie zostal znaleziony: <i> - - - No decoder found - Brak dekodera - - - Sorry, no appropriate decoders found for this file: <i> - Brak dekodara dla tego pliku: <i> - - - Error opening file - Blad otwarcia pliku - - - Sorry, an error occured trying to play the file: <i> - Blad podczas proby odtwarzania pliku: <i> - - - File: - Plik: - - - , Length: - , Dlugosc: - - - - PlayListSelection - - Playlist Selection - Wybor listy odtwarzania - - - - PlayListWidget - - OpiePlayer - - - - Play Operations - Operacje odtwarzania - - - Add to Playlist - Dodaj do listy odtwarzania - - - Remove from Playlist - Usun z listy odtwarzania - - - Play - Graj - - - Randomize - Losowo - - - Loop - Petla - - - File - Plik - - - Clear List - Czysc liste - - - Add all audio files - Dodaj wszystkie pliki dzwiekowe - - - Add all video files - Dodaj wszystkie pliki filmowe - - - Add all files - Dodaj wszystkie pliki - - - Save PlayList - Zapisz liste odtwarzania - - - View - Widok - - - Full Screen - Pelen ekran - - - Scale - Rozmiar - - - Move Up - W gore - - - Remove - Usun - - - Move Down - W dol - - - Title - Tytul - - - Size - Rozmiar - - - Media - - - - Audio - - - - Video - - - - Lists - - - - OpiePlayer: - - - - Out of space - Brak pamieci - - - There was a problem saving the playlist. -Your playlist may be missing some entries -the next time you start it. - Jest problem z zapisaniem listy. -Twoja playliste moze byc niekompletan -po nastepnym odczycie. - - - Invalid File - Bledny plik - - - There was a problem in getting the file. - Napotkalem problem w pobieraniu pliku. - - - Save Playlist - Zapisz liste - - - This is all ready in your playlist. -Continue? - To juz jest w twojej liscie. -Kontynuowac? - - - Yes - Tak - - - No - NIe - - - Remove Playlist? - Usun liste? - - - You really want to delete -this playlist? - Naprawde chcesz usunac -liste? - - - Properties - Wlasciwosci - - - Play Selected - Odtwarzaj wybrane - - - - VideoWidget - - OpiePlayer - - - - diff --git a/i18n/pl/netsetup.ts b/i18n/pl/netsetup.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 8da8873..0000000 --- a/i18n/pl/netsetup.ts +++ b/dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ - - - AddNetworkSettingBase - - Add Network Service - Dodaj siec - - - <P>These are the network services available to be added. - - - - Add - Dodaj - - - Cancel - Wroc - - - - NetworkSettings - - Error - Blad - - - <p>Only one %1 can be added. Remove the current one, or change its Properties - - - - Network - Siec - - - - NetworkSettingsBase - - Network - Siec - - - Current - Obecna - - - <p>This is the state of your running network services. - <p>Status obecnie uruchomionych uslug sieciowych. - - - Services - Uslugi - - - Add... - Dodaj... - - - <P>These are the network services you currently have available. - <P>Sieciowe uslugi obecnie dostepne. - - - Remove - Usun - - - Properties - Wlasciwosci - - - diff --git a/i18n/pl/networksettings.ts b/i18n/pl/networksettings.ts index b7552a6..11d8782 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/networksettings.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/networksettings.ts @@ -53,10 +53,6 @@ - &Information - - - &Configure @@ -84,5 +80,52 @@ New Profile + + A list of network settings to be choosen from + + + + Add a new interface to the list. + + + + &Start/Stop + + + + Start and Stop the current interface, gives additional information about the interface. + + + + Configure the current interface + + + + Remove the current interface from the list. + + + + + MainWindowImp + + Disconnected + + + + Error + + + + Unable to remove. + + + + Sorry + + + + Please select an interface first. + + diff --git a/i18n/pl/odict.ts b/i18n/pl/odict.ts index 5b587d8..d887ab1 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/odict.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/odict.ts @@ -10,11 +10,15 @@ - General Settings + New - Searchmethods + Change + + + + Delete @@ -33,10 +37,6 @@ - Config - - - Searchmethods @@ -45,47 +45,31 @@ - Only &complete Words - - - - Allow &reg. expressions - - - - 0 Errors - - - - 1 Errors - - - - 2 Errors + Settings - 3 Errors + Parameter - 4 Errors + No dictionary defined - Until Hit + &Define one - &Error tolerance + &Cancel - Settings + Configuration - Parameter + Opie-Dictionary diff --git a/i18n/pl/oipkg.ts b/i18n/pl/oipkg.