/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license or (at your * option) any later version. * * Authors: Olivier Lapicque */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // AMF module loader // // There is 2 types of AMF files: // - ASYLUM Music Format // - Advanced Music Format(DSM) // /////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "sndfile.h" //#define AMFLOG //#pragma warning(disable:4244) #pragma pack(1) typedef struct _AMFFILEHEADER { UCHAR szAMF[3]; UCHAR version; CHAR title[32]; UCHAR numsamples; UCHAR numorders; USHORT numtracks; UCHAR numchannels; } Q_PACKED AMFFILEHEADER; typedef struct _AMFSAMPLE { UCHAR type; CHAR samplename[32]; CHAR filename[13]; ULONG offset; ULONG length; USHORT c2spd; UCHAR volume; } Q_PACKED AMFSAMPLE; #pragma pack() #ifdef AMFLOG extern void Log(LPCSTR, ...); #endif VOID AMF_Unpack(MODCOMMAND *pPat, const BYTE *pTrack, UINT nRows, UINT nChannels) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { UINT lastinstr = 0; UINT nTrkSize = *(USHORT *)pTrack; nTrkSize += (UINT)pTrack[2] << 16; pTrack += 3; while (nTrkSize--) { UINT row = pTrack[0]; UINT cmd = pTrack[1]; UINT arg = pTrack[2]; if (row >= nRows) break; MODCOMMAND *m = pPat + row * nChannels; if (cmd < 0x7F) // note+vol { m->note = cmd+1; if (!m->instr) m->instr = lastinstr; m->volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME; m->vol = arg; } else if (cmd == 0x7F) // duplicate row { signed char rdelta = (signed char)arg; int rowsrc = (int)row + (int)rdelta; if ((rowsrc >= 0) && (rowsrc < (int)nRows)) *m = pPat[rowsrc*nChannels]; } else if (cmd == 0x80) // instrument { m->instr = arg+1; lastinstr = m->instr; } else if (cmd == 0x83) // volume { m->volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME; m->vol = arg; } else // effect { UINT command = cmd & 0x7F; UINT param = arg; switch(command) { // 0x01: Set Speed case 0x01: command = CMD_SPEED; break; // 0x02: Volume Slide // 0x0A: Tone Porta + Vol Slide // 0x0B: Vibrato + Vol Slide case 0x02: command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE; case 0x0A: if (command == 0x0A) command = CMD_TONEPORTAVOL; case 0x0B: if (command == 0x0B) command = CMD_VIBRATOVOL; if (param & 0x80) param = (-(signed char)param)&0x0F; else param = (param&0x0F)<<4; break; // 0x04: Porta Up/Down case 0x04: if (param & 0x80) { command = CMD_PORTAMENTOUP; param = -(signed char)param; } else { command = CMD_PORTAMENTODOWN; } break; // 0x06: Tone Portamento case 0x06: command = CMD_TONEPORTAMENTO; break; // 0x07: Tremor case 0x07: command = CMD_TREMOR; break; // 0x08: Arpeggio case 0x08: command = CMD_ARPEGGIO; break; // 0x09: Vibrato case 0x09: command = CMD_VIBRATO; break; // 0x0C: Pattern Break case 0x0C: command = CMD_PATTERNBREAK; break; // 0x0D: Position Jump case 0x0D: command = CMD_POSITIONJUMP; break; // 0x0F: Retrig case 0x0F: command = CMD_RETRIG; break; // 0x10: Offset case 0x10: command = CMD_OFFSET; break; // 0x11: Fine Volume Slide case 0x11: if (param) { command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE; if (param & 0x80) param = 0xF0|((-(signed char)param)&0x0F); else param = 0x0F|((param&0x0F)<<4); } else command = 0; break; // 0x12: Fine Portamento // 0x16: Extra Fine Portamento case 0x12: case 0x16: if (param) { int mask = (command == 0x16) ? 