From b3562ac2acd555379f291050b51c7b6a016cb9ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imm Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 17:35:01 +0000 Subject: import --- (limited to 'share/buzzword/buzzwords') diff --git a/share/buzzword/buzzwords b/share/buzzword/buzzwords new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d317f97 --- a/dev/null +++ b/share/buzzword/buzzwords @@ -0,0 +1,413 @@ +24/365 +24/7 +360 degree survey +60,000 foot level +B2B +B2C +ROI +Total Quality Control +Total Quality Driven +Total Quality Management +WAG +action items +actualize +adaptive +aggregate +aggregator markets +aggregration techniques +all hands meeting +alpha office +alternative +analysis paralysis +application service provider +applications +appropriate +architect +architectures +aspiration statement +automagically +avatar +back end +back end integration +backward compatible +ballpark +bandwidth +benchmark +best of breed +best practice +best of breed +big picture +bio break +blame storming +bleeding edge +bleeding edge +bloatware +bottom line +braindump +brandize +bricks and clicks +brochureware +bucketize +bugrade +building the brand +burn rate +business case +business silo +butterfly hub +buy in +cash neutral +catalog market makers +change agent +change catalyst +channel conflict +channels +clicks & mortar +client based +client centered +client focused +cluetrain +clusterfunk +collaborative +communicate +communities +componantiate +conceptualize +content +contribution +convergence +core competency +cost centered +credibility +critical path +cross media +cross platform +cuddle tech +customer acquisition +customer directed +customer relations manager +customized +cutting edge +cyber terrorism +cyberspace +deliver +deliverables +deploy +disintermediate +distributed +diversified hub +dog and pony show +domain expertise +dongle +dot bombs +dot sot +dot bomb +dot com +dot con +downsize +drill down +drive +drownloading +dynamic +dysfunctional +e-business +e-commerce +e-efficient +e-enable +e-markets +e-services +e-tailers +e-vangelism +embrace +emotional leakage +empower +empowered +empowering +empowerment +enable +end to end +engage +engineer +enhance +enterprise +enterprise wide +envision +envisioneer +envisioning +epinion +ethical +evolve +excellence +exit strategy +expedite +experiences +exploit +exponential +extend +extensible +extranets +eyeballs +face time +facilitate +fast track +first mover +flame war +flattening +flexible +frictionless +front end +fudge factor +functionalities +future proof +game plan +gap analysis +gene smog +generate +global +globalize +goal oriented +goal setting +granular +grow +hardball +harness +heads up +heavy lifting +herding cats +high priority +horizontal hub +impactful +implement +implementation +incentivize +incubate +info highway +infomediaries +infotainment +infrastructures +initial porno offering +initiative +initiatives +innovate +innovative +integrate +integrated +intellectual capital +interactive +interfaces +intranet +intranets +intuitive +irritainment +iterate +jack in +jack out +key player +killer +knowledge architecture +knowledge base +knowledge management +leadership +leading edge +lean & mean +lessons learned +leverage +living document +long term +low hanging fruit +low risk high yield +magnetic +market segment +marketecture +marketing +markets +marquee partners +mastery learning +maximize +meatspace +meetling +mentoring +mesh +methodology +metrics +mind upload +mindset +mindshare +mission critical +mission statement +mission critical +models +monetize +morale +morph +motivation +mouse potato +moving parts +multidisciplinary +multitasking +nanobomb +nerd rustler +net market makers +networking +networks +next generation +niches +nimble +objective +one to one +open door +open sores +open source +opportunity +optimize +orchestrate +out of the box +out of the loop +out of the box +paradigm +paradigm shift +paradigms +partnerships +path to profit +peel the onion +penguinhead +performance based +phase +platform +platforms +plug and play +poof company +portals +positioning +power shift +premium +principle centered +proactive +process +projection +proprietary +push the envelope +quality +quality gap +quality vector +quarterly +ramp rate +re engineer +real time +realestate +recognition +referrer surfing +regroup +reinvent +relationships +reorganize +repetitive brain injury +repurpose +reputation management +resource constrained +respect +result driven +revenue +reverse auction +revolutionary +revolutionize +reward +rightsize +risk effect +risk management +robust +rubber stamp +scalable +scale +scenario +schedule compressed +schemas +sea change +seamless +seize +service organization +sexy +situation +skill set +smartsize +smurfing +solutioning +solutions +spammer +spamming +spearhead +stand alone +stealth URLs +stickiness +sticky +strategic +strategic fit +strategic gap +strategize +straw man +streamline +street cred +stress puppy +stretch the envelope +suck sites +supply chain execution +supply chain integration +supply chains +syndicate +synergies +synergistic +synergize +synergy +synthesize +systems +tactical +target +task force +team building +team dynamics +team player +technologies +tee up +telecosm +teledildonics +telepresence +telesmell +think outside the box +think tanked +ticker shock +tiger team +touch base +traction +train wreck +transform +transition +transparent +trolling +turn key +ubiquitous +unleash +upgrade +upside +user centric +users +utilize +validate +value proposition +value added +vertical +vertical hub +viral +viral marketing +virtual +virtual communities +vision statement +visionary +visualize +wall humping +web enabled +web readiness +whiteboard +win win +wireless +wizzy wig +work breakdown structure +world class -- cgit v0.9.0.2