/* This file is part of the OPIE Project                =. Copyright (c) 2002 Maximilian Reiss              .=l. Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Griebl            .>+-=  _;:,     .>    :=|. This file is free software; you can .> <`_,   >  .   <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.--   : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i,     .._ License as published by the Free Software  - .   .-<_>     .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License,      ._= =}       : or (at your option) any later version.     .%`+i>       _;_.     .i_,=:_.      -`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General ..}^=.=       =       ; Public License for more details. ++=   -.     .`     .:  :     =  ...= . :.=- You should have received a copy of the GNU  -.   .:....=;==+<; General Public License along with this file;   -_. . .   )=.  = see the file COPYING. If not, write to the     --        :-=` Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "calibration.h" #include #include #define BRD 2 Calibration::Calibration ( QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags fl ) : QWidget ( parent, name, fl ) { m_scale = QSize ( 256, 256 ); m_steps = 5; m_dragged = -1; m_interval = 5; m_p [0] = QPoint ( 0, 0 ); m_p [1] = QPoint ( 255, 255 ); } Calibration::~Calibration ( ) { } void Calibration::setScale ( const QSize &s ) { if ( s. width ( ) < 1 || s. height ( ) < 1 ) return; m_scale = s; checkPoints ( ); update ( ); } QSize Calibration::scale ( ) const { return m_scale; } void Calibration::setLineSteps ( int steps ) { if ( m_steps < 2 ) return; m_steps = steps; update ( ); } int Calibration::lineSteps ( ) const { return m_steps; } void Calibration::setInterval ( int iv ) { if ( iv < 1 ) return; m_interval = iv; // update ( ); } int Calibration::interval ( ) const { return m_interval; } void Calibration::setStartPoint ( const QPoint &p ) { m_p [0] = p; checkPoints ( ); update ( ); } QPoint Calibration::startPoint ( ) const { return m_p [0]; } void Calibration::setEndPoint ( const QPoint &p ) { m_p [1] = p; checkPoints ( ); update ( ); } QPoint Calibration::endPoint ( ) const { return m_p [1]; } void Calibration::checkPoints ( ) { int dx = m_scale. width ( ); int dy = m_scale. height ( ); if ( m_p [1]. x ( ) >= dx ) m_p [1]. setX ( dx - 1 ); if ( m_p [0]. x ( ) > m_p [1]. x ( )) m_p [0]. setX ( m_p [1]. x ( )); if ( m_p [1]. y ( ) >= dy ) m_p [1]. setY ( dy - 1 ); if ( m_p [0]. y ( ) > m_p [1]. y ( )) m_p [0]. setY ( m_p [1]. y ( )); } #define SCALEX(x) (BRD+x*(width()- 2*BRD)/m_scale.width()) #define SCALEY(y) (BRD+y*(height()-2*BRD)/m_scale.height()) static QRect around ( int x, int y ) { return QRect ( x - BRD, y - BRD, 2 * BRD + 1, 2 * BRD + 1 ); } void Calibration::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent *e ) { if ( e-> button ( ) != LeftButton ) return QWidget::mousePressEvent ( e ); int olddragged = m_dragged; int x [2], y [2]; m_dragged = -1; for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { x [i] = SCALEX( m_p [i]. x ( )); y [i] = SCALEY( m_p [i]. y ( )); if (( QABS( e-> x ( ) - x [i] ) <= BRD ) && ( QABS( e-> y ( ) - y [i] ) <= BRD )) { m_dragged = i; break; } } if ( m_dragged != olddragged ) { QRect r; if ( olddragged >= 0 ) r |= around ( x [olddragged], y [olddragged] ); if ( m_dragged >= 0 ) r |= around ( x [m_dragged], y [m_dragged] ); repaint ( r ); } } void Calibration::mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent *e ) { if ( m_dragged < 0 ) return; QPoint n [2]; n [m_dragged]. setX (( e-> x ( ) - BRD ) * m_scale. width ( ) / ( width ( ) - 2 * BRD )); n [m_dragged]. setY (( e-> y ( ) - BRD ) * m_scale. height ( ) / ( height ( ) - 2 * BRD )); n [1 - m_dragged] = m_p [1 - m_dragged]; if (( n [0]. x ( ) > n [1]. x ( )) || ( n [m_dragged]. x ( ) < 0 ) || ( n [m_dragged]. x ( ) >= m_scale. width ( ))) n [m_dragged]. setX ( m_p [m_dragged]. x ( )); if (( n [0]. y ( ) > n [1]. y ( )) || ( n [m_dragged]. y ( ) < 0 ) || ( n [m_dragged]. y ( ) >= m_scale. height ( ))) n [m_dragged]. setY ( m_p [m_dragged]. y ( )); QRect r; int ox [2], oy [2], nx [2], ny [2]; for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { nx [i] = SCALEX( n [i]. x ( )); ny [i] = SCALEY( n [i]. y ( )); ox [i] = SCALEX( m_p [i]. x ( )); oy [i] = SCALEY( m_p [i]. y ( )); if ( n [i] != m_p [i] ) { r |= around ( nx [i], ny [i] ); r |= around ( ox [i], oy [i] ); m_p [i] = n [i]; if ( i == 0 ) { r |= QRect ( 0, 0, nx [0] - 0 + 1, ny [0] - 0 + 1 ); r |= QRect ( 0, 0, ox [0] - 0 + 1, oy [0] - 0 + 1 ); } else if ( i == 1 ) { r |= QRect ( nx [1], ny [1], width ( ) - nx [1], height ( ) - ny [1] ); r |= QRect ( ox [1], oy [1], width ( ) - ox [1], height ( ) - oy [1] ); } } } if ( r. isValid ( )) { r |= QRect ( nx [0], ny [0], nx [1] - nx [0] + 1, ny [1] - ny [0] + 1 ); r |= QRect ( ox [0], oy [0], ox [1] - ox [0] + 1, oy [1] - oy [0] + 1 ); repaint ( r ); } } void Calibration::mouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent *e ) { if ( e-> button ( ) != LeftButton ) return QWidget::mouseReleaseEvent ( e ); if ( m_dragged < 0 ) return; int x = SCALEX( m_p [m_dragged]. x ( )); int y = SCALEY( m_p [m_dragged]. y ( )); m_dragged = -1; repaint ( around ( x, y )); } void Calibration::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent * ) { QPainter p ( this ); QColorGroup g = colorGroup ( ); int x0 = SCALEX( m_p [0]. x ( )); int y0 = SCALEY( m_p [0]. y ( )); int x1 = SCALEX( m_p [1]. x ( )); int y1 = SCALEY( m_p [1]. y ( )); int dx = x1 - x0; int dy = y1 - y0; int ex = x0, ey = y0; p. setPen ( g. highlight ( )); p. drawLine ( BRD, BRD, ex, BRD ); p. drawLine ( ex, BRD, ex, ey ); for ( int i = 1; i < m_steps; i++ ) { int fx = x0 + dx * i / m_steps; int fy = y0 + dy * i / ( m_steps - 1 ); p. drawLine ( ex, ey, fx, ey ); p. drawLine ( fx, ey, fx, fy ); ex = fx; ey = fy; } p. drawLine ( ex, ey, width ( ) - 1 - BRD, ey ); p. fillRect ( around ( x0, y0 ), m_dragged == 0 ? g. highlightedText ( ) : g. text ( )); p. fillRect ( around ( x1, y1 ), m_dragged == 1 ? g. highlightedText ( ) : g. text ( )); p. setPen ( g. text ( )); p. drawText ( QRect ( BRD, BRD, width ( ) - 2*BRD, height() - 2*BRD ), AlignTop | AlignRight, tr( "%1 Steps" ). arg ( m_steps )); }