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 210f5d3..0000000 --- a/i18n/pl/oipkg.ts +++ b/dev/null @@ -1,355 +0,0 @@ - - - InstallDialog - - Install - - - - Ipkg options - - - - -force-depends - - - - -force-reinstall - - - - -force-removal-of-essential-packages - - - - To remove - - - - To install - - - - -force-overwrite - - - - - MainWindow - - Package Manager - - - - feeds - - - - Package - - - - View - - - - Settings - - - - Help - - - - Apply - - - - Update - - - - Setups - - - - Servers - - - - Destinations - - - - Close Section - - - - Sections - - - - Filter: - - - - Clear Find - - - - Close Find - - - - Filter - - - - Clear Search - - - - Do Search - - - - Search - - - - Destination: - - - - Link - - - - Close Destinations - - - - Package Actions - - - - Install - - - - Remove - - - - Package Status - - - - New version, installed - - - - New version, not installed - - - - Old version, installed - - - - Old version, not installed - - - - Old version, new version installed - - - - New version, old version installed - - - - documents - - - - ipkgfind&killefiz - - - - Section: - - - - Search: - - - - - PackageListView - - Package - - - - - PackageManagerSettings - - New - - - - - PackageManagerSettingsBase - - Package Servers - - - - Settings - - - - Install destination: - - - - Link to root destination - - - - New - - - - Remove - - - - Servers - - - - Name: - - - - URL: - - - - Destinations - - - - link to / - - - - Remove links - - - - volatile - - - - removeable - - - - Used servers: (Highlighted feeds are active) - - - - - PmIpkg - - -All done. - - - - Removing - - - - please wait - - - - Error while removing - - - - Installing - - - - Error while installing - - - - - QObject - - Description: - - - - Size: - - - - other - - - - Install Name: - - - - on - - - - Name: - - - - Link: - - - - Yes - - - - No - - - - Destination: - - - - Status: - - - - Install to - - - - Remove - - - - - RunWindow - - running... - - - - diff --git a/i18n/pl/opie-console.ts b/i18n/pl/opie-console.ts index 9cdeb11..33bfa8f 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/opie-console.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/opie-console.ts @@ -102,6 +102,17 @@ + ConfigDialog + + Edit Connection Profile + + + + New Connection + + + + ConfigureBase Configure @@ -469,6 +480,14 @@ History + + New Profile + + + + Save Profile + + ModemConfigWidget @@ -514,6 +533,10 @@ Local Console + + New Profile + + QObject diff --git a/i18n/pl/opie-login.ts b/i18n/pl/opie-login.ts index 42551e6..f4806d5 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/opie-login.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/opie-login.ts @@ -61,22 +61,22 @@ accurately to calibrate your screen. - OPIE was terminated -by an uncaught signal -(%1) - + Failure - Failure + Could not switch to new user identity - Could not start OPIE. + Opie was terminated +by an uncaught signal +(%1) + - Could not switch to new user identity + Could not start Opie. diff --git a/i18n/pl/opie-sheet.ts b/i18n/pl/opie-sheet.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 322b113..0000000 --- a/i18n/pl/opie-sheet.ts +++ b/dev/null @@ -1,787 +0,0 @@ - - - CellFormat - - &Borders - - - - Back&ground - - - - &Font - - - - &Alignment - - - - &Width: - - - - &Color: - - - - &Default Borders - - - - &Style: - - - - &Default Background - - - - &Font: - - - - &Size: - - - - &Bold - - - - &Italic - - - - &Default Font - - - - &Vertical: - - - - &Horizontal: - - - - &Word Wrap - - - - &Default Alignment - - - - Format Cells - - - - Opie Sheet - - - - - FindDialog - - &Find && Replace - - - - &Options - - - - &Search for: - - - - &Replace with: - - - - &Type - - - - &Find - - - - &Replace - - - - Replace &all - - - - Match &case - - - - Current &selection only - - - - &Entire cell - - - - Find & Replace - - - - - MainWindow - - Opie Sheet - - - - Error - - - - Inconsistency error! - - - - File cannot be saved! - - - - File cannot be opened! - - - - Invalid file format! - - - - Save File - - - - Do you want to save the current file? - - - - &File Name: - - - - UnnamedFile - - - - New File - - - - &New - - - - Open File - - - - &Open - - - - &Save - - - - Save File As - - - - Save &As - - - - About Opie Sheet - - - - Accept - - - - &Accept - - - - Cancel - - - - &Cancel - - - - Cell Selector - - - - Cell &Selector - - - - Cut Cells - - - - Cu&t - - - - Copy Cells - - - - &Copy - - - - Paste Cells - - - - &Paste - - - - Paste Contents - - - - Paste Cont&ents - - - - Clear Cells - - - - C&lear - - - - Insert Cells - - - - C&ells - - - - Insert Rows - - - - &Rows - - - - Insert Columns - - - - &Columns - - - - Add Sheets - - - - &Sheets - - - - Cells - - - - &Cells - - - - Row Height - - - - H&eight - - - - Adjust Row - - - - &Adjust - - - - Show Row - - - - &Show - - - - Hide Row - - - - &Hide - - - - Column Width - - - - &Width - - - - Adjust Column - - - - Show Column - - - - Hide Column - - - - Rename Sheet - - - - &Rename - - - - Remove Sheet - - - - R&emove - - - - Sort Data - - - - &Sort - - - - Find && Replace - - - - &Find && Replace - - - - Equal To - - - - &Equal To - - - - Addition - - - - &Addition - - - - Subtraction - - - - &Subtraction - - - - Multiplication - - - - &Multiplication - - - - Division - - - - &Division - - - - Open ParanthesistempCellData->row+row1, tempCellData->col+col1 - - - - &Open Paranthesis - - - - Close Paranthesis - - - - &Close Paranthesis - - - - Comma - - - - &Comma - - - - &File - - - - &Edit - - - - &Insert - - - - &Format - - - - &Data - - - - &Row - - - - Colum&n - - - - &Sheet - - - - &Function - - - - &Standard - - - - Summation - - - - &Summation - - - - Absolute Value - - - - &Absolute - - - - Sine - - - - Si&ne - - - - Arc Sine - - - - A&rc Sine - - - - Cosine - - - - &Cosine - - - - ArcCosine - - - - Arc Cos&ine - - - - Tangent - - - - &Tangent - - - - Arc Tangent - - - - Arc Tan&gent - - - - Arc Tangent of Coordinates - - - - C&oor. Arc Tangent - - - - Exponential - - - - &Exponential - - - - Logarithm - - - - &Logarithm - - - - Power - - - - &Power - - - - &Mathematical - - - - Average - - - - &Average - - - - Maximum - - - - Ma&ximum - - - - Minimum - - - - &Minimum - - - - Count - - - - &Count - - - - &Statistical - - - - Functions - - - - &Number of rows: - - - - &Number of columns: - - - - &Number of sheets: - - - - Sheet - - - - &Height of each row: - - - - &Width of each column: - - - - &Sheet Name: - - - - There is only one sheet! - - - - Are you sure? - - - - &Type - - - - Shift cells &down - - - - Shift cells &right - - - - Entire ro&w - - - - Entire &column - - - - Opie Sheet -Spreadsheet Software for Opie -QWDC Beta Winner (as Sheet/Qt) - -Developed by: Serdar Ozler -Release 1.0.2 -Release Date: October 08, 2002 - -This product is licensed under GPL. It is freely distributable. If you want to get the latest version and also the source code, please visit the web site. - - - - - - - Sheet - - Error - - - - Syntax error! - - - - Search key not found! - - - - - SortDialog - - &Sort - - - - &Options - - - - &Sort by - - - - &Then by - - - - Then &by - - - - &Case Sensitive - - - - &Direction - - - - &Top to bottom (rows) - - - - &Left to right (columns) - - - - Sort - - - - &Ascending - - - - &Descending - - - - Error - - - - One cell cannot be sorted! - - - - diff --git a/i18n/pl/opieirc.ts b/i18n/pl/opieirc.ts index 33ef781..04e0e56 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/opieirc.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/opieirc.ts @@ -60,26 +60,10 @@ IRCMessageParser - Received unhandled numeric command : - - - - Received unhandled ctcp command : - - - - Received unhandled literal command : - - - Nonexistant channel join - desynchronized? - joined channel - - - Person has already joined the channel - desynchronized? @@ -88,14 +72,6 @@ - You left channel - - - - left channel - - - Parting person not found - desynchronized? @@ -108,30 +84,14 @@ - Channel message with unknown channel - - - Received PRIVMSG of unknown type - You are now known as - - - - is now known as - - - Nickname change of an unknown person - has quit - - - Unknown person quit - desynchronized? @@ -219,6 +179,46 @@ No such nickname + + Received unhandled numeric command: %1 + + + + Received unhandled ctcp command: %1 + + + + Received unhandled literal command: %1 + + + + %1 joined channel %2 + + + + You left channel %1 + + + + %1 left channel %2 + + + + Channel message with unknown channel %1 + + + + You are now known as %1 + + + + %1 is now known as %2 + + + + %1 has quit (%2) + + IRCQueryTab @@ -460,6 +460,10 @@ comma separated list of channel Colors + + Settings + + IRCTab diff --git a/i18n/pl/opiemail.ts b/i18n/pl/opiemail.ts deleted file mode 100644 index f069133..0000000 --- a/i18n/pl/opiemail.ts +++ b/dev/null @@ -1,345 +0,0 @@ - - - @default - - Reply - Odpowiedz - - - Reply All - Odpowiedz wszystkim - - - Delete - Usun - - - - Composer - - Form1 - - - - CC - - - - Subject - Temat - - - Cancel - Wroc - - - Reset - - - - Queue - Kolejka - - - Send - Wyslij - - - From: - Od: - - - To: - Do: - - - - MailviewerApp - - View - Widok - - - Compose - Redaguj - - - Settings - Ustawienia - - - Mail - Poczta - - - Mailboxes - - - - Configure OpieMail - Konfiguruj OpieMail - - - - OpieMailConfig - - OpieMail Config - Konfiguracja OpieMail - - - Folders - Foldery - - - &Add - &Dodaj - - - &Modify - &Zmien - - - &Delete - &Usun - - - Folder name - Nazwa folderu - - - Identity - Tozsamosc - - - Transport - - - - Input - - - - Name - Nazwa - - - Folder - - - - User - Uzytkownik - - - Server - - - - Protocol - Protokol - - - Output - - - - - OpieMailConfigImpl - - Delete mailbox - Usun skrytke - - - Delete the mailbox? -All mails will be deleted. - Usunac skrytke? -Wszystkie wiadomosci beza usuniete. - - - - OpieMailFolder - - OpieMail Folder Config - Konfiguracja folderow OpieMail - - - Description: - Opis: - - - Name: - Nazwa: - - - - OpieMailIdenty - - OpieMail Identity - Config - OpieMail konfiguracja tozsamosci - - - Signature: - Podpis: - - - Identity: - Tozsamosc - - - Name: - Nazwa: - - - Organization: - Organizacja: - - - EMail: - - - - Reply To - Odpowiedz do: - - - Use for sending - Uzywaj do wysylania - - - - OpieMailInputConfig - - OpieMailInput - - - - Name: - Nazwa: - - - Server: - - - - Protocol - Protokol - - - Destination Folder - Docelowy folder - - - Username: - - - - Password - Haslo - - - Port - - - - 110 - - - - Enable intervall checking. - Wlacz sprawdzanie cykliczne - - - Check every: - Sprawdz co: - - - minutes - minut - - - &Delete mail from server when deleted local. - &Usun wiadomosc z serwera gdy zostanie usunieta lokalnie. - - - &Keep Mail on Server - &Pozostaw wiadomosc na serwerze - - - - OpieMailOutputConfig - - OpieMailOutPut - - - - Name: - Nazwa: - - - Protocol - Protokol - - - Server: - - - - Username: - - - - Password - Haslo - - - Server requires authentication - Serwer wymaga autoryzacji - - - Port - - - - 25 - - - - - QMailView - - Subject - Temat - - - To - Do - - - Sender - Nadawca - - - Date - Data - - - (Re)edit - (Re)edycja - - - Copy To - Kopiuj do - - - Move To - Przenies do - - - - SplitterWidgetBase - - Form1 - - - - diff --git a/i18n/pl/opieplayer.ts b/i18n/pl/opieplayer.ts index b8f82ba..b142db6 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/opieplayer.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/opieplayer.ts @@ -199,16 +199,6 @@ Closing player now. - Out of space - - - - There was a problem saving the playlist. -Your playlist may be missing some entries -the next time you start it. - - - Invalid File diff --git a/i18n/pl/opieplayer2.ts b/i18n/pl/opierec.ts index 2b25e91..7f32700 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/opieplayer2.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/opierec.ts @@ -1,238 +1,207 @@ - AudioWidget + HelpWindow - OpiePlayer - - - - - MediaPlayer - - OpiePlayer: Initializating - - - - OpiePlayer: + Backward - File: - - - - , Length: - - - - Volume + Forward - PlayListFileView + QtRec - Title + OpieRecord - Size + Delete - Media + Name - Path + Time - - - PlayListSelection - Playlist Selection + Files - - - PlayListWidget - Add to Playlist + Sample Rate - Remove from Playlist + 44100 - Play + 32000 - Randomize + 22050 - Loop + 16000 - Clear List + 11025 - Add all audio files + 8000 - Add all video files + Limit Size - Add all files + Unlimited - Save Playlist + File Directory - Open File or URL + Bit Depth - Rescan for Audio Files + 16 - Rescan for Video Files + 8 - Full Screen + In - Move Up + Out - Remove + Options - Move Down + Volume - Play Selected + Low Disk Space - Invalid File + You are running low of +recording space +or a card isn't being recognized - There was a problem in getting the file. + seconds - Remove Playlist? + Do you really want to <font size=+2><B>DELETE</B></font> +the selected file? - You really want to delete -this playlist? + Yes - Yes + No - No + Error - Open file or URL + Could not remove file. - OpiePlayer: + Opierec - Save m3u Playlist + Please select file to play - - - PlayListWidgetGui - Play Operations + Note - File + Could not open audio file. + - View + Play - Skins + Send with Ir - Gamma (Video) + Rename - Audio + Ir Beam out - Video + Ir sent. - Lists + Ok - - - VideoWidget - OpiePlayer - Video + Rec - - - XineControl - Failure + Location - No input plugin found for this media type + Date - No demux plugin found for this media type + Wave Compression (smaller files) - Demuxing failed for this media type + auto Mute - Malformed MRL + mute - Some other error + Stop diff --git a/i18n/pl/wlansetup.ts b/i18n/pl/osearch.ts index b2f4b3d..3cda67d 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/wlansetup.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/osearch.ts @@ -1,92 +1,122 @@ - WLAN + MainWindow - Wireless LAN Setting + OSearch - Config + Search - ESS ID + Search all - Non-Spec ESSID: "ANY" + Case sensitiv - Specific ESSID + Use wildcards - Network Type + The details of the current result - Infrastructure + Settings - Channel + Options - 802.11 Ad-Hoc + Enter your search terms here - Wep + Applications - Key Setting + Documents - Key 1 + Todo List - Key 2 + Calendar - Key 3 + Contacts + + + + + OListView + + Results + + + + + QObject + + show + + + + edit + + + + execute + + + + open in filemanager + + + + open with - Key 4 + show completed tasks - Key Length + show past events - 40 Bits + search in dates - 128 Bits + File: - Authentication Type + Link: - Open System + Mimetype: - Shared Key + search content - Enable Wep + searching %1 diff --git a/i18n/pl/patience.ts b/i18n/pl/patience.ts index be48808..d59567b 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/patience.