#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <fcntl.h>

#include <qfile.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qhbox.h>
#include <qtextview.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>

#include <qpe/applnk.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h>

#include "obex.h"
#include "receiver.h"

using namespace OpieObex;

Receiver::Receiver() {
    m_obex = new Obex(this, "Receiver");
    connect(m_obex, SIGNAL(receivedFile(const QString& ) ),
            this, SLOT(slotReceived(const QString& ) ) );
Receiver::~Receiver() {
    m_obex->setReceiveEnabled( false );
    delete m_obex;
void Receiver::slotReceived( const QString& file ) {
    int check = checkFile(file);
    if ( check == AddressBook )
        handleAddr( file );
    else if ( check == Datebook )
        handleDateTodo( file );
        handleOther( file );
void Receiver::handleAddr( const QString& str ) {
    QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/addressbook", "setDocument(QString)" );
    e << str;
/* we can not say for sure if it's a VEevent ot VTodo */
void Receiver::handleDateTodo( const QString& str ) {
    QCopEnvelope e0("QPE/Application/todolist", "setDocument(QString)");
    e0 << str;
    QCopEnvelope e1("QPE/Application/datebook", "setDocument(QString)" );
    e1 << str;
 * Handle other asks if it should accept the
 * beamed object and creates a DocLnk
void Receiver::handleOther( const QString& other ) {
    OtherHandler* hand =  new OtherHandler();
    hand->handle( other );
int Receiver::checkFile( const QString& file ) {
    qWarning("check file!! %s", file.latin1() );
    int ret;
    if (file.right(4) == ".vcs" ) {
        ret = Datebook;
    }else if ( file.right(4) == ".vcf") {
        ret = AddressBook;
        ret = Other;

    qWarning("check it now %d", ret );
    return ret;

    : QVBox()
    QHBox* box = new QHBox(this);
    QLabel* lbl = new QLabel(box);
    m_na = new QLabel(box);

    QFrame* frame = new QFrame(this);
    frame->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine );
    frame->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken );

    m_view = new QTextView(this);

    box = new QHBox(this);
    QPushButton *but = new QPushButton(box);
    but->setText(tr("Accept") );
    connect(but, SIGNAL(clicked() ),
            this, SLOT(accept()) );

    but = new QPushButton(box);
    but->setText(tr("Deny") );
    connect(but, SIGNAL(clicked() ),
            this, SLOT(deny() ) );

OtherHandler::~OtherHandler() {

void OtherHandler::handle( const QString& file ) {
    m_file = file;
    DocLnk lnk(file);
    qWarning(" %s %s", lnk.type().latin1(), lnk.icon().latin1() );

    QString str = tr("<p>You received a file of type %1 (<img src=\"%2\"> )What do you want to do?").arg(lnk.type() ).arg(lnk.icon() );
    m_view->setText( str );

 * hehe evil evil mmap ahead :)
 * we quickly copy the file and then we'll create a DocLnk for it
void OtherHandler::accept() {
    QString na = targetName( m_file );
    copy(m_file, na );
    DocLnk lnk(na);
    delete this;
void OtherHandler::deny() {
    QFile::remove( m_file );
    delete this;
QString OtherHandler::targetName( const QString& file ) {
    QFileInfo info( file );
    QString newFile = QPEApplication::documentDir()+ "/"+ info.baseName();
    QString newFileBase = newFile;

    int trie = 0;
    while (QFile::exists(newFile + "."+info.extension() ) ) {
        newFile = newFileBase + "_"+QString::number(trie) ;
    newFile += "." + info.extension();

    return newFile;

/* fast cpy */
void OtherHandler::copy(const QString& src, const QString& file) {
    qWarning("src %s, dest %s", src.latin1(),file.latin1() );
    int src_fd = ::open( QFile::encodeName( src ), O_RDONLY );
    int to_fd  = ::open( QFile::encodeName( file), O_RDWR| O_CREAT| O_TRUNC,
                         S_IRUSR, S_IWUSR, S_IRGRP, S_IRGRP );

    struct stat stater;
    ::fstat(src_fd, &stater );
    ::lseek(to_fd, stater.st_size-1, SEEK_SET );
    ::write(to_fd, "", 1 );

    void *src_addr, *dest_addr;
    src_addr = ::mmap(0, stater.st_size, PROT_READ,
                      MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, src_fd, 0 );
    dest_addr= ::mmap(0, stater.st_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
                      MAP_FILE | MAP_PRIVATE, to_fd, 0 );

    ::memcpy(dest_addr , src_addr, stater.st_size );
    ::munmap(src_addr , stater.st_size );
    ::munmap(dest_addr, stater.st_size );

    // done