** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of Qtopia Environment.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.

#include "qcopbridge.h"
#include "transferserver.h"

#include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>

#include <qdir.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qdatastream.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qcopchannel_qws.h>

#include <pwd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#if defined(_OS_LINUX_)
#include <shadow.h>

//#define INSECURE

const int block_size = 51200;

QCopBridge::QCopBridge( Q_UINT16 port, QObject *parent = 0,
        const char* name = 0)
    : QServerSocket( port, 1, parent, name ),
      desktopChannel( 0 ),
      cardChannel( 0 )
    if ( !ok() )
	qWarning( "Failed to bind to port %d", port );
    else {
	desktopChannel = new QCopChannel( "QPE/Desktop", this );
	connect( desktopChannel, SIGNAL(received(const QCString &, const QByteArray &)),
		 this, SLOT(desktopMessage( const QCString &, const QByteArray &)) );
	cardChannel = new QCopChannel( "QPE/Card", this );
	connect( cardChannel, SIGNAL(received(const QCString &, const QByteArray &)),
		 this, SLOT(desktopMessage( const QCString &, const QByteArray &)) );
    sendSync = FALSE;

    delete desktopChannel;

void QCopBridge::newConnection( int socket )
    QCopBridgePI *pi = new QCopBridgePI( socket, this );
    openConnections.append( pi );
    connect ( pi, SIGNAL( connectionClosed( QCopBridgePI *) ), this, SLOT( connectionClosed( QCopBridgePI *) ) );
    QCopEnvelope( "QPE/System", "setScreenSaverMode(int)" ) << QPEApplication::DisableSuspend;
    if ( sendSync ) {
	pi ->startSync();
	sendSync = FALSE;

void QCopBridge::connectionClosed( QCopBridgePI *pi )
    openConnections.remove( pi );
    if ( openConnections.count() == 0 ) {
	QCopEnvelope( "QPE/System", "setScreenSaverMode(int)" ) << QPEApplication::Enable;

void QCopBridge::closeOpenConnections()
    QCopBridgePI *pi;
    for ( pi = openConnections.first(); pi != 0; pi = openConnections.next() )

void QCopBridge::desktopMessage( const QCString &command, const QByteArray &args )

    int paren = command.find( "(" );
    if ( paren <= 0 ) {
	qDebug("DesktopMessage: bad qcop syntax");

    QString params = command.mid( paren + 1 );
    if ( params[params.length()-1] != ')' ) {
	qDebug("DesktopMessage: bad qcop syntax");

    params.truncate( params.length()-1 );

    QStringList paramList = QStringList::split( ",", params );
    QString data;
    if ( paramList.count() ) {
	QDataStream stream( args, IO_ReadOnly );
	for ( QStringList::Iterator it = paramList.begin(); it != paramList.end(); ++it ) {
	    QString str;
	    if ( *it == "QString" ) {
		stream >> str;
	    } else if ( *it == "QCString" ) {
		QCString cstr;
		stream >> cstr;
		str = QString::fromLocal8Bit( cstr );
	    } else if ( *it == "int" ) {
		int i;
		stream >> i;
		str = QString::number( i );
	    } else if ( *it == "bool" ) {
		int i;
		stream >> i;
		str = QString::number( i );
	    } else {
		qDebug(" cannot route the argument type %s throught the qcop bridge", (*it).latin1() );
	    str.replace( QRegExp("&"), "&amp;" );
	    str.replace( QRegExp(" "), "&0x20;" );
	    str.replace( QRegExp("\n"), "&0x0d;" );
	    str.replace( QRegExp("\r"), "&0x0a;" );
	    data += " " + str;
    QString sendCommand = QString(command.data()) + data;
    // send the command to all open connections
    if ( command == "startSync()" ) {
	// we need to buffer it a bit
	sendSync = TRUE;
	startTimer( 20000 );
    QCopBridgePI *pi;
    for ( pi = openConnections.first(); pi != 0; pi = openConnections.next() ) {
	pi->sendDesktopMessage( sendCommand );

void QCopBridge::timerEvent( QTimerEvent * )
    sendSync = FALSE;

QCopBridgePI::QCopBridgePI( int socket, QObject *parent = 0, const char* name = 0 )
    : QSocket( parent, name ) 
    setSocket( socket );

    peerport = peerPort();
    peeraddress = peerAddress();

#ifndef INSECURE
    if ( !accessAuthorized(peeraddress) ) {
	state = Forbidden;
	startTimer( 0 );
    } else 
	state = Connected;
	sendSync = FALSE;
	connect( this, SIGNAL( readyRead() ), SLOT( read() ) );
	connect( this, SIGNAL( connectionClosed() ), SLOT( connectionClosed() ) );

	send( "220 Qtopia QCop bridge ready!" );
	state = Wait_USER;