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/patience.ts @@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ &Change Card Backs - &Zmien Rewers Kart + &Zmien Rewers Kart &Snap To Position - &Skocz do pozycji> + &Skocz do pozycji> &Settings @@ -39,15 +39,15 @@ Change Card Backs - Zmien Rewers Kart + Zmien Rewers Kart Snap To Position - Skocz do pozycji + Skocz do pozycji Turn One Card - Obroc jedna karte + Obroc jedna karte Settings @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Turn Three Cards - Obroc trzy karty + Obroc trzy karty Chicane @@ -69,5 +69,29 @@ Teeclub + + &Change card backs + + + + &Snap to position + + + + Change card backs + + + + Snap to position + + + + Turn one card + + + + Turn three cards + + diff --git a/i18n/pl/qpdf.ts b/i18n/pl/qpdf.ts index 2f03c32..828cbdf 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/qpdf.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/qpdf.ts @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ - File does not exist ! + File does not exist! diff --git a/i18n/pl/qpe.ts b/i18n/pl/qpe.ts index f692d4a..10ba42e 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/qpe.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/qpe.ts @@ -72,13 +72,6 @@ Please charge the back-up battery. - DesktopPowerAlerter - - Battery Status - - - - Launcher Launcher @@ -176,6 +169,13 @@ Please charge the back-up battery. + QObject + + Battery Status + + + + ShutdownImpl Terminate diff --git a/i18n/pl/reader.ts b/i18n/pl/reader.ts index 3842246..8ecd776 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/reader.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/reader.ts @@ -1,24 +1,47 @@ - QTReaderApp + CBarPrefs - Open + Toolbar Settings - Close + File - Info + Navigation + + + + View - On Action... + Marks - Open File + Indicators + + + + Policy + + + + + CButtonPrefs + + Scroll Speed + + + + <Nothing> + + + + Open file @@ -26,7 +49,11 @@ - Mark + Bookmark + + + + Annotate @@ -34,98 +61,177 @@ - Navigation + Zoom in - Scroll + Zoom out - Jump + Back - Page/Line Scroll + Forward - Set Overlap + Home - Use Cursor + Page up - Set Dictionary + Page down - Two/One Touch + Line up - Target + Line down - Annotation + Beginning - Dictionary + End - Clipboard + Escape Button - Up + Space Button - Down + Return Button - Find... + Left Arrow - Continuous + Right Arrow - Markup + Down Arrow - Auto + Up Arrow + + + CCloseDialog - None + Tidy-up - Text + Delete - HTML + Delete Bookmarks - Peanut/PML + Delete Configuration + + + CFileBarPrefs - Layout + Open + + + + Close + Info + + + + Two/One +Touch + + + + Find + + + + + CIndBarPrefs + + Annotation + + + + + CInterPrefs + + International + + + + Ideograms + + + + Ideogram Width + + + + Apply font +to dialogs + + + + Encoding + + + + Application + + + + Message + + + + Two/One +Touch + + + + Dictionary + + + + Swap Tap +Actions + + + + + CLayoutPrefs + Strip CR @@ -142,7 +248,7 @@ - Re-paragraph + Reparagraph @@ -150,23 +256,275 @@ - Indent+ + Remap + + + + Embolden - Indent- + Full Justify - Repalm + Text + + + CLayoutPrefs2 - Remap + Indent - Embolden + Page +Overlap + + + + Graphics +Zoom + + + + Margin + + + + Paragraph +Leading + + + + Line +Leading + + + + Markup + + + + Font + + + + + CMarkBarPrefs + + Bookmark + + + + Annotate + + + + Goto + + + + Delete + + + + Autogen + + + + Clear + + + + Save + + + + Tidy + + + + Mark Block + + + + Copy Block + + + + + CMiscBarPrefs + + Floating + + + + Single bar + + + + Menu/tool bar + + + + Multiple bars + + + + Top + + + + Bottom + + + + Right + + + + Left + + + + Minimised + + + + Movable + + + + + CMiscPrefs + + Annotation + + + + Dictionary + + + + Clipboard + + + + Depluck + + + + Dejpluck + + + + Continuous + + + + Select Action + + + + Plucker + + + + + CNavBarPrefs + + Scroll + + + + Back + + + + Home + + + + Forward + + + + Page Up + + + + Page Down + + + + Goto Start + + + + Goto End + + + + Jump + + + + Page/Line Scroll + + + + + CPrefs + + OpieReader Settings + + + + Layout + + + + Layout(2) + + + + Locale + + + + Misc + + + + Buttons + + + + + CURLDialog + + Save URL + + + + Clipboard + + + + Local file + + + + Global file + + + + + CViewBarPrefs + + Fullscreen @@ -178,39 +536,78 @@ - Ideogram/Word + Set Font - Set width + Encoding - Encoding + Ideogram + + + QTReaderApp - Ascii + Open - UTF-8 + Close - UCS-2(BE) + Info + + + + Fullscreen + + + + Navigation - USC-2(LE) + Scroll - Palm + Jump - Windows(1252) + Page/Line Scroll + + + + Two/One Touch + + + + Annotation + + + + Up + + + + Down + + + + Find... + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out @@ -258,10 +655,6 @@ - Format - - - Marks @@ -281,6 +674,90 @@ Close Edit + + View + + + + Settings + + + + Configuration + + + + Save Config + + + + Load Config + + + + Delete Config + + + + Toolbars + + + + Run Script + + + + Export Links + + + + Goto Start + + + + Goto End + + + + Back + + + + Home + + + + Forward + + + + Scrolling + + + + Set Target + + + + Pause Paras + + + + Set Encoding + + + + Ideogram + + + + Bookmark + + + + Reader + + fileBrowser diff --git a/i18n/pl/rotation.ts b/i18n/pl/rotation.