Welcome to LISA System's QDM - the Login-Dialog for QPE WHAT'S THIS: This small add-on for the Qtopia Environment (QPE - see http://qpe.sourceforge.net for further details) allows You to use your handheld computer running QPE and Linux with the typical Un*x user handling, i.e. just log in on a graphical environment, as e.g. KDM or XDM. This way your personal data can be easily protected against unwanted access from others in case you loose your machine. STATUS: Still in development, but should be useable. REQUIREMENTS: - QDM needs Linux-PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules for Linux) for proper user validation. - the /dev/fb0 device has to writeable to everyone ;-( INSTALLATION: Per default this little add-on is not enabled. You have to do so yourself for now, by setting a compile option variable called QT_QWS_LOGIN . Furthermore there have to be made some changes in taskbar/taskbar.pro : At the section HEADERS insert a line: ../login/qdmdialogimpl.h \ At the section SOURCES insert a line: ../login/qdmdialogimpl.cpp \ furthermore serte these lines: INCLUDEPATH += ../login DEPENDPATH += ../login INTERFACES = ../login/qdmdialog.ui For unix-login make folloing changes to a line: LIBS = -lqpe -lcrypt For PAM use the following: LIBS = -lqpe -ldl -lpam CONFIGURATION: Configuration of the 'Look' of QDM is done via Qt Designer. Just open the .ui file and edit the look of the dialog as you like. You can, for instance, change the logo pixmap. QDM should also be ready for i18n so far. Other configuration stuff, eg welcome string in the upper right, and user list can be changed in the qdm_config.h file. USAGE: The QDM comes up, when the QPE is started, and if the QPE is started as 'root'. Being started as any other user, the uid couldn't be changed and the login dialog wouldn't be ofg much use. CONTACT: http://www.lisa.de