/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ // TODO. During startup // Launcher::typeAdded // is called for each new tab and calls then each time the refresh of startmenu // suboptimal #define INCLUDE_MENUITEM_DEF #include "startmenu.h" #include <qtopia/qpeapplication.h> #include <qtopia/config.h> #include <qtopia/resource.h> #include <qtopia/mimetype.h> #include <qtopia/qlibrary.h> //#include <qpainter.h> //#include <stdlib.h> #define APPLNK_ID_OFFSET 250 #define NO_ID -1 void StartPopupMenu::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e ) { if ( e->key() == Key_F33 || e->key() == Key_Space ) { // "OK" button, little hacky QKeyEvent ke(QEvent::KeyPress, Key_Enter, 13, 0); QPopupMenu::keyPressEvent( &ke ); } else { QPopupMenu::keyPressEvent( e ); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- StartMenu::StartMenu(QWidget *parent) : QLabel( parent ) { startButtonPixmap = "go"; // No tr int sz = AppLnk::smallIconSize()+3; QPixmap pm; pm.convertFromImage(Resource::loadImage( startButtonPixmap).smoothScale( sz,sz) ); setPixmap(pm); setFocusPolicy( NoFocus ); useWidePopupMenu = true; launchMenu = 0; refreshMenu(); } void StartMenu::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * ) { launch(); } StartMenu::~StartMenu() { clearApplets(); } void StartMenu::createMenu() { clearApplets(); delete launchMenu; launchMenu = new StartPopupMenu( this ); loadMenu( launchMenu ); loadApplets(); bool result = currentItem || menuApplets.count(); if ( result ) connect( launchMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(itemSelected(int)) ); } void StartMenu::refreshMenu() { Config cfg( "StartMenu" ); cfg.setGroup( "Menu" ); bool ltabs = cfg.readBoolEntry( "LauncherTabs", TRUE ); bool lot = cfg.readBoolEntry( "LauncherOther", TRUE ); useWidePopupMenu = cfg.readBoolEntry( "LauncherSubPopup", TRUE ); if ( launchMenu && !(ltabs || lot) ) return; // nothing to do createMenu(); } void StartMenu::itemSelected( int id ) { if ( id == NO_ID ) return; if ( id < 0 ) { MenuApplet *applet = menuApplets.find( id ); if ( applet ) { applet->iface->activated(); } } else if ( id >= APPLNK_ID_OFFSET ) { AppLnk * appLnk = appLnks.find( id ); if ( appLnk ) { appLnk->execute(); } } else { QString *tabName = tabNames.find( id ); if ( tabName ) { emit tabSelected( *tabName ); } } } void StartMenu::createAppEntry( QPopupMenu *menu, QDir dir, QString file ) { if ( file.right(8) == ".desktop" ) { AppLnk* applnk = new AppLnk( dir.path() + "/" + file ); if ( !applnk->isValid() ) { delete applnk; return; } if ( applnk->type() == "Separator" ) { // No tr menu->insertSeparator(); delete applnk; } else { QPixmap test; QImage img = Resource::loadImage( applnk->icon() ); if(!img.isNull() ) test.convertFromImage( img.smoothScale( AppLnk::smallIconSize(), AppLnk::smallIconSize() ), 0 ); menu->insertItem( test, applnk->name(), currentItem + APPLNK_ID_OFFSET ); appLnks.insert( currentItem + APPLNK_ID_OFFSET, applnk ); currentItem++; } } } void StartMenu::createDirEntry( QPopupMenu *menu, QDir dir, QString file, bool lot ) { // do some sanity checks and collect information if ( file == "." || file == ".." ) return; Config cfg( dir.path() + "/" + file + "/.directory", Config::File ); if ( !cfg.isValid() ) return; QString name = cfg.readEntry( "Name" ); QString icon = cfg.readEntry( "Icon" ); if ( !name || !icon ) return; QDir subdir = QDir( dir ); subdir.cd( file ); subdir.setFilter( QDir::Files ); subdir.setNameFilter( "*.desktop" ); // we don' t show the menu if there are no entries // perhaps one should check if there exist subsubdirs with entries... if ( subdir.entryList().isEmpty() ) return; // checks were ok QPixmap test; test.convertFromImage( Resource::loadImage( icon ).smoothScale( AppLnk::smallIconSize(), AppLnk::smallIconSize() ), 0 ); if ( useWidePopupMenu ) { // generate submenu QPopupMenu *submenu = new QPopupMenu( menu ); connect( submenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(itemSelected(int)) ); menu->insertItem( test, name, submenu, NO_ID ); // ltabs is true cause else we wouldn't stuck around.. createMenuEntries( submenu, subdir, true, lot ); } else { // no submenus - just bring corresponding tab to front menu->insertItem( test, name, currentItem ); tabNames.insert( currentItem, new QString( file ) ); currentItem++; } } void StartMenu::createMenuEntries( QPopupMenu *menu, QDir dir, bool ltabs, bool lot ) { if ( lot ) { dir.setFilter( QDir::Files ); dir.setNameFilter( "*.desktop" ); QStringList