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 80d0230..0000000 --- a/i18n/pl/rotation.ts +++ b/dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ - - - RotationSettings - - Rotation Settings - Ustawienia orientacji - - - <p>Select orientation from options at left. - - - - Automatically restart Opie? - - - - <p>Rotation is not enabled in this demo, however this is a supported feature of Qt/Embedded. - - - - diff --git a/i18n/pl/security.ts b/i18n/pl/security.ts index 417e182..f9325a7 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/security.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/security.ts @@ -102,5 +102,17 @@ Dostep zabroniony + + Passcode + + + + Login + + + + Login Automatically + + diff --git a/i18n/pl/snake.ts b/i18n/pl/snake.ts index 4a77fd5..9a27b3a 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/snake.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/snake.ts @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ nie wpadac na sciany i przeszkody Press Any Key To Start - Wcisnij dowolny klawisz do uruchomienia + Wcisnij dowolny klawisz do uruchomienia Score : %1 @@ -37,7 +37,15 @@ nie wpadac na sciany i przeszkody Press Any Key to Begin a New Game. - Wcisnij dowolny klawisz a rozpoczniesz gre. + Wcisnij dowolny klawisz a rozpoczniesz gre. + + + Press any key to start + + + + Press any key to begin a new game. + diff --git a/i18n/pl/spreadsheet.ts b/i18n/pl/spreadsheet.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 52373e7..0000000 --- a/i18n/pl/spreadsheet.ts +++ b/dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ - - - PIMSpreadsheetWindow - - Spreadsheet - - - - New - - - - Open - - - - Close - - - - Equation - - - - Clear Cell - - - - File - - - - Edit - - - - - SpreadsheetWidget - - SpreadsheetWidget - - - - diff --git a/i18n/pl/mobilemsg.ts b/i18n/pl/stockticker.ts index b5f8b20..53c65ee 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/mobilemsg.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/stockticker.ts @@ -1,71 +1,67 @@ - MobileMsg + HelpWindow - Messages: + &Open File - - - MobileMsgBase - Mobile Messaging + &Close - Number: + &Backward - Send + &Forward - Text + &Home - Flash + Add Bookmark - Unicode + &File - SMS: %1 + &Go - Nokia + History - Country: + Bookmarks - Logo + Backward - Group + Forward - Picture - - - - Message: + Home + + + InputDialog - EMS + Symbol Lookup - Tab + Enter something to lookup / search. diff --git a/i18n/pl/sysinfo.ts b/i18n/pl/sysinfo.ts index d9f41ed..a86516d 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/sysinfo.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/sysinfo.ts @@ -1,5 +1,52 @@ + FileSysInfo + + CF + + + + This graph represents how much memory is currently used on this Compact Flash memory card. + + + + Ha + + + + This graph represents how much storage is currently used on this hard drive. + + + + SD + + + + This graph represents how much memory is currently used on this Secure Digital memory card. + + + + SC + + + + In + + + + This graph represents how much memory is currently used of the built-in memory (i.e. Flash memory) on this handheld device. + + + + RA + + + + This graph represents how much memory is currently used of the temporary RAM disk. + + + + LoadInfo Application CPU usage (%) @@ -66,10 +113,6 @@ Memory is categorized as follows: - Used By - - - This is a list of all the kernel modules currently loaded on this handheld device. Click and hold on a module to see additional information about the module, or to unload it. @@ -92,8 +135,11 @@ Click and hold on a module to see additional information about the module, or to - You really want to execute - + Used by + + + + You really want to execute %1 for this module? @@ -153,83 +199,7 @@ Click and hold on a process to see additional information about the process, or - You really want to send - - - - - - StorageInfo - - CF Card: - - - - Hard Disk - - - - SD Card - - - - Hard Disk /dev/hd - - - - SCSI Hard Disk /dev/sd - - - - Int. Storage - - - - CF - - - - This graph represents how much memory is currently used on this Compact Flash memory card. - - - - Ha - - - - This graph represents how much storage is currently used on this hard drive. - - - - SD - - - - This graph represents how much memory is currently used on this Secure Digital memory card. - - - - SC - - - - In - - - - This graph represents how much memory is currently used of the built-in memory (i.e. Flash memory) on this handheld device. - - - - RAM disk - - - - RA - - - - This graph represents how much memory is currently used of the temporary RAM disk. + You really want to send %1 to this process? diff --git a/i18n/pl/systemtime.ts b/i18n/pl/systemtime.ts index 1a94a08..2259c4a 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/systemtime.