#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "obex.h" #include "obexsend.h" using namespace OpieObex; SendWidget::SendWidget( QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : QWidget( parent, name ) { initUI(); } SendWidget::~SendWidget() { } void SendWidget::initUI() { m_obex = new Obex(this, "obex"); connect(m_obex, SIGNAL(error(int) ), this, SLOT(slotIrError(int) ) ); connect(m_obex, SIGNAL(sent(bool) ), this, SLOT(slotIrSent(bool) ) ); connect(m_obex, SIGNAL(currentTry(unsigned int ) ), this, SLOT(slotIrTry(unsigned int ) ) ); QCopChannel* chan = new QCopChannel("QPE/IrDaAppletBack", this ); connect(chan, SIGNAL(received(const QCString&, const QByteArray& ) ), this, SLOT(dispatchIrda(const QCString&, const QByteArray& ) ) ); chan = new QCopChannel("QPE/BluetoothBack", this ); connect(chan, SIGNAL(received(const QCString&, const QByteArray& ) ), this, SLOT(dispatchBt(const QCString&, const QByteArray& ) ) ); QVBoxLayout* lay = new QVBoxLayout(this); QHBox* nameBox = new QHBox(this); QLabel* name = new QLabel(nameBox); name->setText( tr("


") ); name->setAlignment( AlignLeft | AlignTop ); m_lblFile = new QLabel(nameBox); lay->addWidget(nameBox, 0); QFrame* frame = new QFrame(this); frame->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine ); frame->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken ); lay->addWidget(frame, 10); QLabel* devices = new QLabel(this); devices->setText("Devices:"); devices->setAlignment( AlignLeft | AlignTop ); lay->addWidget( devices,10 ); m_devBox = new DeviceBox(this); lay->addWidget( m_devBox, 50 ); connect(m_devBox, SIGNAL(selectedDevice(const QString&, int ) ), this, SLOT(slotSelectedDevice(const QString&, int) ) ); QPushButton *but = new QPushButton(this); but->setText(tr("Done") ); connect(but, SIGNAL(clicked() ), this, SLOT(slotDone() ) ); lay->addWidget( but ); m_lay = lay; // QT does not like if you add items to an layout which already exits.... // and was layouted invalidate() does not help too // so we use RichText.... } /* * in send we'll first set everything up * and then wait for a list of devices. */ void SendWidget::send( const QString& file, const QString& desc ) { m_file = file; m_irDa.clear(); m_start = 0; m_lblFile->setText(desc.isEmpty() ? file : desc ); if ( !QCopChannel::isRegistered("QPE/IrDaApplet") ) { m_devBox->addDevice( tr("IrDa is not enabled!"), DeviceBox::Error ); m_start++; }else m_devBox->addDevice( tr("Searching for IrDa Devices."), DeviceBox::Search ); if ( !QCopChannel::isRegistered("QPE/Bluetooth") ) { m_devBox->addDevice( tr("Bluetooth is not available"), DeviceBox::Error ); m_start++; }else m_devBox->addDevice( tr("Searching for bluetooth Devices."), DeviceBox::Search ); if (m_start != 2 ) { QCopEnvelope e0("QPE/IrDaApplet", "enableIrda()"); QCopEnvelope e1("QPE/Bluetooth", "enableBluetooth()"); QCopEnvelope e2("QPE/IrDaApplet", "listDevices()"); QCopEnvelope e3("QPE/Bluetooth", "listDevices()"); } } void SendWidget::slotIrDaDevices( const QStringList& list) { qWarning("slot it irda devices "); m_irDa = list; m_start = 0; for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) m_devBox->addDevice( (*it), DeviceBox::IrDa, tr("Scheduling for beam.") ); m_devBox->removeDevice( tr("Searching for IrDa Devices.") ); slotStartIrda(); } void SendWidget::slotBTDevices( const QMap& str ) { m_bt = str; for(QMap::ConstIterator