0xE0 : 0xF0; command = (param & 0x80) ? CMD_PORTAMENTOUP : CMD_PORTAMENTODOWN; if (param & 0x80) param = mask|((-(signed char)param)&0x0F); else param |= mask; } else command = 0; break; // 0x13: Note Delay case 0x13: command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; param = 0xD0|(param & 0x0F); break; // 0x14: Note Cut case 0x14: command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; param = 0xC0|(param & 0x0F); break; // 0x15: Set Tempo case 0x15: command = CMD_TEMPO; break; // 0x17: Panning case 0x17: param = (param+64)&0x7F; if (m->command) { if (!m->volcmd) { m->volcmd = VOLCMD_PANNING; m->vol = param/2; } command = 0; } else { command = CMD_PANNING8; } // Unknown effects default: command = param = 0; } if (command) { m->command = command; m->param = param; } } pTrack += 3; } } BOOL CSoundFile::ReadAMF(LPCBYTE lpStream, DWORD dwMemLength) //----------------------------------------------------------- { AMFFILEHEADER *pfh = (AMFFILEHEADER *)lpStream; DWORD dwMemPos; if ((!lpStream) || (dwMemLength < 2048)) return FALSE; if ((!strncmp((LPCTSTR)lpStream, "ASYLUM Music Format V1.0", 25)) && (dwMemLength > 4096)) { UINT numorders, numpats, numsamples; dwMemPos = 32; numpats = lpStream[dwMemPos+3]; numorders = lpStream[dwMemPos+4]; numsamples = 64; dwMemPos += 6; if ((!numpats) || (numpats > MAX_PATTERNS) || (!numorders) || (numpats*64*32 + 294 + 37*64 >= dwMemLength)) return FALSE; m_nType = MOD_TYPE_AMF0; m_nChannels = 8; m_nInstruments = 0; m_nSamples = 31; m_nDefaultTempo = 125; m_nDefaultSpeed = 6; for (UINT iOrd=0; iOrdnFineTune = MOD2XMFineTune(lpStream[dwMemPos+22]); psmp->nVolume = lpStream[dwMemPos+23]; psmp->nGlobalVol = 64; if (psmp->nVolume > 0x40) psmp->nVolume = 0x40; psmp->nVolume <<= 2; psmp->nLength = *((LPDWORD)(lpStream+dwMemPos+25)); psmp->nLoopStart = *((LPDWORD)(lpStream+dwMemPos+29)); psmp->nLoopEnd = psmp->nLoopStart + *((LPDWORD)(lpStream+dwMemPos+33)); if ((psmp->nLoopEnd > psmp->nLoopStart) && (psmp->nLoopEnd <= psmp->nLength)) { psmp->uFlags = CHN_LOOP; } else { psmp->nLoopStart = psmp->nLoopEnd = 0; } if ((psmp->nLength) && (iSmp>31)) m_nSamples = iSmp+1; dwMemPos += 37; } for (UINT iPat=0; iPatnote = 0; if (pin[0]) { p->note = pin[0] + 13; } p->instr = pin[1]; p->command = pin[2]; p->param = pin[3]; if (p->command > 0x0F) { #ifdef AMFLOG Log("0x%02X.0x%02X ?", p->command, p->param); #endif p->command = 0; } ConvertModCommand(p); pin += 4; p++; } dwMemPos += 64*32; } // Read samples for (UINT iData=0; iDatanLength) { dwMemPos += ReadSample(psmp, RS_PCM8S, (LPCSTR)(lpStream+dwMemPos), dwMemLength); } } return TRUE; } //////////////////////////// // DSM/AMF USHORT *ptracks[MAX_PATTERNS]; DWORD sampleseekpos[MAX_SAMPLES]; if ((pfh->szAMF[0] != 'A') || (pfh->szAMF[1] != 'M') || (pfh->szAMF[2] != 'F') || (pfh->version < 10) || (pfh->version > 14) || (!pfh->numtracks) || (!pfh->numorders) || (pfh->numorders > MAX_PATTERNS) || (!pfh->numsamples) || (pfh->numsamples > MAX_SAMPLES) || (pfh->numchannels < 4) || (pfh->numchannels > 32)) return FALSE; memcpy(m_szNames[0], pfh->title, 32); dwMemPos = sizeof(AMFFILEHEADER); m_nType = MOD_TYPE_AMF; m_nChannels = pfh->numchannels; m_nSamples = pfh->numsamples; m_nInstruments = 0; // Setup Channel Pan Positions if (pfh->version >= 11) { signed char *panpos = (signed char *)(lpStream + dwMemPos); UINT nchannels = (pfh->version >= 13) ? 