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/systemtime.ts @@ -69,18 +69,6 @@ - You asked for a delay of - - - - minutes, but only - - - - minutes elapsed since last lookup.<br>Continue? - - - Continue? @@ -111,11 +99,15 @@ ntpdate - seconds + Could not connect to server - Could not connect to server + You asked for a delay of %1 minutes, but only %2 minutes elapsed since last lookup.<br>Continue? + + + + %1 seconds @@ -190,68 +182,6 @@ ntpdate - SetDateTime - - Time Zone - Strefa czasowa - - - Date - Data - - - Time format - Format czasu - - - 24 hour - 24 godziny - - - 12 hour - 12 godzin - - - Weeks start on - Tydzien zaczyna sie w - - - Sunday - Niedziele - - - Monday - Poniedzialek - - - Date format - Format daty - - - Applet format - Format apletu - - - hh:mm - gg:mm - - - D/M hh:mm - D/M gg:mm - - - - SetTime - - Hour - Godzin - - - Minute - Minuta - - - SettingsTabWidget Time server diff --git a/i18n/pl/tetrix.ts b/i18n/pl/tetrix.ts index adfad20..14c00e0 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/tetrix.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/tetrix.ts @@ -1,5 +1,39 @@ + OHighscore + + empty + + + + Enter your name! + + + + + OHighscoreDialog + + Highscores + + + + # + + + + Name + + + + Points + + + + Level + Poziom + + + QTetrix Tetrix diff --git a/i18n/pl/textedit.ts b/i18n/pl/textedit.ts index 0390ca7..c7e18bb 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/textedit.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/textedit.ts @@ -154,11 +154,6 @@ - Do you really want<BR>to <B>delete</B> the current file -from the disk?<BR>This is <B>irreversable!!</B> - - - Yes Tak @@ -193,6 +188,15 @@ Go ahead and save? Not enough lines + + %1 - Text Editor + + + + Do you really want<BR>to <B>delete</B> the current file +from the disk?<BR>This is <B>irreversable!</B> + + filePermissions diff --git a/i18n/pl/tictac.ts b/i18n/pl/tictac.ts index 30d6200..038215c 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/tictac.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/tictac.ts @@ -1,5 +1,12 @@ + QObject + + TicTac + + + + TicTacToe Computer starts diff --git a/i18n/pl/liquid-settings.ts b/i18n/pl/tinykate.ts index b3b6a59..f1498d1 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/liquid-settings.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/tinykate.ts @@ -1,48 +1,60 @@ - LiquidSet + TinyKate - Liquid Style + TinyKATE - No translucency + New - Stippled, background color + Open - Stippled, button color + Save - Translucent stippled, background color + Save As - Translucent stippled, button color + Close - Custom translucency + File - Menu color + Font + - Text color + Font - - Opacity + View - Use shadowed text + Utils + + + + Highlighting + + + + Settings + + + + Unnamed %1 diff --git a/i18n/pl/today.ts b/i18n/pl/today.ts index 6efe1a8..74c5ec8 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/today.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/today.ts @@ -6,10 +6,6 @@ - Owned by - - - Please fill out the business card @@ -25,6 +21,10 @@ Click here to launch the associated app + + Owned by + + TodayBase @@ -44,10 +44,6 @@ TodayConfig - Today config - - - Load which plugins in what order: @@ -64,17 +60,22 @@ - autostart on -resume? - (Opie only) + Misc - minutes inactive + Check a checkbox to activate/deactivate a plugin or use the arrow buttons on the right to change the appearance order - Misc + Today Config + + + + + TodayConfigMiscBase + + Form1 @@ -82,23 +83,39 @@ resume? + autostart on resume? + + + + tiny banner + + + + Have small banner + + + + min + + + How many minutes has the PDA been suspended before the autostart feature kicks in on resume - Icon size + minutes inactive - Set the icon size in pixel + pixel - Refresh + Set the icon size in pixel - How often should Today refresh itself + icon size @@ -110,7 +127,11 @@ resume? - Check a checkbox to activate/deactivate a plugin or use the arrow buttons on the right to change the appearance order + How often should Today refresh itself + + + + refresh diff --git a/i18n/pl/todolist.ts b/i18n/pl/todolist.ts index 59b9282..bbe07c3 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/todolist.