files = dir.entryList(); files.sort(); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); it++ ) { createAppEntry( menu, dir, *it ); } } if ( ltabs ) { dir.setNameFilter( "*" ); dir.setFilter( QDir::Dirs ); QStringList dirs = dir.entryList(); dirs.sort(); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = dirs.begin(); it != dirs.end(); it++ ) { createDirEntry( menu, dir, *it, lot ); } } } bool StartMenu::loadMenu( QPopupMenu *menu ) { Config cfg("StartMenu"); cfg.setGroup("Menu"); bool ltabs = cfg.readBoolEntry("LauncherTabs", TRUE); bool lot = cfg.readBoolEntry("LauncherOther", TRUE); useWidePopupMenu = cfg.readBoolEntry( "LauncherSubPopup", TRUE ); bool sepfirst = !ltabs && !lot; currentItem = 0; launchMenu->clear(); appLnks.setAutoDelete( true ); tabNames.setAutoDelete( true ); appLnks.clear(); tabNames.clear(); appLnks.setAutoDelete( false ); tabNames.setAutoDelete( false ); QDir dir( MimeType::appsFolderName(), QString::null, QDir::Name ); createMenuEntries( menu, dir, ltabs, lot ); if ( !menu->count() ) sepfirst = TRUE; launchMenu->setName( sepfirst ? "accessories" : "accessories_need_sep" ); // No tr return currentItem; } void StartMenu::launch() { int y = mapToGlobal( QPoint() ).y() - launchMenu->sizeHint().height(); if ( launchMenu->isVisible() ) launchMenu->hide(); else launchMenu->popup( QPoint( 1, y ) ); } static int compareAppletPositions(const void *b, const void *a) { const MenuApplet* aa = *(const MenuApplet**)a; const MenuApplet* ab = *(const MenuApplet**)b; int d = aa->iface->position() - ab->iface->position(); if ( d ) return d; return QString::compare(aa->library->library(),ab->library->library()); } void StartMenu::clearApplets() { if ( launchMenu ) launchMenu-> hide(); for ( QIntDictIterator<MenuApplet> it( menuApplets ); it.current(); ++it ) { MenuApplet *applet = it.current(); if ( launchMenu ) { launchMenu->removeItem( applet-> id ); delete applet->popup; } applet->iface->release(); applet->library->unload(); delete applet-> library; } menuApplets.clear(); } void StartMenu::loadApplets() { Config cfg( "StartMenu" ); cfg.setGroup( "Applets" ); // SafeMode causes too much problems, so we disable it for now -- // maybe we should reenable it for OPIE 1.0 - sandman 26.09.02 // removed in the remerge PluginManager could handle it // we don't currently use it -zecke QStringList exclude = cfg.readListEntry( "ExcludeApplets", ',' ); QString lang = getenv( "LANG" ); QString path = QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "/plugins/applets"; QDir dir( path, "lib*.so" ); QStringList list = dir.entryList(); QStringList::Iterator it; int napplets = 0; MenuApplet* *xapplets = new MenuApplet*[list.count()]; for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { if ( exclude.find( *it ) != exclude.end() ) continue; MenuAppletInterface *iface = 0; QLibrary *lib = new QLibrary( path + "/" + *it ); if (( lib->queryInterface( IID_MenuApplet, (QUnknownInterface**)&iface ) == QS_OK ) && iface ) { MenuApplet *applet = new MenuApplet; xapplets[napplets++] = applet; applet->library = lib; applet->iface = iface; QTranslator *trans = new QTranslator(qApp); QString type = (*it).left( (*it).find(".") ); QString tfn = QPEApplication::qpeDir()+"/i18n/"+lang+"/"+type+".qm"; if ( trans->load( tfn )) qApp->installTranslator( trans ); else delete trans; } else { exclude += *it; delete lib; } } cfg.writeEntry( "ExcludeApplets", exclude, ',' ); qsort(xapplets, napplets, sizeof(menuApplets[0]), compareAppletPositions); while ( napplets-- ) { MenuApplet *applet = xapplets[napplets]; applet->popup = applet->iface->popup( this ); // menuApplets got an id < -1 menuApplets.insert( -( currentItem + 2 ), new MenuApplet( *applet ) ); currentItem++; } delete [] xapplets; addApplets( launchMenu ); } /* * Launcher calls loadMenu too often fix that */ void StartMenu::addApplets(QPopupMenu* pop) { QIntDict<MenuApplet> dict; if( pop-> count ( )) pop-> insertSeparator ( ); for ( QIntDictIterator<MenuApplet> it( menuApplets ); it.current(); ++it ) { MenuApplet *applet = it.current(); if ( applet->popup ) applet->id = pop->insertItem( applet->iface->icon(), applet->iface->text(), applet->popup ); else applet->id = pop->insertItem( applet->iface->icon(), applet->iface->text() ); dict.insert( applet->id, new MenuApplet( *applet ) ); } /* need to update the key */ menuApplets.setAutoDelete( true ); menuApplets.clear(); menuApplets.setAutoDelete( false ); menuApplets = dict; }