it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); ++it ) { m_devBox->addDevice( it.key(), DeviceBox::BT, tr("Click to beam") ); } m_devBox->removeDevice( tr("Searching for bluetooth Devices.") ); } void SendWidget::slotSelectedDevice( const QString& name, int dev ) { qWarning("Start beam? %s %d", name.latin1(), dev ); if ( name == tr("Search again for IrDa.") ) { for (QStringList::Iterator it= m_irDa.begin(); it != m_irDa.end(); ++it ) m_devBox->removeDevice( (*it) ); QCopEnvelope e2("QPE/IrDaApplet", "listDevices()"); } } void SendWidget::dispatchIrda( const QCString& str, const QByteArray& ar ) { qWarning("dispatch irda %s", str.data() ); if ( str == "devices(QStringList)" ) { QDataStream stream( ar, IO_ReadOnly ); QStringList list; stream >> list; slotIrDaDevices( list ); } } void SendWidget::dispatchBt( const QCString& str, const QByteArray& ar ) { } void SendWidget::slotIrError( int ) { } void SendWidget::slotIrSent( bool b) { qWarning("irda sent!!"); QString text = b ? tr("Sent") : tr("Failure"); // m_devBox->setStatus( m_irDa[m_start], text ); m_start++; slotStartIrda(); } void SendWidget::slotIrTry(unsigned int trI) { // m_devBox->setStatus( m_irDa[m_start], tr("Try %1").arg( QString::number( trI ) ) ); } void SendWidget::slotStartIrda() { if (m_start >= m_irDa.count() ) { m_devBox->addDevice(tr("Search again for IrDa."), DeviceBox::Search ); return; } // m_devBox->setStatus( m_irDa[m_start], tr("Start sending") ); m_obex->send( m_file ); } void SendWidget::slotDone() { QCopEnvelope e0("QPE/IrDaApplet", "disableIrda()"); QCopEnvelope e1("QPE/Bluetooth", "disableBluetooth()"); emit done(); } QString SendWidget::file()const { return m_file; } DeviceBox::DeviceBox( QWidget* parent ) : QTextBrowser( parent ) { } DeviceBox::~DeviceBox() { } void DeviceBox::addDevice( const QString& name, int dev, const QString& status ) { QString tex; DeviceItem item( name, status, dev ); m_dev.insert( name, item ); tex = item.toString(); m_devices.prepend(tex); setText( text()+ "
"+tex ); } void DeviceBox::removeDevice( const QString& name ) { if (!m_dev.contains(name) ) return; m_devices.remove( m_dev[name].toString() ); m_dev.remove(name); setText( m_devices.join("
") ); } void DeviceBox::setStatus( const QString& name, const QString& status ) { if ( !m_dev.contains(name) ) return; DeviceItem dev = m_dev[name]; QString ole = dev.toString(); dev.setStatus( status ); int index = m_devices.findIndex( ole ); m_devices[index] = dev.toString(); setText( m_devices.join("
") ); } void DeviceBox::setSource( const QString& str ) { qWarning("SetSource:%s", str.latin1() ); emit selectedDevice( str, m_dev[str].device() ); } DeviceItem::DeviceItem( const QString& name, const QString& status, int dev) { m_name = name; m_status = status; m_dev = dev; } QString DeviceItem::name()const { return m_name; } QString DeviceItem::status()const { return m_status; } int DeviceItem::device()const { return m_dev; } QString DeviceItem::pixmap()const{ QString str; switch(m_dev) { case DeviceBox::IrDa: str ="obex/irda"; break; case DeviceBox::BT: str ="obex/bt"; break; case DeviceBox::Search: str = "obex/search"; break; case DeviceBox::Error: str = "editdelete"; break; }; return str; } DeviceItem::~DeviceItem() { } void DeviceItem::setStatus(const QString& status ) { m_status = status; } QString DeviceItem::toString()const { return "

"+m_name+" "+m_status+"

" ; }