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/todolist.ts @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ - OTaskEditor + MainWindow - Alarms + Ok - Reminders + <h1>Alarm at %1</h1><br> + + + OTaskEditor - X-Ref + Alarms @@ -25,6 +28,10 @@ Recurrence + + Task Editor + + QObject @@ -36,6 +43,18 @@ Edit Task Edycja procesu + + silent + + + + loud + + + + Opie Todolist + + QWidget @@ -155,10 +174,6 @@ Quit Anyway? ZrobTo - Can not edit data, currently syncing - - - all tasks? @@ -206,6 +221,90 @@ Quit Anyway? Priority: + + Template Editor + + + + Add + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + Name + + + + New Template %1 + + + + Click here to set the priority of new task. + +This area is called the quick task bar. + +It allows you to quickly add a new task to your list. This area can be shown or hidden by selecting Options->'Show quick task bar' from the menu above. + + + + Enter description of new task here. + +This area is called the quick task bar. + +It allows you to quickly add a new task to your list. This area can be shown or hidden by selecting Options->'Show quick task bar' from the menu above. + + + + More + + + + Click here to enter additional information for new task. + +This area is called the quick task bar. + +It allows you to quickly add a new task to your list. This area can be shown or hidden by selecting Options->'Show quick task bar' from the menu above. + + + + Enter + + + + Click here to add new task. + +This area is called the quick task bar. + +It allows you to quickly add a new task to your list. This area can be shown or hidden by selecting Options->'Show quick task bar' from the menu above. + + + + Cancel + + + + Click here to reset new task information. + +This area is called the quick task bar. + +It allows you to quickly add a new task to your list. This area can be shown or hidden by selecting Options->'Show quick task bar' from the menu above. + + + + Data can not be edited, currently syncing + + + + Data can't be edited, currently syncing + + TableView @@ -236,6 +335,18 @@ Quit Anyway? Delete + + Date + + + + Time + + + + Type + + TaskEditorOverView @@ -328,15 +439,15 @@ Quit Anyway? - Notes: + Enter any additional information about this task here. - Enter any additional information about this task here. + Todo List - Todo List + Summary: @@ -467,89 +578,4 @@ Quit Anyway? - - TemplateDialog - - Template Editor - - - - Add - - - - Edit - - - - Remove - - - - - TemplateDialogImpl - - Name - - - - New Template %1 - - - - - Todo - - More - - - - Enter - - - - Cancel - - - - Click here to set the priority of new task. - -This area is called the quick task bar. - -It allows you to quickly add a new task to your list. This area can be shown or hidden by selecting Options->'Show quick task bar' from the menu above. - - - - Enter description of new task here. - -This area is called the quick task bar. - -It allows you to quickly add a new task to your list. This area can be shown or hidden by selecting Options->'Show quick task bar' from the menu above. - - - - Click here to enter additional information for new task. - -This area is called the quick task bar. - -It allows you to quickly add a new task to your list. This area can be shown or hidden by selecting Options->'Show quick task bar' from the menu above. - - - - Click here to add new task. - -This area is called the quick task bar. - -It allows you to quickly add a new task to your list. This area can be shown or hidden by selecting Options->'Show quick task bar' from the menu above. - - - - Click here to reset new task information. - -This area is called the quick task bar. - -It allows you to quickly add a new task to your list. This area can be shown or hidden by selecting Options->'Show quick task bar' from the menu above. - - - diff --git a/i18n/pl/libnetmonapplet.ts b/i18n/pl/ubrowser.ts index 8d174c3..f3079ca 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/libnetmonapplet.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/ubrowser.ts @@ -1,35 +1,35 @@ - NetMonitor + MainView - Network Offline + uBrowser - Disconnect + - uBrowser - Connect + %1 - uBrowser - NetPassword + QObject - Network Password + Error! - Cancel + IP-Address not found - Connect + Error creating socket - Enter password for %1: + Error connecting to socket diff --git a/i18n/pl/usermanager.ts b/i18n/pl/usermanager.ts index 282a43f..28f3895 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/usermanager.ts +++ b/i18n/pl/usermanager.ts @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ UserConfig - OPIE User Manager + Opie User Manager diff --git a/i18n/pl/wellenreiter.ts b/i18n/pl/wellenreiter.ts deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 --- a/i18n/pl/wellenreiter.ts +++ b/dev/null -- cgit v0.9.0.2