32 : 16; for (UINT i=0; i 256) { pan = 128; ChnSettings[i].dwFlags |= CHN_SURROUND; } ChnSettings[i].nPan = pan; } dwMemPos += nchannels; } else { for (UINT i=0; i<16; i++) { ChnSettings[i].nPan = (lpStream[dwMemPos+i] & 1) ? 0x30 : 0xD0; } dwMemPos += 16; } // Get Tempo/Speed m_nDefaultTempo = 125; m_nDefaultSpeed = 6; if (pfh->version >= 13) { if (lpStream[dwMemPos] >= 32) m_nDefaultTempo = lpStream[dwMemPos]; if (lpStream[dwMemPos+1] <= 32) m_nDefaultSpeed = lpStream[dwMemPos+1]; dwMemPos += 2; } // Setup sequence list for (UINT iOrd=0; iOrdnumorders) { Order[iOrd] = iOrd; PatternSize[iOrd] = 64; if (pfh->version >= 14) { PatternSize[iOrd] = *(USHORT *)(lpStream+dwMemPos); dwMemPos += 2; } ptracks[iOrd] = (USHORT *)(lpStream+dwMemPos); dwMemPos += m_nChannels * sizeof(USHORT); } } if (dwMemPos + m_nSamples * (sizeof(AMFSAMPLE)+8) > dwMemLength) return TRUE; // Read Samples UINT maxsampleseekpos = 0; for (UINT iIns=0; iInssamplename, 32); memcpy(pins->name, psh->filename, 13); pins->nLength = psh->length; pins->nC4Speed = psh->c2spd; pins->nGlobalVol = 64; pins->nVolume = psh->volume * 4; if (pfh->version >= 11) { pins->nLoopStart = *(DWORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos); pins->nLoopEnd = *(DWORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos+4); dwMemPos += 8; } else { pins->nLoopStart = *(WORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos); pins->nLoopEnd = pins->nLength; dwMemPos += 2; } sampleseekpos[iIns] = 0; if ((psh->type) && (psh->offset < dwMemLength-1)) { sampleseekpos[iIns] = psh->offset; if (psh->offset > maxsampleseekpos) maxsampleseekpos = psh->offset; if ((pins->nLoopEnd > pins->nLoopStart + 2) && (pins->nLoopEnd <= pins->nLength)) pins->uFlags |= CHN_LOOP; } } // Read Track Mapping Table USHORT *pTrackMap = (USHORT *)(lpStream+dwMemPos); UINT realtrackcnt = 0; dwMemPos += pfh->numtracks * sizeof(USHORT); for (UINT iTrkMap=0; iTrkMapnumtracks; iTrkMap++) { if (realtrackcnt < pTrackMap[iTrkMap]) realtrackcnt = pTrackMap[iTrkMap]; } // Store tracks positions BYTE **pTrackData = new BYTE *[realtrackcnt]; memset(pTrackData, 0, sizeof(pTrackData)); for (UINT iTrack=0; iTracknumorders; iPat++) { MODCOMMAND *p = AllocatePattern(PatternSize[iPat], m_nChannels); if (!p) break; Patterns[iPat] = p; for (UINT iChn=0; iChnnumtracks)) { UINT realtrk = pTrackMap[nTrack-1]; if (realtrk) { realtrk--; if ((realtrk < realtrackcnt) && (pTrackData[realtrk])) { AMF_Unpack(p+iChn, pTrackData[realtrk], PatternSize[iPat], m_nChannels); } } } } } delete pTrackData; // Read Sample Data for (UINT iSeek=1; iSeek<=maxsampleseekpos; iSeek++) { if (dwMemPos >= dwMemLength) break; for (UINT iSmp=0; iSmp