	// idle timer to close connections when not used anymore
	startTimer( 60000 );
	connected = TRUE;



void QCopBridgePI::connectionClosed()
    emit connectionClosed( this );
    // qDebug( "Debug: Connection closed" );
    delete this;

void QCopBridgePI::sendDesktopMessage( const QString &msg )
    QString str = "CALL QPE/Desktop " + msg;
    send ( str );

void QCopBridgePI::send( const QString& msg )
    QTextStream os( this );
    os << msg << endl;
    //qDebug( "sending qcop message: %s", msg.latin1() );

void QCopBridgePI::read()
    while ( canReadLine() )
	process( readLine().stripWhiteSpace() );

bool QCopBridgePI::checkUser( const QString& user )
    if ( user.isEmpty() ) return FALSE;

    struct passwd *pw;
    pw = getpwuid( geteuid() );
    QString euser = QString::fromLocal8Bit( pw->pw_name );
    return user == euser;

bool QCopBridgePI::checkPassword( const QString& password )
    // ### HACK for testing on local host
    return true;

    struct passwd *pw = 0;
    struct spwd *spw = 0;

    pw = getpwuid( geteuid() );
    spw = getspnam( pw->pw_name );

    QString cpwd = QString::fromLocal8Bit( pw->pw_passwd );
    if ( cpwd == "x" && spw )
	cpwd = QString::fromLocal8Bit( spw->sp_pwdp );

    QString cpassword = QString::fromLocal8Bit( crypt( password.local8Bit(), cpwd.local8Bit() ) );
    return cpwd == cpassword;

void QCopBridgePI::process( const QString& message )
    //qDebug( "Command: %s", message.latin1() );

    // split message using "," as separator
    QStringList msg = QStringList::split( " ", message );
    if ( msg.isEmpty() ) return;

    // command token
    QString cmd = msg[0].upper();

    // argument token
    QString arg;
    if ( msg.count() >= 2 )
	arg = msg[1];
    // we always respond to QUIT, regardless of state
    if ( cmd == "QUIT" ) {
	send( "211 Have a nice day!" );
	delete this;

    // connected to client
    if ( Connected == state )

    // waiting for user name
    if ( Wait_USER == state ) {

	if ( cmd != "USER" || msg.count() < 2 || !checkUser( arg ) ) {
	    send( "530 Please login with USER and PASS" );
	send( "331 User name ok, need password" );
	state = Wait_PASS;

    // waiting for password
    if ( Wait_PASS == state ) {

	if ( cmd != "PASS" || !checkPassword( arg ) ) {
	//if ( cmd != "PASS" || msg.count() < 2 || !checkPassword( arg ) ) {
	    send( "530 Please login with USER and PASS" );
	send( "230 User logged in, proceed" );
	state = Ready;
	if ( sendSync ) {
	    sendDesktopMessage( "startSync()" );
	    sendSync = FALSE;

    // noop (NOOP)
    else if ( cmd == "NOOP" ) {
	connected = TRUE;
	send( "200 Command okay" );
    // call (CALL)
    else if ( cmd == "CALL" ) {

	// example: call QPE/System execute(QString) addressbook

	if ( msg.count() < 3 ) {
	    send( "500 Syntax error, command unrecognized" );
	else {

	    QString channel = msg[1];
	    QString command = msg[2];


	    int paren = command.find( "(" );
	    if ( paren <= 0 ) {
		send( "500 Syntax error, command unrecognized" );

	    QString params = command.mid( paren + 1 );
	    if ( params[params.length()-1] != ')' ) {
		send( "500 Syntax error, command unrecognized" );

	    params.truncate( params.length()-1 );
	    QByteArray buffer;
	    QDataStream ds( buffer, IO_WriteOnly );

	    int msgId = 3;

	    QStringList paramList = QStringList::split( ",", params );
	    if ( paramList.count() > msg.count() - 3 ) {
		send( "500 Syntax error, command unrecognized" );

	    for ( QStringList::Iterator it = paramList.begin(); it != paramList.end(); ++it ) {

		QString arg = msg[msgId];
		arg.replace( QRegExp("&0x20;"), " " );
		arg.replace( QRegExp("&amp;"), "&" );
		arg.replace( QRegExp("&0x0d;"), "\n" );
		arg.replace( QRegExp("&0x0a;"), "\r" );
		if ( *it == "QString" )
		    ds << arg;
		else if ( *it == "QCString" )
		    ds << arg.local8Bit();
		else if ( *it == "int" )
		    ds << arg.toInt();
		else if ( *it == "bool" )
		    ds << arg.toInt();
		else {
		    send( "500 Syntax error, command unrecognized" );

	    if ( !QCopChannel::isRegistered( channel.latin1() ) ) {
		// send message back about it
		QString answer = "599 ChannelNotRegistered " + channel;
		send( answer );
	    if ( paramList.count() )
		QCopChannel::send( channel.latin1(), command.latin1(), buffer );
		QCopChannel::send( channel.latin1(), command.latin1() );

	    send( "200 Command okay" );
    // not implemented
	send( "502 Command not implemented" );

void QCopBridgePI::timerEvent( QTimerEvent * )
    if ( connected )
	connected = FALSE;