Launcher Specification


<h1>Launcher Specification</h1>

<h2>Specification goals</h2>
This specification:
<li> Describes all of the end-user stories and interactions.
    (eg. the user can view a slide show of images from a digital camera).
<li> Lists all features, derived from end-user stories,
    in enough detail to allow the definition of
    tests for all features.
<li> Defines contraints and limitations on the application.
    (eg. can view image sizes as large as 1MB).
<li>Aides the developer on focusing on the most important aspects of
    the application and ensuring all important elements are completed.

<a name=description>
<!-- A one-line description of what this application is and does.
    This description is then duplicated in the .desktop Comment and
    the .control file description.

    (eg. The image viewer allows viewing and very minor editing of image files.)
The Qtopia Launcher is the your "home" in Qtopia.
<!-- A one-paragraph description of what this application is and does.
    This description is then duplicated in the .desktop Comment and
    the .control file description.

    (eg. The image viewer allows viewing and very minor editing
    of image files. It assists format conversion, beaming logos
    to phones, captioning, etc.)
The Qtopia Launcher allows you to start installed Applications, Games, and Settings.
It allows you to manage your documents. The launcher has a taskbar which shows current
running programs and allows switching between them.
The taskbar supports three plugin types: input
methods, taskbar applets, and menu applets (also called accessories).
The Launcher is also responsible for a number of system-level operations.

Status: RT

<a name=usecases>
<h2>Use Cases</h2>
<!-- Describe real-world stories. Implicit in these use cases is
	"these things are easy to do".
	Roving News Reporter

	The journalist/cameraman takes photos with a digital camera,
	loads them into the PDAs via CF card, adjusts the contrast,
	blacks-out a license plate, adds a copyright caption, and
	emails the image and short story to Reuters.

    Note: TITLEs may be used as identifiers in bug reports.
<li><b>Write a new text document</b>
    <p>The user clicks on the Text Editor to create a new text document
	(or to edit an existing text document).
<li><b>Play a game</b>
    <p>The user looks at available games and chooses one to play.
<li><b>Tweak the system</b>
    <p>The user changes the way the device looks, feels, and operates
	by using the Settings programs.
<li><b>Edit a text document</b>
    <p>The user clicks on a text document to edit it.
<li><b>Organizing documents</b>
    <p>The user looks at all documents of a certain type (such as images),
	or looks at all documents in a certain category (such as Business).
    <p>The user selects a document and beams it to a friend.
<li><b>Desktop Computer user</b>
    <p>The user is familiar with desktop computer systems where a menu
	is used for starting applications. A familiar interface is available
	in Qtopia (the Q menu).
    <p>The user installs software that appears as an item in the Q menu,
	for invoking occasional actions.
<li><b>Input methods</b>
    <p>The user chooses Handwriting Recognition for most text input,
    but switches to the more traditional Keyboard input method when
    using the Terminal.
<li><b>Switch between applications</b>
    <p>Bob is writing an email about an upcoming event. Without
    quitting the Email application, he starts the Calendar, views the event,
    and easily switches back and forth between the two applications while
    writing the email.
<li><b>Broken software</b>
    <p>Betty installs a game she downloaded off the Internet. When she
    scores more than 99999 points, the game freezes and stops responding
    to all input. The system informs her that the program is not responding
    and she chooses to terminate the game.
<li><b>Status display</b>
    <p>The user installs various applets that show the current time,
    the state of the network, battery level, and inserted media cards.
    The small displays also provide minor interactions such as
    setting an alarm clock, starting/stopping the network, getting more
    detailed information, and ejecting cards.
<li><b>Frequently used operations</b>
    <p>The user installs various applets that provide quick access
    to frequently used operations such as cut and paste, backlight adjustment,
    and volume control.
    <p>The user is storing his device for an extremely long period. To prevent
    system corruption when the battery eventually drains, he shuts down the
    <p>The touchpanel on some devices may "drift" over time, or in different
    environmental conditions. The user then "recalibrates" the display.

<a name=features>
<!-- features are brief

	* Slide show: view multiple images in sequence
	    * Configurable delay between images.
	    * Hardware-button-controlled stepping between images.
	* Big images: view larger-than-available-RAM images in some formats.
	* Formats: view JPEG, PNG, GIF format images.
	* Scribbling: draw black or white lines on images.
	* Save: in JPEG, PNG formats.

    Note: TITLEs may be used as identifiers in bug reports.

<li>Games tab: games are grouped on their own tab because they are a well-defined
	group of applications. Games are programs useful solely for
<li>Settings tab: settings are grouped on their own tab because they are a well-defined
        group of applications. Settings are programs that configure the
	device without actually contributing to productivity.
<li>Applications tab: all programs that are not games or settings are grouped
	as applications, presumably contributing to productivity.
<li>Documents tab: all user documents are accessible through this tab.
<li>Invoke application: selecting a application icon starts the application
	or raises the application if it is already started.
<li>Invoke document: selecting a document invokes the application associated
	with the type of document.
<li>Document Categorization: documents can be members of various categories. The user
	can filter the view to show just members of a vertain category.
<li>Document Type: documents each have a single MIME type. The user
	can filter the view to show just documents of a certain type.
<li>Beam Document: documents can be sent to other devices (via IrDA).
<li>Move Document: documents can be moved to different storage locations (eg. CF or SD card).
<li>Copy Document: documents can be duplicated, with the copy optionally on a different storage location.
<li>Delete Document: documents can be deleted.
<li>Q Menu Tab Equivalents: the Application, Games, and Settings tabs can be
	visible in the Q Menu.
<li>Q Menu Accessories: plugins (applets) can add items to the Q Menu (eg. IR on/off control).
<li>Input Method Plugins: pluggable input methods can produce text input to
	applications using programmed interactions with the user.
<li>Task Bar: currently running applications are shown as icons in the taskbar,
	and clicking on these raises the application. If the application does not
	respond, the user is given the option to terminate it forcefully.
<li>Status Bar: the task bar doubles as a status bar for temporary messages
	generated by applications.
<li>Applets: pluggable applets can show small widgets in the right-hand side
	of the taskbar. eg. there is a clock applet.
<li>Shutdown: the device may be shutdown, or the Launcher may be terminated
	or restarted. The exact meaning of these operations is device-specific.
<li>Recalibrate: the device may be recalibrated by takling 5 input points from
	the user and adjusting physical to pixel transformations.

<a name=prerequisites>
    Describes unresolved limitations that cannot
    be shown within the features list.

    Describes memory and other requirements quantitatively.

    This is a short list, mainly intended as a "known bugs"
    list for missing features.

	* Stylus: required for Scribbling.
	* Memory: requires 250 bytes per event, plus content strings.

    Note: TITLEs may be used as identifiers in bug reports.

